PC 11-19-73 . CITY OF CUPEI?'L'I:10, S'TATE OF CAI.IFOR?�f.T_A PC-132
1�300 Torre Avenue, Cuper.tino, Cali.fornia g5014 Page 1
Telephone: 252-4505
• Chairman 0'Keefe apened the meeting at 7:40 P.M, with the Salute to
the Flag.
Commissioners present: Adams, Buthenuth, Gatto, Nellis and �Chairman
Comm.i.ssioners absent : None
Staff present: Associate Planner Co�van
Assistant City Attorney Kil�an
Associate P�anner Gowan reported the Planr�ing Director had received ;�
a call from a �epresentative of Mackay Homes concerning property at
Orange Avenue and McClellan Road. Alackay Homes �eel.they must develo
tnis property concurrently with their development at Ridgecrest. They+�
requested t`�e Planning Cor�.mis�ion and City Council adopt an amendment,
to the Genera=�. Plan for this property. The question is whether this
would set a precedent. The City cannot approve tentative map without
a General Plan.
After discussian, Commissioner Nellis moved this item �e put on
i�Ioriday ni.ght': agenda under New Business with the stazf submitting
a report. Seconded 'oy Comm. Adams.
Motion carried, 5-0
1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider 1973 Compre-
hensive General Plan.
(a) Core �rea Core Area
The Associate Planner. suggested the commission should continue dis-
cussion started at last meeting.
� �
Page 2
Comm. Buthenuth suggested discussing rertraining part of Stevens Creek
Blvd. east of Wolfe Road, north and south side. He started by saying
he thouglit the Council was right in indicating commercia�Z area. We
shoui.d upgrade existing commercial and put a better commercial adjacent
to it. More informa.tion is needed on 16 trip ends.
Comm. Adams said if standard is to be established, it should be used in
� this area. He feels going commercial on entire strip is not right but
. ne is willing to negotiate to something better.
Comm. Gatto said he thought we t:eed to establish performance standards.
These standards will dictate what can go in this area.
Comm. Nellis asked what guides were to be considered for.performance
standards. Comm. Gatto answered traffic, setback requirements, Iight
and noise emissions, building height, etc.
A discussion on traffic was held. Comm. Gatto said the car was an integral
'• part of our culture and would llOt disappear. Comm. Buthenuth felt if a
good transportation system were established, t.he car,would not be the
basic mode of travel. He felt this would happen faster than thought.
. � Comm. Gatto feels more peopl2 would rather give up something else and
� keep cars; change would be slow. Comm. Nellis said the comm cannot
do crystal ball loolcing. As things change, the General Plan will have to
change tc� accomodate. She referred to goal of a balanced communii:y and
how this strip will fit in. She felt if this area is nade all commercial
we will Ue increasing amount of strip commercial. There is cor�mercial
that now exists on Stevens Creek; she questioned how this could be done
. away with. It could be cailed non--ccnforming and phase it out. She noted
Council felt it would be too difficult to phase out.
In the case of the two large parcels on Portal, Comm. Nel.lis could not
� �see rationale for making these commercial. She had thought of recreation
entertainment zone on Highway 9. She had thought of offices but felt with
Town Center and Vallco Park tizere would be no market. She r.oted Highway 9
to Stelling on Stevens Creek Boulevard was a poor example of commercial.
Chairman 0'Keefe said area can remain as zoned at residential. This would
offer a real break in landscape between San Jose an.d Cupertino. Continued
� commercial in this area would do away with conc.ept ef agglomerate. The
Town Center caould suffer. He felt residential would tie the City together
. so a person could walk in a pa.rk-like setting. `
Comm. Buthenuth poir.ted out you can make a long agg?omerate, too. He said
there are types of commercial that won't go into a Town Center. He also
poirited out that the City Counci_1 had said this was what they wanted and
there would have to be some compromise.
age 3
Comm. Adams said his preference �,yas to see whole area residenCial but
he was willing to li.sten. Agreed we will have to give and take. He
agreed with Comm. Nellis on south side of Portal. The ac there .
is intact which lends irself to somethin� nicer than commercial.
