10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California Page 1
Telephone: 252-4505
Chairman Buthenuth called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. �aith
the Salute to the Flag.
Comm. present: Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth
Comm. absent: None
Staff present: Director of Planning and Development Sisk
Assistant City Attorney Terry
Director Qf Public ;vorks viskovich
Associate Planner Cowan
Traffic Engineer Grigg
Deputy City Attorney Killiaa
Consultants present: Messrs. Arnold and Levy (8:25 P.M.)
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of Regular Meetin� of June 25, 1973:
Page 4, second paragraph: Co�*un. Nellis would like the last line
deleted and replaced caith: "property should not be considered for
Page S, last motion on the page: Cor.un. Nellis said this �otion
� was made by Comm. Gatto and seconded by Conm. Nellis.
Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Ada.�s to appr�ve the
Minutes of June 25, 1973 as corrected.
Motion car.ried, 4-0-1
Chairman Buthenuth abstained
At this point, Chairman Buthenuth called attention to the Iist of
corrections, most�of them name:nisspellings, subm.i.tted by Vallco
Park for PC-104 through PC-11I.
. . . .. M .. ,. . . . .r . . . ..
Page 2
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded Uy Comm. Nellis to transmit Vallco Park's
corrections to the ahove-mentioned minutes to the City for review and
incorporation into those minutes. -
Motion carried, 5-0
Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of May 31, 1973:
Page 2, last paragraph, line 3: Comm. Adams �aould like the word "district" r
deleted and replaced �aith the word "distributor".
Moved by Comm. 0'Keefe, seconded by Comm. Nellis to approve the minutes
of May 31, 1973, as corrected.
- Motion carried, S-0
Minutes of Adjourned meeting of June 19, 1973:
Page 10, paragraph 4, first sentence, Comm. Nellis would like to have it
read: "Comm. Nellis in discussing Highway 9 from Bollinger Road to
Homestead Road, asked . . . . ."
Page 12, paragraph 5, Comm. Nellis caould like to have added after "20%":
"one additional lane requirement is directly attributable to regional. .."
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adams to approve the minutes
of June 19, 1973 as corrected.
Motion carried, 5-0
Minutes of Adjourned meeting of June 20, 1973:
Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Gatto, to approve the minutes
of June 20, 1973 as submitted.
Alotion carried, 5-0
Minutes of Adjourned meeting of June 21, 1973:
� Page 20 first para�raph, Comm. Nellis would like the following
words: "...such as hotel" at the end of the sentence 5triken.
Page 3
Page 20, third paragraph, after the werd "flexibility", change the
range from "4 to 5" to read "3 to 4". •
Page 20, fourth paragraph: Comm. Nellis said the second sentence
should read: "The question becomes taking what we already have
developed and adding neti� development on undeveloped land to arrive
at new character."
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded hy Comm. 0'Keefe to approve the
minutes of June 21, 1973, as corrected.
Motion carried, 5-0
Minutes of Adjourned meeting of June 27, 1973:
Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Gatto to approve the
minutes of June 27, 1973 as submitted.
Motion carried, 4-0-1
Chairman Buthenuth abstained
POSTPONEMENTS: Applications 20-Z-63 and 21-Z-63
Amendment to Planned Development Zoning
Ordinances - VALLCO PARK, LTD.
Application 19-U-72
Application 21-U-72
The Planning Director asked that the above three applications be
postponed since they are still in the Study Zone.
Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by Co?nm. Nellis to postpone 20-Z-63,
applications 20-Z-63, 21-Z-63, 19-dJ-72, and 21-U-72 until 21-7.-63,
August 27, 1973. 19-U-72,
Motion carried, S-0 postponed to
• Aug. 27, 1973
Page �+
Mr. Jerry Fitzgerald, 10191 N.'Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, objected to
the postponement. They had arranged to have a representative from
Naredel fly up here to give a presentation and they had no notification
of the postponement.
