7.03UU '!'orre Avenue, CuperLino, California Page 1
1'elc>phone : 252-45C)5
Chairman But.henuth called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. with
tlie Salute to the Flag.
Comm. present: Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth
Comm, absent; Adams
Staff presenr: Director of Planning and Development Sisk
Deputy City Attorney Killian
Consultant present: Mr. Steve Tevy
Chairman Buthenuth acknowledged communications from concerned
citi.zens of Cupertino regarding AB 2610. lhe Planning Director
said the Council �oill be discussing this with the Legislative
Comn�ittee .
Comm. 0'K�efe acknowledged a copy of a book on City Planning
from a concer_ned. citizen.
1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider
1973 Comprehensive General Plan.
Area 21B -- Southeast corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and
Foothill �lvd.
The Pla:�ni.ng Director he�an by revie*aing t::e disposition of
Area G-� Steveris Cr.t�ek Blvd, ai�d Carmen. He suid the Planning
Commission designated it sin�le-fami�y, 4 units per aci-e t�elow
the hluf f, Ever.yt:lii,ng above the bluf f. would be discussed at tlizs
'�3ge 2
Ch�irman F3uthenuth noted that this i.s the last residential area to be
discussed and neighhorhood cammercia.l z�tould be discussed at the same
t :ime .
[1nn Anger, rlonta Vista, said that before the discussion started she
caisheci to clariFy her position on the SF: corner of Steven:s Creelc Blvd.
and Foothill Blvd. She said she and rlr. George Mangano went out to
canvass the ar�a on 5aturday, riarch 31st and Sunday, April lst.
Mr. Levy said t11e bullc of the new residences wi11 be on the Church
property, so there probably will be a need f.or two new grocery stores
in thaC area. He answercd Comm. Nell�_s that it would be feasible to
have neighborhocd commerci�l in this area, but there is no strong
economic reason as to th� 4xact location.
Conun. Nellis believed she had enough information to make a decision
whettier or not L shoul_d be a neighborhood commercial .in this
area. �he felt it was a maL of the Plannin? Commission �iscussing
and lister.ing to the people from this area. She did not want to
restrict the hearing n:erely to this corner of Stevens Cr_eelc Blvd. and
Foothill Blvd. Mr. Lnvy sai.d they �aexe talking about one ne:ighborhood
commercial in the core SYPS� one i.n the Foothill/Stevens Creelc Blvd.
area and perhaps another one in the foothills,
Mrs . Lucier. Liertert , San Juan Road , aslced if the dec ision on the
Palm Avent�e at-ea was decided as re,idential_ 7500 or 10,000 sq. ft.
Chairman T3utl�enuth said tliis has not yet been designated .
Mrs. He then wondered if the Planning Commission �aould discuss
the size as well as �lie location of the store. 5he also asked for a
defini.tion of regional and neiglibor:hood shopping centers.
Mr. Levy said �haC gen�cally, a neigliborhood center is taken up by
a grocery store (half the center) and peY a liarl�er shop, cle.aners,
etc . Neighborliood will rt�n betweezi S and 10 acres .
� Mr. Louis Stocklmeir s�.i�l tlie last public heari.n�; on this project
lef t of f on Scenic �lvd . Chairrl��.n Guthenuth said it ��vas t he concensus
of the Plann:ing Commi�sion aL' the lz�st me�ting ttiat east of the blui:f
would be designated Kl-7.5. Mr. Stociclmei.r sai.d the toe of tiie sl.�oe
is 45 . I�e presented a surveyor's map of ti�e area, dated l�ecember 1964.
��e said the table land west of the �1.1_tf.1= is ]_imited. fIe co�!1.d see
�a�iere he c,���tz1d have to abandon plans �07° apai•tme.nts t�iere. He wanced
to show hzs development plans . Chairman Iiuth��nutli said the Plannin�
Commission should not see precis� p.lans at th:is �JO1Tlt. �
Pa�;e 3
Comm. Iv'ellis asl;ec� i.f the develoi}ment plans t�Tould sho�� the lay of:
the land..
Mr. SL said. he Leels t1iaL rliis I'1_ailninh Coma�iiL;sion is
putting �iim in j eop�a.rdy by say:i.np, he must ask for a variance �ahen
his 9, 2.00 sq . f t. pi-operLy tl�at is dc�s i�;nated 1.0, dU0 sq , f t. is
ready f.or developme�i�. This tai.l�_ mak�: it imp�rative that he ask
for a var.iance. He said he i.�.� not responsible for the split, in
the property; i.t taas caused by t:lie n�w pori:ion of St�vens Creek
Mr. Stiocic]_ri�ir saicl there is about a 3U' rise and tlie praperty
above 3.s just abouY. 14,00� sq. ft. I£ he is goa.ng to have to
ak�andon th� conten;pJ.a�:ion of llis office building he �7ouia also
.li�,e tlie Planning Corn.*rission to rGCOnsic�er the problem they are
causing liim by placiYZg k1-10 �n his 9,200 sq, ft. lot north
o� S��vens Creek B1vc1.
Chairman Buthenuth said the real_i�nment of Stevens Creek Blvd. may
change al.l this. Mr. Stociclmeir ref.errecl again to his nraposal
for realignment of �trvens Creek �31vd. anc� asked fnr Lhe oppor-
tunity L discuss thi.s mai:ter tu3.th tY:e Cc�mmissidn. Ch�irman
Buthenuth saic� he dicl not �aish to open up the discuss��.on on L 9, 200
sq. ft. lot at t,his point. Comm. 0'Keefe saic� he t�rould �be mor�
�han tailling to r�consir�er this at a£uture date.
Comm. Gatto said the �'lanning Commission is Lrying at �l�is time �
to decide general land use patterns. It �yil1 be mor.e precise a�
a later date.
A1r. Stociclmeir i��as agreeable ta R1-7.5 designation on the pla.reau
above the bluff.
