1C�300 'lorre Avenue, Cupertino, California l'agc 1
Telephone: 252-4505
HELU ON JU�1E 25, 1973, IN 'i'HE COUVCIL C�i�'u�IBER
Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe called the meeting to crder at 7;35 P.r1. witt
the Salute to the Flag.
Comm. present: Adams, Gatto, Nellis, Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe
Comm. absent: Chairman Buthenuth
Staff_ present: Dir_ector of Planning and llevelopment Sisk
Assistant City Attorney Terry
Associate Planner Cowan
Traffic �ngineer Grigg
Consultants present: Messrs. Arnold and Levy
' - u c-m - : �
Vice--Chairman 0 Keefe made the anno n e ent that tre Regular
Planning Commission meeting was being hcld in the Council Charnber
and the Adjourned City Council meeting was being held in Room 105
at the same time.
Minutes of ReguJ.ar Adjourned Meetings of r;ay 31, .Tune 7, 13, & 14
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adams to postpone approval
- of the Minutes of May 31, 1973.
Motion carried, 4-0
Minutes of June 7th: Page 3, first paragraph, Comn�. Adams would
like the figure 240's deleted and replaced �aith "2 to 4's", at the
end of the sentence. After f.urther deliberation, the Comm?ssion
decided to del_ete the last sentence of the fir.st paragrapli on Page
3 and r.eplace it with: "rir. Lert sai_d that som�� of. the worst soil
were in the foothills area.
?age 2
Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by Comm. Nellis to approve the Minutes of
June 7, 1973, as corrected.
I�otion carried, 4-0 '
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adams, to approve the Minutes of
June 13, 1973, as submitted. '
riotion carried, 4-0 •
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Nellis, to approve the Minutes of
June 14, 1973, as submitted.
� i��otion caYried, 4-0
Minutes of June 11, 1973: On page 6, last paragraph, Comm. Adams would
like the sentence deleted and replaced with: "Comm. Adams said it should
be as assigned since interim agricultural uses are permitted."
Moven by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Adams to approve the Minutes of
June 11, 1973, as corrected.
Motion carried, 4-0
The Planning Director explained that the applicant for 10-TM-73 had
previously requested a postponement, but that they have now indicated
they would like to proceed with this �" ring. The Director said a
full staff repor.t had been prepared, and the applicant was asking for
permission to cul-de-sac.Rae Lane. �
The Assistant City Attorney said the Planning Commission has the discretion
to either hold the hearing or postpone it if they feel they need time to
study the matter. The Commissioners decided to proceed with the hearing
at this meeting.
aRAL COMMUNICATIONS -- There were none.
Page 3
1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider 1973 Comprehen-
sive General Plan. First Hearing continued.
The Hearing began with I�r. Levy recapping the factors leading up t
the decision of the Planning Commission to recommend there be a
regional shopping center in Cupertino and that it be located in
Vallco Park. He asked that the Planning Commission now consider
alternative uses for the Mariani property. Another matter to be
considered is how much and where other commercial activity should
be in Cupertino. High intensity use shouZd be weighed against
low intensity use. And after the traffic problem is resolved, he
� said the Planning Commission might come to another decision regard
ing long-range and short-range land use.
It was brought up that Ms. Judy Cooper had, at a previous meeting,
raised the question of whether or not it is necessary to have only
"black and white" areas, with no "grey" areas.
Mr. Levy suggested the Planning Commission discuss what is the bes
use for the rest of Vallco Park and what is the best use for the
Mariani property. Comm. Adams stated that it was his opinion that
those remaining areas in Vallco Park should be left in open space
until impacts have been determined.
Comm. Nellis felt that the Hewlett-Packard ��2 and the Watkins-
Johnson areas should be included in the discussions with respect
to green areas in Vallco Park.
Comm. Gatto said the general traffic discussion at the last meetin
indicated the hotel with single tower, the realization of a �
blown shopping center, and Hewlett-Pactcard i�l, the office compl�-s
and Sears pretty well used up the traffic capacity �f the over-
pass. Any further development in Vallco Park should be delayed
until the traffic situation is resolved. Some type of low intensi y
use could be considered; somewhere between none and very low could
be considered for the remainder of Vallco Park. Comm. Adams
agreed with these statements. It was further felt that this was
a short-term solution.
Comm. vellis posed the question that if they could solve their
traffic problem, what long-term developments should be considered.
