10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 Page 1
Telephone: 252-4505
Chairman 0'Keefe called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. with the
Salute to the Flag.
Comm. present : Adams , BuChenuth , Gatto , Nellis , Chairman 0'Keef e
Comm. absent: None
Staff present: Director of Planning and Development Sisk
Assistant City Attorney Kilian
Associate Planner Cowan
Traffic Engineer Grigg
Regular meeting of October 8, 1973:
Page 7, second paragraph, line 3: Change "phase" to "face".
Moved by Conun. Adams, seconded by Comm. Gatto to approve the Oct. 8th ?�Iinute
Minutes of October 8, 1973, as amended. approved as
amend ed
Motion carried, 4-0-1
Comm. Buthenuth abstained
Regular meeting of October 29, 1973:
Page 4, last paragraph, second line should read: "...flood pl�in
and zoning if epen space or similar zoning to restrict housing
caer.e instituted. He..."
Pa�e 10, last paragraph, line 5, delete !'move it." and replace
with "n�ove the structure."
Page 2
Oct. 29th Moved by Comm, Nellis, seconded by Comm. Adams to approve the Minutes
Minutes approve of October 29, 1973, as corrected.
as corrected
Motion carried, 5--0
Minutes of Adjourned Regular Meeting of September 20, 1973:
Page 5, first paragraph, first line, insert the word "not" between the
words "Nellis " and "to reop�n".
Page $, third paragraph f_rom bottom, first line, delete the words "junior
high" and replace with the word "elementary".
Sept. 20th Moved by Co�n. Buthenuth, seconded by Comm. Gatto to approve the
Min. approved Minutes of September 20, 1973, as corrected.
as corrected
� Motion carried, 5-0
Minutes of Adjourned Regular Meeting of October 11, 1973:
Oct. llth Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Gatto, to approve the Minutes
riin . approved of October 11 , 1973 , as submitted .
as submitted
Motion carried, 5-0
POSTPONEMENTS, etc. -- There were none.
ORAL COMMUNICATIONS -- There were none.
1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider 1973 Comprehensive
General Plan. First Hearing continued.
The Planning Director said it is not imperative that the Planning
Commission hold a public hearing at this point; they have 40 days in
which to respand to the City Council Cecision on the General Plan at
this poin'� . ,. ,,
Page 3
The Flanning llirector answered Comm. Nellis that City Council
action was taken on a portion of the General PSan but the public
hearing was never closed.
The Assistant City Attorney reassured the Planning Conimission that
, legally it,is not necessary co have a public hearing at this point.
The Planning Cor�unission could close the public hearing i.f they
felt it was not necessary tn have additiona]. input frum the
public. .
There follow�d a discussion about whether or not the General Plan
discussion should take p"lace at this time of under Unfinished
Busin.ess. The Assistant City Attorney advised the public hearing
on agenda item 3, appli.cati.on 18-U-73, shoul.d not commence before �
9 P. M. With that, it was decided they would not deviate from the
Comm. Adams noted that when the Planning Commission went through
its deliberations it decided commercial on the east and caest sides
of Highway 9 wauld result in entirely too much traffic. The
. Planning Director said the City Council indicated they would�stay �
with the 8 lanes on Highway 9 and 16 trip ends per peak hour. ,
Comm. Nellis stated �hat she is ger�erally not pleased with cahat
the City Council ilas sent back to the Planning Commissioa. The
concept of performance standards is not a new one. It was brought
out at the Planning Commission meetings by Comm. Gatto and the
Commission discussed it at great lengttis. She said �ve are talking
about Cwo very diffcrent proposals. The intensity the Council_ is
� talking about is at least twice that arrived a� by the Commission.
Comm, Nellis said slle did not understand the rationale for coni-
mercial on the south side of Stevens Creek Blvd. Further, she '
believes the plan suffers from lack of opei� space. She believes
the Council missed the point of the Plan.ning Commission recom-
mendation for the corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Highway 9.
The Council's argument �vas that it was not a good place for a park; '
however, this was not the Planning Commission's recommendaeion, but
rather that it was to 'serve as open space.
Comni. Gatto felt it was important to establish reasons why these
decisions were made. Along Highcaay 9, with 6 l.anes you arrivs at � _
one crite.ria and with 8 lanes you create another criteria.
