PC 06-21-73 1 CITY OF C`JPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PC-110 1.0300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California Pa�;e 1 - Telephone: 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE ADJOUR�vED REGULAR MEETING OF THE PL�llVNING COMMISSION H�LD ON 3UNE 21, 1973 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, C7TY HALL, , CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA SALUTE TO THE FLAG Chairman Buthenuth opened the meeting at 7:40 p.m, with the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Comm. present: Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chairman Suthenuth Comm. absent: I�one Staff present: Director of Planning and Development Sisk Assistant City Attorney Terry Associate Planner Cowan Director of Public Works Viskovich Traffic Engineer Grigg Senior Planning Technician Kramer . Consultants Economists Arnold and Levy present: PUbLIC HEARINGS: l. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider 1973 Comprehensive General Plan. First Hearing continued, Mr. Levy opened the meet�ng by explaining a list of questions the consultants had prepared for the commission to work througn that highlighted all of the decisions that have been talked about far the core area. Mr. Levy said for each decision there was a chart wit�i a list of questions that might help the commission in makiug ' a decision. Mr. Levy read the questions. The first question had been answered at tne meeting of the previous night when it was decided a regional shopping center was positive to the total communi.ty of Cupertino. The second question now was to pick a location. To help in making this decision they had listed questions for comparison or alterna- tive sites; essentially going through the chart, looking at each site and the impacts talked about to see if a diffe:ence could be found. Is there a difterence in impact on character of city, is there a difference on char.acter of neighborhood, is one site more positive than the other i�Z achieving community goals? And f:�nally Lhe distribution of impacts. PC-110 MINUTES OF THE JUN� 21, 19i3 ADJOURNED PLANI�ING COMMISSION MEETING Page 2 For traffic impacts, there �.=ere the charts and series of questions that had been discussed previ.ously. � �1r. I.evy said that in reading the charts and ar_s�aering the questions, it was important to realize it is possible ttle commission would find no major differences. It is important to look for grass differences; things that came easy. Nir. Arnold stressed this point. He felt the commission should have clear cut issues in their minds by this time. Chairman Buthenutr. then opened the meeting to discussion of the selectin� of a regional site. . , Comm. Gatto suggested listing some of the goals that had been talked about as being desirable to achitve. l. Balanced c.ommunity ....housing diversity ....proportion of land use 2. Controiled growth 3. Green City • ....one where the physical impact moving about the city was one of green land ratner than structures; a more natural appearance 4. Low-moderator intensity development for each type of land use. ....housing - 5 to 10 units per acre ....commercial - 3 to 1 ratio of land and building (Comm. Nellis ascertained this was for the total picture; any one element of higher degree could be balanced by lower one.) 5. Sense of community ....positive identity 6. Diversity of life style, services, etc. 7. SL3blllty ....predictable community for long range plans 8. Variety of transportation modes and access 9. Economic stability 10. 1Zesources ....f iscal � Comm. Adams said under controlled grocath, one thing to be maintained ��,as rhat the potential developers share in the burdens created by their develop- ment; take �heir fair share and maybe a little more. The. deve:Lopers have the mo�t to gain. It would be a matter of discussions and negotiations between city staff and Planning Commission for �ie�ails that are equitable but beneficial to the majority concerned. MINUTES OF THE JUNF 21, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PC-110 - Page 3 Chairman Buthenuth said he felt the commission was comin� up with a planned community development. After a brief discussion on procedures to follow, it was de�ided to hear c:omments from the audience and then the conur�ission would give their summatian. Cor,un. Nellis said she felC the commission. mu�t give the audience the right to rebutt arguments which the commission might set forth. The first speaker from the audience C�as Carol Parker, 20103 Merritt �rive, Cupertino, wr;o said she woul.d like to speak against the proposed P�lariani site as the regional center because it �4as right behind Coll.ins Junior High School which is already of minimal size and which wi11 have to modernize. If the shoppin� center is built this school wi].l have no place to go. There should be some free space. Another point was the high vandalism rare that would be � incurred, the cut�ing of classes and part of that shopping center would not be able to be used, causing a great deal o£ wasted space. People would be afraid to use it becaus� of high insurance rates c:aused by shoplYfting and vandalism. Ms. Herter_t 22$30 San Juan Road, Cupertino, complimented L Plannir.g Commis�ion and hoped th�.t mary citizens would recognize and appreciaCe t�ie time and effort that had been given. She spoke to the concentrati.on of traffic on Highway 9 and the feeling of pride L we hear from residents anu citizens of Cupertino for their city. She said she was worried about traffic or. Highway 9. If there is to 'be anything like the Town & Country at Ca1i corner, �.tie very large shopping center down the way, the cor,�mute traffic, the intensive Christmas traffic - all this comes out sounding like a much more serious situation than the other site. She ai_so mentioned the possible effect on Stelling Road or doubling of De Anza Craffic. With regard to sense of pride, this was not on7_y in physical appear- ance of the city with the b4ckdrop of the hills and attractive develogments, but there wasn't anyone who t,rouldn't poinC with pride � to De Anza ar�d `Jallc� Park. The demonstration of responsibility ' and reliabi:l.ity and quality thar Vallca had shot�n was a thing to be proud o£ in Cupertino. She thought it a valid argument to keep the center of Cupertino more for the use of the ci.tiZens and the regior,al use further a'way fLOm the lieart of the tow-n. Ms. Hertert rrcal.]_ed a clisc�ission about large centers versus smaller cen�ers and remer�bered Vallco representative had used the phr.ase "we are f1e�:ible`'. This �caould rit in with goal na. 4, moderate devel.op- ment, and give an opportunity to scal� do•wn from ttie highest possible development. ! ; _� 1 � MINUTES OF THE JUNE 21, 1973 �D.TOURNED PLANNING COrI�1ISSI0N r1EETING ige 4 . In answer to Comm. Ne11is, tt:� Director af Public Works said they had checked Stelling Road and �ti:er Lvads anc� found there was no appr�ciable difference. The next speaker �,�as Ms. Carrie ICehr.li, 19701. Aubur:i Ct ., Cupertino, who said people on Drake Avenu�, auburn Avenue and Auburn Ct. �ahich back onto Vallco Park �re concerned aboLt traffic and noise ].evel on freeway. She mentioned a group had been foz:aed and had met with the city off�cials about constructin�; a wall becatise of noise level.. ��ie not�d a government survey had shown that am over 70 dcb is in,jurious Co mental; physical and emotional health, Tc,ro months ago readi.ngs had been taken in ' ttieir backyards and they Caere over 70 dcb. She said t�le State can't seem to help tt�em rig�it tiow. The�- are tryinb to have a 12' wa11 huilt along freetvay and access' road to S.'olfe Road. If Vallco b�comes a re�ional center, the traffic �yill be heavier than it is right no��r. Slie mentioned the hardship of living t,rith noise and not being able to entertain in their backyards. She speke to the a�ount of money inves�ed in these homes and noted the traffic tiould get worse, r..ot better. She asked the commission to keep this in mind. Ms. Blanche r�Ioeiffel, 10120 I:;:perial, Cupertino, said Vallc_o Park had for many ye�rs shown a gLeat sens�: of responsibility in 1a.r.o �r_ange Fl.anning and � had developed f ine quality developnient in every resper.t which had been an example for other areas. 'The center in Vallco Parlc would be in compatible I surroundings. Ms. Jackie Hall, 1(7629 Baxter Ave., Cupertino, noted the commission had started from wide perimeter a��d was now coming to sharp focus. She said for herself she did not see the center as an absolute plus positive for the community; something to be tolerated and accomodated only f�r revenue to the ctiy. She thought it could be accomodated with the least disturbance in Vatico Park, feeling that it could handle a regi.onal shopping center in a �etter way. Ms. Ann Anger said she had ar_tenc�ec� all the meetings. Sho had some questions and concerns. She �ras very concerned about identity of Cuper_Cino, feeling that no one has come up with an idenCity for Cupertino. This would be the lasC opportunity to see if an identitsr could be gotten for the city. To her the already m�st important road i5 Hig�t�.*ay 9 to Stevens Creek Boulevard up to Homestead Road. Sl noted Su-�r.yvale is �!�uilding nothing but apartments on Highcaay 9 with the backs facing Hi�;h�,Tay 9 which doe�n't �ive any feeling �f identity. She wot��?d nct like to see this ti�ppen in Cuperti.no. She spoke of two very important pieces of land tlzai� C�.ip�r*�no can be very proud of, �,Tallco Paxk and De Anza College. V�11co Park had identity of being finest industrial park in the wo�'ld. If shoppir.b center go�s in a1.or�g witFi hotel, financial, and industrial, will Cuper�ino lo�e �ome of .r_he icientity of our very imp�rtant piece in Vallco .�ark? Are we ,7aing l:o r.�plac:e other parcels with industrial or do we have enough industrial'! Speakin� of a bal_anced community, Ms. Anger t . � � Y MINUTES OF.THE JUNE 21, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING � PC-110 . i Page 5 i said the city wanted more residents. She felt Cupertino was located in same category as Los Altos, Saratoga and Los Gatos. She would like to see our residents more in the hillsides. It had been agreed , there should be 50,000 peonle in the sphere of influence of Cupertino. Today there are about 30,000-32,000, leaving a balance of about 18,000 people to be disired. Speaking in round figures, room would � be needed for about 6,00� units. It has not been spoken to where these 6,000 units would go. She would iiot like to see too many ' apartments, feeling we have quite a few already. 