Reso 4376 2 U 91 C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O 10300 Tol�re Avern�e Cupertit�o, California 95014 RF50IZTI'IC�T No. 4376 OF 'IHE P'LANNING C7Ci�P�IISSION OF � QTY OF QJPII�iO R�OQNIl�3JDING APPRaVAL OF A USE PF�d�IIT TO DII�LISEi AN F�ST'IlJG RErAII� C,II�'I�2 AND DEVE[AP 20 SII� DETAC�� Z� UNI'I'S QN 2.5 Qt. ACRES, 8 i7rTITS PII2 ACRE, AND RErAII�i 'Ii� N�-USE 15, 000 S. F. C�Il�IP,L/OFFIC,E S'IR[JCIURE WI'rH 10 Cfft N�RE SF3IIOR IIiJI'1'S ON 1.5 Q2. ACRFS SDCTION I: FIlVDINGS Wf�2E'1�.S, the Planninq C7onuanis.sion of the City of Ct�pertino reoeived an ap�plication for a Use Permit, as described on Page 2 of this Resolution; and WHERF�AS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to sL�pport said application; ar�d Wf�EAS, the Planning Ccernnission f iryds that the application meets the follvwirig require�merits : a) That the use or u.ses are in conformanoe with th�e General Plan of the City of G'upertino, ar�d are not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proj�osed use is to be located. b) That the praperty involv+ed is adequate in size ar�d shape to aco�mrodate the praposed use. c) That the praf�osed use will not generate a level of traffic over and above that of the capacity of the existing street syst.e�n. d) That second floor retail is aooep�table sinoe it consists of 2,200 sq. ft. out of 15,000, there is adequate parkir�g, uses are restricted through specific oor�ditions, ar�d there is elevatar acoess. e) That the pro��osed use is otherwise not detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals and general taoelfare of persons residing or working in the neic�borhood of such proposed uses, nor injurious to property ar�d imprn�ments in the neighborhood. NOW, �+ORE, BE IT RF50L�lID: That after careful oonsideration of maps, facts, e�ibits, testim�riy and other evidence sulhmitted in this matter, the application far Use Permit is hereby recxmmier�ded for approval; ar�d That the subconclusions upon which the f indings ar�d c�or�ditions specif ied in this Resolution are based arXl corztained in the Public Hearityg reoord concerning Application 2-U-91 as set forth in the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of Oc.-tober 16, 1991, ar�d are inoorporated by referenoe as though fully set forth herein. Resolution No. 4376 (2 U-91) 10/16/91 Page -2- S�ION II: D�'I'ION Application No(s): 2�J-91 Applicant: Morit,a Vista Center�Z�erry Brown Property Owner: �ta Vista Oenter P�s�e�s IACation: N. side of Stever�s Creek Blvd.. 300' w�est of Mann Drive (Old MV Hardware site) SDC`I'ION III: C�ONDIT2�1S AL�JISZ�2ID BY 7� PUBI�ZC W�S DF,PA�1'I' 1. S"I'REE'I' WIDF�TIl�TG Street widening, in�r+c�ments arid dedicatio�ns shall be provided in aocordanoe with City Standards aryd specif icati�.s ar�d as required by the city �gineer. 2. C�JRB AND GUI'I�2 Curbs ar�d gutters, sidewalks ar�d related structwres shall be installed in ac�corc]anoe with grades ar�d star�dar.ds as specified by the City �gineer. 3. STR�I' LIC�iTING INSrAI�LATION 1 Street lic�ting shall be installed and shall be as apprdved l�i the City Engineer. Lighting fixtures shall be positioned so as to preclude glare and other forms of visual interferexYOe to adjoining praperties, and shall be no hic�er than the maxinaun heic�t permitted by the ASAC. 4. FIRE SAFEI'Y Develc�pex shall ooamply with all fire safety requirements specified by the City in oonsultation with the Central Fire District. 5. S'IREET TR� Street trees shall be plarit.ed within the Public Ric�t of Way as required by the city �girieer. 6. GRADING Grading shall be ooanpleted a000rding to direction of the City Engineer in accordanoe with Ordinanoe 125. First level finished floor elevation shall not exceed 24 inches abwe the highest tap of c�rrb elevation on the adjoining Mann Driv+e for the C�rnnercial/Senior Citizen A�'bment building, unless the r�eed for greater elevatioaz is dl�o�trated to the City F�gineer for purpose� of achieving proper site drainage for resolving other technical oonstraints. 