Character of tl:e city has been d�scussed, but the Planning Com- .
mission never really establishea reasons for its decisions. He
was not unhappy with the City (;ouncil's decisions. He believes
that performance standar_ds is a good approach.
Page 4
Chairman 0'Keefe felt Chat tlie Planning Conunissian's decision on
Stevens Creek B1vd. was based on a differentiation between Vallco
Park Re�;ional Center and the Town Center. 'The open space at the
intersection of I:iighway 9 and Stevens CLeek Iilvd. �aould be across
the street from the Tow,i Center. We will not ha.ve the hierarchy of the
Town Center, the Regional Center and Flint Center. The low ir�tensity
on Highway 9 was an effort on the part of. the Planni.ng Commission
to help alleviate traffic at the Itighway 9/Stevens Creek Blvd.�inter-
Chairman (�'Keefe was concerned that Blaney Avenue, essential.ly
residential, will have increased north/south traffic. Jack-In-The-Box
has purchased the property' at Stevens Creek Blvd. and Blaney behind
. the Shell station. We have lost something for our Town Center since
the three theaters are moving across from Flint C�euter. We now have
a fragmentation of commercial. �
• Chairman 0'Keefe acknowledged that the City Council is talking ab�ut
a recreational area at Stelling and Homestead Roads.
. '
'There was some discussion of the rep�rt to the City Council by San
Jose State Professor �fyronek, in regard to air quality at the inter-
section of Highway 9 a.nd SCevens Creek Blvd. Comm. Buthenuth said
it never was his iutention to have a park at that intersection but
rather an open green, open space area. He would like to see this
�property and the property at Stelling and Stevens Creek Blvd. as open
; space with overlaying zone of commercial.
�Comm. Buthenuth said that in th� last six months there has been a
trPmendous change by the government in regard to the automobile.
'. We may not even have a traffic probletn ttao or three years from now.
Comm. Neliis raised the question of whether or not a regional center
� would be successful, considering the dependence on. the automobile.
Comm. Gatto asked how we are measuring the intensity of Chose uses
that we expect to happen. He beiieves the intensity levels can be
I set and the actual use could remain floating. It is easier to update
from year to year a performance standard than a zoning.
�omm. Nellis sai�i she would be opposed to 16 dwelling units oer acre
� and all industrial in the area of IIighway 9 as well ��s to all commercial
use. 5he caould like to become more specific. Alo:zg the west side of
Highway 9 she caould like to see the area zoned PD commercial. She is
• r f opposed to the industrial �lesignation mentioned on the Town Center
f �
MI�`UTI:S Ol NOVL•'�`tI3�K l2, 1_973 YLAtiI�I;;G CO.LL'I1:SSIUi� ii1:I::iZNG PC-131
Pa�e S
Chairr.ian 0'heefe noted tt�at s�:ne of ttie fi_nest restaurants in
Paris are in the hearC c£ the v��e_tat�le ni.�rl�:et. I3e said one of
the stron�; points in favor of �'allco Pari:, <zs far as the energy
crisis i.s conr.erned , is that �� �ti�o>>.ld create a major industrial
an� comr��ercial node. Residential along Stevens Creek I31vd. ���ould
enhance this. He said thcre i_s evciy lil:.elihood that the impor-
tance of the 3l1tOI;lO�l1.C' will dccrease in th� next fe�: years.
, There is the possibilit5� that the S�even� Cree'�c Blvcl, area �aili
close up at 9 P.�1. Commercia_i_ alo:i� Stevens Creel: B].vd, ��ill
under:aine the Plaiining Coininission's conce�t for this area . •
Comm. Buthenuth felt that instead af a predominance of con,mercia7.
in a �iv�n area there should be a requireme.nt for a mixture of .
Comm. Nellis believes there should more specifics as to '
residential densities. She believes that �•:e coul_d be encouraging �
strip c�m.r�ercial �aith this trip end approach. Coman. Buthenuth
said the City Council realizes this. The Planning Directcr said
there are other constraints to control this such as bufiers, .
inbress/e�ress, etc. Tlle City tail"1 have tile al.ilit�,� to revie�•� �
the developmenL plans. C�n:m. tiellis said tiie Planning Commission
took a very stron� stand agaizis� strip commercial.
