Reso 4274 13-U-90 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Z�arx'e Avernae Qipertino, Califomia 95014 ( RE907�T�I�1 NO. 4274 OF 'Ii� PL�ANNING GiCNMISSI�i OF � CITY OF CUPERTINO RE�70C�iDING A�PR�VAL OF A USE PF�'d�IIT 0�1 APPROXIl�TII,Y � .20 Q2fJSS AQ2E5 TO OOrTS'I��JGT A SIldGGL� FAIrIILY RFSID�rrAr. �� � SDGTIO�T I: FIlQDIlIGS WI�2EAS, the Planninq �annissiori of the City of Ctzpertino reoeived an applicatiori fo� a Use Ppxmit, as cie^.�cribed ori Page 2 of this Resoluti�; and WI�2EAS, the applicarYt has met the burden of proof required to svpport said applicatioa�. ; and W'�2EAS, tYye Plar�i.ng Canmissioaz fir�d.s that the applicatioai meets the i follc�wir�g : a) �at the use ar uses are in ooazformarioe with the G�eneral Plan of the � City of C1�ertir�o, ar�d are nat detr�mental to existing uses ar� to uses specifically permi.tted in the zo�ne in whic,h the p�c,��osed use is to be located. ' b) 'I3�at the p�vperty irrvolved is adequate in size ar�d shape to a�oormrodate the � use. c) �at the p�q�osed use will not generate a level of traffic over and abov+� that of the capacity of the existir�g street systeqn. d) 'Il�at the p��o�,�osed use is o�theYwise not detrimental to the health, safety, peaoe, morals ar�d general w�elfare of perso�LS residir�g or war�kir�g in the neic�bar�tiood of su�ch p�^apoe�ed uses, no�r injuriaus to ( p�aperty ar�d imp�ov�mems in the nei�r�ood. NOW, ��2E, HE IT RF�OLVID: That after careful oor�sideration of maps, facts, e�ibits 1& 2 dated March 28, 1990, testimorYy at�d o�ttye.r evidex�oe su�mitted in this matter� the aPPlication for Use P�ermit is heteby recamieryded for ap�aval, subject to the oonditions which are ernuneYated in this Resolution beginning on Page 2 thereof; ar�d 'IY�at the suboo��clusioc�s upon which the f ir�dir�gs ar�d oonditions s�pecif ied in this Resolutioa� are based arid ooaitained in the Public He�rir�g reoord vonoerning Applicatioai 13�J-90 as set faYth in the Minutes of the Plannir�g Oo�mission Meeting of July 9th, 1990, ar�d are inoorporated by referex�oe as thaugh fully set forth herein. Resolution No. 4274 (13-U-90) July 9, 1990 Page -2- II. P�TDGT D�I'IO�T i .'�p�plicatian 11o(s) : 1�pplicatio� No. 13�J-90 ApplicarYt: Terry Brvwn Cbnstruction Property Owner: Bobby ar�d Rita Bell IACation: 21771 Lcanita Paroel Area: .27 gross ac,res i SF�CIr10N III: QONDIfiIONS A�iISI�2ID BY TI� PUBLIC WC�RKS DEPAE�I 1. S'I'RF�,�I' WIDII�TIl�1G Street Widenir�g, it�rvveqnents ar�d dedications shall be p�avided in a000rdar�oe with City Star�dards and specif ications ar�d as required by the City F3�gineer. 2. C;[JRB AND G�TITII2 C�,irbs ar�d gutters, sidewalks arid related stru�tures shall be installed in aa�ordanoe with grades ar�d star�dazds as specified by the City E�gineer. 3. S'I'REET LIC��I'Il�TG INSrAI�ATION Street lic�tir�g st�all be installed ar�d shall be as app�roved by the City IIigirieer. Lighting fixti.ires shall be positioned so as to p�eclude glare aryd ather forn�s of visual interfern.noe to a,djoining p�ro�perties, arid shall be no hic�zer than th�e maxinwn heic�t permitted by the zo��e in which the site is located. 4. FIRE HYDRAN'I Fire hydrants shall be located as required by the City. 5. TRAFFIC SIGNS Traffic oontrol signs shall be plaoed at locati�s �pecified by the City. 6. S'I'REEr TRF�ESS Street trees shall be platrt.ed within the Public Right of Way ar�d shall be of a type app�oved by the City in aoo�rdanoe with Ordinanoe 125. 7. Q2ADIlJG GYading shall be as approved ar�d required by the City II�girieer in aocordanoe with Ordinarzoe 125. Resolutian No. 4274 (13-TJ-90) July 9, 1990 Page -3- 8. D�2AIIJP,GE ( Drait�ac�e shall be p�ovided to the satisfactiori of th�e City �g��r. 9. UND� iTI�LI'I'IF5 'The develcyper shall c�a�ly with the requireaments of the Ur�dergr•our�d � Utilities Ordinarr�e No. 331 and ather related Ordinanoes ar�d regulations of the City of GL�pertino, arid shall 000mdinate with affectsd utility p�c�viders far� installatioaz of utility clevioes. 