Reso 6417 DRAFT-THE ORIGINAL SIGNED DOCUMENT NEVER CAME BACK TO BE FILED MCA-2006-03 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. 6417 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND CHAPTER 19.68 OF THE CUPERTINO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO THE PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES IN THE PARKS AND RECREATION (PR) ZONE. ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Recommendation of approval is based on Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOI'TED this 26+� day September 2006 at a Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ATTEST: APPROVED: Ciddy Wordell Marty Miller, Chairperson City Planner Planning Commission G:\Planning\PDREPORT�RES�2006\MCA-2006-03, BLUEPHEASANT.doc EXIHIBIT A- Proposed Ordinance Amendment 19.68.030 Permitted Uses. The following uses shall be permitted within the PR zoning district: A. Parks, play�ruund�, and r�creation facilities, as regulated by Title 13 �£ tl,is code; B. Agricultural uses such as crop and tree farming, and the keeping of domestic barnyard animals; C. Single-family residences for the purpose of housing a caretaker for the park. As used herein the term"caretaker" means a person or persons whose duty it is to maintain surveillance of the park areas during and after the hours of park operation. The residence may take the form of a mobilehome as well as a permanent residential structure; D. Accessory facilities and uses customarily incidental to permitted uses and otherwise conforming with the provisions of Chapter 19.80 of this title; E. Parking facilities as necessary for park usage. (Ord. 1601, Exh. A (part), 1992; F. Restaurant with or without bar operating in a city owned acilitu adjacent to a�ol course, open no later than 11PM. 19.68.035 Conditional Uses The fol„ lowin u.g se ma�be permitted in the Park and Recreation Zone, subiect to issuance o�a Condiiional Use Permit: A. Restaurant with or without bar operating in a citu owned facilitu adiacent to a golf course, open later than 11 PM, but no later than midni�ht. � ��