, 10300 Torre Avenue, CuperL California Page 1
Teleph�ne: 252-4505
Chairman Buthenu�h called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. with
the Salute to the Flag.
Cotnm. present: Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth
Cor,�m. absent : IvTone '
Staff present: Director of Pla '�:� and Development Sisk
Assistant City Attorney Terry
Traff ic Engineer Grigg
Acting Director of Public Lr'orks Viskovich
Traf�ic Consultant: Goodrich
Ecor.omic Consultant: Levy �
1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider 1973
Comprehensive General Plan
a. Report of Traffic Consultant Concerning Traffic
Input to Gei�eral Plan Consideration
r1r. Sisk introduced N1r. Do�z Goodrich, associate traffic cUnsultant,
to give traffic input relating to General Plan. , �
Mr. Goodricli �xi.:_`.:.�::�d a���ries ��� th�ee ma�s used for trie basis �
of his presentation on long range traffic picture of Cupertino. (
The traffic lanes were mid-block, both directions. He e�plained. �
the map 7.egends: the top figure in each bo:: represented number o£
; lanes available t.oday; second figure represented number of lanes
calculated as needed to date in ordeL to handle daily peak volumA;
third fugure rep�'esented future needed lanes,
Map 1 represented full developmeut o£ Cupertino with two missing
pieces: Mariani site with no development, and Vallco Park site with
no new development except what was already commiL'ted. Mr. Goodr.ich
explained how the figures had been arrived at and what was meant by
levels of a,b, c and cl. He said figures we.re b��;ed on residential
development for the City for full c�eneral. Plan up to 1�95 and beyond
at level c. Using other levels wauld not change picture too much;
other issues are not sensitive to traff ic volume.
Page 2
xfr. Goodrich said road system assu_nes Route $5 freeway will be completely
constructed on into San Jose; assumes Mary tivenue overcrossing �aill be
constructed; assuuies Tantau overcrossing will be consti:ucted; assumes
extention of Bollin�er taest of Stelling. Th�s does not i:.ean it :�s
r.ecommended; rhey merely set ;ahat roads �,�ere used to test against land
use plan. �
Mr. Goodrich then tool� some of the figures on Map 1 and explained how
they effected the traffic picture of Cupertino.
Maps 2 and 3 sho�a alternate General Plans with rlariani. site and Val.lco
site fil.led i.n with future developmen�. ;ahen the re�ional shopp:ing �
center was tested on Vallco site, high residential land use �aas assumed
on Marian� site. When the regional shopp.ing center ,�as tested on
riariani site, high rise was assumed south of �,�olfe and industrial west �
of Wolf.e R�ad.
Tize results of these testings are shown in small box � appears under
large box on r4aps 2 and 3.
Mr. Goodrich then took several areas as e�;amples of their findings,
explainin� the effect of different uses.
Other assumptions pointed out �aere that these calculations have been
based c�n certain le�els of service �ahich eifect levels of con�estion.
The less congestion, the zewer lanes needed <<�ir_h sanie traffic demand.
Another assumptien is related to road systems as holes filled in on
Marian�_ and Vallco sites. A C-D (collection district) system was added
to ro�d systems ln order to serve ne�a development _n Vallco develc�yment
with or wittiout regional center. In the case ot :�Iar�ani development,
Torre Avenue �oas assumed constructed to Hom�stead Road and Stevens
C;reek Boulevard.
Map 3 shc�aed Stevens Creek Boulevard lane demands �,Tould be a little
higher because af regional shopp�tig center in Vallcosite. Under �
assumptions, three lanes of freeway traffic would be coming in and
out of Vallco. If it were not tor free�vay use, stre2t traific iaould
be much higher. Freeway demands are extreme.ly important on _•laps 2 and 3.
�Ir. Goodrich sai.d rather than pointing aut lanes which comr.ti.ssion had
before them and could study, Yie would answer any questions they might
In ans;aer to Com�. Adams, Mr. Goodrich explained the overpass access
lanes bet�veen Wo.Lte Road, Stevens Creelc noulevard an.�. the Freeway.
The nomenclature C--D was expla;_ned as collection distributor serving
Freeway or irontage road, rather than serving property.
