Reso 1167 8-TM-73 F:F:SOLUT'IO?� NQ. ].1.6� . UI' :�'IIt�; PI�ANP�TING C0:"L"IISSlON OF TliE CITY OF CUPERTINO KECGI-:liEf�'llTNG withoi�L grQjudice c�enial of a tentati�ve r�ap to remave ]_ot line bet_ween two purcels Lo consc�_iclat �31C1 parc�ls in.to one building sit-e. AP'PLICANT: r1r. and r1rs. F. E. P.ables (Juanita C> Willi«ms) ADDRE�S: 7J.4 Muis Drive, Mountain Vie�a 94040' SUBMITTED: March 30, 1973 LOCATZON: Nor_thex:ly of ar�d adja.cetzt to Mt. Crest L�rive approximately 100 feet fi�om the intersection of Linda Vista Bri_ve & rit. Crest Dr. ZUNE: K1.-10 �Kesidential, single-family, 10,000 sq. ft. per dwelling trn:it) A1-43 (Agricultural-Residential, singl.e-f.amil5, 1-acr.e lots) ACREAG�: .694 acres FINDIPIGS : l. The recommended denial of 7-TM-73 would preelucle the approval of the subject applicati.on. . PASSEU AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of April, 1973, a� a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the C� ty of Cuper. tino, Stat-a of Caii.for.nia, by the following roll call �ote: AYES: Commissioners hdams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe NAYS: Commissioner ButhenuCh AB S TAINING : I�To ne ABSENT: None APPROVED: ' John W. Buthenuth, Chairman Planning Commission ATTEST: _ � _�L.�,te.�_ � James h. SiSk Plaaning Director � -1-