PC 11-28-73 CI'CY OF CUPERTTNO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA CC-192 . 10300 Torre Aver�t�e, Cupertino 95014 Page 1 Telephone: 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGLILAR r1EE'1'IIvG OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD JOINTLY WITH THE PLANNING COMM.T_SSION NOVEP•ffSER 28, 1973 CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA SALUTE TO THE FLAG The meeting was opened at 7:38 p.m. by Mayor Irwin with the Salute �to the Flag. ROLL CALL Councilmen present: Frolich, Jackson, Sparks and Mayor Irwin Councilrr�en absent: Meyers Planning Commissioners present: Ad3�ns, Buthenuth, Gatto, Nellis and � Chairman 0'Keefe Planning Commissioners absent: None Staff present: City Manager Quinlan City Attorney Adams Director of Planning and Development Sisk Director of Publi.c Works Viskovich Deputy City Clerk Pagnini Psayor Irwin said the City Council would first hear a continuation of S.H.A.R.E. the S.H.A.R.E. Application 1.8-U-73 before proceeding with the dis- 18-U-73 cussion on the General Plan. Mr. Larry Madsen, architect of the project, said they went back to United California Bank with tne information that there will be no curb cuts along Stevens Creek Boulevard and they agreed to this stipulation. The principals have agreed to ir also. - The Planning Director referred to his memo of Navember 26 stating the 1£3 cozditions recommended in event this application is approved. He said the entrance is basically the saine as originally proposed. Moved by Councilman Sparks, seconded by Councilman Jackson, to adopt 18-U-73 Applica�ion 18-U-73 with the 18 conditions. approved w/ conditiot.s Motion carried, 4-0 << d.. CC-192 MINUTES OF TH� NOVEMBER 28, 1973 COMBINED CITY COUNCIL-PLANNING COr�iISSION tiiTG. Page 2 , ' General Plan DISCUSSION ON THE GENERAL PLAN Planning Commission Chairman 0'Keefe said the intent of the Planning Commission for the intersection at Highway 9 and Stevens Creek Boulevard is open space with underlying commercial zone. He said it was felt that perhaps Council did not understand the intent of the original open space recommendation. It was not intended that these areas would become active public parks but rather open space areas of landscaping that would assist in providing an aesthetic focal point for the Town Center area and would be complimentary to future development on the south side of Stevens Creek Boulevard which is to become the community center. �'herefore the Planning Commission's recomr.iendation is that the open space as originally set forth remain a part of tne core area amendment, with. the specific intent that these properties be acquired by the City. It is further recommended that the underlying use of the open space area should be for commercial purposes. Councilman Frolich said he understood the Planning Co m;�i ssion plan for open space. He had no opposition to this as long as it is made very clear that it is not a scheme to allow the City to purchase those p roperties at a much lower cost. Councilman Sparks agreed. Councilman Jackson said the City Council agreed it �aas passive open space rather than azl active park. He would likP to see this referred bacic to the Capital Improver.ments pro�ram committee to explore whether or not this is an area we would like ta have as public property. �Iayor Inain agreed and asked the City Attorney how I long this would tie up the p roperty. The City Attorney sai� the Supreme ! Courts of the State have ruled that under the General Plan you are doir.g � long range planning, �You should put in the General Plan �ahat you thin� the property should be. The neYt step is the zoning which must agree with � the General Plan. If the property were zoned coirunercial and the owners � came in for a building permit, one would have to be issued. If it is k zoned open space, the existing conunercial use would be non-conf.orming. � lf the property has an underlying commercial zone and it is not purchase3 , for open space within a reasonable length of time, it can be developed E commercially. He advised it would be a big mistake to try to establish I at the p resent time what constitutes a reasonab le lengtti of time. The � General P1an is something that