Reso 4249 1�J-90 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Zbrre Avern�e � (�estino, Califar'nia 95014 RF�OLITI�ION N0. 4249 OF 'I� PLANNING OCi�SSION OF Zi� CITY OF CUPF�IIJO RDO�TDING APP�VAL OF A USE P�IIT TO 00�1SI�JCI' ' A DErAQ� RESIDII�TC'E ON AN F�3I'IlJG IAT WI'Ii�i A PZANNID DEVECOPN�I' ZONIlJG DISI'RIGT SDGTION I• FIlVDIlJGS Wf�2F�.S, the Plannir�g Qao�nission of the City of C'Upertino reoeived an applicatioai for a Use P�ermit, as described o� Page 2 of this Re�..,olution; aryd WI�2EAS, the applicar�t has met the �n of proof required to support said application; ar�d Wf�2EAS, the Planning C7c�innission finds that the application meets the fc,llvwiryg requiretnents: a) �at the use ar u.ses are in vonfarmanoe with the General Plan of the City of Cupertino, ar�d are nat c�etrimerYtal to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the pro�ose�d use is to be located. b) That the praperty irivolved is adequate in size to a 'ate the Proposed use. c) 7.lzat the prq�osed use will not generate a level of traffic over and above that of th,e capacity of the existir�g street system. d) 'IYsat the p�q�osed use is atheYwise not d,etri�mental to the peace, morals ar�d general w�elfare of persons residiryg or working in the neic�bar�rvood of such prq�osed u.,ses, nor injuriaus to prc�peYty and in��ove�me�ts in th�e neic�borhood. IJ(JW, �C�2E, BE 1'I' RESOLUID: That after careful o�nsideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimoriy ar�d other evic�enoe sukmitted in this matter, the application for Use Permit is hereby reoa�meryded for ap�aroval, subject to the cor�ditions which are entnnerated in this Resolution beginning on Page 2 thereof; and That the suboonclusions �on which the fir�dir�gs ar�d ooryditior�s specified in this Resolution are based and coritained in the Public Hearing reoord conoerning Application 1�90 as set fo�th in the Mimites of the Planning Cxennnission Meetirig of Mamh 12th, 1990, and are irioorporated by referenoe as thotx� fully set forth herein. Resolution No. 4249 (1�90) March 12, 1990 p� _2_ SDCT'ICN II: A�0►T�LT DESQt�'IZ�T ' Applicatian No.(s): 1-U-90 Applicant: �,y_ �rown Qa�iaz Pr�o�perty Owr�r: �ame Location: 10342 Soenic Boulevard Par�oel Area: .34 Acres. 14,810 Srn�are Fe�t ��T1�1 III: �1DI'I*ICNS ACN�TISl'FRID BY THE P'UBL�IC WOR�S DE�AFt�r 1. SIRE�T WIDIIJIl�G Street widening. inp�ts ar�d dedicatior�s shall be p�ovided in avoo�danoe with City star�dards ar�d specif ications as required by the City F�girieer. 2. C'�2B AND C�TI'I�R �bs ar�d gutters, sidewalks ar�d related shall be installed in a000�dar�oe with grades ar�d star�dards as specified by the City II�qit�eer. 3. FIRE FIYDff2�Nr Fire hy�arrts shall be located as required by the City. 4. C�tADIl�iG Gradinq shall be as app�oved arid required by the City �gineer in a000�danoe with Ordinanoe 125. 5. DAAIlJAGE Drais�age shall be p�ovided to the satisfacti� of th�e City II�gineer. Surface flvw aGros.s public sic3ewalks may be allc��ed in the R-1, R-2 aryd �3 za��es unless st:o�m drain facilities are deemed neoessary by the City �gir�e�r. Develo�t in all o�ther zoazirig districts shall be served by an site st.arm drainac�e facilities ooa�u�ected to the City storm drair�age systea. If City sto�n c�ains are not available, drainage facilities shall be install to the satisfactioa�► of the City �qirieex. 6. LAVD�ID LA'IIaITIFS �he d�evelcyper s�t�all oon�ly with the requireqnents of the Utilities Ordinanoe No. 331 and ath�x related Ordinar�oes ar�d regulations of the City of (1�ertino, and shall �oordinate with. affect�ed utility p�ro�viclers far installation of utility devioes. 