Reso 4235 23-U-89 C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O 10300 Z�orre Avent�e - (�ertino, Califo�nia 95014 RE50IZTrIC� N0. 4235 OF � PLArII1ING aCM�'IISSICI[J OF � QTY OF QJPII�Il�10 RDOQM�IDING APPROVAL OF A USE P�r Zn OPgiATE A TAI�;�LTI' F100D SII7VICE �'�'1�RT,Tg�j' j,�'g� p� �SI'IldG 3�PPIl�TG CaTI�R Z'F3�Nr SPA+CE SDCTION I: FTNDINGS WI�2FAS, the Plannir�g C�tnis.sion of the City of C1�ertino reoeived an application for a Use Permit, as described on Page 2 of this Resolution; ar�d �FAS, the applicant has met the burden of p�oof r��;red to support said application; and T��2E'AS, the Planning Qoadnis.sion finds that the application meets the follvwir�g : a) Zt1at the use or u.ses are in vonforn�ar�oe with the G,eneral Plan of the City of C�ipertino, ar�d are nat detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in th,e zone in which th�e pro�osed use is to be located. b) �at tne prapertl� irnolvea is aclequate in size ana shape to a��odate the prq�osed use. c) Zhat the prai�osed use will nat generate a lev+el of traffic over ar�d above that of the capacity of the existir�g street system. d) Zl�at the prq�osed use is otheYwise nat detrimental to the health, safety, peaoe, morals ar�d general w�elfare of persons residing or workir�g in the neic�borhood of such p�ra�o�ed uses, nor injuriaus to P�Y � ��'we�nents in the neic�borhaod. NC7W, 'I��2EF�ORE, BE IT RF50LUFD: ZYsat after careful oonsideration of maps, facts, e�ibits, testimoriy and other evide,r�oe suliaitted in this matter, the application for Use P�ermit is hereby reocmmerrled far� ap�proval, subject to the oo��ditions which are ern�merated in this Resolutiotz begir�nir�q oaz Page 2 t2�ereof; ar�d Zl�at the subooa�clusions upon which the firydir�gs ar�d conditions specified in this Resoluti� are based ar�d contained in the Public Heari.r�g record oonoerning Applicatian 23 t�89 as set forth in the Mirrutes of the Planning Ca�nission Meetiux� of January 8, 1990, ar�d are inoorporated by reference as thax� fully set forth herein. Resolution No. 4235 (23-L�89) Jarn�azy 16, 1990 p� _2_ �ICi�I II: PR�T� DE.'S(RIPTIG�1 Applicatiari No(s) : 23-L�89 33-FA-89 Application: �ia �ma ProPer'ty Owt�er: Jame.s �ir� ���� �IlW Oorner of S. Blanev & Bollinqer Raad SDCI'�OAi III. �1VDITIO�TS � BE AII�IIS'I�32ID BY � aQrMC�'M DEVELDPI'�]T DE�T. 1. AP�IFfl �IIBI'I'S Zt�e reoamieridatioal of app�oval is b�sed oci the Sheets 2, 3 ar�d 4 dated 12/11/89 of Applicati� 23�89, exo�pt as a�mer�d,ed by the p�r�ditions ooritained herein. 2. USE T.�r*rA�*rpN 'Ihe subject use permit authorizes operation of a take-vut and caterirx�/delivery food servioe ar�d incidental retail sales tenar�c.y with the follc�wir�q l�mi.tatio�s: A) No din.it�g seats allc�red within the retail/waitirg area, or autdoors B) Sale of alaatiolic beverages limited to pacJ�.�ge liqans in vonjunction with food orders; no o�menise oor�stu�tioai ar sale of liqour without avoa�rYyir�g food order. C) No liv+e music ar similar fo�n�s of entertairm�ent activity shall be allc��ed. D) The hours of cyperatiori are limited to 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. for �s' servive; clearnip, food p�ep. ar�d a�ministrative activity on th�e P�nis�s is limited to the ha�rs of 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM. E) Take-o�ut food servive deliv�ery shall be p�ovicled p�imarily by oo�tract ar emplvyee driv�s; dit�ec,-t pick�p of food and shall nat significantly inpact the parkinq o� traffic otheYwise associated with the retail oenter in which the subject use is located. 3. NOISEI�II�1G DEVIC� No public address syste�n� P�J�J �. P�z'� �9aPhone or similar devioe shall be permitted outd,00rs at any time. 4. Z�i IIdCL05URE/SERVIC,E ACTIVl''I'Y RESIRIGTION Prior to of the appraved use, the praperty owner shall install gated trash enclosures within the west servioe yard, the rnm�ber of s�ich enclosures, their materials ar�d location subject to staff approval. F�esOlutio[1 NO. 4235 (23�89) Jarn�ary 8, 1990 Pac�e -3- � All pa�tians of the servioe yard within 50 yard.s of the subject terjant sp�oe shall be subject to clearnlp of trash ar�d del�is, re�oval of stared mater'i,als and rodexit habitat, ani remoNal of all illegal p�i� to of business activity under this Use P�eYmit. Said area shall be thereafter remain clear of all such dF.l�is arxi unsanitani � p�'odt,x�-'ts . 'II�e restaurarYt vperatar at�d p�roperty owr�r shall ensure that evenir�g hovr clearnip activities do nat distt�b neic�t�o�ir�q residents. Zl�e parkir�g area at�d seYVioe yard pav�ne.rrt shall nat be u.sed far �rastiir�g ar� clean� activity, nar� shall food refuse be allaaed to enter the st,arm drain syste�n• 5. FtJI[7RE QORftDGTIVE � St�ould the City reoeive ccapliants about unauth�ized activity, noise ar unsanitaYy practice.s, garkir�q p�oUleus ar� w�n�sually hic� lev�els of traffic as.sociated with the p�q�osed use, the subject i7se Ppsmit may be subject to a public hearir�g far� p��poses of addi,t�g oor�ditip� o� pos,sible revoc,ation. 6. SIC3d PR�2AM Sign informatioa� indicated � the use permit e�ibits shall be subject to separate app�wal in avoordar�oe with th�e CeiYtrer's app�oved sign grogram. PASSID AND ADOPTID this 8th day of JanuaYy, 1990, at a Regular Meetit�g of the Planning Uomnissiori of the City of �pertiino, State of California, by the follcywing roll call vat�e: AYES: oCN�IISSIONFRS: Claudy, Mackenzie, Blaine NOES: oCM�IISSIo[dII�S: �'. Adams ABSTAIld: aCM�IISSIONIIZS: Na'�e ABSII�Tr: OC[M�IISSIa[dgtS: Noa�e ATI'F�T• Ap'pRQVID• �s� R�obert Qowan /s/ Vict,or Adams Robert Cbwan Vict.or Adan�s, Q�airnti3n Direc.�to� of �ity Development C�pertino Plannirrg Do�mtission peresos\rso23u89