. .10300 Tcrre Avenue, Cupertino P C:alzfor.nia l'age 1
Telephane: 252-4505
Chairman Buthenuth opened the meeting at 7:35 p.m. with the Salute
to the Flag.
�Comm. present: Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0`Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth
Comm. absent: None
Staf.f present: Director of Planning and Development Sisk
Associ_ate Planner Cawan
Assistant Ci_ty Atto<. Terry
Director of Public Work� Viskovich
Traffic Engineer Gri�g (9:45)
Consultants Economists Arnold an.d Levy
p?'esent : Tr3ff_i.c Goodrich
1. CITY OF CUPERTINU: Public Hearing to consider 1973
Comprehensive General P]_an. First Hearing con�inued.
Mr. Arnold gave a brief review of what the City �aas trying to
accomplish. He gave the targets for th��� we�ri 4nd r.�aybe i�ito _�.. ��_ �
week. First he w�uld revie�•� carefully the traffic analysis went
- through last week and Mr. Lev� would t:alk about fiscal; then they
caould give new infornation on traffic and road cost plus other factor
besides traffic, such as distribution and goals i_f time permitted.
Mr. Arnold then very quickly reviewed what has been discussed at
previ.ous meeti_ngs. G,That is being studied now i_s the core area.
Alternatives for the core ar.ea are (1) regional shopping c�nter -
sho�ild the City have one and if so, �ahere, (2) remaining p
ho�,r much other commercial , and (3) what are uses for remai.ning
parcels. �
Distribution ot' inpacts is very important point. What does it mean
to to�al community and then i� it worth the hurts? GoalG will be
taken explicitly i_nto account later.
?age 2
Mr. Levy briefly revie�ved the fiscal analysis studied so far, using extiibits
to illustrate alternate use areas.
Mr. Arnold noted that a transition from fiscal to traffic had been made without
making assumptions clear. The first step was they had ran out traffic gener-
ated in Cuperi:ino under varying sets of assumptions. Then a very critical
piece ��f information was learned; that the C-D system at Vallco Park would
not be supported by the State.
The sets of assumptions about land uses in c�re area as far as shopping center
location was with center in Vallco Park, center in Mariani Mall or no
regional center. � '
Using traffic charts, Mr. Arnold pointed out traffic assumptions under 3
proposals for (1) existing 1973, 1973-80 and 1980-1995.
In these assumptions, several other things were assumed: Highway 85 was
completed to Highway 9, Tantau was constructed, Torre Aveiiue was constructed
and all areas in Vallco Park that are presently committed were constructed
with approximarely 55 acres being uncommitted, C-D streets not constructed.
Mr. Arnold said the key point of major criteria on traff�c for the commission
to judge 4rould be (1) w�iether additional traffic would be worth in terms of
fisca� pay-off; still have to do road cost and (2) how you rate the traffic
information up to this time between the two sites.
A key idea would�be to look at area where most traffic is generated on
Highway 9 by Mariani Mall and then in Vallco area down Stevens Creek.
Mr. Arnold presented two additional ideas: �1.) The uncertainty of High-
way 85 and how that could work much more severely on Highway 9 than on
Vallco Stevens Creek Boulevard area and (2) public transit in future.
He now f_elt the station would because of interacting expressways be at
Lawrence Expressway instead of Vallco Park.
Mr. Arnold pointed out fine line between recommendation and interpretations.
The second step then was to raise question of whether these assumptions are
realistic enough to reaZly judge what addition of center will mean to
road cost.
Mr. Arnold then referred to second set of assumptions. The key finding
was that if you let ttie other Vallco go, your whole basis of comparison
Mr. Levy then ga��e an analysis of road cost. He noted there are three
parts to;his getting st:arted on the road cost. First part is direct
cost associated with center at Mariani Mall, second with center at Vallco
Park and third, the core area Frhicti are not totally associated with either
center. For purposes of: commission's deliberaCioris, the third part will be
ver}� dif f icult .
- Page 3
riariani Mall:
(1) Mariani strip on Highway 9 between Stevens Creek and Freeway
280 would be part of assessment district; paid for by the
(2) Construction of Torre Ave, between Stevens Creek and Homestea
Road; these costs taoulu be born by developer.
(3) Torre overpass over Freeway 280. This is scheduled to be
paid for by State. One question is what wil_1 it mean to City
if either the State won't finance it or the State gets
delayed and City caants overpass �vithout waiting for State
f und s?
�(4) Whatever interchange modification is necessary at Highway 9
and Freeway 280 is expected to be paid for. by the State.
There is no indication at the moment that there �aill be any City
Vailco Park:
(1) Wolfe Road bet�aeen Homestead Road and Stevens Creek Boulevard;
paid for by the developer.
(2) Tantau Avenue constructed and pai.d for by the cleveloper. �
(3) Tantau overpass. This is scheduled to be paid for by the
State. (Same question raised if State delayed or reneged)
(4) Interchange at Freeway 280 and Wolfe Road to be paid for by
the Sta+�e.
In answer to Comm. Nellis, Mr, Levy said there �aould be more
modification necessary at interchange between Wo1fe Road and
Freeway 280 than at High�vay 9 and Freewa��280,
Mr. Levy summarized about road cost associated with direct proximit
� of site, roads would be expected to be paid for by the developer and
overpasses and interchanges would be paid for by the State.
In the third area, core area, there are three specific links. (1)
Highway 9 link betcaeen Stevens Creek Boulevard and Bollinger P�oad.
Increase in lane requirements througl� that area. As Mr. Levy
understood it, with the completion of Highway 85 linlc from lle Anza
down to Highway 9, that section of Highway 9 between Bollinger Road
and Stevens Creek Boulev�ird would become City territory and the
City ��ould be responsible for any r.oad improvements. (2) Link on
Stevens Creelc I3oulevard, f.irst bet�aeen Highcaay 9 and Wolfe Koad and
second bet4�een WaZfe Road and Tan*_au Avenue, initial expectation
would be that the City would bear any cost of ir,tproving those rodds.
(3) Some portions of Homestead Road between Hi.�;hway 9 acid Tantau
Avenue are not going to stlow any road cost associated wittl those
links because of difficult problem of interpretation whicti they
Page 4
wou?d like to clear up before presenting any numUers. First problem is
when you widen roads it is generally to an increment of two lanes. On
the str.�p of �Iighway 9 between Stevens Creek Loul.evard and Bollin�er
Road, it is talked about wiciening to G, 6 and 8 lanes, t^lhen the consultants
calculate cost it will be calculated to fuZ]_ widenin�.
The Director oF Public Worlcs said there are two methods of �aidening City
�treets : one , practical atid two , replace in kind . The f irst method is if
the City were to increase from 6 laries to 8 lanes, they wou.ld not have to
acquire addi_tional rights of way � would keep existing right of ways and
move curb and gutter over, stripins� in the 11' lanes and eliminatin� some
of the com� such as bike lanes and �aide sidewalks. The second
method would be to keep the sidewallcs, bike lanes and landscaping.
This way involves right of way acquisitions, dama�es and construction costs,
costing 4 or 5 times more t.han practical way.
