PC 08-02-73 CITY OF CUPrRTINO, STArk: OF CALIFOI'.�'VIA PC-120 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California Page 1 Telephone: 252-4505 MINUTES OF TIiE REGULAK ADJOURNED r1FETING OF i'Ii� PLANNING COMMISSION HELD OiV AUGUST 2, 1973 IN THE COUNCIL CI��iBER CITY HAI.L, CUPERTINO, CAI�IFOP.NIA SALUTE TO tHE FL�G Chairman Buthenuth called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. with • the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Comm. present: Adams, Gatto, Nellis (7:40), 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenu�h Comm, absent: None Staff present: Planning Director Sisk AssociaLe Planner Cowan Deputy City Attorney Killian tvRITTEN COP��UNICATIONS --- None ORAL CON�IUIIICATIONS Juanita TicLaren , 22101 Lindy Ln;, Cupertino , �aanted to spealc about the July 26th notice from the Pl.anning; staff regard�ng her� and adjoinin.g propc�rties. S�ie bel.ieves people should be notified �ahen their property is goir.0 to be discussed. Sne said the letter she received recommends these property o�:m ers attend the Plant�.ing Commi.ssi.on meeti_nos for Y_he next few month� , She asked it the}� could be mor�� specific as to cohen these proper�.ies �aill be r.evie�oed . 2�1rs .�ricLar. en sai.d that if she w�re not if i.ed she woul� ��olu.nteer to notify the othEr_s. Comm. 0'Keefe aslced the staft if triese a7-eas coul.d be more ac- curately sch�dul.ed. Comm. Ad��is was in favo� of ser_t:in.g cer�ai.r. times for discussion of. certain areas. Comm. Gatto �a:i_d Liiere is a phone mir���ber tl�at can be callc.cl to find out what ttte 1�;E�nua is. Comm. Nel:l.� s s«g�ested that at ttie end of eac_1 meetiiig tlie C:onu�i_s- sioii ueciu� cvt�at cail_1 �c. oiL tlie ne�:t agenda . It sho«]_d ';� up t� the proper.ty owner.s to tr�tce L �n:it:;.ative Lo cal.l i�i t_o find out �ahen tl►eiz prol?erty i.s going to be ciiscussed . Conun. G`heE�f e said it would be incumbent. upon the Plannin�; Conunission not to get ahc�a�� of schedul_e. i PC-1`1_0 ;SI.NUTLS QF TffI? ADJOUR2dL]) PLANNING CO?�L T1I:ETINU OF AUGUST 2, .1913 P��F' 2 �'OSTPONE;�If:�I'CS , etc . Ther.e were none. I:NVIROi�11°iEN1'AL REVtl;4ti CO?f�SITTEE - Recommendativn for Neg:3t_ive Declaration : 1. . Appl:i.c� tion No . ]_1-EA-73 Applicant lIe�,�rl�tt-Pacicard Co. , D��ta S}-stem.s niv. , Va1J_co Park Location 1100G ��Iolfe Road, , Cupertino 95014 Acreage 96.57 acres � Present 7.onin� P(P]_anned Devel_o�menr_ caitYi 1..i�;ht indtistrial intent) Discretionary Action Re�uest�ed: Application for tentative rlap and use rer_mit The Planlling Director said the Comrnittee m�.de a reccmmt�ndation for a riez ative declaration on this application. The Plann.�ng Commission has received a staff repert and th: rer_oznmendaticn. The P_I_azin:ing Comn>;ssion stated at the last meeti_no that additional tizne ���as needed to study tiz?s. ConRn. Nellis aslced for clarification of the EIR Co: and its function. 'Phe Plannin¢ Director said it i.s comprised of one Council�aan, one Planning (:ommissioiier, the Ci.ty �1a�iao�r, ttie Director. of Public ti,�orks and the Director of Planning and De•✓elopi�ent. This Committ�e iirst reviews tl applirant's proposal. After revie�a, the Corimittee has 15 days in ;:�t�i_ch C� decide �.�tiiether or ni�t there sha11 be a ne�ative declaration. A negative declaration means the Committee feels the proi�osal �aould not have an environmenta]_ im�act on ttie area. In the environmental assess- ment procedure there is a s�t of .f:indings tliat must be decided upon by the Com.mittee for_ the LIR. The purpose of the check list provides a format tor review af the project. The Planning Director anscaered Comm. Nel?