Comm. Ne].lis said, as a niatter of proredure, she woul.d Iike ro
star. t�vith the iss�te of neighborhood cammercial . She would lilce
inpuC from rhe audi�nce, tohethEr. or nor th�y wauld like nei�hbor---
hood commercia.l in this area, and if so, where th�� t��duld like it.
rir. John Rintala, Scenic Bl�rd., 1�lonta Vista, said there are 14-15
- acre� of. vacant land bounded by Stevens Cr.eek Blvd. -Janice-
Foothill B:I.vd. '1'he 1anc�owners have held off deve].opmenC of this
property becasse he wanted ta present liis total plan for the area.
The original plan oras for 4-7 units per acre here, but �here is a
need for neighborhdnd commercial in tnis area. This would Un of
su�ficienr size to service t�ie future needs of ti�e area. When
deve.lopment occurs in the foot;hills, commercial s}iould IlOt be
alloweci as 1_on� as it can be serviced in L urban service area.
Yrofessional., mE:da.cal and d�n�:al serv��es are al5o i�eeded in �his
n�.--i �[} :�1INUTEa OF TI[l�, AUGUST �0, 1.973 t'1DJOURrII:D PL11�`iti-LidG C0:^�IISSION rSF,FT:CP�1G
�c�{� e 4
�1r. Rintal.a aslced for �eneral contmercial zoning at this sctitheasC
corner, �z:i.th the balance of the proi>erty in ::e.sidential. He said
i_� make�. seilc�e to thc cieveloper to 5hit±� so:ne of the roads a bit .
'1'hey �rould li.ke to hold off develop:r.ent hcre in order to develop it
i_n an orderly manner. �Ie pr.esented develop::lent plans to the Plannirt,�,
Conunission, Chairman P�tltYlE?I1llC:I1 said tilose platis ��ot�ld Ue distributed
by the staff.
�ir. Rintal.a answered Ccnun. Nellis that 6.4 acres �acul.d be for commercial
and the re�nainder woul.d be in sin�le-family, detache.d, 8,290 sq. t�.
average size homes . R:i.ght now, T1r. . Rintai a said many ot these lots
have_ small cottages on them. Tl�e lots are oi various sizes �I1Cl sc�me
of the roads are misgraded.
r1rs. $ullocic, 1Q117. C�rmen Road, sai_d wl�en the issue was presented
i�1 thei_r area they �aere given the cl�oice �F an Alpha Bet�i and housing,
aroun� it or apartalents , Stie said s'tie has spoken wi.th many people in
the area :;�ho would a.l.l ]_ike to keep it the �ti7ay it is ro���. They l:ike
��he.re they live and wh�t they liave. Th�y do not want Al;�ha Beta,
apartnents or condorainiums . S��e dce � r.ot tl�:i_nk a shopp:ing center � s
reeded in tilat: are� at all. Slie be:Lieve� t•:: should coiLtir�ue ��ai.t11
10,000 sq. f t, l.ocs ��s more of rhein are d���el.oped . She felt that �ahen
you bring i_n an agartTr.�r�t compl.ex you brin� i.0 a mob_ile socier_y,
accompanied by an undes:i_rable p:�er.�ent S11E'. answered Cou�rn. Ne,_.l i; tnat
she could not thinlc of any service that their a is 1_acicing.
Joy Cotlis , Crescenl' ko�d , said t�i�.at �ai;.h i�i a Ltiree-,n:i� e radius they
have 51 stores and have everytliin; except p: rhaps a doctor`s oFfice.
She feels it is uc7 to trie resider.ts in t.iat area to �atroni.ze t_h.o:=�e
businesses thaL are al.ready there. She agr.�ed tha* rh�y co��ld ��se
some dressiczg up .
C'nairman I'uthenuth said the di:�cus�i�n is oil neighborhood commer��i.al
needs ii� tt�e entite C_i_Ly. H� ask: d coliat she felt those needs �•rere.
She sa:�d they moved fr.�m the Ci.ty of Cuper.t:_ino to get away from t:tiese
ki.nds o£ thirp;s , Cha�.x7nan 13uthenuth ��pl:a ined that �ae may have ;ome
regi_o��al, :ub-re�ionai. and neig;liborhocd cou>>�ercial, He as!ced, for
instance, ii sl;e tielieves therE� sl�o�i]_<< be a hot d��; stand, office:-:,
OY soir�,�tY�,:;_:np; else � Tl �lE'.Y.' `clr�'t , i�if'_ ��ll_t� ',);'i il,?�S �ilE? �"'C.' C:OLl� �.� ti^ 3
local SLi�)GYRlc1�}tC?t ��A ; Src11::LOri � i.F:tC�CJ:lZ'-'_ S!'.OYE' OY C�T'il� StOT'e.
S}ie wou:Ld p,:. ef er to sec, �Ionta V i.s ta st_ay as ari "old rown" . She
bel..ieves 10,(�UO sq. Lt. l.ors wot�ld be c_or.}pat�bleo Col:�:�?. Nellis noted
Li1at ona o.f the prob:l_ems at i.haL part��.ctx1 a�° :_nter.:>cc t. ��ur., at the
n�rtll;aest corne , is t_he re�identia.l_ at L1i�. �;�rr:er �a,.d tl�e Kaiser
truelcs �oinf, by �rf�r,uently. She aslced, ;t resi.d�n�ia1_ i.s tzot dc_sirat�le,
:ahat is a good aLtern��t:ive�?
r1INUTF:S OI' TH� nUUIIST 30, 1�73 ��30UI�'VI;ll PL�NNIVG C0�IMISSIUi� M`LG. PC-I24
Pa4;e 5
r1r.. Paul �c!ur.:idt:, IOlU+ Lil�ert�* Oal: Lane, said he i.s President of.
Westrid�;e Homeowners' Associ_atian. Tiley real.ly li}ce the ar.ea, buL
ttiey clon't tiave the lie;zefit of 5�c�irs and years herc�. They a7-e
trying to rnake a�ood cammuuity out of �ahat is «�airl.y dcnse.
coiruutznity. Followin�; «re some of their c�uestions:
1) What is t_he ].on� term cor:�mitr,i�nt for_ the wide�.li_n� of St.evens
Crec�lc Blvd . anc? },eothi.11 Blvd'? Tlley ha.ve �ueen aclvi_sed the
Arco station i.s orl an 8-ye.ar .permit. b^cause of antic.i_pa*ed
stYeet widenin�.
