PC 12-10-73 � C7i:TY OF CUPER`.l'INf1, S'.L'A7'I�. OF GAI.,IFOR:�IIA PC-134 iO31)0 lorre tivenl_te, Cupertino, Ca:ii_fornia y5�1/f �'��� 1 Teiephone : 252--4505 MINUTES Or Ti3E RE,(��'[ILAR titEETING OF THE PLF��;NING COMMTSSION HFLD UN DLCETIF3ER 1_0, 1973 IN THE COUNCIL C�I�'1�`1BE; CIT� HALL , CUPF.RTINO , CALII'OR;vIA . SALUTE TO THF FL�1G Cilairman 0`Keef e cal_led the meeting to order at 7:32. P.M. with the Salute tu the Plag. ROLL CALL Comm. present: Hdams, Buth�nuth, Gatto, Nellis, Chairman 0'Keefe Camm. absent: PTone Staff present: Di�rec�or of Planning and Development Sisk Director of Puhlic tdorks Vis':covich Asszstar.t City tittor�ey Kilian Associate Plann�r Cowan �'YROVAL 0�' MINUTES Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 26, 1_973: Fage 5, paragraph 4, last line: Change "along" to "alone". i'age 6, para�raph 1, li.�e three: Del�te "Comm. GatC.o said one i;� a disc.ar.ce of landscaped berm and tree-lined strips with very li:nited access." and - replace with: "Comm. Gatto said one guid.e is a specified distance oi landscaped area, bermed and tree-7_ined, with very limited access." Page 6, next to the la5t paragraph, second line: Delete "the land uses stated here" ar.d replace �ai_th "thei_r stated land uses" . Page 8, .first paragraph, add the follo�,rin�: "It was the concensus of tl�e Planning �onunission_ to recommend that tlie exi.sting planned indusf:rial GT7_'l� U� the base zone and the sec�aidar,y use ��rithi.n that zone sha11 ba recreational. Pabe 10, second motion, should read "Motion carried, 4-1". Page 12, last motii.on on the page shnuld re1d: "NOES: Comm. taellis . . . . . .Ntotion carried, 4-1" f� s.. PC-134 rIINUTES OF THE D�'CETiBER 10, 1973 PLANNING COrIMISSION MEETING Page 2 Moved �by Comm. Bi��henuth, seconded by Comm. Nellis to approve the Minu�es of November 26, 1973 as corrected. Motion carried, 5-0 MinuCes of Regular Adjourned Meeting of November 19, 1973: Page 2, third line: Delete the word "opposing" and replace with the word "indicating". Page 2, paragra�h 6, last line: Insert "on Stevens Creek Blvd." between the words "Stelli.ng" and "was". � Page 3, lasC para�raplz, line 6: Adc� a period after the word "qualities" anc� c��lete the �rords "and amortizing will r.emove bad qualities. We should try to preserve �xisting use of areas." Next sentence: Delete the words . "true nf bulk of" ar�d replace with the ti�ord "for". Page 6, line 4, second l.ine: Delete the words "apartments were too" and replace with the words "apartment density was". Moved by �omm. Nellis, secnnded by Comm. Gatto, to apprave the Minutes of November 19, 1973, as corrected. Motion carried, 5-0 PO5TPdN��ENTS, etc. -- None WRITTEN COMrNNICATIONS -- None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS -- None PU}.3LIC HEARiNGS : 1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consid�r 19�3 Comprehensive General P1an. The Planning Director introduced the praliminary proposal for the "Town Center P1an", and asked for comments from the Commis�ioners. He answered Comm. Gatto that the G'ity of Cupertino is initiating the development plan. This means tha't any one of the parcels within the Town Center. can develop independen�ly as 7_ong as they conform to this development plan, Thi.s document, when adopted, will become an exhibit � attached to the Ordinance. i . PC-1.34 MINUTES OF TH� 13ECT'MB�R 10, 1.913 PLANNING COMIr1ISSIUN MEETZNG Page 3 The �ssociate Planner next went through the do�ument with the Planning Commiss:ioners, page by page. He pointed out �hat it is feJ�t the Town Cent�r wil.l meet Cup�rtino's needs rather than regional needs. Chairman 0'Keefe encouraged audience participation as the discus�ion of the document proceeded. An updated versic�n of the Totan Center P1an will �be forthcoming from the P1anr�ing Department. The