PC 06-11-73 - CIT�" OF CUPF.,Y:.I'LNQ, S7;ATT: OF CAL7F'0?�1�;7:A PC--105
J_;)3GC Torre t1��enu�-� , Cupc:>>-ti_no , C.��_i.a.L Ya�e 1_
telepticne : 252--45G5
HF.'.LD Oiv TUNT :Ll , 1973 IN THE COUT7CIL Cl��'�ZIi�;R,
Chai_rman Buthenuth epened tl�e me�ti_n.g at 7:32 P.M, with the
Salute to the Flag. �
Comm. pr.esent: Adums, Gatto, Nellis,. 0'Keefe, Chair��an
Comm, absent: None
Staf.f present: Dire.ctor of Plannin� and Development Sislc
Assistant City Attoriley Ter_ry �
Associate Planner Co�•aan
� Associate F.nginee� �tirhitten
Consultants: Arnold �ncl Levy '
Mi.nutes of P.egular �djourned i�leetin�; of May 24, '1973
Chairman Buthenuth noted on page 2, paragraph '3, the fourth line
shauld iead "$SS0,000.00 a year...."
Cotru Gatto noted on page 2, under Mr, Leyy's �our points, point
(1) should read...:'char.acter of neighl�orhool relatiz�e to va_lley
infill a.nd development criteria in the foothills." ,
Oi7 page 6,paragraph •2, third line, Comm. Gatto would lilce to have �
read ".....scheme� can tetal up to a very bad" etc.
On page 8, second par.agraph from l�st, Conun. Gatto noted this
sliould be cilan�ed to read "After consider.ation discussion, the
commission asked the staff i.o prepare technical data for determinin��
application of slope density formula for hi_l.lside."
Pag e 2
Comm. Nellis noted on pabe S, paras;raph 2 should be deleted.
� On page 4, second paragraph from the bottom, Com�.i. Nellis wanted
� rhe last line to read ".....range mi�;:lr be 1 to 3, rather than 1 to 5."
, �Ioved by Co��un. Gatto, seconded by Comm. 0'iCeefe, ta apprave minutes
of. :tay 24, 1973 as corrected.
Motion carried, 4-0-1
. Camm. Adams abstained as he haci not been present at that ineeting.
�iinutes of Regular Meetir.g of May 29, 1973
iioved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Gatto, to approT�e ninutes as
P4ction carried, 5-0
POSTPONEi•1ENTS, etc.: A���?7.ication 10--T�[-73: �;ay �nvesttrient Company �
(Requested l�y staf f )
i�1r. S:.sk reported this has been discussed with a;�plica�.t. Tiier_e *.aas a ,
question as to whet?ier�or not property :aould be a:�sessed by the
Environ:aental I:�vie�v proceclure. TYie ;�nv�ronmental Rev�e�r Co���tittee
� has met and evaluated the proposa:l. fi0 cul-de-sac Rae Lane rather than
, • al_lo�� Rae Laa? to intersect � �IcClel]_an Ro�d. The;� cl.etermined this
would LlOt hav� a sig.ii� icant �mpac� en the env_i_ronment and as �-uch
recommended a N��bative D��clarat�on. �.te:n ��3 on the agenda r.��fers to
th� s recon�mendation.
, CcL:,:�. Adans movad to postpone Application 10-Ti�i-73 until th�: .7une 25,
1973 meeting. Seconded by Cernm. Nellis.
� �Iotion carr� ed , 5-0
1te:n 6. �Iodification of S�_te Plar. - 31--U•-71 --- Qalc Meadocas De��elopment
Campany (De Anza Oaks) •
tilra ��_sk sai.d <:. letter :nad been received from t?ie app�icant asking thaL'
th�_s matte.r be contir.us t� t?ie fi meeting in Ju1y.
C�;.i:m. Ncll�s moved �iiat �p�licat�on 3�--U-71 be contin�sea to m�e�i:�g ef
Jti1y 9, l9? 3. Seconded by Co :il�"1. . Ada*�s . .
nr�tion �arriecl, 5--0
. ;
.� �
. I Page 3
. �
Mr. Sisk reported communication on �aorking studies given to Santa
Clara C�unty concerning redoing of existing quarry. site. There are
copi.es available for commission members.
� Mr. Sisk also had information fror,i Vallco Park concerning General
Plan and this �aould be distributed to commission members.
� ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There wer_e none.
l. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider 1973
Comprehensive General Plan. First Hearing contir_ued.