Chairman 0'b'eefe was concerne3 that tl.e performance schedule �aould .
nat give us the ��lanned develop� �,e are seelcing. The Planning
Director s�id that in the developr:ient oi the orciinances the
Cit �aould be able to spealc to and insist upon certain tl:ings.
Chairman 0'Reefe said that if we go to comsnercial alcn� Hi.Uhway 9
the Vallco Parlc reduction �aill be represented alon� Higli�,ray 9. '
Com� . BUL'll�Illltll brou�ht up a�ain the thought to locate the regiona
. center at .iariani riall ivas to l:eep Vallco Parlc as an industrial
center. Comm. I�ellis said there is so:�ethi.ng to that argur.ient. �
Now we have commercial g',011l� inro Vallco Park ��nd industrial on
Mariani r1a11 property. The questiori ;oes deeper tlian jusC a .
ti'affic intet:sity r.iatter. Tlie Plan;:in;; Director said th�re has
been a l.essenitig of intensity alon; Hi�h:.-ay 9. �
Comm. Buthenutl� said tllat with ttle energ; crisis and environmental
impacts, there ��ill he very liLtle free;�a_}� constructi_en activity .
from 110i•1 on. In the future, we c•�ill not have ttle automooile
traffic pr.o�lems c.e have now.
PC-131 Pili��U'1'LS OI' \t�Vr:•IB;:R 12 1973 P1.e�,�NI��G CO:C�tISSIOt` I`II:L"fI;VG
P��gC'_ 6
The Planning Di.rector said the following is necessary before this �oes
back Co the City Cou�lcil: The Pl.ai�nin; Cu:r.;:iission sl�ould make a state,nent
� on Cl�e Citv (:ouncil dccision on tiie core area anci be;in th.inking about
. imole,nent�tion :�ith orain,inces, etc. �1n 1: �mp�ict Report on
the Ceneral_ Plan st�ouici also be discussed by the Planninr; Commission.
, The Ylann in� �.uP:::115510I1 sliould report on ttie cltanges i�ade ny the City
. Council.
Comm. �;ellis said ttie P1 <lnning ComTission appears to still see open
green use witi� cem;�lercial as underlying zone at the Stevens Creek Blvd.
_ and I�ighway 9 intersectio,n. �
� There ��Tas some discttssion of the recreation area on Stellin� Road.
Chairman 0'�eefe believes it ��ould be a serious mistake to take any
recreation faci.liries away from ttle To��.l Center until it� is fully
SCB/Hco}� �9 :ioved by Comm. Nellis , seconded• Uy Conli-n. Adams that the Planning
intersecticn Commissien lias reconsidered tlie intersection of Stevens Creek filvd, and
open space High�.�ay 9 tor open space purnoses ancl still holds its positien that
w/comrr.ercial it should be zoned open space �aith undexl_yino zore to be the same as
underlying zone. the re��aii:der of Stevens Creek Blvd. for the purpose of allowing the
City to purchase the land.
Comm. �uthenuth believed the northcaest corner of that intersection
could be deleted from this motion. It could be inte�yr-ated �aith more
commercial. Tlie service station and rest�.urant probably �•,on't be there
very long. in Cerms oF priority, C�e�.m. �ellis i•�ould be willing to
put the north�•:est carner on ttle loc��esC priority.
. AYES:, Comm. Adams, Buthenuth, Gatto, Nellis, Cliairman 0`Kee�e
" NOES: None .
�iotion carried, 5-0
Comm. Ga*to said he caould li.ke to go back and reviet� the goals set up
Co try to deLermine some f lehibility a�1d allo�a developnent of property.
GP continued �foved by Comm. Buthenuth, second�d b} Comr�l. Gatto to continue the public
to Nov. 19th hearino of the General Plan ancl ordinances to November 19, 1973 at
. 7 : 30 P .ti ,
riotion carried, 5-0
Cliairman 0'Keefe called a recess at 9;08 P.:�I. The meeting reconvened
at 9:22 P.�1, �
Page 7
2. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider the"following
A. Recreation Entertainment Zoning Ordinance Regulating
Commercial Recreation Uses; '
B. Amendment to Planned Development Zoni.ng, Ordinance 002(0) to
Establish Procedures for tlie Citiy of Cupertino to initiate a
Planned Development Zoning District; , '
C. Neighborhood Commercial Ordinance to Regulate Convenience
Neighborhood Commercial Uses.