come� first; zoning comes next and must be compatible caith the General Plan. He would be opposed to pinning � down any numbers or limits as to what is a reasonab le 12ngtli of time. � Comm. Buthenuth said he has been thinlcing of the fiscal aspects also. He , thought the City could purchase this propert5 for open space in the future j with the revenu2 from the shopping center. ( ( Comm. Nellis said tne motion was stated in such a way t�iat thE ur.der1y�_ng ; zone should be the same as given to the remain.der of Stevens Creek Boule- i � vard. Also, the Planning Commission discussed priorities; the northeast ; parcel was first a.nd northwest was second. Comm. Adams said the third i priority would be the adjacent proper.ty goin� easterly alorig St�vens i Cr.�ek Boulevard. MINUTES OF THE NOVE�IBF.R 28, 1973 COi�IBINED CITY COINCIL-PLf�.'VNING CC-192 COI�L`iISSIOV .•iEETING Page 3 Mayor Irtoin said that knocaing about the bond iss.ue that did not pass and hoca far downstream the revenue from the shopping,center is, it looks like the City won't be purchasing the corner pieces in the very near future. Councilman Sparks noted the tahole thing is long range planning. The reason he voted for the shoppi_ng center was to pay for the amenities the City of Ctzpertino �vants. Ideally c,=e are planning 10, 20 or 30 years ahead. Chairman 0'Keefe said it was his ieeling that priorities were tal�en into consideration. He said the northwest corner was IlOt one of his . primary goals for open space although it would be desirable, if feasible. Conun. Nellis agreed with Councilman Sparks that this is a long range plan and tlie regional shopping center will make it possible to have some of tlie air.enities . If and when it looks lilce they are ready to develop, the General Plan can be amended. Mayor Ir�vin said one of the major stumbling blocks will be the non- conforming uses that could stay with us for many years without the possibility of upgrading. City Attorney said there is some leeway in this regard. Councilman Frolich said he could envision a very nice open space area on the two corners but not as you go fartlier do�an Stevens Creek Boulevard. In terms of priorities the Capital Improvements committee would provide input on this matter.. Comm. Buthenuth said he �aas hoping to get something complimentar.y on the south side. Comm. Nellis was concerned that Stevens Creek Boulevard caould end up strip commercial. At the present time there is a mi� of older homes, some strip conunercial and some professional offices . Comm. Buthenuth said that if there is to be a compromise then the open sp ace should at least go to the east p roperty line of the church property. Councilman Jacicson said non-conforming uses on the west side and the cost of tlie Crossroads Assessment District I malce it possible that the property ���ould stay in limbo for some time. He said we snould go ahead and plan this open space and not wait for a developer to come in for a building permit. CC-192 riINUTES OF THE NOVEi'IBLR 28, 1973 CO�tt3INED CI':L'Y COL'NCIL-PL�VNING COi��•fISSION TITG. I'a�e 4 Councilman FrolicY: thought it �;ras reasona.b:Le to end the open spacc at the church driveway on Stevens Creek Boulevard. Tlie properties with nothing on tiien can probaUly be pic?ced up cheaper. Those properties noT�� developed �aill cost more and it might be years o�fore we can realize the purchase of these parcels. Councilman Sparks moved to adopt the Planning Commission's documented statement. This motion died ior lacit of a second. Councilman Jackson said 'ne would lilce to second the motion if tllere ;vere some type of informal commi.tment. I�e is not sure that General Plan time is the time to maite these statements . Comm. Nellis agreed we �:Till liave to come up vezy soon with some way of implementation of t11e zoning map. Mayor Ircain said the result of tne recent bond election spoke very loud and clear that the public is not ready at the present time to take on any more obligation. Comm. Adams noted ttiese ���ere long range plans . � Councilman Frolicii believes tnat to include that property on Stevens Creek Boulevard containing tr�e professional offices and auto parts store, etc. for open space �aould be unrealistic. tloved by Councilman Frolich, seconded Uy i�fayor I�*�in, to adopt the � Plann=ing C��mmission's latest recommendation as to the northwest f ar.d nortlieast cor.ners of Hightaay 9 and Stevens C�:eek Boulevard i easterly to the church drive��ay. f � �Iotion tied, 2-2 � G`tirnuz. 