PC 09-10-73 C7: l i: J1? CUPI:l�`i'1 ��IC) ,;�'��A'1'i OI' CAI.1l?C���I�v7:�'1 f'C-7.2.`; 1Q30C) Tat_rc�. Av�t�ue, Cu�,cr!.a_�lc�, Ca:l.:iforn:i.a 1.'agc.>. ]- 'Cc_L<:�.pl��:�n€� � ?:�2-450'i P�i.if�lJ'1'F,:; OF 1'.�i�, l?I�,C;I?r,AI: �•;}:t.;"1' Ok' 'J'iil; I'L�;"�N7:;�;c; C,0?L�TT�SION I{ELD QN S�1'"CI?'_1L'1:::. I.(;, 1 y73 7'1 7'?iT; COli?�iC7.L CI!�'�:°i_Fi�??. G] `1��1 HAL:L , CUi'1_;ttT I..vO , C��?, Ll'ORN:�-!`. S!!Lt�';:F TO TFIE FI:A(� C.�'ic`l..'. i:f?ic:I1 ��:lt. C�i�__�.E'.C� t.�)C Il1E'_E'Ll.11;; t-O OICjE;Y' 3t �:_j )��.ri. L��7_L�1 the. Sultite_ to r:lie rla�; • . RC?L�L C�^LLL C;or.un_. pre.sent : ��dams, Gatt�� , helJ_is, (1'Kee� � (8:10} , Chai�.��.�a.,i $utl.enutit Co?� �n . al�sent : None Staf.f present : Dir.er_.tor c�E Pl.anning ar�d Develo�r�ent Sislc Associai:e �':!_anner Co�•rn�: llepul.}y Cit�� �tto:'rieZ> .T.:i71.ia�:, A:=sS_�LanL : �ty �ngi.n.n��x� 4;�hitten Cc»: ultdnt preseni- : �i.ev� Levy A�'PIZQVAL OF rilT.�?tI'I'LS T1�_nut�.es of Re.�t�l_ai: A�ijouY:n�:cl rleeLin;; of t�u�;t�si. Z, 1973. On Page 4, par����;raph 3, Co�~�n:. ��1.lis �,c,uld li�:e tl:l� secnnd and ti�i.rd s�ntenccs joined �af_th the ��orci "�-.hicn". � On pa�e 6, sc�conc� ��ar.at;raph from thF> bottonl, ;�lease ��dd: "C.,n;,n. �;�1_l_is cl�ecked i.�` t.he x'arlcs und P.ec�_:��iti.on Co,;;ri•�i�:;:i.or. toolc i�zi�o ,,,r; ,� cou�iuerati_oi� I��Iemor.�_a.]_ } �..._�c. On page 11, p�zra�;ranh 3, Co�;un. T� ��-eirlci 1_i.1c��� the �aer�i "d�.- Pressc.d." delcted and repl.aced t�rit.n �_t�e F�orcis "re].�t_ionship �f tlie prere3`t.y �ai.ti; l�ie free� 1�'1.(��/2Ci h� �.Oi?llt .�i3�:L0 � �i't'.Ol1CjC'Ci t)`�' �()P,i(R. �ljcli7l: t::0 ,'.113�'iYOVE; t:}1G T`l].111.11:�_'.S Oi iilit�,iiSt ? y ��i7? � �S CC�1"LC'_C�-('i� , Moti.<�n carricd, 4-� ;'L-1.25 r1INU'l'I:5 OF THI: �EI'`.i'I;r1BER 10, :1973 KI;Gi11��1P PLANNTNG COMMISSIGl�1 TtE�'CI�I� :r at, e 2 Minute5 of R�gul.<�r Tteetin�; of. August 13, 1973. P�Iovecl L,y Comm. G<�i.i�o, seconcied hy Cor.tm. Nell.is to ��ni�rove r_ile i�f.:i.ilt�tes ' of Elugtist 13, 1973 a� s�ibm:itted. Mati_on carried, 4-0 Minutes of Y_he E?djournecl rlc�et i.n� of August 15, 1973. Page 6, L paragraph, 6�h line, C.onun. �'ellis said it should read "16 unit.s per acre...". rloved by Com,n. G4t�to, seco�.ded lly Com.m. Ve]_lis to 4nprove the Minutes of. rlttgust 15 , 1973 as corrc��ted . Motion carriecl, 3-0-1 Comm. Adams abstained YOS'TPOi•iL:MENTS: Applicat-i_on 9-U-73 -- IVTr.RSIL, I.NC. - Union Carbide The =E=1��nning T)ii:��ctor said he has been i_nforned applic_ati_on 9--U--%3 j:ai.11 bE, ready for public he; ar_ the �ieYt re�,iilar mee�iiik;. °-U--73 r�loved by Comm. Ne_Llis, s�:.corided by Com�n, Gatto to p�stpont� agenda ;�o�stponed r_a ite,n 2, apglica.i�ion 9-U-73 to the next regular meeting. ��pt. ?_4tlt �'iotion carri_ed, 4-0 ` ����;iTl_l;i� COi�1�tUNIC�ITIONS Copies ot AL ?_61.0 �aere presented to the Ylanninu; Commissioners for st_Ldy There was a le�tF�r. fr�;n the G1en Ua1cs Hon,euwners' Assoei�tion. ORA,L GOMii�J�IlCA`CIO:iS Tlzere were none . � M�N1J"1'ES OT 'I'H� ��LP`TI'.I�1B1?�P. 10, 1�)7� PI�!�NN:CN« CO?`9MTSSION P�1i:1?TING PC-J_25 Pa�e 3 PUPLIC }IE�IRINGS ; 1. CI7'Y CI CIJFI.R'tl�?0 : I'ubl.:ic Near. ing to consi.der 1973 Cor:lprehens�.ve Ger�er.al 1'1an. First ;?ear.in; cont�nued. The I'lanning Dir.ec�c>r revie: tl�e surv�y conducte.d by the staff on sUperi�,arlcets in tl:e area, copies oi ��ahich have bee�i d�.stribu�_ed to the Cornnli.ssioners. �'here �. also a lisLii.lg of: popul.at=ion by neighborhood�. r1r . Levy said the Pla�zning Coi�s:ission req�iest:ed k�e an<l the st �f_f . pr. epare-. a stt�d uf tiie k.�.nds of_ exi.stin, neighborliood comme�'cial we have i.;z Cupert_i.no. Three quest cout� to mind when dcter-- mini_rig t.l��e need f:or addit::.oiia7_ nei_gh�aorhood rommercia'.: viab:i_l.ity, ��hat it �ai.]_1. muan L'o the conununi_Ly, and �mn]_ementation. rir . Levy sa id evei'yone ��1ho spoke at the last meet ing in f avor of ` a neiglibor.hood shopp=ino ceiltf_�- in.dicai�ed t:}iey didn't ��ant anotll�. � smal.l market, but raL a 7arge, cut ra.te �r.occry �tore and large,cut rate druh store. A 25,000 sq. ft, grocery store �•�i7_� absort�� 4000 to 5000 pc�tilati.on. One of. tt:e reasons t�.ere isn't a larre neighborhood center ur at Footl�ill vlvcl. and Stevens Creek 3�1t*d. area is that there are barely 5000 people in the arca now. ;ti'ith gro�ath cf another. 20G0 L'o 500U people, there i.s no doubt that anothe.r iic>>.�,r.borhood c.omrnercia_l center l�ottld be suc- cessf.ul . On the ot}ier_ hand , he does not bel.ieve there c�7o�.ild be enough business f:or. t�ao neig:ibort�ood sho�ip�.iig c�.nter.s there. ?I? said he would be very hard presse.d to justiLy anoth�:r neighborl�ooc] commercial center i.n Cupertino`s ilat i a?�cl, ho<<�ever. Comm. Gatto asked P�ir. Levy :i.r he could gi.ve any qllantitar_ive val.ue to time or dist�nce for. convenierice, rfr. I!evy said dist��nc has very little to do with i_t; it is a11 ti.