Reso 4240 27-U-89 C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O 10300 To�re Avernte C�ertino, California 95014 1 RE90LZfrICd1 NO. 4240 OF � PLANNIldG Q1�IISSIa[J OF � CITY OF CUPII2TIld0 RDOC�IDING APPROVAL OF A USE PF�d�IIT 'I�0 �'A1�ID AN EXISTING RE'rAB, Q.t�Z� Z�D INCC�iJDE 39 , 4 00 S. F. OF OFFTCE/R�n. S�ACE AND 23 DWELI�IlJG LlNIZS, Il1Q�7DING 10 LJr1I'I'S OF Ar'F�OROAB�L� f10USING FC�2 SENIOR CITIZII�IS SFX.TION I • FIldDIl1GS WF�2E'AS, tt�e Plannir�g �nission of the City of CUpertino reoeived an applicati� for a Use P+er�mit, as descri_bed oa� page 2 of this Resolution; ar�d WF�2E'AS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to sL�port said application; and WI�2FAS, th�e Planning Ca�nission finds that th,e application meets the follaair�g requirelnents: a) Zl�at the use or uses are in conform�rioe with the General Plan of the City of Gtlpertino, ar�d are not detri.m�ntal to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the pr� use is to be located. b) 72�at the property involved is ��ate in size and shape to aooarm�oclate the p�q�osed use . c) ZY�at the proposed use will not generate a level of traffic over and a.bvve that of the cagacity of the existing street system. d) That the prq�osed use is atherwise nat detrin�ental to the health, safety, peaoe, morals and general woelfare of pez residing or working in the neic�borhood of such proposed uses, nor injurious to PropertY and in��rov�zts in the neic�zUorhood. , N(7W, �I�RE, BE IT RF50L�7ID: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimoriy and other evide.noe suhnitted in this matter, the application for Use Fermit is hereby reoanaer�ded for appraval, subject to the cor�ditions which are ernunerated in this Resolution b�ginning on Page 2 thereof ; ar�d That the subconclusions �on which the f ir�dings ar�d corrditions specif ied in this Resolution are based aryd coritained in the Public Hearir�g record concerning Application 27-U-89 as set forth in the Mirrutes of the Planning Cc�nission Meetir�g of Fe}�uary 14, 1990, and are iricorporated by refere.nce as thax�i fully set forth herein. � Resolution No. 4240 (27-i�89) Fe�vary 12, 1990 Page -2- SDCTION II: PRUTDC.T D�'I'ION � ApplicatioaZ No(s): 27�89 and 38-EA-89 Applicatiori: Pasaclena-(�anada cbrp. Pr'apertiY owner : r�ta vista ce.nter Paztx�ers L�oc-.ation: North sicle of Stevens Creek Blvd. westerly of Mann Dr (]�own as '"rnse-Value Fiardware" Ctr.l SDC�ION III: C70NDITIONS AL�i�STg2ID BY ZHE PUBLIC W�S D�AKII�I�Nr 1. S'I'REF.'r WIDFNIl�IG Street widenin4. in��ave�nents ar�d dedications shall be provided in a000rdanoe with City Star�d�ards ar�d specif ications ar�d as r?m � i red by the City �gineer. 2. CVRB AND GtT�I'II2 c�.irbs ar�d gutters, siclewalks ar�d related �ures shall be installed in accor�danoe with � ar�d standarcLs as s�ecif ied by the City �gineer . 3. S'I'Rg,T LSC�iTING INSTPiI�ATION Street lic�tir�g shall be installed ar�d shall be as approved by the City II�gineer. Lighting fixt�.ires shall be positioned so as to preclude glare and other forms of visual interference to adjoining properties, ar�d shall be no higher than the maximun heic�t perznitted by the zone in which the site is located. 4. FIRE S�AF'E'1'Y Develc�er shall ocnply with all fire safety requirements specified by the City in �ltati� with the Central Fire District. 