_is that in this �articular case, ther.e were four meetings or the ERC. It �aas finally narro;aed down that the automobile was the cu]_prit. There were no specific �L11dP__L Concentrations of automobiles seens to be the real problem. � He had tu agree �aitti Comm. Nellis that trze ERC does not have enough e�cpertise to evaluate the inher_ent problems. Comm. Gatto said this rep�rt was tiled for the ezitire pro�ect. He askec� if this was intendeci to cover the entire pr�ject, with 96.57 acres. The Plannin�T Director said this �aas the intent. There is the rossibility � for future review since this is spread over a ten-year ��eriod, however. They have a use p�r�nit which covers the entire siCe. IF they choose not to modify their plan, Lhere may not be the oprorttinity Lc�r the City to review the nlan again. MINUTES OF THE .ADJOURN�D PLAI�dNING CON;�`4ISSION rtErilNG L1UG. 2, 1973 PC-120 Page 3 Mr. Joe �hrlich, oi' Ehrl�ch, Heft and Rominger, 2470 El Camino Real, Palo Alto said he ha,s prepared an over.vie�r of th.e history of tlie EIR which he ��zould lilce to present at tllis i^eeting. Slide were sho�oii of the site, the existing build:ings and of the model of the proposal. He said lay mid 1974 one building �Jill be erecte immediatel.y to the right of those existing, and another. to�aard th end of the year. 'The next is scheduled for 1975-7b, an.d the othe three are further dot•Tnstream. k�e said it looks like a 10-year pro�r.am. They are doing everything possible to keep the lo�a profile of the huildings. T1r. Ehrlich ansGaered Cot?un. Adams that he was familiar with and concur.s with the reconuTiendations of the sta.f_f. Mr. Ehrlich ac:cnowled�ed there liave been offers of dia]_-a-bus by one of the proponents in the regional s��opping center matter. He said the Countywide I�us syst.em should be arranged to serve all the areas. Something like a local improvement disti:ict should be . worked out , based on the iiumber of users . He ��as not in a posi.ti n to commit Hewlett-Pacicard Compa�ry on this natter, ho�o�ver.. He�rlett-Packard has expressed their �aillin��zess tc� ��articipate in Lhis, and thPir record throuQhout the count has been to go moie than half way to work out any proble:ns. Comm. Nellis �aondered, since this is a 10-year proje.ct, why the Planning Commi_ssi�n �aas making a decision on the ent i.re project at this poinL. The Plannin� ll:i.rector said this is not the actual action to approve con.struct�on of the project; it spealccs to the environmental impact. Chai.rman Bui:henuth said t.he u5e perni?t procedure t�as to b� fol- lotiled oi� th:is . �IE� aslced if another EI� coul_d be req�.iested at a I.ater date. The Deputy City Attorney said State L•��,:r requires an _ EIR be done on any project that could be an ex��ansion of an existing project or a new project, if there may be a significant i:npact . � The Planning Director said ttiat if the Pl.znr.iug Cor��missi.on fotind the propo�al w<<s desci:vind of a negative decl.ar.ation at this time and at use perr,ii_t tinie they are not c�illi.n�; to ap�:rc�ve Ltie eni=i_re project, the Commis�ion could condition t:lle proposal that additioi- al use p�rmits �•�ould be necessary and �ach �,�oulc? be subject to the sar.�e procedure of EIR, etc. Conui;. ��._dams saic� i.r. could be tied to specific huildings. Mr. Slci.p L341� 3719 C�.irlson Ci.rc�.e, Palo Al.to, s�iid at' the pr.esent time there are 330,000 sq. ft, of e�;istin� bui.ldin�;s on this site. At ttiis time, tie said they are attemptin�; to bttild bu.ilding �t43 and, depending on c:ur.r_c>nt: der»�ld, it �:ould be as much as three more bu:i.ldings. Tlii.s would douhl.e th�� ��.