Publ.ic hearing on the above will continue on Nove.mber 19, 1973.
3. Application 1$-U-73 of S.H.A.R.E., INC.: USE PEIZr1IT to ` �
modify the approved development plan for the planned
development to include a banlc witli a drive-up window facilit�y.
Said rroperty is caithin a P (Planned Development �aith profes-
sional of_f ice and comr.�ercial intent) zone and is located bet�ae n
Stevens Creek Blvd. and Alves Drive, approximately 150 feet
Laesterly of Saich Way. First Hearinb.
The Associatc� Planner said the Planning Commission approved a
use permit for Stevens Creek Center earlier this year. The
request at this time is to modify this plan someu;hat , as reflected
in the November 9th staff inemo. Two matters of concern with this
modif icatian are setback of the banlc building and curb cuts . The
staff recommended denial o£ this application. .
Mr . T�arry Madsen , architect for this pro j ect , said he was repr.e-
senting the owners at this r:ieeting. This chan�e was brought about �
becaus� it is felt this was an excellent use of the property. He
worked on the traffic patterns and people patterns with United
California Banlc and S.H.A.R.E. He noted one of the principal u�es
of a bank these days is the drive-up window. This proposal calls
for a total of three stati_ons. The setback is 30' from the street
He has met the parking requirements, not including the drive--up
windows. He removed S parking spaces when he moved the building,
but �aith the drive-up wind�ws, they are adding 1.0-15 spa.ces, The
curb cut is 120' from the entry to the office center. The next
cur.b cut is in front of �ey Chevrolet. �Ie said PlaiL A-2 t�orks
quite.well in all instances. Fle does not think the project should
be handicapped by the curb cut problem.
Page 8
�aith all due respect to the H-Control Committee, Comm. Adams said he
still prefers ro see the long part of the building facing Stevens
Creek Blvd. and the drive-up windo�as at the rear -- even to the point
of allowing the front o£ tiie building to be longer. Mr. Madsen said
he considered this , taut it did not work out , traf f icwise ,
Comm. �3uthenuth suggested movir.g the buildi.ng back and putting the
cages in the front. He would prefer not to have any more curb cuts.
Comm. Nellis believes tliis proposal would just add to tlie problem
already being experienced at the Post Otfice. She said the reason
the variance was granted for this propert;� was that it was a planned
development, wliich reduces the curb cuts. She would be against any
additional curb cuts.
It was suggested this be postponed to allow Mr. Madsen time to do some
re�vork. Mr. rladsen said he would prefer a decision from the Planning
Commission at this meeting rather than a postponement.
Chairman 0'Keefe asked for comments from the audience.
Nlrs. Lucien Hertert, San Juan Road, asked the Planning Comn�ission if
they would review their attitude toward drive-up windows; considering
the running of motors as the cars wait in lirie. The inconvenience of
asking the customers to park and go inside is probably no greater than
would be at a grocery or clothing sCore. She would like to ask for
an environmental impact report on drive-up �,*indows.
The Flanning Director said this project was approved prior to the
requirement for EIR's.
Comm.' Buthenutn said the convenience of drive�up windows, with their
extended hours, has helped him personally. Mrs, Hertert suggested
walk-up windows are much more desirable.
Nloved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Adams to close the publ.ic
hear ing .
Motion carried, S-0
Comm. Gatto said the question here is. of curb cuts and setback.
Both requests are contrary to oahat we have been trying to accor,iplish
�7ith the General Plan hearings. He said he supports the staf.f's
position to either contim,e this foi- the �;uYp�se of �aorking further
on the probiem or to deny the application.
Page 9
Moved t�y Comm. Gatto, seconded lay Chairman 0'Kee�E, to deny 18 U-73
application 18-U-�73. denied
AYES: Comm, Adams, Buthenuth, Gatto, Nellis, Chairman 0'Keefe
� NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
4. applicat�on 15-TM-73 of M�ASUREX CORPOR[1TION: TENTATIVE MAP �
to removz and relocate parcel lines on a 17.187 acre parcel.
Said property is within a riL (Ligl,t Industrial) zone and is
located at the north�aest corner of the intersection of Bubb an
McClellan Roads. First Hearing.
