PC 07-05-73 � CT.TY �F CIIPi ;I�TT,IO , STA'?'r OF Cr'1LII�ORNIA 1'C-1_15 103C)0 `Toz're Avenue, Cupertino, Ca.liforn.ia Pa�e 1 Te1_ephone: 252-4505 r�.tl`'UT�S OF THE ADJQURNEll I:T'GULAR �i!;I;T1:I�G OF TIiE PL�NNING COi�S'�iiISSIOiV HELD ON JULY S, 1973 I:N THE COUi�CJ_L (;HA11BEn, CITI' Hr�L CUPERT INO , CALIi C)I:��Iti SALIITE TO THi, FLAG Cliairman Butnenuth called the meetin�; to order at 7:35 P.M. with the Sal:ite to the Flag . ROLL CALL Comm. present: Adams, Gatto, Ne11is, 0'Kc�efe, Chairman Buthen�th Comm. absent: iJone. Staff present: Director of Ylanning and Development Sisk �`�ssistant City Attornev Terry Deputy City Attorney Ki.11ian Traffic Engineer Grigg Consultants present : Air . Levy , Mr . Arnold ($ :30) PUBI,I� HEARINGS : l. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hear.ing to consider 1973 Compr.ehensive General Plan. Mr. LF.vy pe.gan the discussion by sayi_ng that there are basically three areas left to decide on land use; 1) Uncommitted Vaiico Park; 2) A couple of parcels in the Homesteacl/Iligh�aay 9 area; and 3) Parcels in the Stevens Creek Blvd. area. He said a set of policy stat-ements e�;pl.aining �ahy the Pla�zniiih Gommission made these land use decisions is to be transmitted to the City Gouncil, There �aas some disr_ussion on the par.cel :ti�here the. bowling al.ley woul_d like to go, in the area of Hcmestead Road and Stelli_n� Road. Cormt. Gatto abstain�d from this discussion. Cemru. 0'Keefe said he would like. to hold tu the d�cisior� on the 500,000 sq. L t. af coinmt�rcial an�l �aoul.0 like to Cd11S]_deY residen- rial as an alCernative. Comm. Nel.lis agrec:� that this arc=a should be zoned re>id�; �iLial at a densi.ty in r:.ee�in�:, �•,i.th that area. • Comm. Adams agreed on re.�idential .for tiiat ar�:a. Eie notc>d there is nei�hborliood comme�rcial across tYle stree.t, in another juris- diction. Chairman I�uthenuth also agreed ro residential here. PC-115 MINUTES Or THE JULX S, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNIPIG C0��IISSION MEETING Pa�;e 2 Comm, 0`Keefe noted that the Payless site has area� that could accommodate a bo�aling a.11ey, Villa Serra has 16 units to the acre; Comm. 0'Keefe �ould be in favor of lo�lcing at a lc�aer density for this parcel. Moved by Comm. Nellis that this area be designated residential, at 16 units per acre. This motion �aas withdrawn, since a member oi the audience wished to spealc on this matter. Mr. John Rintala, realtor, said he had a representative from Brunswick dt this meeting the previous Saturday, but he had to �;o back East again. ' Mr. Rintala subriitted the gentleman�s letter of July 3, 1973, coverin� his proposal. r�r. Rintala believes there is need for other cammercial as you move farther and farther a�aay irom Highway 9, toward the west , He noted the six schools o a Santa Clara County :�ap that would have inmediate access to this particular use -- tfie boraling a11ey. The Brunswick letter indicated that their business cannot afford to locate on a major thorcughfare; tney no longer have large restaurants attached to their bus:iness. They are emphasizing bowling as recreation. Chairman Buthenuth said he still feels the bocalin� alley mi�ht be a good use, but if this property is zoned commercial it does not necessarily mean we will end up with a bowling alley here. :1ove�1 by Comm. Nellis , seconded by Cormi. Adams that the density on this parcel at Stelling and Homestead Road shall be 16 units per acre. AYES: Coimn. Adams, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth NOES: None ABSTAINED: Comm. Gatto Motion carried, 4-•0 Property North and South of Payless: Chair.man Buthenuth noted that a part of this property is in the Williar�son Act. The Pldnnin, Directc�r aslced that tlie Planning Cornmission consider a long term use or a policy statement on this property, at any rate. Assistant City Attorne}� Terr;� arrived at ttle meeting at this time . He was cen�ratulated l�y the Corun:issioners on h�s recent agpointment as Judge of the Municipal Court. Attorney Terry expresseci 1_iis ��,rati.tude for the opportunity of o�orkir.g wi.th the starf and Ci.ty Govern�nent bodi.es. MINUTES �� TH� JULY S, 1973 ADJUUP.NI:D PLA:�r7T.NG COr'IMISSION r1EETING PC-115 � Page 3 Camm. Nellis, asked £rom a legal standpoint, when property is in the Williamson Act can a City put it in anything other than an agri- �ui�ur�i use. T]:e Assistant City Attorney said the Willi.amson AcL provides for a contr��.ct�:al relationship between the governa_ng badies of the Ceunty and the landowners. It is necessary for a zoning ordinance not,� to conform to a general plan. IIowever, you can reflect something in the geileral plar.i as to overall objecti_ves. Thi.s is an exceprion and i.t does not have to l�e zoned; although the Planning Commissi.on can make a finding as to its long term objective. Comm. Adams noted, froin the activity at the Payless and the lumber company parcels, the long range intent for that parcel certainl3� lends itself to commercial use. However, l.eaving it in agriculLural zoning, as long as the jti Act is mainLained, cancurs with his vi.e�as on th� s property. With respect to the parcel to the north of Homestead and west of I Hi.ghway 9, Comm. Adams sees that usage as residential. because it is bordered on 3 sides by resic�ential and should be served by the commercial on Che.4th side. Chairman Buth�nuth took exception r.o the assur.►ption that commercial belongs behind Payless because he felt the acce�s to that property behind the lumber campany �?as inadequate. 1-ie felt it should be somewhere in the neighborhood o£ 16 units per acre residential and should introduce the use ot soundproofing buildin�; materials. Ori the other side it is still in keeping witri reai.dential. Comm. Gatto Grould l.ike to see it designated as it is now, under the Williamson Act, as agricultural and to maintain some flexi- bility to the us� of that land in the future. He felt the lumber company should stay commercial. The other quadrant, at Homestead and Highti�ay 9, should have residential usage. Conun. Nellis said she basically agreed with Cnmm. Gatto's comments. �Mr. Forge can come to the City in the futiure if the �ituation changes. , Mr. Noor Billawal.la, Saratoga, said he represented people on the northwest corner of Homestead Road and t.