Reso 4273 4�Il�I-90 C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O 10300 'Ibrre Avenue Cxipertino, California 95014 RFSOIZT!'ION No. 4273 OF � PZANNING aCi�M�IISSION OF � CITY OF CCJPF�E2TIl�10 A�G A PARC� Ng�P TO S�JBDNIDE 0.98 AC�2ES Il�I�O � LOr!'S MEAS[JRIldG .33 AND .38 AQ2F5 SDGTION I: F"Il�DIlJG.S WI�2EA..S, the Plannir�g Oa�nnis.sion of th�e City of Gt�ertino reoeived an application for a Tent.ative Subdivision Map, as described on Page 2 of this Resolution; at�d WI�2EAS, th� neoessary public natioes have been given as required by the subdivision ar�d Procedural Ordinv�oes of the City of Cupertino, and the Planning Ccs�amissio� has held at least one Public Hearir�g in regard to the applicatioaz; ar�d WI�2FAS, the Plannir�g Canmission finds that the application meets the follvwirig requiremerits: a) 'I�at th�e proi�osed subdivi.sion map is oonsistent with the City of Ctipertino General Plan and ariy applicable S��ecific Plan. b) That the design or in�rovement of the pro�osed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan ar�d arYy applicable S'pecific Plan. c) That the site is physically suitable for the type ar�d intensity of develap�c�exYt oont�nq�lated w�der the approved subdivision. d) 'IY�at th,e design of the subdivision or the prq�osed in�ravemexits are nat likely are nat likely to cause substantial erYVirorm�ntal damage nor substantially arid avoidably injure fish ar�d wildlife or their habitat. e) That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements as.sociated therewith are nat detrimental to the health, safety, peaoe, morals ar�d general woelfare of persons residing or w�orkirig in the vicinity of the subdivision. f) That the d�esign of the subdivision ar�d its associated im�rovements will nat conflict with easements avquired by the public at large for aooess t��rax,� or use of property within the prc��osed subdivision. NC7W, �ORE, BE IT RF�OL�IID: That upon careful oonsideration of maps, e�i.bits, facts, testimony ar�d other evidenoe suhnitted in this matter, the application for Tentative Stiibdivision Map is hereby recoa�uner�ded for approval, subject to the conditions ernm�erated in this Resolution be�ginnir�g on Page 2 thereof ; ar�d Resolution No. 4273 (4-'II�i-90) 07/09/90 , Page -2- BE IT FiTRZ4�R RE50L�7FD: That the subconclusions upon whic� the firydirigs aryd cor�ditions specified in this Resolutio� are based are oo�itained in the Public H�earing R�ec�ord �oncerning Application 4�Il�I-90, as set farth in the Miriutes of the `��� ��' Pl��l �i-ssioa� Meeting of Jul 9 1990 ar�d are �rporated by referenoe as tl�ougti fu].ly set forth herein. � , SE�GZ'ION II. PRQTDCT L1ATp, Applicatioal No. (s) 4-'II�90 and lO-EA-90 Applicarit Ddw�d M. Giuliani ��Y �r' Alioe l�uth Norman Location North of adi aoexit to the sa�therlY termun�s of L�land Way SDCI'ION III. QONDITIOPIS A�TISI�2ID BY � PUB�IC WbRKS D�AF�3�TI' 1. SrR�I' WIDII�IING Street widening, impr+ov�ments and dedicatioa�s shall be provided in a000rdanoe with City Standa�ds and specifications ar�d as required b�, the city E�gineer, 2. C'SJRB AND G'tTI'I'II2 g C�arbs ar�d gutters, sidewalks and related structures shall be installed in aocordar�oe with grades arid stat�dards as specified by the City �gineer. 3. S'I12EET LIC�iI'ING INSTAI�L�ATION Street lic�tir�g shall be installed and shall be as appravecl by the City E�gineer. Lightir�g fixtures shall be positioned so as to preclude glare ar�d other forms of visual interferenc� to adjoinirig Prc�eY'ties, and shall be no higher than the maxim�un height permitted by the zone in which the site is located. 4. FIRE HYDRANr Fire hydrarrts shall be located as required by the City. 5. SrREEr Z�tg� Street trees shall be planted within th�e Public Ric�t of Way ar�d shall be of a tYPe aPprov+ed by the City in acoordanoe with Ordinanoe 125. and shall be subject to p,SAC review in oonjunction with Cbr�dition 20 of this Resolution. Said street trees shall be generally oca��atible with the site's hillside setting. Ftesolution No. 4273 (4-�IM-90) 07/09/90 Page -3- 6. C�Fi�pIIJG Gradir�g shall be as approved by the City FY�gineez in acoo�anoe with Ordinanoe 125. The City �gineer shall approve the pavement surfaoe tYPe arid t.exture for the private driveway in conjurx.