The Planning Director referred to the November 9, 1973 staff inemo
on this matter. This application would eliminate Imperial Avenue
since the eiitire proper.ty will be utilized by rleasurex.
The Traffic Engineer studied the matter as �o the effect on the
balancs of the area if Imperial Avenue were not to go thro�igh.
Three schemati.c drawings wex e displayed showing possible solutions
Existing Eubb Road seems to have the capacity to handle the
traffic �omin.g into the area.
The Traffic I:ngineer reviecaed the Imperial Avenue Traffic
Analysis report done by the Traffic Engineering Consultant
Renato G. Martinez, C.E. He noted that long trips are basically �
freeway trips. The critica]_ assignments are the traffic coming
in from the st�uth. It would be more c�nvenient and desir.able for
them to go through lrnper-i_al Avenue if it were ext2nded. But the �
left turn pocl.et that �.lould be needed would exceed the length af
the road between Imperial ar�d McClellan.
Mr. Wes Burgin, representing Measur.ex Corporation, 10475 Imperial �
Avenue, said this right-of-way has been given to Lhe City by a
previous property o�aner. The extension of Imperial Avenue is not
only undesirable, it is downxigllt obnoxious� Their groc,�th has
exceeded thei.r expectations . They have comp]_etel.y abandoned any
tlioughL that any of this proper.•ty wi.11 be occupied by anyl�ody �
other than Measurex. They wi11 have fork lifts and people on foot
crossing that street iri the normal. course of their business. '
They considex'ed narro��ling that street and movi.ng it adjacent to
the railroad Lracks. He said Plan B, with L cul-de--sac, is
more beneficial to rleasurex and is not detrimental to the
community. 13uhb Road can handle the traf.fic and there is 1_ittle
to be gained by a second arteriai in sucYi close proximity.
Page 10
omm. Gatto asked i.f Mr. Burgi.n had any conunents on the condiCions
. suggested by the staff, r1r. Burgin said the property 74' wide by
800' long is worth about $60,000 and ttie improvements of it would
c.ost about $60,000, with a net accrua]_ to rleasurex of $120,000.
lith this in mind, they are willing to agree to Condition 16. It
aill be Co their advantage L'o have ingress improvements at Stevens
Creek Blvd.
r. Burgin said the thrust of Condition 17 is to reduce vehicular
tr.aFfic to and from that site. It costs them $1000 per space for
parking for employees. They would preter to put this money into
. profit sharing or something. There ar.e a great many corporate ad�antages
to reducing vehicular traEfic. They are tallcing about various lcinds of
bus orlimousine services and of compensating the employees who walic
� or are in car pools. He said their people come to work over a
• protracted period of time more so than other industri_es. When a te5t
is started it must be followed through.
Comm. Buthenuth said that at the time of the original tentative map
application there was cotisiderable discussion of parcel 3. He aslced
what rleasurex woul.d think about considerir.g parcel 3 as open space.
Mr. Burgin said Nieasurex has no plans for that property. He thinks
they could work out the development and maintenance of landscaping
on that property, but he was not sure they would agree to putting in
any large statues or fountains. Comm. Buthenuth would like to have
this included as oiie of �he conditions of approval.
Chairmar. 0'Keefe asked for comments from the audience.
NIr's. Barbara Truebell, 10354 Imperial Avenue, said there is quite a
traffic problem on Imperial Aven�ae, particularly from Olive Avenue
� to the end of the street. This is a residential area. The truck
traffic has increased since rfeasurex came in. There are no sidecaalks.
Noise is a factor. She believes the cul-de-sac is an exr_ellent
solution. She wc�uld like the City to consider prohibiting these large
trucks from going down the residenCial_ strePt. If the CiCy agrees,
Mr. Burgin said he �aould be willing to put up a sign indicating that
Imperial Avenue is aot the entrance to �teasurex.
Comm. Buthenuth said if thi.s proposal is approved, Measurex may n�t
have an Imperial Avenue address.
Ann Anger, Monta Vista, said she is very much concerned about Imperial
' Avenue, even though she does not live o11 it. It is a combination of
industrial and re.sidentia.l. That street has some very fine homes on
it. She was happy,to hear rieasurex's statements. She said Monta
Vista needs some upgrading.
