Reso 4255 � � � 7-U-90 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 'I�arre Aventle I Q�eztir�o� California 95014 RE90?�T�'ICI�t No. 4255 � OF � P'LArII1ING aCi�SSI�1 OF � CI'I'Y OF CXIPII�'Il�10 R�OCNI�IDIlaG APP�'JVAL OF A USE PFfd�IIT TO �1SIRiJC'r A � 3,900 9Q. FT. OF�TCE/ HUIIDIIaG WITH � RFSIDFNENTIIAL L�iI'I'S AND RELATID SITE SDGTICd�i I • F'IlVDIlJGS ��2E'AS, the Plannir�g C7camissia�► of the City of Qtpertin� reoeived an �lication far� a Use Permit, as clescrri.bed on paqe 2 of thi.s Re�.,olution; � WI�RFAS, the applicarit has met tl�e burden of p�oof required to support said applicatiori. ; and ( WI�tEAS, the Planning Oannission f inds that the application meets the followirx� r�quir�nents: a) 'Itsat the use ar� uses are in oonformanoe with the General Plan of the City of CL�ertino, and are not cletrimental to eXiStii�g uses o�' to use� s�ecifically permitted in the zone in which the p�'o�osed use is to be located. b) Z3zat the p�ro�perty irnolved is adequate in size and shape to avoam�ociate the p�q�osed use . c) 'Ihat the p�q�osed use will nat generate a level of traffic wer and above that of the capacity of the existing street syste�n. d) That the p��oR,�osed use is otherwise nat detrimental to the health, safety, peaoe, nnrals ar�d general welfare of persons resicling or w�rkit�g in th�e neic�borhood of suc� pra��osed uses, nor injurious � to p�o�perty ar�d in��vve�nents in the neic�borhood. NOW, Z��QRE, BE IT RESOL�IID: That after careful oonsic�eration of maps, facts, e�ibits, testinr�riy and other eviderne suhnitted in this matter, the application for Use P�esmit is hereby reoanaended for apgroval, subject to the ooryditions which are entunerated in this Resolution beginning on Page 2 thereof ; ar�d That the subconclusions t�n which the firidir�gs ar�d oorxiitions specified in this Resolution are based and cor�tained in the Public Hearirx� reoord concernirig Application 7-U-90 as set forth in the Minutes of the Planning Ccsrnnission Meeting of April 9, 1990, and are inoorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. � Resolutian No. 4255 (7-TJ-90) Ap�il 9, 1990 Page -2- SDGTICN II : P�T�r_ r DFS��'I��T Applicatian No. (s) 7-U-90 ar�d 7-F�-90 Applic�nt ��y �� PropertY O�mez� �rY v �z ��� �st side of Oranae Aven�e 150 ft. � of S'tevens Ct�eek Boulevard � S�CI'IQ[d III: C�O�IDITIQ[dS AII�I � BY Zi� PUBLSC W�S DII�A�r 1. S'IREE� WIDIIdIlJG Stree� wideniry9. iIDp�o�nents and cledications shall be p�wided in avoomdar�oe with City Staridards ar�d s�ecifications ar�d as required bY the City �qineer. 2. C�1RB AND GtTI'I'FR • U.�'bs and gutters, sidewa]ks ar�d related structures shall be installed in aoovrdar�oe with grades and star�dards as specif ied by th�e City � F3�gineer. 3. LIC3i�IlJG Street lightir�q fixtures �pecified in Sectio� 12 of tY�e Monta Vista Design G�idelines shall be installed as direc.�ted by the City II�gineex. All on and off site lic�ting shall be de.sic�ned to in no way interfere with adjacent areas ar�d shall be no hic�er than th�e maxim�un height �"''*" tted bY the zo�e in which the praperty is located for f ire hydrarit. 4. F'Il2E HYCRANI' Fire hydrarrt.s shall be located as required by the City. 5. TRAFFIC OONI�L SIQdS Traffic oorrtrol signs shall be plaoed at locations specified by the city. 6. S'I'REEr ZR�S Street trees shall be planted within the public ric�t-of-way and shall be prwic�ed in aooardanoe with Sec.•tion 8B of the Morita Vista Design C�idelines. 7. GFtADING Gradirx� shall be as apprvved and required by the City �girieer in aocordanoe with Ordinanoe 214(a). Pad grades shall nat exceed 2 ft. abave the highest adjoinir�g tap of curb elevation. 