PC 08-27-73 CIT�.' c7f? CUPER'1'Ii�O, STATE OF CALIrORNIA PC-123
• =�0300 Tor.re Avenue, Cuperti.no, Californi.a Page 1_
Telephone: 252--4505
HELD ON At1GliS1 2.7 , 1.973 , IN :HE COUNCIL CH�'�1BLR
Clia�rman Puthenuth called the meeting to order. at 7:35 P.M. �aith
the Salute to the F7_ag .
C�mm. present : Gatto, Nelli_s (7 :40) , 0'ICeefe, C�iairman Buthen:sth
Comm, absent: Adams •
Staff present: Director of Planr?in� and Development 5isk
Deputy City Attorney Ki.11i_an
Assi.stant City Engineer WtiitL
AYPROV�'�L OF MIIvTC?TES: Regul_ar Eldjourned Meetir_g o�i� August 2, 1973
Regular Meetin� of August 13, ].973
Regular Adjourned Meeting A��gust. 15, J..973
Tloved by Co:nm. 0'Keefe, seconded by Cornm. Gatto to continu� the
approval of the minutes until the nexL regula�' rr.eeting.
Motion carried, 3-U
POSTPO�IET•iENTS : Items 5, 6 anc� 7- Fostponement req��ested in vieca
of the Inter.i_m Zoning Re�ulations being �xtenc�ed
� to December lf� , 1973 .
T'ne I'lannin� D:i.rector recomr.��ended ta?cing the abov� th:.ee i_tems
off czlendar and to readvert:i_se them �alien they are :�eschedill.ed .
Chairman Butheiluth asked for contr.lerzts from the atrdience.
Mr. Loliis Stock�me:i.r asked ir these t:hi�E,e item.s r_o�:cernecl an; of
h:is properties, He �.��as to.ld tLey ciid i.ot.
Mov�d by Comm. Ne:11is, seconded hy Commr�. Gat_L to dr.op itenis 5, 6
& 7 f.rom tY�is a&ericia and L� r.eadver.tise. them w;i4Li reschedu]_ed.
Motion carried, 4--G
PC-123 M7NUTI,S OF T�iI: �U.r,r1ST 27 , 1973 REGULAR PLI�INING COP�IISS]:ON r11:L•"1'ING
1'a�,e 2
_ 1. Letter fr�r,i �Ii� . M�i_ �:LIlE2 , i�feasurex Tr. ��f.; ic En�;ineer , regar.d in�
� cl.zanges of street pattern of Imperial Avenue. E1i=ter comp�.r.ti.on
of tYie traf£ic study they �tiolil.cl lilce to come ?�efore the P.l.anning
Co�aruission and discuss it .
2. Letter from Attorney J, Ro6ert Dempster, representin� Mary Travis,
wh��se property is adj acent to Sambo's Restaurant from ftighca;�y 9 -
to Terry Way, requesting the rec�uirement for a masc�nry ���a11
�aetween hers and the adjacent commercial properL be waived. '
The Planning Director said that in the past, in cases where masonry
walls have t�ecn deferred, the developer posts a bend until the
adjaeent prc�perty :i_s developeci.
Comm. GaCfio said he could not envisi_on commercial on Terry Way,
it is strictJ_y residential.
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Nellis that the mason.ry wall
be constructed per requirements.
�`�ES : Comm. Gatto , Nellis , 0`Keef e, Chairman }3uthenuth
NOES: None
ABSLNT : Conu::. Adams
Motien carried, 4--0
The Planning Director sazd tfiat prior to this meeting, Mr. Stocklmeir.
was asking the determination nade at the last meeting of his trian�u?ar
pro�erty at Stevens Creek Blvd. and Old Cupertina Road. It1-10 was
placed on this property, isr. Stocklrieir said that tnis property is
less than l0,OQ0 sq, ft., and thererc�re, it is undevel��pable.
Chairman ]3uthenui.h said the reali�nment of the strcet there may r.esult
iu the property being reL to the adj acent proper. ty o�ailers .
Mr. Stocklmeir sa:id the intent �sas to pu� an office building on tI13t
commercial lot.
The lieputy Cii;y Attorney said he can retaiiz the resideiitial ch�racter
of his property as a l�ga�_, nonconforming use. He woul_d ha�re to get
a variance to ��ut a new bu_i�.ding on L lot, however.
Mr. Stocklmei.r s�3id Lhe Y.lanning Commission is putt_ing him ii1 the position
of de.Eense . He said thi.s pi-operty �.T�zs ori�inally ?.oned comm�rcial . Hc
. Pnge 3
aslced ��l.�at woul.d happcn if l�.e ���e�re dena_ed a variance. He said the
Ylanning Comi�issi.on }ias rescinded n�3i��t �•�as a commit:r.ient of the
former P].at�ning Cor;.rai�sioi�. He cloes not ��,ailt: to ne in the positio �
to have to aupe�i° t,�efor_e a iu.tur.e Ylannin;; Commi.ssion to ask for
a variance in order to develop his propert�}�.
Cornm. Nell.is said st.e could nc�t underst�znd any Planni.r�� Comtnissian
being so tmreasonaUle as to not g�ant his variance. Chairman
ButLenuth said this �aill also depend upon the realignment af
Stevens Creek Blvd ., wliich coul_ci sulve the pzoblem.
Mrs . Pat Brisco , 221��0 Orchar.d Court , Monta Vista, said tlle
trianp,ular siiaped l.ot conforms to that arca I70�4 and the property
o�Yner wi�l pr.oeably �;��,in his necess�:ry square �oota�;e � the
realignt;ient of the streei. Si.nce 1917 , it has been zoned
R1-10. Chairman Buthen.uth conf i.rmed that the Pl.annit�.a Commissi_on
has recommer�ded tt:is zoning iii that area.
The Planning Director acknowledged that tliere are some 7500 squar.e
foot lots in that area.
The Deput_y City Attorney sa�d tt�e Gener.al Pla.n only becomes acti..ve
at the time of enactrient . If ttiere is aii approved tentative map
on Hillcrest, they can proceed with their plans until ��re have a
neca General Plan that is approved by the City Cc�uncil,
The Planni.ng Director said that indicatioi�s are that the developer
is going back to the original property lines.
1.. CI`l'Y OF CUPERTI\0: Public Hearing to consider 1973
Compreti�ns i_ve Gei�eral Plan.. First Iieariilg cont:=ii�ued .
(Heariiig to be su.spended at i0 :00 P.PL� )
The Plann=i.ng Director said Areas A, B and C have been completed.
Discussion at this meetin� slioul.d comrric�rice E,Titti D, and going on
throu�h areas E, F and G- t ir�e permitt: ing .
After discussion, it was move.cl by Conun. GatLo, �econded by
Conun, i�Tel.lis that tlle ne;;t mceti.nf; on ttie Gener_a]_ �'].an �aould be
Tht�rsday, At,gusY_ 30 1973, stal-ti.ng aL 7:30 P.M, y io_ the pur-}�ose
of discussing ne.i�;nborl coinmercial r.�eeds and par.lc necds for. �
the City of Cupert i.i�� .
Motion carr.icd, 4-0
?(:--L'1.3 �IINUT�S OF TH� AUGUST ?_7 , 1973 K1��GJL�'1R PLtL`INI.:�;G CO?"tMISSI0�1 MEETING
%a ;e 4
Area D - Rae I.ane.
C�lored s.l.ides of the area Giere slio�:�n. Eia:�ica]_1y, ��cc.ess to tt�ese 9 ac�es
i,s thr���;�i t.he reside�tt:ial a.rea t.o the s�utEi.
C�iairman 13uthenuth aslced for �:�ommerit.s fror.i the audience.
Mr. Uick i�ouse, 10750 Rae I,ane, said h� taoald 1i��ce to ltave the nei�tl-
borhood kept essealtially as it is now.
In answer to Comm. U'iCeefe's que�;tion, it .Las nc�ted tliat there are
6 exist in�T , single fa�nily liomc�s oil approx:i_,���;�t�l� hal.i-acr.e sites .
