Reso 1166 7-TM-73 RI:SOLUTION N�J. 116G Oli THE PLANNIidG CO�TISSION OF THE CITY 0,� CUPERT:LNO RECOPI��iEIv'DING without prejudice de,ii�l of a tf�iltative map to legal�.ze an existing .305 acxe parcel in accordance with the grovisions of Grdinance No. 568. . APPLICAI�'T: Mr. and rlrs. F. E. P.obl.es (,7uanita C. �Jilliams) ADDRES�: 714 riuir Drive, Mountain Vie�a 940%0 SUBMITT'r".D: March 30, I973 LJCATION: Nor.tlierly of and adjacent to Mt. CresY_ Drive agproYimately 100 feet from the �ntersecrion of. Li_nda V:ista Drive & l�It. C;.est P,r. ZONE: R1-10 (Resident�al, single-fami.l_y, 1C,000 sc�. ft. per d�aelling unit) ACt�EAGE: .305 acres __._____.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- F 1NDI�IGS : .. �. Ii�.asmuct� as certain qu2stions exist relati.ve to an access easement over the property involved in this app].ication, anct inasmuch as the reso7_ution of vari.ous pr.oblems related to Lhis access easzment can only be�accomplish�:d � by the property owners, it is tY:is Commi.ssic�n's findir_g that approval of � the subject map, Exhi.bit A, 7--TM-73, at this ti_me �aould not be appropriate until said access matter has been resoive�. -------------------------------------------------------------------______--__-_----- PASSE� AI�1ll ADOPTED this 23rd day of Apri1, 1973, at a regular meet�ng of_ the Planning CoLnmission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vnte: AYES: Commissiuners Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0`Keefe NAYS: Commissioner Buthenuth ABSTATi�ING: None ABSENT: None ' APPROVED: John W. Buthenuth, Chairman Pl.anning Commission • ATTEST: -- •��='� -- James t� . S isk Planning Director -1-