Page 3
In answer to Comm. Nellis, Mr. Goodra.ch explained the fellowing:
Map 1 in.r_ludes what i_s now anc? what wzll be developed in the very
near future. Inclucles land uses in Valleoplus cahole si.te,
Hewlett-�Packard, and four phase bui.lding located on easterly side
of Wol�e Road. On Map 2, asaut���tion for ]_and use ��a:= hzgh res.�den-
tial . On :�1a�: 3 devel.op:�ent bc:yond committed uses by Vallco lncludes
�ndustrial and very Yi�gh densi_ty rinancia]_ office cer.ters; nigh
traffic generators.
On riap 2, same assumption except �ahere deve.loper in Vallcohad
proposed re.gional shopping center �ras h c?en�ity residential
and industrial deve]_opment east of ZJelfe Road. South of_ 280
� and eastern portion o?. V�llco �'��� a�sum�d to be generally industrial.
On rlap 3 rZariani site was sho;an as high residential. Property
around site west of Sunnyvale--Saratoga Road was assu�aed to be
multi--family construction. 8 unitsi acre �aas used in testinQ.
Another assumption was a commercial and multi-far� resiciential_
development �n southeast quadrant oi ;i; �h�•.ay °���hich was quite a
hijh traffic generator.
T1r. Goodrich d�scussed peal; hour_ traffic generators. �i.n�
family devel.opments migh� g:nerate 3 to 4 tr�ps per acre during
critical. hour (4:3G-5:30 on lecal streets) . As unit�� ir_crease �.n
residentiu7_ develoY�r.tent, traffic woul_d increase almest �roport:.on-
An industrial devel�p:r,ent of average type proposed in Va1lcoPa.rlc
area would gFnerate perhaps 25 trips per acre in peatc hcur, dependen-
on whether tnere are fleaible or sta�gered �oorking hours. 30-40°a
if working hours are nat stagg�red. �
Regional shopping cei:ter on daily basis is largest tra=fic ge.ierat.cr
On pealc hour basis :�s not hibhest; perhaps 40 trips per acre per hou .
Slight]_}� higl on Saturday.
° Land use such as financial use office center proposed i.n Vallco with
multi-level parking and high rise buildings can generate in ran�;e
of 100 tr�ps per acre in evening peak liour.
Individual offices; two factors. (1) f.1o�r area per acre - if
building taller more people come in and trir�s �;enerate directly 5_n
proportion. (2) parking takes up more �creage than buildinb space
as general. rule. If single level parkin� then that T.4�OUlll decr_ease
apparent trip generation per acre.
Mr. Goadrich esti:�ated ToTan Center traffic. generates an estimate_3
20 trips per acre:
age �+
Mr. Goodricli was asked about an assumpti.on involving State improvement.
He said the estimation of compl.etion of Route 85 from 5tevens Creek
Boulevard south to Iligliway 9 was approved by liighway Commission for I976.
Has nnw been deferred to 1978-79. Referreci �o annual.ly and each year may
get set bacic. Route 85 is planned to be 8 lanes.
Regarding r4ary overcross, this was scheduled for late 1970's but it has
been suggested they reconsider when if ever that should be built.
It has been recommended to keep Tantau overcrossing in budgeCed program
for late 1970's.
Torre Avenue overcrossing has noC been put into program by State Highway
Division. Looking towards results of traffic work being done here to
see t��hat traffic demands would be for Torre.
T��s ruestion �f whet':ier C-D r:tr�:��t ��_s i:� ���,I.l�:o ��as .: �_� _, -'; �c�i�:�ed .
� rlr. Goodrich said tt would normall5 be �. Stat� pro�ec�, but it is
not being recommended for goin� into th�ir budgetir�g system; are
against i.t because oi cost and efLect on operaCion of freeway.
l�ir. Goodrich said however any development beyond what is shown on
Maps 2 and 3 would need C-D s�reets.
Regarding Freewray 2gp being s1io�,rn as needing 12 lanes, the physical
possibility of putting in 10 lanes on right of way was questioned.
Mr. Goodr.ich said it was designed for maximum of 8?_anes. Bridges
would have to be buil.t, and expansion modi.fications to make 10 lanes
" Level of se Urith only �3 lanes was di.scussed, Congestion t�rould
be extrentely heavy during numb�r. of hours every day; stop and go.
