PC 06-28-73 • CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PC-113 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 Page 1 Telephone: 252-4505 MINUTE,S OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON JUNE 28, 1973, IN THE COUNCIL CHAP�IBER, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA SALUTE TO THE FLAG Vice-Chairman 0`Keefe called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. with the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Comm. present: Adams, Gatto, Nellis, Vice-Chairman 0'Keef e Comm. absent: Chairman Buthenuth Staff present: Director of Planning and Development Sisk Assistant City Attorney Terry Associate Planner Cowan Traffic Engineer Grigg Consultants present: Messrs. Arnold and Levy PUBLIC HEARING 1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider 1973 Comprehen- sive General Plan. First Hearing continued. Mr. Arnold recapped the previous meeting and where it appeared to be heading. It was decided to limit the sub-regional shopping center to 500,000 sq. ft. (50 acres). There was an attempt to define one of the centers as commercial park, which would allow , city oriented services as well as the more traditional type such ' as PruneYard. There was discussion about developing the 52 acres of Town Center as PD with mixed uses of commercial, residential, etc. The cammercial in the To��n Center would be somewhere between 250,Q00 and 300,000 sq. ft. The matter at hand is to try to desig nate the second agglomerated commercial at the northwest corner of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road from Stevens Creek Blvd. to Fargo Road. � Next order of business would be to consider alternative land uses east and west of Saratoga-Sunnwale Road , south of ��280. It is of utmost ir:►portance to decide on high or low intensity use of this area. He added that no high intensity should be considered when you look at the traffic analysis. � \ PC-113 MINUTES 0 THE JUNE 28, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Page 2 One approach to the traffic would be to ma.ke an 8-lane expressway out of Highway 9 and shi d the residential with a 30' setback and 30' frontage road. This would make a very dratuatic entrance to the City. This could also mean phasing� out of some of the present commercial activity fronting on Highway 9. `,It could run $3.5 million. Industrial develop- ment on these properties would mean 9 lanes plus Torre Avenue, trafficwise. The fiscal impact on the City of Cupertino of industrial here is very marginal. Low intensity industrial does not appear to be viable. He emphasized how important it is for t�e Planning C:ommissic�n to be consistent in their findings, e Mr. Harry Falk, Jr., 11452 Mora Drive, Los Altos, noted that he has $2 million in structures on his property at Highway 9 and Valley Green Drive. He felt that we were talking about a$25 million project here instead of $3.5 million. Mr. Loui.s Paviso, owner of the garage on east side of Highway 9, said the last time the City widened the road they took 15' and he was out - of business for 15 months. The compensation did not pay the costs. :ie is now worried what he is supposed to do if the City takes another 20`. He said he could not afford it. It was explained that at this point, the discussions were merely schematic. Comm. Gatto propos�d residential on the east side of Highway 9, although single family residential is going to be prohibitive in that portion closest to Freeway 280. He suggested a generalized setback, with service structures closest to Highway 9. He was having a more difficult time assigning residential use to the west side of Highway 9. He noted 250,000 sq. ft. of commercial will be located in that area. Neighbor- hood commercial might be considered on that side of the road. He said he could empaChize with Mr. Falk, and other prcperty owners in the area. As to that property next to Freeway 280, it is isolated and perhaps the CiCy should consider a freeway-oriented use for that property. Comm. Gatto feels that Mariani Avenue, being a secondary road, could go through to Bandley Avenue. There is some benefit to the City in having same residential cluster in the core area. He proposed 12 units per acre on the east side and on the west side he would be looking for a traff ic equivalency to that. Comm. Adams felt that Comm. Gatto�s plan had some merit. He asked if consideration had been given to Mariani Avenue running into Valley Green Drive, �rith the intersection si.gnalized. He said he coiild visualize Highway 9 with a frontage road as