The Assistant City Attorney said the advertised public hearing had to
appear on the agenda, and if the Planning Commission so desired, they
could proceed with �he public hearing -- or postpone it.
Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. 0'Keefe, if it is the request '
of Mr. Fitzgerald to have his representative heard,,to proceed with it.
The Assistant City Attorney said that as long as it is advertised as
a public hearing it will appear on the agenda, and then it is the pre-
rogative of the Commission to handle it as they see fit. It is within
the prerogative of the Planning Commission to hear the applicant, even
though a decision will not be made. Everybody should be given the
opportunity to make the record clear.
Mr.. Robinson, representative from N.aredel of California, Inc., said the
main reason for his coming to this was meeting was to get a decision
from the Planning Conunission. He feels they have done everything they
can to cooperate with the City.
The Assistant City Attorney said the Commission could hear the applicant.
However, the City Council has placed an extension on the moratorium.
Comm. Adams said that since any recommendation by the Planning Commission
to the City Council could be negated, he would be in favor of hearing
the applicant at this time. Mr. Robinson said they have made their
presentation and he had hoped for a decision by the Planning Commission
at this meeting. He hopes that in the future, the City �aill let him
know by mail in ample time when their application can be heard. •
On the basis of the above discussion, the m�tion and the second were
The Assistant City Attorney said that is not �aithin the power of the
Planning Commission to take off calendar an advertised public hearing.
It must be dealt with. in some manner. It was decided that this was
a communication prohlem, not a legal problem.
The staff was instructed to notify i.hese applicants when the City Council
makes its decision ta lift the moratorium.
Page 5
WRITTEN COr;NNNICATIONS --- There �ere none.
ORAL COMMiJNICATIONS -- There czere none.
1. Application 7-Z-73 of CHARLES E. AND KAY D. llE ROSE for
Prezoning .23 acres from Santa Clara County R1-10 (Resi-
dential, Single-family, 10,000 sq, ft, per. dwelling unit)
to City of Cupertino R1-10 (Residential, Single-family,
10,00p sq. ft. per dwelling unit) Zone or whatever zone
, may be 3eemed appropriate by the Planning Commission.
Said proper.ty is located northerly of Cupertino Road
approximately 200 feet easterly of the intersection bf
Crescent Road and Cupertino Road. First Hearing.
The neighborhood map caas displayed on the bul�letin board, an�
the Associate Planner identified the property in question,
He said the application eras somewhat routine in that it was
filed for prezoning and annexation. On June 25th the Planning
Co�►ission made a declaration on the property. This is basically
an Rl -10 neighborhood .
Mr. Charles DP Rose, 10326 Westacres Drive, Cupertino, said that
he never intended to change the zoning on that lot, but he was
informed that no �sater �aould he supplied unless he made applicatio
to annex to the City.
Chairman Buthenuth asked for comments from thE audience. There
raere none. "
Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Adar.is to close the
Public Hearing.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Adams to approve 7-Z-73
application 7-Z-73. approved
AYES : Comm. Adams , Gatto , Nellis , 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth
NO�S: None
Motion carried, 5-0
The applicant will be informed of the date this will come before
the City Council...
Fage 6
2. Application 3 V-73 of BILL ENG for Variance to reduce the required
number of off-street parking stalls for an existing shopping center
from 240 to 195. Said property is located at the intersection of
Blaney Avenue and Bollinger Road (All American Shopping Center) in
a CG (General Commercial) Zone. First Hearing.
The neighborhood map was displayed on the bulletin board. The property
in question was identified by the Associate Planner. He said the
shopping center was originally approved ��rith a deficiency in parking
by about 23 spaces�. The restaurant is in question now, and they want
to expand by taking over another empty store in that center. Right �
now, they are 37 spaces short and with the expansion they will be �
45 spaces short.
