10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Caliiornia 9501_4 Page 1
Telepbone: 252--4505
Chairman 0'KeQfe called the meeting to order at 7:33 P.M, with the
Salute to the Flag.
Comm. present : Adams , Buthenuth, Gatto , Nellis , Chairman 0' Keef e
Gomm. absent: None
Staff present: Director of P1 anning and Development Sisk
Director of Public Works Visko�,�ich
Associate Planner Co�aan
Assistant City Attorney Kilian (9:30)
Piinutes of Regular Meeting of November 12, 1973.
Page 3, paragraph o: S�rike the last sentence and replace with
"The Council's argument was that it was not. a good place for a
park; however, this was not the Plann.ing Commission's recommenda-
tion, but raCher that it was to serve as open space."
I,ast paragra�?h, last line: delete the word "schednles" and
replace wi�h the word "standards".
Page 4, first paragraph: Delete third sentence beginning with
"If we spread out...". Last paragraph, second line should read:
''...ar,d all industrial in the area of Highway 9 as well as te all
commercial us�."
Page 6, paragraph right after results of the first morion on the
page, delete last sentence beginning �aith: "He would like..."
Page 14, first paragraph, first line: Delete the �aords "land use"
�nd replace with rhe �rords "application of performance standards."
Moved by Comm, Gatto , sec��n�ed i�y Comm . Adams to approve the
November 12, 1a73 ininiites as ametided.
Motion carried, S-0
Page 2
' .
The Planning Director stated that the City Council; at their last
meeting, set an adjourned, joint meeting with the Planning Commission
on November 28th, 7:30 P.M, to discuss the core area.
1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider the following
A. Recreation Entertainment Zoning Ordinance regulating Commercial
Recreation Uses
B. Amendmerit to Planned Development Zoning, Ordinance 002(0) to
Establish Procedures for the City of Cupertino to initiate a
Planned Development Zoning District
C. Neighborhood Commercial Ordinance to Regulate Convenience
Neighborhood Commercial Uses.
First Hearing.
Comm. Gatto asked the Director of Public Works to describe peak hour
traffic as it affects the east side and the west side of Highway 9.
The Director said it was factored that the one way peak hour traffic
was utilized because it would be predominantly one way in one direction
in the morning and one way in the other direction in the afternoon.
The traffic of concern is the traffic coming out and going south
and the southbound traffic going into the developmen.t on the east side.
The required lanes by 1985 = 5.3 lanes. The Council has said .that 8
lanes �aould be the maximum they would like to see on Highway 9.
As far as other roads paralleling Highway 9, it would depen3 on the
assignments put on Highway 9. It would help Cupertino, but not other
cities, because once they got through Cupertino they �vould have to
get back ento Highway 9. Many schemes and configurations have been
explored to move the traffic through that main intersection �f
Stevens Creek Blvd. and highway 9. Comm. Gatto said he believes a
secondary road would be of benefit to Cupertino citizens, leaving the
major thoroughfares to through traf.fic.
Page 3
The Director of Public Wcrks answered Comm. Nellis that extension
of Greenleaf Drive to Highcaay 9�aould not significantly reduce the
Highway 9 traffic so �hat it �.�ould reduce the Highway 9 lane
requirements. He added that with the present 130' right-of-way
on Highway 9 we could squeeze the 8 lanes into it by eliminating
the curb parking and the median strip in places.
Comm. Gatto asked if we could make the 6 lanes more efficient by
shifting the middle lanes to go north in the morning and south in �
the afternoon. The Director said this would take away some of
the median strip. He added that the traffic analysis will be done
within 2 weeks.
Comm. Adams said it will be ir.lFortant to take into consideration
the amo�rnt of sales of a business and hour many employees are
invol,ved. -
The Director of Public Works stated that the town cen�er was set
at a figure of 25 trip ends per acre. .
There followed a discussion of the possibility of extension of
Highway $S. The Director of Public �v'orks said Sarat�ga is the
only jurisdiction really opposing it. The other cities are going
to indicate to MTC that they are in favor of it.
Ch�irman 0`Keefe asked for commerits from the audience.
Mr. Robert ti+Thitted, Neuman Properties, 105� Nor_th Wolfe Road,
Suite 288, Cupertino, referred to detai.ls in his October 31st
letter to�the City Council. He further stated that he has a �
copy of a proposal for the residential portion of the To�an Center
(17-18 acres). The project would be specifically designed for .
