PC 09-24-73 CI'CY OF CUPEI�'1'INO, STATE OF C/1LIr0I:I�?lA PC 1U300 Torr.e nv�nue, Cu,>erti_no, Cal.ifoznia 95014 1-'age 1 Telephone: 252-4505 TiINliTES OF THI: REGUL�'�R P-11;I:TII�G OI? THF: PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON SEPT��i3�R '�'.4 , 1973 , IN TFIE COUNCIL CHAMBER CI`CY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA SALUTE TO TH� FLAG Chair�nan Buth�nuth call_ed the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M, with the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CF.LL Comm. present: Adams, Gatto (8:25) , Nellis, U'Keefe, Chairnian Buthenuth Comm. absent: None Staff present: Director of Planning and Development Sisk Director of Public jrlorks Viskovich Ueputy City Attorney I<ilian Associate Ylanner Co�oan Tra£fic �ngineer Grigg APYROVAL OF MINi1TES rlinutes oi Reg�ilar Meeting of August 27. Page 15, line l, delete entire line after 2. and replace with: "Those remainin� shops �eYiich are not occupied sha11 be properly enclosed." r7oved by Comm. Nell.is, seconded by Comm. 0'Keefe to approve the Miilutes of August 27 , 1973 , as corrected . Motion carried, 3-0 Cotmn, Adams at�stained riinutes of Regular Meeting of Septeinber.l0. Page 7, 4th paragraph; Strike f_irst line and replace witii: "Conun. 0`heefe said there should be the opportunity for the littl ' man t r.emain li_ttle,` Page 7, last paragraptl, tllird line, stri_ke the words "single fami homes witn". YC-127 MINUTLS OF THT� SEPTEMBFR 24, 1973 PLAidNING COMMISSION MEETING P�.i�e 2 Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. 0'Keefe to approve the Minutes of September 10, 1973, as corrected. � Motion carried, 4-0 Minutes of Regular Adjourned Meeting of �ugust 30, 1973. Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Adams to approve the minutes of September 10, 1973, as recorded. Motion carried, 4-0 POSTPONEMENTS, etc. -- There urere none. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS There was a letter from u gentleman regarding A.genda Item���5. A copy of the letter the Planning Director sent out to property owners in the Stevens Creek area regarding the flood plain. OR�S� COMI�IUNICATIONS -- Ther� were none. PUBT�IC HLARINGS 1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider 1973 Comprehensive General Plan. First Hearing continued. Ttie Planning Director stated that ttle Flood Control District has been asiced to assist in t:his study of the flood plain. He then reviewed the area covered in the flood plain, south of Stevens Creek Blvd. T1r. John Richar.dson, of Santa Clara County Flood Controt &[r'ater District explained that the Distric.t has used ttle 100-year flood in its computations. In general, it can be def_ined a.s the �rea that is adjacent to a stream tti�t has been �r can be covered during a flood. This includes the stream bed. It ran�es from 400' to $00' in �,ri_dtki, and there are approxi.matel.y 21 squarE� miles ot �raii�age area here, The mean annual ra:iniall i_s 16 to 20 inclies. Stevens Creek gives il_ood control benefit in addi.ti.on to bein�; a reservoi.r. The 1.00-year £1_ood has been based upen sound. data. It is a ilood that has �% c��ance of happening any year, MINUrE5 OF 7'HE SEPTEMI3ER 24 , 1973 PLt1NI1ING COr'L^IISSION M�f�ETING PC-127 Yage 3 Comm. Nellis stated that one r.ecor.�nlendation of a Geologist at a Hillsi_de Stibcommittee meeting �aas to not develop homes below the dam, on the basis of �he possil�ility of earthquakes. Comm. 0'Keefe asked �rhat difference in area of the f_lood plain �ae c,rould be tallcing about �aith the 50-year flood rather than the 100- year f�ood, iir. Richardsoa said it woul.d be aUout 20% less area. He added that the history here has been fairl.y sliort and the actua ' return period would be ahout a�0-}�ear £lood. The reservoir has sorie effect on the more frequent evcnts, but it does not have a , cor.responding effect on the large events. The Planning Director said the significant issue here is whether or not to have land use designed around the 100-year. flood plain or to what modifications of standards. The matter at hand is whether or not the City wants to maintain Stevens Creek in its natural state or if madified, what modifications are to be made. Mr. Richardson said he did not have cost figures �aith him at this meeting but offered to bring them at another time, Mr. Richardson said the District �eould not like to see any changes in the flood plain i_mmediately below the reservoir and do�an to the golf course . As �ve move downstream, we go ir.to a modif ied f lood plain. This msans leaving the natural channel natural_, but levies �aould be put in to restrict the flow. The District looks for thes modified f�ood plains to be used for open space, parks, etc. With the levies, the flood plain could be reduced in width to 304'. Mr. Richardson said the Boar.d of Supervisors has passed a resolu- , tion to �oork i•�ith the Flood Control_ District and the cities for proper flood plain management. 'They believe the step Cupertino is taking is the proper means of providing proper flood control. Comm. Nellis asked �ahat , if anyttiing , can be done to protect the people who are living in the flood plain. Mr. Richardson said they 3re in the process af preparing seven alternatives,.ranging from a concrete channel to purchasing several of the homes.• They are c,rorlcing with the property o�aners on this . Chairman Buthenuth asked for comments Lrom the audience. Mr. Louis Stocklmeir, 22120 Stevens Creek Road, Cupertino, said that in contemplati_ng rir. Ri.ctiardson's explanation of the £lood plain, he taondered if tie isn't prepari.ng tlie �round�aork for talk- i.ng about catastropt�ic hazards, The dirt-filled dam is about 3 miles f.rom San Andr.eas Fau1t. `lhis dam has a sub-fault very cl.ose to it whicti Iias Ueen dead for many years until jiist recently. lf� said that i£ we are dealing in prohabilities ttlis should be con- sidered also. In 75 ycars he has never experienced a flood of the magnitude spolcen of here, Hi.s property lias never sho�,rn an�� YC-:127 MINUT�S OF T�IF: SEPTT:MBER 24 , 1973 PLANNING COTII�IISSION ;�.EF.TING Y�.ge 4 in�l:i_cation of f.looding. He is more cor�cerned with the stabil�.ty of the structure oF the dam. He asked wliy the Flood Control Distr:ict is not giving attentiocz to the 40U-acre/foot of water capacity here, He asked why they can't use some judgrnent on the release of the water from the dam, I�e said this loolced lilce a"land grab" to him. Mr. Stociclmeir said he has been in Civil Engineering all hi.s life. Stevens Creek o��erflowed its banks at Blackber.ry Farm in 1t�72.. Since that time, we have r.ad no floods of_ any conseqt�etice.. In 1906, the year of the biz; earthquake, the channel of that creek �vas at least 3 to 8 feet higiier than it presently is, He said the volume capacity of that creek channel has more than doubleci since that tinle, As you drop do�m to Homestead Road the waters of that flood plain diffuse themselves widely and even into the area of Moff.ett Field. rir. Stocklmeir said he has used plant material to prevent er.osior. along the creek banlcs rather than tznsightly concrete. He then reviewed the letter he �,irote to the Flood Control District. Mr. Stocklmeir believes the matter of the flo�d plai.n can be solved with dikes a short distance from the dam embanl:.ment. He said that � the Oak Dell �evelopment has a similar fl.00d nlain and homes were built there, sanctioned by the Flood Contral District. Attorney Sam Anderson said Lex�agton Dam has never been full because of the displacement. He sees no reascn why Stevens Creek D�n� would ever be full. � Mr. Kichar�ison Said they have inve.stig,�ited ai�d have found the 100' width flood plain is a more desirable modification of the channel i:mprovement. He said it �aould be impractical to go to 5' er lU` because the channel would have to be deeper or the levies h.igher. P�ir. �7oor Bill.a�aalla, 20252 Hill [`�v�nue, Saratogr3, asked �ahen this flo��d plain �aas dec�ded upon. The Plannin�; llirec_tor said that the Flood Control. �istrict i.s not re.cornmenciing anyrhing. He said he contacted them to find ou� �ahat they feel is t�ie best orotection, keeping the natural f.l�od plain. � Mr. Bi1.la�Jalla asked if th� approach has been i..nvest:igated for deepening the reservoir or enlarged ��rest� '�Ir. Richardsen said tl:i.s tias been i.nvestigated. He sa:i_d it c4�ould have to be a com�bination o� reservoir. irnprovement and channel i.n;prov��i,tent . 