He suggested Planned Development for in-filling area. Comm. Buthenuth
pointed out one land owner could stop Planned Development in small area.
Comm. Nellis suggested an inducement to get land owners together. Land
ovmers could be permitted higher intensity of develop�nent.
Associate Flanner Cowan spoke of a plan being considered. The ordinance
would be amended to allow the City to plan for specific areas and this
would b� a part of the Planned Development ordinance.
Chairman 0'Keefe said there were continuous problems in commercial
zoning with changing of uses. It taill be predictable once it is.resi- .
dential. He f�lt that one stzip is needed that will �oin the Totan Center
and Vallco Park; t,ri11 differentiate use from San Jose and be unique. and
tie the City together. Comm. Gatto noted that a park-like setting did .
not logically follow r�sidential. He felt whatever uses fit in should
be used. �
Connn. Gatto suggested def ining �,ahat is trying to be achieved and letting
the private sector develop within �hese guidelines. Chairman 0'I:eefe
said performance standards could determine that.
A member of the audie;�ce asked the attorney if it was necessary for the
City to feel it has to buy.out non-conforming uses? Also what about
amortization? Mr. Kilian said there is amortization with respect to
sign ordinance, but he has not seen it applied to non-conferming use
of 1and. He felt serious difficulties would be run into with respect
to �aking away somebo�y's property but he would look into it. A case .
of this type in Saratoga was discussed. Comm. Buthenuth said you could
amortize use permit but no zoning.
Conim. Gatto suggested establishing basis of making a decision. He �
started by saying Cupertino is pretry well developed. Not independent.
Has influ�nce in some aspects ef jurisdiction, not all. We have to look
at areas we can control. Character of community was used as prime basis
for determining zoning and he felt this was a reasonable approach. He
felt we should niain�ain good qualities. He listed desirabl.e characteristics
for residential ar�as o� Cupertino. (1) Privacy (2) proximity to nature
(3) convenie.nt availability of goods and services (4) availability of active
and passive recreational areas (5) opportunity for social contacts
(6) high quality of public services (7) choice of inethod and c�nvenience
of transportation system. He wondered if it were best to control develop-
ment by land use or establish criteria the dev�loper has to mee�.
Page 4
Chair;nan 0'Keefe said the land use as opposed to development guide lines
was crux of issue; an important line to be drawn and deci_�ed upon.
Comm. Gatto answered Cemm. Nellis that dominant theme sn�uld be final
environment created with land use. �
Comm. Buthenuth said it was a combination of both performance standards
and land use. He suggested recommencling to City Council that Stevens
Creek would be both commercial and residential ��ith performance staridards .
Assor_iate Planner Cowan said there was another piece of information not
in: the feasibility of strip to be developed for low intensity. Chairman
0'Keefe noted the consultants had said there. wou�d be no problem with
either commercial or residenti_al.
The question of whether 8 or 6 lanes had been projected for this area
was discussed. It �aas deci_ded to confer with the Director of Publzc
Works during a break.
A break was then called at 9:10 p,m. At 9:3Q p,m, the meeting reconvened.
The Director of Public Worlcs gave truffic analysis of �;arious uses.
� 7.5 lanes would be required with a mixture of cornmercial and residential.
Comm. Nellis said exclu�ing Portal, we are talking about very little
existing commerci.al. It seems we are trying to accomplish something �
� that has to do with aesthetics, also intensit} ; somc green linlc between
� ' Town Center and .regional shopping center. Her leaning :vould be for
commercial-residential on north �aith very definite perforrnance standards
� and residential on south side east and west of 1'ort
`�otion Comm. Uatto moved that Stevens Creek between Highway 9 and easte.rn limits
of tocm be developed under design guide established by ttie City Lor urlified
plan for entire area and that a set of design standards be �urther developed
for development of property ;�ittiin that boundary. Seconded by Comm. Nellis.