Chairrian Buth�nuth sai.d these vacnzit ��'eas should h� desigtiated 4
units per acre , i.n k.eepin� �airh t_he. ci�arac te7- of tize ne i_ghborhood .
Cor,m. 0'Keefe said that w.i�h �0% developed i_n half-acre lots, we
wou �d Lii�n be doublint the dezlsity . Comm. Gatto noted that Rae Lane
wi11 be develoPed T��ith a full 60' strec�t, and he would be in favo.r_
of 75G0 sq. ft. lots.
AKEA D Moved by Comnt, rielli.s, secorided by Comm. Gatto that nrea D shall be
1RL--7,5 designated on the General Plar.i as 4 uni.ts ��er acre.
AY�S : Con�m. Gati�o , Nellis , Chai_rman ruthenuth
NOI:S : Comm. 0'r�eef e
ABSrNT' : Comm. Adams
Motion carried, 3-1
Area l: - Linda Vis ra Drive �
The P_lannin� Director answ�ered Comm. Nelli.s that there are some 7.5C0
sc�. £t. lots in ttie area. Tlle cul-de-sac a..rea is R1-7.S,
C�iQirman I3uthenuth asl�ed for comments fr.•om the aud;.euce. There taere
AIZk?.�1 E I�ioved l�y Conlm. Gatto, seconded -t�y Coimn. 0'Keefe to designace 4 units
4 units/acre per acre on the Ge11F� Pl.an :�or [lrea E.
AYES : Comm. Gat to , Ne]_lis , 0'Keefe , Chairman Lutillenuth
� NOES : None
AB S F.;�'1' : Conun . Ad am s
rtol.ioii c<<: ried, 4-0
Page 5
Ar.ea F - Lindy Lane
Colored slides caere shown oF the area. The Planning Director said
the majority of the zoning in that area is R1-20.
This area, zoned about 5 years ago, consists of 11.9 acres.
One parcel is A1-43; one is zoned R1-7.5; one is zoned R1-10.
The Planning Director said the question here is whether or not
this property should Ue inciuded in the hil.l property that starts
just behind it.
According to the sl.ope/density .formula of the PPC, 6 homes should
be allowed in this area. Most are one-acre lots now.
JuarLita McLaren, 22101 Lindy Lane, said there was good repre.-
sentation of the Lindy Lane property owners at the meeting. Sr.e
said she was instrumental in getCing 6 property owners up there
to annex to the City of Cupertino. She said the reason for �aant-
ing smaller lots up there is that the majority of the people up
there have raised their families and want to stay. It is very
expensive and zoo much work. There is the possibility of buildin
a small place on the property in �ahich to live. They would like
to be able to maintain the privacy of the homes in that area.
There are three hames that do not front on a public street. She
requested studies be made of the area. She would like to keep
her present zoning. San Jose Water and the Fire District have
no problems getting up there. She said they have beautiful sites
up there that are very desirable.
Mr. E. H. Haschert, 21951 Lindy Lane, 470U1� like later on to
develop his land. He would like to see the present zoning remain.
Mr. T. E. Schmidt, 21945 Lindy Lane, said he does not wish Y.o
become a party to this new zaning. He said he has 1-1/3 acre.
Mr. John Stefsmil�, 21950 Lindy Lane (Lot 21), sai.d they axe ve��y
happy with the present zoTiing. They foresee developing their
property in the near Luture.
Mr . George Langstaff , 21925 T in�y Lane (Lat 29) , said he �aould
like very much to stay �ir.h l�is half-acre lot. He does not �aant
a city street up there.
Comm. Gatto said he thinks this proper_ty belongs to the hillside
area. Comm. Nel.lis agreea because this is hillside land. There
are presently 9 existing homes on 17. acres. Ctlairnian Buthenut:h
said he thinks we sh�uld have minimu�� one-acre lots up there.
� '
Pagc 6 . .
Mrs. McLaren said there are 6 homes on abot�t 9.1 acres there.
She said ]_ot 96, 97 and 98 do not even come up khe same street
as th� f.,:i_ndy Lane people. She said that from the very l�eginning
they c,rere excluded f.rc�m i.he Hillside Study. Comm. Nel.lis said th�
reason they were excluded caas because the ]_o�s �,tere already developed,
Chairman Buthenuth did tiot believe ttiis property should be included
in the Iiillside �tudy because it is develc�ped except for one lot.
Comm. Gatto sai.d the Fii_.1lside Ordinance �aill govern the grading,
etc., of �he hillsic'.��. �.1iCh the existing zoning they can come in
and put Lwo homes on a lot and put in roads. CQmm, Nellis felt it
�aould be appropriate to await the direction of tne Iiillside Subcommittee,
Com�. 0'Keet said the hillside qualities have affected the deve].opment
that has already talcen place. He feels this small development should
continue as it has. It was originally developed with the idea that
another structure wil]. be ptaced on the lot.
� The Planniilg Director said the overall zoning is R1-10 at the top
of Lindy Place.
Chairman Buth�nuth said he was i.n favor of 0 to 1 unit per acre.
Comm. Gatto said that road �vidths, cut-and-fill standards, etc.,
should be applied h.ere the same as to ttie oth�r hillside areas.
Moved by Comra. Nellis, seconde� by Comm. Gatto that Area F- Lindy
Lane, be moved to the discussian caith Area A.
AYES: Comm. Gatto, Nellis
NOES: Comm. 0'Keefe, Chairman Buttienuth .
ABSENT : Comm. Adams •
Motion tied, 2-2
Moved b;� Chairman Buthenuth, seconded by Comm. 0'Keefe that Area k--
i,indy Lane be shown on the General Plan as 0 to 1 u�zits per acre.
AYES: Comm. Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chair.man But�ienutY:
NOES : None �
ABSENT: Comm. Adams
rlotion carried, 4-0
. Page 7
Area G- Stevens Creek I�lvd. and Carmen Road
This is the south side of Stevens Creek Blvd., west of Stevens
Creek. There is a mixture of single f_anily homes and undeveloped
propertv. There is an area zoned mult:iPl.e along Stevens Creek
Chairman Buthenutll asked for comments from the audience.
Mr. Louis Stocklmeir, 22120 Stevens Creek Blvd., said tr�e property
along Scenic Blvd., as you con�e in fram Stevens Creek �lvd., to
the Ief t, it �aas previous:Ly designated 75�0 sq. f t, lots, and ft2
on the right side. He brought up again the realignment of Stevens
Creek Blvd. If the �ase li.ne is moved south this discussion
hecomes academic. On ttic� other hand, if the base lyne. '-s moved
to the north, he reminded the Planning Commi.ssion ot tl:e pr�posal
he. has submitted for study. He ��anted to bring out in the dis-
cuss�ori at this point that the triangular piece at Cupertino Road
i_s a part of this par.cel and not a,part of Cupertino Road. If
it is changed to residential at this point, in a11 fairness this
property shou.ld be dropped da�an to 7500 sq. ft. , because.
historically it has r.othi.ng to do with Cupertino Koad. This goes
back to the subdivision af the property in 1917. He said the
only reason this triangular piece exists today is because when
Steven� Creelc Blvd. Taas rerout.ed rhe centerline was straightened
out through his property. It used to go alons; w��at i.s now Old
Steuens Creek Koad,
Mr. C. Abel, 1.d164 Car.men Road, saicl he was present at this meet-
ing out of curiosity to finc� out the City's plans for this area.
He has lived here since 1958. He bought the property be.cause of
the character of the area. He beiieves most of the pr_operty owner.�
in this area �vou7.d agree wi_th him. He would not ]_ike to see
either commercial or agartment development in this area.
Mr. John Rir��ala, 101.01 Scenic �lvd. , said he �,ras representing
sa:�ie property oGmers zlong Be� levi.11e Avenue , Janice Avenue. and
Palo Vista -- about 16 acres. He said ther.e are several ownership�
' i_n L area and he has consolidated them and was speakin� for
them. He further clarified that he represented basically all the
vacant property at the r.op of the hill and would li_lce to have it
all spoken to at the same time.