Judy Fontaine, 10353 Imperial Avenue is a new r.esident and sa_id she
loves ttie area ; hates the tr. af f ic .
. ;
� Pa�e 11
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adams to close the public
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by C�mm. Gatto, seconded by Chairman 0'Keefe to approve 15-TM-73
application 15-TT1-73, subject to the 17 listed. conditions and approved �
condition 18 brought up at this meetinj concerning parcel 3. w/conditions
AYES: Comm. Adams, Buthenuth, Gatto, Nellis, Chairman 0'Keefe
NOES: None
Motion carried, S-0
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Chairman 0'I:eefe that the Exte-�sion or
Planning Commission finds Imperial Avenue E�xtension is not Imperial Ave.
necessar}� and, therefore, recommends abandoning it. abandone.d
AYES: Comm. Adams, Burhenuth, Gatto, Nellis, Ciiairman 0'Keefe
�10ES ; None . �
� Motion carried, 5-0
5. Application 16-Tr1-73 of STEPHEN G.AZZERA, JR. ; TENTATIVE NTAP
to erase lot line between two parcels. Said property is
located approximately 170 feet sou�:herly of Stevens Creek Blvd.
and approximately 200 feet easterly of Blaney Avenue, and is
within a CG (General Conunercial) zone. First Hearing.
The Associate Planner reviewed the staff's conunents on this appli-
cati.on in the staff report of November 3, 1973. He said thi.s is
basically a routine action.
Chairman 0'Keefe asked for comments from the audience. There were
none. �
rloved by Comm. Bu�henuth, seconded by Comm. Nellis to close the
public hearing.
Motion carried, 5--0
rfoved by Comm. Buthenuth, seconded b� Comm. Gatto to recommend �.6-Tr2-73
approval of 16=rrt-73 �aith the 14 standard conditions . approved
AY�S: Conun, Adams, �utlienuLh, Gatto, Nel.l.is, Ch��irman 0'Keefe
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Page 12
6. Application 19-�T--73 of EDWIN J. MYERS : USE PERPIIT to allow the
use of an existing 20,691 sq, ft. building as a building supply
center and to conduct retail activities outdoors. Saic� property
is within a CG (Ger.eral Commercial) zone and is located in the
Portal Plaza Shopping Center at the northeast corner of Stevens
Creek Blvd, and Portal Avenue. First Hearing.
The Associate Planner said there are two areas that should be explored
on this application: the use, and tl�e design changes. The staff has
recommended some rather stringent conditions relating to noise. The
staFf would like to have the applicant e�aborate on the landscaping
of the site. The parking in that center is adequate.
The Associate Planner answered Comm. Buthenuth that the Ordinance
excludes lumber yards from commercial zones. The proposal here is
for activities similar to Orchard Supply, Minton's, etc.
There was some discussion alaout whether or not this type use would
generate more or less traffic than the previous supermarket use.
Chairman 0'Keefe also wanted to explore the problem of the carts
that usually are left outside after the customers have unloaded their
purchases into th�ir cars. In addition, he wanted to know cahat
steps will be taken to prohibit speeding within that parking lot.
Mr. Edwiri J. Myers, 10601 South Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, Cupertino,
said that at the time the Azuma Restaurant at�the other end of this
complex was approved they made some improvement in the landscaping,
etc. They were told by H-Control they would be required to hide the
air conditioning units on the roof and make more extensive landscaping
improvements at the time they made these improvements. Regarding the
parking, he feels the parking requirements for this type operation would
be very similar to those of a grocery store. He answered Comm. Buthenurh
that the new wood fence would match the screen �n the building (Texture
111 redwood) .
Chairman 0'Keefe asked for cor�ments from the audience.
Mr. Les Ley, Santa Cruz Lumber Company, said they propose to operate
a home improvements type busin.ess here. At this location the material
. � would be laid out for.the customer to take home himself. In regard
to condition 16, most of the lumber will be precut but they would like
to be able to cut to specification occasionally. Their hours will be
9 to 6 daily, They would try to keep the sound within a certain decibel
rating at the property lines. As to the paging, they believe they can
meet a standard set up by the staff,
. ,
Page 13
As to the forklift, Mr. Ley said he hopes some standard will be
set for some type satisfactory muffling that is reasonable.