Comm. Gatto suggested the office towers, etc., be considered for
lorig-term planning.
Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe stated that he felt that Vallco Park has
reached its potential in terms of traffic.
'age 4 _
It was brought out that low intensity office use would be compatible.
Comm. Nellis stated that Hewlett-Packard 4�2 and Watkins-Johnson should �
be tied in with the overcrossing improvements. She agreed with the
idea of low intensity office use. She further stated that the far-eastern ;
property should not be considered for commercial.
Comm. Gatto telt that a base zoning could be indicated on the map, but
a policy statemenC could be made to allow for future flexibility.
The Assistant City Attorney advised that the Plannin� Commission should
provide for alternative uses in the policy statements. �ie answered
Comm. Nellis that the land use could be designated a�nd a policy statement
could be added parenthetically. Flexibility can be exercised through
the policy statements.
The Assistant City Atterney answered Comm. Gatto that if the Planning
Commission addresses itself to the density problem, they can look to
The Planning Director suggested review of the land use question at this
time and come back with policy statements at a later date.
Mr. Arnold asked the Planning Commission how they will decide they
can or cannot recommend industrial or commercial use. The Vice-Chairman
said roads are a major factor; hnwever, flexibility must be maintained
to allow for some future technology of which we are not aware at this
time. '
Comm. Nellis said an industrial tise in Va11co Park is compatible and
can�riUiited to the balanced. community �ae are trying to achieve. There
should be less commuting to work when jobs are provided in the area.
Comm. Adams would like to consider low intensity use on long-term as
well as short-term basis. He would like to see low intensity use imposed
in the long run to keep the balance they are trying to achieve. ,
Comm. Gatto stated that an industrial u�e can be low intensity. The
traffic generation can be as lo�, as a residential level.
Mr. Arnold asked the Planning Commission to keep in mind the 158 acres
behind the Hetirlett-Packard property as they consider alternate uses.
He further advised they keep the options open for the community whenever
possible. '
Comm. Gatto sugg�sted the Planning Commission consider the entire city
before going to the audience rather than handling it in a fragmented
fashion because of the interaction between the areas.
Page 5
The following color code was decided on for the maps: Pink for
office use, grey for indusCrial use, red for commercial use,
yellow for residential use.
Mr. Arnold was asked to prepare three alterna�es: 1) low intensity
2) moderate intensity and 3) high intensity (within the Planning
Commission's definition of high intensity.)
Comm. Nellis next wanted to consider other conunercial than the
regional shopping center; both the amount and the locations.
Mr. Arnold suggested they consider an evaluation of strip com-
mercial versus agglomerated commercial development in the core
a•rea, considering fiscal impacts, traffic impacts, impacts on the
character of the City, other i; _ts, and distribution of impacts.
Of tihese, the character of the City is the most important factor. �
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Nel�is, Chat the Planni�g Agglomerate
Commission go on record as preferring agglomerate commercial cemmercial
developmenC over strip commercial development. � preferred "
No vote on this motion.
Comm. Nellis wondered if, through the above motion, the door has
been closed to any strip commercial. Comm. Gatto explained that
he meant that, all things being equal, the agglomerated is the
preferred approach rather than strip commercial, although there may
be occasions where strip commercial is the best answer. �
Comm. Nellis said she agreed that agglomerated commercial is pre- !
ferred, but would like to keep the options open. j
Conun. Nel�.is dSricu if ve;.e�;.r�rian oftices, lumber yards, tool
shed uses could be included in an agglomerated use. Vice-Chairman
0'Keefe felt that a planned agglomerate for these types of uses
would all.ow them to survive. r1r. Arnold suggestied that we start
d out this way, and the burden of proof is on the applicant.
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm rrell�s that the Planning
Commission prefers the agglomerated method of development over the
strip commercial method.
AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis
NOES: Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe
ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth
Motion carried, 3-1
?age b �
Mr. Levy acknowledged that the Planning Cpmmission has previously
determined there should be about 50 acres of conunercial in Cupertina,
other than the re�ional shopping center. There are a number of small
areas along Stevens Creek Blvd that are considered strip commercial.
He asked if there are significant differences in the evaluation of
strip ve.rsus agglomerated commercial in different areas of Cupertino.