Comm. Gatto taanted to separ�te the discussi_on of the area helo�a
the ialuf f from that ai-ea aUove ttie bluf.f , Cliairmati Eut.nentith
said thi.s is combi_iiin� Area 2l t�?i.th a pa.rt of Area G.
�C-1_23 MITdUTES OF TIiE �1UGUST 27, 1973 P.l�GULAR PI,l1NivIN� COi`I�•.iSSION :Zi,ETING
i' a;; e 8
Mr. Rintala said some of the properti.es along Janice and Carmen have
one home in hack af the other. Essent:i.ally, evezythinp, else through
t�her-e is ui�dPVel.oped. The �.'lannitif; P.ir.ector said �liis area is esset�tially
x�.-io . � .
tiir. B.intala said a d.e_velopment plan for the enrire �rea �� 70L11_C{ be good.
He said i_lie original plan liere �aas to have mostl.y duplex zoning.
His ne-i�tiUors �souL�t like tu see R1�--10 sin�;le fanii7.5� zon:ing, Iie
�rou].ci lilce ta see the charactc:r of th� nei,gliborliood preserved. In
addition, he s,aid the people 2re spealcing to the lacic of commercial
in �he area. �
TIr, nal.dwin, Granada Road, said the real estate gentlem.an di.d nat
speak for him. He ot,ms two lots at .Janice and Carnen, both in ehcess
of 10 ,000 sq . f. L. �-ie said i:h�re are a number of retired people in
this area �aho ���ould l.ilce to see a grocery store Tf7ithin �vallc_ing
distance. �e ha5 no preference as to just iahere it should go, but
on� is rieeded .
A1rs . Pat Br? sco , 22140 Orcliard Court ,'lonta Vista , said she has l.ived
�aithin 1-1/2 miles of this area fc�r 15 years. She aslced if the Planning
Corn� wants to put a"Raiicho Rinconada" here in a prime. residential
area, ri�ht up to Ioothill B1vd. t-ae have a goJ.i cour_se and a creek
and :-� gorgeous -ri_ew -- why wreck this area? Si�ie said this i_s the
GI1Ly remain iiig pr.irae residentia� area lei C.
Mr. 3Zint:ala sa�d. some of the str_eets sho�ald be realigned. I-te is
proposin.g a totat oF 3.1. homes. This area was l.aid out for hi;l�er
den:�-�ty. He said they �ail.l average somewhere between ?.5 and 10,000
sq. ft, 1�ts.
Mr . Stocicl.neir sai_d he i.s interested � n the parcels along Scenic
Blvd. and Carmen. The point he wanted to bring out is that the portion
west of Scsnic, by Stevens Creek B.lvd,, they have alreUdy a�reed on
7500 sq. tt. 1.ots.
Ann Anger, 10_l85 F.mpire Avenue., said tlie people ir_ downtown i�lonta
Vista are tr.ying to get a bank. They got 1_257 si�n<�tures for this
purpose. They received no opposi.tion. `Che peopla Elave indi.cated theq
doi�.'t want comm:�rcia]_ or apartmenis on tne vacant iaiid. She would
like to see single fainily homes from :13yrne ug to StctTens Creelc Blvd.
She wctild like to call. that area the "CTateway to the Foothills".
She noted that in r_he mid 1950's, rlonte Sereno in:.orpora�ed in order
to stop Los Gatos fram creeping commercial lllt0 i. hat area.
Pa�e 9
Comm. Gat:to r.ecoi�, 4 units pe7 acr� for !'�r.ea 9, for the area
trom che botLom of the hill to t_he. bluf_L , on tlie �vest side of.
Sceni..c Blvd. ;ie said his ii_rst reaction ��Tas t do the sume here,
except for tYte h].tif f_ . He � 1 ike to �o to It1-10 on that site. ,
Chairman �3uth��.�nuth said that it woul.d lend itse7_f more to R]_-7.5
becatise of_ Lh� depth of the. property. Conm, Gatt:o said thc� mini-
mum tronta.ge on these J.ots is 75 feet. At tLe_ top of the hill
we ha�°e a ti:ansition arc�a, �aith dt�ple�;es along I'oothill Llvd. , and
goi.ng back to the existir.ig Rl-l�. He said he ��ould be in favor of
an overlay of 7.S and wouid Ue ver.y interesteS in some typ� of
master plan for the e�.�ti.x�e area.
Com�n. 0'Keefe said that for consi.stency, this area should be
7500 sq. fL 1cts.
Conun. Nel�is 3�elt that the area �as suff:ici.ently developec� that
it should be R1-10.
Chai_rman Buthenuth said that �-rest of Scenic £�lvd . to the hluf f
should be 4 uni_ts per acre. On the top of the hluff, at least to
Palo Vista, it is almost a11 built up and should continue wi.t�:
Rl.-lU. t�?est oL Pal.o ��ista has a miYtare of de;zsi.ties and c.ould
go either c�Tay . Coms.. 0`ke.ef ` said he agreed essential]_y with
Chairmar. Bu�:i�c�nuth.
Mr. Rintal.a urged �lie Planning Commission to consider th� ar.ea as
a�ahole. He asked for a postponernent. so rie could bri_ng some of
th� nei.ghboi-s d���nz to tlie rneering to speak their f_eelings.
5haron �in�<i1a said she spoke to 27 people who �aere going to come
to this meet.i.ng. They �aa.nted to confer witti the Planning
D7_YeCr.Or .
Chairmar_ BuY.henuth said tl�is cai.11_ be continued 1�ntil August 30rn.
I-loved by Corim. Gatt.o, seconded by Comm. 0'1:eefe, that the are� Area belo:� th�
` be1o�,� the bluf:f be designated 4 units per acr.e. t;luff to he
G ut1�_ts/ac.�e
AYL'S: Comrn. Gatto, Nellis, O�Ket�ie, Chairm<,t� Bu�henuth
NOi.S : None
ABSI:NT: Comr,. Llclams
i�iotiou c�►rrieci, 4-0
Chairman P,uthenuth cal?.ed a recess at 1Q;2.0 P.M, ihe meeti.ng
reconvened at 10:40 �.M.
� .
t'�i�;e 10
2. Ari�iidment tr� Use Perm:i.t 2.6-Li-E9 (O.zlcs SYioppi.:i; Center) Stoneson
Deve.loPment Coi�ror_ation.; Deleti.r<<, rctai.l aird of:.fic_e spa��, and
addi.nb a cine��ia ir.cl.�_idin� ��hree (3j auditor.�t�t.�s of 300 se<«s �ach.
Sai.d p.roperty is :in <� P(Planned Developmeil!: �.:i_th general commercial
intent) zon� and is ].ocated at tite r?orth�vest c_orner of tlie :inter-
section of. Sre.vens Crt�eic I31vd, und P�Tary r�venue, r�rst Ilc�aring.
The Planning Director ref:�.�rr�d to the �lu�;ust 24tti staff report on this
matter, The �imendment �ef��r� the P1_<�r.�T�i.ilg Comr,i�_ssion at thi, time
does not represent a great departure fruin the approved plan, He then
wenL th�ough the e�isti.ng ordinance as ;it relates to use permi_ts.
�Cha L'�puty City r�ttorney said the L�se Pt�rmit Qrdinance has been di.scussed
in dnpth �aith ttie City AtLorney. Tl�ey ;:eached the conclusion that. thc�
Planni.n� Comra�..ssion. cannot r.efuse a use on the basis that they �aould
rather see that use on the Tocsn CerLr_er prope.rty. P�ter_e1y �ha.t a
� cheatcr might be _in a bette;_ .location scrnewhere else. does itot constitute
a basis for reLusing a usc� ��ermit. T�i.s is a con:tn��rcial zoue, and
tne�iters � it ir�.to comn�erc ial zones . Cil��irman I3utt�eziuth noted tha�
nothing tiad bec.�i� said pr_ ev�_ously about a theater , thou.gh.
`I'lie Planning D i_recr_or sa-id t.his p amendm�nt involves I3ui.:Lding I:.