Chairman Buthenuth asked what �rould happen if this shopping center
did not have any restaurant, just other retail stores. He �aanted to
know if they would still be deficient in parking spaces. The Associate
Planner said it would then be 28 spaces short. The Associate Planner
said that on previous accasions, use permits have been issued with the
condition that if parking becomes a problem it would come up for review
again. He added that there appears Co be no parking problem at this
center at this time. In the applicant's letter he indicated the
restaurant would be used for banquet facilities.
The applicant was not present at this meeting, although he had been
notif ied by tihe staf f about this put�lic hearing .
Chairman Buthenuth asked for comments from the audience. There were
none. �
Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by Comm. Nellis to close the public hearing.
Motien Garried, 5-0
Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded bv Comm. Gatto, to approve application
3-V-73 with the 15 conditions, since there apgeared to be no valid
reason to deny it. It is an evening type operation that would not be
in conflict with the daytime shopping situation.
AYES : Comm . Adams , Gatto , Nell is , 0' Keef e, Chairman Buthenuth
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Page 7
3. Amendment to Planned Development Zoning Ordinances 255 & 256
(Applications 20-Z--63 and 21--Z-63) ; VALLCO PARK, LTD, request
to amend tlle most currently approved land use maps to change
the designation of tEaenty-three (23) acres located in the
southeast quadrant o£ Interstate Route 280 and Ldolfe Road
from light industrial to commercial and professional office
use, and the designation of nine (9) acres ef commercial and
eleven (11_1 acres of professional office and related light
industrial uses located witiiin the southeast quadrant of
Interstate 280 and Prunaridge Avenue to a c�m.bined twenty (20)
acre commercial/professional office/light industrial use.
First Heari.ng conti_nued.
4. Application 19--U-72 of NAREDEL OF CALIFORNIA, INC., for
use permit to construct a market, drug store and other
retail shops within a P(Planned Development with commercial
intent) zone. Said property is located in the northwest
quadrant of the intersection of Stelling Road and Stevens
Creek Blvd. First Hearing continued.
5. Application 21-U-72 of PAtTL ANDRE[a MARIANI, JR., for use
permit to allow construction of a shopping center and
accessory auto servicing facility totaling approximately
one million, two hundred thousand (1,200,000) sq. ft. of build
ing �area on approximately 67 acres. Said property is
located in a P(Planned Development with commercial intent)
zone in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of
Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Interstate Highway 280.
First Hearing.
�' 6. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider 1973
Comprehensive General Plan. First Hearizg continued.
Upon recommendation of the Planning Director, it was moved by
Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Gatto to consider Agenda Item 7
prior to Item 6.
Motion carried, 5-0
Page 8
. SEQUOIA MORTGAGE COMPANY - Reques� to modify approved developmenr
plan for the Casa De Anza condominium project located ad�acent t�
and westerly of Mary Avenue, opposite the intersection of Lubec
Street and Mary Avenue.
he Associate Planner referred to the July 6, 1973 staff report on this
atter. The site plan was placed on the bulletin board. Two or three
onths ago the Planning Commission and City Council approved this
condominium. The request at this meeting is to modif}� *he parking ,
and carport situation at this site. It was the opinion of the staff
that this is a design problem. The only tunctional problem in
relation to these parking structures is that the cars would be left
out in the weather. The freeway is elevated in this area. There are
actually four open-ended parking structures, with 28 or 29 spaces.
The plan is to remove the parking structures and a type of screen
would be constructed. Since the development plan was approved by this
body, the staff felt that Planning Commission should review this
Comm. Gatto and Nellis would like to see this referred to the Architectural
and Site Approval Committee.
Comm. Adams asked why the applicant wants to eliminate the parking
Mr. Kent Thomas, Vice President of Sequoia Mortgage Company, Los Gatos,
explained the trellised effect they �aould like to add wherever anything
is exposed throughout the development. They �aould like to transfer
the money that they would pay for the parking structures into the
trellises instead.