0`Keef_e said the next area to be discussed is Stevens Creek ' Boulevard from Higiz�aay 9 to easterly City lir;ii.ts. The Planning Director ; went over uses of tEtese proper.ti.es. T:�e Planning Commission is recommend- ` ing the northerly side:of Ste�,°ens Creek Boule�ard to Portal Avenue as � comnzercial and residential (!f-12) mix because of the big l.ots . Al.ong the southerly side the Planni_ng Cor.unission reconamended residential (4-12) � for the sevente�n vacant acres. 'I'he City Council has discussed a ' "Vista del Lago" type offi_c.e/residez�.tial_ mix. 1 � � Comm. Nellis said the Planning Conunissian thought performance standards + would be tallced a�out in ttie ordinance yet to be �ar:itten. A them� should ; be established for Stevens Creek Boulevard atid the �rchitectural and Site � Approval Committce should be included in t'iis di�cussion. Comm. Adams i su�gested air quality restrictiozis should also be included. � i � Councilman Frolich taotild like to include a minimuin ntimber of curb cuts ` along with Comm. Adams sugrestion of requiring Planned Developments by � block. i MINUTES OF THE NOVE?�iBER 2�, 1973 C0.'KE3INED CITY COUNCIL-PLANNING CC-192 COI�T�fISSIUN MEETING Page 5 Moved by Councilman Frolich, seconded by Councilman Jackson, to adopt the Planning Commission's recommendation on Stevens Creek Boulevard from Highway 9 to the easterly City limits with the additional conditions regarding minimum curb curs. At this point the mot�on and its second were withdrawn to allow discussion on the � seventeen vacant 2cres. Councilman Jackson said he could visualize � those seventeen acres as residential 4 to 12 units per acre. � Counci].man Frolich said this is the one parcel along Stevens Creek • Boulevard �,rhere we can do the best job because it is vacant at the j present time. Mayor Irwin said he has problems with large residen- � tial areas particularly along major thoroughfares. He would go f aleng with some t}-pe of mix here,however quite often a 16 units per ; acre development tur_ns out to be better quality than 4 to 12. � Chairman 0'Keefe suggested that if we go to 16 iinits per acre the ; size of the units and number of bedraoms be specified. He said he spent some timG at Vista del Lago and it has a lot of automobiles and asphalt in addition to the �aater and the trees. Comm. Nellis said the P]_anning Commission was wil_ling to go along � c•�ith the City Council determination of commercial on the existing j commercial property because of the non-conforming uses problem but � • on the vacar.t land it was felt it should go residential. The 4 to � 12 designation caas to g�ve the City as c�ell as the developer a chance to stuay various plans for tt�.e property. Mayor Ircain did not think he �aould like to live in a home on Stevens Creek Boulevard even though it could be quite attractive with berm, landscaping, etct Comm. Nellis said it does not have to relate to Stevens Creelc Boule-� vard, the project could be turned inward. Councilman Sparks said � the problem he 1 is whether or not the parcel is large enough to do a "Vista del Lago". Councilman Jackson said what �ve caill probably end up with is commer- cial along the major thoroughfares . This is the one area where he ; believes a residential development would work. It woul.d provide a � visuai relief as you go along Stevens CrPek Boulevard b �tween the regional center and the Town Center. Chairman 0'Keefe said people :aho might wish to live here �aould be people who �aou7.d Ue walking to and from services anc: work. For tizis reason !