fn�.lawing comments led up to these changes. On page 2, Camm. Nellis felt that the predominant use of the total Town Center shoul�i be office, with a balance of commercial anc� resid�ntial. Conun. Buthenuth felt tl:at the north side of Rodrigues should be a mix of commercial and residential a�d predominantly office use on the south side of Rodrigues. The Assistant �ity Attorney advised thaL with a canceptua.l develop- ment plan the P].anning Commission or staff can designate land uses wit�iin certain areas. Going beyond that, if an ir_dividual property o4nzer wants to c�eve].op, his plan must bQ consistent with the � conceptual plan. There followed a discussion of Ttem 3 on �age 2. It was not felt that the entire City of Cupertino should be "be An::a type archi-� � tecture". This ref erred to the term "California heritage" f�und throughout the dncument. Chairnian 0'Ke�fe said he believes in c�nsistenc�� Q£ architecture type. With the styl� �he same, there can be a great d�a1. of beauty. H� 1:Lked the idea n£ "�arly California Neritage" archi- tecture. ' Comm. Nellis dnes not want to see each building look the same, but th�re shnuld be some tie between the uses to give the Ci.ty some identity. Comm. Adams agreed there should be some tie. Perhaps we should not hav� muclz more of the De Anza type architecture; however, he would not wan� to 5ee drastic differ.ences; e.g., fl.at roofs, He would like ro see the design of tl�e builuings compatible t�ith the existing develapment. Comm. Nellis observed th�t all throu�h this documen� there are items for which the Architectural and Site Approval Committee could give guidance. Com.-�, Buthenu�h �ranted to discuss the possibility of extension of Torre Avenue. He does not tl�ink there should.be the requirement for a City street going t}irough to Stevens Creek I31vd . ��e would prefer to see internal private streets sucli as are presently in ttie developed Town Center. �� s_. PC--134 MINUTES OF TIiE DI:CEMBI:R ].0, 1973 PLANNING COMMISSION M�ETI.NG � Pa�e 4 The DirecCor of Puhlic Worlcs c�rent over the points discussed at the staff ineeting on this matter. Torre Avenue could be realigned to tie � in with Vista Drive at Stevens Creek i�lvd., and it woul.d in some manner enter Saratoga--Sunnyvale Road at a signalized intersection. The main ttlrust f or having that read�aay is to relieve tliat busy intersecrion of Hi.gh�aay 9 and Stevens Creek Blvd, Comm. Buthenuth suggested letting the deve]_opers decide whether or not a north-south road is needecl here. C:omm. Nellis agreed. Attorney Thomas 0'Donnel�,.representing the Cali Family, noted that the Cali Family has 26 acres in the To�an Center, and then you have several owners of smaller parcels. He was answered by the Assistant City Attorney that no property owner can tie up the development of another of the properties :in the Tatan Center as long as the proposal is consistent with the conceptual plan for the To��rn Center. The City cannot create a plan that closes the door to an individual's developing his property indi.vidually. There are S or 6 propPrty owners involved in these 52 acres. An ordinance can be drafted that gives incentives. Comm. Nellis said one incentive would be to allow higher density only if the l.and o�ners agreed to get together. Mr. Val Dor.mer, Vice Yresident, Northern California Savings and Loan, said he is opposed to being forced to devel_op as tt�e others do although they do endorse the overal_l development of the 52 acres. He �vould like to have the question as to individual rights cleared up. • He urged the Plai.zners to make development of these prcperties economically feasible. Attorney Dan Donovan, representing r1r. Don Chucic, owners of the most easterly porti.on of the Town Center - Nc,rth, asked about the status of the 1962 To�Jn Center Plan ptit