�;isting b�cilli.ngs. PC-12C� r2jI4'Ux'�.a UF '1'113�'. ADJOtfKNt.D PLANNING CUri�tI �STU?•1 �II�;ETING AUG. 2, 1973 Yau�e �E � Comni. Adams r�tig�ested arlcing for an F�IR a�ain, once hatf oE tr,is 1,3n0,UG� sq. ft. pro�ecC is comple�_ed. Co;r.m. Ga�to woul.d 1.ilce Co rie i� to ev��ry �uil.din�;. Iie wc�ul.cl like �o li�ve the Planning CommissiUn review every phase. I� i� basi.cal_1y a traf:E�.c rev�.ew. T�lP Planning �ir�cror said that at this rnE�et.i.ng the determination is 1�E:izig made c,il�E�t7:�.r o,- not th�y are gc�:in�; to ��ave t� fi:te an �:IR. IL t'hey r�ce.:ive a n.e ;at::ive declaration i� a11.o�c�rs t�iem t� f ile a requesC fot u�e p�rm7.t. Conmi. Ne1�.i5 said that the specitj.c L ef �Che ErK s�iould be r�viewed f:i.z�t. 5h� could see na way out of requiring an F.IR; this i;; a`�out 1/4 oL t?�i� en.ri.�e Vallco P�rk rahicli it is proba�bly the most si�;nificant dev�loprncan* in 5anta Clara Count:y. She as�ed when the EIR teould 1�e ret�uireci :if not nota. Comm. Adams would lil, e to rev�eta ' tliP project agairi wlien ha1.f of. tliz project z.s construci:ed. Cc�mr.l. GaL �e1t �hat the submi�tted report said there ��as no problem. 'Thn s�cond cund�.tion of approva7_ speaks ta �.:he fact �hat �h� applic�nt is urill:i_ng to ��orlt toward tnmitigating any pro�lems. Moved by Comm. C�attr�, secondec� by Cnmm. 0'Kee£e to r�commeiid approval o� Applicat:i_on 11-�4-�7�, and to c�ireci� t�ie Ylr�.nn:ing n�.rector to file a negative cleclaration Cai�h �Che C',cunty Recorder. l�i;�cus�ion io�_�_ot,red . Cemm. Gai:to f��lt the reasons for the �RC were �_n regard �o the i_mp<<�cl on the� cc�t.u;:uniCy, and that the informatioii sirurnitted ��> the Ccrmn��:ittee in this ma�ter .}pu�.led out the met'nods I of mitigatir.g any pr.oblems. �urCher, thi:-� t•�i11 �b� checked again at � u�e p�r.rait tirl�. Co��.n�. Ne1.�is did not believe the ERC .ias �he experti.se to bring to ��;ar the pr.o�lem� in�,�alved. Comm. AdanS s�.:id that ���iat Conun. Gat.to w6�s say'in� was tt�at an �'IR woul.d be requirzd at use pe.rmit time. 1'lie Pl.anniizg Uir�cL'nr said it is nnt necessary to have i�his in the mot�.on. The Pl.arining C�nuais�ion �ill be re��iP�in� th� use pe.rmits, one at a tizne. Amendmerit t� the muticn: Moved by Conun. GatCo, �econded by Comm. 0'Kt�efe thaC this negat�.ve declaratinn app].ies te b!iildings 43, 47, 48 arid the cafeCeria on the exhi�it pr�Uent�ci �t t��iis �neeting . Comm. N�ll:�s was ansra�r�d �uy Comr,i. GatCo that ttie negative impact statement does not char�ge th� f�ii:dings . 2ir . Ehrlich �aid that w� has been pr.esent�d to th� PJ.annii�g Commission :i.s essentially an EIR. The pr.ocedure� for. pr.�paring this were verv muddled for many mnn�lis. The Plaizi�.izzg Direct�r indicated that thc:re migllti be a requ�remeni: for anotner repo,Y� to res;�on�1 t� the J.atter of the 1aw rat:her tha.n just the spixi_t of the 1atv, T�fINUTES OI� `lllE ADJC'JI�Nf��D PLA�1NIi�rG CONTl`1.T_SSlON �11�ETING s'1UG. 2, 1973 PC-12U Page 5 The lleputy City ntt clarified that the question at tli�s time is �-Thether or ilot Lhf� impacts are like_ly to lie si�niticant. If this is rr.ue, it is very diffi.c�il_t to sE:e hi��� �� neg� declara-- ti�n statement could i��� filed. 'I'hc� inform�itian :in the report m�iy be tlie �arne, but: tl.� ��ubl.i_c licaring. is mi..ssing tr.om t_hE� submit.ted �IR. Comm. Gatto said th:i_ngs are r_elative. This has a Yligher car count and emission level than a residentia_l. use, bt.it the City has indicated on its i�EUera.t Plan an i_ndustrial use f:or this property. 