Com�n. 0'��efe ;-�:.fcrred t�o the July 12t1z i�.iin��tes . :ti�t�ich tit;: Planr�ing
Con�tiissi.on com���t:nrs on uses for tize TowLi Cent=r. ��F� asl.:.ed if tt:e
sta.tements by I�concmist Arnol_d do noti ci��veta:il t�i:i_s proposal.. The
Deptity City At�orney repea.ted t'tie stal'ements m4-�e above.
Cllairm�in Butlletlutl� aslced ���hat iZa��pens i.f tiiey dec_idc tli��� �•.�;.Lit to put
a gas s�ation. in there . The Deputy City �1t torne; sa._i_d :iL �:�ould h��v�
to be estai�li:>i?ed whcCher_ or not it c be aLic�cting traff.i.c, etc,,
or ir it �aoulcl be in iceeping with the Planned Development. �
The Planni�zg D.irector sai.d tne application ne�or.F� ti.e Pl.annin�; Cor;unis��ion
do�s propose a joiilt use of rtie parl_:i�i� far_ilit�_es for ttiz daytime and
the ni�t:�t inie uses . Tliey are short �ome 158 sp<lc�. �. 1'here �_s a pro--
vis:i_on iri the Grdinance to alle�a this joint use ot the par.l�i.ng spaces .
Comrn. Nellis sai_d a major use o€ the r�staurant caouLd be in the everii_z�g;.
Retail shops c��ulci al_so stay open at ni�;l She feel_s thc� :,.��:i_n use
of �he parlcin; 1or_ �,roul.ci be evenin�; oriented. She feels the 4:1 ratio
for the restaurant: parkin� i_s inac�equaLe. The PLaiining .Di.rector noted
that we hav� t: �lcen the p<�rki_n� oi 1= `rI<:�r. ��venile znd Stevens C eek B1_vd .,
and he goes by ttie Sandpi.r;c�r many t:ime�; a day ancl not:.ces � the
parkin� l.ot i.s neve� fu11. Coinm. I�?E�Il.i.s said Liiat on kr.�_d��y and
Salurday nights ii= :i_s usu��.]_ly f1.i1_7..
r1INUTI:� OI� T�I.I: AUG�i�`; 27 , 1.973 P.LGULAIZ I'LANNING CU?°I�11=SSIUN r1T�;'TI.NG PC-12�3
Yag�: 11
Comm. 0'Kr�efe sai_d tiiat �e�opl�-, goi.n�; to the. Sar.dpiper have the
use of �hc Flint �,enter parlci.u� lot . ;d�� havG ni_�lit_ school at
i)e Anza ai�u �xc.t��,�it_ ic�s at Fl:in.t Cent.er �{i�d t:}lc� Sandpi��er. I)e (�1ll
Plan� to exi.�anci i±-s l�cturr p;-oF.r,ram. To pt�.� a cineni:� the,'c, al�rlg
�aith Liza e�i.,t:in�; u:�es cou7_d generate a. lc�t of ti-affic. The
.Tacque Coi�ste��u J_ecr.ur. e real.l.y createl a tr<<i � ic prot�lem �•, ith
ove7-flow cr.o��ac3s. ?�e. felt tli:is amendmerit prc�posal �.as a maju:c
s�ai.tch Lo n�_�l activity.
Chairm�ii I asl�ed for conments fr�;n the audicnce.
�ir_. Steve Sre���art tkr)O Last St=rar�•herry Dr�v�, IMill Val�ey, said
he has heen �aork:in�; �a:i.tll tl Stoneson �Ievc�lop�rient to create
so�rethi_ng v�_able ai�d a*tract�ve hc.re. H�� 1_ severa_l
people iii th� aud-ien.ce l��ho toolc issue wiLt� a sLatea:eiit an page 3
of the AugusL 24 , 1973 st:a£i' report : "Ho�•,ever , it can bc� stated
tliat i_n conjunctian � the t�l.i.nt Auai.tor•iun?, De Anz:i College
area and the exist_:i.n�; Sa.idpipc.r Resiau�_ant i=acilit:�� t�iat a ni.gi�t
time theat=er-cultur«7_].y oricz�tc,d area i.s iorming anci the quest_i_on
of thc� m�gnit.ude of that L oi additional. focal point shoz�ld be
cons�dert�ci." ile said tll:is h�zs been the.�r t�.otigl�t: al_)_ al.ong with
The Oaks. '�:hey �c�el. they h�ve studiecl this for qua_tc soMe t�rre
and feeJ. that thc�}- kno�v �,�hat i.ngredien.ts rialce a successf��1 center.
Thi.s is not a re ;ional shopping center nor a stri.p sl�c,p�?ing
situation.. In ordE_r Lo make tiieir the�7�� c:ent�cr successful they
are prop�>^ing attr .ct:ive arc}iitecture and �enero�s landscapint .
A proper mi.x of tenants �.s another of thc t�asic ele_nen�s of a
successlul. ceriter. He said t:Iie FruneYa.rcfi ; s � goo� example ���he.rc�
restaur��ants and th�aters arc open at nig�t btit the shops are i;ot .
This is <<rh�re th:i.s dual use ol parking comes i.nto z�l,1�T. l�e sai.d
the Ray Cooper. Cempar��� has been lookin�, for 4 years in the Ct�t erLi io
area :�or a theater s�.te.
Comm. 0'Ke�fe asked ;�l;at ti1G' origzna]_ int_E�nt tiaas ior the use o1:
F3uilding E. NIr. Stet,�az:t :;:�id this wa:� sl�,ted for bc�t� retail_
shops �n� offices. TLcSr cJ�G����ved theit° ini_i�c1_�a on �hi_s bccause r-he��
�'7321t: t0 �1<3V[: �rJi_11 C�u�' f311C1 ill�;}1� �1Ct:1V1.L1(�S 'ci� t111�i t�].�'.Il1C? C2I1LC'T: �
COIlllii, n�?�E'i:f'2 lro'c'iS COIICEY'11E:C� L�1�2t i:t1E?1'c' il?l�l;i: t ?E SULlC_ C')iCY'023C�lllli_'17t
of. thi5 de�reloper's pa:lcin� ]c:t� sometiines ��a��n there is e.�tra
activi.t:y at F1i.ni. Cc:r�ter besi.de.s De Anz,: s �: ni_glzt clas�,es,
particul.arl.�r since t},�r�i-c� is� nc ��ark:in� �,�.�_o��:.<:�d al_oiicr P•1<�ry Avc�nue .
Tir, Stc.�t:�art saicl tl��. tlle�Atez- ;iights rii�e l�us;=��st o�i .�'::�id_a�=s anc.'
Saturdr�ys, He s=iid tli� Urban. L�ind Ir.:::t. i.tut.e came up ��:�i�li tL.c:
formu7_a of' 5 cars per �l��u�;c�r::I {c�t. 'Ct:e.re ;nay hc S da�>s before
Christin�as �.�Il_en you caottld izccc3 addi_tion_i]_ p<lri�;i.ng bi�i_ for the
most p��r� tl�is i.s :�uf�:iciel�t.. He atls���i�i Corun. �,:it�o tllat it �tie
theat:e�r i� approved Lhey ��ri]_� prc�ceed fortli�-.i{�tl �::� t}� tlie en.t.il-c
deve]opr:ierzt, Their• anctlor tenant is tlic tlieater, '£l�cy don't= clo
a lot� of pre--lea:�i_ng,
f'C--123 MINtJTf�S OF TFIi?, �1.liGUST 27 , 1973 RI:CUI,r1R 1'LA.'�i�?Ti�IG �'O:�LMISSIOC� i�iI;ETING
I'age 1.2
r1r. Ste:�art ar.lsurered Cc:,iml�. Q'Kec�fe tllat in sorae c_isc�s ttiey have their ,
them�� cei.i.t.er.s ne�,t Lo resi.dE�ntia:l... �(.'i,��y cc�xls:idcr th�_s a�c�sitive
ele�,naz�t :i,Z t:li::�t atJ. Ltzose people iit tl:e �zpar. t;��ciitS can ��v«:L':.e �o ttie
�_he,�t�c�r�, sl,ops �;cid r�st ��:r_�a.i�t and l.e:y•�c the car �a.t tiome,
Cumm. Nel1.:�s a:;lced ��o�•r Li�ey would feeL .i.f tliere �-r<is tlte requ�.rement
tll::�t the ei�tire project he biiilt. at or,ce, iir, Ste�ti�art cic�ferr°ed 'clii�
c�ue�;Cioti t:o the �toneson cic-�velopers,
P-ir . C�oper , 9�38 :�lark�t �i�re�t , San ]?ranci.sco , s�tid he has b�en
LntE��estec in mo��ing i_nt.o .r.l�e Cup�'rt:ino r:trea foc �he� past �+ years,
He said the problem i:: not in gettin ; a ttte<Zte�r :tor_ai..ion but rather
r yot.i are �;�� i.ng to use �=ar p:i�.r.u�-��s . It :i.s a seller's r��arke� .
