Reso 1171 , 87_, 00� . 4 I�ESOLlJ'.CIO�v P��. 11.71 0�' TI3.1: 1'L.ANNI�VC; CCI•ii�IISSI01v' Oi 1`Til; C:C'1'i C[� CUI.'EtZTI:�10 R]�CC�L�il,�;DING A�'1'R0�'[1L of the five_year C��pitc:l l:mprove- meni:s Prog� as suir.marizers i_n �lie �it.f4acheci �r�emo of May 14, 1.973. PASSI:D ANi� AD�JPTED thi.s 14th daj� of l�iay, �.9i3, at a rehu�ar meeti.i�� cf the P.lannin" Commissiozl of tYie City of C.ipert.�_no, State ot �al_ifor�zia, �y the follo�ai.,ig r. o:i1. cal:1 vc �: e� AYES: Conmiissianers Gatt��, r�el1��; 0'Kee:`e., F3�_�*hentith NAY S : No ne ABSTAINIIvG: None ABSENI: Commissioner Adams • APPROVED: ;Jolin G]. Bui:iienutti, Chairman . Planni�.g Co�ranission ATTEST: . . R A��.� ��, ..� 'a� ' �,^'g ��'*'�' C� ^!'^ x :- A � .w� � �. : �,. . "':�J'--�?`_: . . - -- � =¢`�+---k --l.._._ ..iR''".'' r:c�s�'_'s^� t°�i.'�'.'�._..._.�_� � ,,�`�iames H. Sislc �Planninb Directoz -1- • • �-�' � �� ��? � � LJ L,����.-� ,, �;�� {._��`'�' � ���� ��` �����=v������� �� � ��� The Ilonorable r1a��or and i�ie.�nbcrs of the City Council D�TE: May ��+, 1973 FROM: City Flanning Commission SUQJ�CT: Revietv of Five--Year Capital Impro•�ements Program This Gommission has reviewed the recornmendations of the City staf_f as �ae11 as those of tlie Citi.zens Committec relat:ive Lo tt1P sul�ject Five-Yeai C.p�tal Improvements Program. Af_ter thorough review and pub7i.c heari.n; before the. Commission, the follo�ving represents the Com�:issicn's reco�r,mendati.on concerra-- ' ing the vaiious programs. � Prior to discussing the individual projects, it is 1_rnportai�t� that Lhe Com:nissien defi_ne two phrases that are used thr.oughout the iev�.ew of the projects, those phrases beir.g ° `un�rogrammed" and "abeyance". iJnpr_ o�rammed ���hen a decis-ion has been made to uripra�ram a. pr.oject, this decision becomes a defini.�te and final commitment as it re]_ates to this Five-Year Capital T_mprovc�- ments Program Bond Election Document. In essence, t:he unprogram..ned projec*_ should not be a part of the five-year program. Abeyance � When placing a project in abeyance, this does not commit the ?'lanning Comm�.ssion to final approval of the project. t111 abeyance pr_ojects are conditioned upon tl:e outcome of the General Plan. The abeyance procedure, howevea-, does faczlitate the formation of the Five-Year Capital Improvemeiit Yrogram by allo� the Planni.ng Commission r_o indicate its prefer.ence as to the year the project cauld be pr.ogrammed, if the project is in confarmance ���ith said plan. T_herefol-e, . upon completiori of said plaxl one of the two following conditions may occur. 1, Tf Llie General. P].an indicates tl�:at r_he project is ��z�cessary, and th�:�, Zt . is in conf.or.mance w�th the General Plan, the project will t�2en be programmed in the year t-h��t tlie Planning Com�r,ission has it�dicateci. 