Reso 4335 1-U-91 1 C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O � 10300 Torre Avenue � Cupertino, California 95014 � RESOLZTrION No. 4335 OF Z� PIANNING �SSION OF � CITY OF CzJPII�TIl�TO APPROVIl�IG A USE P�T 'PO OPERATE AN AUICN�7Ir2VE R�AIl2 FACILITY WITf�T AN �STING 2,614 SQ.FT. BUIIDIlJG SF7GTION I: FINDINGS � ( Wf�E2EAS, the Planning Ccarnnission of the City of C�ertino reoeived an application for a Use Permit, as described on Page 2 of this Resolution; � and Wf�RE'AS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support said application.; and I WF�tEAS, the Plannirig Ccemnission finds that the application meets the following requirements: a) That the use or uses are in oonformance with the G�eneral Plan of ( the City of Cupertino. ' b) That the property involved is adequate in size and shape to aoc�odate the propo�.�ed use . c) Z�at the proposed use will not generate a level of traffic over and above that of the capacity of the existing street system. d) 'That the proposed use is otherwise not detrime�ltal to the health, ' safety, morals and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neic�borhood of such proposed uses, nor injurious to � property and improvements in the neighborhood. � NOW, ��ORE, BE IT FtFSC)LUID: � That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimorly and I other evidence su�enitted in this matter, the application for Use Permit is hereby r�nended for approval, subject to the cor�ditions which are � ernm�erated in this Resolution beginning on Page 2 thereof; and That the subconclusions upon which the findings and cor�ditions specified in this Resolution are based and contained in the Public Hearing record concerning Application 1-U-91 as set forth in the Minutes of the Planning Ca�nnission Meeting of April 8, 1991, and are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. Resolution No. 4335 (1-U-91) 04/08/91 ' Page -2- SDCrION II: PRO�TDC'I' DF�CRIP'I'ION Application No: 1-U-91 Applicant: Craia Baker ProPertY �wner: Frank Fratarcangeli I,ocation: 21680 Lamita Avenue SDCI'ION III: OONDITIONS ADN�TISTII2F� BY 7� PUBLIC Wt�RKS DEPA�Tr � 1. CCTLrDE-SAC DIDICATION The property owi�r shall dedicate to the City of Cupertino land to fulfill the Monte Vista Specific Plan cul-de-sac, plaru�ed for the front portion of said parcel. The dedication shall be cca�q�leted prior to oocupation of the buildirig. The dedication shall be provided in acoordarx-,e with City Standards and specifications and as required by the City �gineer. SECI'ION IV:OONDITIONS ADNBIVIS'1'II2ID BY Tf-� OOM�itJNITY DEVEIAPN�FI' DEPAR'Il�'I' 2. APPROVID E}�iIBITS The recwtnnendation of approval is based on Site Plan 1-A, dated revised April 1, 1991, except as may be ametxled by the Cor�ditions contained in this Re.solution. CITY IIIGINEF�2' S CF�I'IFTCATE OF ACC�TANCE OF II�TGIlIEER�IG� SUrRVEYING QONDITIONS (Sec.�tion 66474.10 CA. Gov't. Code) I hereby oertify that the erigineering and surveyinq oonditions specified in Section IV of this Resolution conform to generally accepted engineering practice.s . ______�= Travioe Whitten, Deputy Dir. Of Public Works . 3. NK)DIFTCATION OF APPROVID DEVELrJPN�Vr!' PLAN In the event that the applicant or subsequent property ownex shall desire to make any mi.nor changes, altexations or amex�nt of the approved development plan, a written request or revised develo�nt plan shall be sul�titted to the Director of Plannirig and Develo�anent. If the Director makes a findir�g that the char�ges are minor and do not result in a material affect upon the appearanoe or func,-tion of the project, said changes may be ce.rtified on the revised plan. If approval of said changes is withheld, the applicant may appeal to the Planning Co�nission. Resolution No. 4335 (1-U-91) 04/08/91 Page -3- If the Director finds that the requested changes are material, such changes shall be referred to the Planning Coanunission for approval. If the changes are denied by the Planning Co�rnnission, the applicant may appeal to the City Council as provided in City Ordinance No. 652. 