together by tlie property o�aners . He noted that Neuntan Properties may sti11 be interested in developin� the total 52 acres. He is no� in £avor of spli.tting the property with Torre Avenue . He ans�oered Conun. Nellis that Mr . Chuck is �ailling to work together with the other prope.rty oGmers on this. rir. vomer asked if tl:e Tr'hitted proposal is in t direction that the City would like to have it go. Comm. Gatto sai_d there have been further discussions of Mr. Whitted's plan. Comri. Ne1_lis said the Planning Commissian likes the idea of all the land o�aners getting together with an overall p]_an. Comm. Buthenuth suggestect this be handled the way Vallco Park �aas haudled. Attorney 0'Donnell said ttie Cali Family is naL, at r.t�e pr.esent titne, asking to have a�l the conunErcial zc3ning. 1'h��y taould like. to worlc with ttteir neighbors, but that does not say it i.s going to ��ork. He noted there �s existing commercial_ use of the Cali property. MINUTES GF 7'II�: ll�CL:M�EK 10, 1913 PLl�NNING COi�'il`1ISSION MET�TII�'G PC-134 Page 5 Juanita McLaren, 22101 L�.�zdy Lane, Cupertino, noted that after tlie 19G2 ��O�dll Cei�te�- Plan c�as put Lo�;ether �_t �vas exposed to tlie en- tire country. Slie has �ao�-lced ��ith t}ie Torr.es and the Chucks far years , Lrying to impl_emeilt the plan . She sai.d r1r , j�lli.it ted has a proposal for the overal]_ To��m Center i.f he can get the density. Comm. Adams was answer.ed by the Pl.anning Di_rector that the existing portion of Torre Avenue �aent in when the To�an Center was initiated. There were a number of streets traversing the Town Cent�r plans t:en years ago. Chai.rman 0'Keefe called a recess at 9:22 F.ri. The meeting re- convened at 9 :38 P .?�1. Chairntan 0'Keefe said there i.s either going to be piecemeal ' devel_opment of the Tocan C�nter or we are going to have to ; encourage throu�h the means of incentives the coordinated effort of the prcpert}� o��mei s, The general idea is that �-.e want sornethir. unique as �aell as cohesive. Comms Buthenuth said the first thing to be decided is �ahether cae are going to require the landowners to come up �vitl� an overall plan for the 52 acres and if so, hoc,T we are going to implement it. Before getting back into the To�.m Center disct�ssio�:, Ghair_man 0'Keefe announced that agenda items L(a) and (c) were not going to be discussed at this meeting. Getting baclr to the matter of incentives, Comm, Buthenuth �aas not convinced the 16 units per acre should be set in the ordinance. He felt increased density should be one of the incentives. Chairman 0'Keefe said he would prefer more units per acre if the design was for the "empty nesters" and/or to meet some social goal such as housing for the elderly rather than to accommodate iarge families. He noted that ���e have here some property owners with income from their property and some without. Comm. Adams said he had stated earlier that he pre.ferred a planned development�: here. He would be willin� to concede that street e�:tension is not ne.cessary unless the Director of Public t•lorks can prove to him other.wise. If the Town Center is developed piece- meal, then Torre Avenue wi.11 have to go through. � �r r. � PC-134 MINUTES OF THE DFCEI�IBER 10, 1973 PLANNING COMMISSION PILETING Page 6 On page 7 of the propos�l, Comm. Buthenuch aslced �ahy there is to Ue no median break in Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road between Rodriguez and Pacifica. Tre Director of Public G7orks explained that tl�ey Lelt To�oii Cer�ter Lane and Rodriguez are too close together to a:Llow another bxeak. Comm. Buthenuth asked if a pharmacy-type business will be allowed in the Town Center, south of Rodrigues. The Planning Director said it would. No matter•what happens to Torre Avenue extensicn, Chairman �'Keefe believes there should be