Reso 4288 15 U 90 C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RF50I�TI''ION No. 4288 OF Tf� PLANNING �M�IISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPF�1'Il�TO RDCX�Il�iDING APPRfJVAL OF A USE P�T TO R�OONSTRUCI' A 1,900 SQ. FI'. SERVICE STATION BUIIaING WITH RE�P,Il2 BAYS, . F'(.JEL��ING CANOPY WITH CASHIII2' S B00'I�i, AND AUIHORIZING 24 HR. OPII�ATION OF 'IHE FUEL►IrTG AFtEA S�CTION I • FIl�TDINGS W�S, the Planning Coatunission of the City of Cupertino received an a�lication for a Use Permit, as described on Page 2 of this Resolution; aryd Wf�2EAS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support said application; and W�E'AS, the Planning Co�unission finds that the application meets the following requirements: a) That the use or uses are in conformanc.e with the General Plan of the City of Cup�xtino, and are nat detrimexztal to existing uses or to uses specifically ��itted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. b) 'That the property involved is adequate in size and shape to aoocatmtodate the propoc.�ed use. c) ZY�at the proposed use will not generate a level of traffic over and above the 16 trip/acre PM peak hour standard specified in the F�traordinary Use Policy (Planning Cammission Reso. 2996). d) That the proposed use is otherwise not detrimental to the health, safety, peac�e, morals and general welfare of persons residing or workirig in the neic�borhood of such proposed uses, nor injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood. NOW, �+ORE, BE IT RE�OLUID: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidexx:e sukmitted in this matter, the application for Use Permit is hereby reo�xrled for approval, subject to the conditions which are enumerated in this Re.solution beginning on Page 2 thereof; and That the suboonclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this Resolution are based and contained in the Public Hearing record concerning Application 15 U 90 as set forth in the Minutes of the Planning Cotrnnission Meetirig of September 10, 1990, and are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. Resolution No. 4288 (15-U-90) 09/10/90 Page -2- SDCTION II. PI�OJflCI' DFSCRIPTION Application No.(s) 15-U-90 and 33-EA-90 Applicant Robert H. Lee & Assoc. Pro�pe,rty Owner Union Oil of California I�ocation Northwest corner of DeAnza Blvd. arid Bollinger Road USE P�T to reconstruct an existing sexvice station, with incxease of building area frwn 1,300 s.f. to 1,950 s.f. SEjC.TION III. OONDITIONS AI�iISI�2ID BY 'IHE PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR'I��1VT 1. STREEI' Street widening and dedication, if any, shall be provided as required by the City F�girieer. 2. C[JRB AND GCTI'I'F�t Curbs and gutters, sidewa]ks and related structures shall be installed in accordance with grades and staridards as specified by the City F�gineer. The sidewalk shall be configured in accordance with the Long Term Sidewalk Design appearing on Figure 1 of the So. De Anza Blvd. Conoeptual Plan, and shall include transitional section to adjoin the PXj stirig sidewalks on the adjacent propeYties to the north and west, the aligrmie.nt and materials of which shall be subject to the approval of the City E�gineer. 3. SI'RFEr LIG[�IrIlJG INSTALI,ATION Street lic�ting shall be installed as required by the City �gineer. Lighting fixtures shall be positioned so as to preclude glare arid other forms of visual interference to adjoining properties, and shall be no higher than the maxiirnnn heic�t permitted by the zone in which the site is located. 4. FIRE HYDRAIVT Fire hydrants shall be located as required by the City. 5. 'IRAF'FIC SIQJS Traffic oontrol signs shall be plac�d at locations specified by the city. R�solution No. 4288 (15-U-90) 09/10/90 Page -3- 6. S�I'R�r TREES Street trees st�all be planted within the Public Ric�t of Way ar�d shall be of a type appraved by the City in a000rdance with Ordinance 125. The final larxLscape plan shall ir�dicate the revised location of the existing street tree on the Southerly frontage. 7. G12�1DING Grading shall be subject to approval by the City �gineer in a000rdanoe with the City's Grading Ordinanoe. 8. DRAIl�E Drainage shall be pravided to the satisfaction of the City �gineer. 