Reso 1175 6-TM--7:3
hF?SOl.i?'�'LON ?�0. :1175
OF 7'l:il: 1'T.,11:\NI1�;G CO;��I��iISSTC?�? OF THl'; CT_T'1 C%7'' CtJI'J?itTTI:��O
P.ECO���.•�1�NllI;;G th�� :�pprcval of: � ter�t�� map to
div.ide ;�.92 acrc:s :i.nto e]_even dup�.ex 1ots.
APPI.IC!1NT: l_,state. l,omes, Inc.
AI)DkI:S�: :1661 tJ. Sar� Carl.o�> St=., St�it:c� 7_O6, Sari Jose 95128
sUrrilr�c]?]�: rlarct, 27, 1973
LOCA7'IOIv' East oi- r1a.>ine Avenue app�-oxi.mai:ely SOC! f soutllerly of
llor.l� Ro�d.
ZONI;: R?--4.?.5i (Res:i_cientia]., Dup.l.E.y, 4,25U �q. it. per ci� unit,
si�z�;le st=ory.
ACRE�'1GI? : 3. 92 acr. es
1-l�f. Stanclar.d Coiz�litions.
. 15. Thc� applic��lit sh�.l.�_ design and ii_s�.a�_7.� a sounci b3rrier to the r.ear
of Lots Uile through ];leven s}.�ou1_c; said wall be de�er:nii:e�l to be
necessar;= after_ stud� b�T a�,.iali.� acou�t:_�_��.1 c:ngineE The Director.
of Piibl:�c ��,�oi-lcs shaJ..J. r_at. �.1�� report= o� th� ,-�coust:ical cazgin.eer. T},e
archit.ectural desir;n. �nd sp��c:i_f_ic loc�:�tioi� o� t.l�e caa�l sha.11 be rrview�cl
by the. Ar cliitec.tural a,�d Sit� Apul'ov�_.l Co.m:�i_t-t:.e. .
16. ivTative s�ec�.�nen t.rer>s shal]_ ren�a.�_ii on u}le site. E;�;�; oi-chai-d trees
sliall be. re'_ained z.r� frant and r_�t�r ,�cards �rh�z� fe.asi.tile. Tne feasibi_7.ity
� si�all. ?>e determiued based upoi� gr.adin�; pla??s app�oved by the Director of
Publi� i•7orks.
17. ihe proposed street cr.oss-section on E�hihit A, 6-T�1-73, i.s not approved.
Tlie applicant slial7_ uti_lire Lhe st��zzdard stre�t cross--section as approvecl
by t.h� Director of Public ;�,larks.
---.------______------------------------- ----------------------------------------
PASSED l:idD ADOY`�};J� this llth day of �ui�e, 1973, at a r.egular meeting oi the
Planning Cotnma.ssion of tlie C:ity of Cupe.rt�.rio, Si:ate of_ Cal_ifornia, by the
fol.lo; roll call vbte:
E1YFS: Cormliissioizers Adams, Gatto, Ne11is, 0'ICeefe, 13uthenuth
' NAYS: • None �
AI3STAINI:Iv None . .
l�PPl,OVEll :
.Tol�n 4�?. Bui:licnutii,� C;h:� i_1'man ------
1']_an�ii�.g L'oim���ission
���'�` �al� �-�`� , r�;�r.��`,,,.� '
_ _.. _. _ . _ �.__ _ _ _'_ ._, _ _...._.�._ ---- - - -_�_____._.___
J8111G:; L�. �1.S�C
Planning Di tor --�_-