�ne; or rattier_ , hot�a lon� it= talces to �;et there. A store 1_ike Safeway �Las a inodeli_r.r s}ister� ��rllere they can tel.l hol•. ]..ong it �•�i]_1. talce people f_ron? anywhere i_ii Cupc�rtino to tr�.ve7. to the Saieway stoics. Comm. Nellis aslced Mr.. Le�y on t4•hat basi.s he arri��e�t at an i.n.flux o£ ?.OQO to 3000 peoplc� . Mr , i.evy saici Associate 1'].a.nner Laur-in has talcen the Yl.�nn�.no Com:n:i.ssion alterna�i-�e�, �:�hicli �:lill ad.ct bet��:een 2Q00 alld 300�� pec�pl.c� in add�.t�i.o�t Lo the Cht�r_ch property �ahi.cli i�li�tit be anol lier. 2Cv^U �0 4000 peo��J_e . Comm. Ad�ms asl;c��l alac�ut aJ_ternates H aiid L. r�r , i_.:�vy said al.tern� te :!.Cl�::lt:•' Y3]"1$r!' .-�11C� 1� }1<'. S � 2.�tE'_Tl 10�^? Ci'tl�-�-t\' 1"�'t11�';E' . H IiaJ t.a?celZ 1lZrli � _, They clo nat incl.t�ele tlie foothill property. I Chaii:m�n Butheriutli asked for comments frurt the audience. t'C-125 MINUTFS OF THE SEPTE�T$ER 10, 1973 PLANNING GOMMT5SION MEETING Page 4 Mr. Noor Billawalla, 20252 Hill Avenue, Saratoga, said the Planning Commission has heard from a lot of people in the area and fr�m the developers. He said he is just a litt].e property o�ner. Looking at tiistory, he said Monta Vista �,ras fa_rs±: deve]_oped about .1.915 ox 1916. The developer_s at that time felt this might becoTne the central basi_ness district. Mr. Bi:tla�aalla cited the husinesses in Monta Vista that have not done cae11. Mr. Billauialla said he did not believe `1rs. Rintala meant any misrep- reseLitation with her petition. She �aas going by information at hand. ,. He next referred to tr.e Arnold and Levy presentation on June llth in wllich it was stated that neighborhood commercial of 8 to 10 acres is neecled in this area. The existing co;nmercial on Stevens Creek Blvd. is strip commercial. He asked ii the City of Cupertino is going to encourage strip commercial in do�antown Manta Vista. He asked zf we are �oing to cut competition. He said the existing markets do pro- vide s�me personal services that you don't find in supermarkets, but you pay for this service, Most people in this area need to stretch their food dollars and they could use a large supermarket wirh more reasonable prices. Mr. Billa;aalla said there is a need for a nei�hborhood shopning center on the west side of Highway 85. Both the north��est and the southeast cclner of Footliill Blvd. and Stevens Creek Blvd. are available for this purpose. He said the nortnwest corner is not large enough. It is a convenience to have a supermarket you can reach without driving along or. across major streets. He made a preliminary traffic analysis demonstratin� f1G[J tialf a lane of traffic can be saved with the shopping center going on the southeast corner. This �aas submitted to tlie staf�. He said the Church property should r.ot be a factor because they will use Mary Knoll and will go north to the existing Safeway. He said that if the center is located in the northwest corner the residents will have to cross that busy intersection that is frequented by the Permanente trucks. He said the north-south . traific was 7000 and tlie east-west traftic was 14,000. � The Planning Director said the Traffic Consultant hasn't done any specific traffic analysis in this area. Present thinking for St?vens Creek Blvd. is �+ lanes from Foothill Blvd. to ��85, and then 6 lanes east through Cupertino. C01:'tlil Gatto a�lced that th�e staff revie� rlr, Bill.awalla's preliminary traf f ic a7:ialysis . � MINUTES OF TFiE SEPTENU3LR 1.0, 1973 PL�INNING CO3•i^1ISSION AIEETING PC-125 Yage 5 St►aron L�1_aitle, 22284 De �1nza Ci.rcle, said she ].i.ves as far from that Safeway as gossilzle. Stie shops at about 5 mar_lcets b�catise she hasn't f.ound one stc�re that off.ers L qual ity and pr.i_ces in each department that she would li_ke. t�er opinion is if a�narket is put in there they wi].1. only do part of their sliopping there and will continue to go to other stores as well. She wondered how many people wil)_ he livin� in this area before this center is developed. She said Stevens Creek rlar.lcet and Rifredi's offer servi.ces you don't f ind at the ne��a supermar.kets ; tl�ey allo�a people to charge. They knoca and tarie a per.sonal interest in Lhe children of the neighborhood. Marylu Bean, 10143 Amador_ Oak Court (j�lestridge) thanked the Planning Com.nission for the amount of study and attenti_on given to their problems. She said they have $30,000 to $40,000 homes (con.daminiums) and they are strug�;ling to maintain the value of their homes. What happens at t.he corner of Foot:hill and Stevens Creek Blvd . �ai]_1 vitally af f ect them. She sai.d Lhat quite of ten she walks to the Safeway because she enjoys walking. She said they are concerned with th.e development of all four corners. She checked the topo maps to see �ahere the people will go to shop. It was her opir.ion that the proposed shopping center caill ha_ve to pull traffic up to that corner, which wi_ll increase traf.fic at that intersection. Mr. Bob Brokaw, 10081 Carmen Road, questioned tile f_loca of traffic stated hy Mr. Biilawalla. Mr. Billawalla said these assumptions