10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California Page 1
Telephone; 252-4505
The meeCing was called to order by Chairman Buthenuth at 7:32 P.M.
with the Salute to the FZag.
Comm. present: Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chair�-nan Buthenuth
- Comm. absent: Adams �
Staff present: City Attorney Adams
Associate Planner Co�aan
1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider 1973
Comprehensive Ge:�eral Plan.
(ai Semi-developed residential areas.
• The discussion started with Area A- Old Monta Vista (which is
the ar�a delineated by Old Monta Vista Geaeral Plan Rev. 3/31/69).
The Planning Commission felt that the southwest corner of Bubb
Road and Stevens Creek Blvd. should be changed from industrial to
office use.
Area 6(Infilling Valley Floor Areas), Or ange and McClellan, the
� Associate Planner said the Planning Commission has r.zade a decision
on this. There are some commercial uses in that area. There is
the possibility of MPasurex wishing te expand within a year or
•two onto the property �ahere there are presently greenhouses.
He said some of the properties in the Old Monta Vista area are
contemplating developing in the very near future in the Phar Lap
Drive area. � -
���e 2
Mr s. Ann Anger , Imper ial Aver.ue , Monta V ist a, said she �,rould 1 ike to
see t�1P residential zoning squared off on the ma� and i.nclude the
entire area there by :ic�l�llan. She said �he cannor, envision duplexes
right on Stevens Creek Blvd. She believes that property fronting on
Stevens Creelc Blvc�. as commercial or pro.f_essi_onal offices in that area
by "Tne Staircase". Sne said we should have R2 alonj Imperial Avenue.
The Associate Planner said most of the caidening of Stevens Creek
Blvd. in that area will take pJ_ace along the soath side of the street.
The Associate Planner ansc.�ered Comm. Nellis ttiat the triangle piece ,.
bounded by Peninsula Avenue, University Way and Stevens Creek'Blvd. is
basically single family with some duplexes. There are some new and some •
older structures in that area. The predominent characteristic there i�
the row of houses converted �_nto duplexes. There are some 25' and some
SO` wide lots. Mrs. Anger said she knocas of only one 25' �vide lot with
an individual owner. There are other 25' lots, but ure under the same
ownership as adjoining lots. The first duplex was built in 1956. Before
that, they were just little summer homzs belonging to San Francisco
people. In 1947 the County zoned the entire area except For the
commercial, into duplex zoning.
Mrs. Anger said that includi.ng Lowe Avenue, we had 42 duplexes there,
but we lost 8 or 10 when we lost Lowe Avenue.
Comm. Nellis was answered that there are very few undeveloped lots up
there and most already have wa�er serv ice; therefore, they could go
ahead and build under County jurisdiction.
The Associate Planner said there have. been discussions about city
service zones, �ahich indicates the County is no longer going to be
interested in urban redevelopment in lot sizes less than 2.5 acres.
The Associate Planner said Monta VisCa attempted to incorporate two
years ago. LAFCO took the position at thnt time that Cupertino sho�ild
annex Monka Vista. LAFCO is against the proliferation of cities.
He suggested this could be designated as a flexible density area.
Comm. Nellis said one problem she is having is cti�est of Imperial Avenue,
where we seem to have so�e small industrial lots. Since the southwest
corner of Bubb and Stevens Creek Blvd. have been designated for
professional office use, she �aondered if this could also apply to �
these J_ots west of Zmpe.rial Avenue. She is looking for consistency.
Comm. 0'Keefe felt we �hould look to rionta Vista as an area that will
be a part of Cupertino.
Page 3
The Associate Planner said the raest side of Imperial Avenue is
pretty much dev�loped. There is a series of rather new industrial
buildii�gs there. There are no large users with the exception of
th� cannery. He said 60 to 70 % of that area is in industrial use.
Comm. Gatto asked why the Rifredi rfarxet and the service station
were ptit into industrial rather than co:mercial zoning. Chairman
Buthenuth said the Ri£redi Family owns the rockery behind the
market, which is industrial. use.
Comm. 0'Keefe said it is difficult for the Planning Commission to
override what is existing in this m�ture of uses. He would like
audience input on this area.
Comm. Ne11is said it was h�r understanding that the General Plan
would show pretty much the existing zoning there.
~ Cha.irr�an Buthenuth feZt that 7.5 or 7.6 might be a better desig-
nation for the Alhambra-Peninsula-Unirersity area than just duplex.
The Associa�Ce Planner said there are some 5n00 sq. ft. lots in
that area and he wondered if these should be recognized rather
than �ust duplex for the enti.re area. Comm. 0'Keefe said the unique
ness and integrity of the Monta Vista area requires audience input
Mrs. Anger said the roads here are on1S 40` wide and she wnuld not
encourage higher density. They have parking on one side only.