north-south bilce pat�is. Comm. GaCto believes �ne term "California heritage" is nebulous and suggested a�eneral policy statement be included ir, this document to the effect that the City is looking for a. high quality design style caith an overall harmonious des:ign theme, �ie noted that we are going to have different scale, functions and uses of these buildings. Tirs. McLaren said she is very much in favor of the present design in the Town Center. She oelieves we need to leave some room for f lexibility for the devel.oper . Chairman 0'Keefe asked the staff to deal with the tarminotogy before � the next hearing ori this document. ' Attorney George Stap:Ler, Cupertzno resident, said there is great danger for thi_s Planning Con�i.ssion to be too restrictive in design. There �ollowed a discussion of the terms "compatible" and "consistent". Comnt. Nelli_s felt it �a�.s v�ry important to have something tie this development together. Comm..Nelli� said we should take a careful look at the list of uses on page 14. She �aould like to eliminate the market. Comm. Gatto said there i.s 1�enefi.t to the City to develop ttiis Totm Center in a cohesive ma.nner. Hc� ���as in favor of 250,000 sq. ft. of commercial area and 500 living units with an average of 1.5 bedrooms. Comm. Nellis said that if they c��n get toget.zer for total development, she would like to se� 25U,000 sq. ft. of commerr_ial and 15 units per acre. As an alternate, she would be in favor of something similar to the Lake Biltmore ap�.rr_ments or offices, Comm. Adams �sas in favor. of approximately 25Q,000 sq, it , commercial and 20 un:its p�r acre resi.dential. Comm. Butheiiuth urould l ilce to see parti_ally undergrotind parking and you can't get this, econoM.icall_y, unless th.e inc:entive is there. Chairman 0'ICeefe spol<e in favor of more optioris because it �.�ould y;ive the a.rchi.tect more lati.tude. MINU1'�S OF THE DECF'��21��R 10, 197:i YI�I�;N?I�TG CQ�'Il�IISSlON ME}:'TING PC-134 Page 7 Cliairman 0'Y.eef.e said Lake Piltrnore, at 13 units per ac.re, is automobile orient�d; ��.e c-aant tlie To��n Center to he ped�strian oriented. Comm. hellis said that if concessions are €;iven to the Tocan Center property o�47ners it �ai_J.1 be hard to ref�.ise the sane to the property o�aners along High��.a�� 9, t�'e �ail_1 be face�i caith the same problem in order to ger_ the people a?.ong �Iigh� 9 together. rfr. L�omer said the To��rn Center program has been in effecL some ten years and the investments are far greater th�n for the land Comm. Nel]_is was speakir.g abcut. As to �he design of the overal.l develapment , he asked the Co..unissioners to give t:tiought to the � naise factor when meshing the plan. Attorney Donovan said the proposal here is for a uniqtte plan,.for the Town Center only. Upon request of Comm. Nellis, the Director of Public L•�orks explained the traffic generati.on and trip ends per acre, Mr. Robert G?hitted, Neuman Properties, noted the $00 units plus 250,000 sq. fti. of commercial, comes to appr.o�;imately 30 units ' per acre. As to design, Mr. Whitted's opinion was,that the Northern California Savings and Loan building is not compatible with the City Hall or the Library. He s�id his prPVious plan that he presented did not include unuerground parl:.ing; that is another economic. ballgame. Comm. Buthenuth said if we can't come up with an over�,ll' plan, the individual properties �ail1 have ta 1ae worked out on a percentage basis. Comm. Gatto said the term "intensity" is a measure of many things includin g trip ends. The Planning Commission must consider whethe or not they want the intensity level comparable to that ef � Crossroads Center, the r.egional cent.er, or less. The Director of Public l,iorks said "Vallco Paik is around 25 trip ends no�h�., Cross- roads Center is about 40 trip ends. Gemco