+ to 12 cauld be increased as long as tnere is a restriction as to the number of bedrooms. The commercial should be the type that is oriented to pedestrians. He noted retired people who no longer depend on the automobile and would like to be close to ser- vices might be attracted to this area. -� 7.. MINUTES OF THE NOVEriBER 28, 1973 COMI3ZNED CITY COUIVCIL-PLANNING CC-192 COP•1MISSION MEETING Page 6 • Comm. Ga�to wanted to speak to land use and intensity. One of the directions of the �lanning Commission �aas a reduction of intensity of use bet�aeen the Town Center and Vallco Park. Perhaps some direction along that line coould be profitable. Councilman Sparks does not think we can get ttie intensity low enough with commercial on Stevens Creek Boulevard. Perhaps something like a furniture store would be one example. He �aould prefer low inten- sity residential or commercial usF here. � rlayor Irwin answered Comm. Gatto that we are studying trip ends an� density on different types of L1S2S There is a possibility o.f decreasing intensity in one portion in order to increase it in another. Comm, Ne?lis said there are two ways to approach commercial inten- sity: (1) find types of lo�a intensity commercial, (2) use larger parcel for high intensity commercial use. She noted we have a 1ot of commercial already. Councilman iirolich sa�d we also have a 1ot of apartments . If toe are going to talk about pertormance standards he does nct see �ahere commercial is that bad alonb Stevens Cree:c Boulevard. Chairman 0'Keefe said at Vallco Park we are looking at cars that travel 20 minutes. If these seventeen acres go residential they would Ue ped2strian oriented. The Planning Commission want� a development along Stevens Creelc Boulevard that h as longer 3ays and i is open �veelcends . This is not true at V:ista del L,ago. Councilman Sparks moved to adopt the Placlning Cocmnission recommenda- tion of November 19. This motion died for lack of a se cor.d. Moved by Councilman Sparlcs, secondeci by Councilman Jackson, to adopt the Planning Commission recommendation for the north side of Stevens Creek Boulevard from Vista Drive ta Portal. Tlotion carried, 4-0 _ Moved by Councilrnan Sparks, seconded by Councilman Jackson, to uphold the Planning Commission's recomr.iendation cf r_•esidential 4 to 12 units per acre for ';=he seven.teen vacant acres on Stevens Creek Boulevard. - Motion tied, 2-2 � 1 • MINUTES OF THF NOVEi1BER 28, 1973 C0.-i$Iiv`�D CITY C�UNCIL-PLl�I�INING � CC-192 COt�L�2ISSI0:� iiEETING Page 7 i �ioved by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Coiuzcilman Frolich, to + ratify the Plantiing Co:nmission's r.eco:nmendation for the remaining f part of Stevens Creek Boulevard to the easterly City limits includ- � ing items a through i. � �iotion carried, 4-0 f � � � Recess was called at 9:45 p.m. Councilman Sparlcs left the meeting. j The m.eeting reconvenec� at 10:06 p.m. + � TOiti'I� CENTER i The Planning Director revie���ed the �tiTritten report. The Planning ' � Commission is generall.y in favor of City Council's statements ; re�arding the To„m Center. Ho�aever there is sone question as to � the industri�l port�_on and the intensity. � i Council.man Frolich said his original i.nterest in including industria7; in tiie TOTJI7 CeLzter �aas to o�en it up for possibil.ities. He is will- � ing to drop the industrial however. � Comm. I3uthenuth does no � believe �ae should put a density l.imit on � the residenti.a.l part of the Plunned Development here. , i PZayor Irain said this type of pedestrian oriented development would � lend itself to higher density especzally with a social goal. � { Councilman Jackson said we are tryi.n� to create something unique � here and �ae w:i_11 almost have to go higher on tne residential density ; to achieve our goals, tie �aould be �Jilling to go 4 to 16 units per ; acre her_e. Councilman Frolich said if oae are going to be innovative i here we shotild have as few restrictions as possible. We should loolc j at the impacts of the total development and make the decision on tha� basis . The Director of Public t�7orks said the 25 trip ends specif.ications came from the Traffic Consultant's report. i3e felt this �,rould be ar� acceptable figure for �vhat we are trying to accomplish. These 25 trip ends ���ere for the entire 50 acres . Comm. Buthenuth said he sees this as comUined rather than isolating the residential from t�ie commercial_. He feels a certain nuni�er of units should be placed on the ent:ire devel.apment rather than so many units per acre. Cotuzcilman Fro]_i_ch said uiitil �ve see ��hat the developm�nt looks