72�e developer shall sukmit detailed plans showir�q utility p�ovisions. Said plans shall be subject to p�io� a�val of the affected Utility p�+ovicler and the City E�gineer. �,esolutiori No. 4249 (1-U-90) Marc� 12, 1990 Page -3- � 7. DEVE[A�]T A�'d2E�TI' 'II�e p�oject develo�per shall e.nt�r irito a develo�ment agreenent with the City of C;t�eYtino p�ovidirx3 far� payment of fees, includirig but nat li.mited to c�ecking ar�d inspectioaz fees, stoYm c�ain fees, Park dedicaticri fees ar�d fees fo� of utilities. Said � agree9ment shall be executed p�iar� to issuanoe of oonstruction ��+i ts . 8. ZRANSF0�2S Elec,�trical transformers, telephoa�e vaults ar�d similar above grvund equipment enclosures shall be saree.rred with fer�cing ar�d lar�dscapir�g or located such that said equipnent is nat visible fram public street areas. SDGTIOPI IV: QONDI'I�IONS A�IISTII2ID BY Tf� aClN�lUNITY DEVECIJPN�fr DF�T. 9. APPRp�IID F�IIBI'I'S �e re000�mer�datioa� of app�ro�val is based oai F�ibits A-1, A-2, dated Ap�il 24, 1989, exoept as may be amer�ded by the oor�ditions c�ontained in this Re^.�olution. 10. NI�DIFTCATIO�T OF APP�VID DE'VELIDPi�fr PLAN In the event that the applicant ar� subsequent propeYty vwner shall desire to make arYy min�ar c��anges, alteratioa�s ar� amer�nt of the ap�o�ved development plan, a written req�est ar� revised develc�pment plan shall be submitted to the Director of C�nanity Develo�ment. If the Director makes a f ir�dir�g that the dzar�ges are mirior ar�d do not result in a material affect upon the appearanoe or function of the project, said changes may be certified on th�e revised plan. If app�wal of said c�anges is witt�held, the applicant may appeal to the Plannir,q �anaissiori. I� If the Direc.�tor finds that the requested c�ar�ges are material, such char�ges shall be referred to the Plannir�q OcmaAissioaz far ap�wal. If the charr�es are c�enied by fihe Planning Ocmmission, the applicant may appeal to the City �au�cil as p�rovided in City Ordinanoe No. 652. If said c�anges are approved by the Planning Ccnomission, an appeal may be m�de to the City Cb�u�cil by arYy iriterested party. FUrther, anY Member of the City Caancil may r�quest a hearing befar�e the City Oau�cil regardinq said approved c.h�nges. Said request shall be made within ten (10) days fran th� date of app�oval of said chat�ges by the Plannir�g Qanani.ssion. i ResolutiCi'i No. 4249 (1-I�90) Marc� 12, 1990 Page -4- 11. S�I3�IIC A�D G�AGIC �RD6 ' Zi�e a�pplicant st�all retain an enqine�rit�q g�eologist to evaluate and mitigata potential seismic at�d geoloqic hazards. Said geoloqic invest,igation shall be ccn�let p�iar� to issuanoe of the buildir�g permit. A vove�artt shall be reoar�c3�ed info�mir�q future buy�ers of the site that said geoloqic repc��t has been pmepared ar�d that a oq�y thereof is available far� public inspectiaz at the Deparbment of Pl.armir�q ar,d Dev�eloQmerYt. 12. p'R7'v�o�mF �2IVE�Y C7CIVEI�NI' �he applicant shall revard an app��op�iate ��eed restrictiori ar�d oovenarYt rurniir�g with the lar�d fo� all paroels whic� share a caaumon driveway ar� p�ivate raadway with �e ar mar�e ather paroels as cle�icted ori E�i.bit A-1 of this applicati�. Said cleed restricti� shall p�ovicle far� neoessary recip�ocal ; easan�ts to ar�d frcm the affec,�tsd paroels. Said eas�ts shall be reoa�ded at s�rh time as interest in one ar nro�e of the affec.�t�ed paroels is initially sold o�r trarLSferned to an�o�t2�er pazty. 13. F�D AGREE�3�Tr A recip�rocal maitztenanoe agreemer�t st�all be required fo�r all parvels which share a oamaon p�ivate drive o� p�ivate raadway with or�e o� mar�e o�ther paroels within the tract. Said a�re�nt shall be reoo�ded in oocijt�ctioci with reoo��ati� of the final map, ar�d shall be subject to p�iar� app�oval as to fo�m and oo�tent by the City Attar�ney. 14. CKyVII�iNr RDC�ARDING GD�IAGIC HAZARDS 'I'he clevelaper shall � a oovenant oaZ said lot to be transferred infar�mir�g future lat purchasers of the exister�oe of geologic hazards in the area, at�d additio��ally, that s�ecial d�velopnent regulations apply to atYy von.stnictioal on the lat. 16. IlJQ2ES.S/DGE2E5S E�i�SIIKFI�TIS The applicarrt ahall rec��d an app�vp�iate c'ieed restricti� ar�d vovenant nuv�ir�g with the land subject to ap�oval of the City Att.ar�ey, far� all parvels whic� share a� p�ivate driv�e ar� p�ivate roadway with one ar mar�e oth�er paroels. Said c�eed restriction shall p�rwide fo� r�eoes.sar.y recip�ocal ir�gress ar�d eg.ress ease�nents to ar�d frcm the affected paroels. Said easements shall be reoo�rcled at such ti.me as interest in �e o�r mo�e of the affec.