Mr. Arnold distributed a preliminary 1973 General Plan Statement:
Filling in Valley Floor and Lower Foothills. This contained a
' brief condensation of facts resolved to date from many hours of
� input under four headings: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, LAND USE DESIGNA-
Mr. Arnold emphasized this sheet does not represent f inal decisions.
He then went through findings and explained how thase decisions had '
been evolved.
� In ariswer to Comm. Gatto, it was ascertained that all existin�
�ordinances are based on gross acreage.
Mr. Arnold pointed out that on Thursday evening, June 14, 1973,
a very critical point in time of study will be reached and everyone
with an interest in the General Plar. should be present.
It �aas decided to take each column und.er Filling In Valley Floor
and see if the commission concurred with statements shown.
Column 1. - Summary of Findings
Chairman Buthenuth said regarding fiscal impacts on school, some
� • ' reference shbuld be made to SB90. Comm. O�Kee�e noted as it is
presently written it is not yet clearly defined; still has 16
rider bills in existence. � �
Column 2- Land Use Desigizations
Comm. Gatto pointed out area 21A under Mixed Residential not to
exceed 4.4 to 7.6 D.U.'s per acre should be�changed to 218.
Page 4
Procedures for development of quasi-public buildings were discussed.
Also discussed was a bo�nus for clustering development.
Comm. Nellis said she would like to discuss the question of agricultural
zoning further. She noted that looking at the soil map she had found
Class 1 soils in areas on valley floor. Seven Spring Ranch has best '
soil in the County,. is zoned agricultural and is being used as agricultural.
There were three other areas she felt could be included in this,zoning.
Chairman Buthenuth said he did not believe an agricultural zone should
be used on valley floor.
The Williamson Act and how it would apply to Seven Springs Ranch was
Ms. Hertert, 22830 San Juan Road, Cupertino, noted that a recent Open
Space Urban Development meeting, the County Assessor had stated firmly
there would be no reduction in taxes for agricultural zoning. She
suggested contacting o�aners to ascertain their preference in zoning.
Property under Williamson Act must be zoned agricultural and must .
remain so. She ref erred to Forge property (Area 12) which is also
under Williamson Act; this is under Core Area and will be considered
Ms. Hertert also noted Williamson Act has expanded its use of property
an� now includes wild lif e areas, recreational uses, etc. ,
Ms. Juanita McLaren, 22101 Linda Lane,Cupertino said she felt since �
Mr. Forge had appealed to get into Williamson l�ct and wishes to con- •
tinue farming, he should be allowed to do so. Agr�cultural use of
Seven Springs Ranch also warrants merit because of existin� use.
� Greenhouses, however, adjacent to neighborhoods would not in her
opinion be a satisfactory arrangement.
, Mr. Gary Stokes, 21724 Regna�t Court, Cupertino, said a provision
should be made in the Genera"1 Plan for parcels under i�illiamson Act.
Sometime in the future when the impact on the City could be more
close]_y measured a decision could be made. I?e recalled the reason �
for Forge property being approved for the �ailliamson Act was that
it was felt it wo�uld provide a preserve for space in the future
that might be a good site for a hospital or public use of that type.
Ccmm. Gatto noted Wil_liamson Act was used by County Planners as a tool
to preserve space, give flexibility for growth arid allow them to
modify grow�h pattern. Cupertino could use same technique. .
- �
� .
i .
� _
. i .
' • Page. 5
After detailed discu�sion, C.omm. b?ell.is moved that Seven Springs
Ranch, because of Williamson Act, Class 1 soil, is operating as
agricultural and is zoned agricultural, should be considered
for agricultural alternate. Comm. 0'Keefe secc�ndel the motion
with the recommendation that adoption be made subsequent to this �
Motion carried , 4-1
Chairman Buthenuth cast the no vote. .
Mr. Billawalla, 20252 Hill Avenue, Saratoga, ti�en spoke of his �
dissatisfaction with the Zoning of the corner of northwest corner
of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Footh:ill Boulevard; this planned
for commercial. The southcaest corner planned for residential..
The quality of development is one of the mast important factors.
Comments from audience have been listened to but not considered.
Residential along major arter�al because or noise and smog
pollution applies to both corners. Traffic impact should have
been first consideration, not the 1.asL. He listed many instances �
where he felt objective of �ahat woul_d make a good commercial
' development had not been considered.