7 acres of 20-25 units per acre fer "empty nesters'� and a.bout
200 units housing for the elderly at 40 units per acre.
Chairman 0'Keefe asked if this plan would be dependent upon �
separating the residential from the commercial. Mr. Ldhitted said
the only separation would be either a street or landscaping. He
said he knows of no viable commercial and residential mix in this
country. Among other things, tlie financing would be difficult.
Conun. Adams noted his proposal calls for 340,000 sq. ft. , whereas
the City has been talking in terms of 250,000 sq. ft. Mr. Whitted
said the PruneYard is 3�0,000 sq. ft, with.chiefly boutique-type
shops and limited parking. He said the Council indicated to him
that the character of the development �aas more important than �
Page 4
Mr. TnIhitted said he has held options here since last March, and would
like t� consider putting together a proposal. He would like very much
� to have some of the ground rules ar.d requirements of the City.
Comm. Nellis said that by dividing residential from the commercial, it
would defeat what they are trying to do. She realizes it hasn't been
done in the Unitied States, but she �aould like to see a true mix of uses.
A street or landscaping dividing the commercial from the residential
does not sound innovative. She feels that 350,000 sq. ft. is getting
out of range; however, she might consider 300,000 sq, ft, She .found
it appealing c she he,ard him speak to housing for the elder_ly here,
hut she would not like to see an overall 32 units per acre.
Another problem �aith the plan is that they put a bank on every corner.
She would rather see the banks integrated with the c�mmercial.
� Comm. Buthenuth said he did not see anything innovative or imaginat�.ve
in the plan suUmitted. He was looking for integration of commercial
and residential, such as underground parking and residential on top,
' walkways, etc. • �
Mr. Whitted answered Comm. Gatto that it makes no difference to him
whether or not the street goes through to Stevens Creek Blvd.
It represents the City requirement. The Planning Director said the
Council felt it was necessary to have some access from Stevens Creek
Blvd , to the Tourn Center.
Comm, Gatto said discussion at this meeting has been on intensity
and types of uses, At this point, trip ends appears to be the most
important way of ineasuring inrensity. This development has been
referred to all along as a community oriented project. He can't
believe the types of uses listed on this proposal are community
oriented. It looks to him more like a mir.i-regional center and it will
- inc:rease traff ic . _
Chairman 0'Keefe said integrati_on of residential and commercial is
uppermost in his mind for the Town Center. He referenced the Tot�ers
in Chicago and Terrytocan, He believes tt�ere are lending institutions
that are interested in something innovative. He believes a rework
of the proposal �aould be in the best interest of the City and the
. � developer.
Comm. Nellis noted the City Council has indicated the possibility of
industrial being introduced inta this area. rir. Whitted said that
, unless they are talking about governmental or optical offices, he
did not know what other industrial uses caould fit.
Comm. Gatto believes the Planning Commission�s original statement on
the Town Center is still valid. Fie does ci�t thinl� the Planning
Commission differs that much with ttle City Counci.l. Intensity and
integration are primary in the Planning Commissioners' minds.
Page S
Comm, Ad �ns would like the City Council to come up with a defini-
tion of industrial.
The staff was directed to get some data �n Vista Del Lago, 151
Bucki_ngham Drive, Santa Clara, and on The Mill i.n Mountain View.
Comm. Adams said lie could go along �aith the mix. of commercial
extending nor.th of Stevens Creek Blvd ., on the �aest side o_f �
H'ighti�ray 9, particularly since the Crossroads I�ID 'nas already �
started. Looking at the residential aspects, there might be
some difficulty as �o the number of units per acre. He would like
to see some compromise here to achieve residential/commercial.
Comm. Adams said ir is hard for him to consider industrial
unless it is for the furniture store. He is hesitant about pu't-
ting indiistrial on both sides of High�vay 9. He iaould like to stay
with the resi_dential, �ut he is willing to concede to the com-
mercial on the west side. .
Comm. Nellis said Highway 9 gets harder, not easier to work with.
She is trying to look at what we are trying to achieve: a bal-
anced conununity, and try to maintain a 1ow to moderate intensity.