'rt,e number of cars, square foatage, er_c., has �o be evaluated ior sigiiiricance relati.ve to ttle proposa_l, not to zer� usage oE the land. � Vote on the amendmenL': AYES: Comm. Gatto NOES: Comm. �ldams, Nelli.s, 0'Keefe ABSTAINL;D : Chairman I3u�henuth t�mendr_?ent f ailed , 1_-3-1 Vote on motion:' A`�ES : Comm. Gatto NOES : Comm. Aclams , Nellis , 0'Keefe ABSTAIN}sD : Chairman Buthetluth �fotion failed, 1-3-1 Moved by Comm. Nel:Lis, seconded by Co?nm. 0'Keefe, to direct l�-EA-73 appli.cat:ion 11-EA-73 to the EIR Comm:Lttee to work with the returned to developers on an �IR for subject project. Conimittee AYES : Comm. Adans , Nellis , 0'Kee.fe NOES : Comm. Gatto ABSTALNED; Chairman Buthenuth M0�.1011 carried , 3-i-1 Chairman ButhenuLh explaineci tle al�staiTied fror.i the above mot�ons because he had just received all the inforr,lati_on and he had not had t:ime to revie�r it. t'C--1'.I.� l'�7-���� S OF 'T.fk: ADJOUR.7J.?D k'I��NNXNG COi�Q1LS5:tON ML:LTING AUG. 2, 1973 Pas;e 6 2. Applicat-ian No. 13-I:A-73 Applicant City of Cupez•Litzo Project T7ame l�ternor.ial. Parlc - First Pllase I.��car.i.on rlary �lvenuP and Stc�v�:ns Cr.cek B1vd. t1c'.Leage: 1S acres (:.�ir:�t: Pha�� -- 5./"39 acre�) Discrc�t:i.or.ary A.ction P.equ�sted; �ity Couiicil. approval aF park construcCion. Tha P1.ann:�i�,� n3.recC�r. explaincd ��iis rev:i�w i�a5 for the ptirpose of allowing Ch� parks develupment to proc�ed. C�mm. I�Yel1i� said tlze P1ann:ing COMTri155�OT1 T S cnnc�rn taas w�iy �he �ase�. ��iamonds a�_2d. �ennis courts were pJ_aced near tlie adjaceizt residential. Camm. 0'ICee::Ce Gris concernec� �bout �:he li�;h�:ing intertering with Che ne:i_ghbor:ing r. esidential . Tlze Parks and Recreati�n Direci:oi explaiYZed the 1967 original plan for this pa7'k developr�ient� and the l�)71 modif ication of iC . The staimming pool r,�*a� �eplaced �aii�i a ba�eba].l diamond si.nce it wa� felt thers t��ere sufficient sC�rimmin� �001� in Cr.zpert�na and Llie City was defici��nt in ba�ebal.l. diamond�. I� w�as ttiougnt tti� prop��rty d:�rect:l.y north woui_d be additic�na� parlt land, making it 20 rather than 15 acres. He said triis �aotilc� �U� on rh� 1�on1 issue in Ocfiober. Since Lh� master plan ��.s approved, the Planning Commission has come up trith 5�2vens Cr��k �31vd. and �telling as �ct�.i�ior�al pa�?�s lanc�. A.t �ne t�ine t�tie plans were being dev'�loped they �r�re checl�.eci by rir , Avery, otaner nf the a.djacefit apartmei.�: com��leY, ��n�� he telt ttiat thiJ modif.:i.�d nlan �Ja� mucti better than a s`��immin� p�o�. tl�.er�. The Parks and R.ecrea- tion T7i.rec�or said th�r� �,a�.11. be an earth be around th� perimeter which w.i.1.1 help . C�mm. Nel�Lis a5ked �f th� City Council agrees �with t1�e Planning Com.� about tlie propertv to Che east. The Parks and F.ecreation bir�ctor said this uras discus"Pd with the archiCec�, �aho saic� 12 acres rather than 5 would be �;ood . Ho�;rever, we waulcl have to tak� anotlier look at th� Pro�ect ane� try ro c�etermir.ie t:he needs of_ the couuaunity. Comm. �,'�l]_is ci�ecked if t�� Parks ar.