-Ii.ghway 9. There is a Mobil station at the corner and farther down the street there is an IOOF meeting hal].. He does not feel the Planiling Commission should be considerin� any other use th�n the use tYie City Council has g�_ven after long hearings on these properties. The City should control the quality of the C1E:V�ZOpI11@I2t:S rather than the uses that have been previous7_y approved hy the City. Zonings are not given as a gift, but rather as a resul.t of public hearings. He then read a prepared st�tement regarding these new people who wanr to build an i.mage and clestroy wl�at has take� place previously. He � 'C-115 MI1`NTES Ok' THE JU1�.Y 5, 1973 ADJOURNEA PL�NNING C01`i�tI�SION MEETING ?���e 4 said there are several tzpes of commercial uses that do not �;o into large, repi_onal centers such as Bonanza, Orchard Supply, etc. They need to ve easily acce:;sible. Tliey could tie agglomera�ed wi t�i recreat:ional usc�s su�h as the :LOOk' Hall, an ice skat:ing rznk, etc. He feels iC is the r�spons;ihilitv of ttle City Goveri:nenl. to a]_low people to liv� away from the m.a:in arteries with the ai.r and noise pollution, etc. ��omm. Gatto believes.the property behind the lumber co>>l,�any should be commercial , mainl.y because of its compatibi_lity. Chairr;lan Buthenuth reminded the Commi.ssi.on t:zat access is very :�oor. Conun. Gatto said ' that iF that parcel combines w;_th that parcel in the �d�_1liamson Act there siiould be a change of use. Access has to be from High�aay 9, whetller it is com��rcial or residential. Even tt101iP;11 the access is bad, that lu.nber yard has been in business £or 6 or 7�-ears and seems to be able to function. , Comm. 0'Keefe said that, due to its pro:�imity, and the fact that it is open 7 days a weelc, m�ke it a desirable use for comrnercial in the future. ti��lia-:son �ct °Moved by Cor.un. Gatto, second�d by Coram. 0'ICeefe that this area presently nrcperty zoned in the Williamson Act be zoned agricultural. 3�ri. AYES : Comm. Adams , Gatto , Nellis , 0'?Ceefe 1�?OES : Chair_man 3uti�enuth �lotion carried, 4-1 �� Anza Litmi�er rioved b;• Comn. Gatto , seconded by Comm. T?ellis that the property �rep�rt,� zoned preseatly occupied by De Anza Lumber Co�npany be zoned commercial. �ommercial AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis D;OES: Comni. 0'Keefe, Cha.i_ Buthenuth Motion carried, 3-2 �t�,,;�_on i:ai�Ed Moved b�r Co:nm. Gatto, secor.ded by Camm. Nell�s that t::P north�aest � quadrant of High�aay 9 and 1lemestead Road , exclusivc of Lhe L-?il]_iamson Act nroperty, be shown on the �eneral nlan a5 12 units per acre. Chairman Buthenut.�. telt the range shoul_cl he 12 to I6 un-ts �er acre. Corim. Catto felt it stiould be 4 to 12 unzr_s �er acre. Comm. 0`Keefe a�ked :tirEiy Comm. Gatto fe�_t this taas difierent fro�n Stellin.g anci Homestead. Comm. Gatto said he relates this piece to lhe Hi�;hraay 9 pro�ert3 rather than ttle pro�e.rty on Ste]_1:i.n��. � . MINUTES OF THE JULY 5, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNI:�G C0�`'�IISSIO21 MF.ETING PC-115 Page 5 Comm. 0'Kee�e said the densities to the nort.h and caest oi thi.s property ar.e at least 16 units per acre. Chairman Buthenuth said this i.s too small an area for a duplex area (4 to 12 un�_ts per acre). Comm. Adams nated that we have a service station on the corner. He asked i£ that corner property should be included in this zoning . Comm, Gat to F�rould like to li1C� tlt� the entir. e area . AYES : Cor.�m. Adar.ls , Gatto NOES: Comm. Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth Motion failed, 2-3 Moved by Comm. 0'Keefe that, for consistence, �,�e show on the general plan this area as 12 to 16 units per acre. Motion failed for lack of a second. Moved by Comm. 0'Keefe, seconded by Comm. Gatto, tizat �ae show on 12-16 densit� the general plan a density of 12 to 16 on the northwest parcel NiJ corner oL presently zoned commercial. Hcoy 9%rio*�est� AYES : Comm. Adams, 0':�eefe, Chairman Buthenuth NOES: Com�. Gatto, Nellis Motion carried, 3-2 Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Cor.im. 0`Keefe, that the parcel 12-16 densit� at the southeast corner of Homestead and Stelling he residential S�a cornPr of with a density of 12 to 16 units per acre. Ste11i::Y & � Homestead Rd, AYES: Comm. Adams, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth NOES: None ABSTAINED: Comm. Gatto Motion carried, 4 -0-1 Mr. Paul Mariani, Homestead Road and ��igh;��ay 9, said he wanted to speak to specifics as �aell as the general arproach. �ti all bleed a little bit tithen Fre see a redwood tree chopped down. 13ut even a tree can be replanted. Here Tae are doin� something more permanent than chopping do�an trees, :ie said there li.�s been a land banlc here over the years for something that rze tnink is �*OlIl� to materialize He asked if Hre are not, in one fell scroop, destroying that land bank when G1e don `t kno�a tithat the needs �:�ill be in 10 to 20 years , if we put this land into residential. 'C-115 TIINUTLS OF THE JULY 5, 1973 ADJOIJRNID PLANNING CO��`IISSION MEETING P,3� e 6 Mr. rfariani said that he was suggestin� son�e of this land that has been in a land bank be a cooperative underst�au,.n� witiz some of the landowners. Comm. Nellis noted tllere has been a lot of discussi.on about a hospital in the Cupertino—Los Gatos—Saratoga area. Ttiere have been studies speaking to this issue. In terms of locati_ons, it seemed like a good location f_or a hospital facility, but she added tnat �a� would be having the saj~�e problems with traffic. She asked if a hospital would generate the same traftic as a commercial or industrial use. Chairnan ButhEnuth said a hospital would be a good idea, but he did . not feel that he could picic the location for one. Comm. Gatto said Comm. Nellis' statement about a hospital and Mr. Mariani's statement about flexibility go hand in hand. Perhaps there is a need for sor�e surplus zoning for these or other sei we do noC at this time anticipate the need for in