a very impressive, green, landscaped entrance to the City. The iraffic E:igineer said it c�ould be very diff icult to coordinate a signal at that intersection because it is too close to the other signals. � MINUTES OF THE JUNE 28, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PC-113 Page 3 . Comm. Adams proposed a mix of residential just north of Alves Driv . There has to be a way of allowing residential into that area. The Associate Planner reviewed the plan line map approved last fall. Crossroads I LID goes u_p to Hanford Drive. Comm. Nellis proposed that east of Highway 9 there is the possibil' y, with proper treatment, to make this area 4 ur.its per acre single family residential with the City purchasing 30 to 50' for a front- age road. The City would become involved here because this dea.ls with the character of the City. She noted the freeway is depresse in this area so it is easier to deal with the noise situation. � Comm. Nellis proposed to the west of Highway 9, from Forest Avenue extended to Greenleaf Drive to Bandley Drive, there would be 250,000 sq. ft. of commercial. She would like to see the mixing of residential and commercial up to Greenleaf Drive, North of Greenleaf Drive she sees the possibility of some higher density - residential use. She sees the possibility of incorporating the Falk property into neighborhood commercial. North of the Falk property she would like to consider more residential. She said she was considering a frontage road on the east side of Highway 9 and let Bandley Drive serve as the north-south road on the west side of Highway 9. Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe wanted to consider 12 units per acre and single family homes south of Mariani Avenue. He believes the use of Mariani Avenue for east-west traffic would be detrimental to the neighborhood character of that area east of Highway 9. He would like to see a balance of uses on both sides of Highway 9. He would like to see limited access to that are.a east of Highway 9. He would not like to see Mariani Road extended to the west of Highway 9. He wanted to consider 4 units per acre on both sides of Highway 9. Comm. Gatto would like to see a controlled east-west street to avoid having the residential in that area going down to the � Stevens Creek Blvd./Highway 9 intersection that is already congested. The Traffic Engineer interjecte�. that we might find that people in that area do not want access to Highway 9; some of the people would like to see Mariani Avenue closed to Highway 9. Mr. Paviso said his father put in his commercial building at that location in 1910, and he is wondering if his husiness will be wipe out. He was told that he can operate under a nonconfarming use permit as long as he �aishes. The Assistant Ci_ty Attorney added th t the City cotxld caipe out his business if they paid him for it. If it is a matter of puhlic necessity, the Council might want to purchase it. If t.his happened, he would be paid a fair price. � PC-113 MINUTES OF THE JUNE 28, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING COA�IISSION M�ETING Page 4 � Mr. Martin Hall said they are•interested in a piece of property on the west side of Highway 9. He cautioned that if we are not flexible with the 4 units per acre, single family homes, we are talking about $60,000 and $70,000 homes. He said �ae should consider the young people coming to our City, who could not afford those prices. �ditli six units per acre it would make it somewhat easier for them. Mr. Falk felt that the residential on the east and �aest sides of Highway 9, south of 280 frequently need to use the freeway. If Mariani Avenue is closed off it will make iC more difficult for those people. He noted there has been some talk about cloverleafing the freeway and eliminating ,. the stop signs. Ms. Judy Cooper said she agrees basically with the residential in these areas but would like to have the Planning Commission consider flexibility of densities. She would like to see it zoned PD with clusCer. Perhaps this would be an area for some 1ow i.ncome housing. She noted that Palo Alto has set a policy for a mix of housing. When a new development is approved about one third of their land �s set aside for low cost housing, should funds become available. Mr. John Rintala said the situation in Palo Alto is quite different than in Cupertino. Land costs are higher there. Mr. Lawrence Hill asked where you would get on and off the proposed frontage roads. He also wanted to know the status of existing structures. He made some suggestions on