4wners show more � apparent responsibility than renters. ! i Ms. Anger quesCioned if Vallco Park were to get the center, where i would other industrial go in other parts af the community. ! i Highway 9 is most important road because there are always a lot of I people passing through from other areas. rSs. Anger said she had no conflict of interest but had lived here for 28 years and all she wanted was a nice community. She sees very nice things happening in this cammunity with a nice downtown, and Highway 9 is downtown. Mr. Louis Stocklmeir, 22120 Stevens Creek, Cupertino, spoke to identity of Cupertino and gave background of Cupertino's naming and historical background. In answer to Chairman Buthenut�, he said his remarks were not really related to the two sites in question; but in dealing with realities, Vallco Park was already a committed area. E He would have to assume that if the two of them were granted same � privilege, sooner or later one or both of them would fail to survive. Mr. Billawalla, 20252 Hill Avenue, Saratoga, commented on the many hours the co�ission had sat and listened to the public. He said it would be more admirable if the approach did not appear to be "my mind is made up, don't confuse me with facts". On Highway 9 right now is high density traffic and traffic will increase. Noise and pollution because of automobiles will increase. Why would anyone want to put apartments or residents there and sub�ect them to that noise and smog. Mariani location will increase traffic by 15-20% V�hich is only a slight �lifference. At any other location the traff ic k�ill increase greatly and subject people on Wolfe Road north of Homestead Road and �south of Stevens Creek Boulevard on Miller Avenue t:o heavy traffic. You cannot have 8 lanes turning into 4 lanes without jamming up. Inter- city traffic on HighF*ay 9 goes right to Tiariani site. If the center is at Vallco Park o�ill have to have people turn on either Homestead Road or Stevens Creek 13oulevard increasing traffic there. He hoped the commission was consiclering his comment of yesterday of confluence of Lawrence Expressway-280-tr'olfe Road and Tantau Avenue all within � 3/4 of a mile startin� a big truffic problem which will be hard to solve. To add the center at ��allco Park would be to increase that problem. The developer has said he would find a solution to that. The only other solution could be C-D system. Plobody has shown a system � that could or would work. ZC is recogr.ized right now that committed � Vallco Park of 400 acres and 57 undeveloped acres could �am Wolfe , Road and cause a breakdown at all intersections. C-110 MINUTES OF THE JUNE 21, 1973 ADJOU�NED PLANNING COMMISSION MI:ETING age 6 Mr. �311awalla asked if anyone from the city staf£ had talked with the State Highway Department and asked them which they would recommend as the location which weuld cause less problems. He not�d tne State has experts who have been working with traffic for many years and their recouunendations should be weighed heavil�. He aske� for a report fYom the sta£f a�out suggestions by the State Highway Department or any contacts with them. He hoped a decision would not be made that would foreclose future possibility of solving the problem. �Ms. Judy Cooper, Chairman of the GoalsCommittee, :�aid her initial reaction was that she would really not like to have a shopping center in Cupertino, and she believed the initial gut reaction af the public would be that also. She realizes that sometimes we have to give up something to get some other things. Goals Committee felt �hey were in many respects coming up with idea]istic report, but trick �caas making wisest use of revenue of the sh4pping cen.ter. Either s3.te �rould aff ect some residential neighborhood. Vallco Park would be affected less than Mariani si.te, T�1ith good architects, good planning and good buffering, and with very strong rules and regulations set by the Planning Cominission and Cwty Council, either site could minimize adverse effect upon residential commun3ty. Ms. Cooper said she felC the crux of the matter was identity. She did not think the co�nmi�sion had answered the question of whether they wanted a shopping center to be the identity of Cupertino. She felt a good identity ceuld be created at Cali an3 that was �rhere we had to be more creative and come up with the very best for that whole strip of Highway 9. That was why she wculd preter to have regional shopping center Ue a node at Vallco Park. It is a natural link for public transportation. Ms. Cooper ' questioned whether there had been any plans made for a station at either Ma.riani or Vallco, and Mr. Arnold said he did not think the planning had gotten that far yet. T1s. Cooper went on ta say with a composite of so man�� things and people, so many diverse dem�.nds, perhaps a regional shopping 1 center could help to meet some of those demands. Chairman Buthenuth said the poeple he had talked with seemed to want the regional shopping center; he wondered why she had felt they did not. Ms. Cooper said someone had been doing a survey and there seemed to be a negative feeiing toward the shopping cen�er. Peop�.e have the feeling that a regional shopping center in Cupertino raould be the beginning of the end, but she felt this would not happen here because of. the good planning and � long range planning that was being done. � Mr. Ward, Vallco representative, said he would like briefly to describe , c�rhat they would propose. He told of the expertise of �heir team and introduced several representatives of. this team. , MINUTES OF THE JUNE 21, 1973 ADJOURNED uLANNING COP"�1ISSION MEETIDIG PC-lld Page 7 . Mr. Ward noted they hadn't really g�tten into the environmental impac� aspect, but Vallco had prepared for their use a study of the principal environmental impacts on residential areas and how th�se effects could be mitigated. Vallco Park is concerned about being a good neighbor and to the lady who addressed about the free- way problem, lie was very sympathetic, but it was his understanding that with the regional center on either site, the problem would be very similar. Mr. Ward said they are flexible in their plan. They can put in either 3 or 4 stores, whichever the city would rather have. They could put in 3 stores norv and add the 4th later. Some of the other features with the proposed development is the use of air r.ighCs tahich by building over Wolf e Road and parking underneath wi1.1 shorten distances shoppers must move, except during Christmas. Al.so proposed as the model picture shnwed, was a skylight int� the mall area so natural. light would come into center. Other design Peatures would speak to Comm. 0'Keefe's desire for making it a differ.ent and exci.�ing place �Co shop. Mr. Ward said Va11.co is a planned development unit. Uses there are compatible. He referred to a seminar on "Mixed Uses in Industrial Parks." That i� ti�e way the trend is going. Have to recognize that Sears is Chere and Sears knew i� was an industrial area when �hay made their decisinr.. Mr. Burrell Leonard, 10750 N. Wo1fe Road, Cupertino, said he and Mr. Lester were two or �hrPe general partners of Va11co. He had served 8 years on local Planning Commission and sweltiered through heat and exper.ienced many problems to try to develop General P1an. He gave rackground of his work with the city. He said he became discouraged with slown�ss of achieving commuriity goals and so came to the con.clusion it was quicker arn easier to get off the commission and develop the land right himself. He came to the conclusion that Planning Commissions, City Councils, stafis can threaten, be� and cajole, but they succeeded besC when substantial ownerships commited �heir time, their energy, their vision, th�ir seed money, their credit and most important, their land to �he enlightened development of the community. He gave background of early settlers of the city. ' Mr. Leonard saicl he hoped th�t propertiy not yet decisively committed could have a comparably favorable ef£ec� on our local sitee Vallco Park pioneered the planned unit developmen� concept locally. He said they believed they �iad been meeting their opportunities and responsibilities in a number of ways. Employment opportunities produce more than a$1n0,000,000 a year payroll; they had done more than their share in assisting the coi�iunity in street widening and street �building; tliey were star*ing work nn Vallco Parkway and expected to pres� forward oii Tantau o`ercrossing. They intend to make the regional shopping center an intregal part of a planned area 1 mil.e long by 3/4 0£ a mile wide. He suggested that therein � lies much of the character and identity of the city to come. PC-1.10 MIN'UTES OF TIIE JUNE 21 , 1973 ADJOUKNLD PLANNTNG COMMTSSION MEETIrdG Page $ Mr. Donn Emmons, Ldurster-Bernardi-Emmons, 1620 rlontgomery Street, San Francisco, spoke brie£ly to their site plan. He said }ie would like to comnent ot� the question of sense of �lace. �Ie felt it caas an e�:tiemely important element to have contro.l and know what is wanted and how to control the future development of either site. A shopping center lilce this can be the focal point in a community. Quality of development can be maintained and Vallco Park has demonstrated tliatthings can be done of high quali_ty and good design. Shopping center tenants now realize they have to live up to controls. Mr. Emmons said therP are certain amenities that can be a real asset to the conuaunity. The open spaces are scaled to human scale se that peopie like to come to them; nat vast and empty feeling. � The landscaping is good; all these things add up to a fac�lity that will be ' a great asset to the community. � Mr. John Mortimer, of Mortimer Associates, Menlo Park,spe�ialists in Civic Planning and Research spoke of the studies they have worked on. His firm had recently completed survey of the attit.udes �ind a�aareness about a f shopp:ing center in Cupertino. The methodology us�d �aas developed by Pro- fessor Day of Stanford. They created a sample of every household and on a random basis selected 400 households and talked to a respondent in the household. One attitude that hasa`t come up but might be of interesr to the commission �vas present zoning, the zoning below interim study zone. The question aslced the respondent about zoning �aas phrased as follows: "Although there is an interim study zonin�, on the roads Highway 9 and area west of kTOlfe Road are ior commercial shopping center � and the area east of Wolfe Road is for liuht industrial or oftice build- � ings. Are you for ur against existing zonings?" The respondents �aere , looking at a map of the area at that Cime. 22% had no opinion. Of those people who expressed ari opinion, 2 out of 3 were for preser.t zoning. 