this area. The Traffic Engineer said a hospital generates 13 to 29 trips per thousand square feet, with peak hours varying from 8 to 18%. Average peak is 11.4%. It looics like it is close to industrial traffic. Comm. 0'Keefe wanted to support Cor.un. Gatto's stater:lent that if we speak to the idea of resource and flexibility and hold some areas open �ia land banking �ae are planning far tne future. This resource might be of great value. Comin. Gatto said the crux of the prable-� is one o.f control. The real tesC is ho�o do we r�aintain the flex_bility and control and yet prohzbit t�ze strip commercial development. Censistent with the policy set, he said he would have to still place residential zoning on the Mariani property. The area zoned commercial is only about 20% cievelo�ed , but the area zoned resi_dential is about 90% developed in the C�ty of Cupertino. Mr, Levy noted that a number of people in the audience have been arguing for flexibility. Cortm. Gatto is saying he �:�ants to retain flexibility by retaining commercial zoning rather than residenti.al. Comm. 0'Keefe said we want a�;lan t:lat is predictable. Mr. Arnold said �riorities are the issue here. There are a lot of o�oners of commercial property and most are vying for some kind of a��;lomerated use. Mr, rtariani said OIl@ solut�on �aould tae tor the Citv to buy up t'r�e property and land laank it. Uniortunately, that is I10t in the ca:-�s. ���e are talkinQ about 50 acr2s at commercial. --- he wanted to kno,�r ir that is str�.ctly for retail outlets. Mr, f�rnold said this includes a factor for restaurants, department stores, etc. . MINUTES OF Ti�T� JULY 5, 1973 �JOUKNED PLAVNING CO`�I:SISSIUN �1EETING PC-115 Pag� 7 Mr. Mariani sa�d *t:at ene of the ot:}ZCr. consulCants referred spec:i- fically to re�.ail sal.es. The peiiYt here is �?hc_ther or not �:-e can predict �ahat the ceil�i�g is in t�his Communit as to the diversity of goods anci services t:�at we c�.ant to have ava�,labl.e to trie peaple in our conununity. Chairman Buthenutli stated that thi_s discussion pertains to decisio�.s already r.iad� . Comm. Gatto said that c,That was decided, based on information at hand, �aas 50 acres or 500,000 sq. ft. of subregional commer.cial. �A:hat we are ta�.king about no:, are otller uses that m�ght come up in the future. Where would all these uses go if al1 the la.nd is already assigned. Com?n. ivellis sa�d ��e should look at the situa- t�on today and as far into the future as �ossible. If , i_n the future, something comes to pass that changes tnis, then new decisions can be made. The Plann�_ng Com.mission r�iakes decisions based on the best informat�on available at the rime. Cor:un. 0'Keef_e said he agreed witn Comm. Gatto in the thoughL that if all the l.and is developed there *.aill be no space available. Chairman Buthenuth notec3 that this general plan ;aill be reviewed prob�bly aniivail_y�. Co�nm. Gatto feels there is still room for comrnercial zoning in the southeast corner of Homestead and Stellino for a type of use that cannot be absorbed bi� tlie to,�n center, etc. There are urii�ue commercial uses that need a place to go. If land banking is a possibility for the City it would �e somethino to explore. He wondered what Lhe feasibility �aas for the City to purchase land to maintain flexibility. Mr. Jerry Fi:tzgerald, 10191 North �laney, Cupertino wanted to speak to the idea of land banking. Tlie com.-nercial property owners are paying comriercial taxes. �le asked if the Planning Commission coul_d sweep that assessed valuaticn under the ru�. He said his � gr.oup is basically in favor of the Goals RepoY�t. The City Council should take no action until they can assure ':he property ocaners they �aan't take inoney out of their pockets. Tnese parcels wi11 onl.y go i_nto strip if the City al_1o�as them to. The 15 acres he represents are not going to be split if the Citti- won't alloca it. He asked what justification there was for the 50-acre li.mitation. ?C-115 MINUTES OF THE JULY 5, 1973 ADJOURN�D PLt1NNING COP•'AtISSION MEETING Page 8 Mr. John Rintala, realtor, said the biggest demand i_n this valley is for residentiat zones. �'our land will develop very quickly if the property owners resign themselves to the fact that tliey can only have residential, He feels that competition is being eliminated when you speak of an ao�lomerated community center. The only tenants that will go into an agglomerated situation are those who can afford the high rent. He agreed tnat having no restrictions would not be conducive to the type of development that Cupertino is striving for, but not allowing free enterprise to operate in the marketplace is creating a monopoly. Comm. Nellis said the Planning Commission has been over and over this territory. The Planning Com� should either accept the recommenda- tions of the consultants or not. We already have strip commercial docan Stevens Creek Blvd. and Hig�zway 9. Comm. 0'Keefe feels it is a fair stateMent tnat if these areas are going residential they will auicKly develop once the o�,mers are convinced of that fact. There will not be another time in our future when ���e will have this degree of flexibility. He felt we should retain this fiexibility. There is a changing pattern in the buying habits and requirements of the marketplace. Mr. Le��y said that �ahen all the land uses are made �ae �aill malce some policy statements. That �aill be the time to look at flexibility. Comm. 0'Keefe and Chairman Buthenuth fPlt tnis was a very good idea. Comm. Gatto said the strip development certainly is to be avoided at almost all costs; that is, a linear 3evelopment of single uses. SE corner Moved by Comm. Ne11is, seconded by Comm. Adar.ls that on the general plan, Her�estead/4�9 this parcel at the southeast corner of Homestead Road and �Ii;hway 9 4-12 units be d�signated residential � 4 to 12 units per acre. residential AYES : Comm. Adams , Gatto , Nellis , Chairma.i Buthenuth NOES : Comm. 0'Keefe P�Iotion carried, 4-1 Vallco Park Unconunitted Land; Chairman Buthenuth said the Planning Comn�ission has received so:�e written material from the staff on this. The Traif�c Lnoineer - read a_loud