-tion with the i�rov+ement plans. Paroel 1 shall be limited to a sir�qle pad as depic.-ted on the approved 'I�entative Map. 7. DRAIl�GE Drainage shall be p�ovic�ed to the satisfactioai of the City F�giriee,r, Zhe subdivider shall be required to participate in the avquisition ar�d impravement oosts for arry offsite sewoer oo�nection to provide storm drain servive to the Paroel Map area. The drainage system shall also include appropriate measures to dissipate storm water energy before it enters Uplat�d Way. , ar�d to prevent averflow of storm water orito the fill slc�e at the sazt,hw�esterly edge of Paroel 1. 8. UND�LnVD LTI'ILITIFS The develo�per shall ocet�ly with the ' of the Urydergrotuxl Utilities Ordinanoe No. 331 and ather related Ordir�anoes ar�d regulations of the City of Cupertino, and shall 000�dinate Wi� affect�ed utility groviders far installation of ur�dergra.u�d utility devioes. Zhe develc�r shall sukmit detailed plans showitig utility w�derg�'aw�d pravisions. Said plans shall be subject to prior approval of the affected Utility pravider and the City �gineer. 9 . p,C�2�fr 'Ihe Proj ect dev+elcyper shall enter into an agreement with the City of �p�tino Pro'�idir�g far' paYment of fees, includir�g but nat liunited to checkir�g and inspec,'ti� fees, starm drain fees, park dedication fees and fees for ir�g of utilities. Said agreem�nt shall be executed priar to issuai�oe of oonstruction permits. 10. 'IRANSFOFd�2.S Electrical transfo�mers, telephone vaults aryd similar above gra�uxl equipnent enclosures shall be sare�ned with fencir�g ar�d landscapixig or located such that said equipment is nat visible frwn public street areas, il. in�,Tgt LINFS 'I'he develaper shall install water lines ar�d appurte,nanoes to the sati.sfaction of the City Etlgineer, ar�d the water utility servicing the area. The develaper shall enter irYto an a�ent with the appropriate water utility for water servioe to the subject develqsnent. . Resolution No. 4273 (4-�I-90) Page -4- 07/09/90 12. SANI'T�1Ry g�� The subdivider shall pro�vide to the ���y on site ar�d off site ��� �1��' Dist�'ict all ts ar�d ease�ents prior to �l�rY s�woe,r s�rvice connection reoordation of the final map, 13. GDpIAGy Additional geo�technical studies �1 }� develop detailed desi ��leted on Paroel 1 to walls, driveways, ��O�eridations for foundations, retaininq stabilizatioaz �� ����� Pa��e,nt and land,slide , as described in the City Geol ist�s 1 20, 1990 and May 23, 1990. �� o f � � of Ap�'il it�vestigations shall be approved g�nical is.suanoe of building Permits ar �� o f l � �� PY'ior to gradin9• CITY IIJGIl�II2�S CF�I'IFICATE OF �1�TANCE OF FNGINEF�tIlVG�gC1�VE'YING ODNDITIONS (Sec.�tion 66474.18 CA. Gov�t, �e) � h � � IfY that � encJineering and surveyin9 conditions specified en9ineerin9 P�aactioes. �SOlution oonform to generally acoePt,ed ���_� Zravioe Whitten, Asst. city �, S �I� �• QONDITIONS ACI�VI�ID D�ART�!' BY TI� OC�Il�IUNI'I,Y DEVELOPMIIV�r 14. Appl�OVVFF.0 F�HIBITS T� reoc�nnexidatiori of appraval is }�ased �� Tentative Map 03/O1/90, of applicatiorl 41�g� ��it labeled �� bY � conditio�s contained in this Resolution. �� as may be 15. N�DIFICATION OF App�p� Dg�pp� � � � e � �t �e applicant or subse d � develapme t � �� � altera ti�ons ar��amer�t of the Plan shall be p • written request or revised devel If the Direc,�tor n�ak�e.s a f� the Director of Plannirig and Develc�xnentt result in a material � f��,-t� that tne c�arges a� �. � ao riott Pro7�, said �� a �r� ar' �tion of the �riP�l of �,��J� may be certified on the r�vised plan. If Planninq C�nnission.��es is withheld. an applicant may appeal to the If the Direct,or finds that the �4�s s�hall be referred to the P �� are material, such the chariges ar� ��9 �nission for 1. If denied by the PlannirXl pc�nissio� � aPP� applicant ma aPi� to th,e City �il as prvvided in CitY Ord �irtiznoe No. 652 . y Resoluti� No. 4273 (4- Page -5- 07/09/90 If said c�ar�qes are app�ovec� },� � pl�� �ission, an be mac�e to the City c7au�cil by arYy ' aP�l maY MembFr of the City Cau�cil may request a h�� �� anY O�il recJardir�g said � before the City within ten 10 da ���es. Said request shall be made Pl �) Y5 frc�► the date of appraval of said char�ges b�, the �9 �nissian. 