7. DRAIl�YGE Drainage shall be prwided to the sati.sfaction of the City F�gineer. Resolution No. 4376 (2-U-91) 10/16/91 Page -3- 8. UNDII2GROIlND Ul'ILITIES The developer shall comply with the requirements of the Undergroturl Utilities of Criapter of the Municipal Code and other related ordinanoes ar�d regulations of the City of Cupertino, aryd shall 000rdinate with affected utility providers for installation of undergrwn�d utility devioes. The developer shall su�anit detailed plans showirig utility underground provisions. Said plans shall be subject to prior approval of the affected Utility pravider and the City IIzgineer. 9 . AGRE�IT The project developer shall enter into an improvement agreement with the City of Cupertino providing for payment of fees, including but not limited to checJcing and inspec�tion fees, storm drain fees, park dedication fees and fees for undergrounding of utilities. Said agreement shall be executed prior to issuance of oonstruction permits. 10. TRANSFORN�tS Electrical transformers, telephone vaults and similar above ground equi�xnent enclosures shall be screened with fencing arxl landscaping or located underground such that said equipment is not visible fram public street areas. 11. BUS STOP The applicant/property vwner shall participate in improvements necessary to relocate the bus stop as determined by the Department of Public Works. CITY E�TGINE�2' S CE�2TIFICATE OF ACCE[�'I'ANCE OF II�TGIl�iG/ S2JRVEYING QONDITIONS (Section 66474.10 CA Gov't. Code) I hereby certify that the engineering and surveying conditions specified in Sec,-tion III of this Resolution conform to generally accepted engineexing practices. Travice Whit Deputy Director of Public Works SECPION IV: CONDITIONS ADNBIVISI'ERID BY � CbNIM[7NITY DEVELpPMII�T DEPI'. 12. APPROVID �IIBITS 'Ihe reconnnendation of approval is based on Illustrative Site Plan (9/25/91), Site Plan (9/25/91), Site Sections (9/23/91), Zbwnh�ne Unit Building 'I�pes (9/23/91), 'I'ownhome Building Elevations (9/23/91), Ccatunercial/Senior Building Floor Plans (9/25/91) , Canunercial/Senior Building Elevations (9/23/91) except as may be amended by the Conditions contained in this Resolution. Resolution No. 4376 (2 i�91) 10/16/91 Page -4- 13. F'Il2E AC'C�S IANF� Dmergenc,y fire aooes.s lanes shall be recoz�led as fire lane easemerits on the final map and shall meet Central Fire District star�dards. 14. PIDF�STRIAN EASII�V'r Pedestrian easements o�v+er arry sidewalk area o� private p�aperty shall be prepared by the developer. a�prdved bY the City Attorney and recorded against the subject pr�peity prior to issuanoe of building permits. 15. AFF�ORQABI� UNI'I5ja0NDC�TI[IlK DIVISION The project shall include 10 aparbnerit units which shall be reserved for affordable rental oocupancy by lcyw incane senior citizens, who are at least age 62, aocordirig to the terms of a supplemental agreernent approved by the City �il, ar�d by the City Attorney priar� to reoordation. The City's participation in urrlerwritir�g of imp�ave���ts to aoocarnmdate elderly residents as w�ell as waiver ar� reduction of fees or ather benefits shall be appraved by the City O�il based on reocamnerydations by the Affordable Hausing �nittee. I 16 . WALLS , FII�TCING AND AQOi7STICAL BARRIII2 All fericing installed on the northerly perimeter shall extend the entire lerigth of ariy adjoinir�g prcyperty to avoid mismatch of style ar�d materials, maintain a uniform height of 8 ft. above hic�est adjoinirig grade, arid be oonstructed to acx�astical star�dards. T�dzere the �'cial building driveway ar�d parkir�g area adjoinir�g the r�therly residential lots, a masonry barrier shall be u��ed. The remainir�g length of the northerly boundary may be fexioed with ��ood materials . Fexice lines shall nat extex�d beyor�d the tap of the w�esterly slope, and fencing aver 3 ft. in heic�t within 20 ft. of the Stewens Creek Baulevard froritage property line is prohibited. No walls shall be oonstruct�ed between the store-fronts and sidewalk except a law wall to enclose a restaurant patio. 