lil:e it is very difficult to place many restrictions on it. , CC-1_92 :SIidUTES i�F THE NOVEi�iE3ER 2�, 1973 COr1BINED CI'CY COLNCIL-PLA,VNING C0.'i:�itSSION AS'1G. Pa��� 8 Councilman Jackson believes there should be some stater.lent as to overall density. lIe caould be izi favor oL some inducements in orcier to acliieve our goa1�. He believes 16 ratht�r tlian 1'? ��ou1d be one inducement. iie does not lilce the 25 trip ends restr..ict�on iter.e. He ��ou.ld li_ke to delete t�iis restr:iction with the ide�:i that the Council is still going to tai:e a close loo�c at traffic. Chairman 0'K�efe believ�s it is important to give the prop�rty owner and developer as r.iuch latitude as possi.ble. Comm. � i3ellis is sympathetic ;aith the idea of innov,�tive development. Ho�aever , sne believes the developers need guidelin.es. :iayor Izz•;in said the � developer should corle to them �v.i.t.li co�icepts rather than e��pensiv� dra�Tings, etc. at f_irst until it is established he is �oing in the right direction. i�Soved by Councilman Jackson, seconded Uy Councilman Frolich, to adopt the � recommendation of the Planning Commission on the Town Center cvith ttie 1 f.ollo;aing changes: delete the industrial, delete the 25 trip ends, revise density range of 4 to 12 to 4 to 16. i�iotion carried, 3-0 SAI�'�TOGA-SU:��IYVALE ROAD, EAST A;.�ID ��T�ST SIDES The Planning Director summarized the statements in his report. The real question her.e is one of resiciential density. Councilman Frolich said thnre is a letter from one oE the landowners in this area. There is � the feeling that the property along the north side of Alves Dri-�e iias ; not been given the saa�e considaration becz�use of the Crossroads ! Assessu�ent District south of Alves Drive. Councilman Fro]_ich bel_ieves ; this area needs more s tudy . He �aould like to look at it again ttie fi.rst � �aeek in Deceml�er. � � ` Comm. Buthenuth said he told the Plann:i_ng Comm:ission he wou.l.d lilce to �ee some differentiatioiz of the industrial on. the east and tiie west � side. He �eould lilce to see light industrial on the east side. "' Councilman Jacicson envisi.oned light industrial par.k on tha ��est si.de and � no industrial or comriercial for tlie east side. Chairman C'�eefe said tnere is gro�aing concern no�a that people l.ocate closer to ttieir employment. Industrial on the east side of Iiighway 9 would offer employment to Cuper- j tino citizens. i Comm. ilellis said her concern is ending up �Jith strip type zoning here. Councilrl<�n Frol=ich said residential could go in at the sarae tine as industrial. and em�aloy�es of that industrial �aou1_d get first ch�nce at ttie residenti�l there. �iayor Ir��in said the problem with that is all ; di_fferent types of jobs for all difterent types of people �vauld be involved, Tlie developr;ient of tlie industrial and residential may not be the same so it couJ_d become quite restri�tive. Councilman Jacicsou said perhaps tile employers could encourage this sort of tning. It merits further study. . � i f E . 1 f i S . � � l rIINUTES OF TH�: NOVE�SF3ER 28, 1973 CO��BINED CITY COUNCIL-PLANNiNG • CC-192 CO���ZISSION T��ETING ! Page 9 Tlie Planning Director answered Councilman Jackson that there are 14-1/2 acres in the Crossroads District Phase I. Chairman 0'Keefe agreed there is the trend to locate people close to tlieir employment . However ��e miist ta.ke into consideration that ' this is the entrance to our City. The width of the property here � must also be considered. Comm. Nellis said we h ave very fine examples of industrial in Cupertino. It is true most people want to live closer to their jobs now. [ae Yiave a lot of industr_ial and we must provide a�aide range of housin g for the various income levels. She does not want to bring pressure to bear on our homes. We have a delicate balance he re . i�iayor Irwin bel�eves industrial belangs closer to the free�aay. � The reason tahy the Planning Commission set 4 to 10 rather thar. 4 to I2 units per acre on the east side of High�•�ay 9�aas because there are t�ao schools and single family homes in the area. Conan. Nellis said she does not want to see lots of apartments alcng Highway 9 either. It t�as decided this discussion �aould be