Architect Allen DeGrange said they have 1:1 garage parking for each unit. ,
Iie said they really can`t build the parking structures because they are
illegal. Also, people with campers, etc., could not fit their vehicles
inside the parking structures. They feel the screening will be much
more effective.
Ca,� De Anza Moved by Comm. Nel7�is, seconded by Comm. Adams that the Plannin� Commission
r_ere.rred to ake the finding that they do not believe this proposal is enough of a
A& S Committee change to make a difference. and �tould like to refer it t� the Architectural
and Site Approv�l Committee.
AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5--0
Page 9
6. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider 1973
Comprehensive General Plan. First Hearing continued.
Just prior to this public hearing, Chairman Buthenuth called a
recess at 8:25 P.M. •The meeting reconvened at 8:30 P.M. •
Mr. Arnold saicl there �aere two things the consultants would like
to have accomplished at this meeting:
1) Go over the policy statements, the first draft of �ahich was
prepared by the staff and consultants.
2) Go through the very difficult but necessary task of cycling
through Lhe cecisions on the core area for the second time,
� based on the fact that the core area has been completed and
there might have come to light some ideas that were not
previously considered in going through the properties, piece
by piece .
Mr. Arnold posed the following questions for the Commissioners to
consider during their deliberations:
1) Why shoald Cupertino encourage any new commercial development
in addition to the regional center?
2) [�That is the purpose of designating different land uses on each
side of Highway 9 ?
3) Are there alternate ways of achieving the Community's goals
on the north side of Stevens Creek Blvd.?
4) Can a set of performance standards achieve the Community's
goals on irLtensity of land use?
5) Can industrial, commercial or off ice land uses meet the
Community's goals on intensity and still be feasible?
The Planning D;.rector went over the policy statements for the
-core area. Comm. Adams feit they essentially covered the assump-
tions made at ttie hearings on the core area. Comm. Gatto noted
that even if the regional center did not go to Vallco Park, those
traffic problems would occur.
Mr. Levy sai_d they were trying to state that they sar.,r positive
land uses on a long term basis. He said you could not have a low
intensity toti,rn center if the Mariani Center were developed.
Coxnm. Nellis said putting the regional center in Vallco Park keeps
the.intensive use confined to Vallco Park. Tni.s allows a less
intense development of Highway 9.
Pa�e 10
� Mr. Arnold said that if Mariani Mall had heen selected it would not
allow Che Town Center to be located in its prese�it location.
Comm. Nellis said the decision on the regional center location:
1) Confines intensive development to Vallco Park.
2) Allows lo�,r intensity on Highway 9.
3) Al1o��rs a low intensity of activity at the To�n Center.
Comm. Adams said it was discussed at great length and determined that
the City could utilize 50 acres (500,000 sq. ft.) of commercial in
addition to the regional center. The low intensity Town Center was •
what they were trying to employ here, mixed with some residential.
Mariani Mall development would have resulted in too much traffic at
I�ighway 9 and Stevens Creek Blvd.
Mr. Arnold said regional activity should go into the regional node.
Comm. Gat�o said one of the main reasons he did not vote for the
regional center to go to Mariani was that it would change the
character of the City. He preferred Vallco Park, no site, and then
Mariani Mall -- in that order.
Mr. Arnold said new perspectit�es will be brought out if the Commission
is willing to go over thi.s thin� again. The key issue of SO acres
of subregional co�nercial was never really evaluated. Comm. 0'ICeefe
said the Planning Commission made its decisions based on some very
detailed information.
Comm. GatCa said the most important thing is that we have to maintain
a perspective. The main thing being discussed was the General Plan
and the finding on the regional shopping center location was one of
the findings. The priority level of the shopping center is secondary,
after scme of the other considerations of the Gener.al Plan.
Comm. 0'Keefe would be in favor of crnnpletely redoing the fixst
paragraph of the document.