54.3% were for present zoning; 23.3; were against it and 22.1% had no opinion. Mr. Mortimer said he �Plt this might be additional input on how the people were thinking. Comm. 0'Keefe asked for copies for the commiss.ion of the report. Comm. Gatto asked if the staff were aware of this study. ?�Ir. Sisk said he had talked briefly with Mr. Mortimer. Corun. Gatto asked if that were the only question asked. Mr. Mortimer said there were others. Comm. Gatto ascertained the survey sgoke just to the two sites, not the whole zoning map. Mr. Mortimer said in his meeting with Mr. Sisk, Mr. Sislc had reen kind enough to review and give , him a copy of zoning of tlie zoning ordinance which showed general cor.unercial zoning, pointing t� side were 5ears is as commercial, and light industrial across frpm it. Cornm. 0'Keefe then ascertained how the random sampling was selected, and when the survey was done. Mr. Mortimer said 54% interviewed caere male and +6% female. The survey was 3one by orofessional interviewers. � MIDtUTES OF THE JUNE 21 , 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNINU COr1MISSION MEETING ;j PC-110 i� Page 9 � In response to Comm. Gatto, Mr. Mortimer said 25% �f those who �xpressed an opinion wanted no growth, 37% wanted slower growth and the rest wanted to keep present rate of growth. Comm. Gatto noted that ?./3 wanted slower or no growth. Comm. Nellis ascertained this study was done for the benefit of the department stores in the Mariani development. She asked how many � questions there wer� on the questionnaire. Mr. Mortimer said with both parts, A and B, there were appr�ximately 25. ShA asked if there was a question that askeci if a shopping center was wanted in � the community. Mr..Mortimer sa�d the question was phrased "Have you heard of any plans to build a shopping center with 4 or 5 large stores in the nearby area?" Only 53% expressed an awareness, 44,7% said no and 1.5% said they had no response. The question was then asked if they felt there was a need for a shopping center in terms of very much (10.8%), somewhat (34.5%), n�t much (20.9%) and not at all (35. G%) . Of the peopl.e �oho were aware of the center , 46, 5% said a shopping center was needed. Comm. Gatto questioned how needed was interpreted. Mr. Mortimer said the response was across the total response as input to their study. Comm. Nellis asked if there had been a pr.eference stated as to the two sites. Mr. Mor�imer said they had kept it a general qu�stion: was for need and how they fe].t basically about the growth. Comm. Nelli.s said she understood they had actually laid out a site p].an that snowed Mariani and Vallco and then the question was �ut cahich center would you prefer. Mr. rlortimer �aid this was asked only of those who had expressed an a�aareness of a center. They had a sheet of paper which they reviewed with the respondents which showed t�oo ' diagrams and two descriptions. In anscaer to Chairman Buthenuth, r1r. Mortimer said the people who were aware of tfie center preferred the Mariani si.te. Comm. Adams sai_d a neighbor. of his said she was askc�d to respond to this questi_onnaire and she conmlented in such a way that it made him ' wonder how the picture was presented, one site ve,�sus the other. He would like to see the material that was sho�,rn for that particular question. Mr, Mortimer then passed out the visuals which had been conunented on for the commissioners to study. He sai.d 33% preferred neither , 25.6% preferred T1ar:iani site and 35 .4% f_el.t it was not needed. He also said resi.dents of higher incomes who had Ueen her_e f_ar a longer peri-od of time �aezc m�st opposed ta the center. The mobility of the community was noCed to be about 20-25%. PC-I10 MINUTES OF THE 3UNE 21, 1973 ADJOURNE?) PLANNING COMMISSION riE�;TING Page 10 Mr. Ward said Va11co Park had not conducted a formal survey; tliey had contacted contiguous property owners and invi�ed them to their office. He asked for a copy of the report if the questionnaire was to be a part of the record. Chairman Buthenuth expla3ned to r1r. Terry they had received a copy of a report and asked if this would be made a part oE the record. The aCtorney asked if it were a public opir.iion survey and if the commission was satisfied as to its idenCity of sourc�, whn designed it and ho�v it was prepared. He said it was in Che commission's discretion to consider it or not. Comm. Gatto rephrased t�.e question by a�lcing since it was introduced and discussed, does it become a part of the record. Mr. Terry said nat necessarily. Documents by both sides have been noted a5 having �een rece�_ved by the cnmx!iiss:ion and while this report had ' l�een presented in an unusual faslli.on, tlie iirst thin� the commission should do was addre5, themse:l.ves to the question as to how they were willing to receive this reporC. Is 9.t being received as having been presented to staff, noted as having been filed or would it be recognized as having been informa�ly rece:ived as parC o£ the evidence being considered? In speaking o£ evidence, he t�ras referring to exhibits around the wal.l which raere listed as part of each night's minutes of testiniony received that night. Mr. Terry said he would like to see the report; now is when the commission shoul.d consi.der whether it was t of their off icial c�nsid�ration or just 5omething that will �e recognized as having been presented. A� t�is poinC, Mr. �urkhar� of Bayshor� Properties said he felt an explariat: was in order. In th� process of selecting a shopping center site, many studies are undertaken by the developer and the department star.es, in- d�pendently and �oini:ly. Quite often the studies are paid for by the developer and they become tool of the department store, such as traff ic analysis. Market data and awareness attitii�es surveys fal.l in the same category. The purpose of this survey was a� stated to give the department stores an overall i.mpression of the awareness level., to gair. information on mobil.i�y factors, age groups, and other niatters which are in evidence in this repoxt. IC wa� not prepared as material evidence to affect the commission's decision. If such had been the case, it would have been submitted with their other material. He thought there would be much information thaC would be of interest Co them, but the evaluation of this in.formation and to make it pertinent to them t�115 evening would be difficult. The only reason Mr. Mor�imer had mentioned the report was that it answered a question which had been raised earl:ier in the meeting. Mr. Burkhart noted the commissioners had a copy of the report, it was dis- cussed with staff prior to its initiation and there had not been an intent on anyone's part to make this a part of rhe proceedings. The attorney said in his opinion then the origin and source of report was connected with Mr. Burkhart's developmental team efforts and it was in his perogative to offer as a presentation. However, from Mr. Burkhart's remarks, Mr. Terry felt it was not being offereci as part of his presentation and thought it appropriate to confirm that it was not a part and in tllat case the commission was free to make a determination that it was not a part of the official records or evidence. Cemm. Nellis said she would make such a motion, and it was seconded by Comm. Gatto. riotion carried, 5-0 MINUTES OF THE Ji3NI, 21 , 19�3 ADJOURr1ED PLANNING CO:�fMISSIUN MEETII�tG PC-]_10 Pa�e 11 Mr. Gary Stokes, 21724 Regnai-t Ct., Cupertino, said he had been sitCing for many evening�listenirg to the response of the commission primarily to the public wi_th regard to location of shopping center and the effect it ��i11 have oii Cupertino. There had been a great deal or comment abo��.t Vallco Park, r,ohat an asset it is and how responsible the developers are in meeting their responsibilities to the comrnunity and to their_ surrounding neighbors. There haJe also been comments made about the effect on residential areas in one location or the ot.her. Having had cons�derable amount of e�:perieiice, in c;evelo�r�ent oi city and l�aving sen�e.d on Councii during the entire developraent of Vallco Pa.rk,. he d:id not subscribe to the fact that Vallco Park g;etting the regional shopp�ng center would have less etfect on res;_dential portion of Ci�:y of Cu�ertino. All facts speak to the coretrary of that statement. Mr. Stokes said he 'nad � seen norhing in the traffic anaJ_ysis or tr_affic reports that have been presented tlzat indicate ther_e �vould be any substantial effect on any existing residential areas in this community by havzng the regional shopping center at Mariani :�Sall. This was not the case if the cente.r were located at Vallco . He reminded t�ie co:,imission again that the accesses to Vallco •°arl: terminateci i_az residentiaZ areas. According to statement made Uy rir. Goodricll, the Ci.ty's traffic consultant, these neighborhoods can be guaranteed congestion� within that area. As was pointed out before, thex'e �ai11 be conges-- � tion regardless of where the center if l.o�ated. From the M�riani site the traff.ic �aiil be principally on Highway 9 a;id Stevens � Creek Boulevard ancl these are streets tlia.t caere uu_�lt to carry g traffic. Six and eight lanes are being talked about whether there � is a center or. not oii these streets . �,iho woul_d want to expose � people to the traffic, noise and air po1_luL that wotild be caused by traffic on these sLreets? As for a cei.ter bein.g the � beginning of the end, Mr. Stokes had tiear_d t.hat said about Vallco Park �ahen it was first proposed. He feels the center wauld be the be.g�_nning of a lot of things a lot of peopl_e ha��e thought about, p.lanned for and tried to promote over the p�ast 10 years. Things that couldn't be done because there �•�asn`t money to pay for them. T.ie city IIOC•J had the opportunity to ac�uire the rnanetary sour. ces to br:i.ng a lot of these thi_ngs to real_ity. There is � lot of park l.and sittirlg vacant, not because of_ lack of p�opl.e tc use it� Uut beeluse of l.acl: of fui.ds. t•ir. Stolces saic: he �a��s son?e�,-hat concerned about some of tYie citi.zens attitude about responsibi.lit,r � of VaJ_] co Parlc and statements made th�t center shou� d go to Va_llco Park because they have demonst:rated tlieir r.espo��sit}ility. H� sa:id he had been conc_F�rned a};out traffic i.n Val]_co Park for- perhaps 4 or 5 years. Several traffic studies hacl hec�u present�d to the city �ahen he ti�as on the Ccuncil , ai.l af them ��rin; ipal l.y related t.o the varicus projects oi one tvpe or another.