They must try to bring strip commercial under control. She does
not want Highway 9 to be completely commercial or completely
industrial or comple*_ely apartments. She said that if the
Planning Cor,tmission accepts the Council's rationale about zoning .
existing commercial as commercial because if it is zoned resi-
dential it will resul.t in nonconforming uses, then a second
agglomerated ccmmercial could go on the west side of High�a�y 9,
roughly in the area referred to as "The Brown property". She is '
having difficulty consicierin� other than resi.dential uses for the
rest of the property. She is not sure that the Council under-
stands the Planning Commission is recommending single family
homes for the greater percentage of the property. She is '
concerned that if this is approached on a traffic generation
basisalone we are in for more problems.
Comm. Buthenuth was ans�•rered by Chairman O�Keefe that this plan
was to be reviewed by the Planning Commission and returned to the
CitS• Council. Iiopefully, any differences of opinion can be
ironed out at the joint meeting �aith the Council. . '
Comm. Gatto felt it was important to work through the rationales.
The real question here is not so much the uses per se, but rather
the intensit}� of uses. Performance standards will provide some
guidelines. In regard to i.ndustrial uses, he thinks they have so
very positive merits from an intensity and traffic standpoint,
with staggered Yio�irs for ttie, employees. They have very limited
evening and weekend uses,
Page 6
Cnmm. Gatto bel.i�v�s the aptions provided are a better way to go.
If a use can f3t into tl�e ov�rall guidelines it sl:ould be permitted.
Comm. Nellis aslr.ed how you would control str3.pping, such as Wicks
Departmen� Store. Comm. Gatto said one guide is a specified distance
of landscaped area, bermed and treelined, with very limited access.
. If you can remove the objectionable features of strip commerca.al iC
�vould be accep�able. Conun. Nellis would rather stay away from massive,
free-standin� stores along Fii�hway 9. In terms nf what is needed,
particul.arly in �:he western section, residential is needed morethan
commercial or industrial.
Chairman 0'Keef e said ther.e is a c�efinite need for employment of
the residents in this area. The fuel shortage, the Hewlett-Packard
` employees bicycling to work, etc., all indicat� people want to live
close to �,rork. He would like to look very closely at the industrial
possibility of the east sid� of Highway 9 to provide em�lnyment for
our residents.
Comm. Nell.is said Chere is a lot that can be done aasthetically with
industr.ial. Staggered hours wi1.l help relieve the peak hour congestion.
. She wondered if t�he Planning Cnmmission �7ants to leave the type of use
to the marketplace as long as they can meet the performance standards.
Chairman 0'Keefe said the trend to live as far as possible from your
work is changing now.
Comm. Buttienuth would l.ike to see commercial and industrial related
� to commercial in th� area of the Crossroads LID. The r.emainder should
go into residetltial. He �ske� the staff to do a comparison study .
�ettveen this and the old zonir_g map .
Comm. T3uthenuth can see ligl�t indust similar to Wesr Valley Industrial
Park on the east side of Highway 9. He said we tieed a street to keep
th� trucks off the residential streeCs.
Maved by Comm. Buthenuth to recommend industrial and residential 4-10
on the east side o£ Highway 9. Motion died for lack of a second.
Chairman 0'Kaefe called a recess at 9:15 P.:I. The meeting reconvened
at 9:29 P.M. `
SCB/Hwy 9 Moved by Comm. Uatto, seconcled by Chairmari 0'Keefe to support the
Council action City Council in their stated land uses, with the stipulation that
su.pported the intensity level has yet to be defined.
4-10 units/acre Motion taas amended by Comm. Nallis, seconded by Comm. Gatto that there
both sides would be no more than 10 units per acre, with a range of 4-10 on both
ot g�,�y g sides of Highway 9.
Page 7
Vote on the amendment: �
AYES: Comm. Adams, Buthenuth, Nellis
NOES: Comm. Gatto, Chairman 0`Keefe
Amendment carried, 3--2
Vote on the motion: . �
AYES: Comm. Adams, Suthenuth, Gatto
NOES ; Comm, Nellis , Chairman 0'Keefe
Motion carried, 3-2
Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Chaii 0'Keefe that the Overall plan
Planning Commission fi.nds that this area should have an overall needed for
plan on the boulevard with �•aide setbacks, limited access, per- Highway 9
formance �tandards, traffic sig�, building coverage, building
height, building setback, control of noise eMiss�ons, control of
light enlissions, and control of air quality,
AYES: Comm. Adams, Buthenuth, Gat�o, Nellis, Chairman 0'Keefe
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
The Planning Director answered Comm. Buthenuth that the City .
