FAC 03-22-2011 MINUTES
Regular Meeting, Conf. Rm. A
C U P E RT I N O 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 7:00 p.m.
1. Introduction of new commission members Russell Leong and Joelle Lieb.
Staff Liaison Kimberly Smith introduced new member Russell Leong to the group and announced
the resignation of new member Joelle Lieb. Ms. Lieb's vacancy will need to be filled and the City
Council will need to decide whether to select a candidate from the existing list of from January, or
to hold a new round of interviews. More information will become available after the City Council
meeting on April 5.
At 7:00 p.m., Chairman KC Chandratreya called the meeting to order in Conference Room A, 10300 Torre
Avenue, Cupertino, California, and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Chairman KC Chandratreya and Commissioners Jessi Kaur, Srilakshmi Sitaraman (left at 8:10
p.m.), and Russell Leong. Staff present: Staff Liaison Kimberly Smith
2. Written report from Distinguished Artist of the Year (2010) Pantea Karimi
Staff liaison Kimberly Smith read a letter from Pantea Karimi detailing how she spent her cash
award money. Commissioner Kaur said she would have preferred a more active role of
communication with Ms. Karimi throughout the year and suggested establishing a process early on
for next year's winner that would encourage more communication with the commission.
Staff Liaison Kimberly Smith read a letter from former Commissioner Robert Harrison reporting
that the Mid - Autumn Festival will replace the Silicon Valley Fall Festival this year. The 1 -day
event will be a joint effort between the Cupertino Rotary Club, the World Journal, and the Fine
Arts League of Cupertino (FALC) to be held at Memorial Park on September 10 or 11. The venue
will feature an art show to display the artwork for this year's Distinguished and Emerging artist.
3. Minutes of the regular meeting of January 25 and the special meeting (with the Teen Commission)
of March 9, 2011.
Sitaraman moved and Kaur seconded to approve both sets of minutes as amended, to show that on
page one of the March 9 meeting, under Commissioner Leong was present as a guest and that
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distinguished artist posters would be created to provide for display at the schools. The motion
carried unanimously.
4. Appoint the 2011 Commission Chair and Vice - Chair.
Sitaraman moved and Kaur seconded to re- appoint Chairman Chandratreya as the 2011
Commission Chair. The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Kaur was re- appointed as the 2011 Commission Vice -Chair by acclamation.
5. Review of ethics training opportunities. Note, free online training is available at http: / /www.ca-
ilg.org/ab1234compliance, just follow the links under the self -study program
Staff Liaison Kimberly Smith recommended that all commission members take the online ethics
training course.
6. Develop work plan for 2011 calendar year.
The group reviewed the upcoming and pending public art sites in Cupertino. Staff Liaison
Kimberly Smith encouraged the commission members to visit the sites and take photographs of
them for to include in the work plan. She encouraged the group to draft a work plan outline by the
next meeting.
7. Select speakers and discuss content for presentation to City Council on June 7 about the activities
of the Fine Arts Commission
Commissioner Kaur was selected as the lead speaker to make the presentation to Council on June
7 Chairman Chandratreya was selected as an alternate in the event that Commissioner Kaur
cannot attend.
9. Select representative to speak at the Cherry Blossom Festival about the children's art display and
any Fine Arts Commission news. The event occurs Saturday, April 30, at noon.
Chairman Chandratreya was selected as the lead representative to speak on stage at the Cherry
Blossom Festival. Commissioner Kaur was selected as the secondary speaker. Staff Liaison
Kimberly Smith will email the Commissioners contact information to Diane Argabrite at the
Euphrat Museum and request parking passes for the event.
10. Distinguished Artist and Emerging Artist awards - Review changes to the application package
requested by the Fine Arts Commission, and consider adding language regarding future venue
location and sponsorship by the Fine Arts League of Cupertino (FALC).
The group reviewed the draft changes to the nomination form. The changes included the
• Merge the Distinguished and Emerging Artist applications into a single form
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• Create an age bracket section to qualify the applicants for either the Distinguished artist or
Emerging artist
• Add wording to include the Distinguished and Emerging Artist will be working with the
Fine Arts Commission in some capacity that will promote awareness of the arts within the
• Change the form title from "nomination "' to "application"
11. Reminder of upcoming Mayor's meeting with commission representatives. Note: Mayor Gilbert
Wong's meetings will be the 2 " Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m.
• Receive report from those members who attended the February and March meetings
Commissioner Chandratreya reported on the February 24 meeting with members from the
Parks & Recreation and Library Commissions, and the Shakespeare Festival organizers. The
group explored ideas to promote awareness of the Distinguished and the Emerging Artist.
Ideas included broadcasting through the City Channel, partnering with the Teen Commission,
and hosting an activity on a City arts day. Commissioner Kaur suggested an activity such as a
workshop or play at Community Hall, or partnering with the Euphrat Museum in some
capacity. Commissioners Kaur and Sitaraman both agreed to facilitate with this type of event.
Chairman Chandratreya will forward the team contact information to the commission members.
Another idea from the meeting was to contact art and dance schools in Cupertino and notify the
students and of the Emerging Artist. Chairrnan Chandratreya also thought it would be a good
idea to ask the instructors if they were interested in applying for the Distinguished Artist.
Commissioner Kaur agreed to make a list of schools for the group to divide up and contact.
Each commissioner will contact the instructors at five schools.
Commissioner Chandratreya reported on the March 9 joint meeting with the Teen Commission.
The group discussed ways to promote awareness of the Distinguished and the Emerging Artist
award. The Teen Commission requested providing posters to be posted at the high schools.
Staff Liaison Lauren Smith suggested working with the teachers to identify the locations.
Chairman Chandratreya agreed to will contact the teachers for permission and identify the
locations to hang the posters. Staff Liaison Kimberly Smith will also contact locations and
send out •the announcements. Commissioner Leong and Chairman Chandratreya agreed to meet
as an Ad Hoc committee and make the posters in the next few days. Commissioner Leong
volunteered to create the posters. Chairman. Chandratreya will provide the logo and write the
copy. Commissioner Kaur will go out and hang the posters and also investigate advertising
with various media outlets including the Cupertino Courier, World Journal, C magazine, and
Cupertino Patch.com, as well notify the City Channel of the event.
• Select representative(s) to attend April 12 and May 10 meetings
Commissioner Chandratreya will attend the April 12 meeting, and Commissioner Leong will
attend the May 10 meeting.
12. Update on the status of Poet Laureate committee and their activities
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Staff Liaison Kimberly Smith reported on her meeting with the City Attorney and explained that
due to Brown Act requirements, the Poet Laureate Ad Hoc committee must consist of less than a
quorum (two members) of commission members. Therefore the ad hoc committee will be
comprised of two Library Commission members, with Commissioner Ron Miller as the primary
committee member. Anyone can attend the meetings, and participate as a member of the public
under the Oral Communications portion, but cannot vote as a committee member.
Commissioner Kaur reported that the Poet Laureate interviews were conducted and the committee
was unable to select a Poet Laureate from the existing applicant pool. The committee will conduct
the contest again next year. Further information will become available when the Poet Laureate
committee releases a statement.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 p.m.
Kimberly Smith
Staff Liaison