PSC 02-09-06
February 9, 2006
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioners Present:
Commissioners Absent:
Staff Present:
Jay Cena, Hugh Riddell, Nina Daruwalla
Charles Caldwell, Barry Chang
Glenn Goepfert, Assistant Director of Public Works
Others Present:
Dan Dunlap, Santa Clara County Fire Department
Captain John Hirokawa, Santa Clara County Sheriffs Department
Ron Miller, Cupertino Library Commission
Kevin Wang, a Cupertino resident, inquired about a burglary that took place in the city.
Chairperson Riddell invited Mr. Wang to stay and listen to the portion of the agenda regarding
residential burglaries.
The commissioners discussed the current vacancies and the particulars involved III term
June 9, 2005, regular meeting
December 8,2005, regular meeting
The approval of minutes was continued to a later date due to lack of quorum.
1. Library Commission request for an outdoor telephone at the library
The commissioners commented on the approval of an outdoor telephone and indicated that they
were pleased to receive support from the City Council for the installation of the phone.
2. New Commission members and Election of Officers.
The Commissioners continued this item to a later date.
3. Residential Burglaries - Commission partnering with Sheriff to conduct community
The Commissioners discussed residential burglaries under the Santa Clara County Sheriff report
portion of the agenda.
4. Commission meeting schedule - frequency of meetings
Assistant Director Glenn Goepfert commented on the possibility of the commission returning to
a monthly schedule and he also reviewed the Brown Act meeting requirements. The
Commissioners continued this item to a later date.
5. Traffic/transportation items
. SR2S - Garden Gate
. Radar speed signs
. Pedestrian countdown signal heads
Assistant Director Glenn Goepfert provided a recap on the Safe Routes to School program and
indicated that the city has applied for grant funding for the Garden Gate project area. Goepfert
stated that the application is pending approval from the State. The commissioners discussed
measures to improve the possibility of achieving future grant funding if the current application is
The commissioners appointed Nina Daruwalla and Jay Cena as liaisons to work with city staff on
the Safe Routes to School program application process with the goal of expediting the passage of
the grant funding.
Hugh Riddell addressed his concerns regarding the pedestrian countdown signal heads at De
Anza and Stevens Creek Boulevards. Riddell did not believe that there was adequate time for
the residents to get safely across the intersection. Glenn Goepfert explained that the countdown
at this intersection included a 5 second head start, 30 seconds of clear time, and a few seconds of
yellow and red time, totaling approximately 38 seconds. He also explained that there was
limited ability to add time to a split without throwing off the system.
Discussion followed regarding possible solutions to this issue, such as installing a safety island
in the intersection or varying the cycle lengths for pedestrian movement. Glenn Goepfert agreed
to obtain the timing patterns for the commission to review.
Glenn Goepfert updated the commission on the status of the radar speed signs. He indicated that
city staff has to draft a policy for installing the new signs. The commissioners agreed to consult
with staff in regards to the timing and acquisition of the hardware.
6. CRS - Rehabilitation center in Cupertino
Jay Cena discussed the possibility of a drug rehabilitation facility being located on Stevens Creek
Boulevard in Cupertino. The commission addressed their concerns regarding the possible public
safety impacts and decided to obtain more information from the City Clerk regarding the City
Councils' authorization of this facility.
Santa Clara Countv Fire District
Battalion Chief Dan Dunlap distributed the monthly report and indicated that there weren't any
significant events to report other than an increase in call volume. Dunlap extended an invitation
to the commissioners to conduct a future meeting at the Seven Springs Station.
Santa Clara County Sheriff
Captain John Hirokawa reviewed the sheriff report in regards to response time goals categorized
by priority. He also reviewed the report in relation to crimes such as robberies, burglaries, auto
theft, vandalism, and assaults. Captain Hirokawa overviewed the patrol unit enforcement
statistics for moving, speeding, and accidents, and he also reviewed the traffic unit numbers.
Hirokawa stated that residential burglaries were down compared to last year, auto burglaries
were up, and arm robberies were up significantly in the last three to four weeks.
The commissioners discussed ways in which to get the word out on the burglaries. Captain
Hirokawa indicated that two members of the community were willing to donate funds to put up a
reward on Fugitive Watch for information leading to the arrests of the person(s) responsible for
the dinnertime burglaries. He also mentioned that local newspapers would be contacted in order
to advertise the need for reward donations. Commissioner Nina Daruwalla provided Captain
Hirokawa with a contact source in order to acquire additional funds for the reward. Captain
Hirokawa also talked about the distribution of a citywide mailer to alert residents and to refer
them to the web site with safety tips.
Further discussion involved the review of the property damage reports, which showed an
increase of incidences this year as compared to last. Captain Hirokawa explained some possible
contributing factors, such as adverse weather conditions or the consistency of accident reporting.
Commissioner's Reports
The Commissioners had a discussion about the Mayor's breakfast meeting, in which all
commissioners were encouraged contact the City Council if they felt the need to return to a
monthly meeting schedule. The commissioners also discussed the Mayors' interest in individual
commissioners reports and that they were grateful to have support at the City Council level.
. New Commission members and Election of Officers
. Commission meeting schedule - frequency of meetings
. Approval of minutes
June 9, 2005, regular meeting
December 8, 2005, regular meeting
. Meeting date at the Seven Springs Fire Station
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Karen B. Guerin
Administrative Assistant