Reso 4260 18-�IM-89 C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O 10300 'Ibrre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 I RFSOIZTrION No. 4260 OF � PLANNING OCI�SSION OF Z� CITY OF GUPII7I'Il�10 RDOC�IDING A�'P�OVAL OF TF�ITATIVE N�,P Z�0 S'�7BDIVIDE A 0.98 I ACRE PARCQ� INI�O THI2EE 71yI'S RAI�TGING IN SIZE FR�i 1.1 TO 1.7 ACRFS I SDCTION I: FIl�iDIlJGS �FAS, th�e Plannir�g C7anrmission of the City of CX�ertino received an application for a�e.ntative S�abdivision Map, as described on Page 2 of this Resoluti�; ar�d Wfm2E'AS, the r�eoessary public natioes have been given as rc�� i red by the subdivision and Prooedural Ordinai�oes of the City of G�ertino, and the Plannirig Cxmaission has h�eld at least one Public Hearing in regard to the applicatioal; ar�d WI�EAS, the Plannir�g C3carnnission firids that the application meets the follvwir�g requirements: ( a) Zlzat the pro�osed subdivision map is consistent with the City of CUpertino General Plan and ariy applicable Specific Plan. b) That the design or i�r�we�ment of the prc��osed subdivision is oo�.sistent with the C�eneral Plan ar�d any ap�licable Specific Plan. c) That the site is physically suitable for the type and inten.sity of I development vontem�lated ur�der the approved subdivision. d) 'Il1at the design of the subdivision or the prvposed improvemeilts are nat likely are not likely to cause substantial ernirorm�ental d�m�age nor substantially ar�d awidably injure fish ar�d wildlife or their habitat. � e) ZY�at the desic� of the subdivisian or the type of impravements as��ociated th�erewith are not detrimental to the health, safety, peaoe, mar�als arid general w�elfare of persons residing or �rking in the vicinity of the subdivisio�. f) 'Ihat the design of the subdivision ar�d its as��ociated improvements will nat c�onflict with e.ase�ments ac�quired by the public at large for aooess thraigh or use of praperty within the propo�ed subdivision. NOW, 'I��tEF�RE, BE IT RF50LUID: That upon careful oonsideration of maps, exhibits, facts, testim�ny and vther evidenoe su�mitted in this matter, the application for 'Pentative Stiibdivision Map is hereby reoatamended for appraval, subject to the corxli.tions ernnnerated in this Resolutio�► beginning on Page 2 thereof ; and Resoluti� No. 4260 (18�II�I-89) 04/25/90 Page -2- BE IT �LA7ii�R RE50LUFD: � 'That the suboonclusions upon which the firydir�gs ar�d conditions specified in this Resolutioai are based are contained in the Public Hearing Reoord oonoernir�g Applicati� 18- as set forth in the Minutes of the �d7�urned Regula�' Plannir�g Cc�nission Meet�r�g of April 25, 1990, ar�d are ' incorporated by refere.noe as � fully set forth herein. I SDGTION II. PRQTDCT OATA Application No (s) : 18JII�i-89 ar�d 42-FA-89 Applicarit: Larrv Miller Prc�per'ty Owr�es: Iarrv Miller Loc,ati�: West side of the sautherly termirius of Upland Way SDCTION III. OONDITIONS A�1IS1'II2ID BY TI� PUBLIC WbRKS D�A�]'r 1. S�I'REEr WIDEI�LING i � Street widening. i��ovements ar�d dedications shall be providecl in a000rdarioe with City Standards ar�d specifications and as required by the City �gine�r. 2. GURB AND GUITII2 C�'bs ar�d gutte.rs, sidewalks ar�d related structures shall be installed in a000rdanoe with grades ar�d star�dards as specif ied by the City �git�eer. 3. SI'REET I�I(3�I'IN(; Il�1.S`i'AT r ATTQN Street lic�tir�g shall be installed ar�d shall be as ap�prwed by the City E�gineer. Lic�tit7g fixtures shall be positioned so as to preclu�e glare ar�d ather for� of visual interference to adjoining properties, and shall be no hic�er th�n the m�axinn�m heic�t permitted by th�e zone in which the site is located. 4. FIRE HYD�2ArF!' Fire hydrant.s shall be located as required by the City. 5. SI'R�r TRE'�SS Street trees shall be planted within the Public Ric�t of Way ar�d shall be of a type approved by th�e City in aooardanoe with Ordinanoe 125. Resoluti� No. 4260 (18-�89) 04/25/90 Page -3- 6 . C�DING I Gradir�g shall be as approved ar�d required by the City �gineer in aocordanoe with Ordinanoe 125. The City �giriee,r shall approve the paveamexit surfaoe type ar�d texture far the private driveway in � oonjunc.