Reso 4238 29�89 C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O 10300 To�'e Avern�e CL�estino, California 95014 RF�OIxT�lald NO. 4238 l OF THE PLANNING OCM�IISSIC�i OF � CITY OF QJPII�TINO RDOCL�VDING APPROVAL TO OPII2ATE A Qi�kICH WI� AN F�S'IrIl�G 5, 700 9Q. FT. OFFICE B�TIIDING ( � SE�7G'�TON I • FIl�1DIl�tG.S �F,AS, the Plannir�q oamnissioa� of the City of C�perti.no reoeived an application for a Use Fermit, as described or► Page 2 of this F�esolutioai; and Wf�2E'AS, the applicant has met the bur�en of proof required to suppart said application. ; ar�d W�S, the Planning Qamnissioaz fir�ds that the applicatioaz meets the following require2nents: a) That the use or uses are in oonformanoe with the General Plan of the City of CL�ertino, ar�d are nat detrimer�tal to existir�q uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in whic� the p�q�osed use is to be located. b) That the property irYwlved is acleqtaate in size and shape to aoow�adate the prq�osed use. c) That the pra��osed use will nvt generate a level of traffic over ar�d above that of the capacity of the existir�q street systeqa. d) That the pro�osed use is otheYwise nat detrimerital to the health, safety, Peaoe, morals and general welfare of persons residir�g or wnrking in the neic�borYiood of s�x�h p��q�osed uses, nar injuria�us to Pz'�Y ar�d in�rvv�nents in the neic�barhood. e) 'Ihe applicant ur�erstar�ds the trip encl restrairYt policy ar�d will nat sell or transfer the surplus trip end.s. DiCJW, T�RE, BE 1'I' RF50LUID: That after careful ooa�sideratiori of maps, facts, e�ibits, testimony arid other evidenoe suhnitted in this matter, the applicati� far� Use Permit is heseby reooanomex�ded for approval, subject to the oonditions which are ern�merated in this Resolution beginning o� Page 2 thereof; ar�d That the subconclusions upo�i whic� the findir�gs ar�d vonditions s�ecified in this Resolution are ba��ed and oontained in the Public I�earing reoar�d oonoerning Applicati� 29-U-89 as set farth in the Miraites of the Plamzir�g Qom�aission Meeting of January 9th, 1990, ar�d are inoorpo�ated by referenoe as tY�ax� fully set forth herein. Re�.�oluti� No. 4238 (29�89) Jarn�ary 9, 1990 p� _2_ SDCTTCd�T II: PRQ7�7CT DF�CRIPTIOId Application No(s): 29�89 ar�d 41-FA-89 Applicant: Clayt� N. Stok,es � Property Owner: Monta Vista Bible Qnlrch Locatio�: Scxlth side of � Creek Blvd.. 200 ft. east of Firich Av�ern�e Paroel Area: .97 A�'es I SDCI''ION III: QONDITIONS A�ISI�2ID BY Z� P[JBISC W�S DF�AF�Nr 1 l. S'I�2F�Er WIDIIVIlIG Street widening. inQr� ar�d c�edicati� shall be p�wic�ed in a000rdanoe with City St�r�dards ar�d specificati� arid as required by the City E�giriePr . 2. CURB AND QTITII2 Curbs ar�d gutters, sidewalks ar�d related shall be installed in a000rda�noe with grades ar�d star�dards as s�ecified by the City F�qineer. 3. S'I'REET LI(�ING INSTALZATION �', Street lighting shall be installed at�d shall be as app�oved by the City �gineer. Lightirig fixtures shall be positioned so as to p�eclude glare ar�d o�ther forms of visual irYterferenoe to adjoinir�g p�vp�sties, and shall be no higher than the maxim�na height permitted by the zoc�e in whic� the site is located. 4. FIRE HYDRANI' Fire hydrants shall be located as required by the City. 5. TRAF�'IC SIGNS Traffic oontrol signs shall be plaved at locations specified by the City. 6. SI'RE�r TR� Street trees shall be planted within the Public Ric�t of Way ar�d shall be of a type app�aved by the City in a000rdar�oe with Ordinar�oe 125. 7. Q�ADIlJG Gradiux� shall be as approved ar�d required by the City F��gine�r in a000rdanoe with Ordinanoe 125. Resolutio�i No. 4238 (29�89) Ja2n131y 9, 1990 P'age -3- 8 . I�2AIl�i9GE Drair�ge shall be pravided to the satisfactiori of the City F��qineer. 