8. DRAIl�GE Drainage shall be provic�ed to the satisfaction of the City II�gineer. Resolution No. 4255 (7-U-90) Ap�il 9, 1990 Page -3- 9. IA�IDII�II�ID LTI�II�IFS �he cleveloper shall oca�ly with the of the Utilities Ordinanoe No. 331 and ather related prdir�noes ar�d � regulatians of the City of Q�per�tir�o, ar�d shall ooardinate with affeot.ed utility p��oviders far� installatioaz of utility � c�vices• �e develo�per shall �it de�tailed plans showing utility p�+ovisiorLS. Said plans shall be subject to p�io� apprwal of the affec�tsd Utility p�ovider and the City II�gineer. 10. �p1�Tr The applicant shall be responsible far cxmple�tix�g the site as shc�m on the apQ��oved plot plan and shall be required to e�er into a develapnent aqre�t with th,e City of Q�ertirio P�ovidir�q fo�' FaYment of neoessary fees includir�g but nat li.mited to c�eckir�g ar�d inspection fees, st drain fee, arid utility fee. Said agreeni�ent � shall be ex�ecuted p�iar� to issuai�oe of buildir�g permit. ` il. ZRANSF10F�2 5C�2EQTING � Elec.�trical transfar�mers, telephoa�e vaults ar�d similar above grcwnd equignent enclosure.s shall be screex�ed with fencirx� ar�d lar�dscaping or located � that said equipnent is nat visible froan public street areas. C�l'Y FNGINF.E,12' S CQZTIFICATE OF AOC�T�NC'E OF FNGIlIF�II2ING/S�;IRVE'YING OOI�IDITIONS (Sectiaaz 66474.10 CA. Gov't. Qode) I hereby oertify that the engineering ar�d surveyinq coryditions specified � in Sec�tian III of this Resolution conform to generally aocepted encJineering Practioes. � Travioe Whitten, Asst. City F31gr. RCE No. 20363 S�ION IV: QONDITIONS A�iIS'I�2ID BY 'II� �UNITY DEVEIAPl�i�fr D�'I'. 12. APP�D FF�IIBI'I'S � reoam�e.nd�atian of approval is based � Application Plan Set, 4 ` St�eets, dated Fe�uary 28, 1990 of Application 7-U-90, except as may be amended by the Cbnditions coritained in this Resolution. � Resolutian No. 4255 (7-U-90) Ap�il 9, 1990 Page -4- 13. I�DIFICATICN OF AP'Pl�JVID DEVaI� F'LAN In the ev�t that the applicant o� subse4uent P�aPerty owner shall desire to mak,e any mit� c��atx�es, alteratioc�s o� � of the aP'P� �l�nt Plan, a written request ar revised c3�velopment plan shall be �itted to the Directo� of Pl.ar�ir�g ar�d Dev�elo�pment . If the Direct�orc� aakes a findinq that the c�arrges are mir�o� ani cb not � result in a material affect upon the appearanoe ar� functioai of the P�J�, �1 c�vx�ea may be oertified an the revised plan. If app�ov�l of said c�anges is withheld, the applicant may appeal to the Plarnzir�q Cmmission. If the Direct.o� fir�ds that the requesfied c3�ar�ges are material, such c�a� shall be referred to the Plannir�g Qauaissior� fo� app�oval. If fi1'�e c�nges are ci�enied by the Plannir�g Qamoission, the applicant may appeal to the City C�auycil as p�ovided in City Ordir� No. 652. If said char�ges are aPp�oved bY th� Plarn�ir�cl Daonnissiori, an appeal may be n�ade to the City Caincil by any ' party. Ftiitther, anY MeN�er of the City Cow�cil may requ�st a hearir�q befo�e the City , Oau�cil regardir�g said app�vved c�ar�qes. Said request shall be made within ten (10) days fran the date of app�oval of said d�anges by the Plannit�q �nai.ssioai. 14. PF�(JPFRI'Y USE �ISPRAIl�Tr The subject Use P�ermit auth,orizes vonstruc�tion of a maximun of 1, 696 sq. ft. of offioe space ori the first level of the buildityg ar�d 2 one bec�ocm apartments on the upp�s level. 