were made as average per lane. This is the amount of tr.affic that can result on these roads. The sliopping center will generate 4,500 one-way trips per day. Ttie Assistant City Engineer said the 1972 trarfic counts are: Foothill Blvd, between Stevens Creek Blvd. & 280 - 16,OQ0 Foothill. Blvd. south of Stevens Greek Blvd. = 5,3U� Stevens Creek Blvd. east of Foothill Blvd. = 7,700 , These are average daily figures. Mrs. Pat Br:;.sco, Monta Vista, said she has lived in tlii.s area for about 20 year.s. She sai�l people ���ho ]_ive.d ttlere and wor.l:ed in San Francisco planned tne Monta Vista area for f.uture generations. She said they came out here �,reekends and hol_idays to r�st and re]_ax. She dc�es not believe the rionta Vist,a people ���ant an industrial. city. She said the stor.es may come and go, but the people �tii11 alw�iys be there, She bel.ieves the ]'ermanente trucics sh�ul.d not: park all day along Stevens Creek Plvd. She said they have 36 vari.eties o� l�usinesses in i�ionta VisL She saicl she woul_ pr.efer Pexr�.anen.t� open space an� a.11 its dust to overp��?ulation. f'C-1.25 MINtTrL� OF THE S,":P`1'I�:�IBF.R :1.0, 1.9?3 PLANNING C0�'l^1ISSIQ�N MEETING Pas;e 6 Mrs . Brisco sai�l the or_iginal plan for P-Ionta Vista w1s good. Size said c.�e should �.tp� rade our i�resent slioPpin� areas r. atlicr tllan pu+� in new oTies and pt.�t t:lie other�:, otit of Y�usiness, She presented colored slic!es of tize ��r��a., demo.r.stzatzng � is nappenin; t ;^i�nta .Vista. Stie s;ii�i slle i.s ; politica7.l.y mind.ed, but is a concerned liouse:�ife. Anr. �nger, P�onta Vista, sai_d she has tried for years to preserve downtown i�lonta V_ista. In 1954 they tz�ied to get a regul_ar Post Office in I�onta Vista, U�,t they wer� denied because of the ma.in post Of£ice in Cupertino L,eing ton cl_ose, and they llad t�o be satisfied with a sub station. Slle said they are still t•:<�iting to see tl2e outcome of , the proposed widening of SL�V�I1S Creek Blvd. This is what is holding up aevelopment in i�fonta �Ti.sta. Rifrecl � has e�:pan led three ti.mes in tlie last 20 yeal-s. Ti�ere is a need for same nei�hborhood storPS Uut not a supermarlcet. She said downtown �Iotita Vista, if upgr.aded, will get t11e Bubb Koad ar_ea residents' husi,ness. She was sure that �ahen P.if_redi_ sees the need to espand they will do so . They are also workir�p, hard to get a ban.lc in rior.ta Vista, and she hopes these new developers doii't try to get ner oank a�aay from her ti�ecause she has a loca�ion fo: it all piciced out. She has some 1.200 signatures of Monta G'ista reszuents �aho would like to have a bank. She tiopes tnat Nlonta Vista wi11 anneY ro Cupertino soeu, but stie also wants Monta Vista to ma��.nrain its image. She �ao��ld lilce to see a general plun for all the unincorporated areas. Mrs. Lucien Hertert-, San Juan Roa.d, questioned whether two centers of apnreciable size cculd survive. Chairman B�thenuth sai_d that our �conomist, Mr. Levy, has stated that one neighborhood commercial center in addition to wtlat is existing in �Ionta Vista would be viable. Mr . Levy acicr:o�aledged that a neighborhood cer�ter at Foothill and Stevens Cree?c B1.vd. �aould draw a��ay from any new facilities,in old Monta Vista. �irs. Hertert s1i.d s�le appreciates the convenience of a nei�hborhood store. But sti� said if a center is not put an tlli� southeast corner t?.zere is room t:or individual housinp;, and Monta Vista Llerzlentary � School is now under its capacity. Mr DOIl B�tti.scaorth, 10490 Glenvie�a Avenue, said bi.gn�ss does not necessarily �ne��n success. He cited wtlat happeneci to t�lh_ite Front, Rilodesway, etc . �Ie thinks ar. intel.l_ig;ent and o�e11-meaning Plannin� Commission can hE�lp �lonta �'ista. , . r�1I2�1UTES OI� TNr, SI:�T�u�1uI�F� �0, 1973 PLANNINU CO��T�ZISSI�7N :1�?I;TING PC--125 Ya�e: 7 Mr.. John Rintala, 101Ql Scena.c B1_vd, saict ttier.e is a nee.d for thi� proposed sliappin�; cen�er in the .ionta �rista arca based on Lhe � substanti..a7. :incr-ease :Lri ptipu]atinn in that a��ea. Therc is a need. for ser.vices not�r ancl in tille f.uture. 13y re�ucin�; �he ]_en?th of trips yoLt he�l.p so]_ve �he F3c�llutio�� problem. Hc: �k>el.i.eves the people have eome Lc� th��r: P1a�i�n�nh C�nuu1.�:"ioii meE�ting� and c�emor.strated a ne�d f�x' a n�ighbor.}.ocd cornme��c�.al. cent�c.r. Th�r.e is tlle policy that tl�i�re should t�e nn commer.cial. in the foothills �but rather they shou7_d be s�rvic�:d by the ur.b�n fringe, �,?hzcli c��ould be the SUUt�"iWGSt cnrne�' �� Fo�LhiJ.l. F1.vd. and Stevc:ns Cre�1c Blvd. Ii� believ�:s t�he 5ubm:it�ed �etition �p?aks to r.�e c�E:nonstrated neec3. Cnnun. Gati:t� sa:�d that as w� go t}iz�ugh rhe Geiieral Pla.n study iae sometimes have Lo take a st�p bael: anc� loolc at. �he dverall pl.an:�ing process in a somewhat: absLract �•�ay. One planninG cance�t is to plan the se.rvices �t�at t•�:i.11 be nceded in thes� axeas, in�luding sc�.00ls and n�ighbor�ioad shopping cen�ers. A cunverii.ez�ce cent;er acts �o �h� I�enef it of �h� City t,n keep the tz�aff ic fram coming intn the con�estec� area,. Th� need in �his area for a superniark�.