'Chey wou.lcl piefer channel impr.ov�me.it to L:1ood control stur.age. Ti�e principle is to hold the water unti.l it is neede.d. It is also a �,ratc_r_ cons�rvati.on project. �IINITTL5 Or THE S1;PTEM�L:R 24 , 1973 PLANNTNG COr1M7SS:LON MEETING YC-17_7 Pagc S Mr, Bill.a��ralla sugc,ested construction of another sub-dam some short distance do�,rnstr.eam. He said it G�Tou]_d be expensive, but not as much as buying up that land. In view of the fact that i.t was nearing 9 P.M., and since there �aere interested persons in the audience �a}�o had not yet spoken, and since there ���ere representatives of the Flood Control District present , it �aas moved by Comm. Nellis , seconded by Com.m. Gatto to , continue this Public Hearing to 1�;00 P.M. Motion carried, 5-0 Attc�rney Charles Butters, 100 North Winchester, San Jose, said he �aas representing a property owner, He aslced for a continuation to allow studies to be made. He had some questions to ask the Flood Control District: Has the District done anv studies in regard to a 300' wide strip flood plain? What is the present capacity? �v'tiat wou]_d a 25-year flood brin�? Mr. Butters �sked if the purpose of this hearing was to delineate a fl_ood control district . Tlie Deputy Cit_y Attornev said it is a Public Hearin� ta consider aiaendments to the General Plan. It is not a precise plan. �de are talking about land use. Mr. Butter said he would like to explore alLernative solutions to the flood plain problem. i�ir. Richardson said they wil_1 be happy to come back and describe in detai.l these plans. Attorney Dan Donovan, representing the Sims property at 22241 McClellan Road, across from the Horse Ranch and adjacent to the Crump property said he was objecting to the flood plain zone on . the basis that it �aill reduce the value of the property consider- ably. He submitted this was unlawful taking of land if the City decides to go along with this. Iie said they know these lands may be �aken for the park chain. They do not see why the Cit}� should a11o�a this flood plain� in lieu of a channel. It was his conten�- tion that the property owner_s in this area are being required to bear the full burden. He said they request the Planning Commissioi ask the Fl.00d Control peopl.e to present the alternatives and give specific costs of a trapazoidal channel so these property owners can use their land. Mr. Tom Traemer, 20990 Valley Green Drive, said that in 1964 he prepared plans for De Anza Arg�.tello, �ahich is noca the Iiorse ��nch. The Flood Control hacl to appr.ove tliis plan, ��itiich tliey di.d, �sitlt 15` distance from the creelc al.ong with a 6' berm, T.'C-1"Z7 MINUTE5 OI� Tl�� SFPTI;MPER 24, :l_973 .PI,ANNING COI`1MISSIUN 1`�I?ETING Pa�e 6 rlr. Ray Crump, representing t�ard Crump Developers, said lie was seeing tliis plan for the first t ime sc he �aas not prepared to gi.ve his reaction at this time. It loo:ted lilce more than 50% of their properties are involved here, I1e asked �aEtat the purpose of a11 this is . Chairmari �3uthenuttl said the Planning Commission is coi�templating a flood plain zone. The Planning Directc�r said what the whole proceeding .is ahout is that ttie City is in the process of a General Plan review and a portion of that involves tt�ie water courses. The real question here is ��rhether or not the City of Cupertino wants to maintain Stevens Creelc in its nat�sral stat�, or are we �ailling to accept something ottier tlian the natural flood plain. 1�1r. Crump said this seems like a very expensive project for the City. He �oould like to come back at a later date to discuss this. A gentleman wllo said he represented Kaiser Corporation said he cJauld like the opportunity tio come back �t a later date �aith remarks. T1r. Stocklmeir said that in t.hese days �ahen we are so concer.ned �aith conservation, an embankment with slir_ubs and trees for a berm would be an oustanding solution he�e. Comm, Nel.lis asked how high and �aide the levies ti,Tauld have to be i_f �ae leave the creek in i.ts natural state. r1r. I�.