He also asked if the City should plan c�n non-neighborhood commercial �
of approximately 50 acres in addition to the regional center, and why
50 acres is the linitation. rir. Levy said he thinks tYiat Cupertino,
with a strict policy statement,�saould get a very good community
center. Whether or not it will be a town-and-country type center �
cannot be d2termined at this time, but it should be considered in the
50 acres. This would be 500,000 sq. f_t. of floor space. First priority
should be abour 30 acres and second priority should be about 20 acres. �
� ��,.. ^. �dams reques ted tl�e s Luf f to put some measure on C'tie lef t-over ,
portion of coinmercial on Creek Blvd.. �
Mr. Arnold cautioned that if the Planning Commission says they prefer
agglomerated commercial but they allow some strip commercial, we will
soon have all strip commercial.
Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe felt that the externalities would be easy to
visualize. '
The tlssociate Planner said there is a mix of uses along Stevens Creek
Blvd., between Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Blaney Avenue. There are
about 15 property owners, 6 of which are developed between Saratoga-
Sunnyvale Road and Randy Lane. These lots are 400 feet deep.
Mr. Levv said it is difficult to decide if this area is different
from other areas. If it is decided this area is basically the same, .
it may be determined there are great negative impacts with existing
zoning there.
Mr. Arnold said the question ofre-development has not yet been faced.
, Comm. Nellis said that at this point, she does not see a need to change
the figure of 50 acres for commercial. ,
Comm. Gatto said the town center sh�ould have the town-and-country type
shopping center. Consumer activity.should be located in that sector.
The amount of commercial here should ta.ke 20 to 30 acres. Residential
at 12 per acre should be consiciered as a complement to this area.
It is good planning to put the people where the activity is. This would
help remove the need for vehicular activity.
Page 7
Comm. Gatto reflected, looking at the traffic situation at the
intersection of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Stevens Creek Blvd.,
that it i.s �oing to be a problem with auy type development. There.
is some merit to discussing further removal of the groUlem at I280
and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. There could be limited access to
Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. This leads to signalization. He added
that LID ��2, which is already in the books, would be desirable.
Bandley Avenue will help disperse the traffic on 5tevens Creek
Blvd. and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. He suggested t�ie City could
pick up the tab if it is deemed a worthwhile praject.
It appeared logical to Comm. Gatto to surround this core area with
residential to the north. This would be a unifying factor for
� this area. He �vould like to see the coTrunercial uses held between
Saratoga-Sunnyvale P�oad, Greenleaf Drive, Bandley Drive, and
Stevens Creek Blvd.
Comm. Nellis said she was basically in agreement with Comm. Ga.tto.
The town center should be the 1�1 priority, from the City's point
of view, whether or not it is a town-and=country type. She would
like to see something community-orienLed here.
Comm. Adams suggested the area near P�rtal, on the south si_de of
Stevens Creek Blvd., be a commercial use.
Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe spoke to the point of identity. He does not .
believe in the concentration of commercial in one center and resi-
dential in ariother. There are some innovative ways to conbine the
two. If we are creating commercial areas we are expanding asphalt.�
He said there are some people who prefer living in a downtown area.
He was in favor of a mixture of uses.
� Mr. Arnold said two important problems y�t to be resolved ar� �
design of the Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road/Stevens Creek Blvd. intersec
� tion, and the problem of access.
' Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe called a recess at 9:45 P.M. 'i'he meeting
reconvened at 10:00 P.M. �
The Vice-Chairman said he was now going to open the meeting to the
Page 8
Attorney H��rry W. Fa7.k, Jr., 11452 Mora Drive, Los Altos, said he is
also a real.tor . He t�rantec� to speak concerning the property west of
Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, close to ,��280. Valley Green Drive extends
� through the proFerty. The property is presently zoned commercial.
They have invested abour $l million and are p.repared at this time to
I invest another $3 to $4 million. He believes they have made more
j studies of this property than anyone. These studies indicate that-
� the property, with corimercial zor�ing, is worth $75,000 to $150,000;
I with residentiial use it is worth about $35,OOC per acre. The matter .
of specialized cases has not come up ye�C at these meetings. In order
i to subdivide his property in 1968 he had to put in the street and dedicate ;
; some land for a park. His intention was to develop this as an independent
! agglomeration. They �ere required to put in the improvements on
� perimeter roads as well as Valley Green Drive. They have spent
j$200,OOn in improvements: The park dedication was worth about $75,000.
: He said the City Y��a� �;i� lir_b te give them commercial zoning if they
' inunpdiately Cook out building permits of $100,000. They foliowed
� thruugh and constructed a building L cost $40 per square foo�.
i Mr. �'alk said he has building plans approved by the City for development.
