Reso 4261 ' 6�IIK-90 C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O 10300 'Ibrre Avenue Ct�ertino, California 95014 RFSO?�JI'ION No. 4261 OF � PZANNING aC�IISSION OF � CIZ'Y OF CCTPF�TIl�10 RF70�NDING p►PPRp�TAL OF TIIVTATIVE NIlo,p 'I�0 S'UBDIVIDE A 0.98 AQ2E PAFtC.',E[� II�fIO 'IW� L�7I5 II�TOC�ASSING 20, 900 S. F. AND 21, 700 S. F. RF�PDCI'IVELY SDGTION I: FINDINGS WI�2EA..S, the Plannir�g Cce�anission of the City of C�pertino received an application for a Tentative S�bdivision Map, as de_scribed on Page 2 of this Resolution; ar�d WF�2FAS, the necessary public natioes have been given as required by the subdivision and Prooedural Ordinanoes of the City of Cupertino, and the Plannir�g Oatamission has held at least one Public Heari.rig in regard to the application; and � WF�tE'AS the Pl Ccernnission firrls that the a licat' , annu�g pp ion meets the follvwing requirements: a) That the pro�osed subdivision map is consistent with the City of Cupertino Gexieral Plan. b) That the design or i�rovement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan ar�d ariy applicable S�ecific Plan. c) That the site is physically suitable for the type ar�d intensity of ( development cont�lated under the approved subdivision. d) 'Ihat the design of the subdivision or the praposed improvements are not likely are not likely to cause substantial envirornnental damage nor substantially ar�d avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. , e) That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvemetzts as��ociated therewith are nat detrimental to the health, safety, peaoe, morals ar�d general w�elfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity of the subdivision. f) Z3�at tt�e design of the subdivision and its as.sociated i�rwements will r�ot conflict with easements aoquired by the public at large for aooess thraugh or use of pro�erty within the prc�osed subdivision. NCx�1, ��ORE, BE IT RF50LUID: ► That ug�on careful consideration of maps, e�i.bits, facts, testimony and other evidenoe sutmitted in this matter, the application for Tentative S�bdivision Map is hereby reocarnnerrled for approval, subject to the coryditions ernnnerated in this Resolution beginning on Page 2 thereof ; and � � Resolution No. 4261 (6 04/25/90 Page -2- BE IT FL��2 RF50L�7ID: That the subc�onclusions upon which the f it�dirigs and cor�ditions specif ied in this Resolution are based are o�ritained in the Public Hearing Record conoerniriq Applicati� 6-�IM-90, as set farth in the Mirrutes of the Regular Ad7a�r�ed Planninq �nmission Meeting of April 25, 1990, and are irioorporated by referenve as tha� fully set farth herein. SDCTION II. PR�T�C'Z' LIATA Applicatio�► No (s) : 6-ZM-90 ar�d 12-EA-90 Applicant: William c�ier�erich Property Owner: william (�er�gerich I,ocation: Northwesterly termirrus of Liridy Iane SFXTION III. 00NDITIONS AII�TISI�2ID BY THE PUBLIC WC�RKS D�A� 1. GE2ADING Grading shall be as approved ar�d required by the City �gineer in acoardanoe with Ordir�noe 125. Gradirig for the joirit driv�.way shall result in a nat�aral appearing driveway. 2. D�RAIl�GE Drainage shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City �gineer. 3. LAVD�ID UIZLITIF� The develc�er shall ocnQly with the requiremeizts of the Ur�dergroLU�d Utilities Ordinanoe No. 331 ar�d other related Ordinances and regulations of th,e City of C�perti.no, ar�d stlall 000rdinate with affectsd utility providers for installatian of wzdergra�u�d utility devioes. 'The clev+elc�er shall sukmit c�etailed plans showing utility pro�visions. Said plans shall be subject to prior appraval of the affec,�ed Utility prwider ar�d the City IIzgineer. 4 . AG12EII�g1�Tr T��e p�oject developex shall enter irito an agreement with the City of C�ertir�o p�widir�g for payment of fees, including but not limited to c��eckit�q at�d inspectioa� fees, storm drain fees, park dedication fees ar�d fees far� of utilities. Said agreement shall be executed p�iar to issuanoe of co�str�ctioai permits. 5. 2�2ANSF�O�iS Electrical transformers, teleghone vaults and similar above grow7d � equipmellt enclos�es s�l�all be screened with fencir�g and lar�c]scaping or located w�dergramd such that said equipoment is nat visi.ble froan public street areas. Resolutio� No. 4261 (6�II�90) 04/25/90 Page -3- 6. DIDICATI�T OF S�,'I'gt LINFS Z3�e develapPS shall dedicate to the City all waterlines and appurt�nar�oes installed to City Star�dards ar�d shall reach an agreement with Reglin Mutual Water Co. water servioe to the subject development. 7. SAI�Tl'�PiRY S�S Zhe p�aperty shall apply to the C'tipertino Sanitary District for sanitary sew�er servive prior to suhnittal of the final map. 8. GD�IIJGY Additional geotechnical studies shall be voa�q�leted on Parcel 2 to develap detailed d�e.sign reooa�ener�d�atiw�s for frnu�dations, retaining walls, driveways, drainage it�rov�ements, pavement ar�d slabs on grade. ZY�e patential for future slvpe instability shall be addressed, ar�d detailed mitigati�► plans shall be p�aared as neoes.sary. Remov�al of unstable t.a�soil, as recat�neryded in the 03/12/90 report of JCP, shall be ocmpleted simultaneaLSly with oonstniction i�rovemerits. Results of the supple�ne.ntal geotechnical irrvestigations shall be appraved by the City �gir�eer prior to issuanoe of building permits or � t of grading. 