A developer representing Mr. Billawalla noted the property. on the
north�vest corner does not come up to 5 acre requirement, and
. southwest corner would be more feasible development. Maybe both
properties should be commercial. Riglit naw they have commitments
from major users who f eel there is sufficient population to build a
shopping center. There are many other uses for property rather
than residential. Outlaying areas need servicing.
Mr. Karpen then asked for t�vo clarifications. (1) In defining
character of neighborhood does this depend on existing density?
Yes. (2) 10 unit gross area maximum in Cuper*_ino? Yes.
He then spoke to low moderate income hous'ing and general desire
to economic distribution and mix, which comes under Goal No. 5.
He mentioned three considerations to meet ne�d for economic mix •
, and provide housing: (1) density factor (2) size of property and
�(3) distribution throughout the City. He.f elt thi:s area could be
considered in meeting these goals.
The status of 235 and 236 was discussed; these are more or less in
abeyance at present ti�r.e.
ris. Ann Anger sai3 she would not like to see any mor�e low income .
housing in the area of Monte ��ista. She also expressed concern
that i.f Stevens Creek Road gets widened the next thin; will be
commercial of the strip development type. Fram railroad• to Orange
Page 6 �
or B�rns Avenue, she would like to see a Town and Country type shopping
center. From thereon to �oothi�l Boulevard, sha would like to see it
residential on botli sides, sort of a"Gateways eo Foothills". �
Comm. Gatto agreed that this had been studied primarily as a residential
alternative and was to be tried for other al.ternatives at a later date.
� He said Comm. IVellis had raised a good point. How much commercial does
that area need? What is the magnitude of services needed for
and the location.
Dtr. Levy Chen raised the question of whether the commission wished to
encourage one of the commercials to locate on church property.
After furCher discussion, Mr. Arnold said the consultants would work
- up a layout of centers in the area and take another crack at it.
Comr.i. Ne113s suggested com�ining the two Mixed Residentials under
Density 3n second column and giving them a range of 4.4 D.U.'s per
acre to S.0 D.U.'s per acre, This would still allow flexibility�
for clustering buti not so tighCly thaC quality of .living suffers.
After discussion, it was decided to leave the three density classi-
f ication�.
Column 3 - Policy Sta�ements
A discussion was held in ternis of clustering or innovative ideas.
Co�mo iVellis said she also felt that flood plain zoning should be
! spoken to. Comm. Gatto said these conings for preserva�tion of .
natural resources, health atid hazards are types of overlay zones.
� Apply base zones and then come back anc� apply all of these overlay
, zones; which might reinforce or negate original land use.
� Comm. Gattc Guggested studying this as part of over-al1 General
Plan, includin, fooT.:hills., rather than for valley floor.
Ms. Hertert asked about any parcels that were in the natural
flood plain which would allow no housing or permanent structure to
be buil.t on it. Parcel 9 was noted to be one.
� Chairman Buthenuth�said he taas hoping under study of Parks, the commission
. � coul.d find out what is in flood plain and get it in zoning as open space
with area desi.gnated as such.
Comm. Gatto noted that this overlay would be avai].able as pa.rt and
� parcLl of Genera:� Plan map so al1 buil.ders could be aware of. it.
Column 4 - Requl.rements for �mplemeutation
Comm. Adams said it sho�ild be as assigned since in�erim agricultural
uses are pernii�:ted.
� �1zl�TUTI��S OF TH� JUNE 11, .1973 PLAIVNING COi'�1i1ISSI0N MTI:'I'1NG PC-105
� Pa�;e 7
Chairman Buthenuth anncunced a recess at 9:55 p.m. with the meeting
reconvening at ]_Q:15 p.m..
r1r. Levy then went over the same preli.minary 1_973 General P1an
Statements: Lower F'oothills. He explained that much the same
procec�trre had been follo�aed as had been on the blue areas. The
foothiils were designated with red out7_i.ne..
After his presentation, only cliange was noted. Under the second
point under Summary of Findings, the fir_st line was changed to
read "'1'he application of the average slope/density formuia by the
Santa......" '
Ms. Jackie Hall, said she tiad beei� questioning all areas bein.g
designated residential, such as Flood P1ain zoning, Cupettino's
Open Space zoning, or areas on hillside �,*here an oc�mer might want
to �3evelop an equestrian center. An overla}� for hillside area as
�aell as va7_ley floor.
Chairman 13urhenuth noted flood plain, agricultural and open space
s�ould be on ma.p; and perhaps should add recreational.