� They have had financing problems; then the rrioratorium came along. If
! the property is down=zoned noto there will be a loss of several hundred
� thousands of dollars. He acknowledged that tY�is is the entrance to the
: City. He would like to carry on with the theme of the �iuilding already
: there. The only oCher use he.co�ild visualize there would be for high
': density apartments. Mr..Falk saic� he wou13 like to be permitteci to
� proceed with the nigh-quality development ptanned for this property.
; The Planning Director answered Comm. Nellis that this property was
; zoned in 1962, and the Use Permit was granted in 1968. Construction
began in 1969 and was completed in November of 1972. The �building
; that was constructed represents ievelopment of about 1/4 of the property.
; Comm. Ne1"lis asked what kind of improvements would have been required
� for a residential development here. The Planning Director said a typical
i 60` street, possib.ly. The City would have been interested in getting
i Valley Green Drive through to Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. Mr. Falk said
( they never woul.d have done it for residential because the cost was
i proh:ibitive.
` In regard to ve�ted rights, rir. Falk said the Use Permit covered the
� praperty all along Valley Green Drive. 'The staff was asked to double-
; check tni.s, and to see if the UsP Permit included the restaurant.
rir. Falk answered Comm. Gatto thaC they wanted a stop light at Sarutoga-
Sunnyvale Road but the City felt it was too close to the freeway and
, ' said there should be a left-turn lane.
Page 9
Mr. Paul i�Iariani, Saratoga--Sunnyvale Road and Homestead Road, said
that just for the record, in the interest of ti:ne, he woul.d like to
reiterate everything that had transpired in regard to the l�cation
of the regional shopping center. He officially protested the 3-2
vote on its location at Vallco Park on the basis that erroneous
input results in an erroneaus decision. A surplus of commercial
zoning permits a variety of development. Zoning does not. The
law of supply and demand should be considered. He said that if
you really want to keep as many options open as possibi.e, the
Mariani zoning should be retained in the event that Vallco Park
does not develop within a reasonable time.
. Mr. Jim Leday, Pacheco and Associates ReaZtors, repr.esentin�
property at I280 and Valley Green Drive, said this is now known
as the Garner property (fo: _ly the Rodriguez property). It has
been commercial since 1964. He reviewed some of the material
brought out at the meetings over the past few weeks. Ttie alternate
use east and west of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road must take into con-
sideration the fiscal aspect. He did not believe that Va11co Park
would generate all the revenue necessary for the City of Cupertino.
He said Mr. Levy had stated that tYie alternative to land use other
than commercial was not recommended, but only established possible
alternatives. There are over 200 acres of commercial property
outside the regional center. The Planning Commission i.s consider-
ing only 50 acres of commercial; this is only 1/4. He said that
if the commercial is concentrated at the intersection of Saratoga-
Sunnyvale Road and Stevens Creek I31vd., it will be comnounding the
probleni we are trying to resolve. He brought forward a statement
regarding the Garner property, that in these past meetings the
Planning Conunission was very concerned that if we are going to
look at commercial areas, they �vant to know wh�ther or not the �
,1 `n �+r. Z1: '`�-- T nrla�� c;ai �1 �li.��� l��trn � r�P��P�nrITIP.?1t 1
1 i :, J ^ _'' �, ^ ' �'.. `y' ,�.� . .'-.%- . - -! �- - - -.�
plan reac:,� i::u �o. fi� �;�hrnitted copies of leLLers to the Commi.s-
sioners. The Wecks Corporation is ready, wi_Iling and able to
develop 6.5 acres. The other letter was from the Steak & Ale
people saying they are prepared to put in an 8000 squar.e foot
. restaurant.
• Comm. Gatto said the base question at this.meeting is the quality
of commercial development in tl�e City of Ct�pertino. He asked
, Mr. Leday to elaborate on his plans. Mr. Leday said the commerci.a
they are talking about is regionally oriented. He does not believ
Cupertino has been developed.sufficiently in relation to its
community and its regional needs.