�.t , based type �hopping cent�er is thc:re, considerir�.g the distances travel.ed and the pnpula�Gion 1.eve1. One cz of a ne_+ghborhood center i5 a persnn i: able to go to go to th� center. r�itho�.tr. actually leaving his community, If ��tie Mc�ita Vista doti7r.i:o�m expanded, thc�n all �he traif 7 c gc�ing ou�:side tt�e area to shnp tti�oulci theLi come �o the Alonta �'is�a dot�mro�an area. You would nn� be a�le to keep Stevens Creak E1vd. as 4 lanes. IIe said h� caulr see a convenierLce cer;ter to thn tae:�t oL Cupertino and coul.d be Zacated some�canere near tl�at intersecti.dn. Comm. Gatto said lie bel.ieves 3.t is possiblP �o create a neighbor-- hood cornmerc:i.al ordinance that ��roulcl insure th �ypE ot devel.ap-- menti they are hapi.ng f:or.. The �epu�y City Ati.:orney said a PD Jrdinan�e c�u1d spell this out. � Comm. 0'keF��e said thcr.� shou].d l�e the nppor.tunity for t�ie little r.tan to remain littl.c:. The sma11 store g3ves a certain character to the City. �ie bel.ieves that a shoppii�g cent�r that has a maj�r sup���niarkeL' as itis anchor tenant t�yould t�e c:etrir.lental. to OlG T7onta Vista. �ie would 1il:e to preserve doc•mto�an I�tontu Vista. Iie feels there az� better us�s fdr �hat southeast co of Foothill. and 5tev�ns Cree]c B1vd. Comm. Nel].is �aid s�1e believes rhat p��1t:LC)IL t•ras circulated a.n �;ood faitn i� tl�ai: they f�.lt there were G111}T �t�ro alt:c,r.natives: duplexes oi commerci_�1 at tl7e cc�rner. tn �.erms of economics, tlieq believe the area coul.rl support a nei�;hborhoo�� commer.c.ial ceni�er.. Hotaever, �l�e be7_ie�es th�i_s a.s nt�t the ar. e�:i in tal�ich i:� locate ir... Slle believes the ��.rea is unique �nd pu�i::irig a con�rier.�ial cleveloprnent ther� �J011I.C� tIE'.S �he charact:�r of the �ieighUorhood. She aoes not believe a center of. the proposed magnitude is t•�arranted. ;=�;-.�_2a �1INU'i'LS Ox� THE SLP's1;�"iEiLR 10, 1973 PLAIVNI::VG C�P�iIISSION r1};LTING , r� f , �, g Canun. Nellis saicl we have �ume pz�oi:�lems i.n the M�nta Vista arerl and to permi_i� the neig}�hor.•llcod commercial. at t}1e propos�d 7_oc.�ition ��ould sigt: ��lE'. C3C'_3i.i1 �J3rT3r1L .�l)T CIU�1rI1tOCr,?il i'TOTltcl �;'1Si::i, � i:1F1T.'i`c�t 1=tiE' S:1_Zi. OT i+1D�lc3 �E.'t�l �;OI:S E?�y011C� LIlC'. 11T1[llE�c1.L13rE' TlE?1�11�OX�lOOC�. ` Coznm, Adams feels pr�tLy �uch L same zs Comm. Nel:l_ is in that tlle present and ��nt poptil_ation cc;�.ilcl support a slight iric�rease in tt;e need Lor. se.rv i_ces in thc area. ��.'i_ttl the loss of some oF i:he stores over the past Lec� yea�:s, it pcinLs to the fact that rn�ybe there have been some mistakes and ��e cotild cvrrect theri, IIe �aoul_d Ii_l:e to see docantoc�n .^loiita Vista as a P7_attzted Deve:l.opment t'�rea. 5tevens Cre�k Bl.vd. could be �aidened to accommodate the incr_easr�d t:raffic. �Ie feeJ.s that a com,�t��rcial development at St�evens Crec_l.c ?31vd, and roothill would upset the balance of the area. Chairman Buthenuth said he a;reed with Co�nm. Catto. t�Te all. ;-ealize the i.s need for addi.tional shopping in t_he western sectio«. We iiave t;ao arterials : Foorhill Slvd. and St�vc.zis Cree�c L�7_vd , There ar� two accesses to the Church propert}r< 11ie nei_,:?oorhood center shou.ld go on the ar�erial anci keep it oF1 the r.esid�z�tial stre:�ts . Ttie Pla�ini_ng Dirf�ctor ans��ere�l Cor.lm. I�IeI]_is t.tia* r,�aA1y oF tli� exisling stree,r.s in �Sont� �'ista ar� .Less than GQ' wi.de and , tai_th ir.a;�rover:�ent of t stree.ts, most af. tt?�se l.ots �, be abo;it t�000 sq. �t, Mov��:d vy Comm. i1e11�.s, secoi�.ded by Con�n. 0'Keefe that E�reas 21 B and �1rea G be desi�;nated R1-900U sq, ft. Elfter disc.u�sion, the above ;notiou and second wer.e w:ithdrac�i. _'�r�a 21 B� Tlovecl by Cornm. �de�Lis, secol�.d�d by Comm. 0'Keefe thai� Area 21 ,`3 and Area G ��tea � be des i�;iiated a i-ange of 1- 4 un:its per acre . i 1 .�n1tS�;1C1"E? Cor�m. �atto s<iid r.re would have the existing ciepth to taork with i.n , d��antown rlonta sJi_sLa. If you st�rt e.:��a�iclin� tlie size o1 t}.i� sliops you have to provicl� more parl:in�. If you iricrease Lli.� asphalt ii1 :�ionta Vista yr�u destrc�y ehe cnaracter oi= do��nto��,�n '`�t���ata Vista. Chairman Buthenutt� sa.i.1 you �f�ou:l.d a�?.so have ,:o ;��den Ste�rc�ns C:reek T]_vd ,, �,rll:ic.n t�oLld de��troy the �1o�anto�m. Co�nm. I�e.11is d�es not cv<:zit t:o see Stevens Cr�ek 131vd. �a�i,lened. She .feels a co�nr;ercial devel.opm�nt at the prapo:,ed corner �aou?.d put rnore pres;�ur� to bc.ar to do jusr_ that. �:.or�,.�. ���lar.ls sai_d tizaC witli �.i neT� center tl�.<�re �•�ould be no incentiv� ta up�ta�l� tl:c� do�anto�•�ii. Conun. �'Kcef.e lcno�as ot no sn7al:L cenf�ec th��t has lie�n eni�.inc� cl by introcltict of: _� new one. AYL;S : Comm. Adains , TIeI�Li.s , 0' K� E:f e TIOI:S: Comm. G��ttc�, Chai.r,n��n t3utilenutll Ttor.ion carri e:cl , 3-2 � � . r1.INL'TES OI' Tll1: Sl_;l''L'1?MI;1�I: 1_0, 1973 1'3_,ANNI:NG C���i�1I��LON MI?ETING PC--125 Page 9 '- ;it:h s�i}.d 1ie ciid not di.s��.;r.e.