Nir. Levy said the public ;ao,.ld b� �ho����: rrapi>;�..1.;._: ,:i;�.�� -��ulc? be incJuded
��.n �etting rigi.ts ot taay y ��ahat properi:=ies would ilave tc t��� re�ac�ved, etc,
�He also connnented that sometimes there �aould be an option of keeping 6 lanes
and tiaving high level of c�ngestion, or going to 8 lanes and having free
flowing road.
(4) Come up �aith some fair number to put on chart to show what part
any additional road cost might be attributed against the million doll.ars
revenue. Is the city's share large enough so that it would drastically
chan�e this.number? (5) With either proposed development might there
be a differential contribution to road cost, such as stretches of road
which are r�ot adjacent to the center.
• �In sum� there are three parts: road cost associated._to Mariani Mall,
Vallco Park and other l.inks; various options City would have, how much
they would cost, and how much would be contriUttted to the center.
Mr. Arnold then suggested studying under the quest�ons of what will the
City be faced with in terms of road cc:._.._ �aithout center. How mueh can
you really attribute to the center and how much might they be able to
cover? � �
Mr. Goodrich then spoke to impact on other communities, both inside and
outside of the City. In terms of traffic summary, it is seen there is
going ta be a great deal of increase in traffic in the City regardless
of what happens and the coi�unission caill want to look to�aard alternatives
to minimize traffic. Because of fiscal work. Mr. Goodrich explained they
�had tried to break tra£fic down in smaller pieces than they normally would.
Using blackboard and three alternatives, Mr. Goodrich summarized traffic
at six intersections within the City.
Page 5
The following assumptions were made of other 1.anes:
..Homestead Rozd would be 6 instead of 4 lanes
..Stevens Creek Boulevard would be 8 instead of 6 l.anes �
..Highway 9 would be 8 lanes with e�ception where Mariani
Mall center would be 10 lanes, having double left turn lane
,.Wolfe Road would be increased to 8 or 10 lanes and no more
development in Vallco other than committed with cieletion
of C-D system
Mr. Goodrich pointed out that because of lack of time, these are
impressions and estimated calculations.
� With center at Vallco Park, impact on residential area would be:
..demand for 1 more lane of traffic on Tantau Avenue north
of Homestead Road
..1�1/2 more lanes traffic demand on Pruneridge Avenue
..1 more lane south on Tant�u Avenue
..demand for 1 more l:ane on rliller Avenue
..l-1/2 lanes north on Mi11.er Avenue beyond what ar-e shown
in area now
rlr. Goodrich pointed out �ahat pressures there would be for traffic.
In answer to Comm. Adams, he noted asterisks at intersectiori on
blackboard, Freeway 280 and Highway 9 and Free�aay 280 ancl Wolfe
Road, were in response to a question of fair comparison.
Then Chairn�an Buthenuth opened the meeting to the com nember
to question the consultants. �
Comm. Adams said his specific questions had been answered during �
presentation. He would save tiis ob�ervations until later.
Comm. Nell�_s first asked that copies of summary of traf_fic be
, prepared for commissiori by j�Tednesday's meeting, includin� the
� assumptions.
Comm. Nellis noted under no center assumptiori �f2, the City ��ill
have a critical prob.lem at Highway 9 and Stevens Creelc �3oulevard.
Mr. Gaodrich a�reed.
On rlari_ani Mall, Conun. Nel? is noted t_he criLical area would be
Hi.ghway 9 and Stevens Creelc F3oulevard anci the otlier �•�outd �e
Torre Avenue. It was explained the 9 lanes �-,er.e for 1Ii.�;h�aay 9 and
the addition of Torre Avenue witli 4 lanes. rlext c.ritical. wouid be
Freeway 280 and Highway 9 inter.section;at Homestead. Poad and High-
way 9.
'age 6
At Va]_1co Park, Llie critical area would be HighG;ay 9 and Steven� Creek
Boulevard; Stevens Creek �3oulevard at T�lolfe Road and Tantau Avenue needing
8 lanes and Wolf_e IZoad at Stevens Creelc �oulevard and Freeway 2�0 needing
10 lanes.
Con�ni. Nellis asked what was the SCate's position on Torre Avenue and
Tantau Avenue overcrossings. The Director of Public Works said the Tantau
overcrossing is in State's program for 1�78-79; Torre Avenue overcrossing
has not been programmed as yet. Comm. Nellis asked if there had been
any correspondence with the State yet an�. Mr. Viskovich said its just a
matter of trying to get it programmed which would depend on money situation.
Comm. Nellis then questioned �ahat was meant by more modificaCion being
necessary at intersection of Wolfe Road and Freeway 280 than at Freeway
280 and Hi�hway 9. It was explained that on Wo1fe, an additional 4 lanes
would `be needed which since there is already a 4 l.ane bridge, would create
another overpass. ."•.:� the r.:edification of intersection of on and of`
ramps because of widening of overcrossing. At Freet.*ay 280 an� Highway 9,
there would be a possible addition of 2 lanes and the len�thening of on
and off ramps.
Comm. Ne11is as�:ed if there was any feeling for State's position on modi-
fications. It �aas noted they have indicated they are in favor of one on
the I'reec�ray 280 ar.d Highway 9, but have given no indication about the
modifications on Cv'olfe Roac1 and Freetaay 280. A letter is being sent for
their response. ,
Chairma�t Buthenuth ascertained that all assumptions are that Hi�hway 85
will be in by 1980. If.High�aay 85 in, wi.11 commuter traffic use Highway
9 or High�aay 85? Longer trips would be on the Higliway 85 freeway, leaving
Highii7ay 9 for t.raffic that has business in City o£ Cupertino or nearby
Highway y and Stevens Creek Boulevard will be highly congested even with
With regazd to Freeway 280 and Wolfe Road intersection, will have a level
of service "c" as revised with 8 ianes across. Chair.nan Buthenuth asked
what would happen at this intersecti�n as deveJ_opment takes �lace. Mr.
Goodrich said these conditions would worsen, but most of this traffic
would be due to io��i development. Chairman I3uthenuth noted then that
if a site were picked, limitations af when they could build it would
have to be set to coincide t�i�h traffic situation. Mr. Goodrich said
yes, would have ta tie development with staging improvements.
Chairman Buthenuth asked if Freeway 280 `a�nt to r.amp inetering, wliat would
happen to the �or�l area? :ir. Goodrich then explained what ramp metering
was in its simp]_ist form and said that traffic would then try to f ind
alternate routes tirh:i.ch would possibly be throu�h city onto local streets
through resideiitial area.
PaQe 7
Chairman Buthenuth then questioned if Llzere might not be breakdoGm
at other intersections. Mr. Goodr_ich said yes, if they can't get on
the fr.eeways 1 the streets suffer. These figures asst�me L
is handled by free�aays.
Comm. 0'�:eefe aslced of t�ao sites, which depends most heavi.ly on
completion of highways and free�vays by State? rir. Goodrich said
the sites were equally dependent.
Regarding ramps, separations, etc. which would be the most dependent.