Page 10
Mr. John Sutherland, Real Estate, associated with Ldicks Corporation,
said they are proposing for this location a 95,000 square foot furniture
sho�aroom. They caould be open from 10 A.M. to 10 P.i�i. six days and from
10�.ri. to 1 P.11. on Sundays. The traffic generated by this type use
is much less tlian for a normal retail store. He said they do not
locate in regional shopping centers. They fee.l tliere �s a definite ,
need for a use such as this in Cupertino. He passed out copies of their
latest annual report. i�Ir. Sutherland answered Comm. Adams ttiat a
cloverlea£ is not �.ndicated aC this intersection, but widena�ng of the
roadway is.
i�ir. Ron Holt, Coldwell Bar.ker �ssociates, representing Steak & Ale,
emphasized the quality and service of their food products. There will
be 15 - 22 e�aployees. This is geared to the family-type customers. -
Ttieir customers ZJll.l IlOrI;lally conie from between 5 and 10 miles away.
� ,
!.._. . .o�.:ld maUe a si�eau.':e -.�ntribt.ition to the City of Cupertino.
Mr. Robert Quid, Newman Properties, Saratoga, said he was representing
o�aners of Towi� Center property. Ife said they are ttie developers of
i�IcClellan Square Center. They are in the process of getting their
building permits at this time. They are putti_ng in 300 trees. They
are very concerned with hiding the asphalt, and landscaping of the
property. They are inteiested in developing a town-and-country type
shopping center on the 7'own Center property. Iie said he was repre-
senting 24.� acres of Cali property, 8.62 acres of Torre property,
6.5 acres of Chuck property and 8.0 acres of Northern California Savings
and Loan property. He said they have always planned this as a com-
bination of residential and commercial. They will need 40-45 acres
for the shopping center they are proposing; 20 acres is not enough.
It will be a fashion and specialty shop ariented center. It wo�ild be
extremely detrimental to limit tl�e size of the Town and Country center.
He answered Conun. Nellis that they are proposing 500,000 square feet
of buildings, with 2500 parking spaces. By comparison, the Pruneyard
is 180,000 square feet. Present tliinking is to eliminate Torre Avenue
going through to Stevens Creek Blvd. .
Mr. John Miner, San Jose, said he was representing the �liner Family`s
9 acres adjoining the �iar.iani property that has been in the Family
since 1908. They do not have a proposed development for this property
at this time. They wanted to see the regional shopping c.enter along
Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road first so they could see the road pattern, etc.
He asked the Planning Commission to consider the road pattern. It was
his point oF view that the noise factor tiaould be greater with the
stopping and startir.g of cars at the intersect:ion of Saratoga-Sunnyvale
Road and Stevens Creek Blvd.
��omm. Vellis thinks i.t would be wise to look at the Catholic Church
. property in relation to the intersection of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and
S tevens Creek BJ.vd .
Page 1"1
TZr. Ron Lyons, lteal Est_ate, Los Gat�s, said he was representing
the owner of the property at the norttiwest corner c�f Stevens Creek
B1vd. and Vista Drive, 7'hree owners are involved. They have a
development proposal and a buil.di_ng permit has beeri filed for a
restaurant orL that corner. There is a cliain of 250 of these
restaurants. This property was cut into three pieces a_n 1967 and
then zoned commercial. He said 24,000 cars per day pass this
corner. Iie submitted that commercial zoning is proper for this
ris. Judy Cooper, Hyannisport Drive, Cupertino, asked what the
50,000 population figure was based on. Mr. Arnold said 45,000
people in the 3 miles market area. About 200 acres of commercial
� already ehi.st in Cupertino. Ms. Cooper. said it is important for
the Planning Commission to deterMine if iL is their re.sponsibility
to maintain land values. She wondered to what lengths Cupertino
City Council and Plann.ing Coinmission will go to create a planned
city. She added that the Planning Commission is repres�nting the
people and she hopes it is a very fair game.
I�ir. Jerry Fitzgerald, 10191 North Blaney, Cupertino, former
riayor, City Councilman, Planning Conunissioner, and riember of the
Architectural and Site �!pprova]_ Committee, said he does i�ot beli_ev
i.n L undertaking. I��tiat is happening is a tragedy. He wished
the Commissioners would worlc with the 1964 Gener�l Plan rather tha
go ahead �aith the new one. ��le felt that the chance of passing a
bond issue this fall, through the clii��ate created wit:h this ne�a
general plan, is ver•y slim. He f_eels that the money spent on the
economists was a con�plete waste of the taxpayers' money. He
believes the decision on the location of tne regional shopping
center should be decided by the developers. This was followed by
applause from the audience.
r1s. Ann Anger, �Ionta Vista, said �ti*e are standing on tlie thresh}.iold � ,
� of making or not malcing the City . She said siie has been to almost �
all of the meetings of the City for the past 13 years. She has
no conflict of interest; she does not want to buy or sell anyt'tiing
� She said she wants to help develop a fine community. Stie believes
in planned develoPment. She would lilce to see a development
similar to the Pruneyard, without a department store.