They plan to tiave 15 clerks. He answered Comm. Gatto that his
normal operating hours are 9 A.M. to 9 P.M., 7 days a week. They
limit their deliveries from 8 A.M. to S P.M. They anticipate
� perhaps 6 different delivery trucks throughout the day. The
outdoor sales area will be lit.
. Mr. P�yers answered Comm. Nellis that the distance from the back
of the existing market to the residentiai properCy line to the
rear is 25 f eet . •
Chairman 0'Keefe asked how broad a marketing area they are con-
sidering. Mr. Ley said that realistically, they will consider
a 3-mile radius for most of their customers. In Santa Cruz,
people come from longer distances because there is practically
no competition for them down there. Saturday would be their best
day. Sunday business is about like a caeek day.
Mr. Ley said he did not think there would be as much of a.problem
� �aith his delivery trucks as there was from the former supermarket.
Ms. l�nn Anger, Monta Vista, said she is very much opposed to this
establishment in our future downtocan Cupertino. She envisions
this type operation in Dr. Brown's area but not on Stevens Creek
Blvd. If this were allowed she �aondere� what would happen to that
beautiful, vacant lot across the street.
Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Adams to close the public
hearing. ' �
. Motion carried, 5-0 •
Comm. Nellis acknowledged that this is a clean aperation; however,
her concern is the noise, particularly since it is so close to �
residential. Comm. Adams said Condition 16 covers this problem
of the power saws. �Howzver, he feels the capability exists to .
provide this service to the custom.ers inside the building•. The us
of forklift trucks is pretty standard practice in operations such
� as this; they car_ be muffled. This operation would provide a�
service for the neighborhood. �
Comm. Buthenuth said our ordinances at this time do not allow this
type use in commercial zones. Half the operation is outdoors.
There will he other, more suitable locations in Cupertino for this
operation. He does not think this type use would upgrade the area
Yage 14
Comm. Gatto said this application provides a good test as te application
of perFo rniance standards. The staff has spoken to the undesirable char-
acteristics in a way that overcomes those characteristics. The noise
problems can be solved. Ttie treat�nent of the outside area needs rework,
hocaever. If done properly, the objections can be overcome.
Chairman 0`Keefe said a rose is a rose is a rose; and a lumber yard is
a iumber yard is a lumber yard. Here we are putting a lumber yard
be�ween our regional center and the town center. He foresees many
enforcement problems with the proposed conditions. We are taking
away a niehgborhood market. We are affecting groperCy values. We
are going to affect the streets in the area. He is unalterably
� opposed to this proposed use.
19-U-73 Moved by Comm. Buthenuth, seconded by CoMm. 0'Keefe to deny application
denied 19-U-73.
AYES: Comm. Buthenuth, Nellis, Chairman 0'Keef�
NOES: Comm. Adams, Gatto
Motion carried, 3-2
Comm. Buthenuth said the outdoor stacking of lumber; etc., does not
belong in a commercial zone, along with the power saws, the public
address system and the fork lifts. They belong in a ligh� industrial
zone. Chaizman 0'Keefe said the traffi.c and the lighting a.re also
reasons for deriial. Comm. Nellis' reason for voting against this
application was thE noise.
The applicant was informed of his right of appeal.
UNFINI.SHED BUSINESS -- There was none.
Energy crisis After some discussion, a minute order was proppsed by Comm. Nelli.s and
minute order seconded by Comm. Gatto that the Cupertino Planning Commission ,
. recognizes that the United States of �-nerica is in the rnidst of an
energy crisis; therefore, it recommends that the City Cauncil take all
steps possible to conserve energy, not only within the City boundaries °
�but also beyond.
Motion carried, 5-0
Pa�;e 15
It was deci�ded that Cocrun. Gatto i•�ould be the ne�a� ERC �iember from Cor�*�. Gatto
the Plannin,, Cor;li-nission, with Conun. Nellis as alternate. to ERC
REPORT OF TtiE PLt�:tiNING DIRECTOR -- No report .
Tioved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comsn. Adams to adjourn the
meetin�; to \ovember 19, 1973, at 7:30 P.1`I. The meeting adjourned
at 11:58 P.Pf. �
Motion carried, 5-0
/s/ Daniel P. 0'k.eefe
/s/ Wm. E. Ryder ;
City Clerk ,