the July S, 1973 re�ort to the. Plannin; Ccm�:�i.ssion from the Director of Public I^:ox�ks; subject: Co�struction Phasing �or Va:Lico Park. - MINUTES OF T�iE JULY 5, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNIN� COMMISSION MFETING PC-115 Page 9 Comm. Nellis asked the staff to prepare a color coded map sho�ving each of the four categories of development in Vallco Park. Chairman Buthenuth called a recess at 9:2Q ?.M. The meeting reconvened at 9:40 P.M. The Associate Planr.er ti•rent over the color coded map, reviewing each of the categories. C�mm. Adams asked that Categories I and III plus Hewlett-Packard ��2 and ISS be cross-hatched on the map. This area constitutes about 60% oi Vailco Park. Ae asked the question, with that i , percentage of development in Chat area, whether our records from I the traffic consultant indicate that we can live with the present Wolfe Road overpass. The answer was in the affirmative. Comm. Gatto asked if the staff feels all the improvements �oould have to be constructed if one or all proposed developments are constructed. The Traff ic Engineer said He�alett-Packard ��2 and ISS are considered a minor part of �,�'olfe Road. The major impact would be the sizopping center. Com�-n. GatCo asked that the staff tie the improvements more explicitly to the developments. Chairman Buthenuth f.elt these questions had been answered in the memo . � Comm. Gatto asked, if all these improvements are tied to the regional center, why are they listed in the phased categories. Mr. Walter Ward, General Manager of Va.11co Park, said the Wolfe Road widening and the perimeter road are tied to the shepping center. The Tantau overcrossing is tied to the Hilton development He �vill go to his consultant for further clarification. Comm. Gatto asked what the projected timetable is for all of Vallco Park. P�r. Ldard said we are talking about 2 to 4 areas: Watkins-Johnson and Hewlett-Packard ------7 to 10 years The orange, lower right-hand corner -----4 to 10 years Office parlc at northwest corner and financial center - ZO to 15 ' years hence. He said that we will then have new traff ic studie and will be cor.sidering mass transportation, venicle fuel avail- able, etc. Mr. Ward asked if the Com�nissioners had copies of the letter from the State Division of Highways. Ha said that when the collector/distributor road is required they will then address. themselves to Interstate 280. PC-115 MINUTES OF THE JULY �, 1973 ADJOURNED PLAIvNIPiG COr�IISSION MEETING Page 10 Comm. Gatto sa�d all the property c�ithin Category 2 is being left as is existing. He said the concern of control that the City has here is metering the traffic in concert wit:z other develop:nents. The other concern would be the intensity of development that would be allowed in � any event. As far as the intensity of the land use is concerned, he thinks ehere �s sorie serious question as to the appropriateness of the 8-story financial center and the 8-story �ff ice complex proposed for Area S in this consistency with some of the rest of the aims of the general plan and the ai: of the community to create a lo�a intensity community. ��]e have, in fact, created a high intensity use in the regional center, and a balance is needed. He said he would pronose an extremely low r intensity use to be in concert with this metering of the development. Comm. 0'Keefe does not believe we can look at Vallco Park when �ve say the growth of the area is depender_t upon the carrying capacity of the streets. �ti'e are then overlooking the character of the neighborhood. �Ie caould not look upon the ability to develop ne:o streets as the sole criteria in favor of development. He looked at the Va]_lco Park unco�unitted areas as areas of very lo�a intensity. Comm. Adams concLrred witn this thinking. He felt a task phasing plan �oas nec�ssary, however, in that certain things must be co�pleted before the next effort can be started. Com�. Nellis said she zaould like to see idatkins-Johnson and He�alett- Packard I?I completed. She wants to have a very clear picture as these �roposals come in of what improvements are necessary. The question she has in mind at t':is point is the need for the tc 8-story office complexes. They prociuce more traffic than a regional shopping center. The area to the southeast corner zoned commercial should not stand. She is looking for. a low intensity type use for the remaining properties. Chairman Buthenuth agreed on the point of low intensity use here. It will have to be light industrial because office use is too high �ntensiCy. Comm. 0'Keefe said the designation is not the critical issue here, but rather the traff ic generation. �:e �aould like to see Vallco Park make the decision as to industrial or office use, but the City should decide the intensity. Comm, Gatto added that the confi�uration does not decide the intensity. A multi-story building could allow a larg;e, green, landscaped area. Comm. Neilis said it �ail.t be necessary for the Plannin� Commission to tie do�n the intensity of develo�ment in t:�e policy state�en�. Comrn, Adams said light industrial or ofLice.usage could consider 25 trips per acre peak hour traffic. He would also lzke to have this tied down to floor space. , MINUT�S QF THE JULY 5, 1973 ADJOURN�D PLANNING COl�,�1ISSI0N 1`.EETING FC-115 Pa�;e 11 Comm. 0'Keefe said cse are look. far lo,tiT profile. Everything should not be governed by t�1e ��r.o:nobil.e. ��Ie then must look at ttle matter of public Lransportation. Mr. �dard said they have 105,000 sq. ft. The total complex o�ith four 10-story bui.ldings comes to 1.5 milli�n square feet. If 3/4 of that is removed you caould be remo�,=ing about 16% oi Vallca Park's total traffic. :ie said they can iaork out so:?e k�nd o� formula for this. Mr. Levy said the Planning Commission must distinguish the long ran�e uses on Vallco Parlc and rlariani property. It is very important to get these poir.ts clear. Comm. Nellis said that we are talking about an area 6�% developed. We have to loolc at �ahat is already developed here. This can't be reversed, but it can be toned do�an. On Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road