Mr. Goadrich said Vallco Park is hooked to Tantau Avenue and Mariani
Mall to Torre Avenue and both depend on the completion of these
. separations before they can have completion of their shoppinp; center
Separations are key as far as street iaidening. There is more spare
capacity to widen on Wolfe Road than on Highway 9, so Wolfe Road
would have some short term advantage.
Comm. 0'Keef.e ascertai.ned th� sites were equal in tcrms of re.,i-
dential ir�pact.
In answer to the query from Comm. 0'Keefe, Mr. Goodr.ich said he
felt 4 lanes for Torre Avenue at boundaryo uf Marian:�.Mall center
�aould be more than adequate for any projecti.ons tiiat have been made
for it.
As far as widening of streets, both developers have indicated
williugness to supply whatever space would be necessary.
Comm. 0'Keefe asked about rliller Avenue usage if Vallco Parlc develop .
Mr. Goodrich sai.� it was assuned ir� cost estimated that Miller Avenu
would not go beyond 4, but could use 6 lanes so there would be �
congestioa in that area. �
- Comm. 0'Keefe asked if Torre Avenue could be designed without
interfering with school. Mr. Goodrich said the transition could
talce place a little sooner to a]_i�n Tor.re Avenue and shift it toward
j Mariani property to avoid school property. It was noted it could be
shifted in such a c.Jay that factors such as noi �e and pol l_llt1011 could
be buffered. It was thought a 6' concrete wa11 would be recluired
bet�veen Torre �lvenue residential area and schaol, rir.. Vislcovich
said it might require an 8' wall.
Chairman Buthenuth asked i.f on Highway 9 and Freeway 280, the
additional 2 lanes could be added wittiotit modific.ation. Mr. Goodric
said yes , calcu7.ation is based on 8 lane bridge which is tliere noc�*.
Chairman Suthenuth then asked about t��olf� Road and T1r. Goodri.ch
said it would not work with just 4 lanes, woul.d need modification.
�as;e 8
Comm. 0'Keefe sa:id that toould seem to indicate 2Tzriani ria11 is less dependEnt
on State than Va11co Y�=irk in completion of State projeci: rir Goodrich said
in terms o.E 8 lane bricige he would have to agree to that. Difference would be
t�le S lane brtcige at Wolfe Road.
In an�wer to Mr. Levy, it ' ascerLained that High�c„�ay 85 �.ras assumed in
in both cases. If not in, rlariani r1a11 would be most effected.
Comm. Nellis tlien aslced just to be clear, how dependent is the City on the
StaCe? Freet 280, both sites need improvement for that. In program for
1�78-790 With 9 l.anes nLCessary, '��hat level of performance from 8 lanes?
Highly congested. With Vallco Park as it is naw, would :it be worse? Almost
as bac� if not as bad as it is now. ��iriani '=lall more dependent on Highway 85 '
; tllan Va7_lco Park. Torre and Tantau overcrossings equally necessary, except
Tantau overcrossing is programmed.
' �:�.�=a Nelli_s then ascer.tained that Vallco needs �ore improvement on inter-
` ch��.i��e than Mariani iiall anu SCate has not spoken to Vallco interchange,
but has said they w�ould be wil].ing tn consider improvement to High��ay 9
and Freecoay 280. Mr. Goodrich said this was right.
Comm. Gatto a�tced �cahat �aas genera�ing change in traffic t�rithout regionai
center in existing 15/3 and assumpCion set ��2. Mr. Goodrich said this
was somewhat fro�n througti traffic, o�her 2/3 would be due to land uses
based on maps.
Conun. Gat�o aslced whaC impact Cali property development taould have on
that num�er and was told about 1/2 lane.
��he ec�rnmi�sion was then handed gener.ator ch�.rts of expected trips per �
acre for various uses: regional center, 45 trips per �lcre; high r.lulti-
complex, 100 trips per acre; resideritial assurnption orl 1��.�riani site,
10 d.u. per acre; re�idential on Vallco, 16 d.u. per acre. It was
a�certain�d that 12 d,u. per acre t�ould generate 8 trips. An office
complex of 1 and 2 stori�s on a 3 to 1 land ratio would generate more
trips t�han 12 d.u. per acre. Comniercial center o£ lesser size than
regional �iould creata equal. or higher trip number.
Most of peak hour traffic is comrnute traffic and it doesn't change
situation if. they sLop off on ��ray home from work, or come directly
from home.
Residential developmr.nt generates 10 trips versus regional center
generation of 45 trips'? P-1r. Goc;drich said this was true. The direction
may change, but the volume would stay the same.
It was asked what v�as the capacity for expansion of Wolfe Road, Stevens
Cree'�c Boul.evar.d and Highway 9. Mr . Viskovich ref_erred to the explar.ation
of two methods he had given earlier in the meeting;. 41ith existing right
Pa�e 9
of way between Hi_ghway 9 and Woife R�ad on Stevens Creek
Boulevard c2n �o to 8 lanes, eliminat�_ng bike J_anes and parking
and using S' sidewalk.
Wol.fe Road is noia 6 lanes and could be widened to 9 lanes.
Highway 9 and j�lolfe Road would boch take part of shopping center si��e
for whatever widening they took? �r• Viskovich said yes.
On Highway 9 bet���een Stevens C Boul_evard and Bollinger �:oad,
the same situation existe.d. Could fit in $ lanes within 120'
right of way and give up commodities or widen out.
: In all_ traffic• generator assuriptions, the' othe.r. Vallco has beer_
left undeveloped. A low density residertial under 10 d.u. per
acre single family ideall}7 _>uld be used.
Mr. Goodrich was asked to go th�ough each c�f two si.tes �n
ia�niediate basis o£ what would have to be done and the i.mpacts.
If Tlariani developed by 1976, what would happen to various �
streets , by �•�hom �aould it be done and what would happen if it
wer.en't done?
Highway 9-Freewa�� 280 ramp - 8 lane bridge. Does assume Torre
is constructed . F,reeway progranuned �cr 78-79. $].anes i_n State
Mariani Mall_ would need Torre Avenue plus Torre overcrossing,
to irnprove I'reeway 280 to 8 lanes, Stevens Creek Boulevard to 8
lanes; converging of Bolli.ns;er Road to Freeway 280 - Homest.aad
. Road, Bollinser, whole str.�p would have to go to 8 lanes. �
taolfe Ro�.i, ;��`v�ns :.i_°�': ���?ulevard and Free�aa_y 280, very iir:iited. k
development in Vallco Parlc �aou]_d require 8 to 10 lanes. Val_1_co �
Park has indicated wil]_ingness to provide whatever right of way
is required, as part of shopping ceni�er.. Iie ideal to have lanes
. built in initially. Center can be pai-tia]_ly developed fo Tantau
Avenue would be essential, but before 4 department stoYes went i.n
it �vould Ue better to have Tantau Avenue in. [�olfe P.oad would be
congested under this situation witl�i 9 lanes in.