2. Ii the plai� does not sul�stantiate the pro�ect tt the itcm wi11 z:ot be included in tlie �ond election and it wi.11 either b� deleCE:ci or ri:vi.sed so as to be coordinated wiLh the findings of the General Plaz�. In addi.tion, during the course of thc review, ques�io�ls aro:>e as to tYie -1- e Reva.eta c�{ r i.lrc-Yea� Capi L Improvemenrs Program P�Iay 14, 191;� . General PJ_a�z study aizd its �eff.ect an fu�ure parlc neecis. Therefor.e., the Commission wisYie> to ma�ce the fc>]_lowinfl, st'.ate�ment, "'i'tiat t}�e Ci.ty Councii. shoul.d be ����rare that �lic� pre.sei�_tly adopted opE�n-s�pace el_ern�.nt appr�irs t_o be def.icien.t as re7_ated to p��ark i�.eeds and tliat. the Connui_ssior. �ail1 make an � additional report to Lhe Council on th�_s matter prior to the bo».d progr�.�r_ being fi.nalized. " � _.2_ Ti_v�-•ye�ar C�zpitr�l Ili���. i�la}� 14, _1y73 '�1emo to City Council. Pa�e 3 P r o e c t: e d � � �. r . _.��.;.1_����___ _______ �^____--- P 1<a nnin;; _ �ect St.aff Citi.z.ens �Com�n. � Ccmments P��I�KS : Memorial Park lletre7., 73 73 i3 Approved as zs. S��V�I15 Cl:. BlV[�, Tennis Court Lip;hting- 73-74 73-74 73-74 Citi_zens` Commi_ttee recommencl�d fii�ancirin De A�zza Co7_le�� fr.oi:l Genc�ral �unds surplus. Ylanni_n� Comma_ss�on concurrecl. Meanorial Park Addition- 74--75 74-%5 74-75 Cir..izens' Co�nmittee recoimn�nds land. Stevens Creek acquisiriorz only w�.�h improvements tin- Bou� ev�rd programnieu . Planning Comrni ssio� concurs . Stevens Cree.k Park- 74-75 74-75 74-75 Apprcveci as is. Ainsworth Drive � Mon�.a V:i_sta Parlc- 75-76 75-76 74-75 Plannin� Commission moved project up one Voss Ave. and year l�useci upon park needs of residE�ii�s Locicwood Dr. in the area. � Litid� �'isi:a Park 74-75 73-7�+ 74-75 Planning; Ccnuuission concurred �rith IndiGr. Village • s�aff position rela�ive to adc�itional time for in-house design o.f project. �-I�rse Ra�ch Par.k 76-77 76-77 76-77 Planni_r�g Coulmissior. c�i.curred ��ith Develop?l�e�Zt Citizens' Com�nittee concerning ?_ t�vi.sion or ori:ginal estimatecl cost a_n acccrclancE with revised esti.m�t� submiti:�d by architect. Garden Gate Mini-- 77-7& Deletion 77-7£3 Plannin� Commission replaced thi.s ite� Par_k: East �f inasinuch as a need� has been identified Stelling-�-West in the adopted open-space cotiservation of Highway 9 'element of. the Genera� Plan. Faria School 77-78 77-78 77-7£3 Ci�izens' Committee suggested limitin� Neighborliood Park expendi.tures to $100, OOG. Plannin�; � C�ommissior. concurred. keclucti.on in expendit�xre base.d upon elimivation of certain facilities that� caould b� avail- abl.e at M.emor.ial Park which i.s ir� rl_ose proximit}� to this area. [�;ilson Park E�pansion- 77-7� 77-78 77-78 Approv�d as is. Wi:lson School iortal F'aric Expansion- 77-78 77-7£3 77-7£i Appx'ouE�d a5 is.. PortaJ. School F'i.v'��:-yc.