Reso 4353 C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O 10300 'Porre Avenue Gtiipertino, California 95014 FtESOLiTI'ION No. 4353 OF 'IHE F�NNIlJG OOrM�IISSION OF 'IHE CITY OF CUPF,RTINO R�C7�iDING ADOPI'ION OF TI� CI'IY OF CUPE�I'INO As c�r� i9.2i. oso �x Arm�mar z+o o�n�,rrc� Zao (i> , s�crzort ias z+o �ow Rarp,Tnlc s��s n� � �.x�sz (�2) � After due consideration of all evidence presented and based on upon the following findings, the Planning �ssion did determine that there is significant need to provide emergenc.y shelter as follaws: 1. The Plannirig Cca�nnission held a public hearirig for consideration of the adoption of an Ordinance Amer�nt on July 8, 1991. 2. Goverrnnent Code Se�-tion 65583 (c) (1) requires that local governments identify adequate emergency sheltex sites and transitional housing. 3. An Initial Study has been prepared on the Ordu�ance, as required by the California F�virornnental Quality Act. 1 Based upon the foregoing findings of fact, the Planning Coirnnission concludes that: 1. A Negative Declaration is appropriate as no significant environmental i�acts have bee.n identif ied to be associatecl with the proj ect which cannot be mitigated. 2. 'The Ordinance is oonsistent with State requiremexlts pert.aining to providing adequate sites for emergency shelters and transitional housing. 3. The proposed Ordinance will not be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of , the City. 4. Implementation of this Ordinance will contribute to c�liance with housing element law. i The Planning Carramission does hereby adopt a Resolution recan�mending the City Council adopt the attached Ordir�ance. � PASSID AND ADOPTID this 8th day of July, 1991 at a Regular Meeting of the Planning Co�unission of the City of C'upertino by the follvwing roll call vote: AYES: OON�IISSIONER.S: Austin, Fazekas, Mahoney, Mann, C�airntian Mackenzie NOES : C�SSIONIIZ.S : None AB.STAII�T: CJC�M�IISSIONERS: None ABSIIVT: f�OI�M+�SSIONg2S: None ATTFST: APPROVEa: � )� p e� �,- � �� Robext Cawan Do Mackenzie Director of Gomm�inity Development Cupertino Planning 'ssion peresos/rsbq