9. RETAINIl�iG i�LLS If retaining walls are required along the east property line, any existirig retaining walls shauld be repaired by the developer. 10. UIVDII�GROUND VI'ILITIFS The developer shall ocmnply with the requirements of the Underground Utilities Ordinanoe No. 331 and other related Ordinarx�es and regulations of the City of Cupertino, and shall 000rdinate with affected utility providers for installation of undergrourid utility devioes. The develc�er shall su�nit detailed plans shcywing utility ur�dergrotu�d provisions. Said plans shall be subject to prior approval of the affected Utility provider and the City �gineer. 11. AGRREQ�'IIIVT 'The project develop�r shall enter into an improvement agreement with the City of Cupertino providirig for payment of fees, including but not limited to checking and inspec.-tion fees, storm drain fees, park dedication fees and fees for undergrounding of utilities. Said agreement shall be executed prior to issuance of construction permits. 12. 'I�2ArTSFO�S I � Electrical transformers, telep�one vaults and similar above ground equipament enclosures shall be screened with fencing arrd landscapirig or located undergrourxl such that said equipment is not visi.ble from public street areas. CITY IIIGINEEE2' S CE�I'IFICATE OF ACCCF�TTAl�TCE OF IIJGIlJEE2Il�IG/SURVEYING CJONDITIONS (Sec.�tion 66474.10 CA. Gov't. Code) I hereby certify that the engineering and surveyirig conditions specified in Sec.�tion III of this Resolution conform to generally aocepted en5ineering Practioes. ► Js/ Travioe Whitten Travice Whitten, Asst. City �gr. R�solution No. 4288 (15-U-90) 09/10/90 Page -4- SF]CI'ION IV: UONDITIONS A�TIS�ID BY � C�NIl�1[JNITY DEVELlJPN�'r D�. 13. APPl�JVID �IIBITS The recc�m�er�d�ation of appraval is based on 5heet 1( 02 / 08 / 90 ), 5heet 2 (05/30/90), Sheet 3(06/05/90) 5heet 4(05/19/90), 5heet Lr10 � (02/08/90), except as may be ame.nded by the Conditions contained in this Resolution. 14. NlODIFICATION OF APPF2�VID DEVELrJPN�I' PLAN In the event that the developer or property cx�mer shall desire to make arly minor �es, alterations or amenchn�ent of the approved develop�nent plan, a written request or revised developmexit plan shall be sule�t�itted to the Director of Plannirig and Developanent. If the Director makes a findirig that the chariges are minor and do not result in a material affect upon the appearance or function of the project, said changes may be oertified on the revised plan. If approval of said changes is withheld, the applicant may appeal to the Planning Carnnission. If the Director finds that the requested c,hanges are material, such changes shall be referred to the Planning Connnission for approval. If the chaiiges are denied by the Planning Commission, the applicant may appeal to the City Council as provided in City Ordinance No. 652. If said changes are approved by the Planning Commission, an appeal may be made to the City Council by any interested party. Flirther, any Membex of the City Cowzcil may request a hearing before the City Cotulcil regardirig said approved chaYlges. Said request shall be made within ten (10) days fram the date of approval of said changes by the Planning C�unission. 15. PARI�IG The developer shall provide thirteen (13) parking spaces on site, ooanplying with City dim�nsional st.andards, and one space shall be sized and designated for handicapped persons' use. All vehicles parked on site, except those undergoing active refuelirig at the p�.mq� islar�d, and vehicles o�leting short-duration delivery of products and supplies, shall be placed within striped, on-site parking spaces. 16. USE T The subject Use Ppxmit authorizes construction and operation of an auto�notive fuel and minor repair station, with a servioe building not exoeedirig 1,900 s.f. in floor area. Ftiieling and sale of automotive products such as oil, fluids in apprapriate containers and small parts may be conducted on a 24 hour basis. Use of the repair bays, whether for service to the public or , for personal use by employees, shall not occur between the hours of 11:00 PM and 7:00 AM, inclusive. Resolution No. 4288 (15 U-90) 09/10/90 Page -5- 16. (Cor1t' d. ) �cterior display of inerchar�dise shall be limited to a small rac�c of oils and similar products on the ptm� islar�ds and adjoining the cashier's booth. Display of inerchar�dise, and placement of vending machines for disperLSing of beverages or similar products is limited to the area inside the surfaoe building only. Autoamotive repair shall be limited to those activities definecl as "minor" in Sec.