�chardson saicl that as you ap�roach Stevens Cr�ek dam it �aould re�ch 8 or 9 feet in height and would be about 20 feet wide wi.th side slopes of 4:1. �om,-n. Uatto askeci what the channelized creek`s effect do�anstrea�r� would be as opposed to thA natural_ course, rlr. P.ichardsor� sz.id that fo one thing , we would hav� the trar�sition ���liich �oould r�ollify somewhat the condition upstream. As the riap indicates, *he.re is existing development very close to t;tie tllreud of ttie creek and possibly the solution Yvou]_d be to r_on.trol ttie c�iannel in this area. Comm. Gatto asked the Director of PubLic GJorks if Lhere are any riEw r_estrictions as a restilt of the qltake last year in Los Angele�. The P.irector said the Stace inspects Stevens Creek Da�n regularly. Structural.ly, it is one of the best dams in the area. Comfn. 0'Keefe �aoulcl like additional information on levy modificarions and chunnel possibilitie�. r1t , Ri<.hardson's t�nta.tive proposal �vas to ieave the stre�im in its natural f.lood plain above thc gol.f c:ourse and berm it possibt�� 300 cti7ide be?ow tllis. IIe ofiered ra ref�urn in 2�•reeks �•ritl. z�cid:i_tional i.nfermation. Comn, .�dams ��.ould lilce cl�ita on the pes5ib�lity of narra�aing oL tlie channel cr stream bed as ari�tlier alt:ernative, inclu�li.n; costs. rIINUTI:S UF TIiE SLI'TLT1131�R 24 , 1�;73 PI..ANNI?'dG CO'`1'i`'IISSION M�ETING C-127 age 7 Moved hy Conun. Gatto , secoilded tay Cotrun. Nel.lis to c_ontinue the lood centrol. cliscuss:ion ot the fload control plan to Octo�er 11, 1.973. plan. continued to Oct. llrli Motion carried, 5-0 Cha:�rman 13utl�ei�uLh called a recess at 9:40 P.r1. The meeting reconvened at 9:56 �.r1. Comm. Adarns had to leave the meeting at th�s po it.t . ' 2. App]_ication 9 V-73 of JA.'�?I�S HERBERT : Variance to reduce the setbacic requirement foi: a single-fami_ly lot from t�aenty (20) feet to five (5) feet. Said propert�r is in a R1-7.5 (Residen-� tial, single-rama_l.y, 7,500 sq. ft. per d�aelling unit) zone and is located 170 feet northerly of the intersection of Crescent Koad and Hi1l.crest Road. First Hearing continued. The Associate P1_anne.r reviewed the variance request. A number of things are involved here. ?ahen the He.Ybe.rts agpl.i ed for thei_r final map they �aere informed by i:he En�;ineering Department trat they would have to dedicate an additional 5 feet. lhey ��rere .fur- ther inforr�.ed the.re must be a 60' street here. Bec_ause of unique conditions in this area, the staff is no;�1 requesting that the existing 40' road�tiiay be maintained and that the variance request be d�nied. The staff is aski.r.g for a. 10� easement. Chairman Buthenuth asked �tiThy utilities are needed on the west side The Di_rector of Public Works said they presently exist on the �aest side. He added that he sees no probl.eri in the sl.ope easemer�t. Tlze staff reviewed what a 60' right-of-�aay would do in that area and found rhat it �aould go directly through an e�isting home. The Hillside Subdivision Ordinance allo�as reduction of road width and the dif Lerence in easement . Chairman Buthenuth aslced for comments from the audience. Mr. Grace, 708 West Street, Santa `Zaria said he and his brother are in the process of devel.opin� ttie property across the street from this property in question. They are abiding by the 60' ri.ght of-�say. They were assured tliat ���hen the opposite side of the street was develoned that property o�Jner �rould put in t11e other half of the s�reet. They have plans and bouglit tlie property on the basis that they �tou7.d have an unobstructed vie�•�. He sai.d tltey have to improve tl�eir_ side of the street but it looks lilce the fello�tir acro�s tlie street saon't have to. YC-127 MINUTES OF THL SLP`l'EM13LR 24, 1973 I'I.ANNLNG COT�IISSION TII;ETING I� .1 � E'_ $ The Dir.ector of Pu61ic L,�'orks e<ipl.ained ttiat tlle street improvement would never have been 40' cur.b--to-curt� . This property falls within the Hillside Ordinance . Tlze ].U' w:11 be givezi bacic to the prope�-ty owner. The improvements �aill not chan�e. It is standard proc:�dizre that tlie oite who develops first must. put in tcao ].anes. }3ecause of the topography, we cannot require a 60` rigllt-of-taay in this cul-de-• sac. tiir. Herbert, 815 Miller Avenue, San Jose, said he �aas not aware that Yie was not going to have to pay for the street. Chairman Buthenuth aslced what happens to these outstanding tentative maps if we can go back ro the 40' right--of-�,ray. The Director of Public ?