Reso 4245 16�IlK-88 C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O 10300 �one Av+enue � - C1�pertino, California 95014 RE90LiTIr2G[J No. 4245 � OF � PI�NNING aCNA�IISSI�i OF � CITY OF CUPF�TIl�TO ( RDOC[�Tg3�1DIlJG APPROVAL OF TII�TIpiTTVE NAP 'IO SIJBDIVIDE A 10.8 ACRE P�2C� Il1I�0 �i�A IA►I5 II�TOCNIPASSING 1.6 AND 9.2 AQ2F5 Y ► S�GTION I: FIl�IDIlJGS �, the Planning �si� of the City of Cupertino reoeived an applicatio� for a Tentative Stiibdivi.si� Map, as �ibed on Page 2 of this � Resolutioa�; ar�d �EAS, the nevessary public natioes have been given as required by the ( subdivi.sio� ar�d Procedural of the City of CUpertino, and the Plannirig �ion has held at least �e Public Hearir�g in regard to the ( applicati�; ar�d WI�2EA.S, the Plannirx� C'a�missi� fir�ds that the applicatioa� meets the following require�m�erits: ` a) Zl�at the pro�o�ed subdivision map is voa�LSistent with the City of Gtiipertino General Plan ar�d arYy applicable Specific Plan. b) �at the design ar� imprav�t of the p�rq�osed subdivision is oonsistent with the C�eneral Plan and arYy applicable S�ecific Plan. � c) �at the site is physically suitable far the type ar�d intensity of develc�ment �lated w�der the app�oved subdivision. d) That the desic� of the subdivisio� or the pra��osed in�rovemeilts are not likely are nat likely to cause substaritial envirornmeiztal d�mage nor substantially ar�d avoidably injure fish ar�d wildlife or their habitat. e) �at the design of the subdivi.siori ar� the type of ir�ravements associated therewith are not d�etrimental to the health, safety� Peaoe, morals ar�d general w�elfare of persons residing ar� warking in the vicinity of the subdivi.si�. ` f)�at the design of the subdivisioci and its as.sociated inprwemnents will nat oonflict with ease�ents aoquired by the public at large for access thrax� ar use of p�operty within the p�ro�o�ed subdivision. N(7W, ��OFtE, BE IT RF�OL�IFD: That upon careful oo��sideration of maps, e�ibits, facts, testi.moriy and other eviderioe sukmitted in this matter, the application for �+entative S�bdivision Map is Y�ereby reva�nnerried far app�oval, subject to the cor�ditions ernm�erated in this Resolution beginniryg on Page 2 tY�ereof ; ar�d Re^.�olutioaZ No. 4245 (16 Fe.m.vary 26, 1990 Page -2- BE IT Ft� RE50L�lID: - That the suboonclusions t� which the f indit�gs and oor�ditioa�.s specif ied in this R�olution are based are oo�tained in the Public Hearixyg Reoord ooncer.nin9 I Applicatioaz 16-�Il�88, as set forth in the Mimxtes of the Planning C7�nnission Meeting of Febo.v�ary 26, 1990, and are inoo�porated by referenoe as tho� fully � set fo�th herein. SF)C;TI�J II. P1�7�GT L1ATA Applicati� No: 16JIIrI-88 Applicant: Noor Billawala Praperty Owner: Noor Billawala Location: Westerly termirn�s of Rainbow Drive SE�CI'ION III. QONDITIONS AI�TISTII�ID BY � PUBISC WbRKS DEPARII�fr 1. C�2ADING � Gradir�g shall be as ap�arov+ed ar�d requ.ired by tt�e City E�gineer in acoordanoe with Ordinanoe 125. GYadirx� for the joirit driveway shall result in a natural appearir�g drivew�ay. 2. DRAIl�iAGE Drainage shall be �wided to the satisfacti� of the City II�gineer. 3. UNDII�iJND Ifi'ILS'1TIFS Tl�e develc�per shall c�anQly with the re of the Undergra�u�d Utilities Ordinanoe No. 331 and ather related Ordinanoes ar�d regulations of the City of C1.ip�rtino, ar�d shall 000rc�inate with affect.ed utility providers for installation of utility devives. The develc�er shall su�nit c�etailed plans showir�g utility provisions. Said plans shall be subject to prior approval of the affec,�ted Utility provider ar�d the City F�Zginees. 4 . ACRE�Ir Ttbe p�oject develc�per shall enter into a develc�ment agreement with the City of Glipertino p�avidir�g for payment of fees, inclwdirig but nat limited to c�eckir�q arid inspection fees, storm drain fees, park dedication fees ar�d fees far ir�g of utilities. Said agreeament shall be executed prior to issuanoe of oonstnxction ��++; ts . 5. 