Reso 4248 3-U-90 C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O 10300 'Ibrre Avenue - CUpertino, California 95014 RF�OLZTrION No. 4248 OF Tf-� PLAIaTING OCY�'�IISSION OF 'II-�E C'ITY OF CUPII�TIl10 REX.�IDING APP'ROVAL OF A USE PF�T 'I�0 OONVII7I' � F�0�2 BARCZAY' S BANK SITE 'I�0 A DINE-IN RES`I'AURANr SECTION I: FINDINGS WHg2FAS, the Plannirig C.c�umission of the City of C1�xtino reoeived an application for a Use P�exmit, as described on Page 2 of this Re..solution; arr3 WI�RF.AS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to st�port said application; and Wf�2F.AS, the Planning Cca�unission firx�s that the application meets the � follawing requirements: a) That the use or u.ses are in conformanoe with the General Plan of the City of G�pestino, ar�d ax�e nat detrimetital to existing uses or to use� specifically permitted in the zone in which the prono6ed use is to be located. b) That the property irivolved is adequate in si2e and shape to aoocetumdate the propoe�d use. c) �at the pra�osed use will nat generate a level of traffic over and above that of the capacity of the existing street system. d) 'IY�at the propo��ed use is atheYwise not detrimental to the health, safety, peaoe, morals and general welfare of persons residirig or working in the nei�rhood of such prc��ed uses, nor injurious to property and imprave�nents in the neighvorhood. NC7W, 'IHg2F.��RE, BE IT RE50LUID: That after careful oonsideration of maps, facts, e�ibits, testiimny ar�d other evidenoe sukmitted in this matter, the application for Use Permit is hereby r��ded far approval, subject to the oonditions which are enwnerated in this Resolution beginnir�g on Page 2 thereof; ar�d That the subconclusions �on which the f; �; � ar�d coryditions specif ied in this Resolution are based ar�d contairied in the Public Hearir�g reoord conc�rnirig Application 3-U-90 as set forth in the Minutes of the Plannir�g Cca�unission Meeting of March 12, 1990, ar�d are inoorporated by refere..rx:e as though fully set forth herein. Resolution No. 4248 (3�J-90) 03/12/90 Page -2- II. PRQTF]LT DF�CRIFI'�ON Applicatiori No. (s) 3-�90 ar�d 2-FA-90 Applicvzt C�ro�uton's. Inc. �rq�er'tY Owner William Antanioli TnLSt,ee (Barclay's) I�ocatiori 10100 So. DeAnza Blvd. SD�I'ION III. OONDITIONS ACNII�TIS�2ID BY TI� PUBI�IC WU�S D�A�r 1. SIR�T WIDENIl�TG Street ric�t-of�way avquisition, widening, i,n���vements ard dedications shall be provided in avoardanoe with City Star�da.,�s ar�d specifications and as required by the City �gineer a�l paid by t draperty vwner. 2. CLJRB AND GfTI'I'E�2 C,lirbs and gutters, sidewalks and related structures shall be installed in a000�c]ance with grades ar�d standards as specified by the City Et�gineer and paid by the praperty aar�r. The existir�g monolithic sidewalk along the parkir�g lat fror�tage shall be replaced with parkway sidewalk, with suitable transitions prwided to the adjoining monolithic walk in front of the buildirig. 3. SrI'REEr LIQ-IrING INSrAL�I.ATION Street lighting shall be installed arri shall be as approved by the City �gineer. Lighting fixtures s�t�all be positioned so as to preclude glare ar�d other for�s of visual interference to adjoi n; r,c� properties, and shall be no hic�er than the maxi�un height permitted by the zone in which the site is located. 4. FIRE HYL)RAI�I' Fire hydrants shall be located as required by the City. 5. TRAF�'IC SIGNS Traffic oontrol signs shall be plaoed at locations specified by the City. 6. GRADING Grading shall be as appraved and rec�uired by the City II�gineer in - acoordance with Ordinanoe 125. 7. DRA.Il�IGE Drainage shall be pravided to the satisfaction of the City Y�girieer. Re�solution No. 4248 (3-U-90) 03/12/90 Page -3- � 8. UND�LaND UI'II�TIES The develo�per shall oc�q�ly with the of the Lhxiergrour�d Utilities Ordinanoe No. 331 ar�d atl�er related Ordinar�oe.s ar�d regulations of th,e City of �ertino, ar�d s�l�all 000�dinate with affec.�tsci utility prwiders for installatian of utility devioes. �,e develop�r shall sukmit detailed plans showir�g utility p�ovisions. Said plans shall be subject to prior approval of the affect,ed Utility p�rovider a�r�d the City �gineer. 9 AGR�P �e project develaper shall enter into a ci�vel�t agreement with the City of C:upertino providiryg for payment of fees, includir�g but not limited to ch�eckir�g ar�d inspec.-tion fees, sto�n drain fees, park dsdication fees ar�d fees for und of utilities. Said agreement shall be executed prior to iSSUar�oe of construction permits . 10. TRANSFOFd�2S Electrical transformers, telephor� vaults am� similar above ground equip�n�nt enclosures shall be scree.ned with fenciryg ar�d l�,aping or located w�dergrour�d such that said equi�nent is not visit�le frcgn public stxeet areas. 