�tion 4.1 of Ordinance 1344. 17. SF]CURITY Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall obtain apprwal frcan the City of a security plan to reduce potential for theft an�d robbery. Said plan shall be evaluated in 000peration with the Crime Prevention Unit of the 5heriff's Dept., and shall oonsist of the follc7wirig elements: 1) Require exact change for credit sales after 11:00 p.m. 2) Institute a prepayment system for gasoline sales after 11:00 p.m. 3) Avoid securing window areas with signs, merchandise, or tinted glass so as to preclude visibility of the cashier from passing police vehicles. 4) Installation of bullet resistant glazing. 5) Inclusion of an interior restroam. ( 6) Inclusion of an eme.rgerx.y shut-off switch. 7) Pravision of an internal floor safe. 8) Inclusion of a telephone. The develc�pex is also urged to install video surv+eillance cameras within the p�n� islarid area, especially in the cashier's booth j vicinity, and to include a floor mounted push button alarm system linked to a contract alarm monitoring ocm�any. 18. ASAC REVIEW Prior to issuanoe of building permits, the developer shall obtain ASAC approval of a final definitive architecture, landscapirig/irrigation, ar�d lighting plan. The irrigation plan shall be certified as axnplying with the City's xeriscape program. The lighting plan shall provide adequate security lic�ting arxl control offsite glare. The architectural plan shall include materials for the trash enclosure arid gate. ASAC should evaluate the site laridscaping and building architecture relative to the prop�sed Taco Bell Restaurant project at the northeast vorner of DeAnza Boulevard and Bollinger. The intent is to insure � harmony between the two projec.�ts, both of which will form a gateway into the city. The architecture of the service station should be b�ld ar�d unique, not a"starid,ard" design solution. ASAC has the authority to apprwe minor site changes to create � additional lar�dsc,aping depth in the corner landsc.apirig bed. 'The ASAC decision shall be appraved by City Council. Resolution No. 4288 (15-U-90) 09/10/90 Page -6- 19. SIC3�1 Pf�OGftAM The developer shall obtain ASAC approval of a sign program. Sign information ir�dicated on the appraved e�ibits is not approved. 20. SOILS ON CL�ARANCE Prior to issuanoe of building permits to oonstruct the i�rovements authorized under this Use Permit, the developer shall obtain a final letter of closure fran the Santa Clara Valley Water District, and other agencies with jurisdiction, certifying adequate remeciiation of existing soils oontamination c�onditions. The developer shall also be responsible to obtain all necessary permits to relocate the waste oil tank as indicated on sheet 1 of the approved e�ibits. 21. SIDEWALK EASII�1'I5 Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall obtain City approval of an appropriate easement allvwing for placement of a public sidewalk on private praperty. 22. IlIGRESS/D�S EASII�1'I'S The applicant shall record an apprapriate deed restriction and cavenant running with the land subject to approval of the City � Attorney, which shall pravide for reciprocal irigress and e�grPR� e.asements to and froan the adjoining site to the west. Said easements shall be recorded prior to beginning construction of the entitlements granted under this use ��;t. PASSID AND ADOP�I'ID this lOth day of September, 1990 at a Regular Nieeting of the Planning Cce�unission of the City of Cupertino by the following roll call vote: � AYFS: OCA��Il'�IISSIONII2S: Adams, Mann, Mackenzie, Fazekas, Chairman Claudy ' NOES : CJC�'Il�IISSIONF�2S : ABS"I'AII�1: CbNIl�IISSIONIIZS : ABSF��T: �Il�IISSIONIIZS: A'1'1'F.SI': APPROVID: �sf Robert cawan �s/ John claudy Robert Cc�wan John Claudy, Chairn�an Director of Co�rarn�nity Development Cup�stino Plannirig Commission � �resos/rso15u90 