Council decided the property across from the Hilton Hotel as
recreational/entertainment. It is stili with the uncommitted
Chairman 0`Keefe said he would be opposed to the Vallco Park
proposal for this property because that use belangs in the Tot,rn .
Center. He believes the theaters, bowling alleys, etc., a11
belong in the Town Center. ' .
Comm. Buthenuth thi_nres a recreation/entertainment use would Ue
high intensity where we already have high i.ntensity in the area.
The Uirector of Public Works stated that it will probalaly be a
low intensity use during peak hours,
Page 8 ,
Mr. Z�Talter Ward, Vallco Park General Manager, said the original
Vallco Park master plan ca].led for two office bui].dings (220,000 sq.
ft.) with parking structures here. For two reasons they hava
changed this to recreation/ente.rtainment: traffic and inten.sity of
use. Ttiey� propose a full inter�ection at Yruneridge and Wolfe.
They would like tn relocate the bank in a 10,000 sq. ft. building
imm�diately 50U��1 of Vallco Village. The bank has outgrown its present
quarters. The proposed indoor and outdcor tennis courts, lawn bowling,
etc., are basically I.c�w intensi.ty uses. Mr. Ward said they have
nothing in mind like the Century theaters. They are thinking about
a small. theater tha� tlie peopl.e in t�ie hotel could walk to -- perhaps
5U0 to 600 seats. He said they would lik� to have this property
zonec� recreational with th� understanding t�ey might at a later date
come in with a proposal for a small theater. Chairman 0'Keefe said
he will pursu� his objection further downstream. The concensus of the
Planning Conunission was that the existing planned industrial will be
the base zone and the secondary use within that zone shall be recreation.
Stelling and Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Gatto to discuss the parcel
SCB - Park, at Stelling and Stevens Creek Blvd., since the Council pr.oposes to
���ith 4-12 resi. change the use and intensity. She woul.d like to see the park remain
underlying zone as the overl.yin� use and residential 4 to .12 as the underlying zone.
AYFS: Cnmm. Ac�ams, Buthenuth, Garto, Nellis, Chairman 0'Keefe
NO�S: Non� �
Motinn carried, S-0
Discussioz� turned to the area south of the intersection, west of
5te1.1ing Rnad, south ot Stevens Creek Blvd. The Planning Director
wanted to inform the property owners and schedule a hearing on this.
General P1an MovEd by Comm. Neilis, seconded by Comm. Adams to continue the public
hearing cont'd hearing on the General P1ar, to Wednesday, November 28, i973, 7:30 I'.M.
• Motion carried, S-n
3. Application 18-tJ-73 of S.H.A.R.E., INC.: USE PERI�IIT to modify the
approved development plan for the planned develnpment to include a
bank �caith a drive-up window facility. Said property is within a P
(Plannec� Development witt� professional office and commercial intent)
zone and is located bettr�een Stevens Creek Blvd. and Alves Drive,
approximately 150 feet westerly of Saich Way,
Referred bacic by City Council.
Page 9
The Planning Director reviewed the Cour�cil hearing on application
18-U-73. The Associate Planner said th� original plan showed
150 sq. ft. of floor spuce per parking space and this proposal is
164 sq. it. o£ floor sp3ce per parking space. The Traffic Enginee
has r_eviewed this and has no objections. The big issue before the
Council was the curb cut on Stevens Creek Blvd.
As to condition 16, the Assor_iaCe Planner said the staff's positio
� is that they �aould like to see a11 future developrlents on Stevens
Creek �lvd. provide for bike paths, at least a grant of easement.
to the City to aLl.o�a bike paths . The Director of_ Public Works
stated ttiat the Five Year Capital Improvement ProYram provides for
bike lanes along Stevens Creek B]_vd. -�- S' side�aalk, 3� landsc�pin ,
and 5' bike lane, totalling 13`. �
Chairman 0'Keefe asked for comments from the audience. �
Mr. Larry Tladsen, architect for the project, offered to ans�aer
any questions.
Conan. Gatto asked for comment on adequacy for backup space for the .
drive-up wi_ndaws. Mr. Madsen said thi_s is more than adequate.