15. PARI�iG Mini,n,m off-street parkir�q shall be provided for the office ar�d I residential partions of the project as follvws: Offioe 1,696 sq. ft. at 1 spaoe per 285/sfgfa = 6 spaoes I Residential 6 units at 1 covered spaoe per unit = 2 • If gara�e cioo�'s are not installed, signage shall be provided which reserv�es the cavered spaces far use by apartr�►.nt tenants only. 16. ACC�'.S.S E�,SII�3JI'S Adjoining nort�erly, easterly, and svutherly sites, the applicant shall reo�rd an agr�ee�nent obligatirx3 existing ar�d futt�e P��Y vwners to provide reciprocal, vehicular ar�d pedestrian egress ar�d � irx�'ess easemnents between the subject praperty ar�d all praperties to the riorth/east, ar�d sauth within the same block. Said agree�ment shall be subject to appraval by the City Attorney prior to reoordation. The intent of this cor�dition is to pravide for the cca�mn aooess arid � parkiryq lat design described in the Monta Vista Specific Plan. Said easement shall be it�le�ne.nted at such t�me as paroels redevelop and the City can require the adjoining praperty vwners to agree reciprocal easements. Resolutiari No. 4255 (7-U-90) April 9, 1990 Page -5- 17. 1�I'A VISTA DISTRIGT 'IYIe applicant shall aqree to join a Mor�ta Vista ocmnercial area asse.s�oe�t district to pay far� main�tenat�oe at�d vperation of public � iaQmovanents includir�q but not limited to street lic�ts, public landscape areas, street furniture, public parkir�g are�s ar�d such ( additional requireio�ents as shall be clefined by the City. 18. LAND6CAPE REVIFS�1 'Ilie final lar�ds�cape plan stsall be subject to info�mal ASAC review p�ic� to issuai�oe of buildir�g peYmits. Zhe ].andscape info�mation shall be revietaed in a000�+dar�oe with Sec,-tioai 8E, F ar�d H of the Manta Vista Design C�idelines. �e plan shall also ir�oo�po�ate tl�e of the p��q�osed Xeriscape Guidelines. In addition, the plan shall include an arbar�ist r�o�t to de�ine � measures requ.ired to p�eserve the alna��d tree located in the frorit � yard. Slibject to a favorable re�po�t, A.SAC may vary the architecture and siting of the building to acoanrodate the p�reservati� objectives. ' i9. �nn�rc vox�c�zzoN 'Ihe front yard set,b�ack for the fizst floor shall be rechioed frcen 15 ft. to 5 ft. as s�ecified in Sec�tion 6B of th�e Monta Vista Design C�idelines. The rear elevati� ar�d floor plan shall be modified to create a rear entranoe ar�d windvw e�osure to th�e parking area. 'The modification may include a shift of the garages. The inte.rYt of th� oor�dition is to create greater visual interest ar�d activity in the rear yard area in acoordanoe with the Monta Vista Design C�idelines. 'Ihe solution shall ` be subject to final approval of the Arc�iit.ectural ar�d Site Approval Ca�nittee p�rior to release of kuilding ��+; ts . � 20 . I�IGEIr The heic�t of the build.ing s�hall be reduced frcan 30 ft. to 28 ft. in order to o�form to the adjoining residential neic�borhood. ( 21. PIDF�SI'RIAN AC�.S ' A textured sic3ewalk extending fram the trellised walkway to the rear prc�exty line shall be installed. 'Ihe material shall be revie�aed by ASAC in oonjLU�ction with the lar�dscape plan. ' 22. TRA.SH IIdQASURFS 'Ihe final location of the trash enclosure shall be approved by staff � in conjunc.�tion with the building permit. ' 23. STREET DIDICATION If the a�maunt of street dedication as detenni.ned by the Public Works Department irx�eases the length of the praperty by 5 ft., a 5 ft. planter strip will be added to the east pro�perty line. Ftesolutiori No. 4255 (7�J-90) �� �_ Ap�ril 9, 1990 PASSFD �ID ADO�TID this 9th day of Ap�il, 1990, at a Regular Meetinq of the Planning �taissio�n of the City of C1� State of C�lifarnia, by the follc�wit�q roll call wte: AYFS: �IISSI�TFRS: Adams, Fazekas, Mackenzie, Mz�nn, Cl�ai.rman Claudy NOF�: QNl��IISSICNIIZS: Nat�e ABSI'AIl�T: aCNI�IISSIQNIIiS: Narie � ABSII�: �SSICNIIZS: Nat�e A'1'I'F�'I'• �ID• S/ R�ert C�an /s/ Jc�hn Claudv Robett OoWan JcaY�n Claudy, Ct�airmari Direc.�to� of Qan�nu�itY Developnent C�ertino Plar�ir�4 C�mission , perreso�/rso7u90 , � 1 , 1