2) The, g�neral. f_eel:ing is that t�iey do not liave enou�;l: f_acts so
they are not ar. the point s:.11ere they feel they can come here
dnd t:el:l. the Cit:y o�hat t:l�ey �aant. `l'h� gener��l. feel.ing of thc
136 hameowners in that comp? e:c is t:h�it t,he.i.r sexvices are
adequate now. Z`hey are canc�rnecl that a coimnercial develop-
ment going in there �vould probably not be slsccessful because
at tlie pre.sent time there is iiot a need for additional.
services� If it has to re.l.�� on �utside traffic it should be
located closei to I�igh�ti*ay F�. They are unalter_ablyo upposed
to a 7°Il type o�?eration. They are dc�l.i_glited to see sing]_e
fam:ily resi_denccs goi_ng on most of the pr.operty in thaL area.
They do not wan: any addi.ti.onal corm�ie.rc;.al in that ar.ea.
He also felt: there �aas adequate medical and denta7_ service.
P�Irs . Jaile Brokaw, corrier. of Carmen and Stevens Creek �1_vd ., askect
if the reasor,. tYiey ar` considerink; c_onunercial on tl.at= cor.ner is
becasse of the trucks. Ghairman Buther.iuth said �ve ar.�. considerin?.
a neiglzbornood co�.i�lercial zoning in this r enera] area ir. the cour��.
of our General Ylan st_udies . It has come tu the atteiiti.oi� of the
Planning Comr.iissi.on that tt�ere is a lacic of the�e servi_c��s ir
the are�.
Tlrs. Brcicaw said she would � it:e to see nothi_ng happen to I�Ioi�ta
Vista. On t:he ot_rier_ hand , if a c does go through , then
she m=i�.;?it Ue abl.e ta understand a small stiopping center_ . She s�id
. she sign.ed the peittion for the shopping cenfer. S11e sai.d :hc
does not: patranize the loc�l business for. her major purchases ,
She an�:a�r_ed Chai_rman Buthenuth that she woul.d like to se� Alpha
Beta in tl area. becatiise it wotild be less expensive. The serv�_r_e
stati.ons in the area are noti c7.osed. Stie .S'21C� therc: are enough
bars i_n the area . She Leels that the �•.id�n_�n� ir> heii�g forced
upon thE�:�i and that +�liey are i:igl�ting a 1_ost causc. She does not
�vanL to see duplexes or to�nthouses in th�at area -- only si.ngte .
iarnil.y cltaellings. If �he t�ac'. to cro��E� bctw�een co�nmercial and
singlE� fan�i.l.y, �hc� ��rould choose single f�imil.y t�oines.
At this point Comm. 0'Yeefe intr.oduc�d tl�c� petiti.c�n recei_ved by
the �P]_anning C;pmmiss�.oners urith hundr_�ds of si�natures .
��;_�_�� AIINtITES OF THE AUGUST 30, 197� ADJUURIV�D PI;�Ni1:LIvG COi�i1�iISSiON ^1L;i?`.C':.NG
>�i;�r, tj
Mrs. l�nge].:.ne Stefar.ic.h, 10].lJ_ Scer_ic Bl.vd., agre�.5 �aa.tli most oi the
people ��r1io :=poke. It :i.: "co�.�ntry" up th��re and �lia� o.�cttld i.ilce :it to
rE:main Lliis wuy. Slle said tll�re ar� sc�Teral ]�.,ts �iT� r�lere th�;t clo not
�ual:i.f_y For tY:e 10,0O0 sq. ft. and ���ould r.equire a v<�.r.i_ance in oider
to develop. �Ls f,lr. as the com�aercial on 1�ootl�il._L UJ_vd ., ^�h� f:�lt.
tha� it it� �•ri�re to l�e anottier. �.it_tle marlce+: iL woulcl not be stiec
It stloul.d 6e a l�a_g maricet ��ri.��h cheaper prices. Slie :���:id you c��n't .
have homes alon� there Lecaus� of tl�c 1'e:r�nanent�� �'e.in�'nt tr.ucics .
Ther� ar�� a Iot oE r��t:i_red pecple up there who C�-1I1 � L" ur_iv�: and there
is a ne.d Lar a cut--rate drua store, ch�rxnr-_r �x�ocery store, etc.
There are a lot of res�aurants in the area.
Comm. GaL observ�ci tllac i:�ost of the se,_vices ment� i.oned are cor_venience
services, �ne of the re�sans for. wh�ch heing that you don't have to
dress up and dr_ive. very far.
Rev. �ohn T1. Donald,on, 22281 Bellevue, :�lonta Vista, said he ap�eared
' before the I'lz.rin i_;zg Comuliss�ion a�out a year apo regar.diT�h the property
at Ja��ice and :Pal.o Vista. 'r�e is :in tavor o� 7_eavin� the �.rE��: as it
is now. He �aoul�l not l�e in favor of t.he townhou<;es. He doR�s noL now
b�lieve the �a�i_de.r�ing c�f_ S�evens Crer.k T',lvd. is neces5ary any �.ore since
Highway £35 has co�ne �:o Ste��ens Creelc I31vd. because i� �,Toui.d .jusC �;:ive
the trticl:s a bettc�?° clianr_� r�� r.un over t.t�_e cili.l�3r.en. in th� urea.
He s<<:id h:is Chtircii i5 :in Los Gatos . He said you c��n drive thr_ough
Yhere «nd see �ahar tr�fFic �roblenis can �.�ause. H�:� ,�aia h�� l�ar.�led fr�c��Tt
the Go�.inty CauzZr.,i]. that Cup_ertino is t_hc� one city th<tt is tryi_�Z±�, to
ke�.�U a r:ural atir.osphere.