17. PARI�TG The site plan shall be revised to provide one (1) oovered, reserved surface level parkirig spaoe for each senior apaztmerYt. Required restaurant parking shall nat exoeed a st�ndard based on 80 seats arid 6 e�loyees. A sepa.rate bar is not permitted. Resolution No. 4376 (2�91) 10/16/91 Page -5- The Cavenants, �onditio�s aryd Restrictio�s for the project shall require that enclo�ed garage spaces be retained for PaY'king, ar�d not enc�unbered by stored materials. Said OC+R's shall also p�avide that autdoar parking spaoes nat be oocupied by R.V.'s, boats, inaperable vehicles or be u.sed for long-term storage of vehicles, l�g-te�m starage meaning in exoess of 72 consecutive haurs. The OC&R/s shall require that residents of the senior units shall have no more than one vehicle per unit. The CC&R's for the tvwnhcgnes shall require the designatio� of 8 guest parkirig spaces in the townhceme area. 18. NOISE OCIVII�TANT Prior to release of building pertnits, the developer shall reoord a deed restriction advisir�g future pU� of each t.owntlou..se unit of potentially significant exposure to noise fran the adjaoent c�w�rcial building at�d parkirig area. 19. PRNATE SI'REEZS All applicable subsec�tions of Sections 13.5 ar�d 13.6 of the R1C Ordinance (Ordinarx�e No. 664 ) regardinq street impr�ove�ment rec�� i rements and covenants shall apply to the private streets within the townhwne portion of the subject develo�nent. i 20. H�IDC)WNEEZS ASSOCIATION DOGZ�1'I'S �e Ham�wners Association docam�erYts, enablirig declaration and condcAm� n� tun plan appraved far the t�ownhceme portion of the site shall be subject to revie�w ar�d appraval by the City Attorney prior to reoordation. 21. ABAIVDONF� V�i'1'E�2 WELIB 'The property owr�er shall seal abar�doned ar urna��ed water wells if the City, after consultation with the Santa Clara Valley Water District, detenrines that said abar�doned or um�sed water woells have a potential to contaminate the water supply. 22. N�DIFTCATION OF AP'PROVID DEVFLAPNIFI4T PLA1�T In the event that the applicant or subsequent p�roperty vwner shall desire to make any minor ch��ges, alterations or amier�hnent of the appraved develc��ent plan, a written request or revised dev+elo�emexit plan shall be sukanitted to the Director of Qomrn�nity Developmerit. If the Director makes a fir�ding that the changes are minor ar�d c3o nat result in a matexial affect upon the appearance or function of the project, said changes may be c�rtified on the revised plan. If ap�araval of said changes i.s withheld, the applicant may ap�peal to the Planning C7carnnission. If the Director fir�ds that the reqL�ested char�ges are material, such changes shall be referred to the Plannir�g C�is.sio� for approval. If the changes are denied by the Planning �inni.ssion, the applicant may ap�.al to the City Cauncil as provided in City Ordinance No. 652. Resolution No. 4376 (2-U-91) 10/16/91 Page -6- If said c�anges are ap�roved by the Plannir�g Dormnission, an appe.al may be made to the City Ca�,u�cil by arYy interested party. �rther, ariy Member of � the City Cb�uncil may request a hearir�g before the City �il regarding said approved c�anges. Said request shall be mad�e within ten (10) days frcen the date of approval of said chariges by th,e Planning Ocernnission. 23. SOLAR The applicarYt shall .insfiall plinnbirig chases to facilitate future installation of roof ma�uzted solar water Yieating devioes. Installation of said devioes is optional. � 24 . ORDIIt OF OONSTRCK,TION Oocupancy of the tvwnhcane portion of the site shall be limited to no more � than 12 uni.ts before substantial oonstruction activity is begun on the c�rnnerci.al/senior citizen aparbment buildir�g. Buildirig permits for the remaining tvwnhoames would then be issu�ed upon request• OccuP��Y ce.rtificates for the remaining tawnhwnes would follow si�ltaneonasly with, or subsequent to, oocupancy oertificates issued far the ocerm�ercial/senior apaztment buildirig. ( 25. USE T TMTTAmTpN The subject use permit authorizes a maxina.nm pr�senoe of 20 tvwnhoane units far ir�dividual dwnership plus joirYt ownership of the cce�Qnon area, 10 afforc3�able senior units, and 15,000 s.f. of retail space, including 2,200 s.f. of retail which is quiet in nature an the sec;or�d floor. Allvwed retail use shall be oonsistent with the retail use� listed in �ibit A. 26. PR�CISE DEVEIAPN�V'I' P'LAN I The follvwirig elements shall be reviewed by ASAC as part of Precise Develop�xit Plan, with reooarnmerriation to the City Cauicil as required in � Sec.