� Chairman Buthenuth clariiied that wit�hout any moc�i.fication to
[dolie Koad could there Ue any committed d�vel.opment keeping 6
lanes to Glalfe Road and 4 lanes to bridge? r1r� Goodrich said
in Val.lco Park, just the center could get by �aith 4 lane �ri_dge
at interchange. With other development, 8 7_anes would be nec.essary
Page 10
Contm. GatCo noted tliat :it appeared the bi�;f esr deterrent to development at
Vallc� would be Wo1f e Road, Freeway 280, �'inc11 and or.ercross improTrement .
Comm. Gatto then aslced what was consid�red t�ith reg�ird to Bandley Avenue
on assumpt.icn. of intersection of Iiif;htaay 9 and Stevens Greel� Boulevard.
P�Sr. Goodr:ich said it t��as assumecl in�ermeciiate intersection to be built
in all r.oad intersecL bet�aeen major raads shoom. Assuming ultimate
plan as it stiows on a�sessment district plan. �G�as Tor.re Avenue also
considered under this assumption? Mr. Goodrich ind:i_caCec� iC was.
Comm. Gatto notel both assessment districts are dependent on conunercial
developr,ient . If the roads of Torre Aveni�e or Bandley Avenue were not
developed, what eff:ecC woulcl that have cn Highway 9? Wlti1011� the
regional. cenCer, there woul� be a jump of a matter of tenths o£ a lane,
according to Mr. Go�drich. Mr. Levy pointed out: tliey had assumed no
� To?°r� ^,�*c�nue without center on Mariani site.
Comm. l�el.lis in discu�sing Hight��ay 9 from Bollinger Road to Homest�ad
Road, ask�d what would kiappen to center for 4 years until Highway 85
was completed. It �aoul.d appear Eiighway 9, Bol].inger Road to �Ior.lestead
Road �aoulcl 'nave to be increa5ed to 8 lanes . rir . Goodr. i.ch said this was
correct. Asse�Sment distric.t ��rliich would be connect�d �with Tlariani center
would oi7ly inrludP i..TM��rravecnen�s irom Stev��ns Creek 73oulevard tc� Freeway 280?
And the City would have to pa.ck up tab on 8_lanes from �ollinger Road to
Freeway 280. T1_Ze Dir�ctor of Public Wo�ks said rliis �•�o�i1d still �� a State
hi�hway and ttie State wauld have to come 'ap with th�.s portion. Somathing
tio be talten up w�ith the State. Mr. Goodrich noted that even with 6 lanes
on $ollin�er Road to Stevens Creek Boulevard t�iere would be congestion.
It was discus�ed wha� woul.d happen on Highway 9 if rlarian�. Ma11 �oere deve.laped
and Highway 85 did not go in. In 19�5 ther� w�ould 'oe a breakdown of intersection.
Comm. U'Keefe noted traff�.c is generated on Iiigh4ray 9 south of Stevens Creek
Boul.evard, if Mariani center is developed �would extra two lanes be attributable
to center itself? Mr. Goodrich said about 1-1/2 lanes �vould be. Hota about
Crossroads Center oci Highway 9 and Stevens Creek Boulevarc� on Cali property?
A�ouC 1/2 lane. Comm. t)'Keefe opined that rfariani could be charg�d with
about 1 1.ane of traffi.c to �Iighway 9 south of Stevens Creek Boulevard and
Mr. Goodrich agreed.
At 9:45 Cliairman Buthenuth declared a recess, with the meeting reconvening
at 10:10 P.M.
t4r. Levy saicl the first bi� poii�t is that it is possible ttie major
decisions in Cuperti�io wi11 in no way be resolved on .f.iscal and traffic
informaCion. He then pointed out oth�r factors that would have to be
consider.ed in cot-junction wi.th traffic ancl fi:�cal; cl�aracter of. city,
neighborhood impacts, pollution and enviroiunental �impact. �Ie said the
allocation of total benefits sliould be looked ar.; some property owners
would be 3.njured and others cvoul.d benefiL.
r1I;�UTES OF T�iI; ,1UNE 19, 1973 Ai)JOIIIZI�;ED �'T.ANDIING COMt�11.SSI0N MG�TING PC-10�'
Page 11
Iie pointed aut pieces of informat:ion to be considEred: (1) Environ-
ment - wi.tli al_1 i.ntorrnation d�veloped do }�oti think any environmental
impact would change your mind? and (2) Character of Ci.ty.
. Mr.. Levy said th� b:i.�; decision oii c.har�cter of City is whether it
is positive rhat City of,Cuperti.no 1�ave intensi.ty node at Val]_co Park,
plus ii��eLisicy noa� of. activity aroui�d Higt�u7ay 9 area, ox whether it
is better to have all intense aci:ivity kept in one node at �'allco
Another questi_on: is tnere some positive use out of having 158 acre
in the center. of_ to� they can choose a use for? Or is map best
that sho�:rs center of town going to cammercia]_ and Vallco Yark stay-
' ing as is wit:h sonze re_sidential added? Character of City wYiich.
focuses wiiat your choices are for middle of town will be critical
question. Dan'i have rhe same flexibi7_it of choice in Uallco
Park because it is comr�iitted. Would sti.11 be an intensc node.
Look at Iiighway 9 and ;ahat it means ta the City under various
Mr. Arnold suggestea one of the reasons �,-hy tl�e core area couldn't
be resalved easi.ly was that the decision of shopp.i_ng center site
s� dor.iinated the tt af the conunission that the rest of the
area could not be lookel at real.isti.catly.
Chairman Butl�e.�uth then cpened the me�ting ro commE�nts from the
rir. Pat Gzbsc�ii, Bar.ton Aschman, San Jose, a traffic consultant for
rlariani i�Iall, said Ile would l.i_ke to open up for clarif9_catian some
� questions tlie cornmissioners hac� regarding tlle free�aay improvements
and improver:ierits thaT_ t_he Ci.ty is dependi_�ig on from tlie State,
Comm. 0'Keefe noted if r1r. Gibson were goi.ng,to draw from study,
he woul.d appreciate his Cl�illg the page. Comm. Ne11is and Gatto
said they had not received a copy.
� Mr. Gibson noted r_hat Freeway 28U was scheduled for wi.dening to
8 lanes sometirnc> in ].978-79 and both centers are equally dependent
on that improvement. �
Highway 85 was incl.ucled in 1973 budget: program to be improved from
Freeway 280 to Higllw<�y 9. 1`Iost critical_ piece frora Tlariani Mall's
standpoint as it geLs traffic pzst the T�iariani center.
Torre znd Tantau Avenues. TanLau is on tlle State pr.ohram and Torre
is not. I;ave approached State to get on pr.ogram and find out what
� steDS Yiave to be �aken. Mr. Gibson hacl received a letter fr.om I�1r..