�ir Capa_t:a]. Imp. Tlay 14, 1.973 �1c�.n;o to City Cou�ZCil � I'age �E � P r_o �j e c_ t e cl Y_ e� r P ].anning Froject Sta Citizens Comm. T Comn?ents ��'��ZI�S �COI1t� : Somerse.t Scuare Park- 74-75 73-74 74-75 Ttie Commission concur.red �•rith tlie. si.af{ PY�ase II to de.lay th:i.s proj ect or.ze year_ so as to all_oia time for s�udies to be completcci on possible noise barr:iers . E�lso, th� t. it� be furzcled from t}ie General riind ra�tiE:.;' than the General Obli�ation lioncl. The followin� projects are wii�tiin the unprogrammed sl:atus which �vere agreed up�rL by staff, citizens, and Planning Commission: Seven SFirizi�s Ranch Tveighborhood Park Heney Creek Par.lc . P�Iuiiicipal Golf_ Course: Church Pro��e.z ty a�ni��, or Deep C1iff Golf Coi.irse Ka�ser Parl�_--Is'ast o£ Perr.ianente P1ant Oak l�ieadot��s Park- Stevens Creelc Blvd. Public Open Space- Kaiser l�ock Quarry � Acquisition of Blacicberry Farm GoJ_� Course BU IT�DINGS AND GR OUNllS TSPmorial Parlc Community 74-75 73-74 74-75 The Commission concuired �aith the staff Center Buildi.ng in delaying tliis project one year ir.as- ' much a�s the constr.uction of the Uuilding . cou7._d not pt�ys:ically take p�.ace in the ye��r 73-74, dae to the tinie needeci to prepare �,�or).cin; dr_ atiain�s and to E;��i;z d consensus on the vari.ous uses for the floor p:Lan of Liie builclin�. 1?iv•e-yc.�r Gar>;.ta.l Irip. ��Zay 14, 1.91:3 i•1ei;�o to (;ity Counc�i_1 Page S .� P�- o a c t c� d Y ��� r. __ __�___��-,----- -- I' lani� i_n.�; 3. : ject St3ff Citi�_c�z�_� _Comrn._ Comnieizt.s BUILllINGS �.dD GROU�IDS : (continuecl) Linda Vis ta Parl� 73- I4 13-�74 73-74 Appr_ oved as is . � Restroom and Stor_e- room Horse Ranch Bu:il.ding 73-74 73--74 73-74 Appro�recl as i.s. Improverier.ts Corporat_ion Yard 77-78 77-7� 77-7� P7_anning Conunissi.on concurrec: wi.t}i the Improvements Citizens' Committee concerri.n� use of Generai Fur.ids siirplus for impro��em.ant. The following represeizts a list of projects �rhich �,�ere approved as unpx:ogramm�d by the Planning Comi:�ission, staff �nd Citi.zens' Conunitt�e: Public Safety Buil,din�; � Civic Center CiV�i.c C�nter-Comr:luniLy Ccnter Building � I. ' Acquisition for t'ublic Facili.tic�s 2ile follo�,Tinb �.�roject:=s a��e unr.c�solved at th2 Planning Commission J_evel, the reason bei.no that th� Co:mni�si.on desired additional information. `l:hose projecL are as �oilows, �.aith the desired inforn,at:ion statc�d. City Hal1. �as�ment 73--74 73-�4 73-74 City $?_41,000.00 Federal 145,00 T0�'AL $386,000.00 The above fi�ures include coristruction, furnishing and worl�ing drawixig.:.• Civic Center La?id 73-74 73-74 73-7G �ao matters of COIICEI"11 expressed by Acquisi.tion the PlanninQ Commission are a reappraisal of the pr.operty anc.l review of the various methods of_ f.inancing the acquisition. Planning Commission concurs taitl� 73-74, assuming Council ieel.s the land valtie is proper. ??iv�-yE:.ar Capi t:a:l 1".n�p . T1ay 14, .1973 i:�ic.i:�o to (.:it_y Cotinci.l. T'�l&�' � � !'_ 1 __°_ _ 7 . _c e _ L e_. �l _ ._. Y �'.�`� = . . pr , ect Pl.annin;; � �----- ]. ,.;�INGS E1Nll GROUNDS Staf-f Cit:izen.s Comn? Co ( c o n t:i. n u e d): ---_._ _____.�.�---.