traffic circulation. The Traffic Engineer ans�aered Comm. Nellis that there could be traffic signals onto the expressway, but it reduces Che capacity. Comm. Nellis felt that Forest or Mariani Avenue should have access to the expressway. Mr. Gary Stokes said one of the strong assumptions in choosing the location of the regional shopping center was economics. He noted that now we were taZking about the City picking up the tab for developing the expressway. He does not see any point in constructing an expressway from Highway 280 to Stevens Creek Blvd. if we can't get the traffic through the congested intersection at Stevens Creek Blvd. A recess was called at 9:23 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9:45 P.M. Mr. Stokes wondered ho�a much of the revenue from the shopping center taill be spent on this expressway and frontage road. He disagreed iaith the assumption that the fiscal figures are the same for both locations of the regional shopping center. He feiC they �,�ere talking about 10% of the estimated revenue to improve Highway 9. . MINUTES OF T].iE JUNE 28, 1�973 ADJOUP.NED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PC-113 Page 5 Comm. Adams said that if �e c�rere tal.king in terms of $1.5 million for a frontage road, he ��rould he in favor of forgetting it, Ms. Nancy Sallan registered concurrence with at least t�,�o of the Planning Coimnission's considerations for tne east side of High�aay 9 in the low density profile. The reasons were that it would be the most consistent ��rith the neighbors to the east. In terms of widening of Saratoga--Sunnyvale Road, putting in low density means the road �ri_11 be widened as little as possible. The schools in that quadrant must be taken into consideration. There are differen conditions on *_he west side of the highway. She believes the treatment of res�dential along Highway 9 in Sunnyvale is �r�ost unattractive. She feels the 30' landscaped area along Highway 9 can be very effective. Mr. Paul Mariani, Highway 9 and Homestead Road, asked for some clarification on the traffic projections. It was said thar. ��280 and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road wrould reach breakdowr point; nothing was said by our Traffic Engineer guranteeing this breakdown. And what about the cost of the overcrossing of ��280 at Wolfe Road? Figures of $5 million and $1 million have been �nentioned. Mr. Lev said the_$S million quoted from the State referred to the collecto distributor system and not the intersection. The $1 million figur for that intersection was prepared by the staff. Mr. Walter Ward, Vallco Park General Manager, said $4 million of the $5 mil- lion is for the vicinity of ��280. The collector-distributor roads are the frontage roads. He confirmed that $1 million is the correct figure for the intersection. Mr. Ward answered Mr. Mariani that 8 lanes on �dolfe plus the Tauta bridge will handle the projected 1976 traff ic. In 1996, a 10-lane Wolfe Road and 8-lane Pruneridge will handle rhe traffic. Vallco Park further suggested that use permit re.strictions should include that the applicant must demonstrate they can handle the traffic generated by their development. Fifty-five acres in Vallco Park will remain undeveloped until. the traffic situation is resolved. Mr. [dard said that if the State does not come forth ' with the $� million, Vallco Park will. Mr. Mariani's question was that if a solution requires $5 mi.11ion, how can $1 mi]_lion take care of it. Another thought was that Wolfe Road is not a State highway. He requested the Planning Commission ask the State what their long ran�� plans are. Mr. Ward believes that the real traffic problem with the center at Mariani Mall or at Vallco Park will be. Stevens Creek Blvd. He, believes there are solutions to the probleTM�. PC-113 MINUTES OF THE JUNE 28, 1973 .EIDJOURNID PLANNING COMMISSION NtEETING Page 6 Mr. Noor Billawalla, Saratoga, was concerned about the Craffic breakdown on Stevens Creek Blvd., whether we have the regional shapping center at Vallco Par�C or Mariani Mall. He felt that the solution to the probleui is to have grade separations, with one street over th� oCher at Stevens Creek Blvd. and Highway 9. Mr. Levy summarized Che discussions thus far: There should be more high intensity use on the west than an the east side of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. Buffering could be done on Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road so that resl.dential use cauld be considered. Buffering and set�back, with or without the frontage raad, were