These are tandem rather than parallel drive-up windows. P�e said
that he, personally, when he finds more than 4 cars lined up,
parks his ear and caalks up t.o �he banlc. He said that in order to
solve the problem of pedestrian traffic he created a pedestrian
right-of -way .
As to the bike pa�hs requirement, r1r. Madsen said he thinks they
are fantastic, bur to set up a bike path on this isolated properC.y
is not fair. He believes everybody along Stevens Creek Blvd.
should come in and discuss this. He believes this should be an
LID. Comm. Buthenuth agreed that it is not fair, at this point,
to require them to dedicate this one, short piece.
The Assisrant City Attorney suggested they could participate to
the extent of the other property owners.
Comm. Gatto said the uncertainty of cahere this easement is.to go
makes this an unfair condition.
Comm. Adams said this bike lane business should have been dis-
cussed when the Planning Commission approved the original plan. �
Chairman 0'Keefe agreed that it would he a tiardship on the appli-
cant; bue never_theless, he agrees with the staff, Any time we can
do some advance pl_anning it is a good idea, �ie f.eels this would
be the impeC�s to get all tlie properCy oc�ners along Stevens Creek
B1vd, to do the same.
Page 10
Moved by Comm . Nellis ,�seconded l�y Conmi. Adams to close the public
Motion carried, 5-0
Cond. 16 of Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. l�dams to remove condition 16
18-U-73 as noted in the sta.ff inemo .
deleted ,
AYES: •Comm. Adams, Buthenuth, Gatto, Nellis
� NOES: Chairman 0'Keefe
,. MoCion carried, 4-1 ��
It was decided to make condition 19 - Candition 16 revised.
18-U-73 Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adams to recommend to the
approved City Co�ncil approval of application 18-U-73 with the 14 standard
w/conditions condiCions and conditians 15, 16-revised, 17 and 18. Bank expa.nsion
shoc•�n is not inc.luded in this apprcval ,
AY�S: Comm. l�dams, Buthenuth, Gatto, PSellis, Chairman. 0'Keefe
NOES: None
Moti_on carried, 5-0
4. Discussion of Noonan Property (Mackay Homes)
The Planning llirector referred to the November 21st staff report on
- this matter. He asked if the Planning Commission would fee.l comfortable
in granting an amendment to the existing generril. plan in this instance.
The proposal is about 9�anits per acre ai.d �he density range is �
� 4 to 10. This property's first pro�osal was passed about 1-1/2 years ago.
Mr. Steven Hall., representing Macicay Homes, said thGt since May and June
of 1972 they have received t�•�o exCensicns running to March of 1974
They will not be able to get their tentativz map approved before the
end of February or first of.riarch. They have spent, about $$000 on
architectural drawings, ete. It is dubious that they could get another
extension. He hoped�the Planning Contmission would proceed �o amend the
General Plan with reference to t�iis specific area.
Page .11
Comm. Gatto uras not opposed to talci.ng this into considerat:ion.
Comm. Buthenuth �aas in favor of alternate l. Comm. Nellis does
not �aant to hold up ttze applicant any ]_onger . She would be willin
to hear a specific proposal from the applicant. Com�n. Adams was
in favor of a?.ternate l. Chai.rman 0'Keefe �aas in favor of the •
second alternate because it is more precise and is in accord �aith
our City Council.
r2inute Order to the staff.: •
Moved by Comm. Nell_is, seconded by Comm. Gatto to proceed with i�oonan property
alternate 2 as defined in the Novemi�er 21, 1973 memo from Director alterriate 2
Sisk regarding the \?oonan property.
A_YES: Comm. Adams, Buthenuth, Gatto, Nellis, Chairman 0'Keefe
NOES: None -
Motion carried, S-0
It was noted the Planning Commission would like to look at the
entire Monta Vista area when discussing Lhis matter.
5. Annual Review of Urban Service Area Boundaries. Requested
change: OJ_der Ranch area and Kaiser property, Stevens Canyon
The question of this annual review was introduced at the last
City Counc.il meeting and they referi:ed it to the Pl.anning Commis-
sion. The Plaizning L`irector said it appears �ae have missed the
November 28th deadline for getti.ng on the January LAFCO agenda.
He then briefly went thraugh the maps now in effect for Cupertino'
Urbar Service Area.