Cz'istina, member of Cal.if.ornia Hz.ghway Commission l.11 answ�r to
age 12
their query abouL Tnrre overcross and "Freeti�ay 280-II�gI 9 interchange
improvement. �le read a 1et:ter from ?�ir. Cr:i.sti.��i =-i}:ich �_ndicated iE a
development such as the regional center c.3used a meaningtul increase in
traffic, the i.mpr_ovem��nt wc�u:Ld be eli.giUle for financ�.iig in the next G to
6 years Mr. Crist�_na :�uid he coul.d see no difficulty in secur:ing St�te
approva]. for ov�rcrossing providc�d f�_nancin�; of it coul.d be handled by
io�ai improve.tient district. Assuming developer or_ assessrnent distri.ct is
willing to s�iare in the cost of the Torre Avenue overcrossing tYie State
has no ob�ections and can be put inCo the prograni imm��diately. Mr. Uibson
then said tlie Mariani Mall developers tiad no :inteLitions ef opening half a
center with half of improveznen�s. To open Cliai� centE�r_, '!'orre Avenue and
overc:rossing �u�ould be iz�, lligh�,ray 9 woul.d ue y�icic.ncd Co 23 lanes with
turni.ng lanes. When the center opened, all im�rovements necessary would ,
� be put in, and center would not bP openec� until these improvements had
been made. �
Comm, Cztto queutioned $ lanes from Bolli.r..;�:_�: uo�.d to �iomPStead Road. '
i�?_ (_ I iIC:('1t1 v�� ir� :t? t.' c 1��.��?'1r7 { `,�'4�•.lc.'.5' k _. `.�:. �:,'�:� `"� ')Q(1
' . . _ ,. . _ _. . . ... _ a '_' '� _ � " .... . ... .... ._ . .... . ... a. ... ... . �
the sec�ion along front ot center.
Comm. 0'Kee�e �ai.d that south of Stevens Creelt Boulevard, it was'project�d
15% of traffic woulcl appr.oach along t�iat roadtaay, Tal:.e 5U,000 cars a day,
15% comes to ahout 7,500 cars. Thinlc �.r. Gooc�rich in hi� analysis had
been using 1(�,000 cars per day for one l.ane, so in Cerns of widening
;;outh o� Fr�E��way 28U lcss than one lane t�;ould be due �o shcpp�_ng cen�ex
itself rA?as o�ined by i•ir. Gibson. Comrn. 0'Keefe said he felt the centers
shoul.d be r�;�pansible ior wideni.nt* of s�ree�s that� have to be widen�d
because of development of tneir px:operty, rSr. Gibson noted he could not
commit money for Bayshore Properties.
�t�7i�h regard to optimum number o� lanes on Torre Avenue, �ir. Gibsc�n
said the dema;id for capaci�y was only 1-1/2 lanes but ti�ey had provided
for more capacity �c�ith 4 lanes and a left haild turn 1ane.
Comm rreil�� aslced if it would be iai t-� -;ay that salien yau reach 15- �
20%, one additiona). lane requirement is direc�l.y aLtributa�b�e to regional
center? rlr. Gibson agreed. �_
Mr. Gi�hson said in terms of State iiig;iway department con�mitments the
7'orre Avenue overcr.ossi�ig cost could be pick�d up by assc:ssment district
and Cha�C improvement could be iiuplemented.
With regard L•o interchange of Fre�way 280--Highwa� 9 improvemenc oF one
lane in each direction to existing bridge, �he developer would do that
on exisCin�: sk:rucCure tiJith minor modifications. He rei�el_red again to
P�'a Cristin:i's � on record: as hava.ilb saia within �� �0 6 years the
improvement r��ould be justif ied aiid woulcl be �idded t_o p�-o�ramr In tt�e
interim the thr.ough tr.aff ic growti� on Iiighc•�ay 9 woul.d not be great enough
to require rliis. Nlarj.ani TZal1 can opel-ate across Highway 9 at e�i�ting
I'age 13
levet of service "c" until. such. ti_me as ttirough traffic grows,
so could reir.ain at "c" unt.il 1.995.
Mr . Gibson then comrnented that ���oi fe Tload would have to go to two
4 lane bri_dges and Stat.e has not yet heen able to ta.ke � position
on that. In terms of when that impravement i� needed, A�Iariani_
Mall is not dependent on any State impr.ovements i_n orde to oPen
their center_ , �,�t7.erea.s Va]_lco Paxk is. Iri tt�e DeLeu�J Catrter
report , pagc� 31 , level of scrvi.ce tab7.e sho�:�s G.olf� Road -,I-28Q
north off ramps at level o£ service "e" wnicl� i� appr.oact�.ing
breakdo�an. He also poi_nted out �hat Va11co Parl: sho�aed an inprove-
ment Lo 6 lanes and I�1r . Goodricll indicated t:here �;�as a need for 8
' Mr. Gibson then com:nented on di.scr.epency they felt �aas shawn. on
map bet�ti�een Vallco Park and Maiiani �Za11 si.tes at interchanges.
He referr.ed to the commissioners� cot7ce�n �ait.t. impacts t.hat Val'lco
P�rk center would have on resi.dential J.anci uses alc�n� them. Tlie
Maria��i Mal7. traffic would be on regionaJ arterial.s that are not �
predominatel.y reside:�tial. land use.
t�Tith ref erence to how much traf f ic would be commute� tr�f f ic ,
through r�°ar.".ii.c or center traii�_c, at the mast cri.ts_cal i.nters�c�ioi
rfariani �Zall has ,�-rhi.ch i.s �Ii�;li�aay 9 and Stevens Creek BaulE:var_d ,
it is projected 76Q cars wi.11 be d:estined for shopp:ing center d�:rinu
the 5 p.m. to 6 p.rl, peak hour, ]_ess than l0l of tiie t��affic. �
Mr. Gibson then spolce to whetllcr Cupertino wants one or two nodes.
The coi�clusion th�t_ 2�Sr. Goodrich rea.ched ��as you can't have orie
node becaus� r.oads � hand� e the traE; ic. i'he second point in
terms of land use plan, you riay al.r�ady }lave s_cao nodes. There is
To��ni Center and Ca7_i. property and no r.latter �:�hat is d�n�, traf+��r �
is going to increase on High�•ray 9.
Iiz answer to Comm. 0'Keefe's question as to wh.ethc�r 1�ayshore
Properties could bring in amenit:ies such as landscaping and bi_l:e
lanes so t�hey coul_d be used. :ir.miediately r. atl�e� tli�n �-aai_ting for
develop.�ient to r.each fu].1 dE�velopment potenLial, �1re Gibson said
if Mar.iani NIaI.l. �a�.s . elected f-or ttie cent.er , Hi.gh�-aay 9 and Tor_re
Avenue t.ould bath be developed inunedi�ztel_y to thcir iull long
range need. It tiooul.d give a lot of excess capaci.t� ���hich would
not he needed for f_i.rst Y.en years on center itse.i_f , but it was
better for custom�r_ relations to do upgrading first r.atl:er than
Ue tear. ing up roads. Both ameriities t��ould be provi_c�ed , curUed
meclian, landscap�ng and sid_e�aalks. 1�otli ;•�i]_1 li�ve gre�n strips
along both sides of streets. In terms of bicyc:te p���*lis, l�e felt
Bayshore Properties would lie ��i_lling to do �ahat tlie City war.ted,
but he questioned purtin� bi.cycle patlis alon� sucii a busv street;
better ta put it b�hind t:he curb on sidewalk �iae. Comm. ��`I�eei-e
asked if ar.ea would be pro��_i_ded. I�ir. Nagbar said bicS�cJ.e paCt�s �
I'a�e 14
had �een bt.iil.t inta their sc�ieme Lor Torre Ave��t�e. �ie s�.�id *hey have
addressed t�iems�lves to the visua]_ imi�act of the road and center. and
hc�.a tYie C�,ro r.e.l��te.