'IRArTSFnRMF�2S Electrical transformers, telephone vaults ar�d similar above grcxind equi�ne�lt enclosures shall be scrrePa��ed with fencing ar�d landscaping or located such that said equignent is nat visible frc�on public street areas. Resolution No. 4245 (16 Feh�vary 26, 1990 Page -3- 6. DIDICATION OF WATII2 LINES �e c]eveloper shall dedicate to the City all waterlines arid a es , installed to City Star�dards ar�d shall reach an agree�nexit with San Jose Water Works far� water sezvioe to the subject �lognerit. � 7. � SEWII2S �e p�aperty shall annex to the CUpertino Sanitary District far� the p����ose of providing sanitary sewers p�iar to sukmittal of the final map. 8. R� Q2EIIZ Stabilization and erosion ooa�trols measures shall be p�ovided on Regr�art Creek as required by the City �gir�eer prior to issuai� of building pexmits. Dedicatioaz of creek ric�t-of�ray shall be required as determined by the City �gineer. I S�CI'ION IV. QONDITI�TS A�IISZ'ERID BY 'I�iE aCMMUNITY DEVEClJPN�Fr DF�AF�Tr , 9. C�DING REVIEW BY LAND6CAPE ARCEII'I'�CI' A registered lar�dscape archit.ect shall review grading plans ar�d shall sulinit a plan to prevent soil erosi� arid visually screen ext�.nsive cut ar�d fill areas. Zl1e intent of the visual screen is to soften gradir�g scars. A � 100$ screenir�g effect is r�at required. 10. M�DIFTCATI�T OF APPl�JVID DEVECDP1�3�r PLAN In the ev+�xit that the applicant ar� subsequexit property owner shall desire to make ariy minor chariqe.s, alterations or amer�hnent of the approved develc�pment plan, a written request ar revised develapnent plan shall be suxmitted to the Direct�ar of Plannir�g ar�d Develc�pnent. If the Director malces a fit�dinq that the c�sanges are minor ar�d do nat re.sult in a material affect upon the appearar�oe ar� functioai of the p�oject, said changes may be oertified oai the revised plan. If app�oval of said c3�aryges is withheld, the applicant may appeal to the Plannirig Dammis.sion. If t2�e Direc.� fit�ds that the requested char�ges are material, such c�anges shall be referred to the Planniryg Qarmissi� for app�roNal. If the cl�ariges are denied by the Planning �ioai, the applicant may appeal to the City C.�au�cil as prwided in City Ordinanoe No. 652. If said c�aT�qes are app�oved by the Plannirig Cannission, an ap�eal may be macle to the City C�ow�cil by arYy interested party. F�ther, ariy Member of the City Cau�cil may reque.st a hearir�g before the City Ca�u�cil r�gardirig said apprvved c�ariges. Said request shall be made within ten (10) days fran the date of approval of said c�anges by the Plannir�g Cannission. 11. IO►I' LINE AD17iJSII�TI'S Minor a,djus�ments may be made to the lat lines if the Director of �urninity Development c�e�termines that they are required to aoca�m�oclate detailed i�rvv�nent plans . Re�'.�olutio� No. 4245 (16�Il�88) Feb�vary 26, 1990 Page -4- 12. DIDICAT'I�i OF DEVEClJPN�fr RIC�S �e applicant shall dedicate arYy additional c�velo�pment ric�ts on the 9.6 acre p�roel to the City of Q.ipertino. The dedicated develo�pnent ric�ts shall include the ability to �tsv�.�t an additional residexttial buildiryg. �e dedication �c�ament shall be pmepared by the applicarit ar�d aP�'wed bY the City Att,orney p�iar to final map rec�arrlati�. It shall be recarded on the cl�eed of this paroel ar�d � the tract map. 13. SLpPE DII�1SI'I'Y CRIDIT Applicati� of the apprq�iate slvpe density formila results in a tat,al yield of two clw�ellings far the 10.8 acre site. Slc7pe dex�sity credit fran arty s�ecific lat ar� gra.� of lats cannot be trar�sferred. The applicant may adjust pmoperty lines, subject to City app�vval, if said action will nat create additional dwellir�gs. A oovenant mm�ir�q with the larid in fav�or of the City as apprwed by the City Atto�ney shall be reoorcied to ensure vc�lianoe with the regulations prdzibiting transfer of slvpe de.nsity dwelling unit credit. 14. ZOIIIlJG AC`I'ION Zhe tentative map app�wal is oontingent t�pon the app�o�val of the RHS z�ir�g far tt�e subject p�operty. 