�tioa� with the iap�nve�nent plans. � 7. DRAIl��IGE Drainage shall be p�avided to the satisfaction of the City �gineer. Zhe subdivid�r shall be required to participate in the aoquisition and in��nent c�osts fa� the offsite sewer connec-tion depicted on the ap�roved Parvel Map plat. The drainage syste9m shall also include app�op�iate measures to dissipate storm water er�ergy before it enters Uplat�d Way. 8. iAVD�LAVD Ifl�IES � The c�ev+elc�er shall camply with the require�nents of the ihrler�ground Utilities Ordinan�e No. 331 ar�d other related ar�d regulatio�s of the City of Ctipertino, arx] shall c�oordinate with affec,�ted utility p�aviders far� installation of w�derground utility � devioes. The develc�per shall sukmit detailed plans shvwing utility provisions. Said plans shall be subject to prior approval of the affect.ed Utility pravider and the City E�gineer. 9 . AGRE�TI' 'Il1e project develc�er shall enter into an agreement with the City of ( C�ertino prwidirig for payment of fees, includir�g but nat limited to checking and inspec�tion fees, storm drain fees, park dedication fee.s ar�d fees for irg of utilities. Said agree�nent shall be executed p�iar to issuanoe of oonstruction permits. 10. TRANSFnFd�'2.S Elec,�trical transfor�mers, telephone vaults ar�d similar �bave grourid equipment ericlosure.s shall be screened with fencir�g ar�d l�apir�g ar located suc�i that said equi�anent is not visible froan public street areas. 11. DIDICATIC�T OF i�Z'II2 LINFS The dev�elaper shall dedicate to th�e City all waterlines and a es installed to City Star�irds ar�d shall reach an agreement with San Jose Water Co. to prcyvic�e water service to the subject develc�nent . 12. SANITARY S�.S The p�perty shall apply to the C�ertino Sanitary District for annexation to their servioe area, ar�d shall provide the neoessary on site ar�d off site sanitary sew�er servioe oonnection inq�rovements prior to suYamittal of th�e final map. Resolutio�l No. 4260 (18-'II�89) 04/25/90 Page -4- 13. G Additional cal studies shall be qeotechni oo��leted on Paroels 2 and 3 to develo�p detailed d�sign reooamer�dations for faux�ations, retaining walls, driveways, drainage i�rovpments, pave�nent ar�d slabs on grade. The po�tential far future slcype instability shall be addres.sed, and detailed mitigatioal plans shall be p�epared as necessary, Removal of w�stable tq�soil, as reoam�ended in the 04/05/90 report of Purcell, Rhoade.s & Associ.ates shall be oa�leted simultaneously with aanstru�cti� inp�o�ments. Res�lts of the s��plemental geotechnical irivestigations shall be apprw�ed by the City �gineer p�ior to issuanoe of buildirig permits or of gradi.r�g. 14. PRIVATE DRIVB�TP,Y OWII�2' �e subdivider shall prepare an apprapriate deed restriction and oovenant Yvnning with the lar�d for shared driveway aooess with Parcels 2 and 3. Said deed restriction st�all prwide for reciprocal irgress/egress e� to and frc�n the affect.ed parcels. Said ease�ts shall be reo�ed at s1�ch time as interest in one or more of the affec.�tred paroels is initially sold or transferred to another P�'tY • A reciprocal maintenance agreament shall be required for all parcels which share a vata�ron private drive ar� p�ivate road�way with one or more other parvels within the tract. Said agreemealt shall be subject to prior app�oval as to form and content by the City Attorney. CITY ENGINEQt' S C,QtTIFICATE OF AOC�'I'A1�TCE OF ENGIlJE�tIlJG/SURVEYING OONDITIONS (Sec�tion 66474.18 CA. Gov't. Code) I hereby oertify that the erygineering and surveying conditions specified in Sec.�tioai III of this Resolutioai vo�form to generally aooept.ed esxJineerir�9 P�actioes. Travioe Whitten, Asst. City E�igr. SDCI'ION IV. vOIVDITIONS AL'N�IISI�2ID BY Zi� aCNIl�i�UNIZ'Y DEVF�L(JPI�FI' D�AFt�]'I 15. P,P'PIt�VID �IIBI'I'S Zhe recomm�e.x�dation of approval is laased on the e�ibit labeled Tentative Map 04/25/90, of applicatio�► 18JIl�I-89, exoept as may be amended by the cor�ditions contained in this Resolution. Resoluti� No. 4260 (18-�89) 04/25/90 Page -5- 16. M�DIFICATIOI�i OF APPRpVID DEVIIAPN�r PIAN In th�e event that the applicant or subsequent property owner shall desire to make arYy minor changes, alterations or amer�nent of the apprvved develc�pment plan, a written request or revised devel�nt plan shall be sutamitted to the Director of Plannirig ar�d Develo�ment. If the Directar� n�ak,�s a f ir�ding that the c,haryges are minor ar�d do not result in a materi.al affect upon the appearanoe or function of the p��oject, said c�arrges may be oertified on the revised plan. If app�wal of said d�ar�ges is witht�eld, an apQlicant may appe,al to the Plannir�g Cannis.sioai. If the Direct�ar fir�ds that the requested c�ariges are material, such chat�ges shall be referred to the Planninq Comni.ssi� far appraval. If th�e c�anges are d�enied by t��e Plannir�g Ccnunission, the applicant may appeal to th�e City Oau�cil as p�ovided in City Ordinanoe No. 652. If said changes are apprwed by the Planning Ccgtmiission, an appeal may '� be made to the City c7�uncil by ariy interested party. Ftzrt any Mc�mber of th�e City C7a�ncil may req�est a hearing before the City C�aancil regarding said app�wed changes. Said request shall be made within ten (10j days fran the date of app�aval of said changes by the Planning �ion. 17. OFF STREEr PARI�JG Fo�ur (4) autdoor parking spaoes shall be prwided on Paroels 2 ar�d 3 in add ition to twe ( 2) enclose�d garage spaoes to �erLSate for the lack of public street parking. 