�. R�creatian Commission toak int� considerat:i�n i2eraorial �'ark. The Par_k� ar�d RecYeati�n D�rector_• said it �ras thought t be best to keep the children aw f.rom th� busy Stevfins Creek �31vc�. Secondly, the City has 3.nvested $'�t�,�bn in these dratoings. Tl�ie lighCs will be on a tim� c�ocic, and L J.igh�s will �o oF.f: at 10 or 10:30 P.P-1. Tlizre is no reason why curfe�,y �osid iiot be on tlzc hall paYlc, too> We woiil.d �iave more vandali5m taith co:i_n o��erated light� than ii the City monitored the 1igh��, MINIIT�S OF THE ADJOURNED PLANNING C0�IMISSION MEETING AUG. 2, 1973 PC-120 Page 7 The Parks and Recreation Director said the City has authorized $225,000 for construction of the park and this could start this fall. Then there is the possibility of t?ie acquisition of the Saich property. He felt the baseball iield and the tennis cour�s could well be utilized where they are now on the working drawings even if the additional property to the east is purchased for the park expansion. The only thinb he could see changing would be the location of the tennis courts. People li�;e to have them clustered so they don't have to drive ar.ound looking for an unused court. There are 92 spaces for cars adjacent to the Avery apar.tments. Another 36 parking spaces will be installed during the completion of Alves Drive. Comm. 0'Keefe asked the Director if he anticipated any problems with 6 or 7 days a week activity and night ganies next to resi- dential. The Director said the ball games are primarily summer games when it stays light late. He said in Mountain View the problems.were more with the loudspeakers than with the lights. Here, the speakers are directed away from everything. Comm. 0'Keefe said Cupertino American Little League and Cuperti�o Tri Cities are both looking for sites. With the acquisition of additional properties he �aondered if we could get an expanded use of the park property for this purpose. The Director said all this has come about taithin the last month or so and. we already have working drawings. They have been t,�orking on these pl.ans for over a year now. He felt the additional property could be incorporated into the plans. Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Gatto to issue a negative 13-EA-73 declaration on application 13=EA-73. AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis NOES: Comm. 0'Keef_e ., ABSTAINED: Chairman Buthenuth Moti_on carried, 3--1-1 MINUT� ORD�R: Made by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Nellis that careful consi- Shieldin� & deration be given to the shielding of the lights and metering meterinQ of system shall be inc_l.uded in the plans. lights MINUTE URDER: Made hy Camm. 0'Keefe, seconded by Comm. NeLlis that a curfew slial Curfew on be placed on the lotidspeakers to coincide �aith tlie li_ghting. loudspeakers PC-120 MINU'.L'L:S ��F TH� ��IJpUR?�ED PLIINNING CGP�L'�'[ISSION MI:3�,TING AUG. 2, 1973 I'age 8 VOTE UN rIRST r1INi;'I E ORI)ER : � AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Ne:tlis, 0'Keeie • i10E5: None . A.�3STAtNrD : Chairman Buthenuth Min�.ite Order carried, 4-0-1 VO�� ON S�CODlD r1INIJTI: ORDER: . ,, AYES: Com�. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe NOES: None ABS�rAINED: Chairman Buthenuth Minute Order carried, 4-0-1 PUBLIC HEARING 3. CITY OF CUPEn�TINO: Public IIearing to consider 1973 Comprehensive Gen.eral Plan . A. Infilling of Vall.ey Floor Lhe Director of Pla.nriing and Development revie�oed the area in question for the benefit of the audience. Park tieeds and neighborhood commerc-i.a1 are yet to be discussed. He said the Cicy Council llas thus far devoted sc�me 35 hours to discussion of a regional shoppi.ng center. A great deal of public tes�imony has taken p]_ace. The Councii has �.nd:icat_ed they �aould not be in favor of a snopping center of the magnitude pro- posed by either proponent. The economic feasibility of a smaller sized shopping center is being studied by both proponer?ts. Those public hearings have been continued to August 21st. Chairman Buthenuth called a recess at 9:2.0 