- -- — -- Civa_c Center. Expan- Unpro�;ra�rmed 73-74 73-74 This �x-oject is rel�ited to the. project sion and Improvc�-- stated. above of iand acquisii_iuT.i in the ments Civic Center. De4erinination of tnis maL cannot be mad.e tintil the pre- . viously st.atcd project is resolved.. �lot�;e��e.r, if the land is acquired and ]_egaJ_ matters are resolved, the I'lannin�; Commis�i.on concurs with 73-74. The staff reconunended that the Plannizia Commission �_nclude in the five-yc�r Capital Improvernent Pregram arcl:itect fees amour.�.iing to $1.70,000 to be �]_lo-- . cat:ed arnong tYie va.r:i.otis pro�ie.ct:s i�l tlie previ.ous ttao sections of Par1:s ar�c3 • BU1�.C�1T1€;S and Grounds . STREET I?�1:PIZOVE�II;�?TS : Ann�a]_ Uverl.ay Pro�r�m 5�rrs. 5 yts. 5 yrs. A.pproved a.s is. Unit 3-C�:ossroad � 73--74 73 73 The Pl.ann-ing Commission recomraends ��1at ��sses;:ment ListYict this project be held ir. abeyance unti.l conclusi_ou of the Gener.al Pl.an studies� Improvement Project�- acq. 74--75 74-75 74-75 `1'he Planniu^ Commission recomme.nds that Steve.?1s Creek I1�_�- imp. 75--76 75-76 75-76 thi_s pro_�<�ct be held i.n abeyar�ce uni:�.l prove�rent BubU to conclusion of the General Plan st:udy Byr.ne tiThich will cletermine appropriai:e �lidth of ri�ht-of-way. Saratoga-Sunnyvale I:d. 75-7E� 74-75 74-75 Th.e P]_arining Commi_ssioiz concurred ��itli. Iinpro�vements Ci.tizens' Coiru:�ittee's movement pf proj ect �to 74 Stevens Creek �1vd.- 75-76 74-75 75-76 The Plannin�; Commissi.on recommeii3s thar P.ailroad Crossint; • this project be held in abeyance u�itil Im�rovement c�onclusion of_ the Genera]_ Plan si.udies. Stevens Cr_eek Ir�ipLOV�- 7?--7`� 77-78 77-7a lhe Planning Commissi.on recommends that nient, 1?ootlril7. tu this groject be hel_d i.n abeyance until Byrne con.clusion of tl�e General P1arL studies. McClel:Lat� Road :[i,�}>rove-- 7��-75 74-75 74-75 P1ai.�ninF; Comulission concurr_ed witi� staYf ment, Sara�oo�--Sunri}�- and citi.z�-.ns in programming tLii_s iLem. vale Rd. to l3yrne �'�ve. ��i.ve-year. C.ipital 1:i,ip. �1r:i;� 14, 197� i��e:uAo t:o City Council )'ao�'. / - I' r o c� c t e d Y � a r --.-----�----______. _.__------- P1 �� �"C t �.L�f T1111_11€', 5 <�L.!' IP•1PIZOVL;`1LNTS Statf Citizens Conun. C�mments (coi�ti_nuecl): __._�_- --___.___ ___,.__� _,^—_�._ �1cClellan Road Imnrove- 76-�77 76-77 76-77 Pl�.�nnin.�; Comiuiss_i_on concur.red �.vit':� ment, Byinc� to Foot- staff. and C1't1ZE'_I1S in pr.ogrammin�; i:.}cis hill ' item. The fo11_owing listed projects �oere concurr.ed by st<�.ff, citize�zs and Planning Comi�iissi�n to be placed in ur.pro�rammeci status: Felton Subdivision � Loc�l Improvement Di.strict Stevens Creek Ir.ipr. over:ient- . . Foothill Boulevard t�'est The follo�aing pz'oject �aas delcted from th� Five Capital Inlprovement Program by pzevious ac�ion of the City Council: Alpine-Vista Kno77_ Uriv� � Connection, PG&E Easement . Bubb Road Impro��ement -- 74-75 73-74 This project was deleted fror� iive-�}•ea� Capital Improvement Pr.ogram inas�r:tich as ant• impr.ove�.lent to th� roadway ;�ould f_a:1J_ under. tiie juri_sdiction of o+�l��.r agencies. � BIIz.E LANES : Mary Avenue-Stevens 73-•74 74-75 73-74 The Planni_n� Co�mnission concurred ���ith Creek to Meteor llr. the City staff inasmuch as t.he "No Parking" ords_nance has been app by City Council and the �ike lane posts have b een i.ns talled . The r emainin�; portion is e tl�e signs and striping tlie lane. Blaney Avenue-- 73-74 73-74 73-74 Approved as is. Bollinger Lo Home- stPad Wolfe F.oad-•Stevens 73-74 73-74 73-74 Approved as is. Creek to Homestead . Stevens Creek- Stel7_ing -- --� J3-74 The. Plani�ing Commission concurrecl witli t� East City Limits the Committee to program Stevens Creelc- Stel.ling to F.ast City Limits. Stev�ns Creek-I�idg 73--71E 73-74 77-.7H 7'he, Pla.nnins; Cornmission rc�carmiencis tliat i to Rubb Road Stevens Creelc, I:i.dget�ay �o L'sbb P.�}.�d ne coordinated ;��.�t]i tlie iu oi Stevens Creelc Boulevara. i�'�ivE^--ye.ar CapiL.il l.mp. May 1.4, ]973 i•ierno ro City Coun.ci.l Page 8 . }.' r_ o e c t e d Y e a r ___.,�_____ ._._. _ ^.�___.__ �___�_._ Planni.ng P� �ect St aff. Ci.tirei Connn C�mments BIKE LANLS (con't): Steve�is Canyon- 74-75 Unprogr��niined 74-75 TYie Plannin� Com�.i.ssion reco�;ni�::E�d th� rlcClellan to St_evens majority of t:he area involveci �in. Lhis Creek Park projeci= is w�_thin County jurisdiction. ' � It is further recognizAd that d�:e to recr_eational facil.� ties 1_n t�he Stevens Cree).� reservoir area bicycle usage of_ . Stever�s Canyon�-FooLhill B1vd. exists. Therefore, tl Commi.ssion in putting tYiis proj ect tlp in prioi: ity indicatad tha.t this �aould provide the n�cessary incentive tc the Cit, to beco.ne invo7_ved �aiLh the County in t��ying to accomplish tlie p��oject. > Tantau Avenue-Stevens 75-76 Delete Unproo. ThE> Coir.mittee's recommendatior. for Creek to Homestead deletion �•�as based on that Tani�au Avenue ti�ould no� provide bilte lanes ' for the citizens of the Cit:y of Cupertino. The Planning Coniuission, ho�aeve.�, rec-� ognized the £aci that. bike lanes shou:Lc� n.ot be sulely for tlie use of City r�si- CIE.'I1t:S but thdt it �1�ou:Lc1 also alloca other uicyclists to use the facilities. Therefore, it �aas unprogranuned so that � the City may revie��� thi_s p� rtic�:la.r � � projeci: on a yearl}- basi.s �nd � r.ograrn it when Taiitau Overcrossino is erecte�. riary Avenue-AZeteor 77-78 77-78 77-78 Approv�ed as is. to Hoinestead Bubb l:oad-�1cC7_ellan -- 74-75 74-75 The Conunittee added this particula_r to Rainbow project into the Fi.ve-Year Ca.pital Improvement Program. The cll�nge ��Tas made that it read from 1`1cCle1_7..ar. to Rainboca rather than Stevens Creek, t.o Rainbc�a, s�nce bilce lanes already er.i.st on Bubb Road bet���c:en Stevens Creek B1vd. and McClellan Road. McClellan Road-Bubb -- -- 73-74 The Flanninb Commission f-el� a need � to �yrne for tile extension of_ bike lauc OIl McClellan Road f_r.om 1�ubY� Roacl to the existin� sct�c>ol si.tes of LincnJ_n aT�d t ;,, Monta Vista Hi�;h. Inasmuch �s i:lie "i�� Parlcin�;" o�_di.iian.ce lias been appro��ed, �h:is year it is recomniended tliat the pr. o� ec � be prc�ramr.:ed f or 73- 74 . Cos t o � $1500. ��iv;-;,�c<ir Capit��zl Imp. .