'I S1�-Faoe flcw across public sidewalks may be alluaed in the I�1, R-2 ar�d 1�3 zones wzless starm drain facilities are dee9oned neoessary by the City �gineer. Developmexrt in all ather zoriinq districts shall be s�rv�ed by oaz site storm c�air�age facilities oo�ectsd to the City st�arm drainage � system. If City st.arm drains are nat available, ch�air�age facilities shall � be installed to t��e sati.sfactioaz of the City E�qii�eer. 9. i7NDII�iJND UI'ILI'I'IF5 �e developer shall oomply with the re ' of the Utilities Ordinar�oe No. 331 and other related Ordinai�oes and regulatiorLS of the City of CX�ertino, and shall 000�dinate with affec,�t�ed utility p�oviders far installation of utility devioes. �e developer shall suhnit detailed plans showir�g utility p�o�vi.si�s. Said plans shall be subject to p�iar� app�oval of th�e affec.fied Utility p�ovider and the City �gineer. 10. DEVEIAPN�I'r A(.�tE�fI' ` 'T�e Pro7ect develaper shall enter into a developnent ac�eement with the � City of GUpertino p�ovidir�g for payment of fees, including but nat l�mited to checking ar�d inspec�tiori fees, starm drain fees, park ciedicati� fees ar�d fees for und of utilities. Said agree�t shall be ex�ecuted p�ior to issuanoe of oo�truc.�tion permits. 11. TRANS'FOFd��2.S Electrical transformers, telept�e vaults ar�d similar above grour�d equiPme.nt enclosures shall be screex�ed with fer�cinq ar�d landscapir�g or located suc� that said equignent is nat vi.sible frcm public stseet areas. 12. Pg2IVATE DRIVE�Y OOVII�,NT � �e applicarYt shall recar�d an app�vp�iate c�eed restrictiori and oovenarit nuu�►inq with the land far all paroels which share a� c�iveway or p�ivate roadway with one ar mar�e ather p��roels as depic.•ted ori the parcel map of this applicatior►. Said deed restrictioa� shal.l p�wide far� neoessary reciP�l in9ress/egress easements to and frcm the affec.-tsd paroels. Said easesnents shall be eoo�ed at a�ch time as interest in or�e ar� mar�e of th�e affectsd paroels is initially sold ar transferred to ar�o�ther party. 13. Ft�JAD MAIl�TII�TANCE AGREQ��'r A reciprocal maintenar�oe agree�ment shall be required fo� all parvels which share a c�cemm� p�ivate drive or p�ivate raaciway with oa�e ar� mar�e otl�er parcels within the tract. Said �t shall be reoar�led in oonjunc�tio� with reoordation of the final map, ar�d shall be subject to p�iar� app�ro�val as to form and cont.ent by tt�e City Attrarney. Resolution No. 4238 (29-i�89) Jar�uary 9, 1990 Page -4- 14. Il�2F5S��SS E�SII�NI'S �he applicarit shall reoar�d an app��iate cleed restriction ar�d oov�enant runnir�q with the lar�d subject to app�+oval of the City Atto�ney, fo� all paroels which share a vanmon p�ivate driv�e ar� p�ivate roa�way with a�e ar m�ar�e ather p�roels. Said c]eed restriction shall �ide fo� neoessary reciprocal irx�ess and eqress ease�s�ts to and from the affec.-tsd p��oels. ( Said easements shall be reoar�ed at such time as interest in or�e ar mo��e of � the affec.�ted paroels is initi.ally sold ar� trarLSferred to another party. SF7CI'ION IV: QONDITIONS ACNIII�]ISI�2ID BY 'Ii� Q�I'Y DEVELlJPN�I' D�T. 15. AP�VID E�IIBITS 'Ihe reoarurnx�tioaz of app�o�val is based ori E�ibits Site Plan, e�ao�pt as may be amended by the Qor�ditior�s oontained in this Resolution. 16. N�DIFICATION OF APPRpVID DEVE[AP�fr PI�N In tt�e event that the applicarrt ar subsequ�nt p�vpeity awner shall desire to make arry minor �a�s, alteratior� o� a�ent of the app�ov�ed ctevel�lt plan, a written reqta�est or revised developnent plan shall be I suhnitted to the Direc.�to� of Plarmir�g ar�d Develc�ent. If the Directar makes a finding that the c�anges are mino� ar�d do nat result in a material affect upon the appearanoe or fw�ction of the p�roject, said char�ges may be oertified on the revised plan. If app�wal of said d�arx�es is witht�eld, th�e applicant may ap�eal to the Plannir�g �i�. If the Director firids that the request'�ed c3�'�t�ges are materi.al, such char�ges shall be referred to the Plarviing Oaoaissictz fcr app�oval. If the chariges are denied by the Plannir�g Oanai�siori, the applicarYt may appeal to the City Caancil as provided in City Ordinar�oe No. 652. If said c�anges are ap�vveci by the Planni.nq Oanmissioci, an apQeal may be made to the City Cau�cil by any ' party. E�ufi�er, arry Me�nber of th�e City C�au�cil may request a h�earirig befare the City Cxxu�cil regardirig said app�wed