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9 :40 P .M. Discussion turned to the infilling of ttie valley .E1oor. The Planning Director went over the procedure the nlanning Com.mi.ssion has been using, represented by d col.or coded map of red, green, blue and yellow. Area 2- Blaney Avenue, e�tending from Stevens Creek Blvd..to Bollinger Road, has been recommendeci for a resa.dential density of 4 units per acre. It could t�e single f_amily or sc�me type ot duplexes. Area 3- Tula Lane, located nortl� of McCl.ellan and east of Stelling Road, is an unimproved area that furnishes access Lo existing residential. It s'riould be design�ted 4 cl�rell_ing units per acre, single fami.ly homes. � MINUT.'�'.S OF TH� ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMTSSION NIEETING AUG. 2, 1973 PC-120 , Page 9 Chairman Buthenuth aslced for comments from the audience, There �aere none, Area 2 was designated 4 �c 7.6 units per acre. Chairman Butheriuth asked for comments from the audience on Area 3. There were none. Area 5- Phar Lap Drive The Planni.ng Director said there is an existing older ranch here. The Planning Commission determination cm tliat property was to have i_t developad at 4 units per acre since this would be the sa.me type of lanc� use as is ii.� the area. Access will be gained to Phar Lap Drive. Chairman ButhenuL asked for cor.unents from the audience. There were none. Area 6- Orange and McClellan The Planning Director said this property is across.the street from Lincoln Elementary School.. It has been designated 4 to 10 units per acre. Chairman Buthenuth asked for conunents from the audience. There were none, Area 9 - Scenic Drive The Planning Director said this property is south of Stevens Creek Blvd., adjacent to Stevens Creek. I:t was felt this should be 4 d���elling units per acre. The question o{ the Stevens Creelc ,, f�ood plain was discussed here. It is importart to note tha� the flood plain is to remain in its natural state. The question yet to be resolved was of construct of structure� on this area. Mr. Louis Stocklmeir, 22120 Stevens Creelc Blvd., said he feels this property i.s destined for good residential, po�sibly a. cluster development. It could be made into FI�A type housing. It could b� made into a golf cours�. Ii� could be moderate pricE�d housi.ng. p�_120 MINUTES OF THr ADJOURNED PLANNING �OMMISSION :1ECTING AliG. 2, 1973 Page 10 . Mr . Steciclnieir said present zonir.� in i�his area is Rl-7 .5 and R1-1G and the 7.5 is sati.sfactory ta him. tlbout 2/3 ot tliis property, from Scenic Drive to the cr�ek would f it �i.nto thc� 7500 sq , f t. category and the balance _10,000 sq. ft, lots. Ac.tual.ly, he would like to have it a1.1 roned 7500 sq . f t. lots . Chairman T3ui:henuth sai_d this i.s the present rec�miriendation of the I'lanning Cammission. Ho�vever, he would like to have the fl.00d plain are� discus �ed as to ttie pcssibility of a park site here. The PLanning Director said tllere are some R3-2.2 in that area as you go ttp the hill from this property, as �vel:1 as .?_14 acre of commercial. C11aizTnan Buttienuth asked Mr. Stocklmeir if he had any objection� to the pr.onerty colored yellow on the m��� bei.ng de5ignated as�4 units per acre. Mr. Stocklmeir said that as o£ this time, there has been no attempt made to condemn any j�Ol�lOil of ttie property. The questior. as to t�he flooding potential is hypothetical because in his 75 years there has never been a flooil here. IIe wondered on �ohat f acts the flood p:lain is based. He said �chat rlr. Curren at a public meeting has stated that the creek alongside his property