16. FIRE SAFEIy �e subdivider shall install an approved fire hydrant betw�een both Par'oel in a000mdanoe with City s�ecificati�s in oo�sultatioaz with CEU. 17. FIIdCING Fencing shall be restric�ted in a �°rdanoe with Folicy 5-10 of the General Plan to facilitate animal migration. The p�ro7ect s�all also cc�q�ly with solid fencing restrictions stated in Sec.�tioaz 12 of th,e RE�S Zoning district. 18. aOVII�iPfr RDGARDING GDOIOGIC HrAZARps 'I�e subdivider shall reoord a covenant on each lat to be transferred inf°nnir�g future lat purchasers of the existe.nce of geologic hazard.s ���rea. ancl additionally, that special development regulations aPP � any vo�ion on the lot. 19. SIAPE DII�TSITY CRIDIT Application of the apprapriate slape density fornaila results in a total yield of 2 dwellings far the site. Slvpe density c,rec�it frcan �Y SP�ific lat or grc�up of lots cannot be transferred. The applicant may adjust prc�pertY li.n�, subject to CitY apprvval, if said action will nat create additional c�w�ellings. A cavenant running with the lar�d in favor of the City as app�aved by the CitY Attorney shall be reoorc�ed to ensure �lianoe with the regulations p�ohi.bitinq transfer of slepe density dwoellir�g unit cx'edit. 20. Q2ADING REVIEW BY IANp6CApE �� A registered land.scape architec.-t shall review gradinq plans and shall sukmit a plan to prevent soil erosion ar�d visually screen extensive cut ar�d fill areas. Th,e intent of the visual screen is to soften gradinq scars. A 100� scx'eenir�g effect is riot renuir�, � Re��olution No. 4273 (4�Il�I-90) 07/09/90 Page -6- 21. 'I�2EE �'F�0►I'DGTION The subdivider st�all ur�dertake the follawi.ryg actions in regard to preserving the existir�g specimen ttees on Paroel One: A) Irxlicate on the f inal map shall the location of a visual e.asement in favor of the City to ensure preservation of the three westerlymost pine trees. Zienns of the easement shall be specified in a separate instnunent to be recorded simultarieotLSly with said final map. The actual oonfiguration of the easements on each lot shall be established based on the surveyed location of each tree, and the surveyed extent of the tree canopy. Public utility cc�anies shall not be allaaed to trench in the designated eas�zt area nor shall they be allowed to place wires above the trees ar�d within the easement . B) Remr�ve the existiryg Silk Oak tree. C) I�lement me.asures to control disea_se ar�d insec.�t infestation as de_scribed in the consulting arborist's report of 04/10/90 prior to reoording the final map. D) Post a$10,000 bond for each pine speci.men to be retained throuc�i ' construction, and retuY to the subdivider upon resale of Paroel 1 or upon cacipletion of oonstruction and verification that said trees have been adec��ately protected. Subsequent purchasers of Parcel 1 may remove all other trees execpt those placed within the designated visual easement. 22. YARD DEE'Il�ITIONS Bec,ause of the peculiar shape of Paroel 1 dictated by the aligrm�zt of Upland Way, yard areas are defined as follows: 1. Front yard: measured along the entire margin of Upland Way. 2. Rear yard: measured frcen the mutual bour�dary separatirig Paroel 1 ar�d Paroel 2. 3. Side yard: measured alor�g the easterly property line. PASSID AND ADOFI'ID this 9th day of July, 1990, at an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Planning Cxenumissio�n of the City of Clipertino, State of California, by the follvwiryg roll call v�ote: AYFS: oCNIl�IISSIONIItS: Adan�s, Mann, Fa2aeka.s, Mackenzie, Chr. Claudy NOES : aG1Nd�IISSION�t.S : None ABSrAIl�T: aCt�M�SSIONFRS: None ABSII�T: OC�IISSIONERS: None ATI'F�T: ���: /s/ Robert Cowan /s/ John Claudy Rc�bert Cowan John Clatr�y, Q�airtnan Director of Oc�u�ity Develcypn�ent Ctiipertino Plannir�g Ca�anission peresos\rso4tm90 .. --