Reso 4372 9 U 91 C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O 10300 'lbrre Av+eriue Cupertino, California 95014 RF50L�JrIQN No. 4372 OF 'IHE PLANNING �G�M�IISSION OF 'Ii� CI'I'Y OF GUPER'I'Il�iO RE�]OQNIl�iDING A1P'PRf�VAL OF A USE PF�T TO OONVII�T OPE�ATE 154 SQ. FT. OF OFFICE AREA Il�I+O A OONVIIJIII�TCE SHOP AT AN F,�ST'.II�iG C�iSOI�IIJE S'rATION SP7CTION I: FIlVDINGS Wf�E2EA.S, the Plannirig Cb�rnnission of the City of Ctzpertino reoeived an application for a Use Permit, as described on Page 2 of this Resolution; ar�d Wf�2FAS, the applicant has met the kxarden of proof required to st�pport said application. ; ar�d WI�2FA.S, the Plannirig Oo�nunission finds that the application meets the follcxaing re : a) That the use or uses are in confornnanoe with the General Plan, Zonir�g ar�d Stevens Creek �l Plan of the City of CuPertino. b) That the parkirig is in conformarx�e with Ordinanoe No. 1277, Parkuig Ordinance. c) That the proposed use is considered secondary to the primary use of iss�?� gasoline ar�d will nat generate a level of traffic aver ar�d abave that of the capacity of site ar�d existing street sYste�n• 1JQW, 'I�EFORE, BE IT RF50L�lID: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, e�ibits, testimorYy and other evidenoe submitted in this matter, th�e application for Use Permit is hereby reocs�rnmerxled for approval, subject to the oonditions which are ernrmerated in this Resolution beginnir�g on Page 2 thereof ; aryd That the suboonclusions upon which the f ir�dings and cor�ditions specif ied in this Resolution are based ar�d contained in the Public Hearing reoord oonoerning Application 9-U-91 as set forth in the Minutes of the Planning ocernn.ission Meeting of Sep�tember 9, 1991, aryd are inoorporated by refere.rx� as thauc�i fully set forth herein. Resolution No. 4372 (9-U-91) Sept�' 9, 1991 Page -2- S�77GTION II: PFZQT�3CT DESCfttP'I'ION Application No(s): 9-U-91 Applicant: Tait & Associates Property Oraner: 8P Oil Co. Project Loc,ation: 19550 Stevens Creek Blv�l. SFJCI''Iad�T III: QONDITIONS A�iISTII2ID BY Zi� OC[�IlKUNITY DEVE[APN�]T DEP'I' l. APPROVID �IIBI'I'S The reownnner�dation of appraval i.s based on Tait letter of July 31, 1991, Floor ar�d Elevation plans of August 8, 1991 ar�d Site plan dated August 29, 1991, exoept as may be amended by the Conditions contained in this Resolution. 2. OFF SI'RF�r PARI�TG The Site plan shall be modified to prwide parking along the Sauth praperty line, as shown in the apprav+ad plan Ir-1 of 4 U 87 (Mpbil Oil), exoept on1Y one parkiuxJ spaoe shall be designated alor�g the East side of the building, ar�d it shall be handicap designated. �ie exact location shall be appraved by staff . A minimo�m of 10 parkir�g spaoes shall be provided on-site. � of the parking stalls shall be pave labeled or siqned for "oortvenienoe mart visitors visitors only". Vehicles being servioed or awaiting s�xvicirig nwst be parked in striped stalls only. 3 . USE T �Mr'r'A'T'TONS The Use Permit grants the oonversion of 154 sq.ft. of existing office area into a convenienoe mart for sales of pre-packaged food items in disposable oontainers inter�ded primarily for oons�tion off premises. No food it�ms, exoept coffee, can be prepared on the premises. 4. OVI'DOOR SERVICING Zhe servicing of auto�mbiles autside of the servioe bays, other than the disperLSirig of gasoline ar�d oil, is prohibited. 5. PASS �iJC�i WIlJDOW The praperty owner shall prwicle a c�apy of the building ��; t obtained for the installation of the pass thrc�ugh wir�daa. If one was nat obtained, one na�st be issued froa�n the Building Deparbment, prior to coriversion of the corrvenie�x�e mart. 6. SF7GURITY The applicant shall im�le�nt a pas.s-thrax�z wir�dow payment system for gasoline and food p�urchases made after 11 P.M. Resolution No. 4372 (9 U-91) September 9, 1991 Page -3- 7. SIQ�iGE No signage is allc�wed in the wir�dow surra�u�ding the offioe/oorivenienoe area for safety of the emplayee for surveillanoe by pa.ssing polioe vehicles. 8. NOISFMAKIl�iG DEVICES No public ack�ress system or pagir�g system, pow�ered megaphone or similar noisemaking device shall be pexmitted autdoors at ariy time. 9. LANDSCAPING The applicant shall suxxnit for Architectural and Site C7cer�mittee appraval, a ocanprehensive lar�.aping plan for all existing planter areas, which would nat include deoorative rock, but would include trees and appropriate shrubbery lush ei�i for this hic�ly visible site. Said plan shall be in c�onformanoe with Xeriscape guidelines. 10. SArTITARY DISTRZCT The Sanitary District ooncerns of Awgust 13, 1991 regarding the existing pretreatment facility design star�dards, shall be oce�leted to the satisfaction of the District prior to it�lementation of the oonvenience mart. PASSID AND ADOPTID this 9th day of Sep�tember, 1991, at a regular meeting of the Planning Ccennnission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the follcxaing roll call vate: AYFS: oC�IISSIONIIZS: Austin, Fazekas, Mahoney, Mann and Chaizman Mackenzie NOFS : GC�IISSIONER.S : None ABSI'AIl�T: aC[�Il"BSSIONF�2S: None ABSFNI': OC[�Il�SSION�2.S: None ArI'1*ES"I' • APPFt�VID: c � Robert Cawan Mackenz e Chaizman Director of Ccennrnanity Devel�zt Cupextino Pl Ccermtission pc,�'esos/ 9u91