Comm. Adams said that on June 20th the Planning Commission made the
decision that there shall be a regional shopping center in Cupertino.
Comm. Gatto said that weighing the negative against the positive
impacts, the Planning Comuiission decided there should be a center,
rir. Levy suggested: The Planning Commission recommends that a
regional shopping center should be sought, and stiould be located in '
Vallco Park. Comm. 0'Keefe felt that had no relevancy to the
strengthening of ttie vote at this time. He believes they could make
statements in the minutes, but not include them i:i the policy statements.
Comm, Nellis said her concern was only to clarify ttieir position.
The Commission then went back to the summary of findings in the core area.
Page 11
Comm. Nellis said there shou]_d be an elaboration of the $1,000,000
figure. She believes this figure is opr_imistic.
Comm.'Adams questi.oned �.Thether the summary should be that detailed.
He believes the elaboration is already recorded.
Mr . I,evy asked Chairrnan Buthenuth if the surlmary shou]_d be prepare
by the consultants and presented to the Ci.ty Counci_1 or if the
Planning Commission wants to go over it. Chairman Buthenuth said
he believes it should be a part of the policy statements.
Comm. 0'Ke�fe asked Mr� Levy if the $1,00Q,C00 revenue figure is
�air� and accurate to relay to the public. Mr. Levy gave a
qualified yes. Comm. Nellis said these figures were given by the
' developers, not the consultants. Both P�r. Arnold and Levy felt
that $1,000,000 was a reasonable figure.
Comm. 0'Keef.e said the cost of the 30' setbacic on t.he east side
of Highway 9 for the rlariani property, at 4 units per acre, will
have to be worked out. �Ie said there will be subsequent costs
in addition to the street improvements since this is the entrance
to the City, and we hope to have a tree-Iined 30' setback here.
The Director of Public Works said this will depend upon the type
of policy deve.loped by the City. The developer will_ probably have
to participate with the City on this. The setback costs could
be considered a part of the road costs. Comm. Gatto said he knows
of no other city that has purchased setback. �le knows of instance
where as much as 50' setback has been required of the developer.
Comm. Gatto said there should be a schedule of costs anticipated
by the City.
The Director of Public Works said the $100,000 road costs would be
bonded and there should be a time limit defined here.
Chairman Buthenuth would like to add to the last sentence that
neighborhood adjacent streets will have a higher rate of traffic
t with Vallco Parlt.
Comm. Gatto said the question was asked of the Traffic Consultant,
and he had answered that hasically, people travel these same r�ads
to get to either of these centers.
Comm. 0`Keef e said his uote ��ras based on the statement that tie
felt that Vallco Park would have a hi�her impact on the character
of surrounding areas. Cor,im. Nellis objected to having this added
to the policy statement because this was not brougiit out at the
hearings. Mr. Arnold said the traffic statements �rere made up of
a number of pieces; it would be a mis�ake to isolate any of these
Pa�e 12
Comm. Gatto said there was nothing that de£inite that couldn't
stand additional review. If this impact of traff ic on other streets
was to the point where iC influenced votes iC should be broughC Out
at this time.
The Commissioners asked that Mr. Goodrich, the Tr.aff ic Consultant, be
present at a meeting to review the traff ic impacts.
Comm. 0'Keefe said the widening of Miller Avenue would be extremely
difficult, and it feeds into Wolfe Road. Comm.. GatLO said that traffic
would be coming down Miller/ti�]olf e for either location of a regional. :
shopping center.
After further deliberation it was decided that an elaborated report
should be sought from Mr. Goodrich.
Page 2, Character of the Citiy:
Mr. Levy said the policy statement said that such a location wauld be
a posiCive to the City. The lo*a intensity for Stevens Creek Bl�vd./
Highway 9 would be pasitive for the City.
Comm rleil�.s did not think individual statements should be included in
ehe policy statements; they should be broad statements.