9. �D N�iIl�frII�NCE AiGREF�IV'I' A reciprocal mairitenanoe agreeqnent shall be required for all parcels which share a vamroaz private drive or private roadway with one or more ( ather paYnels within the tract. Said ac�eement shall be recorded in oonjunction with reoordation of the final map, ar�d shall be subject to prior appraval as to farm and oontent by the City Attorney. � 10. FVI[7RE ROAi�,Y A�LTISITION The subdivider shall reoord a oavenant with the final map obligatirig I future property vwners to p� in the cost of aoquisition and im�r�ove�nent of a public roadway voa�t�ec,�tir�g the subject subdivision to Lindy Iane if such actioal is initiated by th,e City at a future time. Donter►t and form of said oovenarYt shall be subject to approval of the � City Attort�y before reoordation. The City may require construction of said public roadway at such time as five or more prc�erties are obligated to participate in the oost of such in�rovement. The subject lication co�u�ts far twe such obli ted ies. �'P 4a P� 11. REI'AINING i�LZ P'LACII�l�Nr � 'TY�e retaining wall on Paroel 2 shall be located such that no ooatq�onent � th�ereof er�roaches upon adj aoent Pro�e�'tY oper . The devel is enoaaraged to locate said retainir�g wall to the �slope side of the � �i��y � m; n; m; ze visibility t�hereof to adj oinirig properties ar�d to rech�oe surct�arge loadir�g. Final configuration of said wall shall be I subject to apprvval of the City �gineer. I Resolutiari No. 4261 (6-ZM-90) 04/25/90 Page -4- CI'I'Y ENGINEII2' S CQtTIFIrATE OF AOC�TArTCE OF FSTGIlIF.FRIl�TG/SURVEYING QONDITIONS (Se��tion 66474.18 CA. Gov't. Code) I hereby oertify that the er�gineering and surveyir�q ooriditions specif ied in Secti� III of this Resoluti� oonfarm to generally aooepted �9�� P�ctioes. ! Travioe i�itten, Asst. City �gr. SF7CTIaIJ IV. O�NDITIONS AI�IIS�ID BY 'IHE OC7�'IlKUNITY DEVELfJPN�Fr D�AFt�Tr 12. AP'P1�3VID �LIBI'I'S The reoam�e.nd�atioal of appraval is ba.sed on the e�ibit labeled �entative Map, November, 1989, of application 6JII�I-90, exoept as may be amer�ded by the cor�ditions oontained in this Resolution. 13. N1�DIFTCATION OF APP�VID DEVIIAPN�fr PL�N In the event that the applicant or subsequent Pro�ertY vwner shall desire to make arYy minor changes, alterations or amer�nent of the apprwed devel� plan, a written request or revised developme�lt i plan shall be suxmitted to the Director of Planning ar�d Develc�►nt. If the Director makes a fir�dinq that the changes are minor ar�d do nat result in a material affect upo�l the appearanoe or function of the project, said c�v�ges may be oertified on the revised plan. If apprwal of said chariges is withheld, an ap�licant may ap�peal to the Plannirig C�ennissio�►. If th�e Directar fir�d.s that the requested changes are material, such c�anges shall be referred to the Plannir�g �ission for appraval. If the c�atx�es are denied by the Plannit�g �atamission, the applicant may appeal to the City �il as provided in City Ordinanoe No. 652. If said d�anges are approved by th�e Plannirig c7caramission, an appeal may be made to the City Cauicil by atzy ir�terested party. Flarther, ariy Me.mber of the City �il may requ�est a hearing before the City C�uncil regardir�g said appraved char�ges. Said request shall be made within ten (10) days frcem the date of appraval of said changes by the Planning C7oa�nission. � 14. OFF SI'RF�T PARE�IG Four (4) aitdoar parkir�g spaoes shall be pravided on Parcel 2 in addition to tw�o ( 2) enclosed garage spaoes to oo�nper��ate for the lack of public street garkir�g. Resolution No. 4261 (6JIM-90) 04/25/90 Page -5- 15. FIRE SAF'ETY Class "B" or better roof material shall be provided on all structures. An approved NFPA 13 D residential automatic fire sprinkler system thro�zout any future residence construated on Parcel 2 shall be prwided withaut listed exceptions. 16. FF�TCING Fencing shall be restrict:ed in aoc�rdarice with Policy 5-10 of the General Plan to facilitate animal migration. This require.n�alt shall not allo�w more solid fencing than that allvwed by the RHS zoning district. PASSID AND ADOPTID this 25th day of April, 1990, at an Adjourned Regular Meetirig of the Plannirig Ccgnnnission of the City of Cup�rtino, State of California, by the follcywing roll call vote: AYFS: C�SSIONII2S: Mann, Fazaeksa, Adams, Mackenzie, C�r. Claudy NOES: �SSIONIIZS: None ABS'I'AII�T: OC[�Il�IISSIONIIZS: None ABSIIVT: C7C�SSIONII2S: None ATI�'.SI': APPI�JVID: �s/ Robert Cowan js/ John �laudy Robert Cc�aan John Claudy, Chairman Director of Ooirnrnxnity Develop�ne.nt Cupertino Planning Connnission � pere.sos\rso6tm90 1 � I 1 1 