discussed. �ao i.deas have been expressed as to the east sic�e: single family homes compatible with the existing neighborhaod, and a PUD w�.th mixture of densities (average i0-12 units � per acr�). On the west side, �everal things have been discussed. One woul.d be to a11ow a mixed zone for an area fror.ting on Highway 9 from Ha.nford to Stt�vens Creek Blvc�. The second idea was to move much more of the residential to the north. Yet another suggestion taas to have residential on both sides of Highway 9, along Freeway 280. Comm. A�'ams said he was not in favor of industrial use along either side of �iighway 9. Comm. Nellis stated tha.t due to the traff ic situation, residential use app�ars to be the only answer. She also considered the character of the City, the balance of the community, and the need for greenery. Comm. Gatto said he still thinks that the allowance for a varied density pattern is appropriate. There is a need for a choice in homes. He tlzinks the frontage road is unnecessary and does not solve anything. The placement of the buildings on Highway 9 is very imporrant. A setback can be estaU]_ished to pr�vide for a tree-lined landscapea appearance. He �vas in favor of a 4 to 12 density. The proximity of this property to �he to�an core is a positive factor in allowing people to locate in this area. You can mitigate the undesirable elements in a large developmenC easier than in a small one. He was in favor oi 12 units per acre over the entire piece. Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe cautioned that we want the character of the neighborhood on the east side of Highway 9 to be maintained. He suggested considering 4 units per acre. � �omm. Adams feels 12 is a little high, although he could appreciate Che economic problems. Ae thinks 4 is too low because it is not economicall."y. feasible. , MINUTES OF THE JUNE 28 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PC-113 Page 7 Comm. Nellis said she also believes 12 is too high on the basis of neighborhood impact. She would like to see 4 units per acre here. She believes that the City, if we are willing to realize this is the gate��ay to the City, should purchase a buffer zone so that this could be a single family area. Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adams Co r.ecommend to the City Council to use as a working base, assigning residential use wiCh a 4 to 1?_ range for the east side of Highw�.y 9 from Forest Avenue extension to Freeway 280. AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto � I�OES : Comm. Nellis , Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth Motion tied , 2-2 Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe that the 4 units/acre east side of Highway 9 from Forest Avenue extension to Freeway Mariani 280 be considered residential and assigned 4 units per acre, property AYES: Comm. Adams, Nellis, 0'Keefe NOES: Comm. Gatto ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth Motion carried, 3-1 The discussion next moved tio the property on Highway 9 immediately south of the Mariani property, where there is an existing donut shop, auto repair and church property. Comm. Adams said he would consider higher than 4 units per acre here since it is closer to the to�,m center. After further discussion, it was felt a decision on these proper- ties should be held in abeyance since it is so close to Stevens Creek Blvd. • On Vista Dri.ve there is a long, rectangular vacaazt piece of property. The Vice-Chairman sai.d this is a duplex area, and there is some consLruction taking place in that area at the present time PC-113 MINUTES OF THE 3UN� 2fi, 1973 ADJOURNID PLANNING COA�IISSION r1EETING Page 8 4 to 7.6 Moved by Comm. Nell.is, seconded by Conun. Adams Co request the Council units/acre consider 4 to 7.6 units per acre for the vacan� property bordering `%ista Drive Vista Drive. AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Ne11is, Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe NOES: None ABSENT: Cha.irman ButhenuCh Motion carried, 4•-0 Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adanis to designate 4 to 12 units per acre residenL'ial use for that property immediately souCh of the � Mariani property on Highway 9. Conun. Nellis said th�t unless there is something different about this property, she feel.s it should be consistent with the Mariani property. Comm. Gatto felt it should be 4 to 12 units bas�d on its proximity to Stevens Creek Blvd., the Church, the schools and to Highway 9. AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto NOES: Comm. Nellis, Vice-Chairman 0'Kee£e ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth Motion tied, 2-2 i Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Ga�to that the property imm�diately south of the Mariani property on Highway 9 be designated 4.0 to 10 units per zcre. AY.ES: Comm. Adams, Nell.is NOES: Comm. Gatto, Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe ABSENT: Chairnan Buthenuth Motion tied, 2-2 Moved by Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe, seconded by Comm. Gatto to establish the area immediately south of Mariani pr�perty on Highway 9 as 4.4 uniCs per acre. AYES: Comm. Adams, Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe NOES: Comm. Gatto, Nellis ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth Motion tied, ?.-� MINUTES OF THE JUNE 28, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING �OMMISSION MEETING pC-113 Page 9 Moved by Comm. Nelli.s, seconded by Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe to 4.0 to 7.6 assign 4.0 to 7.6 units per acre to the area immediately south of units/acre Mariani �roperty on Highway 9. south of Mariani AYES: Comm. Adams�, Nellis, Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe NOES: Comm. Gatto ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth Motion carried, 3-1 Attention next turned to the property to tihe west of Highway 9. Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe that the area between Bandley Drive and Highway 9 and between Stevens Creek B1vd. and Freeway 280 be designated a mix of residential and commercial. Comm. Nellis said this is different from Che town center. This is � 65 acres. Comm. Gatto submitted that this is not much different fro�n the town center. Comm. Adams said he looks at this as a 'strip and wonders how mixed residential f its in. It does not appear to be agglomerated. The only place he could visualize any residential in that area would be up at the northern portion. AYES: Camm. Adams, Gatto NOES: Comtn. Nellis, Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth Motion tied, 2-2 Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe that the Res./Co�m. u area south of Greenleaf Drive, west of Saratoga-5unnyvale Road, west of ��9 Stevens Creek Blvd. beyond Bandley Avenue --the area which is not developed to the west, be designated residential�commercial mix. AYES: Co�m. Adams, Gatto, Nellis NOES: Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe � ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth Motion carried, 3-1 Mr. Gary Stokes asked the reasoning behind these decisions. Comm. Nellis said part of tlie reason that area was chosen for some cammercial use was its present use. It seems more reasonable to expect the continuance of commercial so it ties in with what is already being done, including constiruction of Bandley Drive. Something has to be done to clean up some of the existing commercial activities there now. t'C--113 MINUT�S OF THE ,7UNE 28, 1973 E1DJ�URNED PL�'VNING CO^P�'fISSION riEETING Pa�e 10 Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconde� by Corun. Ada�s that the property tahich - is l�oundecl by Valley Green Drive (that propert` referred to as "Falk �roperty") be designated neig:�borhood coTnrlercial. Mr. Arnold said he had hoped to d�scuss the nei?hborheod connercial a�eas in another phase. On that basis, the Motion and the second were �aithdrawn. Moved by Comm. Nellis, on the area bounded by Greenleaf Drive, Beardon, Valley Green Dr.ive and SaraCoga-Sunnwale Road be designated residential, re�lizing we will come back with neig�:borhood con^�ercial and 4.0 to 7.6 units per acre. Motien died for lack of a second. Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Corzm. Adams that those garcels be designated the same commercial/residential mix as those to the south. AYES: Com^�. Adams, Gatto � NOES: � Cor:un. Nellis, Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth Mction tied, 2-2 Nioved by Coinm. Nellis, seconded by Comr.t. Gatto that the area bounded by Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, Greenleaf Drive, 3eardon and I280 be des�gnated residential w�th 4 to 10 units per acre. AYES : Cor.un. Nellis �10ES : Co:run. Adams , Gatto , Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe ABSENT: Chair�nan Buthenuth �lotion died, 1-3 i-i�veci by Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe, seconded by Co:nm. Ne11is to designate the above area for 4 units per acre. The Vice-Chairr�an said we mi�ht look at ttie cnaracter of the neighborhood as it spans High�aay 9. AY�S: Vice--Chairman 0'Keefe NOES : Conu:i. Ada:ns , Gatto , Nell is ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth Motion died, 1-3 MINUTES OF THE JUNE 2B, 1973 ADJOURNE� PLANNING COMMIS5ION MEETING PC-113 Page 11 Comm. Adams observed that area bounded by the freeway and Highway 9'has heavy traffic. The idea of permitting mixed residential and commercial here is the only realistic approach. There is a fairly nice intersection at Valley Green Drive. The patential of a PD is desirable throughout the entire area and he sees this as the best solution to the problem. Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe that the Comm./resi- area surrounded by Highway 9, Greenleaf Drive, Beardon and 280 be dential wes designated mixed ccmmercial/residential. �f ��9 Comm. Nellis said she could not vote in favor of that motion be- cause you are spreading the 250,000 sq. ft, too thin and it will result in a strip commercial appearance. The goal will be too difficult to achieve, due to the various ownerships. Comm. Gatto feels the real problem is the 250,000 sq. ft. assess- ment now. This proposal allows flexibility of development. The 250,000 sq. ft. includes those proposals for commercial that has been approved for that area. Vice-Chairman 0'Keef e believes the commercial should tie in more closely with the town center, and to strip in betraeen Stevens Creek Blvd. and 280. He would like to see some compatibility with the town ceriter. AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis NOES: Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe ABSENT: Chairman Buthenutih Mot ion carried , 3--1 Moved by Cotmn. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Gatto that the density 4.0 to 10 for the above area be 4.0 to 10 units per acre. units/acre ' Comm. Ne].lis chose 10, based on what the Planning Commission has done with the valley floor in-fill to dste. Comm. Adams fel.t it could ga as high as 10 or 12 because o£ rhe mix situation and it is PD. This would give the developer more flexibility a:�u freedom and could allow more open space. Comm. Ne113s noted that we have the Garden Gate area, which is single family homes and 12-uniti-per-acre apartments in close proximity here. AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe NOES: None ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth Motion carried, 4-0 PC-113 MINUTES OF THE JUNE 28, 1973 ADJOURNED PLEINNING C01`1MISSION P'I�:ETING Page 12 Discussion turned to the to�an center area on the southeast corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Hi�h�aay 9. Comm. Gatto said the to�n center is, hopefully, the prime development spot in town. It deserves the highest density allo�aance. Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded 6y Comm, Adams to reco�mend 16 units per acre for the to�an center. AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto ; NO�S: Comm. Nellis, Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth Mo tion tied , 2-�2 Moved by Vice-(:hairman C'Keefe, seconded by Comm. Gatto to establish 4.0 to 10 units per acre as the density for the to�an center, AYES: Com.m. Adams, Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe NOES : Comri. Gatto , Nellis ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth , Motion tied, 2-2 Moved by Cor:un. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Gatto to recommend a density of 4.0 to 12 units per acre for the town center. AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis NOES: Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth Motion carried, 3-1 Next, the discussion turned to the Saich/Christianson property. Mr. Arnold said he could not recall any alternatives to residential being discussed for the Christianson prooerty. Saich property was considered for park and multi.-residential. It �aas thought this could tie in with the Memorial Park. The corner is very important because of its proxir�ity to De Anz� College. The Vice-Chairman asked for comments from the audience. I • MINUTES OF THE JUNE 28, 1973 ADJOURNF.D PLANNING CO;�IISSION MEETING PC-113 P�3ge 13 Mr.. Russ Holton sCated he eaas represen�ing the Herman Christzanson property. He said they have been to�d t�iere is the possi.bility that 5 acres mav be taken for the Memorial Park. The Planning Commissioners confirmed t��is possibility. r4r. Holton said Mr. Christianson purchased the pro�erty in 1_969 with the conditi_on of purchase that the Citv rezone the property tc� 16 units per acre. I-ie asked that this density re�ain on the pr.o- perty. Mr. Christianson has dedicat.ed ahout 1.5 acres for streets Since 1969 he nas put up an improve_ment bond covering those stree s. He believes tYiat 16 units ner acre al].oc,rs f.or some very fine ��part ment developr�ent such as Glenbrook, La�:e Biltr.