After a brief discussion, Mr. Sisk said this�was samething that
should be under policy and requirements for implementation.
Mr. Harold Ashton of Kaiser Properties'said he was pleased �aith the
� way the commission was going and to point out their development would
include horseback riding trails and addi_tional property for C�_.r_y.
Mr. La�arence Hill, representing the Catholic Church property, �
said a preliminary study has been conducted by Diridon Research
relative to the recreational aspect. •
Mr. Karpen asked for clarification as to adoptian statements.
• He caondered whether the goals statements of policy were to be
combined with General Plan s�atements or kep separate. He said
� a lot of policy statements in the goals are not included in these. , �
He said he felt the audience should be aware th�re are othez policy
statem�nts if they are to be integrated.
Comm. Gatto said he felt the two documents should be consistent and '
should supplement each other. •
After several examples from Mr. Karpen of items that appeared to be
contradictory, it was decided the sL should check the policy �
statements of both documents for conflict and omission. �
Page 8 '
Comm. GaCto th.en listed the over-lays that should be considered: Flood
plain, watPr shed, natural resources, wild life preserves, historic
settings for site, seismic, geological hazards (slip slides, etc.),
natural water areas (creeks, rivers, lalces) and hill crests.
After a discussion on the connotation of these items and how they
would affect the mapping of the area, it was agreed to continue this
p�rtion of the meeting until Wednesday, June 13, 1973 at 7:30 p.m.
Moved and seconded by Comm. Gatto and Comm. 0'Keefe.
� ' Motion.carried, 5-0 �
2. Application 6-Z-73: JAMES AN� ALICE HERBERT for Rezoni.ng .208 acres
from R1-10 (Residential, Single-Family, 10,000 sq. ft. per dwelling
unit) zone to R1-7.5 (Residential, Single-family, 7,500 sq. ft. per
d�aelling unit) zone, or whatever zone may be deerned appropriate by
the Planning Commission. Said prope.rty is located 170 feet northerly
of the inter.section of Crescent and Hiltcrest Roads. First Heari.ng.
Staff inember Cowan gave a brief description of property and background of
application. The property has been reviewed by Environmental Review
Committee and a Nebative�Declaration granted.
Chairman Buthenuth asked for comments from the audience. There were
Comm. Gatto moved, seconded by Comm. Nellis, to close public hearings. '
� Comm. 0'Keefe moved to approve Application b-Z-73. Seconded by Comm.
Gatto. •
AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Kee£e, Chairman Buthenuth
NOES: None � ,
:�otion carried, 5-0
. This application wi11 be heard by the City Council on July 2, 1973.
3. Appl.ication 6-TM-73: E5TATE HO1�iES, INC. for 'rentative Map to
divide 3.92 ac.res into eleven duplex lots. Saicl property is in
a R2-4.25i (Residential � DL1p1.E.'Xy 4,�50 sq. f_t. Per d�Jelling unit,
single-story) zonz and i.s ]_ocated east ot Ma�ine nvenue approximately
� 500 feet southerly oF Hom`stead i�o�bd. �'irst HE�aring.
Sta.f_f inember Cowan pointed out proper�y site and aljac}�nt area on
vicinity map. Pro�erty was �'eviewecl by F,nvi.ronrnenta_t Revie�a Comrnittee
and gra�ited a Negati_ve T�eclaration. It was deT.erminecl however ttlat
� provis�_on should be made fc>r a so�,�nd b:�rrier ad;jacent to Rc�utc� 85 if
it was deemeci necess�.ry by a qual:ii ied �cous tical ei�ginc�er . Anothr.r
TiINI?TES OI� THE. :fUPvE 11., 1973 PLIiN?�d1;NG COi�1MISSlON ME]3TING PC-.105
Page 9
con.diL to approval ���Gs the z:et,iiL of all. mature trees� on the
sit� includin� the orchar� trees �:�lier.e feasib]_e.
7.'he requir.c�meiits for sa��:i.nv orch��rcl trees were discussed brief-ly.
Camn�. Gatto i.nquired ahotit criteria used for determining whether or.
not Lliere is a noise problem. Mr_. Sisk.said t1�e City's Engineering � �
Departmcnt_ h�id dozze a l_ot of .aork o�i this �n u cii�y-wide basis.
There is a maximum decibel rating f:or diff.erent types of develop- �
ment. It was noted there is ambient noi.se throughout the area
Gnd the study was to try to relate cahat sound barrier st�ould do.