Under worst conditi.ons could be stop and go from 7:00 A.r1. to
9:0o P.rz.
Highway 9 is presently being extendea �u six lanes. Comm. Buthenuth
wondered if there would be same type of congestion rait�i 6 lanes as .
there no�ur is with 4, r1r: Goodrich said corigestion would be maybe
on level of service higher. Level of service has to be for intersection
and these are figured on mid-block calculations.
Mr. Goodrich said additional comgutations are being run on Highway 9
estima�es until freeway is pui: in. r4uch of_ L on Saratoga--Sunnyvale
Road is L passing through City over �ahich City has little control. .
Surrounding areas are gro�,�ring rapidly and there will be con�rstion if
freetaay �_s not e�tenaed. Co:nm. Nellis noted otlier areas where there
,, will be physical. problems in meeting expaiision needs.
Yage 5
`Jolurie on Footh:.11 Boulevard south oE 280 ��as one of_ highest �;rowth
rates found in C�ty. One reason is development to west of City
and south of Stevens Cr.eek Boulevard along Foothill Boulevard.
Assumptian on Catholic Ch�irch property of 2000 d,:elling un�ts
contr.ibuted 1.6 lanes. Faothil.l �oulevard is no:�� 2 l�.nes, e-Jentuall
�laiined f or tour .
Mr. Gcodrich noted a range was needed f.or S.7JL.l..L for var�_ous
levels. Levels go frors a to e; a-free flo?�. and e-intolerabl.e
congestien. B-c cemmon des_igri level oi s�rvice and is what i��
available in City no�:•T. �TO d levels in City no'�r.
In answer tc Ccm-. Gatto, '�ir. Goodr sa?,d level of i-!ass transit
� assumed sar�e as now. Addi.tional services �a�uld be desired because
of handicapped, children ar' ^l.derly. Study no�:� going on to tr;� to
find answers, but not �_,.uch ci�pe it will le�sen nur.ioer ha•�in� to
be shown.
In speaking o� rree�aay 280, �.t ���as ��ctecl this bas:�cally ser.ves
al7_ of Santa Cl.ara County and Peninsula wzth Cuper.tAno only havin� .
3 or 4 interchanges where tra`f i.c gets on or of �= . One ex��m�l_e of
��.hat Cupertino contributes woul.d be base figures �n s�nall box.
Indications are traf f ic is generated r:�oze nort�i �.nd south in
use o.� I reetoay 230.
:�r. I.evy then cliscussed projected lane requi_re� in re�aticn
to Va11c.o Pcte�:tia1 �aith Mr. Goodrich. �ir. Goadr;_ch sa�d the�e
are available fi�ures for spec�fic tra�fic zones of. tr�ps �::ene��ate� �
but these are on small parcels.
So:�?e other land use rath.,�:- �iian r`gicnal center.. , such as
;ndustr:.�l wnuld be 25 tr�.ps .�e_� ac� �.c�inared tn 4C1 +:.rigs for x
ShJ�.I:.' .....: . !"C'.-�_�_� T�1�± �.'��1c1ii�F'. y :I���:�_"c'3.7 ;�i��.�:rz V-i�. �wv��:_l: XE�.t.. �
Homestead Road �,Tas calculated as need?ng four lanes. t�]ith fu11
develop�nent of Mariani and Vallco s_tes, pa.rkin� �� have to be
removed to get 5 lanes during peak hours.
Highway 9 and Steven.s Cxeek Boulevard _�nters�ction was dAscussed.
On assumption of eventu.�l 8]_an.es on all four. le�;s of i_ntersection
a service level of e was calculated. Assumption bei.ng that 85
free�aay is �_n.
'1r. Goodrich �aas aslced if tr.affic rlovement on St.evens Creek. Boule��a
effected by C--D system and 85 iree:•:a;� mov�r�len�? he said 85 not so
important; C-D system very �luch r_el_ated to Ste�ens Creek Boulevard
as the inti�rsecLion on 2_�0 caould be alteriiate se� or ran�gs to get
on i.f 2$0 is not availal�le.