� c•�Liicrt substantiat:ed tYie f act that the tra.f: f ic problems in ��a=Llco Parlc could l�e. sol� ed , x Mr. Stolces thou�ht it had be.en clearly demonstrated that the tr.affic problems in Vallco Park cannot be solved. He quest.ioned whether or not it is a sign of responsible devel.opers wtien i:hey have cr�ated a YC--110 MINUTES OF THI; JUN� 21, 1973 t��DJOURNED PLANNING COAINIISSION MET,TING Page 12 sil.uati_on in which they had land in thi.s comr.iunity which cannot be developed because they ar� unable tc solve th� traffic problems. Mr. Stocklmeir said he de��lt in rea]_ities. That is a reali.ty•. It had been pointed out by tlie city's �con.st.iltanr_s ttlat certr:iin areas of Vallro must remain undeveloped because at the present tirr.e there is no soltition to traffic problem. He saici 11e felt it shoul.d be taken into account the eLfect on the peopl.e who live in Cupertino, who li.ve in our neighbor:ing communities; the site :ahich will least affect the peop_le regarclless of. where tliey live. Ttiis would be the site on Fiighc�iay 9. The trafric problem could be best solv�d there and that seems to be the r.�ajor concern. � P�Ir. P�iul Mariani, f�igh�aay 9 and Homestead Road, Cupertino, saic� he was no;, � an expert. He s�iu he be:Lieved this was ar appropriate� time to review historical facts that might help the com��nission i_n their del'iberations. � Before he begacz, lie wanred to Ca?ce thi.s opportunity to thanlc the Plar�ning Com�nission for their meticulous inve:�tigat?or.s on a reappraisal of criteria and results of a 7-;�ear study which was completed 9 years ago on t�ie core area of Hi.ghway 9 on both side� of Freeway 280, He said Y�e was grateful not only because of the continuing motives of this commission �ahose il�ertbers are people oriented, he was very grateful for their patience in listening to truths, ha1.f-truths and obviously mi_sleading statements which appear to be outrigllt fabricat=ions . fle said he said ttiis because the validity of th� conclusions are only as �,00d as the validity of the input and if � erroi:eous assumpti�t?s are macle, erY CU11C�_11SlOI1S c,�ill resu�t. Ile said about 16 years ago he had been commissioned by his father to enl.ist � exper�s to determiile what the highest and best us� for this land �n � High�aay 9 might be and as near as he could remenUer it was "for the � benefit of the entire comr:iunity, the �Sariani family and its neighbors". This privately tinanced si�udy was presented *o the Ci�Cy of Cupertino for evaluation witli the aim in vie�a of preserving certain land for uses which � would be needed some years in the future by a growing community. Mr. Mariani then ga�e the bacicground of thel�iariani site and the plans for this property. By agreement it �aas not fragmented so that an agglonerate of re�ional magnitude cot►ld be ready and available at the proper time. � Duri.rig the ensuing 9��ears there haci been many oppert��niti�s for the land owners in the ar_ea to frag�rent the property for a quick cash return. ` Flowev�r, the city ;aou_ld ?��ave losr tt�e most logical site fcr a regional s�iopping center according to 7 departn:ent store e�perts. He named the stores who ielt hiariani Mall was thF Most logical selectinn, He also wanted to 1et th4 record show 2:hat Mariani was the first choic� of Sears. He also wan�ed thr record to shcca that �fontgomery ttiTard had clioser_ Mariani for its first choice ancl ofierEd to buy the entire property several y��rs ago. This d:id not eventuate becat.i�e they were interested in a regional shopping center that was people oriented. They fel.t there were hazards in selling t� one :_tore. After 9 years of deliherating until the ideal mix of department stores from a marlcet standpoint could be brought together, two outstanding department s�ore developers �,aere brought together for the first time because this site ��as such a natural in their opin�on. ' In 1972 plans were drawn by this new joint venture and a m��ratorium was � � M1NUT1:5 OF TH� JUNE 21, 1973 A�JOURNED PLANNING COr1MISSIOid MEETING PC-110 Page 13 was put on right about the i:ime buildin�; permits �oere applied for. Mr. rlarian� noted one oi th� major concerns has been traffic studies. He noted d�scr�pancies between some studies, and asked the c.o?nmission to listen to what the State of California �aas trying �o say loudl.y and c)_early. �te. sai.d that Tahatever he � said or was about to say is document.ed. He repeated a�;TC�;fic invitation made to all agencics in �uper.tino that the Caliiornia Highway Commission for ttiis are�. �aottld responci favorably to an invitation by the city to meet �vith them and substantiate the things that are about to follow. In respor.se to a meeting of May 10 regarding a circulation plan f�r Vallco Park prepared by DeLeuw Cather on I-280 between Ldo7_fe Road and Stevens Creek Boulevar.d and Lawrence Road. TYie circulation plan �•.i�:s iti conjunction with studies o� the proposed Tantau overpass. Tliis plan would require an overcrossing span l.ink and right of caay. The State study indicated traffic circulation plan would be unacr.eptable. Some of the points that made this scheme unacceptable were the following: 1. Service would be to isolated development. I-280 and High.�ay 9 would not be for isolated development hut fer th traf f ic . 2.. Existing access at 4do7_fe Road and I-2$0 interchange is less than one mile apart. I,Jould create confusion to drive and increa�e operation problem for through traffic Safety is a factor here. 3. Ret�rn t to rour_e 280 would require circu�tous travel for motoYists. 4. East bound traffic on I-280 exiting for [�olf_e Road, Stevens Creelc, Finc.h Avenue. and Lawrence Express� would severely overload the inside Ianes. Ad�ii_ti_ona]_ right of way and auxiliary =1.ane ��ould be requirecl by the HigEiway 9 on ramp.. Very diff.icult to provide service for this proj ected iiiagnitude. 5. A large percenrage o� capacity free.�aay ��.ould be assigned to this localized area. 6. Signino dif.ficulries can be anticipated for the off ramp on I-280. 7. Construction costs £or. pr.ovi.di.ng for tl�is n].an �aottld be 5 nu.l.]_ion dol.lars, and it c�r.L�ld be difficult to prc�vide funds within the State plarining progrart for this type of ' caork. T1r. rlar.i.ani then di_str.ibuted copies of the June 1.2 letter from Ca1=i t:orrii_a Hi.ghw�y Gommissi�n and su��sta�itiated by T. R. Larnmer_s s Chic.f District En�;iiie�r. from San rrancisco . As an aside, Mr.. T•1ur.iani. pointed out t�1ar ecor.om_Lcs of fi�i.ng Va11co Park are not one r�i_llion as was estimated ].=�st night, b�it have a five million dollar estimate by the State. s YC-110 MINU'iES OF THE JUNF. 21, 1973 ADJUURNED PLANNING COr1MISSION riF.ETING Page 14 rSr. Mari:zni then pointed out that line �vas defiried as congestecl cn present interchange at H:ighway 9 anci 280. No ��ei_ght was given to the fact that there. was documented information that tliis intersection would be eligi.Ule � for financing by tht State in the next 4 to 6 year period, Va11_co si.te � with Wo]_fe Road at 280 inter. c}iange assum�s prob?_��ms have been so:LVed , bl�t the State tias determiii.�d the sol_ution as stiggesteci by tlze De.Leu�J Cather � consu]_tants to be �_iriacceptal�le. .�Ir. rtarian:i cor.tended fihe tt-af con- � gestian on Highw«y 9 arld 28U i.nterclianne was over.stated insofar �� thP fact that they are taking prescnt intcrc.han�e and not �.mprovecl interchan�;e, � whi7_e the congesti.nl� at ;�lolfe Road and 2�30 ���s gross.ly understated , base�l � on documented statenients. Ttr. Arnold then u.�5�ussed witli Mr.rl��riani cahat � assumptions Yiad been made on t11e traffic analysia chart. ` � l�ir. i�Iariani conclud�d that it was hi.s opi.nion that tt.e preponderance of � provable testi.mony given at thi_s public Iiearing �aas proof nositive of the � validity of findings of_ ci.tizens of thi_s community 9 years agc. He hoped � the conunission taoul.d agree with hir,i, ilot merely because of the. lando�,�czers � who hac3 preservec.l the land -intaet f:or C�_tpertin�, but beeat►se o� the people who would be ben�f _i.ted by it . Coinm. N�l.lis said she thought it �•ras important th� commi�sio.n ge� this letter straight thar_ Mr. l�Iari.aiii had inr_roduced. Mr. Ward said the lleLeu�a Cather report £or 1995 ValJ_co Par.?c study in � green folder, the iilput was derived fro��i �tate H�igh;aay Department's � Mr . Lam:ners and :it was tor. £ul1 devel_opment of ��allc_.o Park includi.ng thre� tower hotel, all industri_al, shopping center as pr�posed including � east and west of Wo1fe Road, office buildin� and another 15 acr.es of � co�r�mercial on sou�hwest corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Tantau. � Mr. Ward felt the misunderstanciing came because in the report �Ir. � Lammer's letter referred to, on chart 4, showed net�aorlc and calc.ulated � numUer of lanes that would be required without C-D system �n ctiart 5. � There se�med to be a misunderstanding of or�e oL the engineers as to wnether there should be 6 or 8 lanes on overcrossing at 280, 8_lanes at� overcrossing on t��olfe and Stevens Cr�ek ar_ 2$0 in lieu oi C-ll �aorks. Seven or eight .a]_ternate plans had been madP and sonle ciiscardecl. Vallco had shown �+ plans in