-lorks said c4e are receiving dedications as applications for deve_lopment of these lots as they come in to make ttiem 1e�ai. He said Mr. Grace is going by the 19:L7 map and �•�ill decl.icate the �treets with a separate paper. The Director of �lanning and T�eve.lopment said Mr. Eierbert can �roceed �,rith the filing of his final map now. Engineer Herman Schmi_dtmeister gave ttie history of this mar_ter befoze the request for T.�ariancP . He sai.d they have complied �,ith ali requests of the City to date. All tlle.se people ��✓aiit to do is :Le�alize the final map . They are not aslcing for a?�tiildin�, perl�:�it or anyti�ing else . 2�1r. ��erL requested withdra�aal of his variar�ce zpplication. 9-V-73 taken Moved. by Comm. hellis, Geconded by Comm. Gatto to take application o�f calendar 9-V-73 off ral.endar, as reqt�ested by the appl.icant. AYES: Comm. Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Cnairrian Buthenuth NOES : None AvSEVT: Comm. A1ams � i�iotion carried, 4-0 3. Ar�pl.ication 9-U--73 of INTERSIL, INC. - Union Car_b:i_cie Cornoration: � Use Permit to allow the cons'�ruct�_on an�i op�_r<�ti_on of a nitrogen gus �ei�er.at.iii�; plani: on :i pl<�nne_d m� in;; ��i ant sitc� , Said property is in � P (P1_ann�>d Deve.lou:�ent �,�i.tli 1 i 4,lit i.ndtistr. i�,1 irLtent) zone at�d is locat�d at 1U9U0 `l'aiitau Avenuc� . FirSt Ilearin ;. i4ovc�d bv Comm. 0`Keefe, sec��iided by Corun. Ne7_lis to combi_ne tlie public hearin�;s of. 9�-U-73 anu 1_S-U-�73, �lotior. carr_ied , 4-0 P�1:CNUTI�S OF iII.F SI:I''TFT1J31?it 24, 1973 1'LA.IvTIVING CO�g�tISSION �tI;�TING PC-127 Page 9 4. ApplicaLion 15-U-73 oL� VALLCO PARY, LTU.: Use Yermit to allow the e�pansioii of tlle o£f.--stre.et pari;.in�; lot �or Intersil, Inc . Said property� a.s i.n a P (P_lanned Dc:vc�lc�nm��nL with libht industr.i.al izitent) zone and :�s lacat.ed at 109t7U Tantau Avenue. First Tiear. ing 4 The Planning llirector re�=ieraed tl�e previous hc.aring on this matter befor_�.� the P1ar.ni.n� Commission. He Lhen referr�d to thE: staff report of Scui:e.r.aber 20, 1973, and accompan�:i.n�; .letters. Additional ' itiformation on sound t��as passed out at this meeting to tlie Commissioners regarding aiY�bient sound at variaus times of the day and night. Comm. Nellis asked if the neighb�ring residences were notified of tYiis rneetin�. The Planning Director said this taas posted in the residen�ial ar�eas. Mr. Burrell Leonard, 19165 Pruneridge, said he taas appearin� for Union Carbi_de ar.d Intersil. At the tir.le of the first hearing there t•�zre severa�. objections raiscd. Vallco Parlc should hav� be�n consulted i.n ac�vance �.nd si.�neci the application. Tl�,e Inter�il applica�ion �,�i11. b� ca�snt�er.signed if necessar.y. r1r. Lennarc� sai.d the ;�tructure has been moved 215' farther from Z,�estt; Qa7cs Zhere i5 no �3515 nor any need to refer this to the City of Santa Clara not�a since it has been moved. Union Carbid� has agr,eed to deprc,�s the tot,rer 5ome 7 feet. They have a�reed to house t��e machinery Caithin a block �uilding within a fenced area. They have agreed to str.ip tt1� tower of a11 the usual 7larne: s. It �7i11. pLOjec� above the fenc� abouC 7 feet. It will be a distar.ce of 400 feet from the nearest home. They have agreed ta a noise leve7. not higher. tl�an exzsts at the preGent time a� the berm of Westtaood Oalcs. Mr. Wi11 Lester has access to sound measuring equipment. From �he �tandpoir_t of Che community, it wi11 be relieved of the I considerable trucking and pumping �ituation. Nitrogen will be piped to Che users. This pl.ant: wi.Il servc. other electronic firms in 'Vallco �'ark. If expansion is necessary, they trill relocate somewhzre else within Vallco Parlc, b�tween major buildings and �arther away from residences. Mr. Le�nard had pictures and reports to back up his statenlents. I��_1�7 MINU'iES OF THE ST:PTI:�II3ER 2�+, 1973 PLt1��NING COTi�1.iSSION Mf�t:'I'ING i'Z�;e 1_0 Ch�lirman I3uthenuth aslced about thc:� parlcing st 11.1.s . Mr . Leonar.cl said they have remove�l tlie orchar.d ���1.1 and plai: to compl_ete tlie parlcing ad;jacent to West�aood Oaks. The Planning Director sa:id this �aill be revie��e.d by Architectur_ al and Site �1pp.r. oval Carunittee . Comm. 0'Keefe asked if this practice of supp].ying ni_trog�n to users �ti�ithin a?z industrial. parlc is being donc bv other industri��l parks. r(r. Leonard said th.is i.s the trend. It will be distri.buted by pipeline. 