Mrs Pricilia K_zucl�on, 2`L277 Crescent, ,�ai_d it is im;�ortant to �o on
zeco;:d rhat peonl.� i.n her arE�� w�re n�t a5ked �o si�n the petiY_i.on t�iat
ev�ryone is talk-i_nh about . St�e �feels t.liat: a sl:op��_Cn;; center at this
int;ersection �tiio�ild affecl� people i.n h?r t�.rea as wc�1_1. as tlio:;e �aho
��e.re. contacred. �i:c obsec.'��ed that i.t wc�tild Le d_i;=i:ic�_il.t to ha�if� these
S�'I:V:LCES �J1��1:L11 W�i1��17.1� C�1Si_3T1C� Ot C.'VCij��)T?�. L�S ti7 ti1F_' Iil?tt:C.'I: O�
�aidening of l�c�othill Blvd., she said tl�e tra�fic .is beginnina to baelc
up t,iere at �e-�. �zour.s.
Mr. Rob 13a1]or. , 10382 ?'alo tlista, s�id r�� had the p�� tltlOTl presented to
hini as eit:her compleLel;� to��.i?tiou: es ot- co �i.oiir; wi*h sin�l.e
f��m:il;� ho��it�.�. Gt�air„l�a.ii I3trth��r��_ltli sai_c' t:hat 6 or_ 1 r: :�;o clie over�.l.:1
area �.as discusse.d as '�o var.ious �i�c�s. ih�� i'l.anrli.r�g Coi,�r�issi��n never
did >ay Lhat to:�:nhouses c�otil.�l go i.n �:hE_>.x'e; thez•e ;:�a.5 only a �i�_scussion,
Ccm:�u. Nellis asked ,tr.. P,�lllor, if �;i.ven .i cho_i_c�� ,:.�hat he ��ou_id prefer.
He said ki� c,�r,tild :t.i.ke .it: all_ �o �e .res�_dc�ntial at 10,000 sq. tL. 1.ots,
a].thouc;h hi,, lo t i_ : 9300 or 9+00 :;q. t t. .
� '
If1:Nt1T�:S OI�' T�!I� AUUIJST 3t1, 1�+73 l�ll.7ULRi�1l'.l� PTAI�I�?Iie'G COl-I�tiiISS1:U:1 Ii:CG. PC-124
Page 7
ilari_anne Joh�tson, ].Q30�1 Pc.��.a V7.�;r.�,, s�ti3_d .�he 1..:��� liv�cl r�iere for.
L}ie p:�st 18 �r�.:�r:� o S1�.�� und��.rstoocl t�l�at: eve�y��i�E> in tt�at c'll"E'. �aa5
.uppo�ed to ? heen not o�: tl;e:�e mc�e,-_i_n�;5, Nei.t:ber she t.ior
anyone e1�c� i.n her. arE�tj. ,�as nc�t.a,i�-i_:,ci. Zh:i.;_s p�:t�it�z.on C�5<.:: pL�c.sented
t'.O �"lE:Z' ��'lt�l 1:�1:? ��.yuU71l.T7t�i.(�Il ��:F'y C?Jtl.�.(�. 1tiiT(: C:LI-�"lE.'Y' 1:01�7111;n1:.3E:5 OI
a shopnin� cc:nCer ari:� s7*��;1c�: fam�.ly i�ome5. St�E: s�ii.d. 1zeL ���'e<�.
cer��l:inl_y i:�rl't "c:orintry" any r.iorc: to h��r.. Tlie �.lderl.y nF�ople :�7ie
ha� t:a].1;E:d ��it i.n t:11e Cazal.y7'� Gar.de ns area �f����i1.d 1.:i.l:e a sl�opp:;_n�
cer�t�z . S}�c daes �zc �.rar,t to .;ee c��i,r, I G':;E'_� or t:ur acr.oss
the ytr�eL from. 1 :in t.hEi vac.��n�: <�r:c.z acros:-� I'a10 �'is��. 5he
is in fatiToz� oi- a comp� t.�e �1�:���pir�,� cc�.�zter t,�itlz 7_arg� f,roce;.y store-.,
t1�r.dt,Yare ::�:oi-�:, �nci c1r��U :}tore. 5�:r� �,�c�uld a1�:o �.�e: in f��vor_ of a
smalt c.<iti.z�sY ��]_�.ce of raoc�er.ate pr_ir..�, a donut slzop, or ��ez�hags an
ice cream �a.r.lor. She notecl tl-��f. thi� in on the �,7ay to � tevens
C;-�ek Par.k.
C:�i�in. 0'�.etf.e ask�d A1rs. Johnson if: a. large shopping cen�:er. �,Yer�
ro �be develo�c.d at the :�outheast corner nf �'aotliil.l a�id Stevens
Creek filvd., if: s7i� fe7.t tha_5 �ac�til.c� b� ctetxii��e�i�a� to t:�ie
c.l�arac:ter o;: pr� �ent do�; �Ior,ta �'-i_sta. ;�.r�. Joiin;,�or., said she
(i:LC�. I70� t:i1:l.Ili: '��1115 Wa.fi :ilc C�1SE�. �}1L' �?ill COJ1i:11:llE t:0 5710�J 3L
the p�esent. st�res, bui� t:l�Er� are ?�».r�y older people in t:��e area
c�7ha cannoi aff.�rd th.:se pxice.s. Slle thou�;li� it tac�uld be a�;ood
tltirig to have t��is d�:ve:topment t•?it.�i�zi wa].li�.n� ciisYaxice or t�it�zir�
a slioi:t driv:in� di5i:.ai�ce. P1any of i�ie peapl.r �.lie talke.l t��ith
��er.e in favor of a l.argnr cex�tE:r tt�an ha5 bet`�r� ci.escribed. tvhen
sh�: took �3 p�Li�Cion arc�un��, onl.y % people di.c�. not. sign; one L
cau�e �he dic� n�r uncic�rsta�d En�lish, and �:�ie: ather d7.d not agree
Gri�h lier.
rsr. �o� I3raka.w, 100�1 Cal:men Raac�, said hE: gc.Ls 1_h� g�neral fee]_ir�g
that there ar.e a nurnber Cf pe�ple �7%ib do izc�t lcnaCa t•�hetlier or no� �
5tevens Cre�k Blvd. i� going to be o�i.d�nec�. He �Tas r.c�t at h�me
�a�ien the ��eL�._tion �ra;� bx�cu�tit L his hcrn�. As a matter of record,
he does not w�an� �o sc,e a sha�pir.� c.ent�r o£ the magn_Lt��d�� suggested
h�r.e. He. t��oulti l:ike tc� see 1`t�,�(7i1 sq. f�. sin;;l.e famil.5� homPs iiz
the Janice--C;��i Creek rl.vc�. area. 'iney movecl �e this azea
two years �}�;o because o:E tr�e rur.a7. atmosplier�: and the character af
� the area. �ie does not want thi� to change.