Mr. Angelo Lillo, representing the Miner Estate, 199.14 Stevens
Creek Blvd., said he appreciated the efforts of the Pl.anning
Commission in trying to solve some of the burdens ��laced upon them
He said he is distur_bed, distressed and disillusioned �aith ha•✓ing
to pay these high taaes for all these years, only to have the
Planni,ng Commission recor.unend putting residential on their propert .
age 12
Mr. Noor Billataalla, Saratoga, said the pxoperty owners are the ones ,
ho have made the City what it is today. They put in the sewers, etc.
We have Vallco Park and DeAnza Junior College. He said the people had
to justify why they should have commercial zoning. He said apparently
there is a new wind blowing. He said he would like to see the written
reports of the ecanomists and�the traffic engineers. He said we have
assumptions that were made that were incorrect. It was his opinion that
if you limit commercial and,then incre3se the residential, you �vill end •
up with an excess of apartment houses. He believes businesses will survive
wliere they should survive. You will get more inco�e for the City of
Cupertino with businesses on major streets. He does not believe that �
people should live on major streets. He believes Cupertino would have '
a better identity with extensive landscaping and commercial on the major
Vice-Chairman 0'KeefP emphasized that he did not want the people to
think the Planning Commission is trying to negate the input of the
private sector. .
Mr. Billawalla said that much has been said about the congestion at
Highway 9 and Stevens Creek Blvd and yet if this congestion occurs at
Stevens Creek Blvd. and Wolfe Road the developer will solve it. He
questioned this thinking. Comm. Nellis stated that the decision was
made earlier at this meeting that Vallco Park cannot proceed with further
development until and unless they c�n demonstrate a solution to the .
problems. Three traffic consultants have been working cn the traffic
problems: Vallco` Park's, rlariani's and the City's.
Coirun. Gatto took issue with the request to stick with the 1964 General
Plan. He noted that the commercial that we have been talking about
does not even show on the 1964 Ger.eral Plan. If the statements on the
1964 General Plan had been adhered to the Planning Commission would
not be spending all this time and effort on a new general plan.
Mr. Gary Stokes, former Mayor and City Councilman, said the only place
where we have the opportunity to do a unique development is along
Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, between Stevens Creek Blvd. and Freeway 280.
He said he had spoken to the Goals Committee about the foothills and
the downtown core ar_ea. He had hoped their vision on the core area
had been better. He said we nave the opportunity along Saratoga-Sunnyvale
Road, between Stevens Creek Blvd. and ��280 for banks, offices, churches,
residential, etc. Al1 of this could have been accomplished with a
landscaped median strip as well as landscaping along both sides of the
street. He questioned the wisdom of removing the community center
activities from the commercial activities.
Page 13
Comm. Adams noted that it was obvious to the investment sector of
our City th at perhaps the 50 acres being cansidered now far com-
mercial purposes is a little light. Eut he would not be in favor
' of'extending that co"mmercial SO�acres much more. He does not
think he wants to be pushed into making a Camplete.commercial
crossroads out of Cupertino.
Comm. Nellis noted that the audience at this meeting was camprised
chiefly of landowners and could empathize with the situation they
are in. She further noted that the Planning Commissioners are
appointed by the City Council, and that the City Council is electe
by the residents of the community. It is a reasonable assumption
that appointed individuals will reflect t�e philosophies of the
� community. Once a city has given approval to a business develop-
ment they have a respansib> > i ty to that cievelapment. She felt tha
the 1964 General Plan was i��adequate; it does not conform with the
Zoning Map. It was her opinion that it was proper for the City
to hire consultants to work for the City, just as developers hire
consultants. The question is whether the people who elected the
City Council want a commercial city. She worked on the Goals ,
Committee. She seeks out the opinions of the people. They have
indicated they want a low intensiCy. City. As to pollution, if you
bring in more commercial you will automatically bring in more •
' pollution. A good example of residential along major streets can ,
be found in Saratoga and in Los Gatos. Comm. Nellis believes 50
acres of commercial is adequate, and we must be careful that it
is not too much.
Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe noted that a number of landowners have
contributed their thoughts. We must consider the residents as well
as the commercial factions of the City.
Atcer ai�._.���5ion, �_t= ���as deeid�d there woula be adjc��rned Y!anning Acijourriea
Commission meetings on Juiie 27th and 28th. Plan. Comm.
meetings on
So moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adams. June 27,-28.
t Motion carried, 4--0
2. Application 1.o-Trz-73 MAY INVESTMENT COMPANY for approval of �
Tentative Niap with new street pattern. Said property is
within a R1C-7.5 (Residential, Single-family Cluster, 7,500
sq. ft. per dwelling unit) zone and is located at the soutliwes
corner of the intersection of Rae Lane and ricClellan t�oad.
First Hearing.
'age 14
The Planning Director made reference to the details in the June 25,
1973 staff report on this matter. The actual lot configuration is
not changed, The request is for approval to cul-de-sac Rae Lane
rather than intersect Rae Lane with 1�1cClellan Road, as previously
approved by the City in conjunction with application 11-TM-72. They
will still be involved in the improvements on P�icClellan Road.
Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe asked for comments from the audience.
Ms. Judy Cooper asked if there are any plans for a stop sign at Rae
Lane. She was concerned that Hyannisport Drive will get more traffic. r
The Traffic Engineer said the traffic coming out of Rae Lane is
Mr. Martin Hall, May Investment Corporation, said there are only 15
� � - ir. this �eveloY:nen` .
� _.,._.;-, •_ _
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adams to close the public
Motion carried, 4-0
O-TM-73 Nlo�ed by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Ada�s to recommend to the City
pproved with Council approval of application 10-TM-73, subject to the 14 standard
8 conditions conditions and to conditions 15 through 18 listed in the staff report
of ,Tune 25, 1973.
AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth
Motion carried, 4-0
, . 3. Environmental Review Committee - Itecomrnendation for Negative
� _ ,
Page 15
(a) Applicant . Charles E. and ilay D. DeRose
Location . Northerly of Cupertino Road, approximately
200 feet easterly of t.he intersection of
Crescent & Cugertino Roads.
Acreage . .23 acres
Present Zoning . Santa Clara County P.1-10 (Residential,
Single-family, 10,000 sq, ft, per D.U.)
Discretionary . Application has been filed for Prezoning
Action Requested to City of Cupertino R1-10
After revieca of the staff report, it was moved by Comm. Gatto, DeRose --
seconded by Comm. Adams to file a negative declaration on the Negative
request of Charles E. and Kay D. DeRose. Declaration
Motion carried, 4--0
(b) Applicant . The Westfield Company
Location . Southwest corner of intersection of
Pruneridge and Tantau Avenues
� Acreage . 3.192 acres
Present Zoning . P(Planned Develo��ment with light industria
Discretionary . No application filed; possible request
Action Requested for use permit.
After review of the staff report and property location on the map, Westfield Co. -
it was moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adams to file a Iv'egative
negative declaration on the request of Westfield Company. Declaration
Motion carried, 4-0
(c) Project Name . The Marianist NoviYiate
- Applicant . Brothers of �1ary
c/o Ruth & Going, Inc.
Location . At the terminus of Merriman Road adjac�nt
',' to Alcalde Road
Acreage . 2.97 acres
Present Zoning . R3-2.7
Action Requested . No application file�; possible change in
zoning (BQ)
Page 16
The Planning Director stated that abouC one year ago a tentative map
�aas approved for 10 lots, with the ,iarianists retaining the balance
of tlie property. ?'here �aas some discussion about the possibility of
undue noise and activity at eliis locatiuii, but it was discounted.
Tlie Director said the Commission can.get more involved in tliis at use
permit time. � . .
;iarianist -•- .Soved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Go�nm. Adams to file a negative
:;e�ative declaration on the rlarianist Novitiate project. �
riotion carried, 4-0 r�
He presented packets �f reports to the Planni_ng Commissioners regarding ,
plans for the Seven Springs Ranch.
tloved by Comm. Gatto, seconded Uy Comm. Ada�s to adjourn the meeting
to 7:30 P.Af., June 27, 1973. �Ieeting adjourned at 1'2:55 A.Ai.
.Motion carried, 4-0
/s/ John i,l. Buthenuth
� Ls k�ni. E. Ryder
Cyty C3_erk