-tion 8.2 of Ordinanoe 618: prvvision of vavered ar�d dedicated senior parking spaoes in spaoes 1,2, and 48-55; vonsistellc:y of architectural treatment, specifically the use of ooltmu�.s and ra�u�ded entries, continuous ' walkways, such as e��ar�ding the lesygth of the canapies to create a walkway effect wood wiridow treatment and use of glass b�ick, with the N1�orita Vista Design (�iidelines; greater integration of store fronts with street to � enc�urage a pedestrian shq�ping exrvirorm�enti maintenarx�e of level of archit,ectural detail as shown in p�.roposed plans; authentication of tower design; oonoeptual sign program that is feasible with proposed architecture; landscaping plans that pravide privacy to the surr�ing neighborhood ar�d are oon.sistent with the Monta Vista Design C�i.deliries; practical refuse collecti� design; adequate guest parking in townhome area; impraved relatimiship between the tAwnti� froriting Stevens Creek Boulevard ar�d the street � such devioes as lower fencing or staggered setbac,ks; is�reased patios in the townhc�nnes facing Stevens Creek Boulevard; redesign of spa area to a sitting/play-yard area; identification of mailbox arid refuse areas; aryd reduction of signage for tcx�mhcene develo�ement. Resolution No. 4376 (2 U-91j 10/16/91 , Page -7- 27. SIC��GE 1 No identification signs far the residential develognent are permitted exoept for rnm�beririq information. 28. TRA.SH II�TQfJSCTRE The dev+el� plan shall inclu�e installation of a masonry enclosure with gate for the trash ooa�tainers servir�g the c�rcial building tenants. � 29. TREE PR�7i�7CTION � The applicant shall pravid,e a plan far p�eservatian of the existing specimen Oak trees oa� tt�e westerly edge of th,e subject property. The plan � shall include graphic depictioal of pratectio� devioes to be installed alor�g the dripline perimeter of each tree chiring oonstruction activities. The plan shall include a written report fran a oonsulting arborist or lar�dsc,ape archit�ect, whose selection shall be app�wed by the Depaztment of Planning and Develo�xnent priar to preparation of the report, detailing measures to be taken to ensure the survival of said spec�m�ens during and after construction. I In no case shall o�nstructian oocur within the tree cariopy of any Oak tree. The precise s�veyed location of the canapies shall be platted on the site plan suY_mitted with the building ��;t application, and shall be subject to verificatian prior to issuanoe of said building peYmits. 30 . RII��IATION Prior to issuance of building permits, the clevelcyper shall obtain written certification of adequate remediation frcem the appropriate agency(ies) conoerning possible g�nd oontaminatio� fro�n waste oil at the existing auto parts/machine stvp t.en�aix.y. PASSID AND ADOPTID this 16th day of October, 1991, at a Regular Meeting of the Planning Ccarnnission of the City of Ctipertino, State of California, by the follawing roll call vote: AYES: oCd�M�IISSI0NII2S: Austin, Fazekas, Maho�ey, Mann, and Chairman Mackenzie NOES : OCd�M�IISSIC1rTII2.S : Norie ABSTAIl�i: �SSIONII2S: None ABSIIVT: aCd�SSIONII2S: None A'1'1'F.S'I': AP'P�7ID: �.__._�_ ' Rob�.r Cowan Dona d Mackenzie irnian Director of Caa�nrnanity Develop�ment Cupertino P �carnnission Resolution No. 4376 (2�91) 10/16/91 � Page -8- F�iIBIT A I RF!TATT. iJ$F$ 1. Retall businesses, suCh as food st.ores (exCludir�g ooa�veniexx�e maz'kets) � drug stores, apparel sh�ps� variety stores, ar�d hardw�are stores. 2. Insuranoe arid real estate agencies, travel agencies. photographic and similar studios whose primary functio�n is to serve the p�iblic directly. � 3. Limited repair servioes, such as jew�elry, do�nestic applianoes, typewriter � and btasiness machine repair shops. 4. Personal servioe establistm�ents such as barber �s. beautY PaY'lors, shoe repair shaps, ar�d tailor shops. 5. Full servioe restaurants withaut a separate bar facility. 6. Child care oenters, day rYUrseries ar�d playgraund.s ac�oessible to a ccarnnPxcial establistnnent. 7. Other uses which, in the o�pinion of the City's Planning Cc�mtission, are L consistent with the c,haracter of a General C�ar�rcial (oG) Zone, are of the same general character as the uses listed in the above Sec,�tions 1 through 10 an�d are not objectionable by reason of odor, dust, smoke, glare, fimnes, radiation, vib�ration, noise, traffic, or litter. peresos/truvalue I �