Chairman T3utll�r.uth saic� 47e will etirerituall y have a pub]_i.c hear:i.n�
on the wi_dening o£ St�evc��ns Cr_eelc I�lv�i. Lti�c� ���i.1]. get a report on
access tio �h�se areac and possi.L�.�• of w:i.dc.ninn of sorne of these
street�. ��'e have Lo kno:•; tlie l.and u�:es �.n t}ie area bf�fo�-e �Te
can discucs �tzeet widening.
i`C- i.2!� MIN'UTES 01�� TH� �1UGUS`l' 30, 1)1_3 ,'�L),TUURNI?D I�T:;'�NNINC. Cp;Nii�I1=SSI0N '�ITC�.
L�' a g e �i
Mr. R. 1�. Koenitzer, 1C?060 Phar I.ap i�r;.ve, dces not bc�lieve he has
�*iou�;ti informatic�r tc� cleeide wiiett�er c�r i�c�t_ ��. shonpinf, ceciter is
needed in l_liis are�l. It dcpcnd:�. til:,on tlle ��c>ntila�.i_oTl �oin� i.zZ�c� tlie
area in r�l�? future, i_1= �.;e :�r_�e talkirYh al�,��,t S,UGO to 10,�00 moxe
i�eople, r�}�en ari �id�it ioi�_al 11e ignhcrhood-type shoppinp, center_ r,�i�;'rit
be war�ai.ted. Theii tl�e m��tter �.E loca".ion comes into play. Pe,_haps
the commercial center shc�uld be closer. to tt�e Churc_h property. He
said his t�ome is just 4 lots orL Stevens Creek BJ.vd.. Los Altos �s
buil_d�_nr, liomes bacic i..ng up a;;ainst the L�,pr-ess�aa� . Saratoga is ��zildir.�;
hornes �long Eii�hcaay 9. People �a�11 l�uy n:i.ce vlaces , even if tliere
is some tr.affic no:i.se.
i�Ir. :��iZ G1ass, 10334 Palo Vista, asked iL there h�s been a de�.ls�ty '
des_ignation on the C�iurch propE�l-t� aC til;_s point. Cl Suth�ni.ith
sni�l ����e h<zve ��_it +.:hree diffE�:.-ent derisi.ti.es on ttiis pr-o�erty to use in
our calcu]_atic�ns , 1;ut have not cc,me to a dec_i_siot� as yet ,
T1i, l:rl.(-.�S.`i 5�1C� �1E? Sl�lle;�, tt1E? �!;?(;:1_�1011 vIl tt1E`_ �)1'EPIZSE? fi?.�lt t�?C�V �":<3Cj LO
ni�zke a choice. IIe. w�xzl_d 1.�_lce to see 1_O,G00 s1. zt. single fatai_1y
homes ther�, bttt__ fr_om a prac.t�.c�.il static;p�;i.�it the o��ner r�ay not be al�le
to sertle tor ch�ir.. 'Cher_e is probably �oing to be so�r.e comi
He tlzinks �ti commerc i_al cievelopmenr ��rnui�i a pract:i��,1 deyelopi,i��it, along
tvith s:inri.e fam:i]_�,r hor.ies . i-ie ;aould ..LikE� �.o see �1�nta V:ista sLay c�.s
it is y buY he th�i.nks dr�,relonmei.t taiJ_:t t�:ilce piace. c;n tlie Church property,
e� , r_znd thi;; �v�_ l_1 nut pres�->+���-� to bar� on th:� e�i.ct.��,�ng of Stev�.zzs
Cr:�ek Blvd .
�..r1f1:1.rPlc7�l �t1t�lE?I1llLt1 i'.cli�i?C� �l 'L"(?('_E'SS �� �:�j7 �.l'1. `li:�? i'lt�l?r1L7h T'E'C:?t1Vf_`.Ll�'i�
G� i.o:oo :��.rs.
�OIliI1. 1�"�_113 ;��"i.,t7LC?Cj. t:0 Ci_c`lY]_�V .E�OC t11E? 3I1C�:LC?11Ct� 1'}l:�,i= Ur�ttl �11e- Z1J7"(��1C�7L'S�
� and t1_,�� sot:theasr, co_rna�rs oL Foo�l�i_i.I. and Stevens Creek Bl.��d , a being
CvIIS �ClE.'YE'.C�t f0'L il �:���i1DO.r[ll?c)CI CQ.?i?11E?rCl<ill , `�ilE? ��_L�lT?I17_I1�� v1YE_'Ct.Oi il�::� tC].(�
her ttzat tne staff- :( � r}if :i.s c�nouf,h prone�-ty �;±: ttle soutil�Yes�
corner f�:: nei�;hl_7;;rhoc�d conunercial_, btit �:he nortit:•.��>.�;t. is aLso ���os5ihilLtv.
�r�l� T�C�;I10Il11.0 COCI`=>U�_���T_?L ;lIlS� �t?E? �;�)TtL':i1.3SlOi1�'i:� t11clC L}1]_S 31:r':1 GJQLI_C{
suppo�c'� at :l.�ast one iLe�i-ghbc�rt c�omi,�e.rr.�i_a�_ dev�:tc���;��nt.
�.O1T1Ti1. ��j�(�'C?�t? P.O�(�(.{ Zil;::l�: ';lf? l"i<1'v'(� . �l i.7'f�C:E'l1Cllt tl�:'Y'E' ()t �l .L;_i'."'�-�E? iii�3�i�:�t
i_:1 the <zr.e�t th,tr tried <=�;ic1 t�ic� iir,t s�.i�c�•F>.ci.