5. SI'RE�r TREES Street trees shall be planted within th.e Public Right of Way ar�d shall be of a type approved by the City in aocordanoe with Ordin�noe 125. 6. Q2�DING c7adi.t�g shall be as app�wed ar�d required by the City �gir�eer in aocord�nce with O�dinanoe 125. First floar finist�ed floor elevation shall nat exceed 24 ir�c�es above the hic�est top of c�rb elevation on the adjoining Stevens Creek Blvd. frontage, unless the r�eed far� qreater elevation is dem�nstrated to the City �gineer far pUrposes of ac�ieving proper site drainage or resolvirg o�ther tec�riical oorLStraints. 7. DRAIl�,GE Drainage shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City �gineer. Resolutian No. 4240 (27-U-89 ) Fe�avary 12, 1990 Page -3- � 8. UND�ID LTrILSTIES 'Ii�e c]ev�loper shall �ly with the require�nents of the Uriderqrau�d Utilities Ordinanoe No. 331 ar�d other related ar�d regulatians of the City of CL�ertino, ar�d shall 000rdinate with affect,ed utility �iders for installation of w�dergrcx.u�d utility device.s. �e developer shall suhnit detailed plans st�owir�q utility ur�dergrau�d provisions. Said plans shall be subject to prior apprwal of the affec.�ted Utility �wider and the City �gineer. 9. DE'VELI�PMFI�FI' A�2EEl��fr �e p�oject develaper shall entrer into a clevelc�cnent agr�zt with the City of CL�pertino praviding for payment of fees, including but not limited to c�ki.ryq and inspec�tion fees, storm drain fees, park dedication fees arid fees for of utilities. Said � agreement shall be exec:uted prior to issuanoe of oonstruction permits. 10. �S�Fd�2.S Electrical transformers, teleghoa�e vaults ar�d similar above graund equignent er�closutes shall be screened with fencir�g and landsc.aP�S or located sLx� that said equipment is not visible fran public street areas. SDCTION IV: OONDITIONS A�ISI�2ID BY ��IlrIUNITY DEVELlJPI�r DEPT. I � 11. APPF20�7FD F�IIBITS The reoa�mer�d�ation of approval is b�a.sed on the stieets 0 thro�x� 9 dated 02/O1/90 of Application 27 i�89, exoept as may be amended by the � Corxiitio�s oorYtained in this RPSOlution. Ftn�ther, the office floor area above the main shapQing venter shall be deleted. 'Ihe architectural features of the main s�nc�ppir�g oenter builaing shall be subject to ASAC apprwal. 12. �lJN P,RFA 'Ihe c3evelqinent ric�ts to the Canron Area shall be dedicated to the City of Q�ertino in advanoe of reoordati� of the final subdivision map to ensure that c�petz spaoe area is available to the entire develognent. 13. FIRE AC�CES.S LANES E2nergency fire avoess lanes shall be reoorded as fire lane easements on the final map ar�d shall meet Central Fire District standards. 14. HaNJ�7CJWNF�2S ASSOCIATION DOC'L�NI'S The A.s�sociation doc�m�ents, enabling declaration and cor�danitZitnn plan shall be approved by the Department of Plann.ing and Develcg�nent ar�d by the City Attorney prior to reoordation. Resolution No. 4240 (27-I�89 �� -4- � Fe.l�vary 12 , 1990 15. PIDFS`I'RIAN EFi�SFI�Tr � P�edestrian easeqnents over the sidewalk area shall be pregared by the develoPez'. aPP�ved bY the City Attar�ney arid reoorded against the subject p�vperty p�iar to issuanoe of buildirig permits. 16. AF'FnROABI,E UNTIS��VDCi'�1ILM DIVISION �e Fsc'�perty owner shall reoord a c3�eed restriction on 10 ciw�elling units re�servir�g th�m for affordable re.ntal oowparx,y by senior citizens according to the tenns of a sl�ple9mental agree�nent app�aved by the City Cvuncil, arid by the City Attorney p�iar to reoarr]ation. Said s�ple�nental agreement shall restrict oocupanc,� of said units for d minimm+ p�iod of 20 years. 