� �,�i_tih th.e r.es�.dential _ .ick of. corlmc�rcial ir� t:he area. On Septernber 20th .. .. Y u� discus�l ���s on nei��._ibozhood co;ilaer�ial needs and nei.�hbortio��ci parl�� i���� �i�. ��1e �a�.:11 co�itirlt�e �?i.th tlie othcr 3 corner� of that intc.r:��ct icn oi: loothil]_ V,�_vd . Recess ��.�[1J called at 10:27 I'.T1. The meeti_ng recon.vened at � 0:4o u.rz. 2. Elpplication 9-U-73 of INTI�RSIL, INC, - Ui��_on Carbicle Corpora- t:ion for tTse Permit to all.o�ti� the canstruction and operati_on of a � nitroge�.i gas �;eneratin� plant on a pl.anned mant�facturin� p1anC site. Said piaper.t}> is in a P(Pl.anned Development �aith light indus�rial i.ntent) zone. and i_s locateC at 109C10 Tantau F�venue. Fir_ st Hear iiig . CONTlI�L'I:D TO THE NEX`l' REGULAR MF�TING 3. Application 10 0;: GEORGE G. DEASOI; �=or Pre.zonin� .43 acre from Santa Clara County Rl-]_0 (Residentia]., single-farnily, lO,nOG sq, ft. pc�r d�aell.i.ng unit) zone t_o Cityo uf Ct�pertino Rl-7 . 5 (ResidenL ial , single-f amily , 7,50C sq , f t, per dwel.lin�; unit) zone or caY�atever zone may be deeme.d appropr.iate hj� the P]_anni.i�� Commissi.or�.. Said proper.t_y is 1.ocated on the �aes,:_erly side of Santa Paul�� AvenuP at the intersec+_�ion of �ari Le.andro Avenue. First Hearin�. 'i'he Pl�.nnin� 1)irector referred to the neighl�orhood rnap and the staff r�port of Septemher 7, 1973 on this �:�atter. Tlii_s properL�� presentl_y exists in an. P1 C'ounty zone and Ll�e s_�pplicant i.s apply-- ing for annexation in order to obtain �sater. [�ith ti�e street improveu��tits, it will be less than 10,000 sq, ft. ; therr�fore, t.he recommendation for R7.-7.5 to provide a bu�.luable lot. In this area Chere are a nt��.LLer of 10,000 sc�, f.t. lots that front on the street an�l have a f7_ag l.oi= to the r.ear. , 'ft was esLablished the applica�it tiaas not. i.ii t',ie atidience. P10 other memher.s in the �udience �aislied �o spe<il: on this mat-ter. rlo�red by Cornr,t. Gatto, seconc�ed by Comm. 0'l�F�efe to cl.ose the Piiblic He�rin�;s, T'Iot ion carr. ied , 5--(? PC-1.25 `IINUT�S Q:[' TIiE St;P'1'1�:MfiL:R 10, 1973 PLA1�iNING COr-fMISSION P13�'ETING f'a�;e 10 'LO-Z-73 1`Zoved hy Cer:lm, Gac-Lo, seconded i�y Comm. 0'K.�e�e to recon?mend to the <ipproved for City Couilc.i? apnroval of app].ic.at:i.on 10-Z-73 for Rl_-� rone. t:l-9 AYES; Ccmm. Adams, Gai�L �1ellis, O�Ke�fe, Chairrnai.l Futhenut.i NOES: None Motion carried, 5-0 4. Appl.i�ation 13-IJ-73 of JE�i�,S FROST for tJse Permit to cons�ruct a sin�:le-story proCe�sionzl oL btiildin; ��ritFii.i a P (Planned Developiner_t) zone. Said property is l.ocated *,aestE�rly of. Terre ��.veiztr�� appro�imate_ly l_00 feet nor.r._hei:_1y o�: the intersection of 1'acific_a �venue a�id Torre Avenue. Fi.r_st: Hearina. The [`a�sociate Pl�.r�ner �aeiit over ttie plans subm::_tted ar.:d �he Septf�ml�er 5th staf_� report. In npril 1972 the Counci.l agproveci the Use nermit for a 3.9 acrE�, 6-�uild:ing complex, but �rith 5 o�tiTr�erships i_nvolvcd, separate use pe;.�Lnits w:il.l be :�e�u:ired of eac�i dev�l.opme:nt. `l'he Cot,ncil d�c:el�nin�d that fu�ur-e indivictu<�1 o«ners �ai.thin th�: d��ve.l_opment t.ouJ_d not �Zave to conform to a sp���.iiic L�uildi;:�; desi�n for zach oL the approved I�ui+dina ��ad areas. It was furtfier raso_t��� by th-� Council tllat r�ach de��elopment woul.d be e=�ali.iai:ed on its o��in meri�s �.n rel_ation to the ofi-s�reet p�r:cing r. equ-ireiuen.ts , �� The Associate P�annr�:r said the p;�c�posal is f.or 180 sq, ft. of f_loor area, ancl the bui_la:in� wou_tu have. to be pared by so�e ��UO sq. �t. ta conforra �•�itki parking � est ished for tl�e T.otan Center. `Che Associ_ate Plauner said the C:ity is in.terested in cor�mon landscaping, and ^ot:�rnon builcling mat:erials bu±� no� necessarily the swne architei:ture, There :i.s an inte�:ior_ traffi.c plttern. Chairman Buttienuth qu�stic�ned the need for the 1.0' cai_cle sidewa]_k, I-ie w�uld rather see �:h i.s reduced to 5' and t_hc� other S' in additiona_� landscap:ing . The :,ir'�ewal.ks are not used i:hat much l�ecat�se aF the � i.nt:erior parking. Comm. Gatt.o said interru��tinb L't�e sidewallc wi.tl�� � stteet �rees t�r.:1_ps to soften thc� cf:Fect. r\ rnea�iderin; sidei�alk �Tas a1so �u�gested by ti��� :Planiii_ng i�?i.rector. AtCOrney Janies F:�osr, 11247 C�.ata].�i�a Court, Cupertino, said j_f _l_;xn, �scapi.n; 1S IIIO2'l? �k�T)e��lln€� u11C�. �.E��iS E?Y�(?i1.`ilVE, '�ilc�il C.OIICI"E?t:E (Zt? �J(�1.1.�.C� t�/? .L?1 t�1VOr of it. }?e llas no oi�jei.t.i_oil to i_tic� �dd:i.!: �_oci,il :mprovc��nr�nts, lI�. ;; , the ori�:'tn�i]. dej✓cl.opei and lic� has �r� anrec::,li�c�t �aii�It r._l�e �:icijaceii.t property o�mer. 'lhe;� are cozli�:�r�Yting to rhe tr.ati:ic L1_or•✓ p<�t�ern, etc, � I1INU'iES 0} `I'li�i�; �I:PTl�;1��Ilii�R :L(J, 1.973 PLL�NI��II�G C��l`L'�TISSIOTI ��i.:(_;I�TIidG PC-l�S Page ].l 1`i��. lros� iu �oncerned, Iio�;�ev�r., at�out: t_he. 1.iriitaL-�.on of �he SCill�:"t'L'. f00�3tC' O� t'.