r�port: and reconunencled i;-D roads . Mr . Lanuners did meet �oith �hem and he did say that someday tti�y �aould have i�o Fi.Y t!ie mess up at Lacarence EYpressway. The 5 million do:Ll_ar cost included a11 tlie r.amping necessary to correct the situation at La;arence E<cpressway and 180 inter- change. Mr. Larimers did not brealc it down as t� ho��� much �aould be applicable for turnout at Vallco and how mucri would be applic_able to solving ttie Si:ate's problem at Lawrence Fxpress�vay. Reco?l�r:�ended plan in repor.t has been assumed to be rhe only way L go and is only one of several different: of_ferings. Mr. ti��ard said he felt there tiad been too i��uch emphasi_s placed on the one � alternative. lie said they ha�l also contacted rir. Christina several time5 with regard to Tantau overcrossing and it c�ras his understanding that the High�vay Cor.unission ���ould have to act on any situation in Cupertino where the heavy traff ic tiaas . MINUTES OF THE JUNE 21, 1973 ADJOiTRNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PC-110 . Page 15 Mr. Mariani said if there were no more questions to be addressed to him, he would again suggest contacting the State and getting the information directly. Comm. Gatto asked if the staff had consulted with the State and are these assumptions realistic. Mr. Viskovich said they did consult with the State and at that time they did indicate tney were not in favor of C-D system. The city's Traffic Consultant had been contacted and tried to come up with alternative. That was to widen Wolfe Road to 8 lanes and modify the interchange. At that time it was strictly stated it would have to be committed plus shopping center and then development stopped at Vallco without C-D road. Comm. Gatto ascertained this information was from Mr. Goodric and the proposal for.• widening of [dolfe Road and overcrossing was for committed and shopping center and no future development. Comm, Gatto asked if this was discussed wi.th State and it was stated there had been no further pursuing of it. After they found out the State's position on C-D roads, then they discussed the problem with the city's traffic consultant. In answer to Comm. Adams, r1r. Arnold said when Mr. Goodrich talked about uncommitted in Vallco Park, he was talking about approximately 55 acres. Mr. Arnold said Mr. Goodrich's figures all are for full committed which includes Hewlett-Packard ��2 and Watkins-Johnson. If this is put in, then it must go to 8 lanes over Wol.fe Road_ and 280. Camm. GaLto asked if committed included the full 3 towers on hotel and full ind.ustrial. There was some discussion on this point. Chairman Buthenuth announced a recess at 10:35 p.m, with the meeting rer_onvening at 11 : 00 p.m, Comm. 0`Keefe said one of the first things that had to be considered was traffic. The commission should look at schools; as Mariani � site was concerned, the Garden Gate area and Collins Junior High must be considered. As they considered the Vallco area, they must consider schools that are on Miller, and consider the heavy traffic on Wolfe Road and Miller. TY�ese are major considerations for circulation for schools in the community. In saying that Mariani � might become a source of vandalism, shoplifting, and cutting of ' classes; these problems c�nnot be corrected by saying center does not belong here. Thes� must be corrected by leadership in school. A fundamental questions was which shopping center site �aould give a balanced f iscal return that would allow the city to spend money and do thin�s that must be done. One ot the things to be faced is that eventually High�aay 9 would tiave to be widened and improve:nent made; which shopping center will be in a positi.on to offer most help to the city. Comm. 0'Keefe saic�.he believed the question of identity to be the matrix. Botti sites have adlressed themselves to architecture of uniqueness and individualness. Each develoger can bring in suff icie impact in terms of design to g�ve the city something unique and new. PC-110 MINUTES OF TIIF. JUNF 21, 1973 ADJOURNFD PLANNING COP��IISSIQ�T N1�ETING Page 16 Coinm. 0'Keefe noted bo�h developers have committed t1I1�C�11@ ways of providing access. iiarzani has one problem different fram Vallco. The site does join a neighborhood and is closer to residential Chan Val.lco, wnich is somethi.ng that must be decided. Comm. Gatto said first of all the commission must keep its perspective. They were not designi_ng a General Pian to accomodate the shopping center but the shopping center was r.ather merely involved in rhe General Plan. Traffi� for two sites. The need was there to provide traffic improvement, to �ncrease circulation element in the city. Both centers could develop pretty well as proposed except for one point directly associated with their development. IVumber of lanes t-o be provided for center ti�ersus number of J.anes without center �aould not be markedly different. Areas around center relative to traffic are very important. Mariarii - one of the main assumptions assigned to this is that Highway 85 caould take place. Impact would be drasti.c if it did not. Val]_co - jaolfe overcrossing is area of uncertainty. Apparently results of traffic study are that 4 lanes �aould accomodate a very limited development at Vallco; so-called committed plus the regional center. Mr. Arnold at this point said 4 lanes would accomodate only the committed. If the regional shopping center were added, jaolfe overcrossing would have to go to 8 lanes. In answer to Chairman Buthenuth, rir. Arnold then explained that with 4 lanes on t��olfe Road over.crossing development could go t�ao caays: (1) shupping center with present committed, holding out Hewlett-Packard ��2 and Watkins-Johnson or (2) nothing at center and �datkins-Johnscn and Hewlett-Packard ��2. If all committed plus St10�JPZI1� center were built, would have to go to 8 lanes. It was ascertained that committed•was Hilton as approved to date �ahich ;aas one tower, 4 Phase and Hewlett-Packard being built now. Shopping center being added could still be accomodated by 4 lanes on Wolfe overpass. If Hewlett-Packard 4�2, other towers on Hilton, Watkins-Johnson and shopping center, then there would have to be $ lanes on Wolfe Road, 8 lanes on the bridge and Tantau. And the uncommitted stays undeveloped. Tantau has to be in for committed. The uncertainty in Vallco then was not �ahat would be allowed, but the effect of restriction and what it would mean on rest of land uses in Vallco Park. Comm. Gatto then referred to fiscal impact, or revenue from sales tax of roughly one million dollars. He noted marked preference of a number of stores for the Mariani site over the Vallco and agreed that as an outsider not knowing the community, a tenant or developer might choose Mariani. MIHUTES OF THF JUNE 21, .1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING h PC-110 Page 17 Comm. Gatto asked Mr. Arnold if he thought Vallco could generate full development to achieve million dollar revenue if the shopping center was not real.ized at Mariani. Mr. ArnoJ_d said unless there was sorne very particular type of competition among stores, it was feasible at Vallco as in Mariani. This was not to say that the people who tescified t.hey wanted to go into rlariani were not tellin the truth; he thought they felt very strongly that way. But he fel� Vallco cauld get 4 stores. Camm. Gatto r_hen said if the center went to Vallco and some of the traffic restraints were there and there was a delay in their development program and something else to�k precedence over the shopping center; it seemed there was a higher degree of economic uncertainty associa.ted with Vallco than with Mariani. Mariani could realize complete development to create revenue easier than Vallco. Some of the problems involved with developing in Vallco � might possibly lead those developers to go elsewhere. There is a time frame - need to satisfy a ma�ket demand. If that demand cannot be satisfied within that time frame at a particular location other sites will be sought rather quickly, perhaps outside of the city. Comm. Gatto said from his understanding of the way these shopping centersgo together, Vallco could not go tomorrow. The plan they have and the tenants they would need to satisf y plan would need a . lot of looks to d�velopmental concerns associated with that,plan. He said he felt there would be pressures from outside to accomodate the people who were not accomodated at Mariani. He said he was raisir,g the point that the revenue that is being looked at as a positive measure will have to be wei�hed because revenue may be lost, or at least, there might be a possible reuuction. Mr. Levy asked Comm. Gatto if he was talking about a permanenr loss of revenue or was he saying that the initiation of full revenue might be postponed. Comm. Gatto said he ti=as talki.ng about permanen loss and he was just saying that Vallco could have a relatively higher. degree of building diffi_culty in attaining fuli development � than at Mariani 5ite. AZr. Ward said they had 13 names of. stores who had asked him not to use their names. These stores were cognizant of �.ahat they were doing, and Vallco was work�n� with 3 departn:ent stores for this ' site, and there are 3 other_s who could take the 4t1� spot. Ile felt as soon as tne 3 major stores were i.n, they coul.d get a 4th store, ancl could start tomorrow if they could get permission and clearance and �et land use map changed and pexmit allowed for this. Vallco has had discussion with City Attorney and City Manager with regard to air rights across the street. Have a large volur.le of letters and think there is no problem in this way. PC-110 MINUTES OF THE JUNE 21, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Page 18 Chairman Buthenuth then asked ttie Assistant City Attorney if there was any prcblem to air rights. Mr. Terry said they had provided written opinion to the city about 6 or 8 months a�o but he did not have the fi].e with him. It is possible that this can be worked out; has been done before, and there are� means and methods for the working out ot agreement for air rights. Comm. Gatto then went on to discus� ths character of the city which he noted was very subjer_tive. He felt the intensity of clevelopment or level of development should