'Chere are existing ones, some as l.ong as 17 miles, Comm. Nell.is wanted to discuss decibel ratin�s. Mr, ?�'ard's ]_etter states that they �tiould like the decibel rating to re.mai_n at 51. 'Ir. Leonard said it will be 53-54. Cha=irrtan Buthenuth asked ter comments from the audience . nlr. John Jensen, 3983 Melody Lane, said �Le has liveci there about i3 �ears. Ther.e has been considerable noise tnere. Being an engin�er, it is hard for him to believe tY�ere ���ill be 1_ess noise becaL.se th.:y �aill need pumps and cozapressors. He said a decibel range c� 45-55 is obj�ctionable to h�_m a�,d to his neighbor�. �. Jensen said vibrati.on is anothf�.r pr_oblert here. IIe said they ��Tere r�ald there caould be oLfice build.in�s nea� tlle.m but inste.ad� they got industrial_ bu;_1di.ngs. I�e suggest.c�d that if_ they need nitro�et� tha� it be located sc�m�wl:ere el_se in �'ai_lco Parit. He aslced the Plar�nin; C:ommission to seriousl.y consider denying thi.s appi_ication, "'[r. F'recl Froyn, Union--Carbide, Ne�:•� Yor.k, said Mr. Jer.sen's re�narks are �;.ii valic� . They nave taken t11e ��av:ice of the �_r ��oustic._al encineers anci are spendin� consa.derGhl.e amoui��s of money to impr.ov� the ;i�.uation. Th�y hav� tried r_o £ocus their at.tenLian to the noise o�culems tahen � the macb.ine� is f irst inst:alled and ac: it is t.ised . Tl«�y have ari inventory of spare parts. 'I'hey feel. they ha'��e r_he bac:tcy>round fcr the proper respoilsibil.it}� ror operating thi.s nla:�t and �:}zey r.ecognize t.he problei��s. `�ypes of cf corts be.ing mad�> Lor noise att�`nuation ar_e putting tt�t major. machine� in a coiicrete blor.k buil.di_ng. In acidi.ticn, they pla.n te �.is� soiind deader.��n�; c3evi_ces in �_'tie b�:ild=�_ri} , `.Iller� 1vi11 � be a 1_4' hi�h fenr_ii�.�; arot.in.d the proF�erty. j�?i.th tl�� 1�i��1_�� of ^�Ir, 5tark, tti��y feei th�y ean fuJ.l.y �neet t,ie r.c�quirer:;��nts of Va11�o Parlc and of tlle CitS�. He cited otiiex plai�.l:s c�,}�ere they 1 tric�d to solve their no.ise problems before tl�e fac:i.:! i.tics �zre installed. 1�1r. �x-oyn ansc,Tered Coram. Gatto Llia� it :is not feasi'�le to make the t�nk louzer and �atter.. I� cou]_d be �1����re.ssed fu�rt?.icr �into �li�: �;round, but there are po:irlt�:: �:'t�ere n�_tr.o�;ecl ,,��s is vented. Distill.ri.tioi� �a.l��es plact� ua tht� tan�.. Ae sai�l tl�ey fe���_ tliey ean ��c�nst�.rnct fouz,dation.s to � m.inimi.ze vibrations. �1�IT1L1Tl�:S OF `1'1iT ;�T:}'1']?�^�ii;}_:l� 2 ].973 1'L�INNING COril`1.I:SSI.ON r'ti;}�'CING PC-? 27 PagE i]. Areh-i_.tc.et Rc�y St�lrk, P.O. Boa 1�+4, Georgeto��rn, Cal_ifornia, statc�d ttiat. t:hey t,ill acid acou:,tical. t�locl:s i.ris_ide if the pl_y�.�ood is not suffici_ent to so=lve l_tie pr.otal_cirl. The noise ju�t otitsicle th� masonr.�� �•�aJ.l ���il]_ be abaut 65 d.b. A�r. L`roy�n ans�aered Conml. 0'heeie that til��y could }�ut in more at.tenu�:tio�1 i.` ti�e noi�e le.vel_s are }1=i�;lter t.ha�: anticipated. IIe explained sever<:l_ devi_ces for lo��Jering tlie no:ise leve.l. Comm. 0'�c�efe asked ��?hat percentaac: of noise coulci be decreased , if they employed a11 devices oi ��;iii.ch the;J speal:. rTr_ . I'royn sai_d they are talki_n�; i.n ter:ns of- 10%. Cor.Lm. i�el_lis asked why this is not bein�; located closer to the pipelin�. AIr. Leonard said a larger pla��L may be needed there, but they are nat yet read}r to r,�ake th�.t ciecision. He said he and T1r. Lester �aanted to gE�t the trucks out of t�ie area. Chai.rman �uthenuth asked about the li�hting situation. Mr. Leonar said it is a softer ligllt and it �ai7.l be. lcent out of the adjacert residences. i�Sr. t�alsh, of Int�rsil, said there are 670 emplovees at the pre- sent: t:irae, 75% of ��7hom are �;�or.ien. �n s�:�:in�; and graveyard shi_fts they tiave had ca;�plaints of_ small thef t s, etc . Thev f ee1_ ttie lights are .impor.t.ant. Chair�i�an Buthenut.h asked what effect tliis lightin� ��.i11 have on the nei.gl:bors some 70' a��Tay. i�1r. �`�alsh said these are di�-ect.ional li.giits that can be effectively shielded. Comm. Gatto ��rant:ed to amend conditi_on 16 of 9-U-73 wi.th the addition of the �oords "and associated pumping". It �ti7as noted the trucking cai11 be reduc�d fr_om 67 to 5 per mant}Z linit _l wil.l continue to require liqu�d nitrogen to be truciced to them. 