�li: 1]L11LUlIl�i� Ct:LCt.c�.tC�(j. 17\' t.�1.E'_ Il�lYl�7.11i* I�ctt1.0. }�E'_ ci�il�(3("� LiIE' ��1c111IILTlt? C:U111r11S:�>1C�L] �CI c'3�?��1"OVE? c'i i"��1:10 Of ��)�:�. �eCcillS�' O� L�.P. 1' :�.LL11E'_ C�1 Il�;..`i i�1��,1�P �S l�E'- p�_�1T,1S t:O YE'_IZL t'.O <JL�1�Y' aLtOrIlE'j�.� � accounLa.�t:s or � cal e,.tat e pecl�� e, r?one of �,�hom requirc a great I1Llillt)E;l" Of i�ci)"i�111�� ��T��?CE'S, ��E' ��`l�_�. I70�: ]�llt: 7_?? i�1L 11CC1'Sti�37"�% � plu:nlain€;, etc. , nf���d;cl t�y doct.o��s or. denti.;t:s, c•;I�o aJ_ ;o need e�.tra parl.ciri ; s��a�es bec� use of: ttic ntunber of_ p;3r_=i;�;lts on i.l�e sitc, at onc ti�ne. Tr�iditio;�r:l.l}-, la��� of.fices h��ve ver_}� srnull �:a:i_ting rooms. I�al_f of i�1r. }�rost's t.irlc� is spent uut�side l�i.s office. One hut�r ��Tith a client i.r� hi.s office �•ril� �;e_r:e�rate 3 or 4 l�ours of ��ork for an attori�ey. He dici s. ::tudy of the tlzr.ee attorneys present �_n tiis l�u�Y.din�; ror J�in.e l�'73. Out of 2�_ days, i�ir. Fros�. s�ent 13 day5 out ot his off�.cc.; �ir. Pie��ce spent 12 days out of his oii:i_ce a.iid I�1� . i�1�di�;an spent 9 days otit: oi h�.> ofi:ice. In July 19%3 , out o'_ ?.2 :�aorl: days ,?�;.r . Fro�t �p� nt 11. clays a;vay fro�7 his of.fice, for 5 davs tle had o�1e 1-hour appointntant c�a.c?z day, and Ior 3 ciays lie h��d Cwo appointments cacL day. Mr. Frost said he h��s i•aor.lced �n Cuperti.no since ).961 �nd has l ived �n Cuper_ ti1.1� s�.:ice ].962. Althoti�.}� }ii s ca.ses axe r.iore si g- nif. i.cant a.r.d inco�ue i.s sometia't�at. uetL th��se days , thc>_ ecor.on:i_c irnpact on the applica�l�, :if t�� ir - reqtiir.ed to delete t:.;�ose 400` of bui_ldii;g, woul� b� substanti;�7_. I�e disf�].ayed his ?rchi.tect'S �r�wiug of iio�a his bu�lding wouic_l loolc s�.i.tti and �.7�.ti�out `rhat ��00' , He is t:l�:i_rlking abou� !+00` of r.euta]. space o�,�er 20 yc�.rs or so. He is also tliii:kin.g a��out 400' subtracted from his of.f:ice spac.e. Another r:�att.er r1r. Frc�st warit.eu t� meriti.an �•�as tne 5500 s;�, tt, of buildinC pad and fihc bui_ldzn�; i_s 4,1i8 ,•q. ft . The;-e taill be a patio arrangemer�t in tne. cente.r. He does not thir,lc the proper_ty will app::ar to be ove }�e woul.d be �aill.i.ng to enter into an abr.ee,r.ent that he canilot rent to c�octar� or dentists. Ghairm�,.n 13uthenuth ieels that ttie type of us� will contr.ol the amount of par_kin�. Comm. O�Ke�ie sai.d in vie�a oi tt�ie usage of this parc..e1 , it sc eirs conclusi.��e tl�at ��Te ca.n refer to the . , paragrapti on p�.ge `L , second par�u�,raph frc�m tlie bottom, of the staff 1-eport taherein the Counca 1 deter.mi.ned each cleve7_o��ment would be eva7uatEd on its o<<Tn merits relati.vc� to off-streel parking requir�,ment. Comrn. Nellis reiel-rc�d to Coriditi.on 15 or: tt.E� �iarch 16t1i IIse Per::iit,. She asicc�d i£ th��rc�. is sonie taay t.he G OLlT1C'l.� can cont�-ol �lie use put �o �aiis Uuild:i_n�;. 'Th�� I)ei�uty Ci.ty ALt:orney said tlie phr�:�F� n �i r.estrai_nt on alicna�ion ecni.�s i.o niincl. i.�e, ieit ti�e Ci.ty would be hard �ressed to t;;�ike that= �-cst�:ict�_oii. Co�?�m. I?el.l:is Ll�eri aslced what criteri.a wo�ilci be used to r�quire the ot.her deve]_opers to contorm Lo thc� parlc;ing rari.o. Comm. 0'Keefc. asked ii , could F�r;-1 MINUT.F:S OI' '�}iE SLP'I'i�i��1:R 1_0, 1.973 PLl1NN-ING COMMISSIO�i i�II:�'iING �'ab<. 1'l limit the improvc�ments of a tYt�ilding l:c� e]_imi.nat:e th�� possibiJ_i_ty of doctor or dentisi: Q£f ices. Tl�e Deputy City Attorne�� sai�i you cou? d then run into invc�°se cenden�nar_:? on prot�lems . Conim. [!clams aske� the staf_f_ Z.t the ath��r four �cre parrel :is comi_n� in SOGil ��rith an �:ippl.;_cation. '1'he Plan�in; Director said i.t is on the next' a�;enda. hlr. i'rost quoted "incliviclual deve�.op�ae.nL woulc.� be evalt.iated on i�s o��,�n merits..." He iee15 he has dcnionstrat.ed ��:hat his needs are and he feets liis �pplication s(1ou1d stancl on its cran, I�e does n�i: want tu hati�e his app:l:icat-ion st.and or fall on the basis of th� application ior the grop��::�t:y next door. Ttie De �ut Cit �ltt_orne su<7 fe.� - . ^ • � • � y y y „�, SLecl determinin�; tlir_ r�,mount of traf �_ic i.n t���is area and put, a�.aridiL:ion on the use 4�erniit ttiat :if th� ±�.raiLic c�yceeds tilat l.evel., other �ise ��t�niit r.equi�°ements �oa.ght ve required. Cnairni�:ln But�ienu�tl �aas not i.0 favo�: of thi s apprc�ach, Fle �vou:td 1i1c� to sc�e tlie condit�ion th<�i: ���hen dev�lc;pment takes plac., interna.!. circu- lr�ticn :.�liould bc.� uravi_ded througtiout the overall ai-ea. Ch��ir-nan I3uthentitti a7ked for cemments from the auc.ience. There were none. � rfoved Uy Comrn. �?�J_lis, seccnded by Co�r,�, Adams t_o c7_ose tlle r'u?�lic Heariiigs . �toLion carrieci, 5--0 , `L'��e A�sistunt CiLy Eng�.neer �:�unted to acid Cor�d:i.c-:i_oci .19 wher��i_�1, prior � to i:�suance of 1)il:l._LCi]_Il�� pe;:m:i.t , the deve.loz�er s}ia.1.1 pay to �:iie City �?_�5.59 fior -ceiL��u�.,rsericnt o'" ur.�cler�,coui�d util?t.ies in accord�?��ce �aith ��ricr agreem��nt . • ?