BPC 05-18-2011 / / MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION May 18, 2011 ,1 1 CUPERTINO The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Alan Takahashi, Mark Fantozzi, Ashish Kolli, Jill Mitsch, William Chan, and Ex- Officio James Wiant Absent: Staff: David Stillman VISITORS: Sanika Joshi, Cupertino Citizen and MVHS student, Craig Lee, Safety Commissioner ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Craig Lee from the Safety Commission discussed the need for more bike racks at Lawson Middle School. He provided a handout with photos of the current parking situation. Commissioner Lee also discussed the need to improve the crosswalk at Torre near the Library. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None submitted ORDERS OF THE DAY 1) VTA BPAC Update: Jim Wiant provided a very detailed briefing of the months VTA BPAC (See separate hand -out) APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2) The Commission unanimously approved the April, 2011 minutes with the correction of minor typos. NEW BUSINESS 3) Bike to Work Day debrief: A total of 201 cyclists were counted riding on Stelling Rd (66 southbound and 135 northbound). Of these 201, 79 stopped at the Commission manned energizer station. 4) Review of the Rodrigues proposed bike lane plan: Staff Engineer Stillman provided a large format plan of the proposed bike lane on Rodrigues between Torre and Blaney. The plan also adds parking spaces and eliminates the center turn lane. The commission voted unanimously to recommend the plan as is for implementation. 5) Bicycle Friendly Community Follow Up: The City was awarded a Bronze status Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists. The League will provide more specific feedback to the application shortly. Based on this feedback, the City is interested in improving the status to a higher level in one to one and a half years. Bicycle Friendly Community signs should arrive shortly. The Commission would like to see a list of locations where the signs will be displayed. 6) McClellan Sidewalk Infill: Reasons for not establishing a sidewalk on McClellan: First, there is currently no fund for the sidewalk, second current right -of -way issues may exist that would also make it challenging to install sidewalks along this stretch of road. The need for a long term plan to provide sidewalks for Orange Avenue was also discussed. 7) Pedestrian Transportation Plan: There is a 2002 plan in hardcopy format. Staff Stillman will provide a copy of the 2002 plan to the Commission for initial review in order to scope the effort to revise the document for 2011/2012. OLD BUSINESS 8) Hot List Review: The current revision of the hotlist has reviewed, and status of the actions on the list was updated from public works. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:22 pm. SUBMITTED BY: Alan Takahashi, Commissioner