we are looking at a totally undeveloped area. Com.m. Gatto said Vallco Park is the most regionall.y oriented site. Mr. Arnold asked if the Co:mnissioners did not :saTit ,to consider holding those 140 acres in open space, Comm. Gatto com�r�ente.d that open space has to serve some social function. Mr. Arnold sazd ;.n this general plan we have to state cah�ther or not you could accept their plans in concept, although the intensity of. the use can be changed. Comm. 0'Keefe feels that open space should be considered as a use of land. Comm. Adams suggested a golf course behind the offic cormplex. It was decided it ti�as not large er�ough to accommodate a golf course. Chairman Buthenuth was concerned that �ae are getting too high intensity in one area of the City. Comm. Gatto suggested delineating certain open s�ace and an • intensity level and ground space and then tell the property owner the percentage to be left in landscaped open space. Comrn. Nellis said that we are back to the goal of a balanced community. She asked if industrial and office uses add to that balanced community. ��est Valley Industrial Park and Vallco Park are almost ful1. Her feeling was t:�at more industr�al uses should be allowed. Vallco Yark has proven to her that they can success- fully blend industrial and office usc�5 witti residPntial. C-I15 MINUTES OF THE JULY 5, 1973 ADJOURNED PLA.NNING COMMISSION MEETING 'age 12 Comm. 0'Keefe said that when�cae laok at the valley floor and look at the traffic poCential for Cupertino we have the opportunity to look at open space in a key area such as this. He believes open space is a very important factor here. Chairman BuChenuth questioned whether a park would be suitable here. Comm. 0'Keefe said you can put a park anywhere and with proper develop� ment, it will function well� Comm. Nellis believes there are other areas in the City that need a park more than in Va11co Park. Mr. Arnold said he will work with the Traff ic Consultant fln this idea of light industrial/off ice with 1ow intensity use. Moved by Comm. Gatto that a land use category be assigned to all Vallco Park, exclusive of the regional shopping center, as Industrial/Office with the stipulaCion that i� be of low intensity nature. Motion died for lack of a second. Comm. Adams would like to include the land areas the Planning Commission was discussing: Categories II and IV. Comm. Gatto would like to have the general plan reflect not only ca�Cagories II and IV b��t also those uses existing, the hote� and the regioiial shopping center. Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Conun. Adams that Vallco Park be designated as a planned industrial/offi�e park witYz the following exceptions: That the regional shopping cent�r be shown as commercial; that the Hilton Hotel area shall be shown as comrnercial; that the Vallco Village area shall be shown as commercial. All other areas shall be shown as industrial/off ice with the stipulation Chat they will be developed at an intensity to be determined and at a time frame to be determinad. After further discussion, the motion was amended by Comm. Adams, seconded by Coznm. 0'Keef e, that the time phasing portion of the motion shall read: "task phasing to be accomplished prior to development of undeveloped properties." Vot� on an�endment: AYES: C�tt�n. Aclams, Gatto, Nellis 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth NOES: None Amendment carried, 5-0 Vo�e on motion: AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, Q'Keef e, Chairman Buthenuth NOES: None Motio� carried, 5-0 • :IIIvTiITES OF THE JULY 5, 1973 ADJOUP.NED PLANNING CUM�"IISSION MEETING P� Page 13 Stevens Creek Blvd. remain�ng areas: South side, fror.i to�,ni center to eastern City limits. The Planning Director first revie*.aed c�rhat is presently existing on Stevens Creek Blvd:, froni Blaney Avenue to Finch Avenue. There are 17 acres undeveloped and 15 acres essentially undeveloped. There is also the Mayfair center. Southerly, �t is essentially single faL�ily with some multiple use near M�ller Avenue. Chairman Buthenuth said Ma�fair and the related c�mmercial is neighborhood commercial and should remain. Mr. Arnold said that, for consistency, we will be going back and doing all the neighbor- hood commercial areas at a later date. Cornm. 0'Keefe reviewed that we are faced with two decisions pre- viousl� nade: agglomerated commercial, and 50 acres raaximum sub-regional commercial. Residentia]_ has been designated on Homestead and at Highway 9, so on that basis, he wanted to discuss 12 - 16 units per acre for the vacant 17 acres. Chairman Buthenuth said he would like to cons�der single family cluster homes here. Comm. Adams felt that residential caould be appropriat here, due to Che residential to the east and south. �ie suggested residential from the back side of '.�Iayfair, all the �oay to Blaney Avenue, at 4- 10 unit per acre. Chairman Buthenuth agreed that 4- 10 is more in keeping with the neighborhood than 12 - 16 would be. The Planning Director wondered if the Pla:lning Commission meant that this entire area should be planned, as has been spoken to for the town center. Comm. 0'Keefe felt that 12 - 16 units would certainly be a�minimum here because anybody wanting to live on Stevetis Creek Blvd. has a certain life style, and with 16 units per acre cae would certainly have something unique. He �aould oot for a higher density along Stevens Creek Blvd., although he would opt for lower density in other areas. � Comm. Nellis sazd the only time she has �pted for over 10 units is when the property is completely surrounded-a higher density. Comm. 0'Keefe noted there is public transportation on Stevens Creek Blvd. at the present time. The existing high intensity is in Vallco Park, The characrer of the street itself, the sidewalks, etc., are all thi.ngs that lend th.emselves to higher intensity. People living �iere could �alk to work in Vallco Park. He noted the Planning Commission has alloc�ed 12- 16 units per acre at Homestead and Stelling. ' PC-115 ZINUTES OF THE JULY 5, 1973 ADJOUP.NED PLAIvNING COl"C`1ISSIQN MEETING Page 14 r. Arnold asked c,rhether or not the Plan�iing