d�nges . Said request shall be macle within ten (10 ) days fran the date of app�oval of said char�ges by the Plannir�g Oamiissiori. Resolutio�'► No. 4238 (29�89) Jar�uary 9, 1990 Page -5- 17. TRIP QONfSTRAII� ( Iatxl Use intensity shall be limited to an irYtensity that will nat generate m�e than 15.52 oc�e way trips per acre ch�ir�g the peak traffic hair. Far puYposes of ens�ir�g oanpliai� with the Traffic IrYtensity Performanoe Star�dard, the follc�wir�q aooauYtir�g of trip� is hereby inoo�po�ated irYt�o the P�7ect app�vval: ' Trips Generated by CYnizrh Use � Church 5,700 sq. ft. @.28 trip ends/1,000 sq. ft. = 1.6 trips Trips Credited to Church Use .97 acres x 16 = 15.5 S�plus Trips Available fo� Transfer Trips Used (1.6) - Trips Credited (15.52) = 13.9 Trips Available for Transfer In the event that a clevelcypnexrt cloes nat utilize the full 16 trips per acre allatted by the trip end performanoe standard, the owner of r�ecar�d shal.l have the ability to re�tain, sell ar transfer trips with oth�es p�+operty owners within the the Traffic Ir►t�ensity Ppsfo�rmar�oe Standard Area. All sales or transfers of trips shall be filed with the Directo� of Plannir�g ar�d Develo�anent ar�d the City Clerk. No sale ar transfer shall be �nsidered finally oons�mmiated until a Use Permit has been app�w+ed for th�e property to which the trips are to be applied. �he c�velc�er shall reoar�cl a owenant to d�esc,ribe the trip acre ooaLStrairYt ar�d the total rnm�ber of trips allocated to the particular devel�t at the time of c�evelopment ap�val. 'II�e cw+�nant shall app��i.ate womdir�g to suggest that future of th�e p�.ro�perty voa�sult th�e individual Use Permit file to obtain an t�dated status repart of the tatal rnm�ber of trips allocated to each particular p�operty. 18. NOISII��TG DEVIC�'.S No public address system or P�I�4 SY'S�, P�� � ar� si.milar noise�nakir�g devioe shall be permitted aitcloors at arYy time. 19. PRF7CTSE DEVECDPI�Tr PLAN REVIII�1 As part of th�e p��ecise develognent plan required uryder Secti� IV(c) of Ordin�r�oe No. 168, the c�e�elaper shall obtain fo�mal architectural site approval of the buildir�g layvut, vamp�eh�ensiv+e plantir�g, arid site lic�tiryg plan, and in a000rdanoe with the follvwing directi�: A) The light fixture plaoed in this area shall be adjustable to enstn�e adequate protecti� of mat�arist from irYtrusiv+e effec,�ts of glare. Lighting in the parkir�q lat shall be of a white tint, rather than oraryge or yellaa. B) Larrdsc,apir�g along the r�arth porti� of the site along Stev�ens Creek Boulev�rcl s��auld be dro�t resistatYt platitirx�s. Resolutior► No. 4238 (29-i�89) Jar�uary 9, 1990 Paqe -6- C) �e trash enclosure should be located az the site in s�rh a mar�r as � to not be visually od�trusive to the surra�r�dir�g uses with particular oor�oern of the view from 0.�ertirb Hic� Sd��ool to the rear of the par�cel into the site. � 20. P_�►�G A minim�rm of 28 spaoe� shall be pa.roVicleci. '�i.s parkil7g is based upa'7 the � applicant's p�ojection of 100 �ea�le utilizing pews at 1 parkiriq spaoe per � per-.� ar�d 3�Qlayees cre�atir�g a tatal of 28 garkir�g spaoes required. �e applicant will obtain 000perative off-site parkir�q arrar�gesnent.s, if the overflow fran the subject paroel d.isnipts arid/ar� ooazflicts with adjoiniryg Paroel Parkir�g - 21. SIC�T PROGRAM If th� applic�ant wishes to establish a sic� p�ogram, the detailed e�ibits shall be subject to separate review ar�d app�oval by the Architectural Site and Apprwal ocnmittee. 22. U5E T.rn�rrmA�r*rpN F1�e day care use is subject to additia�al use permit review. PASSID AND ADOFI'ID this 9th day of Jam�ary, 1990 at a R�gular Meetit�g of the Planning �ission of the City of Gt�ertino, State of California, by the follvwir�q roll call vote: AYFS: oC�IISSION'II2S: Blaine, Claudy, Mackenzie, Chairnian Adan�s NOF:S : aCi�IISSIO� : ABSTAIl�T: aCt�IISSIO[JII2S: ABSIIVT: OCY�M�IISSIOIJFRS : ATI'F.'�r • AP�VID : . Js/ Robert Uvwan �s/ Victar� Ada�ns Robert Cbwan Victar� Adams, CY�ainnan Direc.�tar of Planning C'Upertino Plarnlir�g �n�ni�ioaz Pcresos/rso29us9 � 1