�ore and Villa Serra . T1r. Jerry Fitzgerald, 10191 North Blaney Aver�ue, Cu�ertino, said he was representing the Saich fam�ly. They �aill appear before the� Planning Commission on Julq 9th for a use perriit for commercial use on this property. He asked if any decisions made at this meeting will affect the hearing on the 9th. Tlle Assistant City Attorriey said the public hearing is sti11 set for July 9, 1973. Com�n. Adams said it is difficult for him to see a commercial endeavor (neighborhood coTnmercial) r.iake a go of it here. He would favor the park usage for that area. Comm. Gatto feels that residential �bove 7.6 might be appropriate for the Christianson property. As to the Saich parcel, the City would do weli to purchase this as an extension of the Memorial Park. Comm. Nell�s agreed 4aith Cor.un. Gatto on the residential ! density for the Christianson property. Due to its proximity to i the college, the park extension would be an appropriate use for the Saich property. Comm. Gatto proposed 4.0 to 10 density for the Christianson proper y. Coml Adams felt that 10 was too hi�h in vie�a of the single fa�ily� residences in the area. Comm. Nellis said in order to establish a social goal, this area was previous].y discussed for a density up to 30 units per acre. She cited the walking access to shopping close to De Anza College, etc. She ���ould like an over-riding policy stating a higher number of d:aelling units could be con- sidered here ii that proposed project attained the goals set forth by the Goals Comriittee. PC-113 riINUTES OF THE .lUNE 28 , 1973 ADJOUftNED PLE'1NNI1vG CQr�1ISSIUN M�ETING Page 14 4.0 - 10 units Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded b� Cornm. Nellis ta assign residential per acre on use �aith a 4.0 to 10 density to the Christians�n property�, based on C1_zr i.s�i.anson the criteri_a as �entioned above. property AYE5 : Cor.�m. Adams , Gatto , Nellis , Vice-Chairman 0'Keef e NOES: None ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth liation carried, 4 �s to the corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Stelling, Road, Com.m. Ne�_lis � agrees with all pcints brought For:aard bv Coru�?, Garto regardin� a p.ark � extension. The Assistant City Attorney advised that i� the Com*nission c:ooses, th�s would Uecome a portion at the lar.d use �lement under_ the new State Law whereby you must take some nositive steps to insure its being being purchaseci as rapidiy as possible, in an ordar.ly fashion. Saicti property =°�oved by Com.m. Nellis, seconded by Cor,tm. Gatto that the Saich pro;�erty �or. extension be designated as an addition to the Me:�ori.al Park. of �te*_norial Parlc "�otion �aas amended b} Comrs. Gatto , seconded by Cam�n.. Nellis , that this Planning Com-�i_ssion states thut the 5-acre pertion (Cnristianson prcnerty) be deleted from the park extension gropertv. Vote on the amendr.ient : AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, V�ce-Chairman 0'Keefe NOES: None ABSENT: Chairman Buth�nuth l`�.mend*�ent c��rried, 4--0 Vote on the or�ginal motion: AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, Vice-Chairman 0`�eefe NOES: None AFsSENT : Chairman But?�:enuth �`�.O T. 10 r� c: t3. i �: !_ P�� �+ --� At 1?_:15 A..`:. th� Vice--C! callec'i a rece,s, lhe meeting recvnvened at 12 : 20 A. ��1. The Di.recr_or of Plannin�,� sai3 that -iue to the late hour, he dicl IlOt i4c`�I2t ?I1�10T:�' t0 SCCUSC: t�1E'P?. Of t1L1"Cr� �.T'i� C.�1I"0114�11 SO'L' Oi L�1C"_iE'_ C1E'C1S1017S iT1 order t0 meet the tlii: frame Sc.t lli7 tOY' LC1ESl'. hear :�I1f�S . There ��IaS SCT,lE discussion about adjourn�n� at th�s ro�.1L t:: Sarurday, June 30t11. It taas ultimaLe.ly decided to r_cnt i_ntie rP.V7.E":='.11? the c�1-e area. i i MINUTES OF THE JUNF. 28, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING CONII�IISSION MEETING PC-113 Page 15 The vicinity ot Homestead Road and Stelling Road was discussed next. Mr. Martin ��all said he represented the parcel aci;acent to the P.G. & E, substation and the �.G. & E, right-of-wa�. This propert� was zoned ir� the County and was asked to come into tiie City of Cupertino. A 30` ��ide drive�aay goes along side this property, to the P.G. & E. property to the rear. One parcel is for a scuba diving facility. The substation creates a great deal of noise. There is a service station on the corner. He said they are planni p� a 10,000 sq. ft. off ice building on the rear parcel. There are 4-plexes to the west of this property. Mr. John Rintala said he represent�d the o�•�ners at the southeast corner of Homestead Road and Stelling Road. They have an agreemeii with the Bruns.