wou:Ld take anything that car.ie over the dam, r1r . Stocklmeir ti��as told the mattEr of the fi ood plain would corne up again for discussion. Areu 10 - Riviera Roa� (Crump property) The Planr�ing Director said this is snutherly of the Stockltneir property, adjacent to the creelc i.tself . It has be.en recommended 4.4 single family density. . Chairman Buthenuth �sked for comments from the aud:ience. Mr. R�y Crump said the present zonir�g ttlere is R1C-6000. He had nothing new to add. T.he Ylanning Director sa_�d there has been some grading of this property. The natural terrai.n would irdicate wtiere fl�oding has talcen place . Tlle grading has crea�ed a di.king . T�ie question is whether cr not the water can get around the dike. He said we will be coming back �o this property as far. as flooding is con�erned. l�rea 15A - Lo�aer Sev�n Sprinbs Ranch Tti.is property is south of Rainbo�J Drive and 5te17.ing Raad. The latest Land use desi�nation placed on it is A�ricultural.. Chairman Buthenuth Eelt that tlie General nlan should sh��ta a resident�ial desi.gnation on this property. It was decided to C017t1IlUP this c�iscussion because the property owner llad Left the meeting. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED PLANNING COr1MISSION MEETING AUG. 2, 1973 PC-120 Page 11 Area 4 - Mary Avenue The Planning Director said that because of its relationship to I-280 it was felt that this was not res3.dential property. Chairman Bu�henuth would like to see this property purchasad by the City £or future use as expansion of the corporation yard, or this may be a good place for organic gardening. The City could lease it back to the people £or recreational use. Mr. John Rintala, 1(1101 Scenic B1.vd., Monta Vista, said he was re�resenting P.G. & E., Lutz, Reynolds and the purchasers of • property in this area. He said the City presently owns 2 acres there. He said he is preparing development plans for the pro- gerty that he will be submitting to the City. If a change o£ zoning is being consic��red, they would like to suggest PD with light industrial intent. Their plans are for a very low intensity use. Co�un. Nellis said that due to the noise impacts and the relatiionship of the properCy with the free�caay in that area, she was cor,sidering flower grow3.ng, rockery, or that type of alterr�ate uses. Mr. Rintala said flower grower� are moving out of this area because of th� smog. He said he is proposing a mini-warehouse and through the P.G. & E. easem�nt, a boat an� trailer storage area. They are cansidering a landscap_ed berm around the project. Chairtnan Buthenuth said it would be hard to pu� PD zoning on 5 acres. There was some discussion about the possibility of BQ 2oning on this property. "Conm�unity Reserve" was described by the Planning Director. Comm. Gat�o felt thiq would be an appropriate designation for thi� property. Comm. Nell.is a�reed. Comm. Adams said the Planning Commission should explore the Corporation Yard needs over the next 20 years. Mr. Rintala saic� �� if the City f inds in the futiure that it needs this property for expansion of �he Corporati.on Yard they can always exercise the power of condemnat3.on. He feels there should be a land use desig- nation on this property, regardless of whether or not the City wants to buy it. Comm. Gatto said he weuld like to have the staff pursue this special use.category and report back to rhe Planning Commission on it. PC-120 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSIOII MCETING AUG. 2, 1973 Page 12 Area 21B - Southeast corner of Stevens Greek Blvd. & Foothill Blvd. The previous