Shar.on Ri_ntr:la 3 :LU�?_Ol �een-i.c� l3] vci. , s�t�i�.d ��l�ie ;�ia�. r�ne of tl��� ;�er �atlo �
i_i:ii_�.at. t112 pi�t �l _ii>r�. �.S a r��s�il_t of: i �'t' :-;i_tt:irls? in on rnan�� o� llie:;e
t��ert.in ;:�� . 51ie 7.i_ves in t?1:,.1: <�,:;:�a _it _��to i_ i�e rc�c,r L�� . �_1:=�.0 , a
C�F?Vk?I.fj�7F;1" W3;� r3.�.��.l.IIr� �l�i011� �l 51.17` fi'1'ii L}� �!('��(i�(i,liii('tl� W_l��l 12:.'.1i I7�)OY}lOOi�
CO;Tliil�'CC1�31. �<lt tflf' C.4T'1 . `.Z'}1C f�_' .. �i;i :1 GT'�'.VlU!lS 1�?"C('OS�11_ r01 C�ll'��_2-i{�?;3
;iiTJi.?T]?.S OF `l'3IT� /1liGtJ5'l' ";0, 1��/3 �.D.TOUI.;��F�11 YI:.4Ni�;I;;�, COT1J�Sl;;S7.0;: 1`.'I'G. �'(;-]2.4
P:i�;e 9
As tc> t:1�e J,it tl.e���?r� i�t�,x-i:�t (Iloh �:tioh M,��r_kr,1.:) tl�.at. closcd cio�
. .. , .
Sllf`. S�S].C� E�I1G U:lCjll t � 1..i•;C: f`7.t�l:�I' Ll'.'t' I:l�.lit"_ CJ:- ])I:OC�l1CFS C�E'_1�F�1"�P.lE'11LS
I . t. ' �
�;o s17� d-idn t�_ sl��op tYiei�e i::uc��. �i�,� rc:•.�id inio t�lc reco; a 7.etter
f]"O:i? �i l�E'.YS7i: Cv'!10 Cti�C>IiLC� � 1i:.tt �1 �_O ,:..:']�i.:.Lal. ;>�IO�;E7J_Tl�'_ CGi1�E'Y� �lr ��lE'.
scu�iir�a�t co�-i���r ot� F��'c�ol-.h-i_11 aud S�e.veiz.� C:�eet_ Y]_�rd. bec<.t<<e
<1C;Cf).S�i 15 vE't �C1 t�l��:l. t.}li' Lli??"r}l :i:.`�i COi"liC2-. �.`I�(: :�R1Cl �Il(' ��:1S c1�.S0
f���C'�'l:l.11E� f01" SDii1E'. G_�_<1C.'..1"�-\' }�C.O�) �:iii�) ti1C� llOt: l:'�i�lr r0 S}�1.31� lt]7.
I�Sr. Dc�ii BeLti_�:�:-ortli, 7.(1G�9G G1_e�i���:ic.,�.�, caut�oric.d t�he Pla:tnlr��� Con��--
I.11_.S,`�101]. 1�T(1LI1St: iOSti:�'i""'i_:1�; S(�I"=L�1 COiuL'.�'TC:L<!1. 11: 3���C3Y'CC� tC� 111IT1
tlie r�rE�;�nt ���rvice a� t1��� a�'e_� i.:; ��dec�u<_tte. 1i.� said t.l�c �t:onPSC,�
E�z�or_�;�:r�; ��t ttae eornc�r c Ti�ry� �n t��t����ens CzE cl�: B1_vd. 1��,��i a use (
permiC r-ecu,�:;t fci- a�,:i.ai_1 c•.oi��m���_c_i_a1 a.rea. 1'h_is l�ias bc�t�ti s�::ritchE���
t:o a tiit�ater operat:ion. He coul.d s�c, the neecl for a b�.n?:., a�ooa
Vlil"l.Cty i��C?l`t.� 'c'. T1:LCC_ (li`C'_:��+ S�1.CT� �i11C1 p21�r)7't15 c jili'C�3�jE_'. S1_O IIC?
s��,_d ivT� 11�v�_ �;el?erally pC)ol p�.anu LT'ii� 111 t�ZP_ �iE'SGLlf C0111T11C_1"C18�..
aLea and trii:> shotild l>e L.L:r;r_a.a�d r.��ther. ii<<�r. tr�' to devc�l:�;, n��a
Cni'i:l::c'_YC1L�1- r�.YE'��:> L�1L1:. IlI"E' I'lOr E'�'E-71 �C�G.37_L`�:c:� �)�' ��lE` Y"E'_E1tlCC1l:S.
Mr.. iiGnry Fstc:-:l.y, 0].d C�,;�cr.t.ir�o ?:oad, n.ot�ci t:h�lt: tlt� ec.o;3o.n:ist
9»di.c.at.�d tl:e iieed foi' n,z<-i�;��boz-ho��c1 sl�ap�,ir;:� cer�t:er :in t:he ai-ea .
Mr. S. A. I' i.03�.9 }'alo Vi�ta P.oad, caailteci to go oL� �-E�cord
as b�in� in fr:�vor. of t:h:� sliol���ii�s_ center. ?le asiced «h�t ;��;� are
go�.n�; tc.� do �:�it_h the �>rope.Lt�� at tl_,e no�t�;c��;.:-:t= cc�rner o��: tY�i_s
�.nter�:ect.�ioi�. Ch<iir.n:�n. I,uthen.ut:lz sa-i_d a larr.c� na.rL of t:.hi�� is
tincle'��eloP�d a_nd t bec�n �°ecoT•:�n��en� ed f or 10 ,Ci0C1 sci , f_ t. 1 ot:� .
