Regular Meeting
October 6, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA
Note: This meeting will be televised
Chairperson Darcy Paul called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the
Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA.
Commissioners present: Darcy Paul, David Greenstein, David Fung, Marcia
St.Clair(arrived at 7:15 pm)
Commissioners absent: David Lee
Staff present: Mark Linder, Terry Greene, Donna
A. Staff oral reports
Director Mark Linder said the Don Burnett Bridge (formerly Mary
Avenue Bridge) dedication is this Saturday, October 8 at 10:00. Also, the
Diwali Festival is on Saturday, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Memorial
Director Linder said that this is the first year for Cinema in the Shadows,
showing the movie "Casper" on October 28, at 6:00 p.m. at the Memorial
Park Amphitheater. And the annual Hidden Treasures event will take
place at the Senior Center on October 27, from 9:00 a.m. —2:00 p.m. This
event benefits the City's Case Management program for homebound
B. Commissioner contacts
Commissioner Greenstein reported that he attended the Mayor's meeting
on August 9 and that each Commission gave an update on the highlights
of their current programs.
Chairperson Paul said that he attended the Shakespeare production of
A. Regular meeting of August 4, 2011.
Action: Commissioner Greenstein made a motion to approve the
minutes and Commissioner Fling seconded the motion. The motion
carried unanimously with Commissioners Lee and St.Clair absent.
A. Shakespeare San Francisco update by Linda Merriweather, Shakespeare SF.
Linda Merriweather, gave a brief presentation on the San Francisco
Shakespeare Festival programs and mission statement. Linda said they have
been offering free Shakespeare in the Park at Memorial Park Amphitheater,
since 1994 and the productions have all been very successful. She also said
Shakespeare on Tour will present Macbeth for a public performance at the
Cupertino Library on November 5 at 2:00 p.m.
B. Update on Parks and Recreation opportunities to assist in economic
development by Mark Matsumoto from the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce.
Mark Matsumoto, Government Affairs Specialist, gave a presentation on the
potential for collaboration between Parks and Recreation and the Cupertino
Chamber of Commerce to host a sporting event, preferably a soccer
tournament, in Cupertino. Mr. Matsumoto showed how such an event can be
beneficial to the City and its residents, and local businesses.
The Commissioners expressed interest in hosting some kind of event in
Cupertino but since the Chamber has not yet decided on whom they will hire
to be the Tournament Director or the professional event organizer, the
Commission asked Mr. Matsumoto to return with a more detailed proposal.
Action: Commissioner Greenstein made a motion to ask the Chamber of
Commerce to bring more specifics regarding an event and return for a
future presentation. Commissioner St.Clair seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously with Commissioner Lee absent.
A. Historic signs for Blackberry Farm Park—Mark McKenna from the Cupertino
Historical Society
Mark McKenna gave a presentation regarding the Cupertino Historical
Society's proposal to create a"History Walk" from McClellan Ranch to the
Stocklmeir property along the City of Cupertino's Stevens Creek Trail. Their
goal is to provide signage along the Trail with historical text and photos. In
addition to creating the History Walk, they would like to move Captain
Stephens' monument closer to the original site of his cabin and move the
current historical marker at McClellan Ranch Park to the head of the south
end of the Trail.
Mr. McKenna showed what one of the historical signs would look like and
said the Cupertino Historical Society is encouraging a partnership with the
City of Cupertino, the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce and Cupertino
Rotary as sponsors for the historical. signage. Each sponsor will be asked to
contribute $3,000.00 for the signage project and the Cupertino Historical
Society will pay for the graphic artist to design the signs.
Director Linder said the Commissioners can provide comments but that Mr.
McKenna should bring the signs in to staff for approval during the Stevens
Creek Trail Phase II design process.
Commissioners St.Clair and Fung said that they both really like the idea of a
nature walk with historical signage. Commissioner Greenstein asked if Gail
Fretwell Hugger is involved with the historical signage and Mr. McKenna said
that she is actually writing the history for the signs. The Commissioners
agreed that the signs should all be uniform and consistent throughout the City.
B. McClellan Ranch Master Plan Process
Director Mark Linder presented his staff report and recommendation for a
proposed process and schedule for the development of a McClellan Ranch
Park Master Plan. The proposed schedule would consist of a facilitated study
session with interested parties on November 3, 2011; a second facilitated
study session on February 2, 2012; staff proposal to the Commission on
March 1, 2012; and a recommendation to the City Council of the proposed
Master Plan on March 20, 2012. All meetings will be open to the public and
notifications will be sent to interested parties such as Friends of Stevens Creek
Trail, Audubon Society, Cupertino Historical Society, residents living near
McClellan Ranch Park and those who are on the City's email list related to the
Stevens Creek restoration and trail.
Terry Greene, City Architect, said that at the November 3 meeting, they will
try to identify what next incremental steps should be taken to preserve the
older buildings like the Blacksmith's Shop and to consider new buildings.
The main focus will be to establish what the steps and priorities are in order to
propose these priorities to the City Council in March, for the next year's
Capital Improvement Plan.
Action: Commissioner Fung made a motion to adopt staff's
recommendation to accept the McClellan Ranch Master Plan process and
incorporate the agenda changes into the Commission work plan.
Commissioner Greenstein seconded the motion. The motion passed
unanimously with Commissioner Lee absent.
9. ADJOURNMENT - Chairperson Paul adjourned the meeting at 8:46 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/Donna Henriques
Donna Henriques, Administrative Assistant
Minutes approved at the December 1, 2011 regular meeting