She said when you put renters in �here, they all have 2 cars.
Mrs. Anger said she was very sorry to see that rockery go in on
Stevens Creek Blvd. several years bacn. She said Tir. Rintala, in
the audience, was the first terian� there, and she said perhaps the
Planning Commission could hear from hi�. She said she would like
to see office buildings rather than industrial on some of these
small l.o�s because otherwise we will just run into a lot of social
problems. Sh? would like to see the s�aller plumbers, etc., go
., onto Dr. Brown's PD, if he is successrul in follotaing through with
it there on Higi�caay 9. ��
'The point was brought up what we shoulZ do when a vacant, 5000 sq.
ft. lot is surrounded by developed property.
Mr. John Rintala, 10101 Scenic Blvd., `•:onta Vista said that
everything in that area i_s substandard in terms of building code
today. It is a�,�ery uni�ue area with �� that �,�ill be im-
possible to develop. The streets and structures are substanciard.
He said tae could upgrade.the zaning to create an incentive fQr
private industry to come in and buy up the property. He said tl��is
is a beautiful area and �verybody wants to live out there.
Fage 4
Mr. , Riiita]_a �aid that years ago they di3 in Tlonta Vista � , I�1LLt the�� are
C�OI.:l� 1?1 t.:�1P_ Sierr Ilni�'� Sf'��_1_?l� ?"E'C?"2�?t'!?P. �_Ot�. T�lE�' rY'F31?1 llSeC� �O
� stap at Rifrecli's 1Ka?-�c1r area. There are s�ill. a number of San Francisco
r,�sidents who still own :�io�ta ili�ta lo1.s tr��t they purcha.sed in the
early 1900's, long before the Real .i,state Conun:.ssion. �aas establisYied ,
The dilema we are facing tc�day is the question of whether. this is the
country or t��e city. If_ it is zoned 4 units per a�re it will be kept
essentially the same, c�ith perhaps seme remc,deling requ�sts.
Comm. 0`Keefe said rehabilitation asually occurs when you use the a•
resources in the area.
P1r. Kintala said resi_dential actually se11s for more per square fo�t
than industrial. Improved 7500 sq. ft. lots rtin abcut $15,000 and
that is $2 per square foot} He sai.d there are many reti_red peonle
livi.ng in that area who don't need �r want large, neca h�omes. �fie does
not think we need commercial zoning almc�st down to Alha�bra Avenue.
:irs, Anger said she knows we have a problem in Monta Vista and for
many years she has been trying to correct it �aith very l�ttle con--
structive help. She said there is nothing but. junk cars and trucks
on the vacant lots. You see som� beautiful homes; and then next door
you have absentee rentals. She said ycu get hippies i_n there and then
the crime raCe is very high --- mostly dope. She ���ould Iike to see Old
Monta Vista as.resident:ial. She does not know haw to clean u� the
mess. She would like to see single Family north of McCiellan and,
as it gets close to Stevens Creek Blvd., it could go to duplexes ox
apartments . Bet�aeen :?ighway 85 and F,yrne it should be kept commerci.al
-- perhaps an "Old Town".. •
Comm. Gatto said Monra Vista is an existing community. If we h3ve the
potential of 50` frontage on most of the lots we could go single fa.mily
Mrs. Anger said Los Gatios is a beautiful city and some of the streets
. there are narrow. They make the best of what they have. The most
important thing is to have people who taice pride in their comm.unity.
The AssociaCe Planner said the ma:in thrust of the County plans for
this area is to encourage residential use. There are �vays to strengthen
the area other than "up-zoning".
Mr. Rintala does not see that mucl; carong with a 25' lot if it is handled
property. He said he grew up in a 3--story home in San Francisco on a
25' wide lot and he thought it was great.
Page 5
Juanita McLaren, 22101 Lindy Lat�e, noted that there were landowners
of several lots in that area in the audience. She asked f irst if
Mrs. Stella Kester's properties could be discussed. She has four
lots on Imperial and 200 x 200 on Almaden that is circled for a
park. Mrs. Kester said she also has a small lot on Orange and
Olive that she might deed to the City when the street is widened.
She said somebody contacted her again today and wants to purchase
all �:er lots on Imperial. She said she also has a little com-
mercial lot on Pasadena.
Comm. Gatto sa3d that at one time, where the furniture store is,
there used to be a market. It would seem that area could stand
and could use a market facility and he wondered why nothing
happens. Mrs. Anger said the old Monta Vista people are loyal to
the Rifredi's. Another reason nothing hapgens there is that for
years now they have heard that Stevens Creek Blvd. is going to be
The Associate Planner �aid the size of the center at Foothill and
Stevens Creek Blvd. will have impact on downtown Monta Vista.
Mr. Rintala said the western end is sorely iacking in neighborhood
. markets. Part of the failure of that center was the dangerous left
turn at the hill.