Comm. GaCto ask�d if the Commission was saying in the policy statements
thaC a low intensity along Highraay 9 between I-280 and Stevens Creek
Blvd. is the reason why this is noC a good locatic�n for the .regional
shopping center. Chairman Buthenuth said that was right.
Mr. Levy said the policy statements should show both arguments.
It was a 3-2 vote and there �,rere very strond arguments on both sides.
Chairman Buth.enuth disagreed. Comm. Adams said an appendix can be
adde�i at the enci showing how all the motions were voted. Comm. Gatto
said there was a question of to�,�m centers to be town or regionally
Other CommeYCial in the Care Are�.:
Chairman Buthenuth f elt there should be something in there statin� the
Planni.ng Commission votec� in favor of apglomerated rather than strip
Mr. T�evy said the 50 acres subregional are bettar representecl by
500,000 sq. ft.
Page 13
Town Center:
Page l. Comm. Nellis taould like to add statements that this is
community eriented: recreational, social, civic, et�.
Other Commercial:
Mr. Levy said :��e r�ever really had,a very serious discussion about
why there snould be an additional 50 acres cotrznercial or that ther
should be twc� areas for this additional cor.unercial activity.
Mr. Arnold said that in going through their procedure thay arrived
at the 500,000 sq. ft. feasibility. That figure �aas accepCed
because it was such a startling figure. He felt that it should be
re-evaluated �ahether or not we really want any additional commerci l.
The other side of that coin is that we have another criterion for
evaluating commercial -- somethirg about function. w'e accept the
availability of new functions.
In the marketplace, the consultants' judgement was the two centers
totaling 5Q0,000 sq. ft. Gie deveioped the concept of a commerciai
park that would have land require�nents different irom a"PruneYard'
type center. The Commission should consider cahet�zer they would
want two "PruneYards" if t.zey could get tnem.
Comm. Adams noted that too much commercial activity would upset th
balanced comr.iunity. He considered 500,000 sq. ft. as a viable
figure. Feasibility and evaluatiion are two points to consider.
It was noted we presently have 120 acres of developed commercial
in the core area. We have 493 acres zoned commercial at this time
The following figures were discussed: •
Existing commerc�al development 1,100,000 sq. ft.
� Potential in-fill & campletion SQ0,000 sq. ft.
Additional agglomerated 500,000 sq. ft.
Regional shopping center 1,500,000 sq. ft.
Chairman Buthenuth cal.led a recess at 10:35 P.M.
The meeting reconvened at 10:50 P.M.
Page 14 �
Mr. Ar.nold said that we have now in Cupertino three community shopping
centers . If the Toc�m Center is developed , this �ill make it four .
A commercial park would he the fifth. That means five community centers
within the core area. �
Chairman Buthenuth wanted to take Sears out of Existing Developed and
add it to the Regional Center.
Chairman Buthenuth a�ked for a definition of a neighborhood center.
Mr. Arnold said this could include a grocery story, cleaners, liquor
store, barber shop, small drug store, etc. Dress shops, etc., are '�
things for the total community and are in community centers.
Comm. Adams asked if the commercial establishments are considered
servicing a projected 50,000 Cupertino residents or 200,000 people
in the surrounding area. He also asked if that is an unreasonable
amount of floor space to service 200,000 people. Mr. Arnold said the
amount of additional agglomerated commercial in centers, and taking
into account other uses to some extent of perhaps 100,000 sq. ft. ,
with these things in mind, he said tlie consultants have said the
area would support it. He added that tlie 50 acres amounted to such
a severe limitation that they went ahead with it.
After some deliberation, Comm. Nellis said the Planning Commission
should take another look at strip commercial and the north side of
Stevens Creek Blvd.