15. G�OLAGY Additional g�tec3�nical studies shall be ccn�leted on Paroels 1 ar�d 2 to dev+elcyp c�etailed d�sign reoam�erydations fo� fau�dations, retainirig walls, drivewaYs drair�ge iap��ts, Pav+eqnent at�d slabs o�n gracle Zhe stability analysis of the large latxLslicle/dehh�is mass on the lc�woer � portion of Paroel 2 shall be c�ampleted p�iar� to issuar�oe of buildir�g permits for resideritial develc�pnent. In addition, the patential far� future slape instability (i.e., ariginatir�g directly so�uth of the p�raperty) shall be addres.sed. Detailed mitigatio� plans shall be pre�ared as neoessary. Zhe oo�ultant shall p�avide estimated peak and mean grau�d aooelerations for . oo��.sic�eration by the project structural er�gineer. Results of the st�plemerital geoted�nical irYwestigations shall be sukmitted to the City far review and app�roval by the City E�gineer and Geologist priar� to issuanoe of buildir�q permits ar� approved gradir�g oai Paroels 1 arid 2. 16. PGScE EASII�NI' �e applicant shall sukmit a"Cbnsent Agreement" with PG&E regardir�g iu���crve�nents prv�osed in the their eas�ment p�riar� to suhnittal of the f inal �P • Resolutioaz No. 4245 (16 Feb�uary 26, 1990 Page -5- � 17. P42IVATE I1tIVEi�iY aWII�Jr �e applicant shall reoard an app�r�p�i.ate cleed restrictiocl ani covenarYt � nu�nir�q with the lat�d far all parvels which share a �armo� c�iveway ar� p�ivate roadway with one or mar�e o�t2�er paroels as de�pict�ed ori E�ibit of ' this applicatiai. Said cleed restriction shall p�ovide far neoessary reciP�ocal incJres-s/egress ease�e.nts to ar�d from the affectsd paroels. Said easements shall be reoar�ded at s�x� time as interest in �e or more of the � affected parcels is initi.ally sold ar transferred to anather party. 18. �D N��][I�I'II�NCE AGREQ�3�Tr A recipmocal mairYtenarioe agree�nent shall be required for all paroels which share a o� p�ivate driv+e ar p�ivate r�oadway with or�e ar m�re other paroels within the tract. Said ac�emrent shall be reoorded in ooa�junc.-tio� ' with reoordation of the final map, ar�d shall be subject to priar� approval as to farm ar�d ooa�texit by the City Attarz�ey. ' 19. OFF SrREEEI' PARI�TG � Adequate turn araaxi spaoe ar�d fa�r (4) func.�tionally indeper�d�exit off street Par'kit�q spac�e.s shall be p�ovided � each paroel to oa�ensate far� the lack of public stree�t parking ar�d to provide spaoe far emergenc,y equipment. Fo�r ( 4) PaY'kit�q spaoes oaz each paroel shall be prcyvic�ed in addition to two ( 2) er�closed garage spaoes. ' 20. F�GWII2 I�NFS A natioe shall be reoar�ded in the cleed.s of Paroels 1 and 2 that pow�er lines which maY P�=� P�si.ble health risks are located near the p�q�osed buildir�g ' sites. Zhe natioe shall be reco�tied p�iar to reoardation of the final map. 21. FIRE DISIRICT � An app�oved lockir�g devioe far� arYy new gates or o�astructioa�s shall be provided. Class ��g�� o� better roof ori all st�all be pro�vided. An ap�wed NFPA 13-D resiclential aut:cmatic fire sp�inkler systeqn thro�ughout all prq�osed stn�tures, without listed ex�eptions, shall be pravided. � 22. 2�2EE PRaI'DCI'ION A tree irYVento�y shall be prepared p�ior to sukmittal of the final map. PY�o�ed Lar�dscapit�q shall be installed p�riar to oowparx,y. A bond in the amowYt of $5, 000/tree shall be posted to insure p�atec.�tioaz of s�pec; �n trees. �e bor�d shall be posted p�iar� to site clearai�oe ar� gradir�g, whic3�ever oocurs first. ' 23 . FF3dCING Fencinq shall be p�ovid�ed alo�g tt�e south prvperty line w��erever needed � betweeiz the subject p�operty ar�d the Midpeninsula Regional Opei1 S�aoe District far safety reasons chye to retainir�q walls ar o�ther potentially dangerous . Zhis rei >; �*� shall not allaa mo�e solid fencing than that allc��ed by the �S zotZirg district. Resolution No. 4245 (16JII�I-88) Feb�ruary 26, 1990 Page -6- PASSID AND ADOPTID this day of Fel�uary, 1990, at a Regular Meeting of the �� Plannir�g ammission of the City of Cupertino, State of Califomia, by the follvwir�g roll call vat�e: AYFS: oCNI�IISSIO�S: Adaffi, Fazekas, Mackenzie, Mann and Chairman Claudy � NOES: OCN�IISSIONII?S: None ' ABSTAIN: OCNII�IISSI�: Nane ABSIIVT: aC[�IISSIONF�2.S: l�one 1 Az'i'F.sr• �: /sf Robert Oawan �s/ Jahn Claudy Robert Cow�n Jotui Claudy, Cxzairman Director of oannunity Development C`upertino Plannir�g �ission � perer,os\resl6tm � � � � 1 � � �