CHC 03-10-2011 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO HOUSING COMMISSION March 10, 2011 CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of the Cupertino Housing Commission was called to order at 9:02 a.m. by Commissioner Niki Maroko 2. ROLL CALL Present: Housing Commissioners Niki Maroko, Radha Kulkarni and Rajeev Raman Absent: Chair Harvey Barnett, Vice Chair Jimmy Chien Staff present: Vera Gil, Senior Planner 3. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES None 6. NEW BUSINESS Public Hearing to consider the use of ninth year (2011-12) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program funds. Action: Hear applicant presentations and make funding recommendations to City Council Beverly Jackson, Executive Director, of Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley, made a presentation to the Commission requesting $60,000 in CDBG funding to assist 8-10 families to stay in their Cupertino homes. Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley provides assistance to Cupertino's income eligible families through two programs: Rebuilding Days which occur in the Spring and Fall and the Safe at Home program. Both programs are volunteer driven. Both the Cupertino Senior Center and West Valley Community Services provide referrals for the programs. The Safe at Home program provides minor home repairs, such as installation of grab bars and other safety items. The Rebuilding Days are larger scale improvements with companies sponsoring homes and the Home Depot and other sponsors providing materials. Commissioner Raman requested additional information on the application process and income eligibility. Ms. Jackson explained that all applicants must have a sustainable income and be low and very low income to qualify for the program. Furthermore, the funding they are seeking would be exclusively for Cupertino residents. Bob Campbell, Executive Director for Senior Housing Solutions, made a request for $196,195 in CDBG funding to complete the rehabilitation of the Price Avenue home. The goal of the organization is to provide congregate affordable housing for extremely low income seniors. Eligible seniors pay 30% of their income for rent. Average rent is $275 a month which includes utilities. Mr. Campbell explained that the City of Cupertino and the Housing Trust of Santa Clara County assisted with the purchase of the home and the City of Cupertino has already contributed approximately $271,000 for the first phase of construction. The first phase of construction is complete and now the agency is seeking $196,195 to complete the interior work for the home. Senior Housing Solutions has begun affirmatively marketing the home to Cupertino seniors. The waiting list started at 28 interested seniors and has now been whittled down to nine seniors. These nine seniors will be going through background checks and touring the home. Tours of the home will begin next month in an effort to select five residents to reside in the home when it opens in July. The agency currently has homes in Campbell, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, Los Gatos, Milpitas and soon in Mountain View. Commissioner Rajeev Raman expressed concern with the amount of money which has gone into the rehabilitation of the home. Staff explained that in order to accommodate five seniors, the home has to be level inside and outside. This home had a step down living room and needed the floor to be raised. Also, an extra bedroom and bathroom needed to be added to accommodate the fifth resident. Furthermore, the kitchen needs to accommodate two cooktops, two refrigerators and extra counter top space. This often requires the kitchen to be expanded and an electrical upgrade to the home. Action: Recommend that the City Council adopt the draft Annual Plan fully funding both Senior Housing Solutions and Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley. Motion: Commissioner Raman Second: Commissioner Maroko Vote: 3-0 7. COMMITTEE MEMBER REPORTS None 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS None 9. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:06 a.m. SUBMITTED BY: Vera Gil, Senior Planner