`Th���re is a v�x�y :I._imi�e.ct ;;upply of pictures, 'f.hey propose a triplex
tlll?u.LE?T' 1T1 tt1E'. ��� �.P_11t:1:Y.. `I'�lE?�' U��JL� �lI1C� O��E'Y�<3L-L' 71 t�7P_�1tE'2"S lIl
�.<3�.1iU2T11�1 � t�� 1.11 t�115 �a.Y'F_'.:3 �7e1.T1� L'�lE'_ �{�C1EC1:��1 Lfl SUL1Tly'V�1C'. aIZC{
orie in Los 111.L Ttiey choose a 1oc�at=i_on as far- a�ray f_r.om San .Tose
%?S ��OS�i1L��E' 111 t:11e t10���5 Oi: �E.'1'i1G �?i?i.E� t0 �Tt?t,:. F1Y'tit i1111 �7_Crl1Y'E.'u,
`i'kie c.l.oser you E,et to San Jcse the l.ess chance yoii have of being
successful.. Ln Los [1l_tos, Pa10 A).tn ��nd Davi� tlle,y ha� th�aters
il: ar a campu�� .
Cfiai.rman Butlir�luth was cnr�cf�rned �hat tile the<iter. could iiot be readi:ty
se�n fl•om trat��i�l_e1 r.o<�ds . Hc aslced witat lc�.nd ��t mar-quee he
�.L�T1T?@Ci t�� llS�'. ClOtlil� t.r!.'. _LO�v 1T11:c?L1S1�j Il�;ltlil`� :�il i.�11.'. <if't.'.S,
1�Ir'. C;ooper saic? tliey T require a marquee or rear.er boarci. so
they �an ]_er_ p`��p1e ?cno��a a �tleater is tl�ex� and a_�so c��hat :is p]_ayi_np .
Ii� said no co��.:Le,���s an�rate on rrida; or �aturclay nigilts. The
or.l.y t=ime � t�eater is tilte.d no��ad�.}�s is Saturciay ili�ht. Comni,
0'K�eFe r�r.ii.ndeci him tilat Yae have I�1._inL Cente� across th� st
rtr.. Cooper. said Saturd=:iy is dot�ble tl��, �'rid��y �udi.ei�ce, �Ionday
througti Thu:csclay the au�liences are i:�i.n_i.m�l.,
Conuu. 0'Kee.f.e ,_zskeci �ehat guarantee <<�r have that the pi_ctiires shown
will be of t-he in�er.ziati_onal. Lype , i1r . Cooper said he has no
wr�y of guar_ante� ing tlli.:�.
Con�m. Gatto said �.ae have here a 900--:�eat cak�ac:ity. He �vas ans�aered
by �ir. . Caoper_ ti:at tliey �JOt.::td e.x� ect� an 3 to 10 � occt.ipan.cy oil SUI1C�
�hr.ougli Tha.rsday evenin� t�i.th �� dec��itt pi.ctur.e playing. The only
tnat inees they p to run woul.d b�� 5u7.1day ��n;l t,oi_ i�iay:; . 1�1r . Coo�,er
���oulci li.lce t:o pt�t in a sign lart;e enougli ai:u hi�h enouah �o be seeii.
Gcmm. Gatto asl.ce.d �a:�� r_h�it locatiozi ;ti-ss �iiosen r_a�_her th�ri Bu_ildi.ng
D or E. i�1r. Coo�E.r sai.d it �:�as �� :i�ttcr oi: �conamic.s .
I�1r. Cooper a�1s��er_ed Coz�::m. G'Keei�� tl�at u.�rmal.ly, �ae should have
evea-ybocly out of the ttle.iter before i:�icinight .
r1TT?tt'1'I�S OI' 'i'I.1?: 11UC�UST ?_7, l_)73 k�"GI?L�R i'T,ANNI.:G C0�`12"I.SSIi)N I`i��l�:TINC� YC-12.3
I'age ]_3
T�r. /1. Schtima�lier, �rit�h thc St I�e�,'e]op;ne�lt Co7
O�fC'YCij t.0 c:t11S�':ii� <i!JE.St.lO1:S. i"�E'. SBl.CI }li._S 1_C'_�3:i°_ <]�7,1"CE'.Ill('llt: Sc�'JS
t.ltat a� t.er arclii�cc.tt�r<�I_ a��y��c�ca1, �.t>:: of si;n ��erm:it �nd
USG "{?E�-i"ltllt � LIZl'V' li1U:�t' �C.iII"t C.C�IlSt I'!Ct:i.C'�ll D�7] t.i:_l_Tl ��� Ci;l` �iE; :i�.1C�
t�lE'SC' �111:1-i(l7_,lE,�i cll'.' lll'til.�i�!E'.�� li0'vd. IIE E:ilOi�7C.'.C� T:i_'il(?E'_1-7I1�S Of tllE:
pr.oposal. for_ tl ru<�:1I . The�� ;�1ra1� to Lui1d it al1 �,t. once. 'I']1<�
al-chit:ccture ;�i11 13e Lhe �;ar;�c as t:h�t o{ tlic� Sandpi�,er. Th��y �_�re
taJ..lci_n� a1.�out sc�;���, add-it.ion;:t1 b�.iil.din�;s th�it total :�bout 6G,U00
sq . ft . I'he �:r�ci}-;� �>er i.s 1 0,000 ::c� . i� t: .
1"TY. SC_:11UI:1c�Ct1C.Y" ��11SSdE'Y('d �:OiRill. ��E'7 �.7.0 t:1:.3t. tflF,�T �1rC' ��n�1Sf7_f_'CI [J1�t? �
��IC I%Z?"�t7-I.� g-�-t:1_t8.t:i.011 �1C'.iL'. 7'�lE'Z' �1<3VC <1 SllOi)� 111� C'_i:1.��C.'Y 1ilti:ti'_CI^ �
iateJ_y adjac.e:it. te S�;n Fi-�ricisco �t,.ite. Cailege ��nd other :,�choo�.:�.
�:OT11T'1. � t �E'C'f E� 5'ci1.Ci �11� i 1_<:1?Ii-L11� �.'OL+1:11S5l.OTl 17 �S c1�`�jl]"UVE?C� c1 1_L4;}lt.E?C�
at:h•:�? E:'�ic ��.el.d t� +-he east: of tliis prc}pert��. Tl.ei°F� is Fl_i.nt
� � t . ; 1, ,, , , �
�.�?i:r�?]� 11' 6'X7_:?t.r.7Z.C.i3 c1i1C� liE_'_Ic:' C�7E: ticiti C' C1I1C7�13 7L1�.C.. '��..i ll CT'E ca.i_E'
(]I"OI��.F'.1::5 <z�" Il.l��ili-.. ZT'i LC:17:15 nL t}lE." L�C'._j.i<�lE? Of t:1C'_ ]7�1&'�11�01�`iCn`j �
r 1.�,' tll]_S j)i"C?r)OS�1. ��TGlll_r� iiE'_ Cj�tY J..^.i�'.I]t:3.�_ t.0 t�'it�'_ I7G1 n,�12)JY}lU;1C1
� 1(: � �' E'. �
and ior thi.s Yeaso:� 11e �aou_l.d 1;e t�pno�>ed to it .
