CHC 02-11-2010 MINUTES OF THE CUPERTINO HOUSING COMMISSION February 11, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Cupertino Housing Commission was called to order at 9:10 a.m. by Chair Radha Kulkarni 2. ROLL CALL Present: Housing Commissioners Niki Maroko, Radha Kulkarni, Jimmy Chien and Planning Commissioner David Kaneda Absent: Harvey Barnett and Jessie Lin Staff present: Vera Gil, Senior Planner 3. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. December 10, 2009 Motion made to approve minutes as presented Motion: Radha Kulkarni Second: Niki Maroko Vote: 3 -0 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS Develop an evaluation scoring sheet for CDBG and Human Service Grant applications. Staff presented three evaluation scoring sheets for the Commissioners to review and discuss. The Commission evaluated all three examples and chose one that they felt worked best for the City of Cupertino (see attached) Motion made to approve evaluation scoring sheet. Motion: Radha Kulkarni Second: Niki Maroko Vote: 3 -0 8. COMMISSIONER REPORTS None 9. ANNOUNCEMENTS None 10. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m. to regular meeting of March 11, 2010. SIOMITTE BY Ver , Senior Planner Scoring Criteria for CDBG Agency Applications Applications for projects which meet the minimum eligibility and threshold requirements will be deemed competitive and will be evaluated with the following scoring criteria. The threshold score for a proposal to be considered for funding is 50 percent of the sum total of possible points. Funding is dependent upon availability of funds, consistency with the Consolidated Plan, and environmental compliance. Scoring Criteria Description 30 Pts. Max Project Description The project is innovative or collaborative and clearly defined with measurable results /outcomes that meet a CDBG national objective and can be completed within the project timeline. Demonstrates significant impact on identified need. 25 Pts. Max Leveraging Effective leveraging of CDBG funds with other non - federal funds. Project budgets with: 100% CDBG = 5 points 75% CDBG = 10 points 50% CDBG = 15 points 25% CDBG = 20 points 10% CDBG = 25 points 20 Pts. Max Benefit to Low and Moderate Project serves at least 51 %: Income Low Income = 10 Pts. Very Low Income = 15 Pts. Extremely Low Income = 20 Pts. 10 Pts. Max Organizational Capacity Staff has the experience to implement and manage project and organization has sound financial management system. 10 Pts. Max Past Performance/ Previous Subrecipients Only: New Service If applicant has received past funding, score is based on past performance (ie. reporting requirements, timeliness, and attainment of goals) New Subrecipients Only: If applicant has not received past funding, score is based on whether the proposal offers a new or expanded service or activity that was not previously provided in the City of Cupertino and meets a priority need. 5 Pts. Max Project Budget More than 50% of the budget goes to direct service costs instead of administrative costs.