( Com.�n, Ne11i�� que�tioned �t ate improvemer.ts from Califorriia Highways
j CUiilI1l:LS COICiillltlTlE'.Tlt. 5�1@ c17.S0 C(L1P_,� StcltE'.ITiPTl� t:ll<ir �a.L�.C:O S1rP_
� ha� �;re�.tt�r - �inpact on res:idential. Cliar.t in t��aific �tridy on page 1.1
i ��:ot•��c� 42: o.£ traf�ic ��;outd be comin��, from `1'c�rz�e A��enue t�ahich is h��.�ri
residenti:a.1 p:1us ,�unior. h�.�h sc�hool. 2�ir. G1.b:�n said th�y wer.e treat:'tng
Torre �lvenue Lo minim:�..ie anv impact on that arE�aa They had met [ti�lt�l the
; P'.CA, City arch:itect ai�d :Cc�lt road cau:td be �ut in witn pxoper landsc�ping
; and proper scz�ening to miiiimire impact on the re.•ideriti�l neighborhood.
' Conun. Ne1�l.:i.s then que:�tioned intersection;� at Torre nveriue and Stevens
� Creek Boulevard and TOY.7'E Avenue �zi:i �Iomestea�i Road. i�Ir. Gib SOIl
; referred to page� 24-25, l�sL two lines. 1975 short range ���ii give
8E?YV7..C�.'. Of ��3�� �.I1Cl ��C �Ori� T'511�� tt a�� �O ��C.�I'�� Will be si�naliz.ed
:i.nte;:sectian:,, Comn�, :�Tel.:l.is questior.ed Nr. Goodrich about� statement
that one node at Vai�.co Park coul.d nai. hari�lle Graftice .i.r.. Goodri.ch
5a:ii1 he �,��s re�:ex? t.o poin� t�ia�: uncommi.tte�1 part of Vallco should
ri0Y_ �;P i10VELO�P..c� W'l�:�lOUt L S�Si�L
: Comm. Gatto question�fl amproveraent of Wolfe Raad overp�ssin¢ I-28n and
' Mr� Goodrich saic� t�ith ��hat is cor�i�iittecl, 8 laries is r.eqziired over the
: biidhe to r3cc<�ir:odai.� r���ional cen�er..
: Comr.m, C�'K�efe spoke ��� character o1' nei�libo.�a�aod, effect on TorrF.
- Avenuv and Ia'ref�t�ay 2u0, noting ttie;� �:ere gviri� very c1os� to a jun�.or
� h:igh �c�iool. He` que:s�_�_i�ned type of acous:.ical sout�d b�.rrier. In
ans�,rer �o �on:m. U'Kee�e's proposal about under_grounding Torre Avenue,
tSr . Gib:,on no Led :��pense and gr. �3di�Q involved .
; Mr. �ta�;ger :�aid thPre 1_s sufficiEnt barrier by depress:i.ng at certain
� pni_nrs on T�rre Avenue. They have responc'�d to t�e fact that �here
± �aould be sorae pre:�sure fxom immedit�.te neigh�orhood for peopl.e to coiue
' through and L into center. Hzt�ve provide.d over-ramp for. second level
� of cen�Cer �ait�. road depre�s2d a� t;iis point. ��ave r�,any illustrati.ons
� �aYiEre they have createc� such a barrier by -re.ry exter.sive planting ��nd
berm.in�. Ori srhool site, it w�ill not b? knosyn tliere is a road thE�re.
Ther� s„ould be a pedest_rian crossing at �ierrirt, quite an exi:ensive
median for CL and very heavily landsca.p�c1. Feel_ ce��ter and
Torre t�venue shouid be separated visu�illy an�i by design. Forest Avene •
�tops conrplete�;�; �ec�in:ical�y could �be connecLed, but tliey purposely
did not ber�usc� cliey �iant�cl to keep integrity of neigrti}�orhood.
Comm. 0'�ZPefe expressed hi�s opinioti that it t>:o�.lcl er?hance neighhor�tlood
� to under�i�ound Torre Ati�enu� with greeu bel.t �c�pa�ating shopp�.ng center
' a.nd nei.;hborhood.
� �
, �
P��;e 15
r:r. �?a�gar sai.d by definition he �,ranted to understand if Comm.
0'Rc�efe was speaking of a tunne)_. tdhen infor;ned this �aas cozrect,
Mr. Naggar said he th�ughL it woulcl be de�rimental to design,
unsafe for traffic, create pr.obl.ems at ni.&1it an.d the road st,ou�d
be open to center Uut separ_at�d visua.]_ly irom neigliborhood�
Mr. Gibson then passed out copies of Mr_. Christira�s letteY..
r1r. Stuart C1ark, ecano�ist with Larry Sm3_th, sai_d he wantecl to
expand on something Comm. Gatto had br.ougl up. Ur,cornmitted �
property on Vallco Park site and hoca it �aas treated in traffic �
analysis. [�'hat happens in area if regional shoppir.�; cente� comGS �
in? Al.l vacant larid on Mariaili site, 75 acres, i_s shown as
developed. However, 55 ac.res is shown on�Vallco P�rk as undeveloped�
� This has an impact on over-al1 relativity of trafi_i_c of one center �
versus the other . Should }� ' equall.y. When r�gional �
shopping center come� in, i_t cr_eates land val_u�s. Z'ax.assessor f
will be looking a.t other Va"11_co property. Iio�,r long can ycu tiol.d �
55 acres? 7'he commission will have imni�diate ar�d :Lntense pre�s:�ure �
to do soi�iething t.o this 1and. Comparison is mis�.eadi.iig. Mr. �lark ��
sai.d he �aou�_d mal�:e t�ao points : (1) tremendous pressure to develop �
land and (2) if_ all land of Val_lco Parl: � developed, t�raffi_c �
problems at that end of to�m would be horrendous.
,. �
ihe secor�d item that �ot covered up by summ�3ry of_ tr.aff ic rel�t.e�i to �;
i.mpact on C�.ty, of on� node versus two nvdes. He felt map was �
some�ahat mis�eading in lookin� at vacant land withcut lookinE; at `'
land already developed.