�ted parvels is i ni tially sold o�r transferred to anather party. Resoluti� No. 4249 (1�90) Marrh 12, 1990 Page -5- � 17. ASAC REVIF��I Prio� to isssuar�oe of buildit�q peYmits, the developer shall abtain info�mal A.SAiC app�val of p��q�osed volar palette of buildirig materials ar�d p],antir�q plan fo� the site. Said plan shall include a re�lave9mexit ar pmatec,-tior► plan for all ranoNed o� threate.ned significarYt trees, � front yard landscapir�q pale�tte, oor�oea]ment of the auxilliary parkir�q spaoe(s) ar�d ad�equate screeri of clowivlc�e faux9atioaz stru�ctures. Landscape i��n�e�ts shall be installed p�iar to ooc�anc,y. If installatiori p�iar� to oocup�anc.y is nat po�.sible, the applicant shall post a bond to ensure installatioal within 18 m�ths frcm date of ooc�arx.y. All lar�dscape areas shall be p��operly maintained. �e Arc�iitectural ar�d Site App�oval Oanmittee shall as.sess the feasibility of add.itx� o�e a�3ditional parkiriq spaoe o�n the lvw�er partion of the hill (tand,e�n ar side-by-sic�e) , thus p�avidir�g six I on-site space.s. � 18. DEV�APN�r RIC3�I5 � The OC & R's shall be recarded for said lot, in a f�ax�m to be approved by the City Attomey, ensurit�g that the c�peri spaoe areas in the slc�ped area shall nat be u��ed in a manner which is detr�merYtal to the adj ac�ent natural f lood plain arid that no permanent struab�es, other than those listeci in the next paYagraph can be constnx,�ted in said slc�e area below the 335 elevation. Decks, spas, c7pen fenciux� and similar facilities far�p�ivate use by the irydividual lat owner may be allc��ed within said slope area, subject to app�oval of the City's Archit,ect�al at�d Site App�wal Ccnm.ittee, but covered ar� enclosed private recreational st�all be excludec� form said Slope , Area. The OC&R's shall p�ovide that o�e parkir�g spaoe at grade as shc�m on �ibit A-1 shall nat permit boats ar� R.V. parkir�g, ar�d that no ( vehicle be parked therein fos a period exoeedir�g 24 hours. 20. PARI�IG j The parkir�g shall oonsist of twe oovered on-site spaoes and two ' additional o�-site w�ovvered space.s. ZWo additional on-site unoovered Pa�'kin4 spaoes may be p�ravided on the lowoer partion of the lat. � 21. DEVIIAPMF3�T SrAN�S Develc�pment star�drads shall generally foloow the principles described ` in Use Permit 4�88, or as adjusted far local corrditions subject to appraval of the Director of Cc�aonunity Develc�xnent. 22. SOLID BQARD FIIJCIlIG ( Solid board fencir�g shall locate at or abave the 335 foat elevation. Resolution No. 4249 (1�90) Marc31 12, 1990 Page -6- 23. ' �e 6 ft. c�air�a�e outfall sl�aati ori �ibit A-1 is in a varied locaticn fram the 1988 appn.�oved plaris. �e applicant to p�.�ove ap�oval of ease�a�t locatiori p�ior to issuat�oe of the buildir�q permit to the sati.sfaatian of the City �gineer. PASSID AND ADOPTID this 12th day of Marrh, 1990, at a Regular Meetir�q of the Planning Oommissian of the City of Q�ertir�o, State of Califarnia, by the follcywir�q roll call vat.e: AYFS: oCM�IISSI�: Adams, Macicex�zie, Ct�aiYman Claudy NOF.S: �Q�T�IISSI�JIIZS: F`azekas AB.STAIId: �IISSI�NE�: Marnz ABSF3�: aCi�l�IISSIaI�TIIZS: . . /s/ l�obeYt C+Qa�an /s/ Jahn Claudy Robert Ccwan Jc�hn Claudy Direc. of Canamity Uevelopment Qipertir�o Plannir�q �'�ni ��ion pcx'esos/rsolu90 