may he more than that. . Comm. Buthenuth said the decur.ment should include a limit on the ntimber of bedrooms. In the last paragraph on page 16, Comm. Rutlienuth ieels the developer sliould come up �aith the street Ulan if it is an overall pl.an. The Director of Pub1i c ��Torks stated that the Srevens Ci: 131_vd ./ � Ilighway 9 inter5ection is crit:ical; eli.m:inating the ext.ension of Torre Avenue northerly Lo Lazaneo shottld bc� avoid�d. Without the ,� r. PC-134 P�SINUT�S OF THE DLCI:T4BER 10, 1973 PLANNING COMMISSION MF.F:TLNG Page 8 relief of this portion �f Torre Avenue, it w.ill encourac;e traf:fic to use residential Blaney Avenue. ,dith th� 25 trips per. acre, we will generate 1250 cars at that center. This is almcst a lane of traffic bei.ng put on Iiighway 9 or Blaney Avenue. H� said the design could be le£t up to tlie developer. Inner. stre:e*_s will also }�e required, with 30 units per acre. He urged the Planning Commission to include Torre Avenue. Comm. Butlienuth asked if this portion of Torre Avenue could be a private s�treet. The Director ans��ered that 2 lanes would probably be enough, but hP urged that it not be sealed off. The street can help the interior circulation. It shoul.d sL at Torre Avenue and should be aJ_igned with Vista Drive; however, it could meand`r through the To�m Center if necessary . P1r . S,Thitted added that the access w�uld be very bene£ici.al. He 3greed that ir developed individually, the City should provide fer tiiis street. , In regard to the 5�' buffer, property owners feel there would be considerabl.e liability to them if the buffer is to include public access,aays rather than strictly landscaped ar.eas. He suggested the develaper be requized �o put them in and then the City could take over the easements. The Planning Di�ector ans�lered Comm. BuChenutli that tlle �ity is r?ot planning far 10' sidewalks. The Director o£ Public ��dorks stated t�hat the transition for the 11-lane intersections st�rts to taper and eli.mi.nates Iiarclay's ?3ank and that row of cammercial buildi.ngs orL the east side of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. � rir. ��Ihitted said Lhe Center could i�e oriented toward the City Ha11, but he �aot�ia pret er noL to have it include the d iagonal , central corridor indicated oz� page 18 of the To�•m Center Plan. ��lso, he felt rhe �aidth sttou.ld not be more than 30' separating the shops. � On page 19, the Planziin� Commission and :1r. Whitted stated they preferred open to enclosed malls. C7n page 20, r1r. Whitted indicated he raoul.d rather_ achieve the effect with a be rnl and landscaping than with underground parlcing. Comm. Gatto raised the question oi whether �ae �J3nt to screen the parking or screen tlie asnhalt. On the c�uestion of huilding heights in the Center, Comm, Ne]_lis said she was opposed to 4 stories, .�nd prc�.fers to have a 40' ma�irnum requ�_rement. Comm. Butlicituth and E�d<�ms pre.terrecl thc re�i>>iremeut to t�e 4 stories. I t�fI\U'TES OF '1'IIE DI:CEi-Il3LR 10, 1.973 PL,A��NING CUI•1:-fISSIOV T1I:I;TII�G PC-134 Pagc� 9 On pa�e 21., in regard to si�ni�i�, "Ir, V'hitted said c�:hat you �tiant is st}�le and �c��ethin� in lcecpi.n, :�itti the s?top hut not. unif.ormity or mini.mal. Ciiai.rman 0`h:e-e£e hclieves sign.� :stio�ild be uniform ancl rni_nitnal. �1]:ter furttier discussion, Cor:L Adams, GatL and \el.li_s ��ere in £a��or o£ elimir_ati:�g the raord "uni£orrn". U.�FItiISHI?D 13UST�ESS : I�one NE�d BUSI\L'SS : None RFPORT OI�' PL:'�.��II��G CO�i:`ilSSIO� : None R�POF:r OF PLA\:�ING llI�:TCTOR : hone ADJ OUI:\'� 1ENT � � r:oved b}� Coni::l. Nellis, seconded. by Comm. I�utllenuth to adjour_n the meeting at 12 :32 A.�1, to 7:30 P.r:. llecember 27 , 1973 . rlotion carriec�, 5--0 AP�'ROV$D : /s/ D2nie1 P. 0'Keefe Chairman ATTEST: s Wm . E R.yder City Clerk ��<