AYES: Comms. Adams, Gatto, Nellis and Chairman 0'Keefe
N�ES: Comm. Buthenuth
rlotion carr:ied, 4-1
Chairman 0'Keefe moved tnat south side of Stevens Creek all areas
outlined in green be residential of 4 fio 12. Seconded by Comm. Nellis.
AYES: Comms . Adar:is, Nellis and Chairman 0'KeeFe
NOES: Comms. Buthenutli and Gatto
P�Iotion carried, 3--2
Page 5
Comm. Nellis then moved that for remainder of parcels from Highway 9
to easte rn City limits land use shall be commercial and/or residential
use which shall be based on performance standards:
(1) Traffic - not exceedin g 8 lanes
(2) Building coverage
(3) Building height
(4) Buildin g setback
(5) Controls af noise and light emissions
(6) Signs .
(i) Air qLality �
Seeonded by Comm. Gatto.
AYES: Comms. Adams, Buthenut:i, Gatto, Nellis and Chairman 0'Keefe
I�OES: None
i�lotion carried, 5-0
(b) Town Center Town
Comm. Buthenuth said he thoug:�t the Council had lost concept of what
Planning Commission had for Town � Center. He did not envision inclusion
of industrial..
Comm. Adams said he had mixed emotions about inclusion of industrial.
He liked the original proposal. .
Comm. Gatto asked the Assisrart Attorney if given designation of
commercial/residential with P.lanned Development overlay would this
preclude industrial. Mr. Kilian said Planned Development commercial/
residential would have to be amended to put in industrial.
Comm. Gatto said the basic thrust was something that would have
community-wide social value. He could not see industrial enterprises
the re .
Comm. �iuthenuth referred to Fox Plaza in San Francisco. Upper stories
could be residential �oith commercial below.
Conan. Nellis agreed she could not see industrial here either. Comm.
Adams said he could perhaps see a"think tank" office. Industrial as
such does not fit in.
Chairman 0'Keefe said the Town Center is interaction of people in
commercial and residential. He referred to models in Europe. Some
industrial. use could be worked in where people would stop to look and
become involved.
Page 6
The Associate Planner referred to a plan staff raas worlcing on for the
Town Center. They ho�e to have it ready for ne.xt Monday for presenta-
tion to the commission. -
Mr. Cowan said a potential developer had written do�an ideas for develop-
ment of Town Center. He di�tributed copies to th.e commissioners.
Comm. Gatto said the residential could be melted more imaginati��ely with
the cemr,lercial. Proportion of residential to commercial seems out of
Comm. Nellis felt the residential was not married to conunercial and that
there �aas too much cemmercial. 1he apartmen�C density was too high, set-back
not adequate and no imagination in plan. The b ank and Savings & Loan
sliould be integrated into development.
Comm. Adams said the .commercial squ.are footage �vas too high. Residential
and commercial should be integrated more. Ra.tio too imbalanced. 32 units
� per acre too high.
� Comr.m. Buthenuth sa� d he would have to think about ratio. He wasn't think-
� ing about garden apartm.ents; rather snops below and residences above. If
� the si�ops were c�pen r�all with wide expanse �oalkways, maybe 32 units
wouldn't be too many. Parking should be underground.
Chairman 0'Keefe said he concurred with al.l statemerits made. T'ne v�.11age
green shoul.d net be isolated and sectionalized;
Associate Planner Cowan suggested this couid include a lo�a income
housi_ng element .
Comm. Ne11is indicated she was concerned about industrial desi.gnatio�
and suggested deferring:final decision until the rlonday night presenta-
tion by the staff.