Commission wanted to turn these properties bacic into the residential or �o orient them toward Stevens Creek Blvd. Comm. 0'Keefe felt they should be turned out toward Stevens Creek Blvd. and let the development blend in with the Vallco Park development because of Che narrowness of the property. Chairman Buthenuth a�reed that if this were to go to single faMily it would have to be turned inward and then you ;aould end up with a walled effect along Stevens Creek Blvd. becaus� of the narro�aness of the area. Comm. Adams asked uzhat urould happen if a neat looking PD residential ; complex �aere allowed in that area. He said 4- 10 units would alloia more greenery alon� Stevens Creek Blvd. i�e suggestpd perhaps even going to 3 stories to al.low for more greenery. He added that 10 - 12 units wouid allo;�� more flexibility. Chairman Buthenuth said with 4- 10 units yeu �vould have to get a street in that narrow area. Comm. 0'Keefe said that with keeping 16 as a maximum, and incentives given for underground parking, etc., you would end up with a nice develogment. Com.Tn. Nellis said undergrounci parking gets up into the 30 range of density. Comm. Gatto took excepCion to the statement that tiie we have assigned 50 acres commercial and have excluded other commercial in tne City. Fie said �ve have strip commercial alon� Stevens Creelc Blvd., particularly on the north side. It would be somewhat difficult to turn the residential inward in this area. Turned out�vard, �ae are looking at a higher density. Comm. Gatto sai� the other thing �ae are tryin� to achieve along Stevens Creek Blvd. is a broad, boulevard effect such as the character existing now in Vallco Park. He felt that there surelv is a need for seme smaller parcels that can develop sin�le uses, pex•haps on th� 10 -acre parcel adjoining l�iayfair Market. The 10- and S-acre pieces adjoinin� Portal are still under_ermined. Comm. Gatto proposed a restriction be imposed t�:at u distance of 30 to 40' la:'.dscaped setback be re^u� red on the pro;�erty line alrTi; Stevens Creek Blvd . that would protiibit development and then the reL.ia_ining area have a building/land ration in the 20% rar.ge. This �;ould allow the land to develop more on a f ill-in basis . This :�rould give the mechanics f or �rovidinp the houlevard approach. It :.oul.d nrovide a;;�ore inten�e us�. It would provide an area fox' the s:^al1:�r liusinesses ta occur. He said the strip that is tiiere cannot be ignored; let's imor_ove on thaC linear quality and provide some encour.ageM�nt fur hi�;:� quality developme.nt. He said he inte.nded t�his proposal fu:. t�oth sides ot Stevens Creek Blvd. strip commercial from H��hway 9 to the eastern City limits. ' MINUTES OF THE JULY 5, 1973 ADJOUP.I�lED PLANNING CO?�ISSION MEETING PC-115 Pa�e ]_5 Comm. Nel_lis felt that proposal would Ue trying to promote strip coir�merci.al rather than t=ryin� to control it. Comm. 0'Keefe asked if the 2 million sq. ft. in addition to exist- ing commercial, plus nonconfermin� commercial is not adequate for the regional and subre�i.ona7_ i�eeds. Cor�ni. Gatto feels there ar_e some com^�unity tyne needs that need to _locate outs=ide the laroe, agglomerated areas. Clia 3uthenuth a�;reed that C� rilM . Gatto had a valid poznt there. Perhaps this area should be left operi to cormiercial that can't go into the re�i_ona� or subre;ional centers. This T�roul_d not char_ae the character o� tne City. Comm. Gatto is trying to aci�ieve this tree-lined boulevard effect. You can achieve th;s better caith a commercial zonin�; with setback than with residential use. A reduction in the percenta�e of land you can develop in commercial act�v�ty will reduce L'ne traffic impact on this area. The point is we have already �ot most of the strip com��ercial along Stevens Creek Flvd. Comm. 0'Keefe q_uestioned whether we really �4ant that strip effect along Stevens Creek Blvd, as we have in the cities to the east, along Stevens Creek Blvd. Conun. Gatto aslced :�,hat other problems Comm. 0'F:eefe envisioned �f the commerci<<"1 did not generate any more traffic than his proposed 16 units per acre. Comm. 0`Keefe said the neon ].ights, etc., �vould make Lhe clifference. It was Comm. Nellis' opinion that �•�e have enough strip com� in this area to satisfy the needs for tnose areas that don't fit into a�glo:nerated centers. These types of businesses need expo- sure, and we would have a sign problem. Chairman Buthenuth called a recess at 11:37 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 11:45 P.M. Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Adams tnat the undeveyope area south of Stevens Creer: Rlvd., east of Portal Avenue be assign d a PD zone, with land use designation residential, caith 4-10 density. AYES : Comm. Adams , Nellis NOES : Comri. Gatto, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth Motion failed 2-3 PC-115 MINUTES OF THF. ,TULY 5, 1973 ADJOURNED Pf�AI�1rIING COPIMISSIUN MEETING Page 16 Moved by Comm. 0'Keefe to designation 12 to 16 units per acre res�dential in the area extended to Blaney Avenue. This rlotion �ras �aithdraFrn. Tioved by Conun. 0'Keefe that the area from Portal eastward to the shopping center be designated 12 to 16 units per acre resiciential. This motion was withdrar�zn . Comm. Gatto noted thai, t�ao problems are coming out �f this: 1) The qtiestion of the SO acres and what it is going to acco:�unodate; and 2) If there is to be n_ore than SO acres, wliere is that 50 acres �oin� � to be. If �ae allo�a for more commercial along SteverLs Creek Blvd. we increase the corimercial potential. He still tiiinks there is need and abil�ty in the City to take single pieces and Put uses other than residential on them, that can be aestheticall}� acceptable and useful to the City. . Moved by Cor.un. Gatto, seconded bv Chairmatt Buthenuth that the north and the south side of Stevens Creek Blvd. (the unincort�orated areas) from High:,ray 9, exclusive of the tot,m center, to FincYi Avenue be zon�d commercial. :�Zotion �•�as amended by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Crai�r,ian 13utrenut:h, that t.zis area is to be controlled by specific ordinances - :-hich will