'They will elir.linate the trucks travelinh to units 2 and 3. Hours will be after 7 A.T1 and before 8 PT1. It was decided Condition 18 ���ould be tliat deliver. ies must be made between the hours of 8 AI`1 and 8 P�1. Mr. J. R. Minor, �sitli IInion-Carbide, s<.id that the decibel l.evel �ou1d be no louder than presezitly exi.sts. The Planning Director said a dh rat.ing in the 40's is relative]_y quiet in residential areas. It is G�rell_ into the 50 at his home. 1'C-127 TtINiJ1'l:S OF' Tii}� S�PTEMIii'�R 24, .l)73 I'L�1NNI:NG C0;�1�IISSIUN i•tI�E'1.'ING I' a;; e 12 Comm. Gatto tsould lilce ttie SePtember 7, 1973 letter froi�i Vallco P�.ii•!c; t�as�cally, the last t��ro paragraphs, erztered as Conditioil 19. Comm. Gatto �sould lilce Conclition 20 to r_ead: "The li�;hts in the park.ing lot s�ial.l be of a non�;lare type and a lihhr level t�r�t to exceed cne ll��lf. foot candle at property line adjacent to resiclential area. Mc,ved �y Comm, Gatto, seconded tay Comm, 0'Keefe to close tlle Public Iiear ing . Motion carried, 4--0 � 9-U-73 Tioved by Cotrm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. 0'Kee�� to approvQ application approved 9--U-73, suUject to tlie 14 standard conditions, condit:ions 15 thtou�h 1.7 as r.oted i.n the Septt.mber 20, 1973 staf.f report, Taitli the deciuel range in condition 16 as 51 to 53, and conditi.ons 18, 19 ��t�d 20 as decic�ed upon a� this public hearing. AYES: Comm. Gatro, Nellis, 0'Kee£e, Chairm•un vut�ienuth NOE�: None [1BSrNT : Con�nt. Adams rlotion carried, 4-0 15-U-73 i�loved by Cor.u�i. Gatto, scconded b;- Comm, t)'Keer.r to a�Urave applicati�n approved 15--U-73, subject to the 14 s�:ar_dard cond.i.tions, c�onditions 15 and 16 stated in tlie September 21 ,_1.973 stafi report , and condition 17 : ��Tlle li�ilts in the partcing to�. sha1.1 be oi a not�-�,7_r.�°e type_ and a ligtit le�rel not to exceed one tialf foot candle at pr°opert_y �_iTl� adjace.it to the �residential area." � I AY�S : Comm. Ga�to, Nell.is , 0�Keefe, Chairman �3uthenuttz j i�iOis� : NOTle � E1�3:�}:i11 : COi11IIl. E�C�'c3I[1S � �totion carried, 4-0 S. A�pl_i.cat:;_on 7-�7-73 of STU��P.T I�?D,!1S; Vai-iance to incr:�ase the nuniber O` '�E'rI111Li:0Cl SLOYlE3S �OY' �l Slrl���'.—' �:il::.i.}' TC.?1C�('.il.tl<�l :;1_:YLI%'t:llYt3 LrOiIl t�rc� (2) stor ies � o tl�rt�e (3 j stc,;-:i� s. S:a:iu prot e rt�� is i.n a I;1-10 (Kesicl�ntial, si_ng].c--i��mi1}r, �l0,OQ0 sq, ft=, pc�r dweU_in;�, unit) �o,:.e and the <_�ctilres:_ :is �i_,76 i�i.rcly �'I.ac:�>. I�i.�.;i !Ic�.a� i:�R TfI�NlJ7'1:S Ol' TItI: 5E'P'1'I:M151�,i: �4, _l_973 1.'l.�"�i�(NiNG (:0`L�tISSIO�V P�ils'1:'1'1NG PC-127 F'a�,e J 3 `�)l('_ �1SSC.iL1�Il:E'_ 1��_�111T1i3T S�i]-Ci ��li' ��I�Bili).1.'lr; �:OITlIl11�;S1OT1 I"GV1E'�JC_(i t}:11S a�p:l_ication �n L`�u�;u:�t 1_�, J�373 ar��d ;-eco��tmendcd d��ni_al_. �lt the City Council_ meE�t ii�4> tii�: �ppLi.cant j�roclucrd n�.-,ti� ev i_�_lence and the City Att.ornr�y adv i�;c�c1 that it �o bac1,. t=o th_e Y I_ar.n�i_ng Comrnissic�n for furthc.r 1-ev� �: �aE �Ir. C�,.rl I�umpass, Constructi.on 11esi�n C.aulpany, ?_00 San Mat.eo Ave. , Los Gatos, said t�1ie reuson �i� fe�L:�� t-�ii5 var.ia�ice is justii � ed :i_s tl�rit the site lias hc_�:n dividcd i;.�to t;ao pads, ciue to er:tensa_ve �rad:i_n�; and Cil1 in tlle �:�iea. One ��ad nce•ds ta bi� t�.sed �or park- in-_; u;zd turn--aro�inc3. b`c::us� ttiis pro��<�rt�,• di-o,�s do�.-ri fro::l the road. �'1ie�v i-.unt to a11o��: sora�: land ior a recr<��ati_on area r:or tne residenL . The tis� of the 30� sq. f t. thirl i�l_o�n� is on1S� ior the rnaster bed7°c�om unci bat11. It is a}�}�r���irlat 9 ' abo,�e the pa�l . The. third fl_oor� v�i e�a is liiai_t�d to a h��r i_zontal vie��� on tlZe pad . H� then sho�-red the colarc.d slides to i1l.ustrate h:i.s point. rir.. Bi.]_1 Foley, 21952 I.i.nd}' L<:me, sai_d }:e prot.csted th:i.s for th� 52711�' ]"(.'clSO11S �3;i L�Y�-L'VlC�ll�;lj' Stc1tE'(j. '1TOt:r21I1:; 11.?.; C11�i11� ECl, HE' S31Cj l�ie }�uil � his home two y�: ars a�;o and ;��ei1t bti� aJ_1 the rules and rE'.�l1�Si:lOI1St 1�i' ;c11C� ilE_'. Ui]CiE'_1StUi�C1 OTl�_�' SI_II.