continued. ; RECRFATION-ENTERTAINrLENT LAND USE DESIGNATION- LOCATED WEST OF � WOLI'E ROAD SOUTH OF VALLCO VILLAGE � ; 1 The Planning Director said the recreation would be oriented to recreation related to professional off.ices. ± � i rioved by Councilr.ian Jackson, seconded by Councilmari Frolich, to ; app rove recreatien/entertainment designation for the p roperty west of Wolfe Road and South of Vallco Village. � � Motion carried, 3-0 � � � SOUTHFAST CORNER OF THE INTEP�SECTION OF HOMESTEAD AND STELLING KOADS�i 1 Moved by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman I'rolich, to j approve the recommendation. riotion carried, 3-0 � Y CC-192 MINUTES OF THE NOVEM33�R 28, 1973 COMBINED CITY COUi�1CIL-PLANNING COr1�iISSION rrrc Yage 10 NORTHWEST CORNER Or STELLING ROAD AND ST�VENS CREEK BOULEVARD The Planning Director said this is the property adjacent to rlemorial Park. � Counci.lman Jackson,said that to be consistent if it is designated parks + it imp_lies we should buy it and sliould talce steps to find out if we can � buy it. As soon as the core area is completed he �•rould like to see the � puUlic acquisition of open spa�e investigated by the Capital Impr.ovements , committee. The City Attorney advised thz General Plan should not get so , j involv�d in implernentation. ( � Councilman Jacksan said he iavored the Planning Commission's concept of � � open space �� rst a�zd residential for an und.erlying zone. �?e �oas concerned about the 12 to 16 units per acre here on both the Saich and the Christianson property because we already have the 16 units per acre at the Gle.ibrooke Apartments and this could result in too many apartments for one area. He would be �oilling to go to 16 on some, but not all the acreage. � Councilman �rolich f�els there is too much concern over 16 units Aer acre uensity. He would like to see some kind of bedrocm limitation all the way through the ordinances , � iioved by Councilman Frolich, seconded by .•layor Irwin, to adopt the P12nning Commission recommendation of open space with residential underlyin� use at a density of 12 to 16 units per acre for the i�orthwest coz of S�elling Road and Stevens Creek Boulevard. This motion and second we withdra.T�m for furtlZer discussion. ' Councilman Jackson was concerned there is too much acreage here at 12 to i6 units per acre. Apa�tm�nts wou'ld completely surround I�emorial Pa.rlc. Councilman Frolich �oould like to indicate residential on this,and late r discuss density when there is a full Council p resent. ` Mov�� by Councilmati Frolich,seconded by Councilman Jacksor., to accept the Planning Commission's recommendation of open space with underlying residential_ ---the density to be d�termined at the next City Council meeting. i ` P�iotion carried, 3-0 ' � AD.TOURN�IF.NT ; �� It �vas decided the next City Couilcil meeting would be December 11 for : the regular agenda items. `; Mayor Irwir. adjournc�d the meeting to an executive session �.t 12:02 A.M. i � I i riINUTI:S OF 'I':IE \UVt'.'iPI:I: 2g, 1973 C0:•f13INL'll CI"i'Y COI;\CII,-PLl��NING ' CC--192 CO`tiilSSIO:v' i•�i:ETI:�G ' j Pa�;c 1J. � f � Chai.rr,,,_,n 0'Y.cefe :.otcd the Pl<z:lnin�; Coruais:>ion ir_e; ting �aas still � , in sc�ss:i.o�l, Thc 1'l��l.iiris; I)�zrctoi- su�;�;esrcci t_he To;aii Cent�r i ai:dinanc�: bc discu:; ;��d at tlt:� i)��ceir.:>er 5 i,�� cti.ng «�it.h LI�e. po�si- I b]..11t=�' nf LiIE: �.Oi��iTl�'.L'C? 8.1 UrC�JIi;?iiCC'. f1lld TC:CJ=C'<1tlOi7 OTCj1.I13I'iCC' c3.LS0 � heing discus5ec�. iiovE_d by Co:�un. B«t}lcnt�til, secondc.:d by Chai_rm��n 0'�eefe, to CO11L1IlUC � tlle 1'u'Ulic l:c��lr�.ng on Ge.iiera]. Pl�n and Orclin:��lees to 7:30 p.m, on � D��cen�er � , i � Llotion carri_ed, 5-0 1i:�e l?lann�n� Con;,:�iesi.eu adjouz�zed at: 1?_:OG a.r�. , � The City Council_ �sser;�led in tL•�� Cou:lcil_ Ch�_+.:::'.�er a�;��i.n at 1?:30 a..m.; , illc'. C7_i;}' �l:il�i�i3i C345 :LllEit:Il_1C(:E_C D:,' 't:`i�. �.'�t}' ��OU:1C11. t0 COi1tSCt. t�l@ j 1 S��lt�a C.la:-� Cctu;t�° 'ir �ns�_�ortati_on Corn.nission co.�cerilin� ;Iigli��ray �� j (t•;est Vr.illey F'rec�:�a}•) . � T71e ,'�iayor a�journeci tlrc meet�.;z� at 7_:UO a.m, �� � APP�'.OVII) : / s/ I:eith F . Ir �in riayor, City of C�apertino ATTEST: /s/ ��+m. E. Ryc�er City Clerl: ' r