11. ACC�.S Ir�gress/Dgress shall be pravided at the north arid/or south side of the site, with no aa�.s to or fran the De Anza Blvd. frontage. Prior to issuai�oe of buildir�g pennits, if Cali Avenwe is to be u�sed for avoess, the develaper ma.st either d�nonstrate the pr e of Cali Avenue as �a dedicated street, or offer same far public dedication, ar�d i�rove a half-street plus ten feet width if Scofield Drive is to be u.sed for aocess, or as otheswise directsd by the City �gine�s. ZY�e developer shall increa.se 'the width of Scofield Drive to a two-way road, . subject to City abando�rm�e.rYt of Soofield Drive right of way, ar�d securiryq of an ease�nent fo� aooes.s aver the adjoinir�g larids of Prcmetheus. If the develq�r is urklble to obtain a�ndorIIC�nt or easement approval, the Soofield curb cut shall be removed and restoration lar�dscaping shall be provide subject to staff ap�p�oval. ' �e develc�per will be responsible for reoordation of all private easements, right�f-�way aoqui.sitions, dedications arxi i�rove�its to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works for both Scofield Drive ar�d Cali Avenue. ' SDCTION IV: OONDITIONS ACi�iISI'II2ID BY 'Ii� OOMMUI�TITY DEVELiOPMENI' DE�T. 12. AP'PRpVID E�IIBI'1'S I The re�tion of approval is based on E�ibits: Site plan, site sec,-tion, exterior elevation, ar�d lst anr3 2r�d floor plan 1/30/90, exoept as may be amer�ded by the Condi.tions coritained in this Resolution. Resolution No. 4248 (3-U-90) 03/12/90 Page -4- 13. NIJDIFICAZ'IC�T OF AP'P1�7VID DEVIIAPNNIFNNr pI,AN ' In the everYt that the applicant or subsequent property owner shall desire to make arry minar c��anqes, alterations or amerr�n�t of the appn�oved develognent plan, a written request ar� revised develo�anerit plan shall be su}znitted to the Directar of Plaru�irg ar�d Dev�lc�xnent. If the Direct.or makes a f indiz�g that the c�ar�ges are mino� ar�d do not result in a material affect u�on the appearanoe ar�fur�ction of the pmoject, said changes may be oertified on the revised plan. If approv of said charxJes is withheld, the applicant may appeal to the Plannit�g Oc�nnission. If the Direetor fi.tx].s that the requested c�ar�ges are material, such c�zges shall be referreci to the Planning Da�aission far� approval. If the changes are denied by the Plannirig Cemnission, the applicarYt may appeal to the City �u�cil as p�avided in Citv� Ordinai�oe No. 652. If said changes are ap�:�: __�v�ed by tt�e Plarnzirx� Ocnmission, an appeal may be made to the City C7auici� by arYy ' party. FL�rther, arry Member of the City Cau�cil may request a hearir�g be.far�e the City Cauicil regarding said app�roved changes. Said request shall be made within ten (10) days frcm the date of apprwal of said changes by the pianninq Ca�aission. 14. PARI�TG _ Parking shall be provided at a ratio of one (1) spac�e for every fo�r (4) seats ar�d one (1) spaoe for each em�lvyee on duty at ariy shift. 15. LAND6C'APE/LIC�ING RE,'VIEW � An informal review by the Archit�ral ar�d Site Appraval Ccernnittee prior to issuanoe of building permits is required. A oca�rehensive oaventional lar��cape planting plan, exterior lic�ting plan, ar�d building colors to increase aa�atibility with the exist.irig structures east, 16. NOISF �F1�KII�TG DEVICES No public address syste�n or paqinq system, powered meqaghone or similar . noLSe�nakii�g devioe shall be �+�++i tted vutdoors at ariy time . 17. �1C'ROA(��3�F!' P�II'r Zhe applicarit shall file an encroactm�nt application aryd reoeive approval thereof for lar�d��caping ir�stallation in any public right of way prior to release of buildir�g permits. 18. PRQTDCT IDII�fI'TFIC'ATION SIGNS I The sign data indicated on the approved e�ibits is not appraved. The applicant shall sul:mit a sign program to be reviewed ar�d appraved by the Architectural ar�d Site Appraval ocetunittee prior to issuanoe of buildirig Permits • Re�olution No. 4248 (3-U-90) 03/12/90 Page -5- 19. USE r,n�rrmA�r*rpN i �e subject use permit autharizes c�eration of a din�-in restaurant of 115 seats. Beer/wine sales shall be permitted in oonjwx.�tion with food anly. Take-out servioe is nat autharized as a regular servioe to patrons. No aitd�oo� seatir�g $hall be p�ovided. 20. FZRE SAFEI'Y The develc�r shall ca�ly with requirements for exitir�g, interior �r°'�e�ments ar�d sP�z'inklez' sYst�tns as direc.�ted by the city at th�e building permit stage. 21. SITE ARFA A title repart is required. Said Title Repart irnast have included a includirig a plat paroel map shc�wirrg the t.atal acreage ar�d lot line dim�x�sions as shown on the site plan to provide verification of site area priar to building permit apprav If the .25 FAR cannat be met with the prc��ased 200 s. f. addition ir�d.icated on the plan set, the building area shall be reduced to that which was existirrg at the time the Use Permit application was filed. PASSID AND ADOPTID th.is 12th day of March, 1990 at a Regular Meetirig of the Planni.rig Ca�aunission of the City of C1.�ertino by the followir�g roll call vote: . AYFS: C�SSIONII�S: Fazekas, Mackenzie, Mann, Chairman Claudy NOFS : aC�M�IISSIONFRS : �1d�s ABSI'AIld : OC1N��SSIONEE2S : ABS��VT : OC�SSIONgZS : ATl'F�T: App�p� I �S/ Rr�bert C�an _/s� John Claudy ��rt �� John Claudy, Cha irman Direc,�tor of Camaunity Develc�xn�nt CUpertino Planni.ng Cce�unission I per'esos/rso3u90 I I