Comm. Gatto said that if the rockery is converted into a shopping
center, he wondered how it would compare as a neighborhood service
� center for neighborhood shopping. Mr. Rintala said there is
limited frontage onto Stevens Creek Blvd. He said you don't have
any good major intersect3:ons there. The acreage consideration is
really very sma11. You would have to have one or two anchor
tenants and support in order to survive in today's market. He
suggested rezoning a large enough piece of real estate to put in
a neighborhood shopping center. •
Comm. Gatto said he would like to hear from the Monta Vista resi-
,; dents in the audience as to whether they would like to have a
neighborhood shopping center in downtown Monta Vista or whether they
would.rather go east or west to shop.
Mr. Tom Traemer, Valley Green, feels we are getting the cart before
the horse here. The width of Stevens Creek Blvd. will probably
determine what will go along Stevens Creek Blvd. Co�un. Gatto said
he thinks the land use pre-empts the road pattern.
Mrs. McLaren said the petition presented the other night should be
recognized. She feels there has been the feeling there should be
some reserve there for commercial needs.
Page 6 •
Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. 0'Keefe to acce�t in essence
the plan for Old Manta Vista Area; to have the densities changed Co
gross acres for consistency; and to propose all those areas with
multiples to be designated 4 to 7.6 units per acr�, reserving the right
to discuss neigliborhood commercial in the urban service area. Those
areas designatedl6 units per acre shall be designated 4 to 12 units
per acre.
AYES: Comm. Gatto, Nellis, a'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth
NOES: None
. �
ABSENT: Comm. Adams
ylotion carried, 4-0
Maps of Areas B through G were placed on the bulletin board and
recess was called at 9:20 P.M. to allow the audience to come forward.
and study the maps more closely. The meeting reconvened at 9:38 P.M.
Colored slides and a transparency of the area were shown. The lots in
Area B- Old Cupertino Road/Crescent Drive, are predominently 10,000
sq, ft. Access is one problem here, j�en Stevens Creek Blvd. is '
widened there is the possibilit5� of tying in access near Palo Vista.
Comm. Gatto asked about the sewer situation up there. The Associate
Planner said there is no sewer on Hillcrest. There is a line thr�ugh
Salem. Tiiere may be a line along the east side af Crescent Drive.
Chairman Buthenuth asked for comments from the audience.
Mr. Louis Stocklmeir said this area of Monta Vista predates San Jose
and Cupertino Crossroads. As to the widening of Stevens Creek Blvd.,
he asked �f the Planning Commissioners have received a copy of his
proposal for the plan line. The Chair:�an said it has �een received.
Mr. Sto�klmeir said he has 4 cr 5}�arcels in that area. On the north
� s'_de of Stevens Creek Blvd., he ocans one piece of com.�nercial property
about 9300 s�. ft., which he feels would be best suited for offices
on second flear and paricing ur.derneath. He also owns 4 parcels north
of Stevens Creek Blvd. and east of Cupertino Road. This is zoned
It was Comm. Neliis' concern that those lots couid be wiped out with the
widening of Stevens Creek Blvd. P1r. Stocklmeir said this could happen,
but it would not affect his lots in the creek ar.d frcnting on Orchard
Place. He said t:�e decibel rating is so high near his commercial
�reperty that it makes it undesirable far residential. The fact that it
is on two streets makes it feasible for pr�fessional office.
Page 7
The Associate Planner said Engineering is looking at the traffic
circulatinn of this area. One serious consideration right now is
the closing off of Cupertino Road. If this happens, the street
property would revert back to the property owner.
Mrs. Briscoe said this whole area along the creek is the most
beautiful in Monta Vista. She would like to retain the country
atmosphere here.
Joy Caroles, Crescent Road, said 'ner half acre is completely
enclosed with a white £ence. She has ponies in the corral, but
no horses in her front yard.
M:. Don Mumm, 10171 Amelia Court, said it seems the present zoning
should remain in kee.ping with the Oak Dell area. Comnercial z�nin
here would not help the area. He believes it would be better to
keep 10,000 sq, ft. lots, but 7500 sq. ft. would be acceptable.
Mr. Henry Esterly, 22321 Cupertino Road, said he moved to this
area because it was quiet and rural. If it were not for the sewer
they would have to have 1/4 acre lots. He would like to see some
upgrading of the area.
Mrs. Dorothy Varian, 10114 Crescent Raad, said she lives at the
end of Stonydale. She said the map does not show the creek and
� the cliff. She has the property that is adjacent to the park. It
has.long been her intention to deed the propertj� t4 the County for
park purposes - originally as an extention of Stevens Creek Park
Chain. It is in her will and will be in the Varian Foundation
. for the 2.04 acres including a lot of creek frontage. Zt is
designed for this purpose unl.ess the ��arian Foundation finds,
after her death, there is no need for a park. She has an option
to purchase the adjacent property from Allen Kincaid, which would
give access to Orchard Place. This is old creek bed and there is
no reason for anybody Co require sewers here. She has heard the
Sewer District is planning a sewer in this area. She said every-
body in the area excep�. Mr. Norman signed a petition opposing
•+ this. S�ie feels this would be a downgrading of the area. She
believes he wants sewers so he can put more homes on his property.
