Draft minutes 08.11.11 CUPERTINO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Thursday, August 11, 2011, 7:00 p.m. Cupertino City Hall, Conference Room A (No Audio available) 1. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Andy Huang called to order the regular meeting of the Cupertino Public Safety Commission at 7:05 p.m. on Thursday, Aug 12, 2011 in the Cupertino City 1 -Tall 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A, Cupertino, California 95014. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Andy Huang Nina Daruwalla Craig Lee Daniel Nguyen Commissioners Absent: Tamara Pow Staff Present: Captain Carl Neusel, Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office Battalion Chief Carol Miller, Santa Clara County Fire Department Staff Absent: N/A Other Present: N/A 111. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral communications to discuss at this regular meeting. IV. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS There were no written communications to discuss at this regular meeting. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACTION: Yes VOTE: Yes MOTION: Comm. Nguyen SECONDED: Comm. Lee VOTE: 4 to 0 PSC Meeting Minutes Page 1 1. July 14, 2011 — Approved without changes. • VI- OLD BUSINESS 1. Discussion of \Valk/Bike /Carpool (WBC) to School project ongoing (Nguyen) ACTION: Yes VOTE: No \4OTION: No SECONDED: No VOTE: 0 to 0 Kennedy requests to Comm. Pow regarding additional bike racks and fence. Comm, Lee, as the liaison to the Bike /Ped Comm (13PC), believes it is in the charter of BPC to supply the racks (such as from Cal Tran.). Comm. Lee also recalls WBC fund could not be applied to capital expense such as the fence. Therefore, Comm. Lee recommends this request be transferred to I3PC. Cap. Neusel agrees to follow -up yvith the BPC's city liaison to transfer this request. Due to Comm. Pow's absence, a sample I'SC packet for the PTA meeting was not available for discussion. Comm. Lee requests the sample packet at next PSC meeting to include a PTA survey on how to improve WBC incentives. Comm. Daruwalla recommends the best time to present to the PTA is in the month of October and we need to review and complete this packet at the next PSC meeting. Comm. Lee requesting details on the new crossing guard company, and Cpt. Neusel mentioned that the American Guard Services (AGS) has just completed three hours training. Comm. Lee also would like to know where the additional crossing guards would be placed, and Cpt. Neusel believes Mark Linder, Dir. of Park & Rec., typically is the liaison with the school. Comm. Lee believes Rcgnart have requested additional crossing guards at Stelling /Rainbow, and Cpt. Neusel also believes his SRO has some recommendations. Comm. Lee further requests exploring additional training program with AGS, and Comm. Nguyen will contact them about training program. Comm. Lee mentions John Barbs, who started a car pool web site www.schoolpooling.com, announced in the newspaper that he plans to launch his web site in Sep. Cpt. Neusel mentions that Lt. Morrisey had already attended a meeting regarding this proposal with Monta Vista principal, and there were safety concerns. Comm. Daruwalla believes people usually car pools with people they know, and web site car pool program with strangers creates some safety concerns. 2. 13oltage Program at schools and installation /implementation process (Pow) ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No VOTE: 0 to 0 PSC Meeting Minutes Page 2 Comm. Nguyen have received a login account and have access to all the raw data. 3. Report on surveys to schools (Lee /Nguyen) ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No VOTE: 0 to 0 Comm. Nguyen has completed the survey analysis, and reports that elementary school participation rate is up while middle school is down. Comm. Nguyen observes that total participation is up in less than 1 %, and highlights that Faria participation is up, as well as Garden Gate has participated. 4. Discuss how to increase Cupertino participation in Alert SCC Program (Huang) ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No VOTE: 0 to 0 Comm. Huang reports the proposal that was discussed with Comm. Lee. The AlertSCC sign -up program will be held on the week of Nov 23 to Dec 2", with the result entered by school volunteers on Dec 2' and the award given by the city before Christmas. This date is chosen as Christmas holiday is the best motivating factor for the iDevice award, and schools will start their finals on the week after Dec 2 Comm. Nguyen is concerned with the time it takes to verify and analyze the results, and recommends to move up the date by two weeks. The prize for each participating school will be an iPad for the best class, a iPod Nano for the best student, and iPod Shuffle for each students who have obtained 50 or more sign -ups. The minimum participating level is 25 %, i.e. a school of 1,000 students should have 250 sign-up to qualify for the school and class award. Comm. Lee recommends a lower than 50 sign -up threshold as it may discourage middle and primary school students. Comm. Huang reports based on the $ 1,000 budget per school, there are 10 iPod Shuffle allocated per school; and ifa lower target is established, there is a high probability to over spend the budget. Comm. Nguyen is concerned with verification of the sign -up, and recommends some procedures to verify and discourage same person sign -up multiple times. Comm. Huang will provide a sample sign -up sheet at the next meeting. Comm. Daruwalla recommends the announcement period (e.g. 2 " period for Kennedy) be established for the middle and high school class award. Comm. Huang reminds the PSC that the success of this program depends on each Comm. to work with the schools that they are liaison with to promote the program to the PTA, Principal, ancl the student volunteer organization. Cpt. Neusel reminds the PSC that currently Comm. do not have high schools liaisons; and Comm. Daruwalla volunteers to be the liaison for Homestead I -ligh, Comm. Nguyen volunteers for Cupertino High, and Comm. 1 -Iuang volunteers for Morita Vista High. VII. REPORTS PSC Meeting Minutes Page 3 • I. Santa Clara County Fire Department No reports due to staff late response. 2. Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office No reports due to staff on vacation. 3. Commission Report Comm. Pow: no report Comm. Daruwalla: no report. Comm. Lee: reports on Aug 5 City Council meeting, there were discussion about Cupertino's response to the three civil grand jury reports focusing on emergency dispatch, fire department response and the rehiring of pensioners. Comm. Lee would like to request this item be added to the agenda for next month's PSC meeting. Comm. Lee requests stats be removed from the minutes of the meeting as Fire /Police detail reports are included in the PSC meeting packet. Comm. Huang: reports on the Mayor's monthly meeting. Bike /Ped Comm. working on pedestrian plan; Housing Comm. working on low incoming /senior center near Rainbow /85; Teen Comm. working on anti- tobacco campaign; Planning Comm. working on new tenants for the Homestead shopping area; Tech. Comm. completed the AT &T cell tower project; Library Comm. is evaluating the poet laureate candidates. Comm. Nguyen: no report IX. FUTURE AGENDA FOR NEXT REGULAR MEETING 1. Walk/Bike/Carpool to School Project 2. 13oltage Program 3. School Survey 4. AlertSCC PSC Meeting Minutes Page 4 X. ADJOURNMENT The regular meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. X1. NEXT MEETINGS Next regular meeting is scheduled on Thursday. Aug. 8, Conference room A.. 2011, at 7:00 p.m. SUBMITTED BY: Andy Huang Public Safety Commissioner PSC Meeting Minutes Page 5