_3-TJ-73 Moved by Coulm. ��;c�].i.is, secon�i�d by Co 0'Keef:e t_o a�preve :ipk�licat.ion approved �o�:i.th 13-U-73 with condi.tion� 1 througn l�; and that the fiaure "1g0" in c���nd_iticn:> condition 17 be c'�an�;ed to "200 squar.e teei". �lftar: di;;cussed, Coi,si. 0'T�e��fe withdret� his s�concl, Corun. Gatto seconc'tc�d the motion, E'�Y[;S : Comm. ��c1��;:s , G�.t�ro , i�e]_lis , n' �c�eLe, Cila iri�lan Iiuthem�t}t NOES : I1one l�tot iozi cart� iccl , 5-0 i�1IN117'.l_?S 0� 'I1�I; ;>���i''1'I?i1P,1�R ]_0, 1�a73 PL.'iI�li�]NG CO:�'L�1�LSSTON i11�T?'�ING PG--125 P a„e ]- -3 S. APk�l.icaCi.�ii �i-V--7:; ���' .TO`�LPI: 1'. I'i:l•,�tCO, I;T �'�I, f_or Var7.aizc�. Lo r. c� luee t lie rc�c�u� r��d nunti�c:r of c;l t-street pat stul]_s i-or a pr_opo�;ecl �,�)30 >q�,�;z-�;s � oot r:o�nr b,tilding fron� iort}-'--six (�i Ci ) tv zer� �0) space:� . Said prol c�rt}� :is located at the s�uLh�; corner ua_ llo�n��st�.act F.ozd and Sarato�;r3-Suru�y_ va:lf� E:oad. (Iio;�1e:;Y.eacl ::quare Shor���i_�lg Centrr) i_n a CG (Ge��eral Con�riercial) rer�.e, F�..�-st Hearing. T�ie I'7_��nni.ng D:i_;�ectol- rev� c.�aed tl�e ori�;�ina]_ prc��osal. on this shopf�ing cente_r . Thc re�u:ir��d overal.l plan :is sor:.ewl��t sclieriatic, but. th<� pJ_an iias l�ee�l some�:]i�t rei:ined, ln adci.t�.on to Goodyear. , . Pay7.E::;:; and P�d A�S�irket , they ,�tave recc�i��re�l aPprova]_ for an S� H G: c c.t.1 ���.a;np store � but they �•:-o:i1.;1 lilcc t hold ��ff o�1 the �.idcl.i -- tiona_l. p��rlcir:g i�;�ti1 furtli�r de_vel.opmeL�t f�o L �;e5t talc�s p_1..ac�. Tlle Director agr_r�.ed ��titli Co:nwn. Gatto th�t this �aould b� cl�ss;fied as deierr.ier�t uf :improvement.:_; . Cl�iairman Luthenuth and Comm, Gatto ielt. ti�at a var.iance �vas not: angro��ri.ate h�,re L it is a per_manent thi_���;. Comni, i�e:l_l� ��zKreed thar: a def�rment malces much n�ore se�.is�, Mr. J, ll. Vanderlaan, 28 North FirUt SLr_eet, San Jose, said hs� is the detTeloper oi: tlie Fran.co Chair.l. S& H is not open on Sunclay, which is Yayless' biggest da}�. He would prefer th�t a tirie limit on tl�e detcrment not be re;quired. Chairman 13uthc�nuth asked for r.omn-�ents f the �udience. Th�re ���ere noi�e. Movec� by Comm. Adams, seconded by Cor�un. Gatto to close the Yublic I�ear. ir:gs . Motion carried, 5-0 TIINIJTT: ORllER 'TO S'I'Al'F : Moved by Conun. Ga.L seconcled by Cor.n,l. Nel.lis t:}�aL the recluire- ' meiit for the 46 additioria]_ p<:rl:i_ng ,,pacc:s in thi.s center b-a uefer- red for a�:e�,-iod of 2 yE�ars or un�i7_ such ti_nie, �s off street parl.:in�; beccnncs a problc�;�� on the site, as ma�� b� ciet. rmined by the Cit:}� st�zt f, t}�e_ Plann� n�; Commi:ssi.oil or �.;ity Council. . AYFS: Corlm. Adams, Gatt_o, Nel].is, 0'Keefe, C:h�i_i_rraan Butheii��tit �10ES : Non�� Mot:ion carried, 5-0 C'�-125 �1IiN`1'3�S OF TIiI: SI?PTE.t�IB?:R 10 1973 PI,ANNING C0�'L�11:S5fQN ?�I�I's'CING l':1PCr' I�F 3-V-73 dropped rioved t:>y Conun. Nel.lis, seconded by C;or.un, Gatto, �Yzat appl.ication 8-V-73 rrom r1:L�ndar be clropged fr_arl Lhe calendar.. i�fotion cai-ried, 5�� . 6. A�p1_ication 9-V--73 of J��i-tES IiFRBERT for `ra�i�ince to red�ce the setbac% req�t:i_remcnt fur a singlc.-f�lmil.y l.ot :Er.om t�:�entv (20) feF�t �o five (S) feet. Sai.d property i� i,i � Rl_--7.5 (P�es:iclenti_al, single-f.a:�i� y, 7,5(:i0 s<� , f t. per d�,��:1.:Ling url:it: ) zone ancl i_s locr_lted lI0 teet zl.,rtlier_Ly of the ini�ersect, i.on of. Cresce�;t Road �zi�d IIill.c iZoad : I'irst IIearing . . i't1� �IaI1T11T?g Di.rector Y.'EV1E�C+1eCj. ��12 t)u^.CL<.�Y'qllIl� OTl till> Cc'�SE.� ��S I"CCOX'(�EC� in tlie Septe�r,i,er 7, 1973 :�taff r��porL . Dur �.ng th�� course ot the t�nt�Live map E�aluat:ion to '.e�a_li.rc a property line adjustr�ent .it was � cletermin�d that the r..et si�:e of. the ��Loperty involved � lc�ss than :�_0,000 sa_ ft.. �ind, as 5uc}i a corcd_i_t:'to.r�s oE appro��al. was .�tt_;�ctled to � the tentati.ve i.t�_p, :it r,�q�ii.red the =��_A�;�?__tcant to Y'E�zc�Tie th�� pr_o�erty � from R1-10 t:.� R1.--7.5 or r_i siir:il.ar zonc�, pr.i.or to zssuance of ��i bu:i._ldi��4; ne�in_it . llze <?pp:�icant':. currenr_ requc�sr is tor. a variance. to reduce �! t�he frcrit yard �etbac�c f:r��m 20 feet to 5±eet, ta maintain �i siinilar I f ront: y `cl?'C� �:et.E',<3CK C�1Sl�:tPCE? fY0Il1 t�'.E'_ E?<l�2 O:t �<`tVE'iIlE?Tl{_ t0 �?OLl;�f' �15 t_Cl�lt of his ne igl�.l�c�rs .� '.Che r.ssi.stant C:i_t;� En�i_r.e.�r said the ter:tat:ive m�ip showed a 50 � stre�f_ . ��'.11cll.!"IIl�lil h'll�i]^11Ui_�1 2S�C('C� l.t �3. �J17� Sri'<?�� 1S TE'.`ci.l�y' 11E'CE'_SSc11y S111Ct' lt. h-�::, b�E,n decided therk� fsc�ul.d he n�� sidew��7_k:; r`��ui.re�i hE�r.e. The �'�.ss ist�nt R ��:1�y �'.I't�1_I12E?r S�iiC� llll.�i ,�01'� O� L111T1.�� ���ll�. �]P_ COi;llil� llp �1��c�1i1 c1T1(i aJC3.1I1. ZL f:'CIE'. Ot1 �'?1? � 1.Tlf E'.11Y_, O� t''l.C,' (JT:C�lr?c1I1C'�? [J11�i }:O t�E`E?l� t'fZC �7C.`11;�;'_ ��<1C�.` f:rom ��ti(_' StY'P_E',f� OY FiE�ili t�l�' T`i����E'?"t.y' 11_11:'. 1_S SCiT'i1�=-t�11 C`i� }O COT1S"LCIt'_t . �:C711?;i, i` :�l'_lt: tr1C' 3.R�C�;1��. t^73S t0 �{F?F_'i� Lt �1CJ�i�! :ET'UTIl �t12 ::i:iC-'�ro Ch��.irman Buth�.