P�1r. I3.r.e:�7.iii said hc h..� , prop�rty i_n tlzat i�oril:�F�ast cornei- and
�•�ut11d li.?�;e tc, l:av� it co�� ;i.ciercd fc�r a r,�edic._�1/dc>nt:a1 c�nL��r_.
i�fr.. H. Carpel, 7�d3 I:ir.i�:iri l,ane, San Jose, re.l,r�:sented t p:'c�peit��,
o�,�ne7- of tlie r�o�°tlzwesi co�°ner of Ste��ens C�-E�ei: Bl.vd. and I��oth
B1vd. This i� a l.ittle ].ess thaiz 4 acxe�. I� h�zs heer: �oned
com,nerciu]. in Lhe Coutity ior tlie �_ast 25-30 yc.ars. Ttiey hav.
bec,r: :in Lor i>i:�.zonin� .f.oa com;�erci�J. use for ahoii� 9 montl�s. It
i.;� tlteir iritc:�it to a�sist. the rlcilta �'_i_st_a rE��ident:s iii aiviY�p
the:r� a lo�a 1F�y commerci;:�l deve].c�k�rneilt witli a good coff.ee shoP,
L , h�.r.ber shop , and per.ha�s a food st:orr�. �'aterin4; to inter-
national fuods. ThE�y �•rou7.d def:in�.te.l}� likc, to be consider'c.d fox
r_ornn��rr..i.al �ani.ng.
rf.rs. Pat P�ii_�co, Orc1.la�:d Court, llas liv�d in t1�-ic� are<� in di�-
fC:Yt'11t: SCC;tJO11S fOY }��.'-��1"j. .�'l1E'. .`i�t1Cl l:llCs f��.� ��ili`1"7_Cc1T1 ?''�11�CE?t 1S
4?OJ_ll� L111i�E`.l' <.iiC� 2S, til. 2"E.'.Sll],t Of �OOT ��Ic`3Ii':11_Il�l. 5}1C' CO;llillt111:�?C� DIl
t�lE' �_2.3:k�C S1€1,liS ].I7 t}:f: ��? �.Il(i:11-1(1<:tll [3llt:i�C:i'titt=li. ��l�t (dG �i�tVfl T10
corltrol over t'�e sig;i<<> ir, t}ie CnLiiity. Sht� s.-;�.:, told tiiosc sip,ns
witlii.n tlic�. C�.L; are te�n�,c�rar}� ancl t?��, Or�l�r�,i�l� e does �t1'L��a for
tlicm on a �c�nLporal°y b�isi:�. rSrs. i�7�isco said .�lle does not ��lant
downtown `lonta Vista tc be � gho ;t to.�n.
�c-L2�� rzr_������s or ��IL ��.u:;US� 3c�, 1973 t��.�a���T��v PL��.��v�c�c� co���.ssr.ov �it?��rz:v�,
����;� �.�:�
i•Irs. Afyrtle Ledfcra, 103�E4 Scenic I.:Lv�i. , P�1ont�� Vista, s��_id :�hk� I�elieves
;� .`iE]OD��1T11� CP_I1�CF?r' 1.:� L�.CC'(.�E�-CI "lII t.tl(` ��011l'.-_1 V'151.:? ��iYC'.;�. �it1C'_ '.•l�iL1�.Cl Z_1�.E'. tU
SE'_E' £: CUt- ?LOCE3I y S�OtE' � C �.Of=i)111t; SCOY'C? �ilCi i:'n(�} C'F3 ;:t�c�T)f; FUL" 1:11('
e�.d�rly �eoplc� to 'ne ���le to ��,al�c Lo. She h�3.s tcao 1_00` lots and bel i� :rE�s
in ttie 1_aL�,er ]ots for c�F�t;e]_opr;ent. :iie 5ai.c1 s.ideja�alks a��:. neede.cl f.u.t-
saf�ty, St�e ar,�:�ti�err��� Cornm. U�KeE:�C� tl��1t� this n�>�;:� s1_�opp:in�:; centE.r �
not_ have a c1ntY_inierit<�1. e�:iect oil ti�c� present ��c;rit..<i Va_st� r�?�oppin�; <.rf�,i.
i�Ir. _'�1 Se Cal-��de.;L D.��.�elopers, saici the �eople have �;iven the
P1_ann�i._n� �,�nnm�i.ssi_ou i��uch iood ior. thou�;ht. �i�� ;;aid he �iolds lett����s
of: iritent Lrc�m Al.pha �eta and Thrif t:;� Urug fc�r the �it�� at: the soui=l��;;est
COY'i1P_Y'. �,O(��ZlI2�; �3.`l: 1_t tT`OIIl F1R P.CGIIC)Ii1.1.C�11. c3.S WE_`�.� '<3S 8L1 F'.t1V]_i0Il1l1cTlt.�:1_
�1S��CCt� �IlE3 ���Cl[� r'itl.�`i 1J:•�311 Ol1t�Y)_CF3:� 1=0Y 7J�� �:C�. �t. 1_OtS i0I" S:l.ilf �.E?
�:1[Il.l.l.y �lOIIlE'_S. ����1�3.t: 51'!,E'. 't:Liil@ C�+i)1.1.�Q CUSt: �iOillE_'GJ11;`.1-E' 'OE.'CCvt-^,t'11 �?�."-J�v�l�,� �'lYlCj
$70,U0�. They d�� riot Fc�cl t}2at pr i.c.e�� hor.ie r� be c.�r��,_�icii�le �
that areri because ol_ t.hf� busy sireei� �ynd the z�oise �;ollui ln
ci(�C17_t1.�I1 r0 t.t1('_ COI1�;E'S i. 1_O?Z � t}7E'.i El i.;i �1v CJi li'� �_P;i.f9S ? -'
a r�� d� , _ t_};�:_c bocd�.r
' OI1C' �?!�1"tll)Il OL �:�lE: j�i_GU('_Y'�_y'. I71 �9����.l.t'1.:)ll LO tit,'�? C�il�)1C,'Xc^�.i� t::il'. tiCT":
COililSt.S �J� Y'��T.�J �.�7I1:"�. OY' ti1_I1�1�' i:�r:1L.L' '110IIlE'�S L<?R•:;iCl�; i:T'Oi:). $.������� 1:C�
�`fU iie <zlso poi_zti_-<,.d ot�.� t.h:aL ;1:,;�L dict_aLC�s oi' f;oc-l. ,^:I_an�.<<n� s�1c;
��le�f" �:11r Llt?Y C"'.(�Ctf�7_L�7 O��C.l7•S L�LOIl� COt_1<,r:_'-it'Cj a?_"E?�1.5 71I1C� �3S Vc�li. T'iOV('_ c1:1�1j' f YOP.l
� ��1°_ C 7114�E' �l E�C� 1�r@a L'1riC�. �'�,'1S !_t:�7 C� �?� 1 t.�LSE':� . t.:'�) t.JG,'I:�10t1;:t ?�i'UJ P�;�. i 11�3:VE'
U�:'?7 3�)�7��(J �C�l 11� lIl 1 �}1.1:� cl�"C�i. i.�l_. ,�c11C� �lE.'. �v�1S ,?S�{=LI1� : t.c ���_l1.1.it1lllr?