generate a large, landscaped setback and ��i11 prov:id� a bui.ldi.n�/1ar.d cover��;� of such intensity and of stich t.ise �s to not exceed the traffic generation that ,�ould be comparable to a 16-unit--�er-acre develop;�ent . Comm. 0'Keefe aske� the constiltants what t�.is �aould do the Hig�:��Tay 9- Stevens Creek Blvd. intersection. Mr. Levy said that �or one acre of commercial you are talking abo�it 4 acr�s of residential here. A1r . Arnold said this rroposal ,-aou]_d f�ave to be caiculated before he could answer what ��ould happen to that critical ititersection. I�e added that one of the problems with the trad:itional linear developrent is the access. One of t'�e streng argumer.ts for ag�;lcn;erated corr�merc�_al_ is to li.mit t.ie access of the automobile. Vote on the amendment: AYES: Comm. G�tto, Cha�rman Buthenuth NOES : Cor.un, Adams , Nellis , 0'Keefe ,Am�ndment failed, 2-3 Comm. Gatto then wi_thdrew his inntion and Chairman Buthenuth �vithdrew his second to tn� motion. r � iiINUTES OF THE JULY 5, 1.973 LIDJOUKNED PLP.I�NING GOMNilSSION MEETING PC-115 Pa�e 17 lliscussi.on turned to the area from 131aney to Portal and Portal to Mayfai_r Market Center. Moved by Comr�. Nellis, seconded b}� Comro.. Ad2ms, i.n the area from So, side SC;R Blariey Avenue to tne May' A[arket, on the south side of Stevens T3laney to Creel: ;31.vd. sh_all be deslcnared on the General Plan as res�dential_ Ma,fair -- with 4 to 12 units aer acre. �+--i2, rE��ider: AYES: Corun. Adams, Gatto, Nellis P3GE� : Comr.i . 0' Keef e, Ct�air_man Buthenuth riotion carried, 3-2 Cotrun. Nellis comr.iented on �he need for cor�munity parks in this area. She suggested property to th� �aest of Cupert;..no High School for t;�;_s pur.pose. She �r:anted to ��ntrociuce tiie idea of a community park to relate to Cup°rtino Hi�h School in that area bornered in green on the nap. She said she felt in the last park discussion that there �aas a need for exaansion of community aarks. t�?� can get t�ie benef.it of an extension of a co�munity park and som open space on our main boulevard this caay. Mr. Arnold said it �aot2ld be dif�icult to t_cc� iri this area with the High School. It c-aas felt that the Director of Parlcs and Recreation preferred Area ��1. Co.,an. 0'KeeLe suggested talking to the Fremont Sch�ol District people about the severe social proble�s associated with a park across the street from a high sc.zool. Comm. Gatto would ,�refer to keep the parks where the people are. Chazrman Buth�nuth felt this property cvas too narroti7 for residen- Lial use. He thought it was best suited for commercial. The Planning Di_rector noted there are sorne 16/acre duplexes in that area , as caell as single f amily dwellings . Comm. Gattc feels there has to be a severe limitation as to contro s on any commercial develo�:nenL here. A substantial, landscaped setback �aould be one of tne restrictions. Mr. Arnold suggested the Commission consider loc�r intensity indus- trial offices here since �ti�e have Vallco Park across the street from here. 0 PC-115 MINUTES OF THE JULY 5, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Page 18 Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Cemm. Adams that this area be designated PD residential, 4 to 12 units per acre. AYES: Comm. Adams, Nellis • NOES: Comm. Gatto, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth Motion failed, 2-3 Moved by Comm. 0'Keef e, seconded by Comm. Adams t:�at the area under discussion be designated PD residential with 12 - 16 units per acre. r AYES: Comm. Adams, 0'Keefe NOES: Comm. Gatto, Nellis, Chairman Buthenuth Motion failed, 2 3 Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Chairman Buthenuth that the north and the south sides of Stevens Creek Blvd, the unincorporated areas from Highway 9 to Finch Avenue, exclusive of the town center, be zoned commerciai. This area shall be controlled by specific ordinances which will generate a large, landscaped setback and will provide a building/ land coverage of such intensity and of such use as to not exceed the traffic generation that would be comparable to a 16-unit-per-acre residential development. AYES: Comm. Gatto, Chairman Buthenuth NOES : Comm. Adams , Nellis , 0'Keefe Motion failed, 2-3 Mrs. Lucien I�ertert, San Juan Road, said that in talking about amount of traffic going past the high school and residences on r'Iiller, if that is a serious concern, she suggested the Commission look for the lowest traff ic generator, which �s residential. If it were commercial, it seemed to her the Commission has turned down commercial across the road, to the rig:�t. She would think that the traffic across that intersection would be very important. She said this area is close to proposed rapid transit. It is close to commercial and close to high intens�ty off ice use. She recommended residential rraith 10 to 12 or 16 units per acre. MINUTES OF THE JULY 5, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING pC-115 Page 19 Moved by Comm. 0`Keefe, seconded b� Comm. Nellis that the property 4-12 residen. on the south side of Stevens Creek Blvd. hetr�reen M�ller Avenue bet�aeen Mil�e and Finc:z Avenue be designated on the General Plan as residential & Finch on SC planned development c�rith 4 to 12 units per acre. AYES: Comm. Adams, Nealis, 0'Keefe NOES: Comm. Gatto, Chairman Buthenuth Motion carried, 3-2 Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded b�� Co*n�. Nellis that the area In-fill on SC between the Customhouse and the Adohe Restaurant on the south between Custo side of Stevens Creek Blvd. be designated commercial since it is house AQOOe the in-fill.ing of one commercial parcel. AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth NOES: None Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Gomm. Gatto, that the propart� In-f ill from from Vista Drive, proceeding easterly to Tdolfe Road, be considered Vista to Tdolf as in-filling of commercial and be so designated as commercial on the General Plan. Comm. Gatto said a policy statement can be develoaed here to lesse traffic impact and the impact on the neighborhood. There can also be a landscaping policy here. Comm. Adams suggested that each segiuent from Vista to Blaney be considered as one PD and Blaney to Portal have a limitation of commercial floor space. If it is necessary to tear down some olc3 buildings to put in a new complex, the total amount of commercial would be controlled, plus the addition of the desired landscaping. The reason for PD with some floor space limitation is in each we •' will be saddled with downtown old Cupertino for many years. AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis NOES: Comm. 