PC- 103 I�INU OF TIIE A1.�Y 31 , 1973 ADJOI7R:�I,� PLANPd7N� CO�f�fISSI:ON �tEETINU
Pgge (j
Chairman Butll�r.�.i�h tlien opened the meeting for comr,lents from the
Mr. ;iartin Blackman, traffic consultant �aoric_�ns; on Niariani site, said
he t<ras mostl.y in accordancewith ptesentat�.oa. 1Ie spoke on Lheir under-
standing of assessnent d�strict deve].opment. �ie sa.:_d �,•ith improve--
ments Chat can be extencaed through ac-;sessment d;.strzct they can maint:�in
a level of serv?_ce around the site of c. He r.�.oted i-:lpact o±� shopp�nL
c�nter is m�n_ir:�al when co�;:pared to volume of 1995. Impact on freetia:ay
also minisnaly 23% o� normal trafEic. Creatin� extra acces:ti streets 'oy
putti.n� Torre and Forest Avenues tl�rotigh is censi_�lered crucial.
� ALter turther discussion, �ir. plac.cman gave the com,^�i_ssion _�:embers a
copy of his i:ind �_ngs.
Mr. Walter Glard, .representative of Va1.1co, said a report from their
consultant caould be ready the next day. He said their ;�lans hacl �
� been made s�tnce 1964 tor employ: o� 20 �_n a co,-:�leted
;��:.� __�.��:«er��, �iaia:�c �i���: ���e.n con��.idered anrl �-;ou.ld cont�nue to be
� cons�dered closelg so it t�ould not create a Pr.oblem. Alter discussii.�
pot��ntial trafiic patter-ns, and po _nting out that the Di..-�;_s=ion of
Hi;h--�ays slio�_�1.d check the C--D pro?ram for tr�iif vc cn ar.d otf 280,
�ir. ���ard suggested P�ur.er�dge Avenue and Va1lcoRead con,juilct-on with
s Hoinestead ::oad could subst� tute for C--D systen.
� � i1s. Nlarlene D��.etz, 300 LaIierran Dr.ive, Santa Clara,.,uest_ioned traif.�.c
control on �JolFe Road a.ld Pruneridge Avznue arAd the im, ._�ct «n surr.o�.nei-- ,
� in� comMUnit�es. She asked if the Cc:nmission nad consydP the �i�L;�ct
of developr.�ent such �s Va11co Park cn the comraun_:_ty of Sr�.ta Clara, sctioo.l
; ch � ldren and residents b�.�th. r1s . D-etz quoted a court decision t1_zat
��,�hen this type or deve_l_or*aent �_s pl_anned, adj��cent resid�nt= ��ust be
� notified. Stie felt Cupertino had been deli_nq�zent in ful_Ei.l_1in� this
ob� igat_�_on. S�ie also expressed concern about iiariani a.id Vallco
developments because of ���ending traffic a]_ori� Urtiner;_d�e �ind the
safety of chi.ldren ridi.ng bicycles to school. The noise `ror� 280
freeway cn sch,�o1 is already a prohlem �a?_Lhot�t= addin,� t;ao :nore lanes.
Com�r�. Nellis inforr.ied her of the General t lan discussion;� being held �
and .invited her to continue attezid�ng th.e l.ear�n�,�. Cn�un. 0'�eefe
said tonight's hear�ng T��as mainly directed teward trafiic study �ut
i�npact on cornmunities ��rould be a deLinite tactor :4hen dec�_5ion r,ad�.
Chairman Buthenuth tt�en called for a break at 9:10 p.m. �aith meetin�
reconvenin�; at 9:2.5 p.r�. He .su;�ested du�in� the brealc that �nt�rested
parties could come for;��ard and stu3y the maps.
; r�lhen the meetin� reconvened, Cha�rm� n 33uth�nuth wished to rlake �t c1_ear
� these maps are traf.tic studies only, and nnr_hin;; ��ould be decid:d toni.ght.