'Il1e remaining 13 units may divided for resale as condanini�nm units at the discretion of the developer or owner. There shall be at least one (1) additional lot held in vamro� ownership. Zhe exact plaoe�nent of interior partitions may be modified subject to staff approv 17. HCNIDC7FlrTg2S ASSOCIATION DOCI�TI'S Zhe Hcmeowners As�soci.ation doc�,m�ents, enablir�g cleclaration ar�d condcem�niwn plan shall be ap�p�o�ved by the of Planni.r�g and Devel��t ar�d by the City Attorn�y prior to reoordation. 18. ACtOiJSTICAI, BARRIII2 The develaper shall install a solid acvustical bazrier (masonry wall) at the southerly ar�d w�este,rly perimeter of the site adjacent to the Oakdell Raix�h subdivision. 'Ihe b�rrier shall be config�ed to attain an effective 6 foot height above hic�est adjoining grade at ariy poiuit along its reach. 19 PAFtI�1G 'Ihe applicarYt shall iu�leqnent shared parking ba..sed on the availability of 162 spaoes. All spaves in the garage st�all be reserved for exclusive use of residential tenants at all times, ar�d shall be formalized . in the project OC&R's. 2 0 . C'IF�iJLATION RF�S'PRICTIONS 'Ihe developer shall install a gate at the west end of the service yard behir�d the existir�g cannercial structure to prevent throuc�i traffic access, ar�d eliuninates the two �loyee parking spaoes. Deliv+eYy activity is restric�ted in acoordance with the l�uzicipal Cocie. 21) LAND.SCAPING Zhe developer shall pravide continuo�us tree plariting on the north and west site perimeters in a000rdanoe with the Monta Vista Design c�idelines. The selection of tree type ar�d dep�th of planter shal be subject to ASAC review at the Precise Plan review stage. Resolution No. 4240 (27-[�89) Fe�uary 12, 1990 Page -5- � 22 ) PRIVACSt IldIi�JSIC�1 'I3�e Precise Plan review�ed by ASAC sha11 oo�ntain a detailed c�esGription of privacy inpact mitigation measures far �per story units facir�g the w�esterly site perimeter. Z3�e solutioti shall respo�rd to the pravisions of Folicy 2-29 of the General Plan Land Use Ele�nent. 'IY�e dev�eloper, ar suoaes.so� in interest, shall be permanerity enjoined from installi.r�q witYiows oa1 the n�arth wall of the offioe pentha��e space above the �ial building. ASAC shall review plao�nent ar�d de.sign of all trash enclosures for visual quality ar�d also see,k to minimiZe distru�e fran sid facilities to offsite locations. 2 3 ) F�IC� RE5'I'RICI'ION 'It�e westerly residential ]uildir�g shall be limited to a maxinann height of 30 ft. measured to the highest poirit of constniction. 24) ORDII2 OF QONSPR'[JC�ION R�znodeliryg of th�e existir�g shopping oenter buildir�g shall be cca�leted prior to oo�ncy of the easterly office/oa�enercial building. ( PASSID A1�ID ADOP'I�D this 12th day of Feb�uary 1990, at a Regular Meeting of the Plannirg Ocnmission of the City of GUpertino, State of California, by the ( followir�g roll call vate: AYFS: oCi�SSIONII?S: Mackenzie, Mann, Ad�ms ar�d Chairman Claudy � NOES : OCM�IISSIODTIIZS : Fazekas � ABSI'AIN: aCN�IISSIONIIZS: None ABSIIJI': aCi�IISSIONFRS: None � ATI'F�T: AppRWID: �s/ Robert Qowan --/s/ Jahn Claudy Robert C7c�an John Claudy, Q�ainnan Director of �ity Develc�nent Clipertino Planning Cce�amission pere�os\rso27u89 i