�T,l_E�—StOL"J IlOtllE'S .M'''iE allo�aed in tlie area and no�a this mar� is <<.,lci.n� for 3 stori.es . r�rs. BettS� Co'son, 21.90? L:incly Lan� said she ::ees no haxdsl�i.g demonstrated hei-e in su1�port of � 3�-st.ory horne. Mr .,Tohn I�ubi�v , 11.47 Lindy PJ_acc , said he lives across the street f rom this lot . He has see,n. t?:e plans and they ar. e acceptable to him. �ir. T,arry ��;ilson, 1144G Lindy Place, said his pr.operty adjoins tl�is pro�;rty. I1e said lze finds tilis ��i�ll en�;ineered and *he pr_oposal �aill fit into L area. On1_y th.ree 1_ots are beiri�� affected by this. A�r. A. �larkle said he has revie���e.d the plans. Ile has li.ved in the vicinity for aUout a y��<�r and he fee]_s this hor.�e. taill enhance the area. He agr.ees that ttlere r;ould he no vie�a from Li.iidy Larie to this pr.oper_ty except frorn the [lilson propert.y. Juanit� Stoneson, Lindy T.ane, said licr concern is t11at therc: is no greenery or_ 1and:>caping. Sl�e :i_s r_oncerned �,�ith tl�e enLire area and iiota i.t loolcs f r: orn the Va �ley . The Deputy (;ity A.ttoz:ney r.evie�.ed tile condit�.ons undc�r wl�ich a variance can be grauted. It �•�as noted this lot i.s .6 acre. t'C:--1:'.7 :�il_NU'1'13S OI? TiII? S1?PT[`i�t13I:T; 2[+, 1_973 PL�..i�1ING Ct)T1.IISSION ^ll?I�'1'I.NG L'�.�ge 1.4 itovecl by Col�iia, Ne].1'ts, seconded by Cotnm. 0'KE�efe to close t�ie Public }Iearing . tilotion carried, 4-U 7-V-73 Att�_�r iurther cliscus :it was r.lovc�d by Corun. G�tto, seconded by cie�.ii.e.d (:liair.man Bu'r..henutli to der.y applicat:�on 7-V--73. [IYES : Comm. Gatto , 0`Keef e, Chai_rrian P,uthen�tth �O1:S: Comm. �1e].lis AP�FNT : COITilll Ad�.ms Moti_or.l carri.ecl, 3-1 . 6. �lpplicatio:� 14-U-73 c?f TAY�,OR T�i�_r;LLEP. ?'I t�_�1:;INi> COI:P02��TION • � Use Ye�-i:ti_t to a11o�, constructlo�l or ��'1,8:1.'? s�, it. oi mE�d:ical otfice space. Saici ��r_operty i_s in a P(i'1;znzl,d Dc�ve1_opmei;L) zone and is located aY_ thc� rlort.t�•;:e�t. corzler ot i:li2 in�e?'section ot Torr� Aventle nncl i'acii ica Ur. ive , i.ir �t: ?i��tr_ -icig . 7'he �"�ssociat�. 1'1.anner:� - r�vie;ved the pr_oposa�. T_':� ;a.i.d ttic aA�pl.icant does coz�far.nl to rh� concl�t:ions oi:� rne o� �_�e ze-rmi.t, 'll:e I�aY1�1IZU :<1�1� f1Pr� i S �:�^c'1C�'S �e'C OilE? C�C�CtOY' . T�1PTC 1S :'i �J � Lc�L:C1.SC3Y�E?C� StY_1_D �1��.OT1� 1.'OrY'� L�VE':I11?3, i�lE'.?"E'. l..ti c3 �O1.Tl� C1-"t':L'i1.�3t�0I1 ?)�zti=:'_"L"11 �:'1!-�i:LI1 t'tic Tow�, Cen.t; r, <,��o tli� �_r�te�;rat:iori o:E a11 5i.tes can be acccr.:nl_i_�t�ed, � T;r. Ra:Lph C�rnold, 2�2s itio�-th ��ti_rhaucl, I'r.•es�1o, Cal�i_forr��_a, said he sp:�c�a.lizes in medic �1 aiid dentr�l_ c.t�nters tnroughout. t��e 5tat�� oi r � , , � �," ' r , � ri >cr' Cal_tfo�nia. He ac.s;:�rec: Gomm. 0,`�er_e thas_ t��c.r� is o rc,,�.o�a1 d:if.ferei�ce in terms of tt��ese centers, '�oved ' Comm. 0'I��e.i:e, ser_ondcy�:t h}' C',omm. Gat Lo to c�_cse the �'ublic �Iearing . T'totion carr=ied, 4-0 ?_%��-U-73 �-tov°d by Coinm. O��:e.r�zr�-, ��econd�.d ��v i;onLni. G3t�to tu u�,�;rove ,.�p��l.ic�iti_on �s,�proved 14-U-73 .aiCh Che 1_�+ �:st:�.n<<s�-d conci�_t: �cns �!nd ci,�n.di.tion:: �5 , 16 , 1_3 and 1.9, wit:h i=1.ic t•:o:-d "un��_��t�,��,�1" on t.h�� z�e:�t t:o t:hc� la;�l- :l.i,���: oli cc?ndi�i_on l.d d�.1 et���c1 ��nd re.pl�.�cF�d ���ith "cc�r,l;;�ati_�1���� 11i'ES : Co�;�m. G.�t.t� , iJCl_'..is , i;'K:,�e�Cr� ; C:;�a� r�nzul �',uthF��z�ut'ti idOF'� : ivone n� si:���r : c<,�;�:�� . ��a �n�., I°Ic�i, i.o.� c:�,_x � ed , 4--0 � ` ?�fI..`�lITES OF 'I'iiI: Sl�:PTI�:�i:'.i;1:: �4, 1973 P1.�1'��:;�;;G CG.�;:��IISSIO,`d :ii:}�:7'IivG 1'C--l:'_7 ' I'��s;c J 5 I1?;l'Ii�IScII;D }�L'`;I�;I:S: . \c�ne NEW t�USI`:E:�S : \o�1c I:EP�?:T Ol' 7'iiF. PLt�''�\I\G CL'u�1ISSI0`1 Co:-L,�, :�ellis st3ted tliat thc Ui:�e:�cy Ord:inance is runni..l� cut and � tl,c ilil_l.sic:` St:bcc-��;litt _� i> ±-- �,•iii� t.o decid�. ..;iaL is to bc�. dont: ' Tiie}T �oi 11. re�c:��.;nerid to tl:� Co:.ntv �'lannit.� Co�}:���ssion tne slooe de.r.sit}- for::�:.tl�;. for tlic� ur service area �nd some areas oi hiontebel_lo Ridge. REPUI:T Or PL�`���.:1\G DTki?C'I'0?: No report. � ADJ OLR:'��iE\T ' P1ovE�d by Co�r::? . GatLo , seconded by Corr�:n. 0�1�:eef�.� io adj ourn the meeting at 1: :46 �l..i. Motion carri_ed, 4-0 APPRi� �'EU : /s/ D�i P. 0'K cefe Cliairn: �.n � A1'i'rST: � �s� tti'�r.. I:. R �? er. ' City Clerk