r1INUTL'S OF TIiE i-1f1Y 31, 1973 A])JOURNEJ) YL�1i�'i�I;;G C0:`'L^�IS5ION Nf}�ETING PC--103
Pa:;e 7
Not. t��.o quesLions tiad co^.Ie up dur:in=� the brealc, Chai•rman
Buthenuth again expiair�ed t?iat Lo� ti�ure on base map is ?�:tiat is
ava �_lable for. t:oday, center_ f_�.�ure �_s ;atiat. is calculated t�o be
needed today an� bott�m £i.gurc� i_s the ioreca.st to ��ear 1995. Sa__�e
lar�;e boxes or. `iaps 2 and 3 are f_or today and bottori iigure i.s 1995
lane demand projection. Small boxes an Maps 2 and 3 are for the
calcu]_at�cn of lane demands based on re�.ional sl�o_?ping center
In spealcing to plans for extension of Route 85 free��;ay. Flann�ng
program. of Divi_si.on of H_�gh.oays is first for secti.on bet�aeen
Stevens Cr_eelc and Ili.�hGaa�� 9. This section was projected l:or 1976
and has now been deierred to 1979. Extens _on southTSiard has :�ot been�
put in project �nd there is na e.t�mate availaole of when it will
b� built or �aher.e r.coney is to come from to construct it on tc San
Mso Judy Coopc�r in answer to her query was toi_d the number was
calculated for m�_d--block at tliat particular no�nt and there ���a��
no �,�ra,y of tel1. �_ng r•�hether .�.t ��otild be f:or several. miles or severai
bloc�:s. TM1r. Goodr=ch sa;_d he t��ould ;_m�Qine t�iat kin.� of lane woul.d
extend for several bloc�.s. '
lt w:�s ascerta.�.z bicycle lanes ��ere not f:actoren �.n'�o these �
extensions; th�_s� are stri.ctly 1<�nes for t.raff_ ;c informationa
Durin� d}scus�ion it was noted a bicycle lane would enta�_1 tne
caa_dtt� of ano ther. traf f i.c larie , half a l ane in each direcL �en.
There was no allowance made for �ark�n;; on both �ides of street;
just mov?_ng trai-fa.c lanes.
If �c�ne af ;�r_:,posed re�: -�oi��.1 s1_i���ni�z.� c� :��:�e redu� ec', �.
they na.tural.] y ef.fect traf:f ic fl.ow was then di.scussed . S:io_���ing
• center could 'ae consider.ed to g,enerdte need for_ 3�-J_�2 lanes in
one direction at any particular hour or 7 lanes per rer,ional
shopp�ng cent:er with 4 department stares. T�ao sr_cre�; ��Jou?.d cut
. traff.ic lane demands in ha1_f. All the traffi.c woul.d not be on �
one road because of several accesses t-o shopping center.
�Is. Susan �:ay Espinosa, 21191 Gardena Drive, Cui;ertino, questzoned
tr��ffic signal_s to a7lo-a traffic from ;vol�=e to ��t over to the
proposed Mar;_an�_ deve]opr�:e�nt. She also �aonde�: if traff�c
si.�;na]_s woul.ci e trafiic. il.o� T1r. Goodrich said s��nal.�
for cross traffic and pede�trians had be.en assun�ed in stuc?,:'.
Page 8
It was questioned ��7hether any thought had been �,i.�,�en to development
o.f Saratoga, Santa Clara and �;unnwale i.i setting up pro�osed traffic
development. Tir. Goodrich sa�_d yes, theae figure::� came froM basic
co��puter model aiid c�vered most of S:inta Clara County divid�,�d ip
traf f :ic zones .
Mr. Ward asked about tinie table as to ho lon� �ir. Goodrich's report
, could be revie�ved by int�r_ested parties �or add �ti.onal znput. Mr.
Sisk said report prepared by traffic consultant had no particular
tir?e table at this 4'_r,e. �tr. ��:rard asked �ti=hen he could make his final
inpt.it of proposed Vallco shopping ceriter and ��ras adv ised to �;u through
consultants and stait.
Mr. Levy asked if Mr. ��ar.d's report ;aas substantially the sa�e as
� the o�1e presented by Mr . Uoodr�_ch an�i i�r - T•Tard sa:.d there was basic
� a ;� �iz _ .?pute .
� Comm. Nellis i-eierred to act�.tal pro�os�.";..� ior hills�de area. "ir.
Levy asked if co�nmission wanted to ;et into a ba�i.c discussi�n at
this time. 'rIe brie.fly covered past h�.�tory of study for au���ence.
Con:r.iission has been looki.n�; tlirough re5_dential alternativ�� in bl_ue
area. The r.ed area is resi_dential in foothil.ls.