°I�y 14, �_973 'iemo tc� C:it.y C;ounci.'1 Page � � P r o e c t: e d Y G a r . �___�_J+_-------_______��----- T' 1ar�ni_n�; . 1' ',�ct Scaff Ci '�izen s Coru? Couunc: BI�:E LANLS (con't) : T1cClellan I�oacl- 76-77 Unpro�r.��i�rn�a 74--75 l�i. tl.ze Pl�innirig Colamission r�eet�ing there Foathil.l to Byrne was some di:�cussion on rahether_ ihe bil�: lane cou�.d be i.n.s t�_� lled g�.�ior to the ' improvemen.t of I1cC:Lel.lan Road and �•rYaat ttie cos t; m=iglit be . TI�e s taf f h�d recomrlenc3ed t.he hik� larie. be i.nst=aJ_J.ed � in conjunction with the imrr.ovements of McClr_1]_an P.oau. The Plannin; Com- mission r.econsideic.d this proj .�t ba5e1 on the �zeta figure.5 subn�ii.Led by Lrie staff and reco:imlends tliat the bilce l.anes be const prior to the ii�lpioven:en.t of TicC iellan l:oad and as pr�jg,_ ami�ed by the Plannin� Com�li:=�sion. •l: Casi: of bilce lan�s pr? or to im- . p? of rlcCiellan P.oad, $24,300. • 2. Cast of bik� lanes con��ri�cted �_n conjunction � the i.mpreve�r.ents on r1cCJ_ellan Road , $9 , 300 . TRAFIa'IC SIGNALS Ilodifir_,ation at LJolf 73 73-74 73--74 Approvec� as is. and Pruneridbe, . S tevens Creek a t I'i.nch Mo33fication-Saratoga/ 73-74 73-74 73-74 Appr_oved as is. Sunnyvale at Stevens Cr�e� . Modificati.on--Saratoga/ 74-75 74-75 74-75 Approved as recoa:mendPd by the Citizens' Sunnyvale at Bollinger Committee. Modification-Stevens 75-76 75-76 75-76 Approvecl as is. Cre.ek at Fire H�use Installation-Stevens 73--74 Unprogran�nied 73-74 Hold in abeyance until the Ges�eral Plan Creelc at Torre is completed. ' Installation-Homestead 74-75 74-75 74-75 Apprcved as recon��aended by tl.e Citizen.s' at Torre and Blue Jay Conu�iit�tee. This clatc� w:i11 c.00ru� n«te �ai_t : Sar.nyval.e's p?'ogrammed ��ear < Dit•r,-C�_�ine's Nor.thpoint has de.posit�d wit?I thc: City $1f), 000 towar� the signals . I?-�.ve--y�ar. C�:��it��1 T;�,�p. May 14, 1.973 ' II{�:iilo tu C:i ty Counci�. Pag�' -�.0 � I' r o' e c t e d Y e a r. " �_____�_� _---___.____.___..___..__�_-----_---.- ]?�_anning Staff Ci�i.zens Cornm. Cornm.ents TItA�?FIC SIGN�ILS (cont ) In.stallaLior�.: Sara-- 7�-74 IJnpiog. 73--74 H.olcl ir. abeyance until compl.etioii of tc��a-Sunnyvale at General Pl�in. � La zaneo Inst�allat.i_on: Foot-- 76--77 76-77 7b-77 •�pproved as is. hill Bltrd . and Starlin� Jr. Instal.latiait: Stevens 75-76 77-•78 75--76 Sr.aff recom�nended that: this prr�ject Creek B].vd. at Oraiige be moved for���ard from the Citize�ls and Mann recomm�ndation to coordina�e �aith the improvement�� The Planning Co,n- missioii concurred but he1,5i in dbey- ance until the Gznera]_ P].ar� is conrp:Zeted . Install�tion: Stevens 75-76 75-76 75-76 The Plai.ni��g Commission recommend_a Creek at_ Phar Lap i�hat thi.s project bc� held in abeyancc. until. conc7_iision of tlie Ger.eral Plar.