be spoken to very clearly however; controlled growth and what that means to the city. With regard Co scnse of iclentity, one oF the goals, although not written on the board, was the creation of , Town Center. With Town Center as core of the town running fr�m L�e Anza at one end and existing development along Highway 9, tl�is would l�e one core. If rSariani Mall �went in as regiona.l center, we a�ould have a completely different core for whole area. riariani proposal would not be divorced from the city center� but taould become parC and parcel of the city center; would be closaly connecCed and in fact would create that as core of the city. This would be contrary to the stated policy of low growth level. Going on to Vallco site, Cumm. GaCto said within the restraints on the center, some of the advantages to Vallco are that it has a compatability with the type of uses already at Vallco, the development could be staged � more incrementably than at Tiariani (Mariani center would probably have to I develop as a full ur.it) ,�tahile Vallco might be able to develop s±'ore '�y � store as traffic allowed and area demanded. There is the existing Sears s�ore there. Identity of that cievelapment would be more with Vallco than with the city. Developniental pressure to expand commercial use for other than regional center would be minimized at Vallco since the bulk of surrounding land is developed. Advantages for Mariani were (1) had a much higher chance of becoming a regional center in the sense of a regional shopping center, and associated with that, the revenue that would be generated. (2) If the cor.unission were to interpret character of city differently, then the Mariani Mall wouZd develop a strong anchor for a much expanded core. Comm. Gatto said he would have to express his preference for the Vallco site. �Comm. 2dellis then said the tasks given them w�re (1) should the City of Cuperti_no have a reg�onal shopping centPr or should it not? That question had been answered last night. (2) If there was to be a regional center, shauld it be located at Vallco Park or Tiar.iani T4aIl?. (3) Other questions to be answered related to other conimercia.l, infilling of valley floor and foothi7.ls. Feeling mor� expertise was needed, Mr. Arnold and Mr. Levy I were hired as consultants. She spoke of her high regard for the:n and their conCribution. Also for Mr. Goodrich. MINUTES OF THE JUNE 21, 1973 AnJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PC-110 , Page 19 Comm. Nellis tnen �rent throu�h impact or concerns. Fiscal impact, sites are equal. Must take both developers at face value when they say they can produc.e a regional center of 4 stores Traffic - On Mariani site Torre Avenue would bave to be completed j and TorrF overcrossing put in and developers have said they can do I so. She saw the problem of Mariani as being at High��ay 9. Critical area a11 along High�ray 9 which can be directly associated with ( center at rlariani. She expressAd concern about assumption that � Highway 85 would be put in and felt they would be taking a calculated risk. I I Vallco Park - Tantau Avenue would have to be complete and the � de�e�opars say it would be. Tantau ocercrossing would have Co be complete snd this is programmed by the �tate- Interchange improvements, she understands at this point there is somewhat of an uncertainty. Would State expand to 8 lanes? Important to know that it would be possible to accomodate regional shopping center, hotel aiid Hewlett-Packard that is being built now. 5he saw no other serious readings for Vallco, although she was not say- ing s�ie was not concerned about undevelope� lands in Vallco. The city and Vallco are going to have to work together very closely on this situation. Comm. Ne11is said she would �ust �ouch on mass transit; she had done little research, but fel� it �ould be logical to choose Va11co over Mariani. Neighb�rhood impacts. She had tried ta look at those areas which are most directly involved with each site. Thi� was such a big intense develcpment that it affected far beyond what she would be saying but she was attempting to speak to those areas most impacted. Mariani - She had used 280 as one border, Blaney as another, Stevens Creek as third and Stelling P.oad as fourth. It is pre- dom3nately single family residential with some apartments, almast 50% undevelaped. This meant to her that a regional center in this ' site would drastically change neighborhood character. Another �impact of ccncern was Collins Junior High School. The center severs Collins from areas tahich it serves specifically the Garden Gate area. Vallco Park - she assumed north, east and south all were Vallco Park development and on west i_s residential. The predominate character would be the intensive us� af Va11co Park which neans if you put a regional center at Vallco you are not changing character of that.neighberho�d. PC-110 r'IINUTES OF THE JUNE 21, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Page 20 Regional center would bring pressure on surrounding property to develop and Chis could be better controlled in Va11.co Park area. She felt the , Mariani pressure would be for more commercial, or service stations at freeway, where Vallco pre�sure would be for high residential use. Regard�_ng which center affec�s residentiul most, Comm. Ne21is said she did not get a clear readin�. Only mi.nor reading is that Mariani can protect areas to �he east because it has mare area to work with and Torre Avenue would separate center from residential. In Vallco Park, Chere is a boundary directly on residential. Comm. Ne11.is ref erred to Sears. This commission has expressed a preference for agglomerate versus strip. This told her that the fact that Sears store is located aC Vallco was a positive for Vallco. Another plus is that . Vallcn is f lexibl.e in that tae coulc� add only 3 stores f or a total of 4 instead of adding 4 stores or a total of S. Comm. Nellis then went over what she f elt to be the present character of the total ci�Cy. The question becomes taking whar we already have developed and adding new development on undeveloped land to ar.rive at new chaXacter. Entrance to the community is Highway 9 and I-280. Crucial area in terms of our identity. She did not see a regional shopping center as positive in i:erms of ident3ty of conmunity. She also did not �hink a downtowrn was needed. The city does need an area where community type activities can be located and the natural site for tha� is Town Center. Comm. Nellis saic� she pref erred regional shopping center in Vallco �'ark. Comm. Adams �poke to the risks involved of placing site at Vallco and he did nnt see this. He had reservations about some of the facts presented because he had seen confusion. What will happen in 5 or 10 years regard- less of which site gets the center? What will our style of life be like? Changes in life style will be as follows: lady of the household will be the person who spends the household income mostly. Family size reducing: school system stabilizing by virtue of declining birth rate. Ecology minded sector �orcing us to pay more at�ention to noise and pollution and when thaC takes place along with energy crises, mobil�.ty will be forced to find modes of transportation which are cheaper and faster. Neighbors to the south don't want extension of Highway 85 to the point where they are going to force mass transportation to be developed before they do anything more aUout their sCreets. Lif e style i� such that we taant to enjoy more leisure time, and in order to make this practical we must hav� mass transit. Comm. Adams is looking to mass transit to alleviate some of the things shown on the chart. He sees working population in Vallco Park area �ising this mass transportaCion and this has influenced his decision. After adding all the pluses and minuses, Comm. Adams saw the shopping center located in Vallco Park of concen�ration of working popul.ation Co use that site, hotel being nearby and inevitableness of mass transit. One of the negatives he had seen for Nlariani site was closeness of the school. MINUTES OF TH� JUNE 21, 1973 ADJOURNED PLA:�NING COMMISSION MEETIhG PC-110 Page 21 Chairman Buthenuth said what he was hearing was that a center was not reall} wanted; let�s put it over and hide it someplace. As he understands reports, the initial traffic impact is about the same at the two sites; no substantial difference. �ie noted that traffic to the Mariani site would be traveling on city streets and intercity arteries. Traffic to Vallco Park would be on Wolfe Road which is an intercity street but that is basically a residential street. A lot of traffic impact will be added to a residential I street with 33,000 cars estimated for a shopping center Saturday. Speaking of mini-buses, the route would probably be on a main artery, Highway 9. Trlhat will happen on :iiller witir 1.5 additi.onal lanes and 1,200 cars an hour on a residential street? That surely wculd change the character of that neighborhood. Tremendous impact putting traff ic on residential streets and not city arteries. Looking at Torre Avenue and Tantau, these are about tr.e same ' except there is no access for residential on Torre. Sites, there is one large site in Mariani and two smaller sites at � Vallco with supposedly an 8 lane road. Chairman Buthenuth did not think this city should ever get 11 lanes; 8 lanes more than any city should ha.ve. He asked the questa.on do you really want to put all high intansity use in one area? Zndustrial and shapping center are not campatible. The regional. center completely changes the character of Vallco Parke What would be the oCher uses �n these �properties? Do you �oant to see medium or high residential along heavily traveled roacl? He commented Hi�hway 9 would always be there and there would a].ways he a.lot of traffic on it. He commented on Highway 9 to the north towar.d Sunnyvale with walls on both sides. There had to be something to handle the noise and walls are effective noise screens. On Vallco, do you �aant to stop the rest of Vallco from developing because you stop a good develop- ment if traffic problems cannot be solved. Vallco Park is freeway orienCed. Peopl.e �aho work there live 5 or 10 miles away. Industrial is differently oriented than shopping center. Comm. A�tams said he sees Vallco Park as an existing start of a nucleus of congregated working society in planned development which �already has a large corner segment devoted to co�nmercial. He feels thP regional center will compliment the total plan area. Comm. Adams said one o£ the things he hadn't mentioned previously was controlled gro��th. He stressed develoner should share in the expense of burciens so created and these kill have to be worked out as groo:th Cakes place. Envirorunental impacts must be worked out and solutions found be�ore allowing devel�pment. PC-110 MINUTES OF THE JUNE 21, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSIQN MEETING Page 22 ComM. Gatto asked if the cc.