P1r. �cl�uma��he.�i� ��<i�tci 1-}ley l�a��� not l.ad a.r�-y problcr-�: . Coznm. 0'T:eefe;
said he _��• f�,-�a1_i_<�r G�ith �,<�n 1�r�r�clsc� St •att arca a��d it is
_ • � �•
E.'1Zt1ff:�.l.y C�.lflt?Y"Ell�: fiUltl tli.l;> �IiC�c1. TIIt:.'�_E l�t ��i11�.L-fC' t.I'u7:>1� �:%ii]_�:1
7:� 11SE'.(.� Li:t:f'L �� � V ill �.ilc3t: c 2"C'c`l . �L�1:' C''P_cl.Y��CtL1' .^� f� t=17f? 11E'.l_r tl1�UY:
hooci i�: entir-e�_y dirfc�rerit�.
�11" . sC�llll?1�CI1E:I S:'�l.C� t;�1E"I Sr�O1:G ��71 t�l i"TY . r��TE?1 )' ��i?7�iI'i:[I14?IIL COl�?1?�_E�F'.
I'.��t C10C!Y'� O� i�ilt']_i' ��_�3ilS 311ti ii�'_ S�O'.= 1liC'. �L1�1}) C'S>St(ill 1�1'" . Al`C'_2 j' ?'c1S
q,_�:i tC: er�± .
� �
Com;n. 0 Keete s<�i.d tll�at, if +_n�=. theat�cl is directec7. to��a�i�d evr.r_�_ng
patrons then tY��� c,tl,er. bti-;i.�1:�<>scs hc.�rc� �;�i.1J_ tr}� i.v ��a�np1_er.n�nt
t�1C'. i-�7l���t:E�1: 3i.�1 Z+7�..�_�_ 11�VC' ,�'.�)I?i�' Cii t_'T{E'i;t: (�':i �ii�. �
Tlt_'11��?i)O:"}:lOOC7. t'21" , SC�.Lllilcl("`il�'_�� ��i�1Cl OI'ily' iC£? C.J"E�3t;i }l�ll�'��018 cll(� ���1�.'_ �
lil:e �ail_ l. he c��- in tl;e• c���c,., i_nu.
�'.t1c:1.C1:1�1Ix T)iltll.''.:I:�l�l �J�3S i�T�S�'i?.1:C'_l� f.�1�_lt' t.�"IC i'E?�3Ct��'.Y t)�)"CiCi ]_S �)12.111ii'.1�.
{ t;l!C �)�iTi:lili� ;Llll` 'ci_1.C>;:1�� ,�it-E'_V�71S � i:E'_C�: �7�.'e � . ��%1� ��1;17`T1i1:f�
Ji7.Y�(::C�:Oi S�=_(�. tt.'�:?"(? ��YE'. S';:It?. CP1" jT SC�.%<:i'i?. �_iU1 L. L��::S ct> CO
' �' t1�.Cl t:G <7�1C. �;I�IU�l(1 SL�ll J.I1C�.L'.C�7.I';;
��rC?i��7Ct 5=1�',I.S n �.�'i1;_' !,E'L1t�E'7" .t,_, CC1l. i
1"11��. ,�'<i'i1Cj��) 1 �)C�Y . � IlE' i .:.LCj} � ' ';:� �l'_l�i OilE' �.= C1111"�.Ci S ;.iiSl ).1.OT.`.T �1ll(� ��] ::';'�. �
�J:1_��. �JE' ;CiUCi1 �I1:�:lit3.F;10Ti c��t'- LI'tL' i�ll"Ctlll"CC'LLlY«�. �171 i`.�1�.C'. f1.;���Y_Ot:i� �
�.O.l�P,1:l.tYE:C i(10E'_�.:1.P.� Gd;1Cr'il i�� �.., COP.IBS lll� <a�;�::l.:l. �
�:�1�'.I";il�ill �lit.tl�I1Ul'1"1 'dS��c_'C1 i (i7' CCI�'u'll('.l?t-.S �J'i)P1 111(_' <il1C]'1.,'_'IICP_. Z'j7C'YC'.-
L+ l" C' il O ri P_ >
� �
}�<;--]_23 1�IINUTLS UI� Tii�. �1U(�l1Sl' 27, L97"� l�l'GU?,nR 1'I:.�iNidlh:� Cl)�[i�tI;;SION MI:I;'('1NG
i'<<�;e ].4
ilovecl hy Conun. Ne'.li_s., �econdE�u hy Conun, (J�_�tto to cl��sc� t11� Pu';:Li_c
Iic�ariTig .
�;c;tion carr.ie<l, 4-0
� ,".�tovecl t�y Co�7im. ���:c.�.i':e, ser.oncac.�l �y Conn�l. tiellis t�� c'eny t}.;e
<;:7��.1. I.C1].t.1.�JC1 1:.0 c.]!li'I1C� Zt.)^jJ- �ji� � 011 ti1F_' i)2_`.-11S Oi: l:ll:'. 111tf='L75]_L� (_l�� LISH
bzsed �n. pasL de.�c: i�, ions. Ii: �•rc�ulci rot i;c� :i.n �.hc� ',���st-. interc.:;t o.f_
r_hc� area.
Cortn. ?ve:Llis sai_ci that b��si.c`�:11y, the pl.an rernrt��.�s Llie sa:t_e. It
�3tZ7�c31S LO �C'. CIIct WP �lY'E.' i_0;:1�::L1�� �1� �.�1<2 OtiE'_T"1i7. U.;t��;ICt OIl t lE'
na�-�,l��l;o���hc�cl uE-c�a_,� �e o1= i_he cl�.iyt:�i_nl� �:nct nii ht.t _r�e t�se. Comm. 0'1Ce�fe
SaiCl lI1�E�1"1Slt�i Ci.{: S USE3 ?RllSI`. �3E� COT�.S1_iii::?"t�Cl l.11 <li� ��.Yc�i jJt1E:T'C'. C'[i.E'
1-:'t:F'±l:i I ty C�Oc.;> �lOt. COilf 1.1C'.L" S1 l_t:�1 tllr.? i.lE'_-L:�11��U'L�lOOC� , T`�lE'Il 1T<`,L? 5�.� Y't
�0111}> ii1L.0 t}1C TlJ,&il� t10UY'S �j'�'�1 CUP.1}ali?C i.�1E'_ 1P.1�)c?CL O.� t�l!? i ll�.11: �.c:�1�:E?.2'
ciC1Ci �:lli_' 111�11� _�]1jCiLL11,� O1 ��lt� :3.( 11�.E'.Ll_C 1_ LE''l.�l .317C"1 CJE? "c'iY�G t�(�1_1:�� t:0 ��E.'t
� �n. tuld�te i.vc,lint c�t: tr<tt f ie . �'iie Tc?�:�n C�nt a.p�,c��rie.li is ci i. � fr:r2nt
U��c��.us�� it ic a.,:�y £rom ��e�,LCl`c�t.ixl_ a�_,�s. Ilei� .:e nave I.i�;hted
th� athletic Ei.;>1d anc: �a:�.l_7. pr.ot�ai�:Ly h_ive louclspr�al:F�r-s. I?�-ic�a�;
iiI1C� �>��1�l1r��1�' il:Li' �lYt? SOi[lt' O� ��1� 177.�:11:;i `v"�1t'Cl I�tlrlt' ��P_71t:-C� i+/il
SC_11E:C111.�_E?. cLCt"1'J1t:iE2S.
��O:11Iii. ��:���..�_L:i ��11�1 S�ii-E3 D'.�.-_�.1.c:.1 tti(-: i�i.i 1.,� 1I0�� lJI��.LT:r� Ci1:i1i: .� :lLt� .