��ick Corporation to build a bo�aling alley on the sit . Brunswick does not want to go into a regional shopping center. They encourage students to learn to bo�al. It is gocd recreation. Economically, they need to locate on the perir�eter of commercial. 1`Zr. Arnold said that guing along with the agglomeration concept, there appears to be room for this tyge use on the property near Payless. Comm. Nellis said the southwest corner, where the scuba diving facility has already received approval from the City, is like an island. There is a church to the rear. In-filling is good, if it is something desirab�e. Comm. Gatto said these small businesse are a vital part of the community. Co:nm. Adams agreed. It was noted this property is close to a hign school, and there is some link here as to a compatible use. Comm. Gatto felt that uses should be consistent with an area, although not necessarily similar. Mr. Rintala said that as you move away from Highway 9 there is 1es commercial. If commercial is not located in so:^e of these other areas, those people in that area r.must get into their cars and go � to Highway 9, adding to *he can�estian. Moved by Com�. Gatto, seconded hy Comm. Nelli.s to denote the S?� cor;�er property at the soutli�aest corner of A�mestead Road and Stelling Humestead & Road as commercial. Stelli.ng - commer c i_ al AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe NOES: None ABSENT; Chairman Buthenuth Motion carried, 4--0 'C-113 MINUTE5 OF THE JUNE 28, 1973 lLDJOURNED PLANNING CQvQ`iISSION MEETING 'age 16 Discussion turned to the southeast corner of F.cmestead and Stelling Roads. Tnis property has some apartments all around it. Th; Planning Director recapped previous discussions of this property. Comm. Adar:ls feels that the Payless agglomerated use satisfied a special need in that area. Mr. Arnold said this is unique in that uses are going onto a separate site versus agglomeration. Mr. Rintala repeated the request for the bowling alley. Comm. Nellis said we are faced here with either 16 units per acre or a bowling alley. She would like to make sure that this property does not get straight commercial zoning because there is always the chance t:zat the bo�aling alley propesal might fall through. The Assistant City Attorney advised drafting of an ordinance creating a ne�o community recreational zoning. �o:�.m. Gatto Comm. Gatto asked to abstain on this particular parcel. 3bstaii�ed l�:oved by Comm. Nellis that this parcel be considered for residential 16 units per acre. Motion died for lacic of a second. Moved by Comm. A3ams for comrtercial-recreational purposes for this property along �vith a policy statement. 24otion died for lack of a second. SE corner Moved by Comri. Nellis, seconded by Vice-Chairnan 0'Keefe to table this liomestead & area. The staff was asked to give sor�e thougnt as to a polzcy for Stelling commercial-recreational zonin�. tabled -- staff to consider Motion carried, 4-0 policy Discussion turned to the property at Stevens Creek Blvd. and Portal Avenue. Mr. Jerry Fitzgerald, 10191 North Blanev Avenue, Cu^ertino, said he was representing Acorn Investment Corporation, �aho purcha�ed this property in 1965. He 2.dded that they must have been a bunch of nuts to purchase it. They spent a millic�n dollars plus interest and tar.es on it. It is in the deeds of the residential homes in that area, so the� are awar•e this property is schedul_ed for commercial., Cemm, Adams would like to see this developed residential. Mr. Fitzgerald said it was economically nrohibitive. :�SI;v'LTES OF Ttl� JU�i: 28, 1973 r'�AJOUR.tiF.D PLANNI:�.G CC�`�iISSIO�' �L'.ETI?�;G 1'C-113 Pz�e li � ' c rir. �'lrnold sai3 this �s coiis�.dered "in-f illing" or agglor:erated . `�Ir. F�tz�erald sa'd that a£ter recei��ing comr.:er.cia? zonin� theYe was a proposai for an ice skating rink. ThLs :��as szot do�,�n. Due to the late hour, it i:as deci.ded ti1�s discussion ��osld be conti.uued at a:: aclj�ur:�ed meeti.ng on Suturda_-, Ju:ze 30th. ?.D30UR:�.�`_E:�T � :tove3 bv C^::�. Gatto, seconded b5� Conti-n. Ne11is to conCinue the public hearing :o Saturda��, June 30, 1973. The meetin adjcurned at 1:42 A.`f. �- Motion carried , 4-0 ' APPROVED: " /s/ John W. Buthenuth � Chairman ATTEST: /s Wm. E. Ry der City Clerk