decision on this �ras 4.4 to 7.6 dwelling units per acre as a continuation of the duplexes in the area. There was some discussion about apartments or commercial use for the northwest corner of that intersection. Mr. Rintala had copies for the Planning Commission of a package acidressed to the City Council, containing petitions for neighborhood commercial at the southeas� corner. He said there is a need for neighborhood commercidl in this area. The Montebello Ridge Study h indicaCes there should be no commercial in the foothill area.so long as it can be serviced adequately. He had a site plan to display, but the Planning Co�ission did not think it was necessary at this time since the Planning Commission was not addressing neighborhood comme�cial at this time. It will be discussed later. Area 20 - Bubb Road and McClellan Road The Planning Director said the last determination made by the Planning Commission on the southeast corner was 4 to 10 dwelling units per acre. Comm. Gatto asked what the Flood Control District would have to say about this property. The Planning Director said they are going to put percolation p�nds on this property. An EIR will be required. Comm. Gatto said he would like the City Manager to write to the Flood Control District, expressing the Planning Commission's strong desire to see their development plans. Area 22 - McClellan Road and Foothill Blvd. The Planning Director said the final designation�on the east side was 4 to 6 dw�lling units per acre. Area 1 - Finch Avenue There was some discussion on the property adjacent to Cupertino High School. Cor.un. 0`Keefe said the history of parks located next to high schools indicates that it is not a compatible use. � Comm. Nellis said she would reserve her comments on this until the parks discussion. � MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED PI.A�;NING COi`1MISSIGN MEETING AUG. 2, 1973 PC-120 Page 13 Area 15A -- Lo�+rer Seven Springs Ranch Mr. J. Lyddon, 11801 South Stelling Road, commented that if he is to be included in the City of Cupertino he caould assume that the Plannin� Commission would find the use of the area surrounding his pr.operty as compatible caith his property. Residential would be the most compatible use here. The Plannin� Director said this involves 109 acres. Corun. Gatto said that in ligt�t of the supply and demand today, he does not feel there is any way to keep this in agricultural use. Mr. Lyddon said the nursery there is a retail situation. • This is ver} poor soil for farming; it is mostly Class III soil. The Associate Planner said the County Planning Department recently determined that a portion of r1r. Lyddon's land has Class I and II soil and can be preserved. The United States Department of Agriculture calls this Class ZII soil, however. He said the Preserve involves �1r. Lyddon's property and the adjacent property owned by Fremont High School District. Cor�m. 0'Keefe asked what it means when the County designates a land use within Cupertino. The Planning Director said this Planning Commission has the right to make a determination on this land use. If the Planning Commission so desires, the staff will get more information on this matter. Mr. Lyddon said he has no soil of the quality of Mr. Olson's - cherry orchard. He said the U.S. Soil Analysis Map is very accurate. This matter �vas postponed. ADJOURNI`IENT Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. 0'heefe to adjourn to ., Monday, August 13, 1973. rleeCing adjourned at 11:05 P.M. Motion carried, 5-0 APPROVED: � /s/ John W. Buthenuth Chairman ATTEST : /s/ Wm. E. Ryder City Cl�rk