L]Ci�: 111CL"t�`c1Sl"ili� i.�lC3 CO�'1.IT1E�lCl�l�_ �_1i8 i�l_ll= c'iY'E' C�131:S�1C1�� 1� �:y Sii� 7.Lt1.T1�T
t:�l� Lt6E' OV('r' i�:i:�I"E: �;Oli"C:i Oil i]Y_'i)r�?Z t:�� 11t.2it: t'.O L'll �il;;/Zy �J . 1.L i7�13 r�QO(1
�1CLC'S::i .
LO.l1iT1, ���°i:f E.' 13�:E'Ci ti0i':lP,l. �;i?l.l_1S �lOC•J (114?Tly t�1`2�.rE?:C S S�lf? i:E.'� �: �..111
couid silppo�-T. .:;he sai_d si��:� ��id not havc� ttti� :i_riic�rma�:i.on, �,u� .��i��
ie7.t t�lat �Ir. Ccoper Ic:�o��� llis busin��s5.
AYi,S . C�,am. 0'i�.eel e
� I�iOI:S : Co��.ni. �a��to , i•�ell_�_s , Chairman �3uthen�rth
t,Pi�ii.�v�l' : CORl[il. f�'l;T�i1S
i�foLion {ailyd, 1-3
Af:te1- furLhf�r d:i_scussion, :i_c �aa:z movE��i by Cor;lm. ��'c�:L1.i.,,, secon�led by
�c�r�r�l. C;.�tt.o that: the. m�clif::icai.ioi:x t::� <.�,�pt_ic<�ti.c7n 7.6-U-�9 be a_;proved
a].;»i�; wir_h L1i� i�r-evious cend�wt:ions o:E pr_evio��.sLy a�proved .:�p�,l:icati_ons
anci t:h� Cul_:i.o�.ain�; ad:ieci coud.i.tic�ris:
1. . :ihe r_ c.nai.�� i_n� de��teloi�n,E�nt. r� f'3li�i_ I u �n«�., 13 #�'.trour Ii F sh�t11. talce
;,1ace s.ir;�ul_t<<n`o�zsly i�,.itt1 the thF�._�1�er.
r1IM71'I?S 01' ".CIt� A�LiGI1Si 77, ].973 lt�',GiJi.tl2t PL��ad;.�17:.�C� CC)?��trSISSTON ITEr:2II�G p(;—�23
Page 15
2. 1'11os�� z'�.ma:ining .,h.c�p;: r.t�ic1� a.x� n.c,t occtzpi�cl s�}�all be proper] y ixociif icat.:'ton
enc.lo: e1 � tc� 26—U-6;
AY1.S : Ccrnn. Crattt�, �v�l�. i.s 5 Cl:�� i.xmz,�z T�SUth�nuth
Ivi)Y�So Ccuun. 0'�:e.:_+fc:
AI3 �t:tiT: Coirnn. Ac��+tn;>
Tlotio_�, caa.�rier�, 3--1
MINU�FS UI:D��:R TO ��—C�t�s1J:RUT� COP�Z�ii:��'�l:I��.a
1��oved ��v Cc;�rml. T��l.l.i�, s�ci�nded ��,� �o.Y�rn< (;ai.Co, t�o i:at:iLy �.he -
Cor„n�.iL�c:� c�i the Ylan.n�_r?�_=, Cc:m�<<i.?,:..:i.on's conr_E�r_n <���out ui�ns �o�- S:igi-�s
�hc tl�ie.attar, rlZCat thr:�_�� �;3��o1i1;� �b�. c.Uir�p�til�lc. �-aitlz 2;ij��c:t.r�� builct�-
in�s aiZd t��i.th t��e cc�l]_eg�.
ri�ticn carr.i_ec� �,--U
MIrTLT�: UI:I`i}�:i::
T;O�J�:C� �Z' �.'lJi[?i.il. � ..�iC�CU1i(jf:.C� ��' CC)T!ISD.. t:cit.j:U t.:�"1cii.: ��:1.'!'..E: 5t:3..l�.r r,;1. «-
,� �_, e s�..�.i 11 s
sl�a�.l h�� p�'ovid�cl a t �>�c.l�:. bui � d:ir��; ��rad �ii��t: :.o, �c nif ���. i-�. of. p� t1�t; £ti p�i:11s
';�18.�.1 i�k'. ��E p�I"a.t'.C? fl, t1"1E'. Y'C2�c:�_ '.i`F�� ��' t�'tf'_ Ct3T"S, `
_ �
AY.i�S� Comm, Garta, Tv"�11.:i.;>, 0'?L�.efe, C.:hairrian Butl,.i:r,,.zth
I�IOI:S : Iv'c�ne
nP_,;��:N'J': Cc�ri,?n. Ad�3r.�s
' U
��o�.�_c�ri carr. iec� , �s°
3. App1 icat_i �i: 9� 1-73 0{ ?'l1 1, ''7' '':i�'-'T:C1::
�Ul�.� AI�ll .T:�ivh J . DF�:��:i�`,_ L�
� Yrezaz�i.n�; .287 ac�E�s fi:oi;� S�.t�.�.a t"1.aza Goti,i�y �1.--�iCi
���C::::1.C�E'.ill.l.d� � ;�ill��.E:"�cT'i."..i�', .lG�'.�liCl �'�� `� pc�r C.iD't'.,�_i131�-''
un�ii:) �,c�ne t.�� C.i.t t�f Cti17�.���t;:ir�r� I�].-].G' �i'•_t����_�1e.i�t�:_:�±:1_,
57.iiS;1:f'� � ��.!)� (}Iltj �;i� , i: i: . ��@7' CiE�<r: �..!.J.]"1�; �11"l:i l'� LOIlt'. O)�
C�1i1Fit:F:VE'I" 7C?.lt'_ Til�,V' t�l: (���iTlE:�� F}1)t�YO�]"-1�11:1 ���' r�}1F: �'.�_EiI1:l:L?1€;
Co�nr«ss=i�m� 5ai_c� pi:op+��'t.y :i�_, J_�cu+_:cci �:cl�jace.nt � o and
1201"l.:lt: ti�.�� Oi �c:tilt..<1 7'r3il.Li:� !`.`:'C:?.li:E� c'1�Jt�'."C.):��1'.:? <<I ' j:E:E'.'L
E'.Fa.,;�:PY'�.�' t�� L'iiC' 1i�.l:ti'..;"�.-'��:C'l:�CT7 O� 7'CQt:�;. 1j�V!1. 1?Il�',� �'>:,1:��.`:i.
P�zi�:l_a Avenue. I'�i.r.�>t l�c.a�-�n�;.
"1'hE: Plani�:i_���g l):_r.cct:c,r r:�ferS'e::1. t�o tlze :.t:,�f.f_ r'::poa°t �,�� tl�:.s
ma �ter. .
Ci�a �r.��_�a;� I;1�t:he.nut:l� �tskec� far r.or��r���:iit� f.r.am i:�:� aiid_;.ei�c�.. "l�tere
��er� nont; .
Page 16
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by C�mma U'Keere to close the Public
�iotion carti-i�:d , 4-0 `
�-'L-73 i�ioved by Comm, Gatto , seconded t�;� Gomm . 0`Kee.Ce to recommend
ap�rcved approval of applicat i_�a.i 9-'L-73.
AYES: Comnt. Gatto, :�Iellis, 0'I�eefe, Chairman But}:ienuth
NOES: None °'
1�13 SLNT : Conim . Au ams .
Niotion ca.rried, 4-0
4. Applicatio,z 13 7'�S-%3 oi kUPE�'.T A, HUCH & iJT'I L. CHI;T1; Teiitat%ve
Map to ldjust a com�o�l pruperty line bet�aeen Lots 14 & 15 of Tract
3354. S�ti_d property is i�t a Rl-•10 (i?�sidentiaJ., s�ngle-iamily,
10,000 sq. ft. ger dwel.ling unit) zone �nd is located a� the
uresterly terminus of Regnar.t Court. First Heari.ng.
The Flazitiing Direci:or referred to the staff report on ttiis matter,
Chairman Buthenuth asked for comments from the audience. There were �
i�ioved by Camm. 0'Keefe, seconded by Cor� Nr�llis to cl_ose the Publ:ic
Motion carried, 4-0 �
1'3-TLf-%3 �ioved by Comm. 0'I�eefe, seconded by Comrn, Uatto, to approve
approved application 13-TM-73 witli the 14 standard conditions.