Park �oning in the area was di.sctisse.d, and Mr. Sislc said there are
no parks in Lhe area except for the infoi type such as Stevens �
Mr. i•lerve Hansen, 1661 W. San Car]_os Street, ?�E206, San ,Tose, Cal.if. �
then snolce, sayi.ng the fruit tr.ees on the site are �aell-maintained
and will be kept. ,
In speaking of park requirem�.nts', Mr. . Hansen said the smallest lot ,
will be in excess of 9,000 sq. ft and the lar�*,est lot in excess of
12 ,U00 sq. ft . ���hich ���ould giv�e p]_enty of space for the nuMber of
children in specific areas. He then briefly described the dupleYes
sa}•i.ng they were schedul.ed for bett�r style cf quality hcusing.
�vith regard to accoustica_1 fence, an accoustical engineer was now
doir.g a sound study at various times of the day and would recommend
� what heigiit and thickness of barrier. Mr. Hansen also spoke of
varying height of fence. This report would be �iven to stafi for
their revie�a. '
In answer to Chairman Buthenuth about street cross-section, it was
ascertained that applicant was agreeable to utilizing the standazd
street cross-section as approved by the Director of Public Works.
Comm. 0'heefe recalled there had been opposition to previous
application and asked if. neighbors had been notified. r1r. Cowan
said the property had been posted. The objeetion had been to the ,
rezoning, and it was,pointed out L once�pr.op�rty had been rezoned
there was not much they could do about it. Mr. Hansen.said they
had not been the applicat�ts at that time, but one objecti.on had
been to two-story duplexes and they had comp.lied with their �ti*ish �
by proposing all single level units. •
Chairman Buthenuth aslced for comments from the audience. Ttiere were
none. �
Page 10 �
CoTrnn. Nellis moved, seconded by Comm. Adams, to close public hearings.
� Motion carried, S-0
Comm. Nellis moved to approve Application 6-TM-73 subject to 14
standard conditions, and the added conditions 15, 16 and 17. Seconded
• ' by Comm. Adams. •
AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe,.Chairman Buthenuth
, NOES: None •
, Motion carried, S-0
The application will be heard by City Council at its meeting of
June 18, 1973.
4. Application 10-TM-73: Postponed until Planning Commi�sion meeting
of June 25, 1.973.'
5. Application 7-U-73: D�NNIS L. WUNG for Use Permit to defer the �
requirement to underground utilities on the northern property
line. Said property is located at the northwesC corner of the
intersection of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Alves Drive. First
Hearing. �
Staff inember ti�]hitten gave brief background �f appl_icatioi�, pointing
, out e:�isting overhead uti�.i.ty lines ruilning east and west along the
north boundar.•y of this parcel �ahich was an exception in ttie current
underground district. .It was to be und�rgrounded at �he time the
property caas developed . Pr�sent PG&E pJ_ans ca].l for this li_ne to
be relocated which would mean removing 210' of e:�isting overhead
lines and putting back up 165'. Theretore the Public ti�TOrks Department
recommends def.errient �vitii the followiz�g ;;onditions: (1) The Devel_oper
shall install a11 underground conduit and conductor on Alves Drive for
� connection in the future. (2) The Developer shall pay the City a
cash deposit in the amount astimated by PG&E to remove the existing
210' of overhead line when the parcel to the cvest develops.
After a brief discussion, Chairman Buthenuth aslced for comments from
� the audience. There w.Yze none.
4 Comm. Gatto moved, secon-_ted by Comm. Ad�ms, to close �;ublic lze�ir.=i_ngs.
r1o�_i.on carried, 5-0
, �
I��I:INU'il��S 03�' '1'I�II? JUT�L 1_1 , 1973 Pl���t��NII�1Cs CUr1��:tSSIOP� MELTING I?C-1U5
� • Pa�e 11
Corain. Gatto mov�d to approve �ppl_ication 7-U-73, subject to 14
st.andard conclitions and additional con.ditions 15 and 1_6. Scconded
Uy Corun. 0'kecfe.
A�ES : Conur,.. Adams , G<�L , Nellis , 0`Keefe, Chairman Buthenut �
I�'O�,S : I�one
Motion ca�'ri ed , 5-0
6. :�lodifi.cat�_oii of Site Plan - 31-U-71_ - Oalc rieadoG�s Devel.opment
C:ompan}r (lle Anza Oalcs) �
Postponed untiJ_ July 9, 1973 P7_4nning Commission Meeting
7. Geor.ge llcason �- Request to waive bonding requirement sti_pulated �
by Ord inance 54E in conriection �aith const.ructian of a sinp;le-
family hotise oi1 Santa Paula Aveilue.