� studies. -- lstallation: Pruner- 74-75 74-75 74-75 Concurre.d as recorimend.ed by the id�e at Tantau Citizens' Coinmittee. Installation: Home- 76-77 76-77 76-77 Approved as is. s tead and :laxine arici Bernardo Installation: McCl.ellan 73-74 73-74 73-74 The staf.f and the Planning Commi.ssior� at Bubb Road concurred �;?ii.h the citiz�ns' recom- meizdation. ' Moda.fic�tion: 74-75 7�+-75 74-75 Apgroved as recommezzded by the Stevens Creek at Conunittee. • . Stelling � Intercorinect 75-76 75-J6 75 --76 � AJ�pxoved as recqiumende�a b.y the � Stevens Creek, 76 7G--77 76-�77 Committee. Bubb to Tantau InterconnecL-Saratoga/ 77-78 77-78 75-76 The Planning Commission finds that. � Sunnyvale Rd., there is a need to interconnect t.he B�ii�� to Homestead signals on Sar��toga-Su.nnyvale l:c��d dtie to increased ti-a{fic, thereby warr_anting the projectec� ciate to be moved up. Tlie Plannin¢ Commiss:ion realiz�s that the C:ity, unless tl�e entire ].ength of Sarai:aga-Sunnyv��i� � �aere to bE� relinqtiished to the City, • woul.d have t:o enter into a cooperative agreement with the Sta�e. � lji:ve-ye<�_r_ C;<���ital I�,i,�. � P•iay ]_4, 1��73 ,lerlo tu Cit:y Counc:il I'a�;e 11 P r _ ° —j- 1 -� --c t e d -----Y _ E - a r � Pla.nning _,'ro Staff Ci Corlm., Comments T1:AFFIC SIGiJ�"�.LS (con' t) : Tlodific�t:ion-Stevens 74-75 74-75 74-75 Thc Planni.n�,; Conun�issi.on cor:currE:d �aith Creek anc:i 2�'iary Ave. the recommendations of the Citizens' . Committee. Nloaificatio�7-I?omestead 7��-75 74-75 Un�rogranimed `!'he C1.�.'17.E.i1S s Con�niittee f:el.t that t;y and Hollenbeck moclifying said sign<�ls it would be ti.ec� uaith the nodificat.ion of Stnvens Creel: Boulevard at S"telling ai:cl T1ary Avenu� as fa� as ped�st7-iarz and bicyc7_e s�fety were conce.rneci. The Plannir.g Commi�sion unP� c�ra nied • this pro;ect in order to revie��T it �r the follow:ing yea The 7'easo.r� for �. the unprogrc�nm�d status is that the modifications at Hol]_enbeck ard Homestead ���e�-e. not par. ticularly r.elated to the modifica�zons at Stell.ing �nd Stevens C;rer�lc ar�d at Ste�Tens Cr.ee.k Blvd. and. T�1ar.y Ave. Tlie � ol]_o�ain€; projects wer•e ag?'eed upcn as programi;ie:d by the staff, cit�zens ,.nd the Pl.anning Conunission: Ins tail��t Footh:ill at Alpiiie Installatio�- Sarato£;a-Sunnyvale at Pacifica Installation- � Stevens Creek at 1:� d�eway , BEAUTI�'ICATION OF PIL'DIr'�NS AND OVEI'.Pt1SSES : .� Saratoga/Sunnyvale- 73-?4 73-74 73-74 � Held in abeyance until the Genera7. Stevens Creek to Route �lan is completed. 'I'he basis used �gp for putting this project in a�eyance wa5 Chat the median const:ruct:i.on . <<�ouLd denend upon Cr_ossroads Assess- ment Disf��-ict Units 2 and 3. Since Crossroads 2 ancl 3 i�l the �r_evious sections liad Ueen pu.t: in abeyance, it was felt Ch:�� this }�roject .:I.oui.d also f_ ollow iclie same �r. ocerlur_ e in ord�r to be consistent throuz ��out. • ]�:ive-year Cap7 t_,�.1 I:r,lp. I�1ay 14, 1973 Metno to C:ity Council P�:i�e �� P 7� o e c t e d Y e�a r —._-__..__.:.�—_---�.,_ _ _____.____ Plann;_ng . 1'rc��ect Staff Ci_tizen� Comm. Commenta I3NAUTI.FIC��'1'IOi�' Ol' i�I�DIANS ANI) OVI�:FYASS�S (con' L) : � Stet.