Comm. 0'Keefe said he wanted to speak to the problem of the north
side of Stevens Creek Blvd. He would like to review decisions made
on these properties. He believes the south side of Stevens Creek
�Blvd., since it is zoned residential should have more compatibility
acruss the street from it. For discussion's sake, he would like to
reopen that issue, considering we have a park south of Vista Drive
and we have a series of developments that do not lend themselves to •
what we envision for Stevens Creek Blvd.
Comm. Gatto would like to look at the type of commercial the Planning
Commission would like to see there. There are three basic types of
commercial: high-fashion, high-revenue return; larger., single users
that perform a com^lunity servi.ce ty�e feature best suited outside the
� regional center; and the t}�pe of business that needs a lower priced,
larger parcPl. The Cupertino Goals Cemmittee seeks a balanced contmunity.
�A set of development standards is needed to mitigate any negative
impacts on the City.
Page 15
Comm, 0'Keefe observed that on Stevens Creek Blvd. we have a car
lot that at one time raanted to enlarge and expand. [Ze have a coupl
of other commercial sites that have changed hands, He does not
believe further commercial along that street is in keeping with th
character of the neighborhood or o£ the City. He further believes
3,450,000 sq. ft. of commercial is too much for Cupertino.
Comm. Gatto wanted to discuss the question 4b: "Can industrial,
commercial or office Iand uses meet the community goals on
intensity ancl still be feasible?" Mr. Arnold countered by asking
what type of commercial development and intensity; and would it be
, feasible at the marketplace?
Mr. Levy proposed that if the Commission wanted to take the 17 acr
Portal area and develop it commercial, but not to produce any more
traffic than apartments, it would result in one acre buildable
site on the 12 acres. That is what is necessary to hold down the
traffic. The single-story office uses could have 3 to 3.5 times
as much square footage.
Comm. Nellis thought it was necessary to take a look at the
commercial we now have. There are some things that can't fi_t into
agglomerated commercial so these should go into the in-fill
situation. In the agglomerated situation, the regional center is
also going to be agglomerated.
Comm. 0'Keefe felt it was necessary to also take another look at
� the west side of Higfiway 9.
Comm. Nellis questioned why we should push for more commercial and
bring in more traffic to our community.
Comm. 0'Keefe previously spoke against the in-filling on Stevens
Creek Blvd. Also, he wondered what we can do about a storage yard
'. for trailers, lumber yards, eCc. He agrees that the in-filling of
the north side �f Stevens Creek Blvd. is not really in keeping
with the character of the area or of the City.
Comm. Adams said we have only two areas that can be changed to
affect the previous decisions. He would like to keep the green
area at Stevens Creek Blvd. and Highway 9. He said we are looking
at only about 5% of the total picture. He believes we should look
at the total picture. He su�gest mulling this over and coming bac
another night this week before making a decision. Should we stay
with what we have decided for the north side of Stevens Creek Blvd
and the west side of Highway 9 or should we cut down an some of
the commercial ? The Co�nissioners agreed to this.
` _
Page 16
Comm. Ivellis would also like to take another look at the policy
Comm. Adar�s said the task phase schedule'needs to be done before the
next meeting.
Comm. 0'Keefe felt the last sentence in this section• was �arong. Due
to the narrowness of the lots, �t �.�ould be hard to avoid the caalled �
effect type developMenC if the residential ��ere oriented inward.
Mr. Arnold thought.it would be worth��hile to have a map sho��ing the
Comm: Nellis caould like to speak to the narks issue oecause it is tied
into the core area. It �aas noted that important feedback has come
from the community to consider lo�o intensity industrial on the Mariar.i site.
, '
It was felt that it was iinportant for �ir. Goodrich to attend the next meeting.
Tloved by Comm. 0'Keefe, seconded by Comm. Ada�ns to continue this
�ublic hearing to Thursday, .Tuly 12, 1973, at 7:3U P.M.
�leeting adjourned at I1:50 P.Pi.
� Piotion carried, S-0
/s/ .T�hn W. Buth
Chairman �
/s/ Wm. E. R�der
City Clerk