High�aa;� (c) Highway 9- East and West
East and
West Comm. Gatto moved that discussion continue to 11:00 p.m. Seconded by
Comm. Butr.enuth .
. � Motion c3rried, 5-0
Comm. Adams said Highway 9 on east side planned industrial with mixed
residential; further south could be viable arrangements. Difficulty
is impact on north side by Collins school. Parlcing lots ��ould run
along residential. West side has some commercial areas goin� north and
some at Valley Green Drive. 16 trips g�iide line should be ad}ier.ed to.
Industrial should be small type - a cnrune�-ci_al venture that makes items
for sale.
. .
itli�UTES' OF 1'IiE �IOVI?:�tii}:1z ].9,1973 ADJ. PLA:�\I;�G CQ:L�IISSIO� PIF;ETING PC-J..3'l
y Ya�e 7
Cor^.m. I�e11.is agreed wi.th Comm, �!dams. She sai_d they �,otild have tc �;et �
more prec� se. Zb tri.ps c�lou.ld �e na::imum of S la:les. Land use could �
not er,ceed £3 lanes. Sne diviued t�ic area into tour quadrants. Dr.
Bro���i's are3 - resid�i�tial/i.idustria.1/cor�m�ercial. Planned Develop;�ient �
taith overl�; ilext auadrant - industrial/residential �•�ith i.ndustrial �
agains� f1-ee�vay, Oriier side - industrial./resideiltial. �ext qtiadrant �
south - r�: sidential., bi.it she doe.s not want to see apartments .
Cor,^n. Butilenutii quest�.oned ho��a traific �aou�d be figured with street �
in nziddl_e c�i LID area. }?e thi_nks ��e have ta plan this with land use � '
or set a lirnit *_o industa-ial/commercial. He se�s continuing commercia�a .
througil e�ist� ng LIll ��-_itti industri_al and c�m�.�ercial and resident� al for4
rem.ainder. : xisting cor.�: eLcial ���ill have to be includeci in plan. ;;
R�sidential :?ei:sity �,ou1d �e 4 to 10 units per acre. Do��s not i:hir�l; �
16 trips val.id on �aest side. Ee noted that on east side Council had �
said all land o�aners �•:ere to plan o�an property. He could see this as f
an industrial. park. � �
Comm. Gatto said o�ie thinp; that concerned hin� on High,aay 9���ith i6 a
trip is bulk of traffic is basicall}' going sout�l at pealc hour. East �
side may be aol.e to suppor.t more tra£fic than �:-est side. rIe would �
, like mor.e inforrnation. He noted. Green Leaf Drive mi�ht be established r
to provide another ��-a} for ci_ty �traffic to get off Higllway 9. He y
�aondered if. the four quadr.ants rea115• deserve eq�sal intensity. He �
said he haci no conflict �aith Council uses . He did not feel he had t.:
enough inforr::tion to establish density. He spo':ce to the impact of ;
internal traffic arteries.
Chairman 0'Keefe said tlle easL and �vest sides �aere different. L�?est
side - Planned Development com.nercisl/industri.Gl/residential could �
be �aorked out. The east side was so llI11C�L1� �,;�th so many options and '�
possibilities he would like to �;et more input. He would 1_il�e to �.?ait �
for further intera�.tioii bet�oeen property owners ar.d City.
Comm. Ne1Zis su�gested tnis be left unt_il i�ioriday night. The_y could �
then come to some conclusi�n and set up a joint ir.eeting ��Tith Council �:
thereafter. [�'ednesday .night ��as sug�este.d for this joint meeting. �
�, .
At 11:00 P.�1. Cor.un. Adams meved to adjourn mecting un.til the r_egular �; Adjotirnr.�:�:
meeting of I�londay, November 2.6 . Seconded �y Com:�. Nellis .
Motion carr.ied, 5-0
. ;
/s/ Wm. E. Ryder /s/ Dan�.el P. 0'Keefe
City Clerk Chairman �
. �