'IYve c�evelaper shall ► sukmit cletailed plans shvwing utility provisions. Said plans st�all be subject to priar approval of the affec�ted Utility p�ovider ar�d the City F��gineer. 10. DEVELDF�Nr AGRE�]T The p�oject develaper stsall erit,er irYto a c�velo�pment agre�ment with the City of Gtiipertino p�ovidir�g fo� payment of fees, includir�g but nat limited to checJcing and inspec�tion fees, st,arm drain fees, park dedicatio�n fees aryd fees far u�r�derc�ounding of utilities. Said agreeqnent shall be ex�ecuted � p�io� to issuar�oe of co�struc�ti� permits. i 11. Z�2ANSF�Fd�2S Electrical transform�ers, telephone vaults ar�d similar above grau�d equiPment er�closures shall be screex�ed with fencing at�d larx�scaping ar' � located s�ych that said equipmexYt is nat visible fram public street areas. QTY F�IGINEQ2' S C�RTIFICATE OF A�7CE�TANCE OF IIJGIlVEQtIl�1G/S�JRVEYING aONDITIONS (Sectiaal 66474.10 CA. Gav't. C7ode) I hereby certify that ttle ex�gineerir�g arid surveying vor�ditions specified in Sectioai III of this Resoluti� confarm to generally aooe�t.ed er�gineering practioes. /s� Travive �itten Travioe �itten, Asst. City ��gr. SDCI'ION IV: QOI�]DIZ'IO�TS A1�KIN'ISI�2ID BY ZI� QONII�IUNIZ'Y DEVEfAPi�fr D�AR�1T 12. AP�VID �IIBITS �e reoonmerrdati� of app�oval is based ��ibits, Site Plan, ar�d Elevatiw�s, dated March 28, 1990. Resolution No. 4274 (13 U-90) July 9, 1990 Page -4- 13. I�DIFICATION OF AF�'PRpVF� DE'VECAP1�Tr PLAN .i In the event that the applicant os subseque.nt property vwner shall desire to mak,e arry minar� changes, alteratio�s or amerrhnent of the app�oved develo�ament plan, a written requ�est ar revised develo�pment plan shall be suiznitted to the Direct.or of Planning ar�d Develo�pm�nt. If the Direct:or makes a f irrdinq that the c3�anges are minar� ar�d do nat result in a material , affect upon the appearar�oe ar� func�tioai of t��e project, said chai�ges may be oertified on the revised plan ar�d/or sent to the Archit�ectural arid Site App�o�val Oanmittee fo� review and approval. If approval of said c�ariges is withheld, the applicant may appeal to the Planning Cc�m,ission. � If the Direc.�tar� firyds that the requested c�ariges are matexial, such chai�ges shall be referred to the Plannir�q C7csmnission for ap�roval. If the changes are denied by tY�e Plannir�g Ccn�nission, the applicarYt may apneal to the City Ca�u'cil as p�ovic�ed in City Ordinanoe No. 652. If said d�ar�ges are app�oved by the Plannir�g oamnissio�, an appeal may be made to the City Oau�cil by arYy interested party. F1�ther, arry Member of the City Oc�u�cil may request a hearing before the City C�ouncil r�egardir�g said appraved c�anges. Said request shall be made within ten (10) days fran the date of app�val of said char�ges by the Plannir�g Da�ai.ssio�n. 14. ON-SI'I'E Z�tEES Any �-site trees which are required to be removed due to devel�7t of the residenoe mast be identified oai th�e developnent plan at�d a tree re�av permit obtained. PASSID AND ADOPTID this 9th day of July, 1990 at a Regular Meeting of the Planning �annission of the City of Gt�ertino, State of California, by the follaairig roll call vat.e: AYFS: oCN�IISSI�S: Adams, Mann, Fazekas, Mackenzie, Chr. Claudy NOES: OCN�IISSIONERS: None ABSTAIl�i: OCI�T�IISSIO[�iF�2.S: Na��e ABSII�Ir: aC[�T�IISSI�S: Na��e A'1'I'F�I': APP�D: / s/�bert �ran / s f Jahn claudy Robert ovwan Jd�n Claudy, Chairman Direc,�tor of dannmity D�velopment C�rtino Planning Canrmission peresos/Y'so13U90