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth Motion carried, 3-2 PC-115 MINUTES OF THE JULY S, 1973 ADIOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Page 20 The areas along Stevens Creek.Blvd., from Vista Drive to Highway 9 don go hack as far as the others, except perhaps the corner piece at Stevens Creek Blvd. & Vista Drive. Chairman Buthenuth feels that in the center of town there should be a common �reen or park. And there should be an extension of residential do«n to Stevens Creek Blvd. along Vista Drive. He would like to see the City purchase that common green area. Mr. Conlan spoke from the audience. He said they have Parcel �2, the L-shaped parcel off Vista Drive and Stevens Creek Blvd. About 3-1/2 years ago they had �ermits, etc., for a marine products �acility here �, r,aith a nautical design including palm trees, etc. It would have been compatible with the Paul Swanson car lot across the street. He explained his plan for display of a line of products. It was designed to eliminate any traffic onto Stevens Creek Blvd. Attorney Tom Hanson, representative of the owner of thP property north and east of the Texaco station. He suggested a green area won`t be attractive next to a service station. Be said those parcels lend tnemselves to conunercial use . Mr. Ren Lyons, representing the Barbiera family, that o��ns half an acre lot at Vista Drive and Stevens Creek Blvd., said they are thinking about the possibility of extending their commercial and putting in some type of in-fill commercial along Stevens Creek Blvd. Comm. Nellis noted that most of the commercial on Stevens Creek Blvd. from Vista Drive to :-�ighway 9 exists in older homes. This is directly across the street from the Town Center. Chairman Buthenuth wondered if the Church and the School there will want so:ne day to expand. Comm. Adams liked Chairman Buthenuth's idea af cunsidering a co�unon green from Highway 9 to Vista Drive because that caould be cor+patible �,�ith the Town Center . Comm. Gatto feels this is a high priority place for the City to do some land banking for the express purpose of retaining control of same property uniquely located and not clearly defined, until such time as a clear need �s defined tor tr.is open space. #9 to Vista Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comr.i. Adams t:at the area between along SCB for �lghway 9 to Vista Drive be desi�nated on the exhibit a eommunity park cor,ununity park a�zd that the City seek to purchase it. , AYES: Comm. Adanis, Gatto, Nellis, Chairman Buthenuth NOES: None ABSTAINED : Comm . 0' Keef e Motion carried, 4-0-1 e MINUTES OF THE JULY 5, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PC-115 Page 21 The Planning Director turned the attention to sorae undeveloped properties in the Tocsn Center, south of the library. Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded b�y Comrt. 0'K e to desi�nate the So. of librar undeveloped properties in the Town. Center, scuth of the library Quasi-oublir_ as quasi-public use, or other civic uses, use AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chai.rman Buthenuth NOES: None Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by Comm, Gatto, seconded by Comm. Nellis to designate that No, of Pacif i property in the Town Center, north of Pacifica and east of East of ��9 Hightaay 9 as professional office use. prof, office use AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth N.OES: None Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. C`Keefe, that area south 4-10 residen. of Pacif ica and east of Highway 9 be designated residential with So. of Pacific 4 to 10 units per acre. East of ��9 AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, O�Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth NOES: None Motion carried, S-0 Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Adams that the undevelope Ia-fill north property north of Sambo's on Highway 9 is an in-fill situation and of Sambo's shall be so designated on the General Plan. _ AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth NOES: None Motion carried, 5-0 , Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Chairmar. Buthenuth that area So, of Silvera south of Silverado, east of Highway 9, across from Kirwin Lane, east of ��9 be designated as commercial. commercial use AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth NOES: None Motion carried, 5-0 . PC-115 MINUTES OF THE JULY S, 1973 ADJOURiv'ED PL1�iNING CO;QIISSION MEETING Page 22 The above action took care of'the core area, Maps, resolutions and " policy statements must he ready for the JulS 16, 1973 City Council meeting. Mr. Harry Coppell, San Jose, asked if ttYere taill be an}� discussion on the parcel on the north�aest corner of Stevens Creek Blvd, and ' Foothill Blvd. They are presentl}� County but have applied for prezoning: The staff was instructed to contact the applicant when this property is to be discussed. ,. Comm. Nellis would like to get as manv loose ends tie3 up as possiUle before this goes to'the City Council. She �oas thinking specifically about parks, neighborhood commercial, Seven Sgrings Ranch, and undeveloped areas. She would like to have as much help as possible from the consultants. Com�n. Gatto would like to have an analysis nade of land designated for community parlcs. He would like to know how much r.ioney is involved and where the revenues �aill be coraing from. A.DJ OURNPiENT :loved by Corim. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Nellis to adjourn the meeting . at 12:55 A.M. Motion carried, 5—fl . .� APPROVED: /s/ John W. Buthenuth Chairman , ATTEST: /s/ Wm. E. Ryder City Clerk �