� Ctia�_rman But.henuth commented on ��rri.tten report and asked if Mr.
Terry concurred witn sYaff decisi.on, r1r. Terry said he agzeed
applicant could Ue given option of either signing a defer:�ed
agreement caith the Cit}r to bond for fuLure improvements or to
pay a cash mene.y to the City to be placed in a fund for future
d�velopmenL af Santa Patzla Avenue, .
The applicant is willing to sign a letter of intention to nartici-
pate in the futur.e assessment district to improve the street, how-
ever, he feels it is di_scriminatory to require him to bond for
future improvements independently of other ot�ners on Santa Patila
Avenue. The ordinance requires develapers of single lot develop-
ments to provide ior street improvements in conjunction with their
development ; curb , gutter , side�aalk and n:ecessary pavement ;-econ-
struction and L��.zdergrounding requirements including storm drains.
. The staff was asked if the developer and the F],00d Control Di_strict
� tiad entered into agze�ment as had earlier been agreed and the
answer was yes.
After a ler:gthy discussion, it c�as suggested that ordinance needed
working over.. It was izoted that a letter of intent was not recorde
in County Kecorder's o£fi.ce.. Mr. [�'hitten sai.d bonded agreemer.t �ail
show on County Recorder `s office at�d records weuld be checked and
ali owners notified, even if ttiey no longer owned the house.
Page ].2 �
Comm. 0'Keefe noted ordinance must be maintained and if 2xisting
ordinance�was not workable, then it shoul.d be changed.
. Comm. 0'Keefe, after further discussion, moved to deny request for
waiver. Seconded by Comm. Gatto.
AY�S: Comm. 0'Keefe and Chairman Buthenuth
NOES : Conun. Adams and Gatto
ABSTAIN: Comm. Nellis
Comm. Adams moved to approve request for waiver. Seconded by Comm.�
AYES: Comm. Adams and Gatto
NO�S: Comm. 0'Keefe and Chairman �3uthenuth
At�STAIN: Comm. Nellis
Comm. Nellis ciid not wish to vote as she felt the ordinance was
tarong. Comm. 0'Keefe rioted denial �•�auld point out stron� reqtiirement
for changing ordinance.
It �aas noted this application had received a tie vote and w�uld go
on to City Council for decision.
8. i:nvironment<al Review Conunittee - Recommendation for. Negative
Declai:ation : �
(a) Project Nar.�e -�air�aay Seven
� Applicant -May Investrienr Co.
Location ' -Southwest corner of t:l�.e �.ntersecti.on of
Rae Lane and McC�e:Llan Road
�- Acreage -3-1/2 acres �
Present zoning �-R1-7 .5 (fte5 idential , Sin.gle-family Cluster �
7,500 sq. ft, per d�;Tellir•�g un:i_t)
Discretionary Action Reque�ted: Appl_:icat.ion has �een filed for
Tentative Map approval to alter
. public street patterii
Mr.. Sisk noted altering TJas a matter of cl�sing off ot Rae Lane. The
16 homes would nat malte mucli differeuce; _jiist a matter of not e�tending
road ciown the h i.11.
Comm. Gatto moved to d.ireci: P1�nninh D�..rector to isst�E� Ne�ztive
' Declaration with Coun�y Rer�rder. Seconded by Cou�in. 0'Kee�e.
t�tot.ioi� carri_ed, 5-0
. ,
ril�'U1'�:S OF 'I'FiI: JU�E 1_1 , 1973 PT,.�'v��1yG CO�I:�i1:SSI0�i 2•�ETItiG PC-10�
' Pa�;e 13
RE��ORT OF ThL PLA:�:�I:�U CO.��fISSI�:�
REPORT OF" Tllt: PI ���?�I:i'G DI"�ECTOR
The Planziit.g Dire.ctor sno�:e brieily abouL a meetinb witti the
City *fana�;er caith regarding to 1_ong hours ar.d cor.lpensation given.
Con�m. 0'Keef.e ;aoved at 11:55 p.m, to adjourn until t;ednesday, �
June 13 ,].97 3 at 7: 30 P.1�1. Seconded b} Coir�rr, . Gatto ,
riotion carried , 5-0
/s/ Jotm W�. Buthenuth _
/s/ Wm. E. Ry der �
City Clerk