The request is to 'include Area A(50 acres east of Stevens Canyon
Road) and A.r_ea B(The Fremont Older Ranch) in Cupertine's Urban
Service Area. •
The Plannir�g Director said the County has said property ��rithin a
city's urban service area shall come tu that city to discuss
Com.m. Nellis �rould like Cupertino and Saratoga to sit do�,�n and
discuss this matter.
The Planning Director answered Comm. Nel.lis that the Kai.ser people
have indicated their studies show Ltie onl_y developahle p�rt of
their property is at the bottom, I'hey 4rould like the reserve for
some type recreational activity.
Page 12
Mr. Harold Anderson, representing Kaiser Cement Company, offered to
answer any questions. IIe said they �rould feel more at ease with
that additional 50 acres in the Urlaan Service Area. He ansFrered the
Planning Director that if LAFCO designates these 50 acres recreation
open space and it hecomes a part of Cupert�_no's Urhan Service Area,
they csould like to consider developing only a small part of that
recreation area, if it is practical.
Comm. Nellis ��ras ans�,sered by the Planning Director that all the chur.ch
property has not been included in the Urban Service Area.
Comm. Gatto said this service area was defined upon the ridge lines,
etc. He said he can see some merit in routing around o�anerships so
we d�n't have fragmentarion.
Mrs . Lucien Hertert , San .Tuan Road, said the Seven Springs Ranch
property is not in Saratoga UrUan Service Area; it is in the
Wil.liamson Act. She said that property owner does not �aish to develop
�aithin 10 years. Sarato�a will probably reconsider if he should
decide to develop sooner than that.
The Director o� Public Works ansc,�ered Comm. Gatto that there are enough
services available to service the Urban Service Ar2a. t�iater, sewers,
storm dra:ins, etc., could go either �aay. Utilities could be brought
up through the Older pr�perty. Water �aould be the most difficult
unless Cupertino opened a whole new water area.
Area B left Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Nell.is to recommend na change
out of Urban for Area B; i.e., it shall be left outside the Urban Service Area.
Service Area
Comm, Gatto said he thinks it is not an orderly extension of the
Service growth. The City would be willing to work ��iith the City of
Saratoga to work out the details. Comm. Nellis said she did not
want it to appear we are encouraging develo�ers to come in.
AYES: Comm. Adams, Buthenuth, Gatto, Nellis, Chairman 0'Keefe
NOES: None
' Motion carried, 5-0
Area A included Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded b}� Conun. Buttienuth to recommend the
in Urban boundaries for Parcel A be re�rranged so that the entire Kaiser
Service Area property appears within Cupertino`s UrUan Service Area.
Comm. Nellis did not believe this was necessary and would be in
conflict with our open space plan.
AYES : Comm. Adams , Buthenuth , Gatto , Chai.rman 0'Keef e
NOES: Nellis
Motion carried, 4-1 �
MIhUTES OF T�iE �0�'��t�ER 26, I973 PL:'1�;y�,�G CO.�•1ISSION ?•fI:ETIiv'G PC-133
Page 13
Cotnm. ;�el_1is t•:anted to give a�iillsid.e Subcor.�.nittee repor� .
The}* review�d tiie possibilitv oz getting � cost revenuc and cost
. bene£it study o� r_he `Ier.tebel_l.o Ridf e area, but decided a�ainst it
because it �.ould ta�e at leas� anoti�er year. The Comrlittee felt
it was tii�e to ;�.rap up the Iiillside Studv. It appears that it
will be submittecl to tne County �4Tith recor.ir�eizdations in June or .
° July , 1974 . �
Cl7air�an O�Keef.e sai_d h�` questioned the audit and he questi.oned "
thc� sam�ie used in tlie ar.ticle "S.�:��ary of Couiitr Housing Stud}�".
The Pl�nning Director sug� �sLed ti•�ritin� a letter to ttle Caunty
and ask them to qualify their statements. �
Moved by ConLL-n. Gatto, seconded hy Cor:im. Butl�enuth to adjot�rn the
meet ing at 1.1 : SO Y.ii , to November 28 , 1973 , at 7:3� P.r1.
1�ioL carried, 5--0
� A�'PP�OVE� :
/s/ naniel. P. 0'Y.
. Ch�irman � !
/s/ j�. E. P.yder
City C1erl: '