�c��uth asked £or co:r�nents rrom the audience . �Che_ a��plica��t , i�ir� , Hex�,ert , subrtitt��d his co��y of tl�ie tent at�i_ve mr:tl� �,iiicli incl:i_c��te�l a 40' sLreet, not 50' or 60' � 1:t was est<�.b:i_ isFied � tliis :Lot i�, �: 1.i_�tl� over 8GG0 sq. {L. atL deu�catl��tis �Ir. ?!erher.t s��_cl ne �ac>ul.d llave to l�.�ve more driv�:���_iy if i�t�e riou.�e i� t:oved doti�m � • f:t1E? 111�.� . �_I� c!tIr�1C1011 � f"17P_2k3 i^.TC?t�l_C� 1)t_'. Si�IIlc? SCiCJP7' ��Ll,��_LE'^o, l�l(� GlOL11C� l:i.ke to llav� a:targer h4�r_1c than r ront yard . t��YS . �Oti j <'3 :ilit.il'Y' � 7�u illlC.�1lE'_t� ,'�VE'_T1L!C � ��.111C1� S<t:�C� �:Ilt?�% l�::iVi? LClE'.(j 5:ince April. 19i "? to ptircll�;.se the A,r,,�;;�r.t_y ac.LUSS r_.?i,, sr_r�:ei_ t.r.om th i.s �t�� _,���_rC; . Sh:.� ��i�i�i. t:?l��y �...ie t��i�t z1��r�y 11<<d t:t� ���di_r:ite .i_Q' , z�s would � t�12 IlE 14>�1f?Oi �r"I �,1 O�S �1z(.'_ St" L"t�� t' . i�11'. :::31CI 1 IT�'.'�r }1�1�YE? :1 V'LE.�.�' 1Oi� y } O'Y' T,., (,'11 � i.l�ey paid c1 �;:r1 y, �,ru1 t�i�_s propos � 1 lri_]_1. dc ' i,1 i �f_1y inl�_i.h �t ti;e ir v i e�•a. �-�_ I i Vt_'.Y�/ 1.�?�,`(1Y(_�l?Zt: fOt_ f_flt'i'? t�13�_ l.il'�: �1C�I1SE. L�t'I'�)SS CliC, ; t r'�'c'.t CG10�� (�(%WIl r�he h:il_l. � � � I i � �i};i,'lI'i'L:� OF `l.'l�l? SI?�'TE?��i�i?i: :I_U, 1�)?�? }.'I,.c1I�i�TNG C0;�1"�ITS�iO^' �11�I:`1'iNG i'C-J "L5 �� �1�; r` .�_ J r �'.n�Il•il. :`:F>�_II.S '.IOLE'.C� l}1�11- 1�l�c `JL:T'l�ii]('��'. TE_?C�i.tf':',t. LS 1.Y01?1 ��lE: ]'1€}1L" i ���:�y, noL L1t�� ro,3d�:�ay� ;;;:e asr<.e.1 ��n;�t L re��_r set:bacic ��equ:i_rc- RlE'.11� �+ <iT"G. ��11E.' j�l�llll_Llll?� �'1"lIC E��3��_CL lt �'.Otl_�.0 ;'.Oi�?li'_ :ti C�.O.`iC' c15 � 1J' u�itil a c�.rtai.n ���:ount of. o���:;n s,���c.c....10' or 20% ��:C t_he 1_ot:, I tal�ichever =i.s i>ieat:er. � i'1:I".�'S . �8t �iY _l.SCO � M11.011tc �% J_.`-;t:<: � Sc:1C1 t'�1{ �}� t ]"U<�C�,`-'� 121 t:}l�tt: R1�E.'�l �l"E,' � yui.i:e aclenu.ate. �'he�� �-,,-efer_ 40' to 60' . C�h.airrnan T_3utlienutll sa�i.d t��at if �li. �-� �;oing t�o bF� a�l+' paved � �:tr�_eL t:c cou.l._d not- sc�e the ri:�.f>d for an adci; t i c�na]_ 20' . Tl�r- AsSistant_ C:it.y Engi.nc:c�r said thi:; comes uric�ei� the 1Ii11s i_c'�c� Sub- da v=is:ion C�ruin�ance ai�d � t al]_o�.s for utii.liti �s , s1o�:,e;s , etc. lle sai_d tY�e Pla7�nin�; Coiurni.ssior. has th�, ri�;ht t.o plan I_ine the street at ar.�th�:�,- widtl:. Corun. 0`KeeiE: felt th�.�t � cleferment c;f +..liis a��pl.ication would be � ir� ord.c�r , tc� <31.1e�a al? coTlc�:r.zled to stu<iy tl;e rnatter be� or. e a decision is made� The Assista:�t City E�z�;i.neer said road.way decl=i_eat=ic�n.s are i�ot re-� quircd on tez�tative �:����s but are rec�ui.r_�.d on �>u?�d=ivi:sion ma�s. "ihc Ileput�y C:i.L Attor�,ey quoted tile 3-easons for which a varia.zce f may be �;rant.ed. � Chairman �ui�he��uth f��e1.s thi.s e:it:ire strf�c:i- shauJ_cl be i:�Lan lin.ed for cons-i.s;�uce. Th� Assistant Cit� TnQir.eer"said tlie�:e �aill. be. a p]_an line for Hillcre.st on]_y �J1_L'117.11 twa ���c��el:s. Ttie Deput.y Ci ty At , upon f_ur: t_Yier researr}� , n.oted t.hc�r� is p�-ovi.s:ion in thc: Or�dinance wher_e�, dlie t:o tl;e topogl-a}��iy ��' the srnall number of peo��lc. bein� �ert.�iced b�� t:he sLr.eet , t:tlat che. wi_drh mav be detei to the sa.tis�action of the Cit.}7 L:ngineer. rir. Sriur.r., 7�J� Nutr�e�; nvenue, Sunn_yvaJ.c�, ,a�.d that on the ba��is of t��e i_i�ioLz�lation tt���y had recc�ti�ecl, they ii��re. tiad their p1.�r1s drawn up for their home. ThejT ha�.�e to fo.Llc��,� Lhc letter of. tne la:a and fee? their rLc.z_gl:t>ors shc�u:.0 also. COITl[l:. GRtLO fC'll: 7-t �tirS IlE:C�?SS�17"}' r0 F:Stct�?�.;.SIl �Ji1Fi� CO.1St.1tUt"f'C� the pro��e�:Ly 1.ine at tlle time th�^ ilerhe;:ts purch:�sc.d th �'.12 PrUPE'I't )' . Mov�d hy Com�. Nell.�_��, seconded hy Comm. 0'�eefe to cotiti_nue 9-V-73 applic.at:i.on 9-V--73 to September 24 ,],973. continuccl ;Iotion cari 5--0 Pi.-125 I`.IiIrJ',CES OI� TIIE SEPTE.�1B:::IZ 10 1973 PLr'll� ;:vING C();i:ILSSION I`tF:I:iI:dG r'a�,e 16 L'i�FI i1ISHED BUST�IESS : :Ione F IYL�I'V i)VSIIVUJJ ; 1V�nf:� ` R??POF.T 0'r.' PLI:'d:�I:IG C0:`_'�IlS�.T.aN �:he Plann�ai�; Dircc�or ansc�ered Col:m. Nellis tliat there acr._Lally is no � roblem �ai.th tne square toot�ge on Tlie Oaks' proposal. Chai.rman Rutheniith �s..���i :vhen t•ir. Kadas is cc,� llila back. The Deputy CiLy [Att.orney said ne��� inforntatiozi has been pr.�sented cl the Pl�nniiig Co,^:i:.is �ion l�a.� ::�ot had th� opportunit.} to see so that appli- cat:i.on has been r�zF:rLed ',�ack tr� the Plannin� Ccmmission by the Co�!nci1. R_F:�'ORT OF PL����VITd�x DIR�:CTO�'� �do report . r;DJ 0(Ji�I�:`'if��i`l:' C��airinan I3i.itti�;�uth ad_journeri tlie r.ii�etina at 1?.:55 A.i�I. �.�'PiZC)Vi.b ; ! 5 � .� i.��iIl T +l . �Ll�:�:F?T2i1�.�[1 :i� C1c11 'c i`'1E� Il ____.�._��_ _._ _--_Y _. ___....__ .- t'�.�I����t:�,T: ; �� / C;'m . �' f, ;7 � n � _., �_ __.�— _ 1 __-_____------_______. �_----- l.; :i L y l: i. P_'i" 1�.