�,;;•r;;?1CSi011 f:0 CU;ISI.C?.:=.1_' �:}11S �)Y't��c:�ty �OY �l �i:Lt�}l<`?:' (:IE'_R;;:i_��' i_.p t)�
C:OIi1�Ja`�� �i?.�E� \:/i�:ll t.11t-'. i_i1�E'S.
� l L•iltllt?IlUt�l. �?`.;i'.E;CI �'lY'. .��,�'C��;i��. T.•T�l:.t.� 11P_ �:�Il��i1��Elt COillt� i�(' C��`'�:.!Cl�)('_C�
� ,�n �.ne. n��� C;ti�� t coz ����r oi 5 or 6 c��_c ,. i�[r. c.�es z 5ai�1 th�� �a«� �;
��.GL17 �i[:P?.�Iz;�' L Y'`C'C.'.�� [�i_':'tl. AI1C7 I'OOi �1� �_7 bl'I��. ?:�.)il_�_C� 3 L?(�Ll;;�' t�Z1�. F COYE?,_,`_V
� �:O <��Qlit � ?C_1"c'��. i i: �S I10� �0��:� 1't" 'C�[;_Lt.'.;1� ��1_�)�`C ��'. li�iE' �l�l:�t ll:��_' �
1_'L"l lil:� O�). i11J:? �JC`Li.i_(� ��E'_ ii S'i�V1CC? :;�%1l. ..C�I1 CJY' / � � :�L.O LE' , ��t , 5 :i
� l.ii;?1tc^.C� �'-L;�C:i� Uf '`)i'0�7Ci1.'
� ��.;i11:Il. � ra�111�: �� 1:C7 COi:llP_C�I1f= QI1 �.l�n fi�t� ; �ii�O �O �7�f� y (�liO `Tl'�?Yi{.(�f_ 'J:{t.l_LE�
� Q� t.ilOSE' i1J(iiCE�` . Zi f:�li�y :';c'.i"G 1T1�. F��'t'.S l:E'_C� �:: '�l'..�.1..1_L11? I.� C: 1.�.1.C1 CU_�t f;�1F?I?1
� iti: l:0 J/ � �(!l;i) ���) Ci71z71 ir_ 1Lt.'. Li.('-Lt' llC;ilC';� . 1 il-i.2"> 11�f_':1 1.[3 ilc;)!., r.l.��:r .lCJ�� L i
; O L .Lt_''t1r C'f� ,.ill(1 1 (. .L: �iC)'t. �.�'� ��•:_ , __ , r , r+ � � �. . '
�t 1�� t_;�a.�tt i_rt t�i_i:� ,: _�_ir'u_ �.� , .re Ti��
� , ,- , • '
� CE.:11"c'I.C1:E'I' O1_ �_1"1_LS ?.?: P'ri ii��:3 UL;:'Ii ':•:1_:l:E .,,. 'ij ('� J ! :=S T 1CIc'I1 � '. c �1(t_ C.il? .9 �'iILiSL:
��E. �'_OTli�1(�..�'.2�r3[� . ;:1L . ;�G_� i'_;: � �l '__'1 ��)U �`l �.3.� 111iV��' C,:�� �.CJl: <i t'. 'C'�1C'. �:UTi �.�_
. . } , -
�..��'.�1 �� 1�1 CJ �]_1� ��.� i_..�. .� � .. �' '- " 1 t . � � � l L l� i 1 J .�
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pco2�1E:� :;;���.��z'.-;-����:; :�:c.r�-. lic� _1.ivc:; a_n an o7.�jcr area «n ttie nort_11 ,
.;1_C�i' Oi �t C3Vc:11F. Ct C�:�! I:}.\'C� . �l�;i��'I"'u cl1'C'. l)t1:. �'i.t1('S 111 t�li` <lYCcl 1101.T.
He �l�,o b��l_i_e-vE�s ti�e 4,:�o��1e :;t�ou�l�l for�.^, car pools.
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1''Tl'S . Ti��<1 I_]li'- I�li1.i GCt� CO'.':Ti1C�I11:C.i� G.1 L}1C i._:�"�C;1S1� C'. I101ilE'.S L �:lli�
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CiT:y. Cor.,:,�. ,`;c7_li:; ���oul�. «1so :Li�:c a rE�.,�c>rt f.r���n the P:Lanii_int �
DireCtot_� on t:'1�at ar�;n�.nt of l�r:d is availal,le on a�_t �� c��rn:�r��s of �
2ooC.:i�]_1 �nd Stez,�en. Ure.��: 1�]vci. , and �;�:�. :!. is �?�.ec;er.i.::ty c:tiist.�n�:; �
C: }7_ii.i`;?� n F�L�t�iZt.�ntitli s��id t}ie. �-e�;i_dcnL::.al u��;>�4;r.at:i.�i�s �.::.1_i. t:,�
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r.o���.��erc.i::l �;?il7_ bc> disc.ussed ne.�:t . Parlcs ��ri.J_1 follc��:: t:i�at . ,
ADJ OL�I:�•t'-f �::v'I'
I�Io��ed b; Co�,_n. Gatto, seconded by Comm. t�e]_li_s Lo adjourn th�
• r.ieet i__��; at 1.1. : 03 P.?�f .
T1ot ioii carrie�l , 4-0 �
A�'PR04'EL� :
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AT`l'LS'� :
/s/ W�n.��. fiYder _
� Ci.ty Clerk