Reso 5090 ?��-u-xs�M> CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. 5090 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE C[TY OF CUPER`I'(NO APPROVING A USE PERMIT MODIFICATION TO RELOCn"l'E nN EXISTING PARSONAGE, THE MCCUBBIN HOUSE AND BU[LD[NG n NEW PARSONAGE AT AN EXISTING CHURCH AT 10151 HOWnR[) COUIZ"I' SECTION I: FINDINGS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission oF the City ot� Cupertino receiveci �in ap��licalic�n li�r �i Us� Perinit Modification, as described in Section II. of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the necessary public notices have been given in accordance with the I'rc�ecclural Ordinance of the City of Cupertino, and the Planning Co���mission has held ��i�c <�r m<�rc ��uhlic hearings on this n7atter; and WHEREAS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support saicl a����licatic�n: �incl I�ati satisfied the following requirements: 1) The proposed use, at the proposed location, will not be detrimental or iniuri��us t�� ��r����crty ur improvements in the vicinity, and will ilot be detrimental to the public heallh, sa(-ety, �cncral welfare, or convenience; 2) The proposed use will be located and conducted in a manner in accord with thc C'u��crtine� Comprehensive General Plan and the purpose of this title. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after carefLil consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidcnce suhmittc�l in (hiti �natter, the application for Use Permit is hereby de�lied; and That the subconclusions Lipon which the tindings aild conditions specified in this re���luti��n arc h�is�cl and contained in the public hearing record concernin� Application No. 29-U-85(M) as scl li�rth in thc Minutes of the Planning Commissioil Meeting of November 8, 1999 and Deccn�ber 1 i, I�)�)�), <<ncl .u�c incorporated by reference though fully set forth herein. SECTION II: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: 29-U-85(M) Applicant: First Baptist Church of Cupertii�o Property Owner: First Baptist Church of Cupertino Location: 10151 Howard Court Resolution No. 5090 29-U-85(M) Dcccmbcr I�, 1�)9�) Page-2- SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED I3Y THE COMMUN[TY Dl?V�LOI'MI;N"I' I)I?l''I'. 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS Approval is based on the plan set titled: "Proposed Residential Developmenl, I 015 I I Ic�w�u•�I ('t., Cupertino, CA" consisting of two sheets labeled A-1 and A-2 and dated 9/1/99 ancl rcv i ticcl 9/29/99, except as niay be amended by conditions contained ii� lhis resolution. 2. R�LOCATION OF THE 1VICCUBBIN HOUSE The applicant is authorized to relocate the McCubbin House to another resi�icntial lul cilh�r insi�l� or outside of Cupertino. 3. USE LIMITATIONS The new parsonage, approved by this use permit iliodification, shall be occu��icc1 I<�r resicicnti�il purposes only by the current pastor and his family or a future pastor anci his lamily. 4. RESIDENTIAL BELOW MARKET RATE REQUIREMENT Since the new parsonage is linlced to a 9-lot residential subdivision appcoved uncicr lilc i�u. �-"I�M- 98, in the event that the parsonage and associated land is subdivided anci s��ld ��r thc ��ars��na�c iti cented to another party who is not the pastor of the abutting church, then the s<<Ic c�r rcntal �>I� th� parsonage shall be subject to the City's Below Market Rate Housin� requicemcnts. 5. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHCR CXnC"flON� The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein n7ay include ce�-tain Fees, cledicatic�n requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Purs�iant to Gc�vernment �'ucic Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written i�otice of�a statemcnt c�l�thr am��unt ��I� such fees, and a description of tlle dedications, reservations, and other exacli��ns. Y<�u arc hrrchy turther notified that the 90-day approval period in which yo�i may protest these Iccs, cicclic�iti��ns. reservations, and other exactions, purs�iant to Government Code Sccti��n 66U2U(�i), has hc�,un. I I� you fail to a protest withii� this 90-day period complyin�; with all of the rec�uirements ��I��ccti��n 66020, yotii will be legally barred froi�� later challen�in� such exactions. PASSED AND ADOPTED this lith day of Deceinber 1999, at a Re�ular Meetin� ��I� thc I'lannin� Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the followin� i-oll call v��tc: AY�S: COMMISSIONERS: Harris, Kwol< & Stevens NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Corr & Chair poyle ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Resolution No. 5090 29-U-85(M) Decembcr 1�, 1999 Page-3- ATTEST: APPROVED: ��� 0 � Robert S. Cowan David Doyle, C�airmai Director of Coinmunity Development Cupertino Planning Commis�i��n g:/{�lanning/pdrepordres/res29u8>m l