�mmission saw Mariani as an industrial node or as tying into future cit}• core? Chairman Buthenuth said he saw the doiantown the city has as e�icompassing this piece up to I-280. It is a plus for the city, an identity for Cupertino. • Comm. 0'Keefe asked if the city would_be creating Pzanhattan? Creating a serious form of congestion. Looking at schools, he could see Garden Gate area being seriousl� aftected by Mariani Center. I.00king at Vallco and its connection with ��iller, Comm. 0'Keefe named 4 schools that would be seriously affected. Comm. 0'Keefe noted that the joining of several nodes is essential. If these can be blended and Jive the conununity stability, anci if Zhe developers would give variety in transportation and access, then he felt the commission could build a greater area. Comm. 0'Keefe said he could not see that confining all activities in one area offers great advantage. He spok� of Drake Avenue and its tremendous noise problem. Gtiritti Torre Avenue on east of Mariani property, this impact can be controlled. He suggested closing Torre Avenue at certain haurs and lessening impact further. He said he felt that Torre Avenue as a street offered great fletibility. In terms of fiscal impact, Comm. � 0'Keefe didn`t see how the city could avoid widenin� Highway 9 at some future date. � Comm. Gatto said in regard to comments regarding traffic on these other � streets; lool:ing at both �arket areas served by reports offered by the � two sites, it appears the area in question, the rliller spectrum, offers 12-15% of the market tra�e. Traffic reaching either center caould travel about the same street pattern until Stevens Creek Boulevard. He doubted if there was a marked difference in feeder streets from either of the tcao � sites. � Comm. Nellis said she caould like to speak to goals. Particularly to the goal of balanced community and intensity. It must be understood we do have one intense development in Cupertino. That is Vallco Park. If Mariani is decided upon as best location, intensity of use is created in community as a �ahole. taill bring to bear greater tensions on that cahole core area for intense devel�pment. ?n her opinion it �aould no longer be a balanced � community but a heavily co�.�ercialized community. � Chairman Buthenuth said it depenaed on what you saw as balanced. He � did not see any advantage in putting everything in one intense area, Vallco Park has enough �:no�•�-hoca that they can develop as an industrial ' center and make it work �:ithout including a shopping center. ti Mr. John Egan, Macy repre�entative, said he would like to speak to the point of ecoriomic feasibility. taithin the four miles of Vallco Park there are three one depart�ent store cent�rs. iaithin 5 miles of the Mariani site there are t: one department store centers. Econo�nic feasibility cannot be the same in that lcind of situation. The customer MINUTES OF TF�E JUNE 21, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION r1EETING PC-110 Page 23 who lives midpoint has the choice of going to the competition. There is more competition for the retail developer in the Vallco site than there is in the Mariani site. That will cause rlacy's to pause and consider whether or not they can afford to put a 10-12 million dollar store only 4 miles from where they have one already operating. He pointed out it might cause that same pause on the part of other departmPnt store tenants and also other minor i satelZites that go to make up a shopping center. Mr� Egan said they are a pub].ic corporation, incorporated for prof.it on purpose, � have stock holders that they must repo�t to. So economic feasi- bility is most important to them. It would seem this vie�•rpoint would be important to the commission. The site plan at Mariani has been set. By modern standards, it is a close coupled site plan, two level mall where shops are located close together. It is not a fanciful type plan which calls for bridging the street and putting S shaped mall �cahich is much longer; aIl these things affect the timing. He said before tYiey commit to any site, they study every other locatian in the trade area; they weigh or�e against the other. Economa.c feasibility is a very important element and is aff ected by timing. Comm. Adams asked Mr. Egan ho;a he intergreted the economic support the public that works at Vallco and participa�es in the financial center and possibly the transient trade from the hotel would give to center. If there �,�ere a 400 room h�tel clase by, would that not be helpful? Mr. Egan said by and large, the most important consideration is the housew�ives and not the worker across the street or the tourist. They cater to the houseraives because they represent 90% of their customers. Comm. Ne11is questioned if the traffic studies didn't show the market area in tiie same conf iguration for both sites , rir . Egan said it was a�act that the compc:Citor 4 miles away is going to draw more business away trom the ne�.* unit than the competitor 5 miles away. . Mr. Ward sail they had always shown the Vallco r�gien as fashion -hub. Higher fashicn store5 mixed ti7ith mid-level. Many let from quality firms waniecr to come look at Vallca. He then introduced Mr. Philip Lyons to speak �n this subject. Mr. Philip Lyons, of Lyons, Gordon and C�mpany, said he realized Mr. Egan was addressing t2is comments ta the raishes of. Macy's but that the Emporium, also in the same area, informed him they were willing to consider goir.g to L'allco. Mr. Lyons �aid there are ' dozens of brand new centers on the drawing board that are all tied into unify�.ng thentselves with office buildings. That is wha� the public wants. The argument that you want a divided city is contrary to what is hapoening th�oughout the country. YC--11G MINUT�S OF THE ?UNE 21 1973 A,D.;OURNLD YLANNItiG COi`�'IISSION NICF.TING Page ?.4 Mr. Joe Bcrlchart, Bayshore Properties, said they had delivered in writing to the commission evidence in writing Erom three stores of their preference for Mariani site. Obviously in their business the relationship between the developer and the department store.is very complex with private agreements that cannot be disclosed, so the fact that they had been abJ_e to evidence in �ariting an expression of interest by Macy's, I:mpo7. ium-Cap�,�ell and Bullocks and the fact that representatives of some of these companies have been here to speak, should give cre_dence to representations they have made in this regard. Mr. Burkhart said the plan that has beeii submitted to the city was a plan that had been arrived at by ���orking with the department stores. He proceeded to give brief outline of �lan. �ie said J. C. Yenney has a policy never to put their intention in �ariting, but the fact that their store was part of the plan shoutd indicate Penney's intent. Another comment was to the proximity of pro�osed public transit stop"s. Mr. Burkhart said this was not always a benefit because of conflictions of traffic, confliction of parking and the pealcing of traffic (time when workers g� home is about the same time shoppers start leaving store). Chairman Buthenuth commented on the fact that he didn't know what the economics would be to opening an 8 lane eart�iquake proof road; might end up with two separate sites at Vallco. In answer to request by Comm. Nellis, Mr, Levy again went over the costs associated with road imgrovements f.or each site. In answer to Chairman Buthenuth, Mr. �dard said the number of stores would be left to the consideration of the Planning Conunission. Mariani. had said they would not develop witl� less than 4 stores; Vallco has ogtion oF hc�a many stores is necessary. He said there are two stores that prefer the Vallco site, although he caould not break his confidence with the stores. Comm. Gatto said his purpose of introducing question of economic impact was rhat the city should not be looking at the one million dollars as an assured, finite amount; it could be less. Question was is what the city would be gaining in terms of one side over another worth what might be lost in revenue? One of the tnings that requires the need for open space was a develop.nent �evel �ahich removes open space from existe:�ce. • If you have a lower level of development there is open space adjacent to the existing uses. Need to acquire external open space becomes greatly reduced at that point. � Mr. Gary Stokes started speaking Co degree of uncert�inty which seems to concern commission as to amount of risk involved in whether Highr,vay 85 would be constructed. There have been documents presented that indicate this was pretty much of a reality. Rislc to interchange of Wolfe Road and I-280 had been proved. He would like to have the tape checked on Tuesday night becaiise it was his recollection that the traffic analyst had said caithoiit the modification to [aolfe Road the regional center would not operate. ' MINUTE5 OF T1iE JUNE ?.1, 1973 ADJOUREND PL•ANNIN(� COMr1ISSI0N NIEETING PC-1.10 Page 25 Mr. Arnold said if the tape were checked, it probably would say that because at that point the traffic analyst was opera�ing under the idea that a11 of the cotmnitted would be construc�.ed and when the center taas added to aZl of the committed, Walfe Road everpass has to be wi.dened. Mr. Stokes said he had heard no conunents that if regional goes to Vallco all the comnitted would not be developed. All he had heard o�as that the uncommitted wauld not be developed. Mr. Arnold said this was dependent upon an option about Hewlett-Packard ��2 and � Watkins-Johnson. Mr. Stokes said he felt the commission should then ask Vallco Park to address themselves to hota mucn they are willing n�t to develop in order to get the regional center. � Mr. �rnold said if the shopping center. was put at Vallco, and the fIewlett-Packard ��2 and Watkins-Johnsan constructed, then they W�uia have to widen Wolfe Road-I-280 overpass. Chairman Buthenuth ascer- tained that the Watkins-Johnson permit had expired. 