Mr. Cl�.rk pointed out the City has commercial., fi.nancial anci
governmental cent�r; Sears, Mervyns, plus ether cornlitted fo:- �
�7allco Park. He f elt the i�iai- �. �ni Mal7. �aould more strengtlien the �
100% c:,r-.�:�: than �aeuld a lir.e�:r de�c�l.o����nei:.t. �
. �
Mr. Clar,k al.so mentioned agglomeration as something that as an �
economist ar.d. resident �ooul.d be prefeired. If a�glomerate, one �
of ttie necessitic.s is enou�l: land area to accomodate t}�pe of �
acti.vit-ies yot� wants deep enough to create own inte:rnal. ci_rcu�ation �
patter.n and stores i.nterface each other.. Uf_ the tt,yo sites de.pendi.ng �
on reg �onal shcpping cente.r , i.f Vallco Pai�k gets t.t�e ceizter , th�=�re �
�aiZl be two sites across ttie str.eet. ttiTOUld raise the quesi:ioii '
whether in reality you could de��elop <;n agglomerate if c�n+�er at '
Val.lco Park, or wl�ether in real.ity it �;vould be mort� of a strip
Mr. (;_l_ark ansiaerc:.d Comm. Ne11:i� by sayi�.�g he fel� the total area �
woul.d be adequ�itn, to get iiitcnse pressure to dev�lop a secondary
comme�:c:ial area, es�eci.ai.ly if th� Cit:y ���ent ahe�ic: c:�iLh its plan
ta push Town Geiv�er for. No. 1 priori,ty. Other types of bus-ir.esses ,
Page 16
pressuring to build would be motels, servi_ce stations for locati_on iiear
the f_reeway; have to difFerentiate between �zeeway orientated businesses
that would want freeway visibility. Other pressure would be high resi-
dential, such as apartments. �
NIr. Waltex���ard of Vallco Park then said that if Vallco Park does not have
C-D system, they realize there is a problem. Answer to that is not for
Vallco Park to prepare a detour by widening Wolfe Road and Stevens Creek
Boulevard, The State and County developed that problert and it will be
solved some day. Mr. Ward said he understood from his consultants
there will be a buffer distriUutor road when needed but that won't be ,
today or in 1975. With completion of 4 more departr,ient stores at Vallco
Park by center, �ompletion of hotel, expansi.on of He�alett-Packard and
other industrial, by the time the center is open, they would be able to
handle traffic with present structure at Wolfe Road.
r1r. Ward referred to Pruneridge Avenue going through to Giolfe Road,
Vallco Parkway being put in, Finch Avenue going in which will relieve
Tantau Avenue. They had had 4 or 5 traffic studies made with full
development of about 20,000 e*.nployees. They would be willing to
widen Wolfe Road to 8 or 10 lanes to provide for full developmene in
Vallco Park and "kept traffic moving. Mr. Ward said he believed they
could develop Vallco nark with what was already committed (hotel,
expansion of He�alett-Packard, shopping center, and a little more
industrial) with little more traffic on Tantau Avenue. He passed out
information showi�g tahat Vallco Park had paid as their share of traffic
in the past.
Mr. taard noted three problem areas: Stevens Creek Boulevard east of
Highway 9= problem regardless of where center is. Stevens Creek Boule-
vard east of Vallco Parkway = C-D system will solve r_his and he again
reiterated his opposition to providing detour. Wolfe Road = their traffic
engineer said they had the property and would widen �_t to provide extra
lanes for ultimate lanes at full planning.
Mr. Ward �aith regard to 55 acres in Vallco being vacant, their traffic
consultants said they could handle the tratfic and they did not intend
to have 55 acres vacant. He then introduced Mr. Mike Kennedy, DeLeuw Cather,
Traffic Consultants.
Mr. Kennedy pointed out it was very important to remember there are different
ways to interpret numbers. He pointed to page 13 oF their traffic report,
evening peak hour at iaolfe Road and Homestead Road,the level of service is
"c" or "d" taith no inter�erence by otlier intersections. These figures should
be dealt with in conparison with eacti other,
Page 17
Mr. Kennedy thought th�y l�ad been mucl more severe in coming up
with calculations than the other consultants. Ttiey had assumed
ever_ybody coming into shopping center f_rom I-280 from east would
be using Wolf_e Road interchange. Some wou.ld be using Lawrence
Expressway -Stevens Creek Boulevard i_nterchange.
Mr. Kennedy said he wasn`t sure if the commissi.on had the impression
that Wolfe Road and Wolfe Road overcrossing had to be widened to
accomodate regional center. He said with Hewlett-Packard and hotel
this was not the case. No improvements would be needed to Wolfe
Road other than some minor modification to ramps. Chairman
Buthenuth noted Mr. Goodrich had said if committed plus regionaJ_
center, bridge for interchange would have�to be upgraded to 8 lanes.
� Mr. Kennedy then said Watkins-Johnson is not included in his state-
ment but it is part of the - �mitted lie is talking about.
Mr. Goodrich said the difference was ii� what �aas meant by committed
again. Hewlett-Packard was meant to be thatunder construction neca;
with this, committed, hotel and center, 8 lar:es on bridge would be
required .
Mr. Ward said there was an immirLent additior to Hewlett-Packard,
first phase of hotel, 4 Phase plus shopping center; if Watkins-
Johnson and �nore Hewlett-Packard (another 1/3 of their site which
would be about 1975), then Vallco Park would need Tantau Avenue
overcrossing. Without C-D system, any more intense industrial or
addition to hotel would need to widen tJolfe Road .
Mr. Goodrich said he agreed with assessment of larid use and then
referr.e� to map of what is consi_dered committed, �atiich is essenti.all
what is under constructiozi and regional shopping center.
A deta�l� .� -: _�c���s�.cn follcwed of wl�a� was meant by "commiLtnd" and �
"uncoimnitted" .
Chairman Buthenuth noted that without Hewlett-Packard ��2 and Wa�Ckins
, Johnson, there would be. almost 100 acres undeveloped. He asked if
Vallco Park bua_J.t any more than what shows, leavzng out Hewlett-
Pacicard 4�2 anc: Watkins-Johnson , they would need 8 lanes , i•1r . Good-
rich said yes.
Comm. Adams suggested another set of assumptions would be helpful
if there �oas time.
Comm. Gatto aslced if it would be possible for the developer to pay
for bridge over Wolfe Road. Mr. Goodricti said it ���as possi.ble if
the developer were willing to do it; the cast would be in ttie
Page 18
Comm. 0'Keefe asked i�1r. Ward about nis earlier statement about widening
Wolfe Road to 8 ianes. Mr. Ward said they liad sai_d they had the land for
whatever �aould be needed , 8 or 10 lanes p.lus sidewalks , so if C-D system
did not go in they would still. have flexibi.lity and space to reserve
enough for widening for alternate widening of bridge.
Comm. 0'Keefe then qu�stioned parking shortage if road had to be widened,
and Mr. ��ard said t�ley could plan for additional parlcing; perhaps by
deck parking.
Comm. Nellis clariFied that Hewlett-Packard ��1, hotel, 4 Phase and
shopping center would need 8 lanes on Wolf e Road with Tantau Avenue '
overcrossing. She asked if any other improvements would be needed.
Vallco Parlcway would be finistied, aiid put Finch through. Mr. Goodrich
Comm. Nellis ascerta�ned improvements of 8 lane bridge over Free�.�ay 280 at
Wolfe Road would 'oe most critical improvement if other committed built;
also 10 lane approach on Wolfe Road to south and the Tantau Avenue and
Tantau overcrossing. She asked ���hy the d��astic change from 4 to 8 by
adding two industrial complexes? rTr. Goodrich explained that traffic
would start to reach a saturation point as far as free�aay ramps so from
th ��ii'. rjp7,ilt on traffic starts to find alternate routes whicti IllE:3.I1S it has.
to circulate back a:id forth on Wolfe Road and Tantau. She sa�_d ttien, if
she understood rir. Goodrich correctly, he was saying that Vallco Park
with committed as Vallco Park defines it, would reach congestion puint
on Tantau Avenue and as it �;oes further, it reaches saturation point
where it cannot stand any more. T1r. Goodrich agreed.