�ens Creek-Sar_atoga/ 73-74 73-74 73-74 Approved as is. Sunnyvale to Last City � Limits � Tor.re �lvenue Over- ,7�-76 Unprogrzmmed 7��-76 �ield in abeyancc until the Ge:Zeral crossinf; at Route 2E0 Pl<�n has been completed. Saratoga/Sunnyvale- 74-75 74-75 74-75 Approved as recor�mended by tlze Stevens Cr.eelc to CitizeTls' Co�r�nittee. Bollinger Mary Avenue Over- 77-78 77-78 i7-7II Approved as is. crossing at 280 rie�-iian Beautification -- 73-74 -- The Yl.anriing Camr.lission concurred � wi th the s taf f tha t thi_s :i_ tem . whicl� th.e Conuni_Ltce adued wou�_d be put in tize yeari;� budget uncet� Maintenance of i�iedians anci. Uverpasses. ��rnntercial Paric -- -- Unprog. The Ylanning Cor�unissi.on ii�r:ls that Strip Beautificatio� there �aas some ne�d to beau.tif} some. ' of the commercia_1 ar. eas arot�nd th� � � core of the City and therefore is placing this particular project in the unpr.ogrammed portion so ihat some thought may be �iven to the project and that it may be revi�wed on a yearly basis. • OVERPASSF.S A.ND II�TiERCI�ANGES: � Interchange riodifica- 73-74 73�-74 73-74 � The Planning Commission recomm�nds t�_on, Saratoga/ that this project be held in ab,eyance SunnyvalE at 280 unt�l conclusion of Che Genc.r.ai_ Plan studies. Gvercrossing-Tantau at 74-75 74-75 74-75 Approved as is. The Plaiznii�g Com- P�oute 280 mission is aw��'e that thc St:ite's • dec_ision wil_1 depend largel.y ori wh:�t year. the overcrossi.ng �ai.LL be con-- structed. � Overcrossing--'I.'orre at 75-°76 Unprogrammed 7S-7E� To be Yield in abeyance uT1t. tl�e Ge3z- ��oute 280 eral Pl.an is completed, and a deri.sa or. on the regional. shoppin�; CPll�F..'I' loca-- . i;ion is established. � . �� i.ve.-y ear. Cap i t�.7_ Im�, . Ma_y 14 , 19 7:i , i�fe�no to Ci.ty Counci.l. I'�ge 1"3 ,' P r u j e c t e._d____�Y_e =� r Plan�i�..n�; . `r.o;Zect Staff Ci_ti�ens_ __ CcnLn� Co�r.��E�nt:s OVERPASSES AND INTERCIL�.�GES (con' C) : Frontage Roac�-Vall.co 76-77 76--77 76-l7 Appl-oved as i�. Park along Route 280 . Overc_rossing-riar_y Ave. -- 75-76 Unpl:'ogrammed 'Tl7e Pl�Li!.l:ing Commission recon�mend`d at Route 280 unprogramming �his �arLic�7ar pr.a�ect ' since the stafF of tY:e Di.vi.sion of H:i_gh��rays lias recommended t:l for 78--79 �ohi.ch �;-ould be out of tr�is Five-Year_ P�'ogram. Once tnE= year has been establ.ished by :-h� State the Ci_ty can a.t tha� ti_me 1ii-ing it bacic into the Fivp-Year I�rogi:am. Pedestrian Over- -- 75-76 Unprogrammed The Comm�_ttee felt that t;2ere �aas a crossing-tiary Ave. '� need for pedestrian overcrossi.ng at Route 28p . combinec� �aith bi.ke lanes to �erve the IIoT�estead I�igh Schaol_ a�-ea with ' the scuther�i port.ion or R�t.te 2�Q. Since the o�rercross a',: ��lary Ave. �has l�een unpro�;rzmmE�d, tne PJ.annin¢ Corlmission reco�r�er_d�d tl_at it be unprogtamr��d in ordPr �Co h�: consistent. City 7'ra.nsportat.ion . -- 73-74 -- The Plaizn�_n�; Conuuission concurred Study witli the sta�f that the Cit�> ti:ans- portat_i.an sys��m study ariounting to $S,OOG should be ir.cluded in the City's yearly budget. Cjg .