4 Phase and hotel Grith one tower are included in conunitted. rfr. Stokes said there is documentation that there are no plans at the present ti��ne by the 5tate to make any modification for that interchange. Mr. Stokes then commented to air rights over Wolfe Road. Mr. Ward had made i:he statement there were no problems; the Assistar�� City Attorney said there was a possibility.tY�is can be taorked out, There is a marked difference between the two statements. Mr. Stokes no�ed comments made about the fact that traffic coming to center regardless o£ where it i.s coming from 'is regional or�_ented is probably a valid statement, His point was that traffic comiz�g to ' a regiona]_ly oriented facility should travel regionally oriented � streets, namely ma�or thoroughfares, �ohich are in existence, and were designed, constructed and are being used for the purpose of intercity movement for traffic. Comments of the effect of pressures around center areas for develop- ment being harde� to control undeveloped property at A�,ariai�.i than at Va11co w�as not a val.id assumpti_on. He referred Lo Mr, Ward's statement that Va11co ha.d an additional 15 acres planned for ( �development at the corner of Stevens Creek and 7'antau. He felt if ths General Plan could not be enforced, al1 these meeti.n�s had been a waste of time. Mr. 5tokes said he thouglit the com�tission had demonstrated thei�: ability to overcome pressure when they had not all.owed aiiy development for the pa�t 8 or 9 months and when they had allowed no development in the foothill.s for Ltie past two years until a plan could be developed. He hopeci thaL once tl�e I p�an was developed, they al� had :_iztentioYis oL con:�lyin�; wiLli it. In talking about fiscal impact, Mr. SL said he taoulcl like to ask iaho pays for improvement on �iighway 9 if the rc�ional center didn't PC-110 MINUTES OF THL JUNE 21, 1973 ADJOURNL'D PLANNING CUI�L*�IISSI�N M�ETIN6 Page 26 go on Mariani site. Majority of road costs would be absorbed by Mariani regional center; namely the improvement of High�aay 9, const_ri.ictian or Torre Avenue, etc. No residential development on tiighway 9 would be . in a financial position to absorb t�iese costs. Chairman Buthenuth said the question was: Does the commission really caant residential on Highway 9? Comm. Nellis said instead of talking about south on Iiighcaay 9, loolc south on Highway 9 toward Saratoga and Los Gatos. She said to look at Foothill Lxpressway. It �aas pointed out *he developments were there long before the streets were put in. Mr.. Stokes said the ` Foothill Expressway was not paid for by dev�leper but by County-wide bond issue. Comm. Nellis said improvements caould not be nearly as high if there weren't a center at Mariani Mall. The cost of road impro�vements under various conditions was discussed at length with Mr. Levy. . M.r. 5tokes referred to coinments made concerniug mass transit and said he felt this was strictly speculation on everyone's part. }Ie said a study made several years ago sho���ed a major statiun on Highway 9 bet�•aeen Stevens Creek and Homestead Road. Mr. Stokes said he �vould li_ke to speak to Comm. Nellis's assumption about Gurrou.r�ding neighborhoods and the f�ct that Mariani is surrounded ' by residential and that Vallco is only borciered by residential on one side. He suggested a look be taken at south of Stevens Creek Boulevard. \ At riariani site ttiere is almost a thousand feet between center and where Garden Gate Village would be affected. So he did not feet it is a valid assumption to say there was more effect on residential at rtariani site. Mr. Stokes also disagreed with the fact there is less effect on residential from standpoint of traffic impact. Traffic consultant had said residential areas surrounding Vallco Park could be guaranteed cangestion. There has been no statement made like this regarding Mar.iani site; reason being it is principally served by major thoroughfare streets. Identity oi city and main entrance; T1r. Stokes referred to Corn;�. Nellis's comment t�at Highway 9 is main entrance into Cupertino. If. regional center goes to Vallco, that will not be the case. The main entrance �aill shift to Wolfe Road. If that happens Cupertino �aill be the only city in northern California that will have the distinction of ha.ving to go undergroun� in order to get into tocan. Mr. Stokes did not consider this a plus. � Mr. Stokes said if residential uses were put on both sides of Highwa.y 9 moCorists would be driving down between two concrete walls. The choice ia negative in both cases. If the regional shopping center goes to Vallco, we go underground to get in one entrance and drive down a tunnel of concrete walls at the other entrance to Cuper.tino. The onl.y reason rj :� �� 11 ' � �1 '1 MINUTES OF THE JUNE 21, 1973 ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ; PC-110 ' Page 27 i � the walls are there is to cut down I101SE and give some protection � to residential developments. Comm. Adams had questioned the effect? on Col_lins school as laeing an important facto:-. But impact on E� schools lasts L 8:Q0 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 5 days a week, 9 months'a . a year ; traf f ic in other areas �ahich we have bePn guaranteed wi11 �I be congested is from sun-up to Sll21-C�OWII and 365 days a year. Mr. ;� Stokes said he felt the developers could deal with the problems ;� relating to the schoo�. � Comm. Adams asked Mr. Stolces if he knew �ahy Sears had picked � Vallco over Mari_ani. Mr. Stokes sai.d he believed it was Mr. � Mariani �aho t►ad made the statement that Mariani was Sear's first � choice. Mr. Stokes said he was on the Council at that time and � could attest to the fact that this �•aas so, idhy they went to the r� other site, Mr. Stokes di.d not know. � �. Chairman Buthenuth then asked if there were further comments from ;; . the audience. There were none, so the connnission members then � discussed their considerations. � � Coimn. Gatto sai.d he felt restrictions to development shou]_d be �; spoken to, and other uses and restriction.in cor� area, t�7hat ��: happens in oth�r uses wi11 be part and parcel of total cor� area "� � �< and cannot isolate shopping center from other uses in center, �� � On the assumption that the economists are correct on the amount of � � commercial that the city can absorb �ver and above a regional �a center (50 acres), Comm. Gatto felt a goodly part should go to � To�an Center area. Other commercial lands available should be mor� � ,.. appropriately located on Highway 9 rather than across the street u from Sears where tiie economists have indicated as second priority. t; He then gave his reasons for making this pr.oposal. Coi�un, Gatto � felt the mai.n deterent from Mariani proposal is the change or the y . creation of level ot activity in that area which is beyond ��ahat he . • - considers the stated goals. Comm. Nellis said she agreed w�th Conr,n. Gatto's assumpti.on that � � Highway 9 would be better secondary use than SLevens Creelc Boule- � � vard. In answer to Comm. G�tto , Chairman Bui-hentittz said he woul.d like to :- poi.nt out ��hat consultants have giv�n a�i� �,,;ilat he could read out of all. the charts and maps and exllibits , �y�as that a positive location would be better on intercity arteriai. Comm. Gatto �then asked if the center wer. e in Mari_ani_ what Cha:irman t3uthenuth saw � on the rest of Highway 9. He asked Chairman �uthenutti to speak . . to lzow the development on Highway 9 would rel.ate to goal_s as they are listed . PC-110 r1INUlES OF TIiL JUN� 21, 1973 ADJOUitNED FLANNING CO:rL*�IISSION rII:ETING Page 28 There was a discussi.on then on various uses from high intensity residential t=o quasi publie along the remair.der of Highway 9 in the event the center were at Tiariani riall. Comm. 0'Keefe asked wliat was anticipated on the west side oF Highway 9 if r.egional center went to Vallco. Comm. Gatto said he thought the bulk �aoiild be residential with allowance tor co�rmercial of coirmunity nature in that area. If Mariani �aent at local:ion proposed, it ��Totild be essential to chan�e intensity betcaeen that use and rest of Tc�:�n Center. He defined the area he considered Town Center anci said the use would have to be very low residential. Corim. Gatto said he could not make any justificatio,n for this area alon� Stevens Creek Boulevard going cammercial. Com.m. Adams said he agreed to cor.unents of Comm. Gatto and said there � had been something staring them in the face. tti'hat caou]_d be done with l�ighway 9 and Stevens Creek Boulevard at near breakdown? The definition of near breakdown �•aas then discussed. After further discussion, Comm. Ne11is moved the location of the regional shopping ceziter be shoG�m on General Plan map at Vallco Park. Comm, Adams ' seconded the motion, with the condition that that locatior. has to restrict development on balance of available space. r4r. Terry said this could be covered by policy statements in General Plan. � AYES : Cor,un. Adams , Gatto and Nellis , NOES: Comm. 0'KeeFe and Chairman Buthenuth Motion carried, 3-2 Comm. 0'Keefe moved at 1:30 a.m. that the meeting be adjourned until rionday, June 25, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. Comm. Gatto seconded the motion. Motion carried, 5-0 APPROVID : /s/ John W. Buthenuth Chairman ATTESi: . /s/ Wm. E. Ryder City Cl�rk MINUTES OF THE JUNE 21, 1973 ADJOURNEll PLANNING COrIMISSION MEETING ` PC-110 Page 29 EXHIBITS: Same as shown on June 20, 1973 plus cliarts to supplement the principle chart "Evaluati.on of Land Use Alternatives in Co.re Area" entitled: , l. Issues in Evaluating Alternative land uses in the Core Area. 2. Questions of Compari_son of Traffic Impacts for Regional Shoppin� Center sites. 3. Questions of Comparison of Alternative sites for Reg�onal Shoppi.ng �enLer. � 4. Questions in Evaluati_on of Strip versus Agglomerate Commercial Development in the Core Area.