Comm. 0'Keefe then questioned what effect this caould have on �iiller
Avenue. ;Sr. Goodrich said everything that Comm. Nel.lis had spoken of
that would requi_re improvements over Freeway 280, �vould add one lane
to Miller Avenue at Stevens Creek Boulevard. Mr. Goodrich said all
acreage of Vallco Park being developed to full capacity, without C-D
system, would be such a con�ested situation that tra£fic woul_d be
loaking to use e�ery road possible and Wolfe Road would be januned up.
Pruneridge Avenue also. Mr. 0'Keefe then noted all areas flow through
residential developments. �
Comm. Adams again asked abou� an assumption set which treated all
Vallco developed ana all other property developed �aest of High�aay 9.
Comm. Nellis noted Vallco Park would not leave their lan.d vacant and
some land use would havet� be shown. She agreed it would be a useful
tool to have thirci set of assumptions.
A lengthy discussion follocae� on wh��t the third set of assumptions caould
show. A good portion of the discussion dwelt on whether to include C-D
system. Staggered caorlcing hours of industrial developments wer.e discussed,
but it �aas notecl there would he no wa� of guaranteeing other developers
would go along with this.
Page 19
Mr. I�'Iartin �lackn�an, president af Barton Asc.liman Associ.ates, said
he felt the advent of: C-D arid modification was a fantasy. State
had taken st�-ong position on their policy concerning this type
of improiement besides the fact that it would cost 5 million
dollars they wouldn't l:now wllere to get. He said it was contrary
fio State pol:icy and affects Llle integri_ty of the Freeways and he
didn't think it was �easible to think they would get a C-D system.
Gomm. Adams �aid it ��:as unr.ealistic to thinlc undeveloped property
in Vallco Park ar_ea would he undeveloped 20--30 years from now.
Tlie commission shoul_d consider devel_opment af some density and
pick and alternative. lf you are saying wi.thout a C-D system it
won't work, you are sayi.ng you can'� have any more development in
Vallco Park.
Con•an. Gatto said it could be an intensity tliat woul.d not require
C-D system; could be low traiiic generating development sucli as
single family residential. He said what ��aas bein� discussed was
cahat the total Va11co Park parcel i_s limited to in terms of traf f ic
generation. Mr. Ward noted any plans had to cor:ie before the CitS-
and any prcblem �aoul.d have to be solved betc>re pla.i could get
approval. He f_elt the Masi�er Plan submitted in 1�63 �aitli its
mix of uses �aas good lanci use for area. ,
Chairman Buthenuth, noting that Vallco Parlc would want to cor_tinue
to develop, ag.reed a third set of assumptions should be made t�ased
on revisions of jaolfe Road interct�ange.
After a lPngthy di.scussion with r1r. Goodrich, it was ascertained
that with residential and some industrial, the C-D system would
not be i:eeded.
Mr. Goodrich was asked if all r_emaining Va].lco Park went industriay,
without center, �aoul.d they need � lanes o�er Freeway 280 and 8 to
10 lanes on Wo1fe Aoad plus C-D system and he replied yes.
Comm. Gai�to ascertai.ned hotel in assumption �aas based on proposal
that had been approved to date. Hotel trip generatioi: is quite low,
especial_ly at peak hour .
Mr. Paul Mariani, 1.0534 Orange Tree Lane, Cupertino, then spoke to
tcao figures shown on tr.affic chart which he felt were not in fa�_r
comPari.son. He said assumption llad been based on 100% developrr.ent
on Mariani site and less than 100% at Vallco sitE�. ��e also referred
to documentation that somet would be done at Higli�aa}� 9 and
Freeway 2�0 in the. ne�t 4 to 6 years.
Comm. Gatto aslced ahout comparing costs to imprave based on both
inethods; Mr. Viskovich �aid tlie difference in cost would depend on
tahicti method was rec.orunended.
P_�ge 20
Comr,i. 2dellis noted Chere had bee.n t�•�o very leit� Chy Public �Iearings
��;hich the t�,7o developers :involved dor.�inatin� ti:me. She rea�.ized Chere
�aas a great deal at st;�ke, Uut f:e1t opnortunit�� should be given for
general public to be he:�rd.
' Ms. McLaren noted Chat becUuse of laCeiiess of hour, a number of people •
who were not there would like to be heard.
There were no other com.n�ents.
Ctiair�an Bur_lienuth then noted the thi.rd set of assumptions w<�s a most
crucial po:int Uecause they had ta lcno�a t�r�lere the traffic caould say a
devetoper could not develop any mor.e land or ��F1a� lcind of development
j could be a11o��ed. �
I.�r �-��r a lent �:liy �i.:c�iss. Mr . Arr..old said i t app�ai ed to Iiit:i t what
� rould be sr,vt�m on Val.lco Park was �•:�_th no C-D system, there ��ou1d have to
be a very heavy dose o� residential or very loca ir.dustrial on the
u�ico�muiti:ed .
Cor�.m. GatL �aid �'r�haC :�s being said Ls that ce7 ievels of developed
� c�n be dev�loped given certain road patterns anc.i the co:T:mission must
j decide what tiiat level of intensity is relative to those road patterns;
� that l.and area can generate just sv rauch t�aff.ir_ anci has option of how
it will be distributed.
The Direct�r of PubJ_ic t�lorks asked if the� were speaking of gitiTing up
shopping center in ord�r �o �et tkiis r�ixture ot residential and indusL
or d�.d �he}' �Tish to retain center and try to fi�;�il:e out what. this wot�Id
r:ean. �Ir. Arnol.ct said they would prepare thi.r.d set of assumptions to
give focus zor the co;ru�,:ission's dzscussion.
After furt�ier discussion, at 12:45 A��1., Com.m. Adams moved, seconded
b�� Com�n. NE�11_is, to adjourn the meeLing to Wednesday evening, June 20,
�973 at 7:30 Y,;i.
riotion carried, S-0
/s/ Jolin W. L�uthent!th
/s/ Wm. E. Ryder
City Clerk
Page 21
Summary of Traf f ic 1980--1995
Charts Assumption Set 4�1 (3)
Ch3rts Assumpti.on Set ��2 (3)
Evaluation of Land Use Alternatives in Core Area
- Maps l. Regional Shopping Center - Mariani
2. Regional Shopping Center - Vallco
� 3. No Regiona."1 6hoppin� Center
Traff ic Maps
Existing 1973
Regional Center Vallco 1973-19$0 ,
Regional Center Vallco 1980-1995
Regional Center I�lariani 1973-1980
Regional Center Mariani 1980-1995
Without RAgional Center 1973-19$0
Without £cegional Center 1980-1995
Blackboard - Alternative Fu11 Devel.opment
General Plans
Summary of TraFfic 1973-1980, 1980-1995