18. FIRE SAF�'IY Class "B" or better roof material shall be provided on all structures. An apprvved NFPA 13� residential autcematic fire sprinkler system thro�ughaut arYy fut�e reside.r�ce ooa�stn�c�tecl on Paroels 2 ar�d 3 shall be pravided without listed exo�tians. 19. F'ENCIl�iG Fencinq shall be restrict.ed in a000rdanoe with Folicy 5-10 of the General Plan to facilitate animal migration. The project shall also va�ly with solid fencirig restrictions stated in Sec.�tion 12 of the RHS zonir�g district. 20. QOVII�Nr RDC�RDING GD�LrJGIC HA7,�2D6 Zhe subdivider st�all reoord a crn�ena�nt on each lot to be transferred informirig fut�e lat purchasers of the existenoe of geologic haz�rd.s in the area, and additionally, that s�ecial develo�nnent regulations apply to arYy vonstruc.�tion o� the lo�t. Resolutian No. 4260 (18�IM-89) 04/25/90 Page -6- 21. S7�PE DFNSITY CRIDIT Application of tt�e one-half acre Foathill modified slope density formula results in a total yield of 3 ciw�ellir�gs for the site. Slope density c,redit fran arYy specific lat or graup of lots cannot be transferred. Zt�e applicant may �just p�operty line.s, subject to City approval, if said action will nat create additional dwellings. A vavenant nu�ing with the land in favar� of the City as appraved by the City Attorney shall be reoorcled to ensure oo�q�liance with the regulations prohi.biting transfer of slape density clwoelling unit �it. 22. Q2ADING R�VIII�T BY LAND6CAPE ARC�IITDGT A registered larxL�cape architect shall review gradirig plans ar�d shall suhnit a plan to prevent soil esosion ar�d visually screen extensive cut and fill areas. Zhe intent of the visual screen is to soften gradir�g scars. A 100� sc�'eexiir�g effect is nat required. 23. F'II2E ACCES.S LANES Tl�e private driveway shall be designated as a f ire lane ea��ment on th�e final map ar�d shall be posted to preclude parkirig therein. 24. TREE PR�I'DCZZON The applicant shall prwide a plan for p�reservation of the existirig snecimen trees � tl�e subject �y, with the following exoeptions: Trees No. 15, 16, 21, 22, 23 as identified in the arborist's report of 03/14/90. Said plan shall includ�e a field grown Oak specimen scale replacement for Tree #23 to be located oa� Parcel 3 a000rdirig to the arborist's reoaRe�x�d�ation. Said plan shall inclu�de graphic depiction of pro�tec,�tioa�► devioes to be installed along the dripline perimeter of each tree priar� to th�e of, arid to be maintained for the d�atiori of oonstnx.-tioal activities .�e subdivider shall in�lement the cl�tailed measure.s to be taken to ensure the survival of all ather specimer�s as depicted in the referenoed Arborist's report. A�pecialized p�eservation plan shall be devised for retention of Trees No. 18 ar�d 24, given their proximity to the driveway slape area. Staff shall ooardinate the expertise of the project arborist aryd engineering geologist at the building permit stage to minimize disturbanoe of existir�g soils in the vicinity of specimen tree.s resultiryg fram slape stability repairs refererioed in Cor�dition 8 above. If re�maval or replaoeme.nt of specimen oaks beoo�nes neoessazy, the applicant will be required to return to the Planning Cxe�unission with a tree replaoement/mitigatian program. Resolution No. 4260 (18JIiK-89) 04/25/90 Page -7- PASSID AND ADOPTID this 25th day of April, 1990, at an Adjourned Regular M�eeting of the Plannirig Cwr�nission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, Y�i the following roll call vote: AYF�: OC�M�IISSIONF�2.S: Mackenzie, Adams, C�r. Claudy NOES: O�Il�SSIODTII2.S: Mann, Fazekas ABSI'AIl�T: �NIl�SSIONIIZS: None P,BSFIVT: �M+IISSIONII2.S: None ATl'ES''r: AP1��1ID: �sJ Robert cowan fs/ John Claudy Robert Cvwan John Claudy, Chairn�an Director of Cararnanity Development Cupertino Plannirig Canunission peresos�rsol8t�ms9