Reso 4247 11—Z-89 CITY OF CUPERTINO � 10300 To�re Ave.nue Cu�pertino, C�lifo�nia 95014 RE90�IZTrICN 1�. 4247 OF Zi� PZAI�Il�T� Q[�IISSI�1 OF � C�L'I'Y OF QJPIIa'IIaD RD�IDIlaG A�P�VAL OF AN A�r � 7�TIl� C�DIl�NCE 1050 TO ADD A �IDI'I'ICN SPDC;IF'YII� AP'PLI(�iBII13'Y OF SEI'BA�,K, HETTQIr, A1�ID SIl�AR RD Z�0 RFSIDIIJI?AL DEVECAPI�3�fr IN S�ID AREA SDG'�ICd�T 1: FIlVDIlIGS �S, the Plarn�i,tyg ��++� �=ion of the City of C�ertino has reoeived an applicaticvi far� a charx�e of zane o� p�ezariirg, as described on Page 2 of this �esolution; at�d �F�.S, the neoessary public natives have been given in a000�danoe with the Prooec�ural Ordinan�e of the City of �tino, at�d the planninq �ommi�iori has held w�e ar� mar�e Public Hearings � the subject applicatioci; ar�d WF�RFAS, the Planning datmission fitYLs that the subject c�ar�ge of zone or prezor�e meets the followiriq ts: 1) the most app� c�iate use of land. 2) Qor�serves and stabilizes the value of p�vpeYty. 3) Provides far� a�3ec�uate avoess to lic�t ar�d airs. 4) Pratects public h�ealth, safety ar�d welfare. 5) Pramvtes the e�derly develc�pent of the City. 6) Benefits the p�opesty ar�d in��ovanents in the zoriit�g district ar�d neic�bo�hood in which the p�operty is located. Di�CJW, ZI�F�E, BE IT RF501LVID: 'Ii�at after c,areful c�aLSideration of maps, facts, e�ibits, testina�ny ar�d other evid�s�oe sul�nitted in this matter, the applicatiori far Qzatlge of zoa�e ar p�e�zane is here.by reoam�end�ed far appmo�ral; arid Resolutia'i No. 4247 Fe.?av�aLy 14, 1990 Page - 2 - BE IT FZII�IIIt RE50LVID: � �at the subaQ�clusirns t�on �ich the fir�dings ar�d oonditioats specified in this Re�eolution are based t�on are vontained in the Public I�earing reoar�d aor�rninq Applicatian 11-Z-89 as set fo�th ir� the muYUtes of the Plannir�q �missian meetiryg of Felavazy 14, 1990, and are ir�oorpo�ated by referenoe as thot� fully aet fa�rth herein. II. PF�7DC,T D�IZ�T Applicatiori No(s): 11-Z-89. 43-FA-89 Applicant: �itv of Clmertino �'o'P�Y Owner: Varivus Owners Loc,atioci: � baurled b� stevp.ns c�3c Boulevard to the �h arid Bvzr�e Da�'t; Oraryae Av�enue to the East; (Yanada Avn�n�e to the South at�d by p�ivate lands fio a c3�pth of 200 ft. East of Byrne Avenue III . �[�1DITI�IS OF APP�JVAL 1. �ibit C of Ordinat�oe 1050 st�all include the follvwir�q faw�dition No. 18: 18. Due to existir�q lvt sizes ani/o� �e locatioa�.s, there are no specific z�ir�q relative to setbacks, lat voverage and parkir�g with tYye e�ooeptioa� of the requiratrerYts set farth in the unifarm Building Coc3e. It is irYtexr]�ed that the r r�*�±*� of the zone in which the use is ar�dinarily permitted will be strived fo�; however the City, as a part of the Use Permit p�ooed��e, may establish le��ser setbacks, greater lat vwerage ar�d l�sser garkir�g as it d�eems app�cp�iate. In the evexYt the applicant � s paroel is in keepir�g with the requira�s with th�e zone in whic� the use is ordinarily permitted, esooept lot size, the �ity Develc�ment Direc. may app��ove the plans, at�d the Use P�ermit will not be neoe�sary. PASSID � AND ADOF�TID this 14th day of Fe�ry, 1990 at a Regular Meetir�g of the Platmir�g Oaunission of the City of (�pertino by the follc�winq roll call vo�te: AYES: , oCNi�SSICNIIZS: Ada�s, Fazekas, Mackenzie, Matvz, Chr. Claudy 1�iYS : aCM�IISSICNIIZS : Nor�e ABS'I'AIl�T: aCM�IISSIatJIIZS: Nar�e ABSENr: OCI�SSId[�TII2�S: Na��e ATI�ST• APP�JVID• /s/ Robert S. Oowan /s/ John Claudy Robert S.�n J�t�n Claudy, Ct�airmarl Direct�ar of ana�ity Development Q�pertir� Plannirg Oamnissio�n