4. MASO1�k2Y WALL A masonry wall shall be provided on the project�s �al bour�dary with the residentially zoned property South, The wall shall exterid the entire lerigth of the South property line. Said wall shall be at least six feet in height as measured fr�n highest adjo;ni*� grade. Zhe wall shall be painted to blend it with the buildirig. The oolor shall be approved by the Architectural & Site Appraval Cw�nnittee. 5. PAF2KII�1G Parking shall be prwided at a ratio of 1 space for every 450 gross square feet of buildirig area, with a mininnun of 6 on-site parking spaoes. No off-site parking is allvwed for enq�loyees ar vehicles being servioed at the shop. Vehicles beir�g stored on-site avernic�t shall be placed within the building. 6. I,AND.SCApE REVIEW The applicant shall suxanit a cxmq�rPhensive landsc,ape and irrigation Plan to the Archit.ectural and Site Approval Cca�unittee far review and approval. The applicant shall prwide drought resistent, mature planting material, ccm�atible with the Ci of tY Cupertino xeriscape Guidelines. The installation shall be prior to initiation of said Use Permit. 7. USE LINNBTATIONS The applicant is approved for a minor autcanotive repair shap, including: brake repair, tune ups, oil changes, electrical �rk, general maintenance and light engine repair. All repair aperations, air cwnpressor machinery and similiar devices shall be restricted to the interior of the building. The use of power tools shall not occur before 8:00 a.m. or after 5:30 p.m. Outdoor storage of parts, tools or supplies is prohibited. 8. LIC�iTING The applicant shall provide a lighting plan, with plotted ltnnaniare data, plotted by a lightirig consultant, for review and approval by the Architectural & Site Approval Co�nittee. The lighting should not intrude onto the adjoining properties South and West. The purpose of the lighting is the provide adequate light for the parkinq lot during business hours. Resolution No. 4335 (1-U-91) 04/08/91 Page -4- 9 . Zhe applicant shall provide a double rvw of oolored tiles araar�d the roofline. 'Ihe exact placeme.nt and oolor of both awning and tile to be approved by the Architectural and Site Approval Cc�unittee. Zhe installation of the tiles & awnings shall be vo�g�leted prior to ini tiation of the subject Use Permit. 10. G�2BAGE II�TCIASURE Zhe proposed location of the garbage bin naast be revieti�ed & approved bY 'the L�s Altos Garbage C.�mpany for aoc�ssability. If the bin is to be maved taward the street an enclosure moust be constructed to screen said can. The enclosure shall be constructed of concrete block material with a screened gated, The exact material type & location shall be approved by staff. il. GATE If future entrance gating is proposed. The placeme�zt, material type, color and conformance with Central Fire Department require�nts shall be reviewed and appraved by staff. 12. V:A.LIDITY UPON AN1�TF�{ATION The subject Use Pexmit shall beco��e effective upon the date on which annexation of the subject site to the City of GUpertino is certified, Business activity shall not coarnn�nce prior to that date. 13. BUILDING pII�1�'IIT � applicant snall work with the Building Departinent ar�d �e Central Fire District in obtaining building permits for the permanent closure of wir�dow openings along the south wall plane. PASSID AND ADOPTID this 8th day of April, 1991 at a Regular Meeting of the Plannirig CoQrunission of the City of Cupertino by the following roll call vote: AYE�s OONQ�LISSIONERS: Austin, Mahoney, Mann & C�airman Mackenzie NOES: aON�IISSIONER.S: Fazekas ABS'I'AII�T: UONIl`�IISSIONg2.S: ABSII�T: GONIl��SSION�2.S: AZ'T'F.�r: APPROVID: � / � ,�� , - el 1n� 41� R°b�,rt C�an Donald MacKenzie, irman Director of Co�ununity Development Cupertino Planning 'ssion pcxesos/1-U-91