AYF.S ; Conun .�at to ,, T1e1_1 is , 0 t �eef e, Chairman Buthenuth
NOES: None
ABSFi�1T : Comm , Adams
i�lotion carr:ied, 4-0
� ?�IINUTI;� OI�� 7'IIP: l�UGUST 2.7,� 1973 P.L:GULAI: 1='1,AivNING CCiti�1ISSTOf�' MLLTII�G PC-].23
Pa�;e 17
5, �n��.ldm�l�t Lo Plannecl lle 7.,onin� Ordi nances 255 & 'L56 70--7.-63 &
(ApplicGitj.t�tY� ?.0-7-63 and 1.1�-Z-63) : �'ALLCO I'�>A.IC, LTD. , 21--I-63
req�ies� to �imend tiic inost eurrc�jztl.y approvccl la�.ld use maps to ariendment� talcer
. change t:t��. des:i�nar_i_��n of tT•;ei�t:}'-threc�. acr_es locaLed - i.n the of_f calendai� �
soutl�e�;�t quadrant ��f: �_:zter �L��tc� i:oute 230 aad i•Iolfe R�ad
from Li.gYli_ 1=ndtistri�al to Conmer.�.i_al and P�:ofess�onaJ_ Office
tTse, and tlie. desi.gnati_or� of Tzi�:e arres of Conunercial arld eleve
acres of Pr-oiessionaJ_ OLfice aud related Ligtit Industr. i.al us�s
loc.ated within tlie scut:lieast qu��d�.ant of 7:nter_state ?_�30 and
Pt-ur�eridge l:venue to � cor.lb�ned t�.aenty acre Comm�i-cial_/P1-o-
f essionaJ_ Of i-ice/I,ii;ht T_ndustrial use . First �Ieari.ng ccnti.nue ?. '
6. Appl.ication ]_9 of T�IARFDEL OF CALIFOi�NIA, I�`'C. , for Use 19-U-72 take�i
Permi.t to construcL a market, drug st:ore and other. re.tail o. f calendar.
st�ops �,�i_thin a P(Planned i�eve]_opment �aith conunerci.al i.�:tent)
zone. Said. prcperty a.s ].ocated in the north;�lest quacirant of
the intersection of Stelling P�oad and Stevens Creek Blvd.
First He�.rin.g conti_nued.
TAI�Li�t 0?� I? C.^.LENDAR
7. �1pp1_i.caL:i_on 21-U•-72 of PAUL AtvD3ZEW MART_�NT_, JP.. , ior Use 21-LT-72 taken
Permi� to a11_o�a construction of a sY�oppiti�, c�:zt_�r an.ci acce_s- off calendar
soip aut.o servicinR facility tor.. ali.n� approximai:ely one mil]_i �
two hundred thous�.nd sq. ft. of buiJ_ding are� on ap�ro::ir.iately
b7 acrc,s . Said r�roperty is locatr�] it� a F (Planned Deve�_op-
ment �t�irl� Conunerci.al lntent�) zo:�e. itl the southe�st ru_�dr�nt
af the intersection of Saratoga-�urt?iyvale P,oad and 1T.�ter�t�ate
Higt��aay 2�0. �irst �tearing.
8. Extension of appl.i.cation 23--T;�1----71_ of I:arl Grego.ry-
1'��e Pl�nning I�irectar rE�ferred to i.he �ta.ff re��o� on tr�i.s
Chairmar. �u�hentit aL>st�.iiled ir.o;n t:tiis discussion.
P.:ik;i: I.8
Comm. Gatto asked �,�tiat tlie rea.soii c,tas for the second cxtension of the
f il ing deadl ine f or the f i_na l map here_ .
Mr . Vito ?�faurantonio , 1.0291 �3onny )]rive, Cunez tino , said they
receiv�d permi.ssion 9 rlonths aiter it was reqt.iested, iv�w theq need
the one year extetisi.on to do *hc necess�. �:rork,
1-yr. e:ct:ensioa Moved by Comm. Gati:o, seconded ta;� Con�ni. U'Kee�e to extend 7_3-TM-73 for
for 23-T�1-73 a period of cne year.
AYES: Comm. Gatto, Vellis, O��eefe �
NOI�S : \'one
ABSENT : Co;Yun. Adams
ABSTAI�;ED : Chairmar� Buthenuth
riotion carried, 3-0--1
9. EL,vironmental R�vi_ew Gommitt�e -� Recoin�nendatio�l fot• Ivega�_i_ve Uecla
t'1. ��pplication No. 18--EA-73
tl�plicant George G. Ueason
Tocation Santa Paula Avenue, north of the ter�inus
of San Leandro Avenue
Presei�t 7oning R1--1_0 (P.es:i.dential, singl_c�-f��mily, 10,000
� sq. f t. per d�,�ellin? uLzit) County 7_.cn:ing.
1 lliscretionary
Action Requested Reroning froni County Rl•-]_0 to
City oL Cupertino R1-7.5
The Flanning Director said tl:is is a single-family 1ot that i.s going
to be i.n. in a change of - r.one. T�iis is ttie pr.ocedure sa they
can have c,r�.ter .
1.8-F.A-73 Moved by Conun. Nell.:is, seconded by Comm. Gatto to fil� a ne�ative
^:E�.g. llecl. dec:Laration for application 18-I?�'�--73.
AYFS: Comm. Gati:o, Nellis, 0'Kcefe, Chairman Btztl�enuth
r�o�.s : ?�T���z�
A13S1?NT : Comm. t1<lams �
ilot ion carried. , �E--U
' i�flivU'1'I'.S OJ.� 7'la� t1i1GU�,' :'.7 ,].973 fil�Gl)1,:�}Z I'L,1:VIv�:P�:G Cl);�I:�SISSIO�i '.Ii:E'l I�1G' 1'C-]_23
� �'a�;e 1 `-J
RI:.L'U�:T Oi� '1'Hl; PT,.A�?:�1=\G C:0'_�;:�lISSl0i1
Cc�;l;:,t. i�elli:� sai.d k:lie :l.i_l.1_side St�b�o:�miCCe-e riav perfor.m a cost
ber�eri.t sGudy. There �:��:�s somc� discl�ssiotl of c�st distribution.
Cocn�:i. Ne]_].is st_id anotner iter,l brou�;hL un at tl:e I�il.lsi<le Sub-
coi�i,nittee mc-_eCint; was that lands p;-e<;eritJ_y zoned ��f;ricult:ural
rem�lin so. `1'l�is �oas tab:l ed for. furttiei- stucly.
Cc�rim. 0'KeefE� ssid it ���a, brough� out at t:he A;.rport T,and t!se
meet.ing that tiil �.��_mbers of this Cornmittee shoul:l he electe.d
officials. San Jose want:s a wei�;htc�<i vote in all matters.
Co:�un. 0'Ke�fe �.s1.ed the stafF c•ihat safety pro���i.sions are rnade as
to the iran gri.i.l�York w:i.thi_n the bi.ke .lan�s, <,nci other h,szardous
conditions i.i� the bike lanes. T_he �ssistant City En�i_neer said
w� preseni�_y have only t���o irori gri.l).s that a 10-speed bikc� coul.d
di'op into ; n��n�.: of the ot=liers run p��.ral.lel t•iith the curb . F.e said
ttle staff �.7ill do �� st.�rvey on bi.ke lane possi.,�le ti�zards.
COP.lIII 0'Kee£e suogested this survey migllt be inter_ jurisdictional.
Moved by Com;n . GaLto , seconded by CCl(11?Il 0`Keef e to adj ourn this '
meeting to TIiursday, August 30, 1973. Tlie m.eeti.ng adjori�-ned
at 12:30 A.��1.
Motion carried, 4-0
AI'Pt:Q'rl:i� :
� /s/ J ohn �-T. l �utl� ��
Ci:airmari �
/s/ Wrn. E._ 1:�yci.er
Cit}� Clerk