Reso 4313 4-U-86 (Ame1'ided) C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O 10300 TORRE AVF3�TE CIJPII�'I''Il10, CAL�ZFORNIA 95014 RF�SOLUI'ION NO. 4313 OF � PLANNING �IISSION OF 'IHE CITY OF CUPF�2TIlJ0 R�OONIl�TDING APPI�OVAL OF A NIINOR EXTERIOR Cx�ANGES TO 'IHE APPROVID HO�I'EL BUILDING ELEVATIONS FIlVDINGS: 1. The Plannirig Cwrnnission f it�ds that the proposed deletion of top f loor guest rooQn balconies arrd elimination of lobby entrac�e skylights as described on the approved exhibits, constitute a minor amendment of the developanent approvals granted under Use Permit 4-U-86 (Am�x�ded). LONDITIONS l. APPROVID E?�iIBITS 'The approval is granted based on Sheets 2.2, 2.3, A5.1 (Rev. 12/90) and A6.1 (Rev. 12/90) of Use Permit 4-U-86 (Ame.nded). PASSID AND ADOPTID this 14th day of January, 1991 at a Regular Meeting of the Planning Ccmnnission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the follvwing roll call vate: AYES: �IISSIONERS: Fazekas, MacJcenzie, C�airman Claudy NOE:S : �SSIONIIZS : Marin ABSI'AIlJ: C�ONIl�SSIONF�2S: None ABSII�T: �SSIONER.S: Adams ATI'EST: APPR� . / / `� Robert Ccxaan � ohn Clau�dy, Chairn�an , Director of C.�mrunity Development Cupertino Planning GGarnnission G peresos/rso4u86