Comm. Gatto asked �zhat Mrs. Varian's feeling �aould be of showing
this property on the General Plan for park gurposes. She agreed
to this. She said the only access to the creek there is on her
road. She has a lease arrangement for the pump station there to
irrigate her trees. She said the children play on the road. Ttiis
is another reason for keeping d�wn the density of �hese small
houses on the small lots if Mr. Norman can get the sewer.
Page 8
Mr. Stocklmeir said that in 1917 this land was subdivided. Roads were
dedicat2d. Orchar3 �:ca3 was one ef these roads. Under the subdivision
he was assured that road would be there for the use of those parcels.
There are oCher people who have a righC to egress from their parcels
to this road. .
Stella Kes�er, owner of the Kester Ranch, asked why the west side of
Foothill. B1vd. was not included here.
�ir. Glen Shields, 101d6 Crescent Jrive, showed what he purchased.l8 ,.
years ago. He v�rould like to keep the area as it is now.
Chairman Buthenuth said this is a rural area and should remain as such.
Comm. Ne11is told the audience how much the Planning Commission
appreciates the input from them. She would like to see the area stay
a5 it is, �aith 10,000 s�. ft. lots, including the commercial area.
Mrs. Shields, 1Q106 Crescent Road, thanked the Planning Commission fo�
warking with the neighborhood in solving their problems.
She said the property Pir. Traemer was interested in was zoned
7500 sq. ft. because it was incorporated.
Moved by Comm. Ne11.is, seconded by Comm. Gatto that Area B- Old Cupertino
Road/Crescent Drive be shown en the General Pl.an as 10,000 sq. ft. lots.
�AYE5: Comm. Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chiarman Buthenuth
(NOES: None
ABS�i�TT: Ccmm. Adams
Motion carried, 4-0
i Chairman Buthenuth announced that Areas D, E, F and G will be taken
up at the meetin� on August 27, 1973.
. Area A- Santa Lucia/Merriman Road.
l C�lored slides and a transparency of the area were shown. �
it is bounded by Footnill Blvd. on the east, Alcalde on the north,
and Santa Lucia on the south. The Assuciate Planner showed some
slides of areas where there is a serious lack of code enforcement,
where there are some homes with �unk cars, etc., in the front yards.
He said there are relativel.y few vacant lots in this neighborhood.
There is a conflict between the zoning in this area and the development
pattern. The basic development pattern is single family homes,
although there are some duplexes in the area.
° Page 9
Chairman Buthenuth asked for comments from the audience.
Mr. George P. Davis, 10620 Merriman Road, described the area:
one area with SS single family homes and 11 duplex units, another
wi.th 30 single family homes and 5 duplex units, and yet another
with 25 single family homes and 6 duplex units. He said this was
originally laid out as Inspiration Heights, with a lot in front
and a pan handle leading to a lot in the rear. He has seen a
� lot of changes in the last 24 years, and all �he changes have not
been for the best. He said we are on the road to cblivion.
.Comm. Nellis said sY�e believes the way this area has developed
should stand. The feta lots left should gc single family.
Co�. 0'Keefe agreed. Chairman Buthenuth pointed out that if
this is the case there will be some nonconforming uses in that
Comm. Gatto said he could see some problems in developing Foothill
and Alcalde as 10,000 sq. ft., single family lots. There c'aas a
proposal fer a rest home there. He could foresee duplexes in
that ar�a. He said one of the problems with that area, with
commercial now being designated residential with nonconforming
commercial on it, is that we are prolonging the nonconforming use.
Comm. 0'Keefe acknowledged difficulty these days in obtaining
financing for neighborhflod commercial.
Mrs. Lucien Hertert, San Juan Road, said she would like to see the
commercial zoning retained. It serves all the houses in that area
� and can be reached by foot or bicycle. It keeps the people in thi
area from having to drive past Monta Vista School.
Moved by Comm. 0'Keefe, seconded by Comm. Nellis that Area C be
designated R1-10,000 sq. ft. lots wirh the understanding that the
existing commercial be superimposed on the General Plan.
AYES: Comm. Gatto, N�llis, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth
NOES: None
ABSENT: Comm. Adams
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Nellis to adjourn the
meeting at 11:12 P.M.
Motion carried, 4-0
/s/ Wm. �. Ryder /s/ John W. Buthenuth
City Clerk Cha3rman
� .