Ch��irman Buther.uth said tnat in the core area he �eould like to run
through tr.af_f 5_c impact that �'es �denti.al alter_nati�����s have. '
� Based on �ahat corrun_ss�on izas done so *ar: 1800-2100 units in blue
are�� and 800-16C0 units i_n ,�iillside area. B1�_ie are far mor�� di� ferent
� pieces than h�11.s=_de. Blue area in center oL t� ��n, 5CC ur,�ts s, read
on Major streets ;aould be h�irdl.y not`_ced impactT Tra�=� �_c on
� val_l�y floor taould �;e no }.;as:i_s for cii �osin� alt�rnr3t�s for c�r_e area.
Impact on footh_Llls: Assurn__ng 2,000 nr+�ts on Catholic Chu property
generates as much as 1.5 lanes cn Foo�.L�_11 �3oulevard and 280 free���ay.
One exception wher� residentzal does have eA:f.ect on traf£ic 7_anes. .
Ii units decreased , so �aoiild lanes .
Chairman Buthenuth asked it i�npact on �ubb Road east o� f.00thills
had been studied. Bubb Roaa to south or McClel.l.an Re:id does not
sho�o any additional lanes due to increasing develop�nent in r_esident;_al
area. However th=is tiasn't been stud_�ed in dei��h; sc,met'Zin; ��a;11 be
recommended later.
�ir. Levy said �ubb Road and McClellan Read are lo,;ical Y�es�.dential
alternatives. NeTa areas are iae11 �oithin :nit:ial �nput except church
area. Ldou_1_d noL eaceed traFfic sho�ti.n <�n map.
Page 9
t �
An assumption about McClellan Road is that McClellan Road be}cnd
Foothill Boulevard and 3ubo Road is noca two lanes and calculaLions
of traffic are quite loto. Future calculations stiow 1.6 lane der�and
on westerly portion and 2.6 demand on Bubb Road. rfore lanes c•;ould
be de:�anded assuraing Bubb Rcad were standat:d h��h speed road .
The low calculaticn is based on assur:tntion that curve� will be
kept and this assum�tion does eftect the a�ount of traffic that
uses it.
A discussion ��as held concerning red area based on 2C0-400 units.
There would be no over-all capacity :robleia on Steven5 Creek Boule-
vard. access roads and their i::�pact ::�ere discussed. 200 units
at critical peak heurs, assumine .7 a trip, would �enerate 140
trips in a:�d out of a total deveiop^ient in ene hour. �Ir. Levy
sai3 would ha-:e to generate over 500 tryps to overcrowd road. ._
In answer to Chairman Buthenuth, Mr. Goodrich said grade variations
has a slig��t ictpact on trai f ic in that it would slo�.� traf f ic.
In answer to Co.=,m. Gatto , Mr . Goodric.i sa there was no �naj or
im�act in the nu:nber of drive�aays on supportiiig secondary streets
in Cerms o� level of service.
" The character of the neighborhood would seem to make it des�rable
not to have continuous parking on streets in res�.dential area.
Meander�ng, curvyng and clustered development in one area t�as
suggested for hillside. �
Mr. Goodrich sa�d there �vas no clear cut 3ist-nction of number o�
roads scattered versus clustered. In general cluster w•ould recuire
less r.iileaoe or �ootage of rcad than typ�cal outlay c�7her2 road has
to go through to each indiv�dual unit.
The jump to 4 lanes of traff �c on Footh:l.l Toule��ard south ef
Stevens Creek Boulevard taas then discussed. It tuas suggested
_ that Chis be especially exam�ned to see :�h�t the diiference in
1 to 4 lanes is due to.
, Disr_ussion as to when the consultants would have further �aterial
� • ready for study was held. 'Is. Nancy Sallan rerinded the co:
that Mr. Lert i�ould be spealc_ng at the June 7, 1973 meeting and
suggested hold�no any General Plan statene:nts unt�l a£ter hear�n�
. his �resentation of additienal inLOrr�ation on core area and his
thinking on agricultural pQssibilities. �
It c��as moved by Con�. Adams, seconded Cc:�M. Nellis, tc adjourn
the ::leetin� until Thursday, June 7, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. :�feeting
adjourned at 10:35 p.m. Motion was unani_:.ously carried. -
/s/ Ghn. E. Ryder /s/ Jotin W. Buthenuth
City Clerk Chairman �